Knowledge is Power!

Started by Krandall, January 27, 2011, 06:08:44 PM

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A – LSD; amphetamine
Abe – $5 worth of drugs
Abe's cabe – $5 bill
Abolic – veterinary steroid
Acapulco gold – marijuana from S.W.Mexico
Acapulco red – marijuana
Ace – marijuana; PCP
Acid – LSD
Acid cube – sugar cube containing LSD
Acid freak – heavy user of LSD
Acid head – LSD user
Adam – MDMA
African black – marijuana
African bush – marijuana
African woodbine – marijuana cigarette
Agonies – withdrawal symptoms
Ah-pen-yen – opium
Aimies – amphetamine; amyl nitrite
AIP – heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, & Pakistan
Air blast – inhalant
Airhead – marijuana user
Airplane – marijuana
Alice B. Toklas – marijuana brownie
All lit up – under the influence of drugs
All star – user of multiple drugs
All-American drug – cocaine
Alpha-ET – alpha-ethyltyptamine
Ames – amyl nitrite
Amidone – methadone
Amoeba – PCP
Amp – amphetamine
Amp joint – marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic
Amped-out – fatigue after using amphetamines
Amping – accelerated heartbeat
AMT – dimethyltryptamine
Amys – amyl nitrate
Anadrol – oral steroid
Anatrofin – injectable steroid
Anavar – oral steroid
Angel – PCP
Angel dust – PCP
Angel hair – PCP
Angel mist – PCP
Angel Poke – PCP
Angie – cocaine
Angola – marijuana
Animal – LSD
Animal tranq – PCP
Animal tranquilizer – PCP
Antifreeze – heroin
Apache – fentanyl
Apple jacks – crack
Aries – heroin
Aroma of men – isobutyl nitrite
Artillery – equipment for injecting drugs
Ashes – marijuana
Astro turf – marijuana
Atom bomb – marijuana and heroin
Atshitshi – marijuana
Aunt Hazel – heroin
Aunt Mary – marijuana
Aunt Nora – cocaine
Aunti – opium
Aunti Emma – opium
Aurora borealis – PCP
Author – a doctor who writes illegal prescriptions
B – amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox
B-bombs – amphetamines
B-40 – cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor
B.J.'s – crack
Babe – drug used for detoxification
Baby – marijuana
Baby bhang – marijuana
Baby habit – occasional use of drugs
Babysit – guide someone through first drug experience
Baby T – crack
Backbreakers – LSD and strychnine
Back door – residue left in a pipe
Backjack – injecting opium
Back to back – smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack
Backtrack – allow blood to flow back into a needle during injection
Backup – prepare vein for injection
Backwards – depressant
Bad bundle – inferior quality heroin
Bad – crack
Bad go – bad reaction to a drug
Bad seed – peyote; heroin; marijuana
Bag – container for drugs
Bag bride – crack-smoking prostitute
Bag man – person who transports money
Bagging – using inhalant
Bale – marijuana
Ball – crack
Balling – vaginally implanted cocaine
Balloon – heroin supplier
Ballot – heroin
Bam – depressant; amphetamine
Bambalacha – marijuana
Bambs – depressant
Bang – to inject a drug; inhalant
Bank bandit pills – depressant
Bar – marijuana
Barb – depressant
Barbies – depressant
Barbs – cocaine
Barrels – LSD
Bart Simpson – heroin
Base – cocaine; crack
Baseball – crack
Base crazies – searching on hands and knees for crack
Base head – person who bases
Bash – marijuana
Basuco – cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette
Bathtub speed – methcathinone
Batt – IV needle
Battery acid – LSD
Batu – smokable methamphetamine
Bazooka – cocaine; crack; crack and tobacco combined in a joint
Bazulco – cocaine
Beam me up Scottie – crack dipped in PCP
Beamer – crack user
Beans – amphetamine; depressant; mescaline
Beast – LSD
Beat artist – person selling bogus drugs
Beat vials – vials containing sham crack to cheat buyers
Beautiful boulders – crack
Bevis & Butthead – LSD
Bebe – crack
Bedbugs – fellow addicts
Beedies – cigarettes from India (resemble marijuana joints/vehicles for other drugs)
Beemers – crack
Behind the scale – to weigh and sell cocaine
Beiging – chemicals altering cocaine to make it appear a higher purity
Belladonna – PCP
Belt – effects of drugs
Belushi – cocaine and heroin
Belyando spruce – marijuana
Bender – drug party
Bennie – amphetamine
Bens – amphetamine
Benz – amphetamine
Benzedrine – amphetamine
Bernice – cocaine
Bernie – cocaine
Bernie's flakes – cocaine
Bernie's gold dust – cocaine
Bhang – marijuana, Indian term
Big bag – heroin
Big bloke – cocaine
Big C – cocaine
Big 8 – 1/8 kilogram of crack
Big D – LSD
Big H – heroin
Big Harry – heroin
Big flake – cocaine
Big man – drug supplier
Big O – opium
Big rush – cocaine
Bill Blass – crack
Billie hoke – cocaine
Bikers coffee – methamphetamine and coffee
Bindle – small packet of drug powder; heroin
Bing – enough of a drug for one injection
Bingers – crack addicts
Bingo – to inject a drug
Bings – crack
Biphetamine – amphetamine
Bird head – LSD
Birdie powder – heroin; cocaine
Biscuit – 50 rocks of crack
Bite one's lips – to smoke marijuana
Biz – bag or portion of drugs
Black – opium; marijuana
Black acid – LSD; LSD and PCP
Black and white – amphetamine
Black bart – marijuana
Black beauties – depressant; amphetamine
Black birds – amphetamine
Black bombers – amphetamine
Black dust – PCP
Black ganga – marijuana resin
Black gold – high potency marijuana
Black gungi – marijuana from India
Black gunion – marijuana
Black hash – opium and hashish
Black mo/black moat – highly potent marijuana
Black mollies – amphetamine
Black mote – marijuana mixed with honey
Black pearl – heroin
Black pill – opium pill
Black rock – crack
Black Russian – hashish mixed with opium
Black star – LSD
Black stuff – heroin
Black sunshine – LSD
Black tabs – LSD
Black tar – heroin
Black whack – PCP
Blacks – amphetamine
Blanco – heroin
Blanket – marijuana cigarette
Blanks – low quality drugs
Blast – to smoke marijuana; to smoke crack
Blast a joint – to smoke marijuana
Blast a roach – to smoke marijuana
Blast a stick – to smoke marijuana
Blasted – under the influence of drugs
Blizzard – white cloud in a pipe used to smoke cocaine
Block – marijuana
Block busters – depressant
Blonde – marijuana
Blotter – LSD; cocaine
Blotter acid – LSD
Blotter cube – LSD
Blow – cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Blow a fix – injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
blow a shot – injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
blow the vein – injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
Blow a stick – to smoke marijuana
Blow blue – to inhale cocaine
Blowcaine – crack diluted with cocaine
Blow coke – to inhale cocaine
Blow one's roof – to smoke marijuana
Blow smoke – to inhale cocaine
Blowing smoke – marijuana
Blowout – crack
Blow up – crack cut with lidocaine to increase size, weight, and street value
Blows – heroin
Blue – depressant; crack
Blue acid – LSD
Blue angels – depressant
Blue barrels – LSD
Blue birds – depressant
Blue boy – amphetamine
Blue bullets – depressant
Blue caps – mescaline
Blue chairs – LSD
Blue cheers – LSD
Blue de hue – marijuana from Vietnam
Blue devil – depressant
Blue dolls – depressant
Blue heaven – LSD
Blue heavens – depressant
Blud madman – PCP
Blue microdot – LSD
Blue mist – LSD
Blue moons – LSD
Blue sage – marijuana
Blue sky blond – high potency marijuana from Columbia
Blue tips – depressant
Blue vials – LSD
Blunt – marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine inside a cigar
Bo – marijuana
Bo-bo – marijuana
Boat – PCP
Bobo – crack
Bobo bush – marijuana
Body packer – person who ingests crack or cocaine to transport it
Body stuffer – person who ingests crack vials to avoid prosecution
Bogart a joint – salivate on a marijuana cigarette; refuse to share
Bohd – marijuana; PCP
Bolasterone – injectable steroid
Bolivian marching powder – cocaine
Bolo – crack
Bolt – isobutyl nitrite
Bomb – crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high potency heroin
Bomb squad – crack-selling crew
Bomber – marijuana cigarette
Bombido – injectable amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Bombita – amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Bombs away – heroin
Bone – marijuana; $50 piece of crack
Bonecrusher – crack
Bones – crack
Bong – pipe used to smoke marijuana
Bonita – heroin
Boo – marijuana
Boom – marijuana
Boomers – psilocybin/psilocin
Boost – to inject a drug; to steal
Boost and shoot – steal to support a habit
Booster – to inhale cocaine
Boot – to inject a drug
Boot the gong – to smoke marijuana
Booted – under the influence of drugs
Boppers – amyl nitrite
Botray – crack
Bottles – crack vials; amphetamine
Boubou – crack
Boulder – crack; $20 worth of crack
Boulya – crack
Bouncing powder – cocaine
Boxed – in jail
Boy – heroin
Bozo – heroin
Brain damage – heroin
Brain ticklers – amphetamine
Breakdowns – $40 crack rock sold for $20
Break night – staying up all night until day break
Brewery – place where drugs are made
Brick – 1 kilogram of marijuana; crack
Brick gum – heroin
Bridge up or bring up – ready a vein for injection
Britton – peyote
Broccoli – marijuana
Broker – go-between in a drug deal
Bromo – 2C-B
Brown – heroin; marijuana
Brown bombers – LSD
Brown crystal – heroin
Brown dots – LSD
Brown rhine – heroin
Brown sugar – heroin
Brownies – amphetamine
Browns – amphetamine
Bubble gum – cocaine; crack
Buck – shoot someone in the head
Bud – marijuana
Buda – a high-grade marijuana joint filled with crack
Buffer – crack smoker; a woman who exchanges oral sex for crack
Bugged – annoyed; to be covered with sores and abscesses from repeated use of unsterile needles
Bull – narcotics agent or police officer
Bullet – isobutyl nitrite
Bullet bolt – inhalant
Bullia capital – crack
Bullion – crack
Bullyon – marijuana
Bumblebees – amphetamine
Bummer trip – unsettling and threatening experience from PCP intoxication
Bump – crack; fake crack; boost a high; hit of ketamine ($20)
Bundle – heroin
Bunk – fake cocaine
Burese – cocaine
Burn one – to smoke marijuana
Burn the main line – to inject a drug
Burned – purchase fake drugs
Burned out – collapse of veins from repeated injection permanent impairment from drug abuse
Burnese – cocaine
Burnie – marijuana
Burnout – heavy abuser of drugs
Bush – cocaine; marijuana
Businessman's LSD – dimethyltryptamine
Businessman's trip – dimethyltryptamine
Businessman's special – dimethyltryptamine
Busted – arrested
Busters – depressant
Busy bee – PCP
Butt naked – PCP
Butter – marijuana; crack
Butter flower – marijuana
Buttons – mescaline
Butu – heroin
Buzz – under the influence of drugs
Buzz bomb – nitrous oxide
C – cocaine
C joint – place where cocaine is sold
C & M – cocaine and morphine
C.S. – marijuana
C-dust – cocaine
C-game – cocaine
Caballo – heroin
Cabello – cocaine
Caca – heroin
Cactus – mescaline
Cactus buttons – mescaline
Cactus head – mescaline
Cad/Cadillac – 1 ounce
Cadillac – PCP
Cadillac express – methcathinone
Cakes – round discs of crack
Caine – cocaine; crack
California cornflakes – cocaine
California sunshine – LSD
Cam trip – high potency marijuana
Cambodian red/Cam red – marijuana from Cambodia
Came – cocaine
Can – marijuana; 1 ounce
Canadian black – marijuana
Canamo – marijuana
Canappa – marijuana
Cancelled stick – marijuana cigarette
Candy – cocaine; crack; depressant; amphetamine
Candy C – cocaine
Candy flipping – combining or sequencing LSD with MDMA
Cannabinol – PCP
Cannabis tea – marijuana
Cap – crack; LSD
Caps – crack
Cap up – transfer bulk form drugs to capsules
Capital H – heroin
Caps – heroin; psilocybin/psilocin
Carburetor – crack stem attachment
Carga – heroin
Carmabis – marijuana
Carne – heroin
Carnie – cocaine
Carpet patrol – crack smokers searching the floor for crack
Carrie – cocaine
Carrie Nation – cocaine
Cartucho – package of marijuana cigarettes
Cartwheels – amphetamine
Casper the ghost – crack
Cat – methcathinone
Cat valium – ketamine
Catnip – marijuana cigarette
Caviar – crack
Cavite all star – marijuana
Cecil – cocaine
Cest – marijuana
Chalk – methamphetamine; amphetamine
Chalked up – under the influence of cocaine
Chalking – chemically altering the color of cocaine so it looks white
Chandoo/chandu – opium
Channel – vein into which a drug is injected
Channel swimmer – one who injects heroin
Charas – marijuana from India
Charge – marijuana
Charged up – under the influence of drugs
Charley – heroin
Charlie – cocaine
Chase – to smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Chaser – compulsive crack user
Chasing the dragon – crack and heroin
Chasing the tiger – to smoke heroin
Cheap basing – crack
Check – personal supply of drugs
Cheeba – marijuana
Cheeo – marijuana
Chemical – crack
Chewies – crack
Chiba chiba – high potency marijuana from Columbia
Chicago black – marijuana, term from Chicago
Chicago green – marijuana
Chicken powder – amphetamine
Chicken scratch – searching on hands and knees for crack
Chicle – heroin
Chief – LSD; mescaline
Chieva – heroin
China cat – high potency heroin
China girl – fentanyl
China town – fentanyl
China White – fentanyl
Chinese molasses – opium
Chinese red – heroin
Chinese tobacco – opium
Chip – heroin
Chipper – occasional Hispanic user
Chipping – using drugs occasionally
Chippy – cocaine
Chira – marijuana
Chiva – heroin
Chocolate – opium; amphetamine
Chocolate chips – LSD
Chocolate ecstasy – crack madebrown by adding chocolate milk powder during production
Choe – cocaine
Cholly – cocaine
Chorals – depressant
Christina – amphetamine
Christmas rolls – depressant
Christmas tree – marijuana; depressant; amphetamine
Chronic – marijuana; marijuana mixed with crack
Chucks – hunger following withdrawal from heroin
Churus – marijuana
Chystal methadrine – amphetamine
Cid – LSD
Cigarette paper – packet of heroin
Cigarrode cristal – PCP
Citrol – high potency marijuana, from Nepal
Clarity – MDMA
Clear up – stop drug use
Clicker – crack and PCP
Cliffhanger – PCP
Climax – crack; isobutyl nitrite; heroin
Climb – marijuana cigarette
Clips – rows of vials heat-sealed together
Clocking paper – profits from selling drugs
Closet baser – user of crack who prefers anonymity
Cloud – crack
Cloud nine – crack
Cluck – crack smoker
Co-pilot – amphetamine
Coasting – under the influence of drugs
Coasts to coasts – amphetamine
Coca – cocaine
Cocaine blues – depression after extended cocaine use
Cochornis – marijuana
Cocktail – cigarette laced with cocaine or crack; partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular cigarette
Cocoa puff – to smoke cocaine and marijuana
Coconut – cocaine
Coco rocks – dark brown crack made by adding chocolate pudding during production
Coco snow – benzocaine used as cutting agent for crack
Cod – large amount of money
Coffee – LSD
Coke – cocaine; crack
Coke bar – bar where cocaine is openly used
Cola – cocaine
Cold turkey – sudden withdrawal from drugs
Coli – marijuana
Coliflor tostao – marijuana
Colorado cocktail – marijuana
Columbian – marijuana
Columbo – PCP
Columbus black – marijuana
Comeback – benzocaine and mannitol used to adulterate cocaine for conversion to crack
Come home – end a "trip" from LSD
Conductor – LSD
Connect – purchase drugs; supplier of illegal drugs
Contact lens – LSD
Cook – mix heroin with water; heating heroin to prepare it for injection
Cook down – process in which users liquify heroin in order to inhale it
Cooker – to inject a drug
Cookies – crack
Coolie – cigarette laced with cocaine
Cooler – cigarette laced with a drug
Cop – obtain drugs
Copping zones – specific areas where buyers can purchase drugs
Coral – depressant
Coriander seeds – cash
Corine – cocaine
Cork the air – to inhale cocaine
Corrinne – cocaine
Cosa – marijuana
Cotics – heroin
Coties – codeine
Cotton – currency
Cotton brothers – cocaine, heroin and morphine
Courage pills – heroin; depressant
Course note – bill larger than $2
Cozmo's – PCP
Crack – cocaine
Crack attack – craving for crack
Crack back – crack and marijuana
Crack cooler – crack soaked in wine cooler
Crack kits – glass pipe and copper mesh
Cracker jacks – crack smokers
Crackers – LSD
Crack gallery – place where crack is bought and sold
Crack spot – area where people can purchase crack
Crank – methamphetamine; amphetamine; methcathinone
Cranking up – to inject a drug
Crankster – person who uses or manufactures methamphetamine
Crap/crop – low quality heroin
Crash – sleep off effects of drugs
Crazy coke – PCP
Crazy Eddie – PCP
Crazy weed – marijuana
Credit card – crack stem
Crib – crack
Crimmie – cigarette laced with crack
Crink – methamphetamine
Cripple – marijuana cigarette
Cris – methamphetamine
Crisscross – amphetamine
Criss-crossing – the practice of setting up a line of cocaine nect to a line of heroin. The user places a straw in each nostril and snorts about half a line each. Then the straws are crossed and the remaining lines are snorted.
Cristina – methamphetamine
Cristy – smokable methamphetamine
Croak – crack and methamphetamine
Cross tops – amphetamine
Crossroads – amphetamine
Crown crap – heroin
Crumbs – tiny pieces of crack
Crunch & Munch – crack
Cruz – opium from Veracruz, Mexico
Crying weed – marijuana
Crypto – methamphetamine
Crystal – methamphetamine; PCP; amphetamine; cocaine
Crystal joint – PCP
Crystal meth – methamphetamine
Cystal T – PCP
Crystal tea – LSD
Cube – 1 ounce; LSD
Cubes – marijuana tablets
Culican – high potency marijuana from Mexico
Cupcakes – LSD
Cura – heroin
Cushion – vein into which a drug is injected
Cut – adulterate drugs
Cut-deck – heroin mixed with powdered milk
Cycline – PCP
Cyclones – PCP

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Dabble – use drugs occasionally
Dagga – marijuana
Dama blanca – cocaine
Dance fever – fentanyl
Dawamesk – marijuana
Dead on arrival – heroin
Debs – amphetamine
Decadence – MDMA
Deca-duabolin – injectable steroid
Deck – 1 to 15 grams of heroin, also known as a bag; packet of drugs
Deeda – LSD
Delatestryl – injectable steroid
Demo – crack stem; a sample-size quantity of crack
Demolish – crack
Dep-testosterone – injectable steroid
DET – dimethyltryptamine
Detroit pink – PCP
Deuce – $2 worth of drugs; heroin
Devil's dandruff – crack
Devil's dick – crack pipe
Devil's dust – PCP
Devilsmoke – crack
Dew – marijuana
Dews – $10 worth of drugs
Dex – amphetamine
Dexedrine – amphetamine
Dexies – amphetamine
Diablito – combination of crack cocaine and marijuana in a joint
Diambista – marijuana
Diamonds – amphetamine
Dianabol – veterinary steroid
Dice – crack cocaine
Diesel – heroin
Diet pills – amphetamine
Dihydrolone – injectable steroid
Dimba – marijuana from West Africa
Dime – crack; $10 worth of crack
Dime bag – $10 worth of drugs
Dime special – crack cocaine
Dime's worth – amount of heroin to cause death
Ding – marijuana
Dinkie dow – marijuana
Dinosaurs – populations of heroin users in their
forties or fifties
Dip – crack
Dipper – PCP
Dipping out – crack runners taking a portion of crack
from vials
Dirt – heroin
Dirt grass – inferior quality marijuana
Dirty basing – crack
Dirty joints – combination of crack cocaine and marijuana
Disco biscuits – depressant
Disease – drug of choice
Ditch – marijuana
Ditch weed – marijuana inferior quality, Mexican
Djamba – marijuana
DMT – Dimethyltryptamine
Do a joint – to smoke marijuana
Do a line – to inhale cocaine
Do it Jack – PCP
DOA – PCP; crack
Doctor – MDMA
Dog – good friend
Dog food – heroin
Dogie – heroin
Dollar – $100 worth of drugs
Dolls – depressant
Domes – LSD
Domestic – locally grown marijuana
Domex – PCP and MDMA
Dominoes – amphetamine
Don jem – marijuana
Dona Juana – marijuana
Dona Juanita – marijuana
Doobee – marijuana
Doobie/dubbe/duby – marijuana
Doogie/doojee/dugie – heroin
Dooley – heroin
Dope – heroin; marijuana; any other drug
Dope fiend – crack addict
Dope smoke – to smoke marijuana
Dopium – opium
Doradilla – marijuana
Dors and 4′s – combination of Doriden and Tyenol 4
Dots – LSD
Doub – $20 rock of crack
Double breasted dealing – dealing cocaine and heroin together
Double bubble – cocaine
Double cross – amphetamine
Double dome – LSD
Double rock – crack diluted with procaine
Double trouble – depressant
Double up – when a crack dealerdelivers an extra rock
as a marketing ploy to attract customers
Double ups – a $20 rock that can be broken into two $20 rocks
Double yoke – crack
Dove – $35 piece of crack
Dover's powder – opium
Downer – depressant
Downie – depressant
Draf weed – marijuana
Drag weed – marijuana
Draw up – to inject a drug
Dream – cocaine
Dream gum – opium
Dream stick – opium
Dreamer – morphine
Dreams – opium
Dreck – heroin
Drink – PCP
Drivers – amphetamine
Dropper – to inject a drug
Drowsy high – depressant
Dry high – marijuana
Dub – when a crack dealer delivers an extra rock
as a marketing ploy to attract customers
Dube – marijuana
Duby – marijuana
Duct – cocaine
'Due – residue of oils trapped in a pipe after
smoking base
Duji – heroin
Dummy dust – PCP
Durabolin – injectable steroid
Durog – marijuana
Duros – marijuana
Dust – heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with
various chemicals
Dust joint – PCP
Dust of angels – PCP
Dusted parsley – PCP
Dusting – adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to
Dymethzine – injectable steroid
Dynamite – heroin and cocaine
Dyno – heroin
Dyno-pure – heroin
Earth – marijuana cigarette
Easing powder – opium
Eastside player – crack
Easy score – obtaining drugs easily
Eating – taking a drug orally
Ecstasy – MDMA
Egg – crack
Eight ball – 1/8 ounce of drugs
Eightball – crack and heroin
Eighth – heroin
El diablito – marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP
El diablo – marijuana, cocaine and heroin
Electric Kool Aid – LSD
Elephant – PCP
Elephant tranquilizer – PCP
Elvis – LSD
Embalming fluid – PCP
Emergency gun – instrument used to inject other than syringe
Emsel – morphine
Endo – marijuana
Energizer – PCP
Enoltestovis – injectable steroid
Ephedrone – methcathinone
Equipose – veterinary steroid
Erth – PCP
Esra – marijuana
Essence – MDMA
Estuffa – heroin
ET – alpha-ethyltyptamine
Eve – MDEA
Explorers club – group of LSD users
Eye opener – crack; amphetamine
Factory – place where drugs are packaged, diluted, or manufactured
Fake STP – PCP
Fall – arrested
Fallbrook redhair – marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA
Famous dimes – crack
Fastin – amphetamine
Fantasia – dimethyltryptamine
Fat bags – crack
Fatty – marijuana cigarette
Feed bag – container for marijuana
Felix the Cat – LSD
Ferry dust – heroin
Fi-do-nie – opium
Fields – LSD
Fiend – someone who smokes marijuana alone
Fifteen cents – $15 worth of drugs
Fifty-one – crack
Finajet/finaject – veterinary steroid
Fine stuff – marijuana
Finger – marijuana cigarette
Finger lid – marijuana
Fir – marijuana
Fire – to inject a drug; crack and
Fire it up – to smoke marijuana
First line – morphine
Fish scales – crack
Five cent bag – $5 worth of drugs
Five C note – $500 bill
Five dollar bag – $50 worth of drugs
Fives – amphetamine
Fix – to inject a drug
Fizzies – methadone
Flag – appearance of blood in the vein
Flake – cocaine
Flakes – PCP
Flame cooking – smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe
over a stove flame
Flamethrowers – cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin
Flash – LSD
Flat blues – LSD
Flat chunks – crack cut with benzocaine
Flea powder – low purity heroin
Florida snow – cocaine
Flower – marijuana
Flower tops – marijuana
Fly Mexican airlines – to smoke marijuana
Flying – under the influence of drugs
Following that cloud – searching for drugs
Foo foo stuff – heroin; cocaine
Foo-foo dust – cocaine
Foolish powder – heroin; cocaine
Footballs – amphetamine
Forget pill – Rohypnol
Forget me drug – Rohypnol
45 Minute Psychosis – Dimethyltryptamine
Forwards – amphetamine
Fraho/frajo – marijuana
Freebase – smoking cocaine; crack
Freeze – cocaine; renege on a drug deal
French blue – amphetamine
French fries – crack
Fresh – PCP
Friend – fentanyl
Fries – crack
Frios – marijuana laced with PCP
Frisco special – cocaine, heroin and LSD
Frisco speedball – cocaine, heroin and LSD
Friskie powder – cocaine
Fry – crack
Fry daddy – crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with
Fu – marijuana
Fuel – marijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP
Fuete – hypodermic needle
Fuma D'Angola – marijuana Portugese term
G – $1000 or 1 gram of drugs; term for an unfamiliar male
G.B. – depressant
GHB – gamma hydroxy butyrate
G-rock – one gram of rock cocaine
G-shot – small dose of drugs used to hold off
withdrawal symptoms until full dose can be taken
Gaffel – fake cocaine
Gaffus – hypodermic needle
Gage/gauge – marijuana
Gagers – methcathinone
Gaggers – methcathinone
Galloping horse – heroin
Gamot – heroin
Gange – marijuana
Gangster – marijuana
Gangster pills – depressant
Ganja – marijuana from Jamaica
Gank – fake crack
Garbage – inferior quality drugs
Garbage heads – users who buy crack from street dealers
instead of cooking it themselves
Garbage rock – crack
Gash – marijuana
Gasper – marijuana cigarette
Gasper stick – marijuana cigarette
Gato – heroin
Gauge butt – marijuana
Gee – opium
Geek – crack and marijuana
Geek joints – cigarettes or cigars filled with tobacco and crack
Geeker – crack user
Geeze – to inhale cocaine
Geezer – to inject a drug
Geezin a bit of dee gee – injecting a drug
Georgia home boy – gamma hydroxy butyrate
George smack – heroin
Get a gage up – to smoke marijuana
Get a gift – obtain drugs
Get down – to inject a drug
Get high – to smoke marijuana
Get lifted – under the influence of drugs
Get off – to inject a drug; get "high"
Get off houses – private places heroin users can purchase
& use heroin for a fee
Get the wind – to smoke marijuana
Get through – obtain drugs
Getting roached – using Rohypnol
Ghana – marijuana
Ghost – LSD
Ghost busting – smoking cocaine; searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack
Gick monster – crack smoker
Gift-of-the-sun – cocaine
Giggle smoke – marijuana
Giggle weed – marijuana
Gimmick – drug injection equipment
Gimmie – crack and marijuana
Gin – cocaine
Girl – cocaine; crack; heroin
Girlfriend – cocaine
Giro houses – non-bank financial institutions used by drug traffickers to launder drug proceeds
Give wings – inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin
Glacines – heroin
Glad stuff – cocaine
Glading – using inhalant
Glass – hypodermic needle; amphetamine
Glass gun – hypodermic needle
Glo – crack
Gluey – person who sniffs glue
Go – amphetamines
Go-fast – methcathinone
Go into a sewer – to inject a drug
Go loco – to smoke marijuana
Go on a sleigh ride – to inhale cocaine
Goblet of jam – marijuana
GERD's flesh – psilocybin/psilocin
GERD's medicine – opium
GERD's drug – morphine
Gold – marijuana; crack
Gold dust – cocaine
Gold star – marijuana
Golden – marijuana
Golden Dragon – LSD
Golden girl – heroin
Golden leaf – very high quality marijuana
Golf ball – crack
Golf balls – depressant
Golpe – heroin
Goma – opium; black tar heroin
Gondola – opium
Gong – marijuana; opium
Gonj – marijuana
Goob – methcathinone
Good – PCP
Good and plenty – heroin
Good butt – marijuana cigarette
Good giggles – marijuana
Good go – proper amount of drugs for the money paid
Good H – heroin
Good lick – good drugs
Goodfellas – fentanyl
Goody-goody – marijuana
Goof butt – marijuana cigarette
Goofball – cocaine and heroin; depressant
Goofers – depressant
Goofy's – LSD
Goon – PCP
Goon dust – PCP
Gopher – person paid to pickup drugs
Goric – opium
Gorilla tab – PCP
Gorilla biscuits – PCP
Gorilla pills – depressant
Got it going on – fast sale of drugs
Graduate – completely stop using drugs or progress to stronger drugs
Gram – hashish
Grape parfait – LSD
Grass – marijuana
Grass brownies – marijuana
Grasshopper – marijuana
Grata – marijuana
Gravel – crack
Gravy – to inject a drug; heroin
Grease – currency
Great bear – fentanyl
Great tobacco – opium
Green – inferior quality marijuana; PCP; ketamine
Green buds – marijuana
Green double domes – LSD
Green dragons – depressant
Green frog – depressant
Green goddess – marijuana
Green gold – cocaine
Green goods – paper currency
Green leaves – PCP
Green single domes – LSD
Green tea – PCP
Green wedge – LSD
Greens/green stuff – paper currency
Greenies – amphetamine
Greeter – marijuana
Greta – marijuana
Grey shields – LSD
Griefo – marijuana
Griefs – marijuana
Grievous bodily harm – GHB
Grifa – marijuana
Griff – marijuana
Griffa – marijuana
Griffo – marijuana
Grit – crack
Groceries – crack
Ground control – guide or caretaker during a hallucinogenic experience
Gum – opium
Guma – opium
Gun – to inject a drug; needle
Gunga – marijuana
Gungeon – marijuana
Gungun – marijuana
Gunja – marijuana
Gutter – vein into which a drug is injected
Gutter junkie – addict who relies on others to obtain drugs
Gyve – marijuana cigarette

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H – heroin
H & C – heroin and cocaine
H Caps – heroin
Hache – heroin
Hail – crack
Haircut – marijuana
Hairy – heroin
Half – 1/2 ounce
Half-a-C – $50 bill
Half a football field – 50 rocks of crack
Half G – $500
Half load – 15 bags (decks) of heroin
Half moon – peyote
Half piece – 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine
Half track – crack
Hamburger helper – crack
Hand-to-hand – direct delivery and payment
Hand-to-hand man – transient dealers who carry small amounts of crack
Hanhich – marijuana
Hanyak – smokable speed
Happy cigarette – marijuana cigarette
Happy dust – cocaine
Happy powder – cocaine
Happy sticks – PCP
Happy trails – cocaine
Hard candy – heroin
Hard line – crack
Hard rock – crack
Hard stuff – opium; heroin
Hardware – isobutyl nitrite
Harry – heroin
Harsh – marijuana
Hats – LSD
Has – marijuana
Have a dust – cocaine
Haven dust – cocaine
Hawaiin – very high potency marijuana
Hawaiian sunshine – LSD
Hawk – LSD
Hay – marijuana
Hay butt – marijuana cigarette
Haze – LSD
Hazel – heroin
Head drugs – amphetamine
Headlights – LSD
Heart-on – inhalant
Hearts – amphetamine
Heaven and Hell – PCP
Heaven dust – heroin; cocaine
Heavenly blue – LSD
Heeled – having plenty of money
Helen – heroin
Hell dust – heroin
He-man – fentanyl
Hemp – marijuana
Henpicking – searching on hands and knees for crack
Henry – heroin
Henry VIII – cocaine
Her – cocaine
Herb – marijuana
Herb and Al – marijuana and alcohol
Herba – marijuana
Herms – PCP
Hero – heroin
Hero of the underworld – heroin
Heroina – heroin
Herone – heroin
Hessle – heroin
Highbeams – the wide eyes of a person on crack
Hikori – peyote
Hikuli – peyote
Him – heroin
Hinkley – PCP
Hippie crack – inhalant
Hiropon – smokable methamphetamine
Hit – crack; marijuana cigarette; to smoke marijuana
Hit the hay – to smoke marijuana
Hit the house – house where users go to shoot up and leave
the the owner drugs as payment
Hit the main line – to inject a drug
Hit the needle – to inject a drug
Hit the pit – to inject a drug
Hitch up the reindeers – to inhale cocaine
Hitter – little pipe designed for only one hit
Hitting up – injecting drugs
Hocus – opium; marijuana
Hog – PCP
Holding – possessing drugs
Hombre – heroin
Hombrecitos – psilocybin
Homegrown – marijuana
Honey – currency
Honey blunts – Marijuana cigars sealed with honey
Honey oil – ketamine; inhalant
Honeymoon – early stages of drug use before addiction
or dependency develops
Hong-yen – heroin in pill form
Hooch – marijuana
Hooked – addicted
Hooter – cocaine; marijuana
Hop/hops – opium
Hopped up – under the influence of drugs
Horn – to inhale cocaine; crack pipe
Horning – heroin; to inhale cocaine
Horse – heroin
Horse heads – amphetamine
Horse tracks – PCP
Horse tranquilizer – PCP
Hot dope – heroin
Hot heroin – poisoned to give to a police informant
Hot ice – smokable methamphetamine
Hot load/hot shot – lethal injection of an opiate
Hot rolling – liquefying methamphetamine in an eyedropper and then inhaling it
Hot stick – marijuana cigarette
Hotcakes – crack
House fee – money paid to enter a crackhouse
House piece – crack given to the owner of a crackhouse
or apartment where crack users congregate
How do you like me now? – crack
Hows – morphine
HRN – heroin
Hubba – crack
Hubba, I am back – crack
Hubba pigeon – crack user looking for rocks on a floor
after a police raid
Hubbas – crack, term from Northern CA
Huff – inhalant
Huffer – inhalant abuser
Hulling – using others to get drugs
Hunter – cocaine
Hustle – attempt to obtain drug customers
Hyatari – peyote
Hydro – amphetamine
Hype – heroin addict; an addict
Hype stick – hypodermic needle
I am back – crack
Iboga – amphetamine
Ice – cocaine; methamphetamine; smokeable amphetamine; MDMA, PCP
Ice cream habit – occasional use of drugs
Ice cube – crack
Icing – cocaine
Idiot pills – depressant
Ill – PCP
Illies – beedies dipped in PCP
Illy momo – PCP
In – connected with drug suppliers
Inbetweens – depressant; amphetamine
Inca message – cocaine
Indian boy – marijuana
Indian hay – marijuana from India
Indica – species of cannabis, found in hot climate,
grows 3.5 to 4 feet
Indian hemp – marijuana
Indica – species of cannabis, found in hot climate,
grows 3.5 to 4 feet
Indo – marijuana, term from Northern CA
Indonesian bud – marijuana; opium
Instaga – marijuana
Instagu – marijuana
Instant zen – LSD
Interplanetary mission – travel from one crackhouse to another in
search of crack
Isda – heroin
Issues – crack
J – marijuana cigarette
Jab/job – to inject a drug
Jack – steal someone else's drugs
Jackpot – fentanyl
Jack-Up – to inject a drug
Jag – keep a high going
Jam – amphetamine; cocaine
Jam cecil – amphetamine
Jamaican gold – marijuana
Jane – marijuana
Jay smoke – marijuana
Jay – marijuana cigarette
Jee gee – heroin
Jefferson airplane – used match cut in half to hold a partially
smoked marijuana cigarette
Jellies – depressant
Jelly – cocaine
Jelly baby – amphetamine
Jelly bean – amphetamine; depressant
Jelly beans – crack
Jet – ketamine
Jet fuel – PCP
Jim Jones – marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP
Jive – heroin; marijuana; drugs
Jive doo jee – heroin
Jive stick – marijuana
Johnson – crack
Joint – marijuana cigarette
Jojee – heroin
Jolly bean – amphetamine
Jolly green – marijuana
Jolly pop – casual user of heroin
Jolt – to inject a drug; strong reaction to drugs
Jones – heroin
Jonesing – need for drugs
Joy flakes – heroin
Joy juice – depressant
Joy plant – opium
Joy pop – to inject a drug
Joy popping – occasional use of drugs
Joy powder – heroin; cocaine
Joy smoke – marijuana
Joy stick – marijuana cigarette
Ju-ju – marijuana cigarette
Juan Valdez – marijuana
Juanita – marijuana
Juggle – sell drugs to another addict to support a habit
Juggler – teen-aged street dealer
Jugs – amphetamine
Juice – steroids, PCP
Juice joint – marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Juja – marijuana
Jum – sealed plastic bag containing crack
Jumbos – large vials of crack sold on the streets
Junk – cocaine; heroin
Junkie – addict
Junkie kits – glass pipe and copper mesh
Kabayo – heroin
Kabuki – crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle
and a rubber sparkplug cover
Kaksonjae – smokable methamphetamine
Kali – marijuana
Kansas grass – marijuana
Kangaroo – crack
Kaps – PCP
Karachi – heroin
Kate bush – marijuana
Kaya – marijuana
K-blast – PCP
Kee – marijuana
Kentucky blue – marijuana
Key – marijuana
KGB (killer green bud) – marijuana
K-hole – periods of ketamine-induced confusion
Khat – amphetamine; methcathinone
Ki – marijuana
Kibbles & Bits – small crumbs of crack
Kick – getting off a drug habit; inhalant
Kick stick – marijuana cigarette
Kiddie dope – prescription drugs
Kiff – marijuana
Killer – marijuana; PCP
Killer green bud – marijuana
Killer joints – PCP
Killer weed (1980s) – marijuana and PCP
Killer weed (1960s) – marijuana
Kilo – 2.2 pounds
Kilter – marijuana
Kind – marijuana
King bud – marijuana
King ivory – fentanyl
King Kong pills – depressant
King's habit – cocaine
Kissing – the exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) by kissing or mouth to mouth transfer
Kit – equipment used to inject drugs
Kleenex – MDMA
Klingons – crack addicts
Kokomo – crack
Koller joints – PCP
Kools – PCP
Kryptonite – crack
Krystal – PCP
Krystal joint – PCP
Kumba – marijuana
L.A. – long-acting amphetamine
L.A. glass – smokable methamphetamine
L.A. ice – smokable methamphetamine
L.L. – marijuana
Lace – cocaine and marijuana
Lady – cocaine
Lady caine – cocaine
Lady snow – cocaine
Lakbay diva – marijuana
Lamborghini – crack pipe made from plastic rum bottle
and a rubber sparkplug cover
Las mujercitas – psilocybin
Lason sa daga – LSD
Late night – cocaine
Laugh and scratch – to inject a drug
Laughing gas – nitrous oxide
Laughing grass – marijuana
Laughing weed – marijuana
Lay back – depressant
Lay-out – equipment for taking drugs
LBJ – LSD; PCP; heroin
Leaky bolla – PCP
Leaky leak – PCP
Leaf – marijuana; cocaine
Leapers – amphetamine
Leaping – under the influence of drugs
Legal speed – over the counter asthma drug; trate name = Mini thin
Lemon 714 – PCP
Lemon drop – methamphetamine with a dull yellow tint
Lemonade – heroin; poor quality drugs
Lenos – PCP
Lens – LSD
Lethal weapon – PCP
Lettuce – money
Lib (Librium) – depressant
Lid – 1 ounce of marijuana
Lid proppers – amphetamine
Light stuff – marijuana
Lightning – amphetamine
Lima – marijuana
Lime acid – LSD
Line – cocaine
Lipton Tea – inferior quality drugs
Liquid ecstasty – GHB
Lit up – under the influence of drugs
Little bomb – amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Little ones – PCP
Little smoke – marijuana; psilocybin/psilocin
Live ones – PCP
Llesca – marijuana
Load – 25 bags of heroin
Loaded – high
Loaf – marijuana
Lobo – marijuana
Locker room – isobutyl nitrite
Loco – marijuana
Locoweed – marijuana
Log – PCP; marijuana cigarette
Logor – LSD
Loony toons – LSD
Loused – covered by sores and abscesses from
repeated use of unsterile needles
Love – crack
Love affair – cocaine
Love boat – marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP;
blunts mixed with marijuana
and heroin
Love drug – MDMA; depressant
Love pearls – alpha-ethyltyptamine
Love pills – alpha-ethyltyptamine
Love trip – MDMA and mescaline
Love weed – marijuana
Lovelies – marijuana laced with PCP
Lovely – PCP
LSD – lysergic acid diethylamide
Lubage – marijuana
Lucy in the sky with diamonds – LSD
Ludes – depressant
Luding out – depressant
Luds – depressant
Lunch money drugs – rohypnol
M – marijuana; morphine
M.J. – marijuana
M.O. – marijuana
M.S. – morphine
M.U. – marijuana
M&M – depressant
Machinery – marijuana
Macon – marijuana
Maconha – marijuana
Madman – PCP
Mad dog – PCP

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Magic – PCP
Magic dust – PCP
Magic mushroom – psilocybin/psilocin
Magic smoke – marijuana
Main line – to inject a drug
Mainliner – person who injects into the vein
Make up – need to find more drugs
Mama coca – cocaine
Manhattan silver – marijuana
MAO – amphetamine
Marathons – amphetamine
Mari – marijuana cigarette
Marshmallow reds – depressant
Mary – marijuana
Mary and Johnny – marijuana
Mary Ann – marijuana
Mary Jane – marijuana
Mary Jonas – marijuana
Mary Warner – marijuana
Mary Weaver – marijuana
Maserati – crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle
and rubber sparkplug cover
Matchbox – 1/4 ounce of marijuana or 6 marijuana cigarettes
Matsakow – heroin
Maui wauie – marijuana from Hawaii
Max – gamma hydroxy butyrate dissolved in water and mixed with amphetamines
Maxibolin – oral steroid
Mayo – cocaine; heroin
MDMA – methylenedioxy-methamphetamine
Mean green – PCP
Medusa – inhalant
Meg – marijuana
Megg – marijuana cigarette
Meggie – marijuana
Mellow yellow – LSD
Merchandise – drugs
Merck – cocaine
Merk – cocaine
Mesc – mescaline
Mescal – mescaline
Mese – mescaline
Messorole – marijuana
Meth – methamphetamine
Meth head – regular user of methamphetamine
Meth monster – person who has a violent reaction to methamphetamine
Meth speed ball – methamphetamine combined with heroin
Methatriol – injectable steroid
Methedrine – amphetamine
Methlies Quik – amphetamines
Methyltestosterone – oral steroid
Mexican brown – heroin; marijuana
Mexican crack – methamphetamine with the appearance of crack
Mexican green – marijuana
Mexican horse – heroin
Mexican locoweed – marijuana
Mexican mud – heroin
Mexican mushroom – psilocybin/psilocin
Mexican red – marijuana
Mexican reds – depressant
Mexican valiums – rohypnol
Mezc – mescaline
Mickey Finn – depressant
Mickey's – depressant
Microdot – LSD
Midnight oil – opium
Mighty Quinn – LSD
Mighty Joe Young – depressant
Mighty mezz – marijuana cigarette
Mind detergent – LSD
Mini beans – amphetamine
Minibennie – amphetamine
Mint leaf – PCP
Mint weed – PCP
Mira – opium
Miss – to inject a drug
Miss Emma – morphine
Missile basing – crack liquid and PCP
Mission – trip out of the crackhouse to obtain crack
Mist – PCP; crack smoke
Mister blue – morphine
Mixed jive – crack cocaine
Modams – marijuana
Mohasky – marijuana
Mojo – cocaine; heroin
Monkey – drug dependency; cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco
Monkey dust – PCP
Monkey tranquilizer – PCP
Monoamine oxidase – amphetamine
Monos – cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco
Monte – marijuana from South America
Mooca/moocah – marijuana
Moon – mescaline
Moon gas – inhalant
Moonrock – crack and heroin
Mooster – marijuana
Moota/mutah – marijuana
Mooters – marijuana cigarette
Mootie – marijuana
Mootos – marijuana
Mor a grifa – marijuana
More – PCP
Morf – morphine
Morning shoot – amphetamine
Morning wake-up – first blast of crack from the pipe
Morotgara – heroin
Morpho – morphine
Mortal combat – high potency heroin
Mosquitos – cocaine
Mota/moto – marijuana
Mother – marijuana
Mother's little helper – depressant
Mouth worker – one who takes drugs orally
Movie star drug – cocaine
Mow the grass – to smoke marijuana
Mu – marijuana
Mud – opium; heroin
Muggie – marijuana
Muggles – marijuana
Mujer – cocaine
Mule – carrier of drugs
Murder one – heroin and cocaine
Murder 8 – fentanyl
Mushrooms – psilocybin/psilocin
Musk – psilocybin/psilocin
Muta – marijuana
Mutha – marijuana
Muzzle – heroin
Nail – marijuana cigarette
Nailed – arrested
Nanoo – heroin
Nebbies – depressant
Nemmies – depressant
New acid – PCP
New addition – crack cocaine
New magic – PCP
New Jack Swing – heroin and morphine
Nexus – 2C-B
Nice and easy – heroin
Nickel bag – $5 worth of drugs; heroin
Nickel deck – heroin
Nickel note – $5 bill
Nickelonians – crack addicts
Niebla – PCP
Nigra – marijuana
Nimbies – depressant
Nineteen – amphetamine
Nix – stranger among the group
Nod – effects of heroin
Noise – heroin
Nontoucher – crack user who doesn't want affection
during or after smoking crack
Nose – heroin
Nose candy – cocaine
Nose drops – liquified heroin
Nose stuff – cocaine
Nose powder – cocaine
Nubs – peyote
Nugget – amphetamine
Nuggets – crack
Number – marijuana cigarette
Number 3 – cocaine, heroin
Number 4 – heroin
Number 8 – heroin
O – opium
O.J. – marijuana
O.P. – opium
O.P.P. – PCP
Octane – PCP laced with gasoline
Ogoy – heroin
Oil – heroin, PCP
Old Steve – heroin
On a mission – searching for crack
On a trip – under the influence of drugs
On ice – in jail
On the bricks – walking the streets
On the nod – under the influence of narcotics or depressant
One and one – to inhale cocaine
One box tissue – one ounce of crack
One on one house – where cocaine and heroin can be purchased
One-fifty-one – crack
One plus one sales – selling cocaine and heroin together
One way – LSD
Oolies – marijuana cigarettes laced with crack
Ope – opium
Optical illusions – LSD
Orange barrels – LSD
Orange crystal – PCP
Orange cubes – LSD
Orange haze – LSD
Orange micro – LSD
Orange wedges – LSD
Oranges – amphetamine
Outerlimits – crack and LSD
Owsley – LSD
Owsley's acid – LSD
Oyster stew – cocaine
Oz – inhalant
Ozone – PCP
P – peyote, PCP
PCP – phencyclidine
P.R. (Panama Red) – marijuana
P-dope – 20-30% pure heroin
P-funk – heroin; crack and PCP
Pack – heroin; marijuana
Pack a bowl – marijuana
Pack of rocks – marijuana cigarette
Pakalolo – marijuana
Pakistani black – marijuana
Panama cut – marijuana
Panama gold – marijuana
Panama red – marijuana
Panatella – large marijuana cigarette
Panckes and syrup – Combination of glutethimide and codeine
cough syrup
Pane – LSD
Pangonadalot – heroin
Panic – drugs not available
Paper – a dosage unit of heroin
Paper acid – LSD
Paper bag – container for drugs
Paper blunts – marijuana within a paper casing rather
than a tobacco leaf casing
Paper boy – heroin peddler
Parabolin – veterinary steroid
Parachute – crack and PCP smoked; heroin
Paradise – cocaine
Paradise white – cocaine
Parlay – crack
Parsley – marijuana, PCP
Paste – crack
Pat – marijuana
Patico – crack (Spanish)
Paz – PCP
Peace – LSD, PCP
Peace pill – PCP
Peace tablets – LSD
Peace weed – PCP
Peaches – amphetamine
Peanut – depressant
Peanut butter – PCP mixed with peanut butter
Pearl – cocaine
Pearls – amyl nitrite
Pearly gates – LSD
Pebbles – crack
Peddlar – drug supplier
Pee Wee – crack; $5 worth of crack
Peep – PCP
Peg – heroin
Pellets – LSD
Pen yan – opium
Pep pills – amphetamine
Pepsi habit – occasional use of drugs
Perfect High – heroin
Perico – cocaine
Perlas – street dealer (heroin)
Perp – fake crack made of candle wax and baking soda
Peter Pan – PCP
Peth – depressant
Peruvian – cocaine
Peruvian flake – cocaine
Peruvian lady – cocaine
Peyote – mescaline
Phennies – depressant
Phenos – depressant
Pianoing – using the fingers to find lost crack
Piece – 1 ounce; cocaine; crack
Piedras – crack (Spanish)
Pig Killer – PCP
Piles – crack
Pimp – cocaine
Pimp your pipe – lending or renting your crack pipe
Pin – marijuana
Pin gon – opium
Pin yen – opium
Ping-in-wing – to inject a drug
Pingus – rohypnol
Pink blotters – LSD
Pink hearts – amphetamine
Pink ladies – depressant
Pink Panther – LSD
Pink robots – LSD
Pink wedge – LSD
Pink witches – LSD
Pipe – crack pipe; marijuana pipe; vein into
which a drug is injected; mix drugs with
other substances
Pipero – crack user
Pit – PCP
Pixies – amphetamine
Plant – hiding place for drugs
Pocket rocket – marijuana
Pod – marijuana
Poison – heroin; fentanyl
Point – a needle
Poke – marijuana
Pole – mixture of heroin and motion sickness drug
Pollutants – amphetamine
Polvo – heroin; PCP
Polvo blanco – cocaine
Polvo de angel – PCP
Polvo de estrellas – PCP
Pony – crack
Poor man's pot – inhalant
Pop – to inhale cocaine
Poppers – isobutyl nitrite; amyl nitrite
Poppy – heroin
Pot – marijuana
Potato – LSD
Potato chips – crack cut with benzocaine
Potlikker – marijuana
Potten bush – marijuana
Powder – heroin; amphetamine
Powder diamonds – cocaine
Power puller – rubber piece attached to crack stem
Pox – opium
Predator – heroin
Prescription – marijuana cigarette
Press – cocaine; crack
Pretendica – marijuana
Pretendo – marijuana
Primo – crack; marijuana mixed with crack
Primobolan – injectable and oral steroid
Primos – cigarettes laced with cocaine and heroin
Proviron – oral steroid
Pseudocaine – phenylpropanolamine, an adulterant for cutting crack
Puff the dragon – to smoke marijuana
Puffer – crack smoker
Puffy – PCP
Pulborn – heroin
Pullers – crack users who pull at parts of their
bodies excessively
Pumping – selling crack
Pure – heroin
Pure love – LSD
Purple – ketamine
Purple barrels – LSD
Purple haze – LSD
Purple hearts – LSD; amphetamine; depressant
Purple flats – LSD
Purple ozoline – LSD
Purple rain – PCP
Push – sell drugs
Push shorts – to cheat or sell short amounts
Pusher – one who sells drugs; metal hanger or

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


umbrella – rod used to scrape residue in crack stems
Q – depressant
Qat – methcathinone
Quad – depressant
Quarter – 1/4 ounce or $25 worth of drugs
Quarter bag – $25 worth of drugs
Quarter moon – hashish
Quarter piece – 1/4 ounce
Quartz – smokable speed
Quas – depressant
Queen Ann's lace – marijuana
Quicksilver – isobutyl nitrite
Quill – methamphetamine; heroin; cocaine
Quinolone – injectable steroid
R2 – Rohypnol
Racehorse charlie – cocaine; heroin
Ragweed – inferior quality marijuana; heroin
Railroad weed – marijuana
Rainbow – LSD
Rainbows – depressant
Rainy day woman – marijuana
Rambo – heroin
Rane – cocaine; heroin
Rangood – marijuana grown wild
Rap – criminally charged; to talk with someone
Raspberry – female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
Rasta weed – marijuana
Raw – crack
Raw fusion – heroin
Raw hide – heroin
Rave – party designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and behavior
Razed – under the influence of drugs
Ready rock – cocaine; crack; heroin
Recompress – change the shape of cocaine flakes to
resemble "rock"
Recycle – LSD
Red – under the influence of drugs
Red and blue – depressant
Red bullets – depressant
Red bud – marijuana
Red caps – crack
Red cross – marijuana
Red chicken – heroin
Red devil – depressant, PCP
Red dirt – marijuana
Reds – depressant
Red eagle – heroin
Red lips – LSD
Red phosphorus – smokable speed
Redneck cocaine – methamphetamine
Reefer – marijuana
Regular P – crack
Reindeer dust – heroin
Rest in peace – crack cocaine
Reynolds – rohypnol
Rhine – heroin
Rhythm – amphetamine
Rib – rohypnol
Riding the wave – under the influence of drugs
Rig – equipment used to inject drugs
Righteous bush – marijuana
Ringer – good hit of crack
Rip – marijuana
Rippers – amphetamine
Roach – butt of marijuana cigarette
Roach clip – holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette
Roaches – rohypnol
Road dope – amphetamine
Roapies – rohypnol
Roasting – smoking marijuana
Robutal – rohypnol
Roca – crack (Spanish)
Rochas dos – rohypnol
Roche – Rophynol; (see "roofies")
Rock attack – crack
Rock house – place where crack is sold and smoked
Rock(s) – cocaine; crack
Rocket caps – dome-shaped caps on crack vials
Rocket fuel – PCP
Rockets – marijuana cigarette
Rockette – female who uses crack
Rocks of hell – crack
Rock star – female who trades sex for crack or money
to buy crack
Rocky III – crack
Roid rage – aggressive behavior caused by excessive
steroid use
Roller – to inject a drug
Rollers – police
Rolling – MDMA
Roofies – Rophynol; a sedative that makes users feel very drunk
Rooster – crack
Root – marijuana
Rope – marijuana
Rophies – rohypnol
Rophy – rohypnol
Roples – rophynol
Rosa – amphetamine
Rose marie – marijuana
Roses – amphetamine
Rough stuff – marijuana
Rox – crack
Roxanne – cocaine; crack
Row-shay – rohypnol
Royal blues – LSD
Roz – crack
Ruderalis – species of cannabis, found in Russia,
grows 1 to 2.5 feet
Ruffies – Rophynol
Ruffles – Rophynol
Runners – people who sell drugs for others
Running – MDMA
Rush – isobutyl nitrite
Rush snappers – isobutyl nitrite
Russian sickles – LSD
Sack – heroin
Sacrament – LSD
Sacre mushroom – psilocybin
Salt – heroin
Salt and pepper – marijuana
Sam – federal narcotics agent
Sancocho – to steal (Spanish)
Sandoz – LSD
Sandwich – two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle
Santa Marta – marijuana
Sasfras – marijuana
Satan's secret – inhalant
Satch – papers, letter, cards, clothing, etc.,
saturated with drug solution (used to
smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals)
Satch cotton – fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection
Sativa – species of cannabis, found in cool, damp
climate, grows up to 18 feet
Scaffle – PCP
Scag – heroin
Scat – heroin
Scate – heroin
Schmeck – cocaine
Schoolboy – cocaine, codeine
Schoolcraft – crack
Scissors – marijuana
Scooby snacks – MDMA
Scoop – GHB
Score – purchase drugs
Scorpion – cocaine
Scott – heroin
Scottie – cocaine
Scotty – cocaine; crack; the high from crack
Scramble – crack
Scrape and snort – to share crack by scraping off small
pieces for snorting
Scratch – money
Scruples – crack
Scuffle – PCP
Seccy – depressant
Second to none – heroin
Seeds – marijuana
Seggy – depressant
Sen – marijuana
Seni – peyote
Serial speedballing – sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over a 1-2 day period
Sernyl – PCP
Serpico 21 – cocaine
Server – crack dealer
Sess – marijuana
Set – place where drugs are sold
Sevenup – cocaine; crack
Sewer – vein into which a drug is injected
Sezz – marijuana
Shabu – ice
Shake – marijuana
Shaker/baker/water – materials needed to freebase cocaine;
shaker bottle, baking soda, water
Sharps – needles
She – cocaine
Sheets – PCP
Sheet rocking – crack and LSD
Shermans – PCP
Sherm sticks – PCP
Sherms – PCP; crack
Sh*t – heroin
Shmeck/schmeek – heroin
Shoot – heroin
Shoot/shoot up – to inject a drug
Shoot the breeze – nitrous oxide
Shooting gallery – place where drugs are used
Shot – to inject a drug
Shot down – under the influence of drugs
Shrooms – psilocybin/psilocin
Siddi – marijuana
Sightball – crack
Silly Putty – psilocybin/psilocin
Simple Simon – psilocybin/ psilocin
Sinse – marijuana
Sinsemilla – potent variety marijuana
Sixty-two – 2 1/2 ounces of crack
Skee – opium
Skeegers/skeezers – crack-smoking prostitute
Sketching – coming down from a speed induced high
Skid – heroin
Skied – under the influence of drugs
Skin popping – injecting drugs under the skin
Skuffle – PCP
Skunk – marijuana
Slab – crack
Slam – to inject a drug
Slammin'/Slamming – amphetamine
Slanging – selling drugs
Sleeper – heroin; depressant
Sleet – crack
Sleigh ride – cocaine
Slick superspeed – methcathinone
Slime – heroin
Smack – heroin
Smears – LSD
Smoking – PCP
Smoke – heroin and crack; crack; marijuana
Smoke a bowl – marijuana
Smoke Canada – marijuana
Smoke-out – under the influence of drugs
Smoking gun – heroin and cocaine
Snap – amphetamine
Snappers – isobutyl nitrite
Sniff – to inhale cocaine; inhalant; methcathinone
Sniffer bags – $5 bag of heroin intended for inhalation
Snop – marijuana
Snort – to inhale cocaine; use inhalant
Snorts – PCP
Snot – residue produced from smoking amphetamine
Snot balls – rubber cement rolled into balls and burned
Snow – cocaine; heroin; amphetamine
Snowball – cocaine and heroin
Snow bird – cocaine
Snowcones – cocaine
Snow pallets – amphetamine
Snow seals – cocaine and amphetamine
Snow soke – crack
Snow white – cocaine
Soap dope – methamphetamine with a pinkish rose tint
Society high – cocaine
Soda – injectable cocaine used in Hispanic
Softballs – depressant
Soles – hashish
Soma – PCP
Somali – methcathinone
Somatomax – GHB
Sopers – depressant
Spaceball – PCP used with crack
Space base – crack dipped in PCP; hollowed out cigar
refilled with PCP and crack
Space cadet – crack dipped in PCP
Space dust – crack dipped in PCP
Space ship – glass pipe used to smoke crack
Spark it up – to smoke marijuana
Sparkle plenty – amphetamine
Sparklers – amphetamine
Special "K" – ketamine
Special la coke – ketamine
Speed – methamphetamine; amphetamine; crack
Speedball – methylphenidate (ritalin) mixed with heroin
Speedballs-nose style – the practice of snorting cocaine
Speed boat – marijuana, PCP, crack
Speed freak – habitual user of methamphetamine
Speed for lovers – MDMA
Speedball – heroin and cocaine; amphetamine
Spider blue – heroin
Spike – to inject a drug; needle
Spivias – amphetamines
Splash – amphetamine
Spliff – marijuana cigarette
Splim – marijuana
Split – half and half or to leave
Splivins – amphetamine
Spoon – 1/16 ounce of heroin;paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection
Spores – PCP
Sporting – to inhale cocaine
Spray – inhalant
Sprung – person just starting to use drugs
Square mackerel – marijuana, term from Florida
Square time Bob – crack
Squirrel – smoking cocaine, marijuana and PCP; LSD
Stack – marijuana
Stacking – taking steroids with a prescription
Star – methcathinone
Stardust – cocaine, PCP
Star-spangled powder – cocaine
Stash – place to hide drugs
Stash areas – drug storage and distribution areas
Stat – Methcathinone
Steerer – person who directs customers to spots for
buying crack
Stem – cylinder used to smoke crack
Stems – marijuana
Step on – dilute drugs
Stick – marijuana, PCP
Stink weed – marijuana
Stoned – under the influence of drugs
Stones – crack
Stoppers – depressant
Stove top – crystal methamphetamine
Straw – marijuana cigarette
Strawberries – depressant
Strawberry – female who trades sex for crack or money
to buy crack; LSD
Strawberry fields – LSD
Strung out – heavily addicted to drugs
Stuff – heroin
Stumbler – depressant
Sugar – cocaine; LSD; heroin
Sugar block – crack
Sugar cubes – LSD
Sugar lumps – LSD
Sugar weed – marijuana
Sunshine – LSD
Super – PCP
Super acid – ketamine
Super C – ketamine
Super Grass – PCP
Super ice – smokable methamphetamine
Super joint – PCP
Super kools – PCP
Super weed – PCP
Supergrass – marijuana
Superman – LSD
Surfer – PCP
Sweet Jesus – heroin
Sweet Lucy – marijuana
Sweet stuff – heroin; cocaine
Sweets – amphetamine
Swell up – crack
Swishers – cigars in which tobacco is replaced with marijuana
synthetic cocaine – PCP
Synthetic THT – PCP

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


T – cocaine; marijuana
T.N.T. – heroin; fentanyl
Tabs – LSD
Tail lights – LSD
Taima – marijuana
Taking a cruise – PCP
Takkouri – marijuana
Tango & Cash – fentanyl
Tar – opium; heroin
Tardust – cocaine
Taste – heroin; small sample of drugs
Taxing – price paid to enter a crackhouse
T-buzz – PCP
Tea – marijuana, PCP
Tea party – to smoke marijuana
Teardrops – dosage units of crack packaged in thecu t-off corners of plastic bags
Tecate – heroin
Tecatos – Hispanic heroin addicts
Teenage – 1/16 gram of methamphetamine
Teeth – cocaine; crack
Tension – crack
Tex-mex – marijuana
Texas pot – marijuana
Texas tea – marijuana
Thai sticks – bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil;
THC – tetrahydrocannabinol
The beast – heroin
The C – methcathinone
The devil – crack
The witch – heroin
Therobolin – injectable steroid
Thing – heroin; cocaine; main drug interest at the moment
Thirst monsters – heavy crack smokers
Thirteen – marijuana
Thoroughbred – drug dealer who sells pure narcotics
Thrust – isobutyl nitrite
Thrusters – amphetamine
Thumb – marijuana
Tic – PCP in powder form
Tic tac – PCP
Ticket – LSD
Tie – to inject a drug
Tin – container for marijuana
Tish – PCP
Tissue – crack
Titch – PCP
Toilet water – inhalant
Toke – to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Toke up – to smoke marijuana
Toncho – octane booster which is inhaled
Tooles – depressant
Tools – equipment used for injecting drugs
Toot – cocaine; to inhale cocaine
Tooties – depressant
Tootsie roll – heroin
Top gun – crack
Topi – mescaline
Tops – peyote
Torch – marijuana
Torch cooking – smoking cocaine base by using a propane or butane torch as a source of flame
Torch up – to smoke marijuana
Torpedo – crack and marijuana
Toss up – female who trades sex for crack or money
to buy crack
Totally spent – MDMA hangover
Toucher – user of crack who wants affection before,
during, or after smoking crack
Tout – person who introduces buyers to sellers
Toxy – opium
Toys – opium
TR-6s – amphetamine
Track – to inject a drug
Tracks – row of needle marks on a person
Tragic magic – crack dipped in PCP
Trails – LSD induced perception that moving objects leave multiple images or trails behind them
Trank – PCP
Tranq – depressant
Trap – hiding place for drugs
Trays – bunches of vials
Travel agent – LSD supplier
Trip – LSD; alpha-ethyltyptamine
Troop – crack
Trophobolene – injectable steroid
Truck drivers – amphetamine
Tuie – depressant
Turbo – crack and marijuana
Turf – place where drugs are sold
Turkey – cocaine; amphetamine
Turnabout – amphetamine
Turned on – introduced to drugs; under the influence
Tutti-frutti – flavored cocaine developed by a Brazillian gang
Tweak mission – on a mission to find crack
Tweaker – crack user looking for rocks on the floor after a police raid
Tweaking – drug-induced paranoia; peaking on speed
Tweek – methamphetamine-like substance
Tweeker – methcathinone
Twenty – $20 rock of crack
Twenty-five – LSD
Twist – marijuana cigarette
Twists – small plastic bags of heroin secured with a twist tie
Twistum – marijuana cigarette
Two for nine – two $5 vials or bags of crack for $9
2-for-1 sale – a marketing scheme designed to promote and increase crack sales
Ultimate – crack
Uncle – Federal agents
Uncle Milty – depressant
Unkie – morphine
Up against the stem – addicted to smoking marijuana
Uppers – amphetamine
Ups and downs – depressant
Utopiates – hallucinogens
Uzi – crack; crack pipe
V – the depressant Valium
Vega – a cigar wrapping refilled with marijuana
Viper's weed – marijuana
Vodka acid – LSD
Wac – PCP on marijuana
Wack – PCP
Wacky weed – marijuana
Wake ups – amphetamine
Wasted – under the influence of drugs; murdered
Water – methamphetamine, PCP
Wave – crack
Wedding bells – LSD
Wedge – LSD
Weed – marijuana, PCP
Weed tea – marijuana
Weightless – high on crack
West coast – methlylphenidate (ritalin)
West coast turnarounds – amphetamine
Wet – blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP
Whack – PCP and heroin
Wheat – marijuana
When-shee – opium
Whicked – heroin
Whippets – nitrous oxide
White – amphetamine
White ball – crack
White boy – heroin
White cloud – crack smoke
White cross – methamphetamine; amphetamine
White dust – LSD
White ghost – crack
White girl – cocaine; heroin
White-haired lady – marijuana
White horizon – PCP
White horse – cocaine
White junk – heroin
White lady – cocaine; heroin
White lightning – LSD
White mosquito – cocaine
White nurse – heroin
White Owsley's – LSD
White powder – cocaine; PCP
White stuff – heroin
White sugar – crack
White tornado – crack
Whiteout – isobutyl nitrite
Whites – amphetamine
Whiz bang – cocaine and heroin
Wild cat – methcathinone and cocaine
Window glass – LSD
Window pane – LSD
Wings – heroin; cocaine
Winstrol – oral steroid
Winstrol V – veterinary steroid
Witch – heroin; cocaine
Witch hazel – heroin
Wobble weed – PCP
Wolf – PCP
Wollie – rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette
Wonder star – methcathinone
Woolah – a hollowed out cigar refilled with marijuana and crack
Woolas – cigarette laced with cocaine; marijuana
cigarette sprinkled with crack
Woolies – marijuana amd crack or PCP
Wooly blunts – Marijuana and crack or PCP
Working – selling crack
Working half – crack rock weighing half gram or more
Works – equipment for injecting drugs
Worm – PCP
Wrecking crew – crack
X – marijuana; MDMA; amphetamine
X-ing – MDMA
Yahoo/yeaho – crack
Yale – crack
Yeh – marijuana
Yellow – LSD; depressant
Yellow bam – methamphetamine
Yellow bullets – depressant
Yellow dimples – LSD
Yellow fever – PCP
Yellow jackets – depressant
Yellow submarine – marijuana
Yellow sunshine – LSD
Yen pop – marijuana
Yen Shee Suey – opium wine
Yen sleep – restless, drowsy state after LSD use
Yerba – marijuana
Yerba mala – PCP and marijuana
Yesca – marijuana
Yesco – marijuana
Yeyo – cocaine, Spanish term
Yimyom – crack
Ying Yang – LSD
Z – 1 ounce of heroin
Zacatecas purple – marijuana from Mexico
Zambi – marijuana
Zen – LSD
Zero – opium
Zig Zag man – LSD; marijuana; marijuana rolling papers
Zip – cocaine
Zol – marijuana cigarette
Zombie – PCP; heavy user of drugs
Zombie weed – PCP
Zooie – holds butt of marijuana cigarette
Zoom – PCP; marijuana laced with PCP
Zoomers – individuals who sell fake crack and then flee

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Jesus, that was three hours of paging on my phone for bull shit lol


I started to check this on my phone but I kept scrolling and scrolling and still only in the first three letters. 
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury



Oh thanks for wasting my time dick! :rofl: ;)
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


Strawberry – female who trades sex for crack or money

And GERD bless her too!  :rofl:

"strawberry, strawberry is the neighborhood ho"

dopeman dopeman, yeah that's me.

Best rap song ever.  :nod:

"Im the dopeman old boy wearing corduroy, money up to HERE, but unemployed" :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"