who is your favorite presidential candidate?

Started by phucker, January 22, 2012, 07:29:45 PM

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you would fear a time when i would shoot someone in the face? if i were running congress that would be a daily thing, no gavel just BANG!!

as for everyone who thinks ron paul looks old or doesnt speak well or seems like a crazy old man, are we voting for a beauty pageant? do some research and see what he actually wants to do. dont believe what the mainstream media shows because they just show the stuff that makes him look crazy, and his ideas can not be fully explained in 60 seconds because he is not a good speaker. i promise if you actually look into his true beliefs and ideals most everyone on earth would agree with the vast majority of them.

peels i really hate the two party platform also, you are either an old elitist white wall street banker or a tree hugging hippie. i am waaaay to the right on most every issue,i consider myself to be a constitutional conservative/ libertarian my main political beliefs are the government needs to get out of everyones way and let this economy do what it will, yes people and businesses will fail, they are meant to. i also believe it is not my job to pay taxes so some worthless piece of shit can have 16 babies and still bitch that she isnt gettin enough help cause all her baby daddys are in jail. i think that welfare should be done by charity not by the government, if you stop giving hand outs people might actually decide to get a damn job. yes we need a hand up from time to time but not hand outs.

the federal government has 18 enumerated powers and thats it, 99.99% of laws passed by the feds are illegal. as for our foreign policy, it needs to be totally reworked, we have no right to be the policemen of the world. i could go on and on but my fingers are tired.


I have thoroughly reviewed ron paul. He does have some merit, but his thoughts on foriegn policy are ludacris. Our global military presence directly impacts our trade negotiations. Would you like to pay the gas prices the europeans have? Would you have China expand its illegal trade practices that are in direct violation of international law and completely undermine american companies that have to play by the rules.

Thank an American Soldier, Sailor,.Airman, or Marine stationed abroad, because their mere presence overseas pads your wallet.


If elected vp, I promise to pee in interns butts. I will cut welfare to illegal immigrants and penalize businesses for hiring illegal immigrants so our troops can get the benefits they deserve. I will cut funding in our prisons so criminals won't be living better than our senior citizens. You might ask, how can the vp do that? It's simple, I will have to speak on pats behalf! Vote for us... Spartan/Lady4fiddy 2012!  :thumbs:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


a lot of the military spending dr paul wants to cut is like the building of an embassy in iraq that is larger and fancier than the vatican, yes he wants to close a lot of bases, but we have bases is 193 countries and i think that is ridiculous and i agree most of our troops need to come home and protect our country by locking down our borders, i dont see anything wrong with that. also he believes in non-interventionism which means we just stay out of others business unless it affects us. we have no need to be in libya or syria or africa. leave sovereign countries alone until the phuck with us, then you tell the military this is your enemy go kick their ass, when they are dead you will come home. that sounds like sound foriegn policy to me. also remember that the congress wont let him have his way, he will just be the guiding voice. as he is a constitutionalist he will abide by what the congress says, he will not be a dictator like obama is.


The only problem I have with your last statement dan... Is "A dictator like obama is"

Cripes. Get off the high horse and quit thinking the man is against you and everything you believe in. You have to realize he's the puppet, not the puppeteer. There's hundreds behind him you should be hating. 

I don't know enough about the whole military intervention crap... But IMO, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't. If we do something, people get hurt, we look bad. If we don't.. People get hurt, people get pissed we didn't do anything, we look bad. :shrug:

Nikki/Pat have my vote.

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Dan, I certainly hope Mr. Paul is at least buying you dinner after the lovin's hes giving you.  :lol:

I do NOT see what you see. At least not totally. Some are good.

good ideas aren't everything, The guy is a spook. :lol: Charlie Manson had might have had a few good ones.....really got him far.  :lol: However, he is better than the other reps. That is bad for that party. He should run independent, would get more votes IMO. Republicans are doing their part to get obama elected right now.

You can only blame the president so far....The problem is nobody will work with him...so he is forced to be a dick about it and get his way, because nobody will do a damned thing to help him. Just sit there and say "HE'S WRONG!!!" but not really offering a solution. ALL OF CONGRESS should be put on final warning. Work it out or gtfo. You don't like his policy, find a better way, not just whine like little bitches that the other party sucks.

both parties are guilty of this btw ;)

SO so so tired of the rep vs democrat thing. Why is it a constant battle? Disagreeing with a political party, solely because it is a different party than you is ridiculous. You need to work together it is what we are paying you for.. the country has been divided too long. Thus, the problems we face.

Nobody is taking your guns...relax...nobody is taking your job, unless your company is tanking. Sure we are spending too much money helping freeloaders and other countries, but that isn't the presidents fault. We were spending that much long before he got here. the president just follows the ideals set before him by previous presidents. I still don't see a better way offered. All I see these days is " the president is wrong!" okay...based on what? and do you have a better way?

Logical Compromise is what the world needs right now. Not bickering and blaming.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Navy overseas bases.

Bahrain NSA Bahrain
Cuba Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
Guam Naval Base Guam (Joint Region Marianas)
Greece NSA Souda Bay
Italy NAS Sigonella
  NSA Naples
  Naval Support Activity Naples Department, Gaeta
Japan Diego Garcia NSF
  NAF Atsugi
  U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo
Korea, Republic Of COMFLEACTS Chinhae
Singapore NRCC Singapore
Spain NS Rota

Army overseas bases

Belgium U.S. Army Garrison - Brussels
Germany Ansbach, United States Army Garrison
  Bamberg, United States Army Garrison
  Baumholder, United States Army Garrison
  Garmisch, United States Army Garrison
  Grafenwoehr (Vilseck), United States Army Garrison
  Hohenfels, United States Army Garrison
  Kaiserslautern, United States Army Garrison
  Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
  Schweinfurt, United States Army Garrison
  Stuttgart, United States Army Garrison
  USAG Baden Wuerttemberg (Heidelberg)
  USAG Baden Wuerttemberg (Mannheim)
Italy United States Army Garrison Livorno (Camp Darby)
  United States Army Garrison Vicenza (Caserma Ederle)
Japan Camp Zama
  Torii Station
Korea, Republic Of USAG Daegu
  USAG Humphreys
  USAG Red Cloud/Casey
  USAG Yongsan
Netherlands United States Army Garrison Schinnen
Puerto Rico Fort Buchanan

USMC overseas bases

Camp S D Butler (Camp Foster, Kinser, Courtney, Hansen, Schwab and MCAS Futenma)
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

USAF overseas bases

Germany Buechel Air Base
  Geilenkirchen NATO Air Base
  Ramstein AB
  Spangdahlem AB
Guam Andersen AFB (Joint Region Marianas)
Hungary Papa Air Base
Italy Aviano Air Base
  Ghedi Air Base
Japan Kadena AB
  Misawa AB
  Yokota AB
Korea, Republic Of Kunsan AB
  Osan Air Base
Netherlands Volkel Air Base
Norway Stavanger
Portugal Lajes Field
Spain Moron AB
Turkey Incirlik AB
  Izmir AS
  Office of Defense Cooperation, Turkey
United Kingdom RAF Alconbury, RAF Molesworth, RAF Upwood
  RAF Croughton, RAF Fairford
  RAF Lakenheath
  RAF Menwith Hill
  RAF Mildenhall

Per my count, we have 63 overseas bases in 21 countries (Reference here http://www.militaryinstallations.dod.mil/pls/psgprod/f?p=MI:LOOKUP:0::::P3_VAL:MI).  There is already work happening to lower our european footprint (There will be only 2 US Army bases left in germany total), and consolidation of bases into single Joint service bases is happening everywhere as we speak.

This a prime example of how politicians twist statistics for their favor.

I believe they're getting the 198 countries by including the Marine security detachments assigned to guard embassys (Which is usually a small unit of 20 Marines).  US Embassys are US soverign property, and will be defended as such.

Also, We have no Military forces in Lybia......We had 1 Airman their, his plane (F-15E) crashed, and was recovered by a Marine QRF floating in the med.
We have NO US forces in Syria...at all, and haven't, so I don't understand that one.

Today we had a SEAL Team rescue an AMerican hostage in SOmalia....Good thing they had a base, logistics and support nearby to accomplish that huh?


Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2012, 09:10:45 AM

Per my count, we have 63 overseas bases in 21 countries (Reference here http://www.militaryinstallations.dod.mil/pls/psgprod/f?p=MI:LOOKUP:0::::P3_VAL:MI).  There is already work happening to lower our european footprint (There will be only 2 US Army bases left in germany total), and consolidation of bases into single Joint service bases is happening everywhere as we speak.

THAT WE KNOW OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once



Our country has a very tainted history on this subject.  We accept immigrants when it's in our favor, and deny them when it's not.  During WWII the Bracero Program brought in thousand and thousands of Latin Americans into the US to work the factories and fields while our men and women were off fighting in the Pacific and Europe.  They built the weapons, and kept our troops fed, only to be kicked the phuck back out with nothing to show for it in the 1950's and 60's under "Operation Wetback".

Now, "Guarding the Borders"....is this a solution or are we treating a symtom vice the illness?  Putting more bodies on the border to fling them back over the fence isn't solving anything.  Stopping their need to try is a solution.  If we helped Mexico stem crime, drugs, corruption, etc, and then help them create their own jobs and markets, I guarentee less people would want to leave in the first place.

If I was a Mexican, and my family was in danger, and/or I couldn't afford to keep them in the basic nessecities of life becuase of nothing I did, or can do anything about......I'm taking them where they have a chance too!

I'm for a REAL (haven't seen one yet) "path to citizenship" that allows potential immigrants to serve this country (at a reasonable wage) in a myriad of capacities to earn their citizenship.  No one could possibly want to hide their entire life, and a good plan will befenit the country economically, and socially.


I agree with you Aaron,

Even though I am a mexican, I am not one of those just let everybody in type of guy.......Last thing I want is for the US to be "another" Mexico......
your opinion to help mexico is spot on..............I dont know if you guys read the mexican news but crime is an all time high there currently.....

its worst than afganistan, and reaching columbian status quick.......

every buisness my family has or friends I know either 1. gives a cut to some sort of drug cartel or 2. fears for their life and is waiting to have some family member kidnapped.

I still have a lot of family back in mexico....... (sinaloa) up untill a year ago you couldnt pay them enough to come to the US but current state of the country right now is quickly changing their mind. Where I was born is a small city with a lot of small citys around, and last i heard they no longer have cops there....... only gang of drug cartel hit men (cikarios) riding around in back of tucks upholding their own laws..... All the old cops either quit or were killed.

A bunch of my family went to Mexico this holiday season and two of them were pulled over by these cikarios and investigated.......all went smooth and they were let go but if their centiments would have been to steal their trucks or money nobody could have stopped them....... It's getting to the point nobody wants to go back there any more........

I could go on and on about this but :funyun:


if we let them all in, you wouldnt be cool anymore.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


AND where would we make money for our :air: habits  :peels:   ?

we would have to start smuggling white folk out for money..........  :lol:


Quote from: Krandall on January 25, 2012, 07:29:36 AM
The only problem I have with your last statement dan... Is "A dictator like obama is"

Cripes. Get off the high horse and quit thinking the man is against you and everything you believe in. You have to realize he's the puppet, not the puppeteer. There's hundreds behind him you should be hating. 

by dictator, i mean that he is circumventing congress in every way and signing executive orders like crazy, acting like he is a king or a dictator. yes he is a puppet i know this, i hate all that are behind it running the program. the reason i like ron paul so much is he has never changed his stance on anything, it is always to follow the constitution. i also feel like ron paul is the first and only politician i have ever seen that cant be bought off or run by other people, if he does make it into office, i know its a very small chance but if he does he will not get his way on most everything he wants to do, this will cause gridlock which is a hell of a lot better than what we have had for the last 30 years or so. i am on no high horse, i call it like i see it, if someone is a piece of shit i say they are a piece of shit. oh and obama is against pretty much every value i believe in. so he is against me and my values.


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 25, 2012, 08:41:09 AM
Dan, I certainly hope Mr. Paul is at least buying you dinner after the lovin's hes giving you.  :lol:

I do NOT see what you see. At least not totally. Some are good.

good ideas aren't everything, The guy is a spook. :lol: Charlie Manson had might have had a few good ones.....really got him far.  :lol: However, he is better than the other reps. That is bad for that party. He should run independent, would get more votes IMO. Republicans are doing their part to get obama elected right now.

You can only blame the president so far....The problem is nobody will work with him...so he is forced to be a dick about it and get his way, because nobody will do a damned thing to help him. Just sit there and say "HE'S WRONG!!!" but not really offering a solution. ALL OF CONGRESS should be put on final warning. Work it out or gtfo. You don't like his policy, find a better way, not just whine like little bitches that the other party sucks.

both parties are guilty of this btw ;)

SO so so tired of the rep vs democrat thing. Why is it a constant battle? Disagreeing with a political party, solely because it is a different party than you is ridiculous. You need to work together it is what we are paying you for.. the country has been divided too long. Thus, the problems we face.

Nobody is taking your guns...relax...nobody is taking your job, unless your company is tanking. Sure we are spending too much money helping freeloaders and other countries, but that isn't the presidents fault. We were spending that much long before he got here. the president just follows the ideals set before him by previous presidents. I still don't see a better way offered. All I see these days is " the president is wrong!" okay...based on what? and do you have a better way?

Logical Compromise is what the world needs right now. Not bickering and blaming.

i think part of my problem is i have way more time to kill during the day then most. so i sit and listen to political talk radio on both sides all day long. the president isnt a king or a dictator and his powers are kept in check by the judicial and congressional arms of the federal government. there is supposed to be gridlock, that is the way this government was made. there is supposed to be gridlock to ensure that only laws are put through that are agreed on by all parties, so that one group cant force shit on everyone else, that is why we dont have a democracy like everyone keeps calling it, we have what is called a representative republic.

i agree republican vs democrat is stupid as all hell. i rarely agree with either of them, all they do is try to decide how to spend the money they take from us. you guys can think i am crazy all you want, but if you look at how the founders set everything up they did it for a reason. they did not want mob rule and they wanted the states to have power over the federal government, not the federal government having ultimate power.