YouTube strikes again!

Started by Alkire193, September 01, 2010, 01:54:46 PM

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FERK this stupid bullshit, who is this band? Do they know they suck?

Dear Alkire193,

Your video, Nitro Methane Sobe Bomb, may have content that is owned or licensed by Wind Up.

No action is required on your part; however, if you are interested in learning how this affects your video, please visit the Content ID Matches section of your account for more information.

- The YouTube Team


mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury


Probably the sobe bomb videos from the Idaho Rally


Was it cuz their was music in the background? WTF?
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


Its because in the background 12 Stones is playing. Which is registered to "Wind Up" Records.

what f*ckers

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Wind up locks down a lot of peoples stuff that ive seen so far. I disputed it, but my response probably wont be appreciated. I said something like, "it was about exploding nitro methane not your crap-ass song...." so im sure ill have to repost soon :(


I'd protest it too.  The song was obviously in the background and your video wasn't a music video set to that tune.  Wouldn't this fall under fair use or something like that?  Heck, tell them they used your name (which you copyrighted by the way  :nod:) to contact you without your express written consent.   :lol:
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury

Mad Dog

Since when do you get to use artists songs for free?  Unless it's parody about the song itself it's not covered under the 1st amendment.  Not that it matters, since Youtube isn't free speech it's a website with a user agreement that says it can take down whatever it wants whenever it wants. 

If the owner of the song's rights hasn't given permission to use a song in such a manner, you're not permitted to use it and it's well within their right to have it removed. 


even if it totally BY CHANCE is playing in the background on a radio. they should feel honored someone is still playing 12 stones music!


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Whaat?!?  Disagreement on the internet?    :door:


Technically I use their songs for free every time I get in the car. 
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury


Mad Dog I bet you ban Christmas decorations in shopping malls dont you?

The radio has rights to play that music, and so the does person that purchases the CD (if it was CD or radio, who knows). However we cannot copy the song for purposes of distribution or profit. It is not the complete song therefore it does not implicate copyright law. Nor is the video an intention to make money or reproduce the 12 Stones song for profit. If anything, the company that provided us the Nitro Methane, or Sobe (because its name is in the title) should take issue with the fact that their name was used as a way to make an explosive. But wait! They dont give a FERK! The greedy million dollar music industry does and now im sure 12 Stones is scrapping for every dollar as they "Wind Down" their careers...


yeah alkire. radio stations pay a fee to use the songs. bro in law licenses music as part of his job. much bank being made.  :rolleyes:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 03, 2010, 08:14:59 PM
yeah alkire. radio stations pay a fee to use the songs. bro in law licenses music as part of his job. much bank being made.  :rolleyes:

Not to change the subject but maybe you can help out here.  Why do some stations play some bands or even particular songs more than others?  I know some are requested and stuff like that but I've come to the quite possibly misguided conclusion that perhaps some songs have reduced royalties to get more airtime.  Regular FM radio,  you can count on the same old songs from the same old bands being played all the time.  They may have had several hits but there is a core collection they absolutely wear out.

Back to the subject at hand, this video I can see the copyright holder having a problem with it.

The video Alkire posted isn't like that.  Somebody is playing their radio, others are talking, somebody is filming.   The video is a snapshot of the night.  If I have my helmet cam on and I ride by some guy with his window down, blaring his music, on my way to the dunes and later post my video, I don't want the copyright holding claiming infringement.  That's going overboard.  By the same token, Yamaha and Ford can claim trademark infringements because I used their TM in a video without their consent.

I do see your point MD, I can't go around grabbing others work to use as I please.  But, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm feeling argumentative.   :lol:

I want to trademark my name and likeness.   :D

mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury