Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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"Scientists have developed a device that can re-trigger lost memories."

Wake Forest and USC researchers trained rats to perform a lever-pushing task, and recorded the signals in the hippocampus region of their brain (the area crucial to memory creation). The researchers then drugged the rats to induce forgetfulness, then replayed the signals with an artificial hippocampus implant; the rats were then able to recall which levers they'd been trained to push. The study's authors theorized that the device could be used by people with diminished memory function, even though human cognition is much more complicated and the technology is certainly a long way off.

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"Personal freedom decides happiness more than money does."

A study at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand analyzed survey responses from over 400,000 people in more than 60 countries and concluded: "Money leads to autonomy, but it does not add to well-being or happiness." Rather, freedom is the single most important predictor of happiness. Wealthier people are more satisfied with their lives, but their day-to-day experiences are no happier. Their lives appear to be more stressful than those of people with average incomes.

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"Type 2 diabetes is reversible."

Type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes, can be reversed, according to a Newcastle-University study. The study is recent, so its long-term results have yet to be examined, but of the 11 subjects whom researchers followed, seven were free of diabetes three months after the study's conclusion. The study restricted patients to extremely low-calorie diets (600 calories) of nonstarchy vegetables, eliminating fat in the pancreas and restoring ordinary insulin secretion.

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Quote from: Krandall on July 05, 2011, 08:33:27 AM
"Type 2 diabetes is reversible."

Type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes, can be reversed, according to a Newcastle-University study. The study is recent, so its long-term results have yet to be examined, but of the 11 subjects whom researchers followed, seven were free of diabetes three months after the study's conclusion. The study restricted patients to extremely low-calorie diets (600 calories) of nonstarchy vegetables, eliminating fat in the pancreas and restoring ordinary insulin secretion.

Yes, but do people really want to give up their big macks and insulin shots? A healthy diet is just asking too much :lol:
Just a little 81hp trail bike.


Jesus how could you eat 600 calories a day for that long


Quote from: funyun on July 05, 2011, 02:30:57 PM
Jesus how could you eat 600 calories a day for that long

They hired the Olsen twins


Quote from: funyun on July 05, 2011, 02:30:57 PM
Jesus how could you eat 600 calories a day for that long

I'm assuming also, it's not forever, once they lose a large part of the fat buildup, they can begin to work their way back up to a normal diet.

funnerz, you're gonna get diabetes if you don't watch it, fatty. :lol:

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Quote from: Colorado700R on July 05, 2011, 02:32:58 PM
Quote from: funyun on July 05, 2011, 02:30:57 PM
Jesus how could you eat 600 calories a day for that long

They hired the Olsen twins

*giggles*  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Our predisposition for social eye contact is partially genetic."
A study in the journal Molecular Autism has found that the CNR1 gene can determine people's inclination to look at happy faces. Researchers found a correlation between two naturally occurring mutations in the CNR1 gene and how long volunteers spent watching the smiles and eyes of the happy faces they were shown in video clips. "This is the first study to have shown that how much we gaze at faces is influenced by our genetic makeup," explained head researcher Bhismadev Chakrabarti. "If replicated, it has profound implications for our understanding of the drive to socialize."

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"It rains and snows more near airports."

Planes sometimes fly through clouds containing droplets of supercooled water that has remained liquid below its freezing point; in fact, planes have de-icing systems precisely to avoid ice forming on their wings when they do this. When the planes fly through these clouds, their cooling effect leaves behind ice, "seeding" the clouds and leading to increased precipitation. According to Andrew Heymsfield of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, prop planes have a 6% chance of inadvertently seeding clouds; jet planes, a 2% to 3% chance.

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"Babies remember music they've heard in the womb."

A Leicester University study has demonstrated that, for a year after birth, babies recognize music they've heard as far back as three months before birth. The study tested 11 babies whose mothers had played them specific pieces of music while they were in the womb; the babies showed a preference for the music they had heard before, compared to similar-sounding music they hadn't. A control group showed no preference for one piece or the other.

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Quote from: Krandall on July 08, 2011, 09:10:22 AM
"Babies remember music they've heard in the womb."

A Leicester University study has demonstrated that, for a year after birth, babies recognize music they've heard as far back as three months before birth. The study tested 11 babies whose mothers had played them specific pieces of music while they were in the womb; the babies showed a preference for the music they had heard before, compared to similar-sounding music they hadn't. A control group showed no preference for one piece or the other.

My kid's gonna be rocking out to All That Remains and In Flames in the womb :preddy:
Just a little 81hp trail bike.


Quote from: preddy08 on July 08, 2011, 10:08:33 AM
Quote from: Krandall on July 08, 2011, 09:10:22 AM
"Babies remember music they've heard in the womb."

A Leicester University study has demonstrated that, for a year after birth, babies recognize music they've heard as far back as three months before birth. The study tested 11 babies whose mothers had played them specific pieces of music while they were in the womb; the babies showed a preference for the music they had heard before, compared to similar-sounding music they hadn't. A control group showed no preference for one piece or the other.

My kid's gonna be rocking out to All That Remains and In Flames in the womb :preddy:

You're having a kid ???


9 months after my next visit...


"Offering fake smiles makes you less happy."

A study in the Academy of Management Journal followed a group of bus drivers for two weeks, on the understanding that bus drivers' jobs require much more social interaction than most. The study found that when engaged in fake smiling - "surface acting" - the bus drivers became more unhappy. Conversely, drivers who tried to display genuine smiles by thinking of pleasant situations or happy memories - "deep acting" - became happier and more productive.

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