Quote O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:58 AM

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'Liberty too can corrupt, and absolute liberty can corrupt absolutely.'  -Gertrude Himmelfarb

Jewish intellectual and historian Gertrude Himmelfarb has been an influential voice among New York intellectuals for half a century, beginning with her first published book Lord Acton: A Study of Conscience and Politics. It is in fact Acton whom she paraphrases in today's quote, as he said about the pope, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," known today as "Lord Acton's Dictum."

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Quote from: Krandall on May 26, 2010, 08:01:20 AM
'Liberty too can corrupt, and absolute liberty can corrupt absolutely.'  -Gertrude Himmelfarb

Foreskin challengedish intellectual and historian Gertrude Himmelfarb has been an influential voice among New York intellectuals for half a century, beginning with her first published book Lord Acton: A Study of Conscience and Politics. It is in fact Acton whom she paraphrases in today's quote, as he said about the pope, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," known today as "Lord Acton's Dictum."



Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Talking about getting a pic of funyun on my rappy naked.....

wtf hefer.

[Today  at 10:12:01 AM] del ban Hefe: I would pay for a pic of that (naughty bits covered)


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[May 26, 2010, 05:23:52 PM] Krandall: uh-oh. just got a text from funyun "Do you have an OBD2 reader/scanner"
[May 26, 2010, 05:24:04 PM] Spartan727: CRIPES
[May 26, 2010, 05:24:04 PM] PeelsSE2: wtf
[May 26, 2010, 05:24:39 PM] PeelsSE2: the chip kids bring fail on their coat tails

Got lazy yesterday and forgot to post it


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'With every Hollywood movie that gets made, there's about half a dozen people suing that production company saying: "You stole my idea."'  -Jon Favreau

Actor and director Jon Favreau is a two time drop out of Queens College who left New York to find comedy fame in Chicago. His first role of any significance was in the 1993 movie Rudy, on whose set he met Vince Vaughn. Three years later the pair would skyrocket to fame on the strength of Favreau's script for Swingers.

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[Today at 04:33:21 PM] del ban maguilar496: the real victoms are going to be legal people here like me..........

[Today at 04:33:32 PM] del ban maguilar496: i'm powdering up next time i drive through arizona.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: Krandall on May 27, 2010, 03:34:07 PM
[Today at 04:33:21 PM] del ban maguilar496: the real victoms are going to be legal people here like me..........

[Today at 04:33:32 PM] del ban maguilar496: i'm powdering up next time i drive through arizona.

That wasn't funny the comment with pat and tape was funnyer.........
it went some thing like this

self adhisive tape<-----------------------till then pat was licking tape all over.

way funnyer in context just as HEFE. and he hates me.


'Alcoholism is a disease of terminal uniqueness. Nobody had ever suffered like I was suffering.'  -Marian Keyes

Regarded as a chick-lit pioneer by some, Irish writer and novelist Marian Keyes has done pretty well for herself despite trouble with alcohol and depression. Her novels have sold over 23 million copies and have been translated into 34 languages.

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[Today  at 09:28:19 AM] MPTonyT: If it has Tits or Tires it will give you problems....

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[Today at 06:10:13 PM] PeelsSE2: get the DR mower out  :thumbs:
[Today at 06:10:21 PM] Spartan727: DR?
[Today at 06:10:36 PM] PeelsSE2: DR field and brush mower.
[Today at 06:10:43 PM] Spartan727: Ahh nice
[Today at 06:10:44 PM] PeelsSE2: infomercials all night long
[Today at 06:10:58 PM] PeelsSE2: Dad bought a pull behind one for the quad.
[Today at 06:11:01 PM] PeelsSE2: It rocks
[Today at 06:12:08 PM] Spartan727: Nice. I'd just do some donuts with the HDs
[Today at 06:12:57 PM] PeelsSE2: lol
[Today at 06:13:25 PM] PeelsSE2: I did that when I rode out there.
[Today at 06:13:29 PM] PeelsSE2: WOrks well
[Today at 06:13:36 PM] PeelsSE2: bet it looked cool too.
[Today at 06:13:49 PM] PeelsSE2: Wet 2 ft tall grass.
[Today at 06:14:04 PM] PeelsSE2: 3rd gear wide open cookie.
[Today at 06:14:10 PM] Spartan727: :rev:
[Today at 06:14:14 PM] PeelsSE2: I was tossin some salad :rofl:
[Today at 06:14:19 PM] Spartan727: :lol:
[Today at 06:14:21 PM] PeelsSE2: QOTD?
[Today at 06:14:23 PM] PeelsSE2: :rofl:
[Today at 06:14:43 PM] Spartan727: Ehh it's just expected of you, no big shocker :P
[Today at 06:14:50 PM] PeelsSE2: oh :bird:
[Today at 06:15:00 PM] PeelsSE2: a big eat shit and die to you too :lol:

A little long winded but it worked better in context :rofl:


[Today at 10:22:51 AM] funyun: and ive seen men with nicer boobs



You're never lonely if you can play the guitar.'  -Nile Rodgers

Today Nile Rodgers is one of pop's most important music producers, but in the 1970s, he and his band, Chic, were denied access into Studio 54 one New Year's Eve by the bouncer. So they returned to Rodgers' apartment, came up with a basic riff and sang "Ahh! F*ck off" over the music. When they recorded the song some time later, the lyrics were changed to "Ahh! Freak out," and the song became one of the biggest selling singles in the history of Atlantic Records.

'It is far easier to forgive an enemy after you've got even with him.'  -Olin Miller

Olin Miller is among the handful of names circulating within quotation scholarship - and now the internet - who left behind a clever batch of quotes but not much in the way of biography. In that respect, he joins the likes of Austin O'Malley and Helen Rowland - people living on in quotation alone, thanks largely to the internet.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once