2010 Silver lake Trip June 18-20 No Rally

Started by socalrappy700, March 18, 2010, 09:58:40 AM

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the bottom one circled is the one I'm talking about. And on the right side of your red line there's a fence which starts the directional traffic. I'll find some pics from the first year I was there. there was NO way possible someone would be able to cross into our path. It was lined up both sides of the strip w/ people watching and people parked.

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that one is the secondary one (and the one I like best)

people line up along both sides
but typically not along the shutdown area
and that whole area is bi-directional
the "directional" traffic area to the east is headed TOWARD the racers
you could EASILY run head on into the traffic trying to slow down
plus you could cut from left to right
it is the "more" safe one, but still a bad accident waiting to happen
back in the day, they would race there all day..
now the DNR keeps it pretty calm

as fun as it is...
it is probably best to keep it calm..
one person dies, and all is done


it won't happen though, everyone wants to strut their nuts out there :)

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there was a guy on SLForum wanting to bring a Christmas tree out there, and got all pissy when the DNR said no
he got flamed pretty bad
why the d-bag didn't want to go to the REAL drag strip is beyond me


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: Hefe on April 27, 2010, 09:28:48 AM
Quote from: NHRAdragracer on April 21, 2010, 01:28:10 PM
It sounds like my crew will be up there that weekend. If anyone wants to stop by and say "Hey", look
for the KS3 Racing crew parked by the "dragstrip" on the dunes. We'll have a grey 804cc build and a
black 815cc build hanging out most of the day on Saturday.

Always cool to meet new people...  :thumbs:

Later- Kris

with that type of HP why would you waste your day down by the makeshift "Dragstrip" racing a bunch of kids..
take it to the real strip (down the road)
I know people who deliberately cut across the "dragstrip" just to piss people off
Plus the DNR keeps breaking it up.. because its not allowed

Well thanks Mr. Hefe, I guess at 38 years old I didn't really know how "extremely unsafe and epically stupid" my actions on the dunes were. Thanks for enlightening me.  :rolleyes: But now that I think about it, I am well aware of the other idiots that come across the flat part of the dunes that we refer to as the "dragstrip" that AREN"T paying attention to their surroundings, or do it just to be a dick, so who is really at fault here? I guess all I can do while enjoying my time on the dunes is try and pay attention for me AND the idiot... but I'll be damned if I'm gonna quit doing what I like to do on the dunes in the safest manner that I can do it. In fact, if YOU actually "know" of people who deliberately cut accross the "dragstrip" just to piss people off, that infers that you either know these people personally or have talked to them. If that's the case, why don't you spend your time playing safety police and crack their nuts for being peckerheads and contributing (if not causing some/most of) the safety issues. While you're at it, turn your red flashing light on the rails who haul azz across the dunes with the front wheels in the air, making it really tough to see other dune traffic.

Now, as far as your actual question is concerned. Our crew consists of some who have been drag racing since 1973. Personally, I have raced competitively for 11 + years (3 time track champ, Indiana State Champ, and Runner-up at the E.T. Finals in Indy)... Frankly I'm tired of spending all day at a track to get 5, 6, or 10 passes in the best case scenario. I would much rather race for fun in an environment where I don't have to wait for an announcer to tell me when to race. Plus, I can go hang out by the lake, or make some laps around the dunes when I feel like it. Other than that, I just really don't feel like driving 4 hours each way to Mears, MI. just to make 8-10 passes at the track... If it makes you feel better though, we do normally come up on weekends when they do race at the "real track" so we can test n tune on Friday nights. So I am fully aware of what my quad can do.

Again, if anyone would like to come shoot the breeze, bs, or tell white lies about what all you've done or haven't done to your quad, feel free to stop by and say hello! Like I said, it's always cool to meet new people at the dunes! BTW- We'll be the old guys parked by the "dragstrip" trying to be safe...

Later- Kris


I never lie about my quad. It is the fastest around. Serious.  :)

I think hefe was just doing what some of the authorities do, and base their opinion on our sport on what the poorly behaved few do. Sucks, but such is life.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


No big deal Peels, just felt like I was getting called out is all...

I would like to find some data concerning the accident incidents at silver lake as far as where in the dunes they occur though, vehicles involved, etc. I just find it hard to believe that the accident rate on the flats or "dragstrips" are any higher than anywhere else on the dunes. I admit I could be wrong on this, but I don't think so.

Anyways, carry on folks. Maybe we'll see ya on the sand this summer...


I have only ever witnessed one drag racing crash in the dunes ever.  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


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Quote from: Krandall on April 28, 2010, 09:44:43 AM
witnessed  gunz break his wrist :lol:

L-O-L but he wasn't racing. Just jumping a tiny hill  :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: NHRAdragracer on April 28, 2010, 07:24:43 AM
No big deal Peels, just felt like I was getting called out is all...

I would like to find some data concerning the accident incidents at silver lake as far as where in the dunes they occur though, vehicles involved, etc. I just find it hard to believe that the accident rate on the flats or "dragstrips" are any higher than anywhere else on the dunes. I admit I could be wrong on this, but I don't think so.

Anyways, carry on folks. Maybe we'll see ya on the sand this summer...

I know this one guy that broke his larm out there once. Plus the drag strip blows ass there, the idiots roll right in front of you while you are pinned in fourth. Also to defend Hefe, he was pointing out the fact that there really isn't any competitors out there to speak of. More like a bunch of folks with "Athena" big bores at best, not to mention the dumb fucks that roll out in front of you. I'm purdy damn sure he wasn't calling you out, no need to get your panties in a wad.  :run:

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


you didn't get to ride on the main drag strip there either. :(

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


you guys don't have to defend me... (but thanks :kiss: )
this kid just feels the need to blow smoke.. let him blow it..
I have big shoulders, I can handle it

there is no dragstrip at the dunes, why?
because it is chaos
I have been there a zillion times and even I have accidentally driven right into it
more than once...
whether in my rails or my quads..

don't get me wrong...
I love playing on the makeshift drag area.. been doing it for years
does that mean it is safe... hell no

just because "we" decide to race there does not mean other people can't go there
in whatever direction they want..
they are the ones obeying the law.. not us
so for you to act like they are the bad ones is just asinine
all I am saying.. we are the ones in the wrong 100%
(I am ok with that, but I know I am wrong)

so by drag racing there and directly disobeying the law..we are at fault no matter what

now... as I said I enjoy it...

the drag area goes on for WAY over 300 feet (most days)
so you get noobs out there pinning it in 4th and 5th till someone finally lifts
then they gain a foot and think they won
then you hit the shutdown area.. and hang on for dear life
bouncing all over the place and hoping to hell someone doesn't pop over the hill
and cut you off.

good times.....
but I stand by my first statement..
epically stupid, and unsafe!

will my tiny little 450 be there?
oh hell yea!

as for the long travel rails doing wheel stands being unsafe... yep VERY UNSAFE.. but they look bad ass doing it! (and they are not breaking any laws (or rules))
I drive my rail around out there with the front wheels in the air.. and it is very hard to see

I am sure if you left the drag racing to us old guys (30's and 40's)
it would be sweet, nobody would get hurt, and nobody would sue if they did
but lets face it..
our sport is filled with asshats..
they spend all night drunk
get no sleep
and are out there pushing their body (and quad)to the limit
fookin accident waiting to happen
and most of them have an attorney just waiting to sue someone

I look forward to riding with ya Kris
I will be the old(er) guy on a blue YFZ450r

if this rally plays out like it should, we have lunch in the parking lot around noon
stop in and have a burger.. bs a bit


Quote from: Krandall on April 29, 2010, 08:40:08 AM
you didn't get to ride on the main drag strip there either. :(

Yeah I did wiener...wait is there 2 of them? I rode the one down by the water before I broke my arm. I was down there kicking the shit out of Preddy. :nutz:

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar