Make me believe....

Started by Peelz, March 19, 2012, 11:57:40 AM

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you told me after watching doomsday preppers or something she told you to buy a gun.... so use this chance to get yourself a new click bang


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 21, 2012, 11:43:27 AM
Quote from: phucker on March 21, 2012, 08:48:00 AM
your wife is hooked on this doomsday stuff you said

no. i did not :lol:

My son was scared at school by some kid who said he heard in his church that "Jesus was coming back in 2012 to take us all to heaven" And when it was super dark and windy on Jan 2nd, he FLIPPED OUT and was nearly in tears. And I had to console him and tell him this kid and his parents were morons, and to tell me when he hears crap like that so I can give him the facts.

This is why I hate group mentality on matters of faith....because without the need for facts, it grows like mold on 5 day old pizza.
That's religion for ya Peels, I have no problems with Christ, it's the Christians I could do without :lol:  Or pretty much any other organized religion.  No offense to any religious people out there, I'm just not the type to believe anything because someone told me so, I'd rather see proof and use my intelligence to come up with the facts for myself.


im a christian and i cant argue with that troy, i have a major problem with religion and i cant stand going to church having someone fill me with their view of GERD. i read the bible and try to live by my morals which are taught by the bible. but i do not go around professing it to others acting like i am better than they are and that they need to believe what i do. if you are agnostic athiest or anything else i dont care, i know what i am and thats all that matters. as for the crazyness of people saying jesus is coming back this year they are nuts, in the bible it says no man shall know the time of his return.

anyways yes organized religion pisses me off cause its man made.


I only believe things I read on atv forums  :rofl:

Nah, the only problem I have with all that, is complete lack of thought. Any religion, if you truly want to follow it, you eventually have to come to a point where you have to CHOOSE to not care whether or not it is truth, and BELIEVE it is truth, then no longer think about what that truth actually is. Something I am unable to do. Wish I could sometimes, life would be great. I've tried, But, in the end, all religions are based on books, which are written by man, and not a deity. SO... I am supposed to trust some guys in a cave with a piece of papyrus and feather pen writing stories to scare people into  believing? ??? I could do that....   lol that is me in a nutshell.

Oh...and having to pay churches to prove said beliefs is the most ridiculous thing I can think of... Mormons  :confused:

also, bible says the meek shall inherit the earth.. I am pretty meek, so the earth is mine bitches!  :rofl:

Oh yeah, Dan I did say that, but that was the end of it lol Haven't really watched it since. I am not scared of society ending....I am scared of the human reaction directly afterwards.  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


and thats what click bangs are for lol



Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


End of the world, no.  Bunch of wackos making it a self fulfilling prophecy, I can see that happening.  Get enough people thinking this is really it, their last day on Earth, I'm pretty sure they're gonna get stupid because they think there's no consequence to their actions.

Bible thumper here myself and it drives me crazy when every four years, "Clinton is the anti-Christ!  Assign each letter a number, add them up, divide by zero, multiply by infinity...."  Then, "Bush is the AC, no wait... Obama is!!!"   :rolleyes:
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury


Quote from: disco on March 23, 2012, 07:13:34 AM
End of the world, no.  Bunch of wackos making it a self fulfilling prophecy, I can see that happening.  Get enough people thinking this is really it, their last day on Earth, I'm pretty sure they're gonna get stupid because they think there's no consequence to their actions.

Bible thumper here myself and it drives me crazy when every four years, "Clinton is the anti-Christ!  Assign each letter a number, add them up, divide by zero, multiply by infinity...."  Then, "Bush is the AC, no wait... Obama is!!!"   :rolleyes:

BAM! that is exactly where I am at! :thumbs:  ;)
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Everyone knows that common sense is hard to come by these days. Just take a 5 minute spin around the block. I for one am baffled every time I drive down the road.

I for one can't STAND these damned dooms day people. I don't even know where to start. I've been thinking about starting a thread like this for a while now pealer, but you beat me to it. I read the post a while back about Pealers lil boy at school getting told the world is going to end by a fellow school mate. This just sickens me to no end. I would be willing to bet a large amount of money that that boy/girls parents watch Fox News and believe everything they see on the internet. These (not just Fox News) news stations need to pull their heads out of their asses. They will do anything and every thing plausible to be the "first" station to get the news on TV. Even if that comes at the expense of being correct. I blame social networking and the main stream media. When I'm at work I sit at my desk making my best attempts to look busy while still keeping up to date with what has to say. Seriously 1-5 news reports are either flat out wrong or written by a ill legitimate son of a donkey phucker! Don't get me started on the TROLLS that post in the comment section.

I don't care if your a republican, a democrat or anything in between. People need to get educated and get a mind of their own. Politics now a day are flat out crooked. All the super packs, all the money exchanged behind peoples back baffles me. We need to get back to the middle. I can not identify with the republicans, or the democrats, because they are getting too far on the opposite end of the spectrum. I agree with a lot of what Obama WANTS to do, but his execution is horrible. Yes he is turning the economy around. He took on the office at a horrible time and everyone wanted change right now! With the way politics are now there is now way to get anything done in a timely manner. You have two parties on two totally different ends of the spectrum. Everyone needs to pull their heads out of their wallets/asses and look at what the majority of Americans NEED!

Sorry to get off on the political rant, but its been bottled up for a while. The wife and I watch the news and scratch out heads. These people can't be serious!

Back to the dooms day re-re's.

I know I'm gonna catch a lot of flack for it, but I really feel sorry for the people that spend thousands on firearms because they feel its necessary for their family's survival. Although I'm only 27 I've never been in a situation where a fire arm is needed. Statistics proven that in a home intrusion where the owner presents a firearm the outcome will become violent. To me it is not worth my family's health and well being to try to protect my physical possessions. If someone is in dire need of money or stereo equipment, by all means take my shit and I'll turn it into insurance. I've been in this argument before with gun toters and they always come back with the argument of what if the person is going to rape and torture your family. Yes, they have a good point, but good GERD. I have a little better faith in my fellow American. Yes, I'm a trusting soal, and I refuse to believe the next person is worse than me.

With that being said, I was brought up in a republican/religious household. Hell, I live in Nebraska where everyone has a gun rack in the back of their truck and attend church every Sunday. Most of my friends have multiple guns and carry them everyday. A couple of my buddies have a net worth of guns that is worth more than my house. They attend gun clubs, shoot at competitions and so on. Yes I'll go out and shoot with them from time to time, but I have no need to have a personal protection like they do. All of my in laws have a lot of firearms and think I need something for protection in my house with my wife/their daughter. I politely refuse. I do have a old rifle I only use to go out target shooting with a buddy. It sits unloaded 2 bed rooms away from where I sleep. Unlike my good buddy that has a AR and a 9mm loaded at his bed side.

Damned dooms day people! Shit, on the millennium when everyone said everyting was going to crash and burn I was busy getting drunk and laid at 16 and having a good time. What happened..........NOTHING, but me having a damn good time!

OK, enough of my drunken Sunday ramblings. Let the flaming begin. I know a couple of people agree with me  
Just a little 81hp trail bike.


Quote from: preddy08 on March 25, 2012, 09:56:50 PM
All of my in laws have a lot of firearms and think I need something for protection in my house with my wife/their daughter. I politely refuse. I do have a old rifle I only use to go out target shooting with a buddy. It sits unloaded 2 bed rooms away from where I sleep. Unlike my good buddy that has a AR and a 9mm loaded at his bed side.

I live in a big city with all kinds of people in it.  I would consider my neighborhood a fairly quiet neighborhood.  The guy behind me shot a guy that had kicked in his door, despite the homeowner telling him through the door to leave and that he was armed.  Hard to proclaim your innocence when the door laying in the living room has your boot print on it.  I don't have much faith in people really.  I somehow didn't hear the gunshot.  What caught my attention was the red and blue lights outside the window as cops started coming down the street.

I wear my seatbelt when I drive, I carry full coverage insurance on my vehicles, I own a gun.  I hope I don't ever NEED any of them.

QuoteStatistics proven that in a home intrusion where the owner presents a firearm the outcome will become violent.

That's kind of a no-brainer.  My take on that - at the point you HAVE to draw a firearm, you're past the point of asking the perp to please leave.  At that point, the guy is inside the house, having come through a locked door and is advancing towards you.  So yeah, somebody is going to have a bad day.

If the SHTF, honestly, I'll die.  3,000,000+ people coming out of the woodwork looking for food and shelter?  I'm cannon fodder. 

Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 19, 2012, 11:57:40 AM
besides....if the end of the world is indeed coming....we cannot "prep" for it. Suck it up and take it like the animals we are.  :rofl:

.....biblical armageddon, none of these make sense to me.


I'm looking for intelligent thought. NO "i read this on a forum" $hit. Or "it's in the bible" (neither is more useful than the mayan calendar)

...use of your mind is required....  :)

Well... sorry this isn't what you're looking for :lol: but biblically Israel will be attacked by many nations armies and those armies will be defeated.  So Armageddon isn't the end of the world, just those armies.

If Yellowstone doesn't blow and everybody is around long enough to see a cashless society and you need a RFID tag in yo' head to eat, the bible called that one a long time ago.
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury


<cannon fodder as well  :rofl:

and dang shawn. :simmadown:

I don't feel the need to carry a gun every day either YET...However, I am Feeling like the ratio of crazies to normal folk is rising daily though... so Ill keep the little rifle I have just in case of Bedlam.  :lol: and for fun. But it's locked in case in the garage, and unloaded. SOmebody breaks in my house, theyre getting tackled waterboy style. I suppose it's where I live...if it were somewhere more dangerous, I might think different. Our little town is pretty safe. My kids play on the driveway, I dont really worry much. I watch them like a nazi, but anyone who is a parent would...Actually, Our house is unlocked most of the time... The only animosity I have is people driving down our street too fast, I considered laying down spike strips lol.

LIke I said before, I am not scared of end of world, but I am scared of those mentally incapable of handling adversity. You know...the people raised to think "what's in it for me?" and never do anything to earn it.

Most "prophesies" are "fulfilled" because it is decided that they would be. IE: "Ive read it in the bible or Koran, so lets make it happen." OR FOlks like to bend the facts to fit their chosen pre-written literature, in the hopes that their own personal beliefs will become truth. When I went to church with my folks, this is what I witnessed. An hour and a half of "word-bending" then putting money in a plate, followed by horrible singing. Have to completely shut down your thought processing abilities, and choose to believe the "con behind the collar" THen using big scary words to make people feel this is what they have to do.

People do all this with nostradamus too. It makes humans feel good to find out what they believe is real. Same phenomenon when folks see jebus or the virgin mary in a tree or clouds or toast or whatever.... It is a basic need of most of humanity. So I almost guarantee something bad will happen on one of these days. Not because it is prophecized and that prophecy was correct, but because somebody wants their beliefs to be true bad enough to act out. Most of them that I have read are completely and totally vague, and require a HUMONGOUS leap of faith to find them to be truth. Its actually what drives science.  Someone make a hypothesis (EDUCATED guess based on belief) But then the similarities end of course.


I could write a prophecy....only takes a few to make it "fact" in people's minds who read it at a vulnerable moment.

"on the summer of the year 2012, it will be hot outside and many will die"

that is vague as hell, but will come true EVERY YEAR, and could theoretically make sense to someone.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


you guys keep trying to crap on my dreams.... lol. i like conspiracy theories cause they are fun, i like the doomsday stuff cause that justifies my purchases. i carry at least one gun at all times, i have drawn it once but the three guys i was drawing on didnt know it... that sounds bad. i was driving down to the southern tip of texas to pick up my dad from a different crew when he worked with me, i exited the highway to get gas at 3am. the gas station was the only thing around no houses or buildings at all. as i am filling my truck three mexican guys come out of a field and walk up to me, i saw them coming and non chalantly walked to my door, lifted my shirt and drew the gun. they stopped about 15 feet from me and looked at me for about 5 seconds before one of them asked directions then they turned around and went back into the field. they were no disheveled or anything so i dont think the were illegals. anyways i went in and told the clerk who called 911 cause they have had three people robbed there by the same guys and the store was robbed once by them. i feel if i hadnt had my gun and stood my ground things would have been drastically different. but yes i travel more heavily armed than most national guard troops do, not because i think i am gonna get into a shootout, but i never know when i am gonna have a chance to go shooting lol. oh and i open carry my pistol about 90 percent of the time and only conceal it once in a while. i have had store owners and managers thank me for open carrying, saying they feel it makes it a safer place and also to raise awarness. i have only had two people have a problem with it and one old man call me a cowboy lol. cops come up to me and ask what kind of holster i am using, usually just making sure i am using a retention holster, its not a law but they feel the need to just talk about it with me, they see a lot of guys using normal holsters and thats not to safe cause someone can just snatch your gun with ease. oh and nobody in my town messes with our house at all, we have a ton of tools in the garage and a hotrod two quads and a dirt bike never locked up. i can leave anything in my yard overnight and nobody touches it. er'body is scared of the gun toting rednecks lol. even my ups guy says if the world ends he is coming to my house to hang out lol, he know what packages have been delivered here. oh and i threw all of the random thoughts into one paragraph to drive peels nuts. i almost went through and deleted all of my punctuation just to make that vein on his forehead pop


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: phucker on March 26, 2012, 09:26:35 AM
i like conspiracy theories cause they are fun, i like the doomsday stuff cause that justifies my purchases.


oh and i threw all of the random thoughts into one paragraph to drive peels nuts. i almost went through and deleted all of my punctuation just to make that vein on his forehead pop

And no joke, as I was reading this I said to myself, "he should have deleted all the punctuation."  Get to the end and :lol: you thought about it.
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury