click click click

Started by spdraycr, June 21, 2009, 03:40:45 PM

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took my baby underwater(not by choice).she cut off a few times,but always fired back up.then she stopped firing up and just started clicking when i press the start we figured it was the battery that died so we kept jumping it everytime she cut off.then after that went sour,we used a screwdriver and touched the leads together on the relay under the seat that has the 20 amp fuse in it.that would eliminate me having to push the start button and she would fire rite up.then that stopped working and now she just clicks.i have 12 volts at the battery and my screwdriver trick isnt working anymore.does anybody know what the name of that piece is(it has a three wire harness plugged into it) and if i replace it,will that get my baby going again..thanks in advance..
drive it like ya stole it..

Mad Dog

You've got the name right, it's the starter relay.