who is your favorite presidential candidate?

Started by phucker, January 22, 2012, 07:29:45 PM

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Az.  He brought back chain gangs in prison, gave the prisioners jobs and teach them skills for the outside world.  He currently has the lowest return criminal rate in the nation.  He took over the county animal shelter and reduced the cost from 18 million to just under 4.  The inmates work there and care for the animals.  Each dog is already house broke and leash trained with basic commands.  When his inmates formed a riot he moved them from prision and started a tent city in the desert.  He died there uniforms pink so they are easier to see.  He is truly trying to controll our mexican invasion.  He rules with an iron fist and does not pussy foot around.  He walks softly with a big stick.  He believes that every law following american should carry a gun and know how to use it.  He does not care what political party your with.  Anyone who stands in his way he calls out publicly and explains how that person is getting kick backs to support there issue. 



Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


I'm all for inmate welfare being shut down.. what a bunch of BS. a good portion of them are BAD people. Why the FERK should they have 3 hot meals a day.... get game night... have cable TV etc?  It reminds me of a high school for big kids...

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Quote from: Krandall on January 26, 2012, 07:19:17 AM
I'm all for inmate welfare being shut down.. what a bunch of BS. a good portion of them are BAD people. Why the phuck should they have 3 hot meals a day.... get game night... have cable TV etc?  It reminds me of a high school for big kids...

preach it reverend Randi! lol

I agree, once you make the choice to not follow societies rules, society should really have no obligation to give you your rights
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


1000's of overseas military bases :rofl: They must be counting every expeditionary airfield, fuel dump, and parking lot!! :rofl:  Which are unmanned until used, and are the property of (and paid for by) the host nation.

Certainly there are clandestine military bases.  And I've been to my fair share, but remember this.  Bureaucrats didn't pick out these locations, our Armed Forces personnel do every year, and must justify them and how they are required to effectively support that General, or Admiral's mission to the Senate armed forces appropriation committee. 
There are 5 major regional Combatant commands (COCOMs) USNORTHCOM- defends the United States homeland from attack.  USSOUTHCOM- Defends American people, properties and interests in South America, USPACOM (Easily the largest) Defends the US people, properties and interests in the Pacific.  And USEUCOM- Defends American people, properties and interests in Europe.
There are also Functional/Supporting COCOMs.  This Includes USSTRATCOM- in charge of our strategic defenses.  USTRANSCOM- Which is basically the logistical arm of the military.
Now Dan, you are a staunch supporter of our troops. If these commanding Generals and Admirals, which have spent 30+ years of their lives in absolute dedication to your defense, believe and must justify why they need these assets to complete the missions that are, or could be tasked, are you truly gonna tell them to phuck off, I want more money in my pocket?  I don't think so.
As for your thoughts on withdrawing our troops back home, and trying to "Leave the world Alone, and it'll leave us alone". We've tried that before.  We were isolationists through the 1880's – 1914...then We finally reacted to WWI after a million or so people died.....We did it again, until Dec. 7th 1942, when we're buttfucked at Pearl Harbor........And Through the great Wisdom of Bill Clinton, we again tried to withdraw from our "World Cop" poise...and then Sept. 11th 2001 happened.
Now yet again, some want to pull us back, and let the world revolve around us and assume it'll have nothing but a positive impact on our way of life.  Let me give you quick glimpse of that reality.
We Recall all US Forces to the US, and since we don't have room for them all we reduce our total force size by half.
1.   Iran will shut the Straits of Hormuz down, instantly. All imported fuel/oil from the Middle East stops. (We may have our own inherit ability, but it will not be able to react fast enough.  Gas prices will skyrocket out of reach of you and I, and most everyone else) This will rock the foundation of this country, no fuel means not getting to work, and no deliveries by truck or rail. Our infrastructure could collapse. All your guns will be needed...
2.   Israel is gone.
3.   China extends its grasp over Taiwan once again, eliminating it's largest rival for consumer products in the region, and allows them the ability to raise the price of everything they export.
4.   N. Korea annihilates South Korea.  Also a major Chinese merchant rival in the region, more chance for the to Raise prices on everything and control the American import/export rates in the Pacific.
This could go on and on. Think this couldn't happen?  Think that since we no longer are in their faces, countries like Iran will forgive and forget what we did to them?  Cause Allah knows people from the middle east never hold a grudge, right? 
And why would China do these things? Is it maybe due to the current regimes intent to keep the largest center of world population fed and happy so they don't get overthrown? (Tiananmen Square was a warning shot to China, since then they've advanced into a freer market to create larger, wealthier middle class.  If they don't maintain it, their Communist days are numbered...and they know it)
N. Korea is just drooling at the chance to seize the south. As soon as we withdraw from S. Korea, the North is invading. That's an economic powerhouse that would rival any country anywhere.

Now....Recovering our Captive people from Pirates is an act of War?  How about harboring Pirates/Hostage taker's? Isn't that the impetus? We reacted for the sake of citizens, and Yes Dan, if we did that to China, I'd expect them to react the same. Except for the fact China could call us for help, where Somalia is run by regional warlords, not by it's official government. By the way, the President has the full right and authority as "Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces" to execute missions in the best Interests of the nation. 
"The President has broad constitutional power to take military action in response to the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Congress has acknowledged this inherent executive power in both the War Powers Resolution and the Joint Resolution passed by Congress on September 14, 2001.
        The President has constitutional power not only to retaliate against any person, organization, or State suspected of involvement in terrorist attacks on the United States, but also against foreign States suspected of harboring or supporting such organizations.
        The President may deploy military force preemptively against terrorist organizations or the States that harbor or support them, whether or not they can be linked to the specific terrorist incidents of September 11. "

If Piracy and Kidnapping isn't Terrorism, I don't know what is.


would you consider holding a hooker hostage, and raping her repeatedly until she gave you money "terrorism"?

just curious.  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


We're not invading Nebraska to free you, if that's what your asking...


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


So, just so I balance my stance here. I'm gonna go through what I DO agree with in regards to Ron Paul.

Ron Paul has one ideal that I hold very dear.  He has said that the Federal Government needs to butt out of issues that should be handled at the state and local level.  I 10000000000000000000000000000000% agree.  there are a TON of issues that entagles our elected officals time, that could be decided by state our local government. IE. Abortion, Union Rights, gay marrige, legalized drugs, etc. If you live in a state and something gets legalized, or is now illegal and it bothers you soooo much.... you can move to where the laws fit your beliefs.  There is one undeniable truth in politics, and that is you will never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time.  All you can do is fairly represent the majority.  And under the current system the center of the majority (Due to the electroal college) is far away from most of us.  So, lets press the "Easy Button" Our states will handle it's populations laws in these regards. Fed, get back to work providing interstate and international commerce, security, and infrastructure.


Quote from: Colorado700R on January 26, 2012, 11:30:40 AM
We're not invading Nebraska to free you, if that's what your asking...

I'd go there to point and laugh.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 26, 2012, 11:24:43 AM
would you consider holding a hooker hostage, and raping her repeatedly until she gave you money "terrorism"?

just curious.  :thumbs:

(poor taste, deleted comment)
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury