How bad has the economy effected your hood?

Started by Gunz, January 17, 2010, 08:25:25 AM

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How bad has the economy effected you and your area and do you see it getting better or worse?

I was just wondering. Me personally it has devastated me. I'm in the auto industry and the government keeps coming up with ways to help people out like "Cash for clunkers" which in return damn near put me out of business. I'm not going to get in to how, but remember for every action there is a reaction. I have noticed that a-lot of friends lost there jobs over the last year, some even in the oilfield. My mom took a 65%  pay cut at her job and it just keeps going on and on. BUT, I do see it possibly getting better later on this year or at least I hope. On the other hand I see lots of new building projects going on my state and thats a good sign. They have started building a new building downtown thats supposed to be 980 feet tall. That's 640 feet taller then the tallest building down there. We are building a new interstate a cross the city and such. Things like that bring a smile to my face and keep my hopes alive it will get better for everyone.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


michigan is dead. you cant even get a job at mcdonalds. this state sucks bad. everytime i find a job it is all the way accross the country.


Our area isn't doing so hot. My company is doing okay though. We do non profit junk mail: like feed the poor, rescue missions, food bank, red cross etc

when things go downhill, we do well giving people a way to donate. Already have 250k pieces to get out because folks wanna help haitians.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Major suck for me.  I've been out of work since march.
07 SE2


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