Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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Quote from: Flynbyu on October 20, 2008, 09:26:00 AM
True, but it's usually from people not putting money back to pay their taxes at the end of the year. If I was self employed, I would pay quarterly.


My father pays around 75,000 per quarter, and still had to pay around 128,000 at the end of the year. After adjusted gross. It sucks having to pay such high taxes. His payroll for the 6 guys that work for him, for 1 week is more than I make in a year :'( at this point I really could care less who wins because neither of these candidates has said EXACTLY what they are going to do to Change. I just hope that the president to be doesnt screw us little guys too bad!
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Most people are familiar with any goofs Sarah Palin may have made, our press won't let one get by without hours and hours of ridicule...we get the weekly Saturday Night Live skit portraying her as a cute ditz...but how many of you have seen these that star the lord and savior Barack Obama and brother Biden? Or how about Mrs. messiah, Michelle Obama? 

Let us hear from Bidenlauden and Osama Obama now...Kennedy called him Osama Obama not I.

Joe Biden endorses John McCain and says Obama isn't ready. Listen for yourself [click on the link]

Obama says because countries such as Iran are small geographically they don't pose a real threat.

Biden attempts to heal man in wheelchair...

Biden says paying taxes is patriotic...he wants us to get America out of the rut that he and the democrats put us in  so that he can kick us back in again...

Obama's brother lives in slum conditions and Obama believes we are our brothers keepers.

Biden in the VP debate said that Obama didn't say that he would meet with our enemies without preconditions but...
OBAMA: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oSFSUbMWenU
BIDEN: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tNyfoxsxsD0

Obama can't decide on what city he is in:

Obama is okay with killing the born alive baby

Obama thinks that a child is a punishment
Contrast this with Sarah Palin who believes good comes from any situation. "We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us.  Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.  Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi's privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."
But, I guess that Obama would rather abort his life challenges instead of facing them head on and gaining any life experiences out of those challenges. I'm sure he'll use the "Easy Button" they have there in the Whitehouse to get him through each day and so we have nothing to worry about.

Even Biden thinks Obama is classless...

Obama forgot that he is a Christian...he needs to thank George Stupidopolis for this save.

Obama knows about a few more states then the rest of us, when this gaff happened my son was in 1st grade and not only knew there are fifty states, but he also could locate them on the map with ease.

An example of Obama the uniter:

Obama isn't aware that his home state borders Kentucky
I couldn't find a video clip of this, but it was on National Review Online...
This is Obama explaining his upcoming Kentucky loss. "Well, what it says is that I'm not very well known in that part of the country. Senator Clinton I think is much better known coming from a nearby state of Arkansas, so it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle."  His home state Illinois borders Kentucky, Arkansas does not...again, when my son was in the 1st grade he could name all the states and the states that bordered them.

Biden rewrites history, but hey that's just what democrats do.

Does Biden not realize we still have coal miners in America and do you know what coal miners do? Joe's not for clean coal, but Obama is...are they on the same team?

Obama tells little girl that America isn't good anymore.
Then, he said the following in the September 26th debate with John McCain:
OBAMA:  My father came from Kenya.  That's where I get my name.  And in the sixties, uh, he wrote letter after letter to come to college here in the United States because the notion was that there was no other country on earth where you could make it if you tried.  The ideals and the values of the United States inspired the entire world.  I don't think any of us can say that our standing in the world now, the -- the way children around the world look at the United States, is the same.
Mr. Obama, I for one can say our standing in the world is great, we are a great nation and nothing you can say will change that. You and your leftist buddies have tried to tear this country apart for political gain. It has not been George Bush, he has actually tried to work with you people...GERD only knows why...you are anything but a uniter sir.

Michelle Obama proud of her country, finally...but for how long?

Obama claims our troops air raid villages.

Obama "uh" count...

Obama wants kindergartners to know about sex...age appropriate?? Can we just get government out of our lives? Maybe I'm wrong, but it sure appears to me that sex education isn't working real well...but maybe we just aren't teaching it early enough and Obama will take care of that for us...I for one don't want my 2nd grader to know about sex let alone my soon to be kindergartner...Obama, please keep your socialist tentacles off my children. I as a parent will do much better without your help.

Obama admits he knows William Ayers, known terrorist.  Our press have dispatched hundreds of reporters to go through garbage cans and dumpsters in Alaska, but yet have fallen asleep on the connections Terrorist-Ayers and Obama have with ACORN. Not to mention the connections ACORN has with the need for a $700 billion bailout bill.

Obama hears voices in his head:

Obama must have forgot the teleprompter for this one or maybe he needs the breathalyzer test...

Obama sees dead people:
This guy just has no clue does he?

Obama doesn't understand what is good about this country let alone what it's history is. But, democrats always make up stuff to help push their agenda...the ends always justify the means to this party.

Obama mocks the Bible:
He is oozing with arrogance that is for certain. His elitist smugness should rub more people the wrong way.

Come on Obama, even the other socialists on stage put their hands on their hearts during our National Anthem...although, I'm not certain you could really call that a well done rendition of the anthem...

Just in case you're like me and gave up on liberal media [ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN  etc...] years ago and didn't see the Palin gaffs here's a sampling...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cP12aNzocSc – Obama's the #2 recipient from Fannie Mae and where is Katie questioning him or Biden?

Oh I can't resist, let's see the stark differences as to how the woman on The View treated Obama and McCain.

For all my bashing of Obama I actually want to commend him on his ability to say he didn't know the answer to a question.  Instead of not answering the question by going off subject, he actually said he didn't know and will find out more...this may be the only time he's done it though.

As we saw on October 2nd, Sarah Palin mopped the floor up with Biden. We were allowed to see her unfiltered and we saw that Biden didn't have anything to say other than lie after lie...Hey Joe, you can't get away with those lies like you did early on in your career now that there is alternative media and the Internet.

Here's a few more I found which contain a few repeats and a few new gaffs from our savior lord Obama and brother Biden...

Stay tuned, Obama and Biden gaffe machine isn't done yet and I'm sure I missed a few as well.

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Anyone can edit and cut video and make false ads on YouTube. There is some merit in those clips, but 90% of it is taken out of context, and John McCain didn't approve of those messages.

It's amazing how desperate people get to create a negative image about either candidate on YouTube, or other political blogs on the internet. It's the same for the idiot that recieves an email about either candidate and takes that information to heart.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


My point in posting that is the evidence as it accumulates is pretty much overwhelming would be just plain stupid to ignore. The media has elected Obama to be your next president....I say don't let those shallow bastards control your minds. Some of these I saw with my own eyes as they were reported and they were exactly as show in these clips.....

I'm not desperate I am passionate....I believe in my heart that Obama/Biden is far worse for this country than McCain/Palin will be. Far smarter people than I have shared their thoughts and opinions with me on Obama and they all feel that he is not the answer for America as well. GERD willing we will have the right person in the white house after the election.


07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


I am getting really tired of the Change crap though  :mad:

Change what Mr. Obama?

The Economy?  lets try some facts.....  (These are my own researches, not politcal rhetoric)

2006 US gross national Product = ~$11 Trillion

2006 Chicago merchantile exchange volume = ~$820 Trillion

Massive amounts of money that ebb and tide our economy from multinational invesments and coorperations.  The US government cannot contol that.  Wishing and hoping and creating misleading legislation will not change that.

War in Iraq

1st and foremost, NO ONE HATES WAR MORE THAN SOMEONE WHO HAS SERVED IN ONE.  But, they also understand what the requirements on the military are like no other. 

Like it or not we are there, and have made a diffrence.  I have zero problem with the only tangable result being a person/regime responsible for a genocide being outed.  If we don't stand up for others, who will? 

Please say the untied nations, I need a good laugh (I Worked with those assclowns before)

Washington Bueracy and gridlock

You have to know the system and how it works before you can institue change.  I believe Obama is a good man, and believes in what he says, but it's hard to fathom much of a drastic change to American politics from someone who has only been traveling the beltway for three years.

By far my biggest issue.  Throughout the last two decades we have lost the honor that is supposed to embody our US Presidency.  I don't believe we can just hope for that from an individual.  I believe we need a tangiable evidence of honor in stressing times.

Bracak Obama may have earned my vote for 2012  (i'd like see more evidence that he can lead, not just be part of a Senate)

For 2008 John McCain has my vote for President of the US.  No one that has served in the last 40 years as president has a greater pool of respect regardless of party lines, and like both canidates have stated, it will take both parties to fix these woes our country faces.



I have an honest question.  If Obama is out to help the "little guy" then why do most CEO's back him (per AP)?
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Calling them Osama Obama and Bidenlauden is not posting evidence. It is disgusting and should be unnacceptable regardless of affiliation. McCain has ties to Bush. Should we start calling him McBush? :rofl: GERD forbid!!!!!! 

Do you actually think if anybody was actually tied to bin laden, it would be possible to run for prez? Nah, don't think so.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Well I guess if Jesus were here he would be pushing for a hand up and not a hand out like the bible teaches, not a "bleeding heart liberal".  And there would be a few other issues he would want to talk to the democratic party about.  Not saying the republican party is perfect by any means.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


This country Tries to keep a seperation between Church and State for good reason. 

how bout we do the same here before we really start letting emotions fly  ;)


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 21, 2008, 11:52:37 AM
Well I guess if Jesus were here he would be pushing for a hand up and not a hand out like the bible teaches, not a "bleeding heart liberal".  And there would be a few other issues he would want to talk to the democratic party about.  Not saying the republican party is perfect by any means.

I agree. Perfection is impossible. My problem is that the republicans tout him as the main driving force behind their structure. Not because of what he was about, just the fact that they believe in him. I was never taught the bible, I just read it. I remember reading that he would spite the wealthy for not helping while thousand suffer. Church people said I asked too many questions and told me to go away.  :lol:

I do not believe in handouts for anyone. It just bothers me that The rich get richer, poor get poorer philosophy remains today......the pay ratio on average in our country from ceo to employee has gone up tenfold. That is a problem.

I agree colorado

OK lunch time :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: Peels660 on October 21, 2008, 12:00:49 PM
Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 21, 2008, 11:52:37 AM
Well I guess if Jesus were here he would be pushing for a hand up and not a hand out like the bible teaches, not a "bleeding heart liberal".  And there would be a few other issues he would want to talk to the democratic party about.  Not saying the republican party is perfect by any means.

I agree. Perfection is impossible. My problem is that the republicans tout him as the main driving force behind their structure. Not because of what he was about, just the fact that they believe in him. I was never taught the bible, I just read it. I remember reading that he would spite the wealthy for not helping while thousand suffer. Church people said I asked too many questions and told me to go away.  :lol:

I do not believe in handouts for anyone. It just bothers me that The rich get richer, poor get poorer philosophy remains today......the pay ratio on average in our country from ceo to employee has gone up tenfold. That is a problem.

I agree colorado

OK lunch time :thumbs:

Peels, I'm sorry that a "church" turned you away.  You could ask me all the questions you want and if I don't have the answer (a lot of the time) I can get it for you. 

And I agree the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but we need to stop with just the blind hand outs and focus and teaching them what then need to do in order to get ahead in this world.

Its best to teach a man to fish then to give him fish.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 21, 2008, 11:49:21 AM
I have an honest question.  If Obama is out to help the "little guy" then why do most CEO's back him (per AP)?

As of August, top CEOs gave 10 times more to McCain than to Obama.

Link: http://thehill.com/campaign-2008/top-ceos-give-10-times-more-to-mccain-than-to-obama-2008-08-15.html

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Colorado700R on October 21, 2008, 11:54:22 AM
This country Tries to keep a seperation between Church and State for good reason. 

how bout we do the same here before we really start letting emotions fly  ;)

The founding fathers added this to the Bill of Rights to protect those who worshiped GERD, not the non-believers, Muslims, Satanists, etc..

In my opinion, we have too many people that vote because of a candidates position on a certain issue, rather than what's best for our country. Sometimes we do need to seperate church and state and ask ourselves "What is best for our country."

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum