Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV

Started by Krandall, September 01, 2010, 07:26:13 AM

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No funners.. I was saying HOLY SHIT.. look at CA

those are some big numbers in general (and yes.. I realize LA is a VERY large part of those numbers)
but I find it odd that Handguns are very difficult to own legally and they had 900 handgun murders alone in 2012

its funny how so many people lump legal ownership of guns to amount of murders.. when the 2 are VERY disconnected

Tell your friend to come to NE Preddy.. looks pretty calm there (homicide wise)


may sound funny, and you may not believe it heffer....

but. I am on your side. All I am trying to do here, is differentiate between YOU(or folks like you) and the gun nut crazies.

you are not that guy.  :thumbs:

Never said we should ban guns....but you aren't gonna convince me that Jesus and/or the constitution said you should have m16's. that is bs. when that law was written, we didnt have huge magazines, and automatics. and you certainly couldnt buy 500 of them, and go to walmart and buy 5000 rounds to shoot for no reason.

but...I will disagree about not feeling powerful.... if guns didnt shoot big holes in things and go bang, there wouldnt be the "Sport" or competition you are talking about. Its just on a subconscious level. Not saying you become a ham fisted fuktard :lol: But...Every dood has it. to an extent ..Not much different from riding quads, wrestling alleygaterz-lifting weights... whatever man thing trips your trigger go do it....Hey, if dunes wasn't dangerous, would we ever have done it? (all showersects aside of course) Just don't come at me with "I have to have a million guns because dis is MURRICA!" That was an amendment to represent the times, not a foundation for the future. It is an important one though. I get it.

I say you should have your guns...just don't be weird about it. And Dont threaten to "protect them with your life"....or whatever...if youre not hunting or protecting your livestock or other humans... then thats silly, theyre just toys now, and the amendment has nothing to do with you.

i just need a drink I think or start me deal with the craziness. lol

I saw something today from the gun nut redneck crazies: It said how smart Vladimir Putin is. And that Obama could learn something from him. what? is this real life? Get your stupid redneck ass outta here then and go live in Russia if its so wonderful and Putin is such a genius. idiots. Russia is a shithole where rape is cool, gangs run things, and children are feral. enjoy. Da-svidaniya!(sp)

Ronald Reagan, who conservatives LOOOVE to quote, will resurrect himself and kick you right in your vagina.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: preddy08 on April 30, 2014, 02:24:26 PM
On my phone and I'll keep this short. I have a friend of a friend that lives in Europe(where guns are banned). She wanted to come visit the states, but was legitimatly scared of all the gun nuts in the US.

I think we all can agree, stereotypes exist for a reason. Its just shitty that the US is getting pegged with this violent gun toteing immage.

I love when europeans call us crazy thinking we are violent....

Is she english? Ask her about the Hillsborough disaster in like 1988 or something. rioting over a soccer match....100 people killed, like 1000 injured LOL.  I love me some soccer but EUropeans are just as big a morons, goin into rage mode about stupid shit as we are. :lol:

Europe is SOOO much better without guns.  :rofl:

I will say though, the gun toting nuts, they WANT that image, to protect their "MERKA"  :rofl:

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


I do understand your angle Peels
and I agree that there are MANY people out there who shouldn't own any dangerous weapons.. AT ALL!

I struggle with the logic that it's ok to own a 12GA but not an AR..
same shit to me..
if you're the type to be evil with one, you will with the other..
it is very simple in my eyes

and to say there is NO REASON anyone should own one.. I can not support that at all..

there is NO REASON Funyun (or Gunny) should have built his motor on his Raptor.. a 3 mod is enough for anyone :fader:
like it or not.. this is America, and if Funyun wants to go crazy fast.. I support him!
does it add to the "holy shit factor" of riding.. yup! .. but thats the fun.. right?
how about a GSXR1000, vs a Ninja 250 .. same comparison
the Liter bike are very hairy... but wow.. the smiles are big!

An AR puts a big smile on the face of whoever shoots it (Even Piers Morgan said so)

I can not get behind the idea that we need to ban something because it has more (perceived) potential to assist someone do a bad thing

Have you ever touched off both barrels of a 12 ga at the same time..
talk about smiles.. and potential killing power.
maybe those should be banned as well

here is thought..
Maybe we should just make it illegal to shoot people.. or use a gun in a crime
that way if someone does it, they will have to go to jail


can i get admin rights so can delete all of these stupid posts.


you are welcome to contribute..

I would be interested in a Californian's input

were you born and raised there?


I can agree with you. America is: "if it makes you happy and nobody gets hurt or screwed, GO FOR IT!" freedom, just not FREE-DUMB.

my argument is that our constitution DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED ONE AT ALL TIMES.  :thumbs:

Lets say im in a room full of people, I just don't feel comfortable thinking thinking even 5% of them are carrying, and not knowing if they are smart enough to handle it, thats all. I felt that way at the boat show :lol: I could tell some guys packin....holdin a beer....unnerving, whats that dood gonna do for me if we all get robbed?  I would like there to be strict regulation, where I KNOW the person has gone through rigorous training, and then I can give immediate respect. Across the board. And definitely not a ban.

Yes, it is the idiots who have ruin it...always.

Same as the dumb stoners ruined it for the functional stoners. If the hippies with their rusty ass subarus with "legalize" stickers, giant rust holes and blown headgaskets spewing oil, and their unnecessary dreadlocks would have just shut up, pot might have been legal 10 years ago. :lol: but since they flap their gums, thats all becomes the stereotype.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 03:09:22 PM
you are welcome to contribute..

I would be interested in a Californian's input

were you born and raised there?

Peels already gave you californians input.  Go back to alaska geo. They need the guns there lol
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: Peels on April 30, 2014, 03:12:56 PM

Lets say im in a room full of people, I just don't feel comfortable thinking thinking even 5% of them are carrying, and not knowing if they are smart enough to handle it, thats all. I felt that way at the boat show :lol: I could tell some guys packin....holdin a beer....

you DO realize he is breaking the law.. right?
(in Michigan) the law is VERY clear on alcohol and CPL holders
you will be prosecuted and lose you permit to carry


Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 03:18:57 PM
Quote from: Peels on April 30, 2014, 03:12:56 PM

Lets say im in a room full of people, I just don't feel comfortable thinking thinking even 5% of them are carrying, and not knowing if they are smart enough to handle it, thats all. I felt that way at the boat show :lol: I could tell some guys packin....holdin a beer....

you DO realize he is breaking the law.. right?
(in Michigan) the law is VERY clear on alcohol and CPL holders
you will be prosecuted and lose you permit to carry

I did... I could have been wrong..but... still.

and good you should. that's all IM saying buddy.  separate the fuktards from legit sportsman.

Maybe up there you dont have as many of the latter...which makes sense to me every time I've been there, most people dont fit that "profile"

but they are everywhere here. Its creepy. Every one of them wears realtree camo, and has a Dale Earnhart #3 shirt on under the jacket. and they look theyre waiting for an excuse to whip it out and unload.  :lol:

so yeah, different area, different upbringing=different perspective. I've seen both sides.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"

Mad Dog

Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 02:33:00 PM
its funny how so many people lump legal ownership of guns to amount of murders.. when the 2 are VERY disconnected

I disagree.  According to this chart two thirds of firearms possessed illegally come from legal sources.

And this chart shows a correlation to firearms involved in mass-shootings.

Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 02:58:20 PM
here is thought..
Maybe we should just make it illegal to shoot people.. or use a gun in a crime
that way if someone does it, they will have to go to jail
Firearm violence in this country is a result of a population and culture that has failed to responsibly own and handle fireams.    Unfortunately the punishment of individuals under the law has not been effective enough in curbing this epidemic and there is little punishment you can dole out to the nearly TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE who use them to commit suicide each year.  So we revert back to the same problem we have all faced at one time or another; the abuse of something by a few results in the punishment or revocation from the whole.  This is often viewed as unfair in the eyes of responsible individuals but it is sometimes the only way to ensure that the abuse ends.  This has been the route taken by most industrialized nations and unless we find a better way then I would not be surprised to see it happen here as well. 

Quote from: Peels on April 30, 2014, 02:51:25 PM
I love when europeans call us crazy thinking we are violent....

Is she english? Ask her about the Hillsborough disaster in like 1988 or something. rioting over a soccer match....100 people killed, like 1000 injured LOL.  I love me some soccer but EUropeans are just as big a morons, goin into rage mode about stupid shit as we are. :lol:

Europe is SOOO much better without guns.  :rofl:
Yes these other countries have violence and yes even if someone waved a magic wand and all guns were gone from the USA there would still be murder, suicide, rape, assault, robbery and the like just as there are in places like the UK and Australia.  Humans are violent by nature, some more than others.  Technology has given us a way to magnify and multiply the effect these individuals can have. 

Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 02:58:20 PMI can not get behind the idea that we need to ban something because it has more (perceived) potential to assist someone do a bad thing

Have you ever touched off both barrels of a 12 ga at the same time..
talk about smiles.. and potential killing power.
maybe those should be banned as well
It's not solely about a weapon's ability to kill one person, a 22 caliber deringer can accomplish that.  It's about a weapon's ability to drastically increase the effectiveness of his "evil" compared to another firearm or weapon.  The "potential" is an issue because while it is inevitable that someone will abuse a firearm having fewer, smaller, slower projectiles hopefully equates to fewer injuries and deaths because the "evil person" wasn't able to get off as many rounds and those rounds were less deadly.

This might help explain what I'm on about:


we have those too Peels..
I'm with ya on that page.. 100%


Quote from: Hefe on April 30, 2014, 03:42:01 PM
we have those too Peels..
I'm with ya on that page.. 100%

goiod weve found common ground to agree on.

now... to get you to change that avatar..... :jerkoff:  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


ok.. but have to change your signature file first

Mad Dog

I may have edited my last one a little.....I thought it was less courteous to Hefe to be so flippant so I took the time to properly lay out the points in which my understanding and viewpoints differ.