Quote O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:58 AM

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Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


[Today at 03:24:54 PM] del ban Perhls S-ErhTer: errmahgerd!!!!

[Today at 03:24:57 PM] del ban Perhls S-ErhTer: [Today at 03:19:13 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: are we all under water, or emulating what pat hears?

[Today at 03:25:06 PM] del ban Perhls S-ErhTer: i thernk I jerst perd mer pernts

[Today at 03:25:08 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: :lol: http://chzderp.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hurr-durr-derp-face-ermahgerd-arbrews.jpg

[Today at 03:25:16 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/demotivational-posters-the-swedish-chef.jpg

[Today at 03:26:03 PM] del ban fernyerns: http://chzderp.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hurr-durr-derp-face-by-kerft.png

[Today at 03:26:17 PM] del ban fernyerns: KERFT!

[Today at 03:26:23 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: Merkernerner!!!!

[Today at 03:26:24 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: :rofl:

[Today at 03:26:38 PM] del ban fernyerns: http://chzderp.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/hurr-durr-derp-face-errrm-kerker-for-kerko-perffss.png

[Today at 03:26:39 PM] del ban fernyerns: :rofl:

[Today at 03:26:42 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: berherherherherhher

[Today at 03:27:13 PM] del ban fernyerns: lerv me serm kerker perfs

[Today at 03:27:19 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5od7aLVSo1qbgfe9o1_400.jpg

[Today at 03:27:24 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: kerker perfs :rofl: lerterly lerfern ert lerd

[Today at 03:27:28 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: :rofl: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5od5pd3xx1qbgfe9o1_400.jpg

[Today at 03:27:36 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: :rofl:

[Today at 03:27:45 PM] del ban fernyerns: lol

[Today at 03:28:08 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5rcth1LaU1rq4roko1_500.jpg

[Today at 03:28:24 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5od18R9P51qbgfe9o1_500.jpg

[Today at 03:28:42 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: ERMAHGERD loling hard at this one http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5o6t6e6Ql1r2bkino1_500.jpg

[Today at 03:30:13 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: not sure why perderders is so funny

[Today at 03:30:14 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: but it is

[Today at 03:30:18 PM] del ban fernyerns: whoever first made that picture is genius

[Today at 03:30:29 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: http://cdn02.dayviews.com/bloglovin/f5fcb621a0b90dbfd60ad291abf9d1cf613349e3/a/aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmNoemRlcnAuZmlsZXMud29yZHByZXNzLmNvbSUyRjIwMTIlMkYwNiUyRmh1cnItZHVyci1kZXJwLWZhY2UtZXJsLWVybGVydmVuLXNlcnNlcm5zLmpwZw==

[Today at 03:30:34 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: http://i.imgur.com/VkkA9.png

[Today at 03:30:41 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: ermehgeden :lol:

[Today at 03:31:06 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/mersh_b2de8e_3801781.jpg

[Today at 03:31:19 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: :lol:

[Today at 03:31:29 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: ERMAHGERD terter terts

[Today at 03:31:31 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/19188940.jpg

[Today at 03:32:15 PM] del ban fernyerns: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5u4v72SYr1rsseq6o1_400.jpg

[Today at 03:32:28 PM] del ban fernyerns: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5u3o4gxCf1rodl1qo1_400.jpg

[Today at 03:32:28 PM] del ban fernyerns: :rofl:

[Today at 03:32:40 PM] del ban fernyerns: SERK MAH DERK

[Today at 03:33:02 PM] del ban Kernderrrl: :rofl:

[Today at 03:33:06 PM] del ban Cerlererder Servern Herderd Er: :rofl:

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 04:59:29 PM] del ban Ger-Ehr!: your also blerk

[Today at 04:59:43 PM] del ban Perhls S-ErhTer: blerk lerfing mer arse erf

[Today at 05:00:16 PM] del ban Lerngferd: no, I'm a ner gerr.

ermagherd!  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"He will never have true friends who is afraid of making enemies." -William Hazlitt

Today, Hazlitt is barely remembered outside of academia, but in his era, the English writer and critic was a literary peer of Wordsworth and Coleridge. This line comes from his essay "Characteristics," written in 1823. "We grow tired of ourselves, much more of other people. Use may in part reconcile us to our own tediousness... We may be willing to sell a story twice, never to hear one more than once," Hazlitt observes. "Insignificant people are a necessary relief in society. Such characters are extremely agreeable, and even favorites, if they appear satisfied with the part they have to perform."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Until a man has given up himself, he has given up nothing." -Marsden Hartley

Marsden Hartley was an early 20th-century Modernist painter. This line comes from a letter Hartley wrote to the legendary photographer Alfred Stieglitz, who was responsible for promoting some of Hartley's early work. "So easy," Hartley mused, "to travel along with claques and crowds, voicing vociferously the great discoveries of each. How ineffably difficult, voicing the soul of one man, alone to himself and then to whomever else hears."

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 12:59:32 PM] del ban Hefe: black people are funny
[Today at 12:59:36 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: lol
[Today at 01:01:59 PM] del ban Langford: yep, I laugh every time I look in the mirror

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


great.. now I am a racist!


"The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble." -Henry Miller

Miller was a surrealist American writer. He is perhaps best known for Tropic of Cancer, his first book, which was banned under U.S. obscenity laws and which would eventually -- 30 years later -- be at the heart of the court cases that saw those laws overturned. "The coward is often buried beneath the very wall against which he huddled in fear and anguish... The greatest armadas are eventually sunk; Maginot lines are always circumvented. The Trojan horse is always waiting to be trotted out," Miller muses. "The human being seems a helpless creature. In the sense that he lives a more exposed life, he is. But this ability to expose himself to every risk is precisely his strength."

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Love is what you've been through with somebody." -James Thurber

This quote appears in the March 1960 Life magazine, in a feature on Thurber, who had written for various publications throughout his life, most notably the New Yorker (where he was also one of the publication's best-known cartoonists). He also wrote numerous satirical fables, and the cleverness and wit that typified them apparently gave the public the impression that Thurber was, in his private life, subtle and soft-spoken. "Let's get one thing straight--I'm not mild and gentle," Thurber clarifies in the Life feature. "Let the meek inherit the Earth--they have it coming to them. I get mad at something every morning and think I should."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


peelz request for little sahara

[Today at 09:11:09 AM] del ban PeelsSE2: I want a ball park frank, no mini weenies

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


with some fava beans and a nice chianti plz  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"As the gambler said of his dice, to love and win is the best thing, to love and lose is the next best." -William Makepeace Thackeray

Thackeray was a 19th-century English writer, mostly known for Vanity Fair, his satire of Victorian society that was so well received it won Thackeray the esteem of the very people he was satirizing. But Thackeray did continue his literary output in his later years. This quote comes from Pendennis, which he wrote several years later. "You don't die of the complaint: or very few do," the quote continues. "The generous wounded heart suffers and survives it. And he is not a man, or she a woman, who is not conquered by it, or who does not conquer it in his time."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 02:17:56 PM] del ban Geo: people like that deserve to eb attacked by bath salt zombies
[Today at 02:18:03 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: <volunteer
[Today at 02:18:11 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: in the mood for some fresh face and eyeballs
[Today at 02:18:34 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: fukin calorie counting bullshit, i need some protein LOL
[Today at 02:18:49 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: wonder if "faces" is listed on my fitness app?

qotd myself. so proud  :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on June 28, 2012, 01:21:28 PM
[Today at 02:17:56 PM] del ban Geo: people like that deserve to eb attacked by bath salt zombies
[Today at 02:18:03 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: <volunteer
[Today at 02:18:11 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: in the mood for some fresh face and eyeballs
[Today at 02:18:34 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: fukin calorie counting bullshit, i need some protein LOL
[Today at 02:18:49 PM] del ban PeelsSE2: wonder if "faces" is listed on my fitness app?

qotd myself. so proud  :lol:

First laughing at your own jokes,
now quoting your own words,
whats next sucking your own dick?   :(
have some dignity man!