What's your position on gay marriage?

Started by RaptorRandy, November 06, 2008, 10:46:12 AM

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Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
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Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


I consider myself a person with religeous beliefs. But in my opinion...The way our society is set up, People should be able to make their own decisions whether it be a sin in others eyes or not. Just because someone has different sexual desires should they be taken out and shot to get them out of our hair? Hardly. As much as some would like to argue, gays are people too and I for one have met and spent time around some homosexuals that are very good people. Having a Bachelor's of Science degree I could get into the scientific theories surrounding the topic but I think that will just cause arguments with the close minded people. I say, let people make their own decisions and let GERD sort it out. I think people taking the "high and mighty" stance and trying to force their beliefs on other people is way out of line. Who is ANYBODY to judge someone else?! If seeing other people of the same sex in public is what concerns you then you have the personal right to distance yourself from it by whatever means you feel fit. Some people are disgusted by grossly overweight people shoudl they not be aloud to go out in public? Some people are appalled by interacial marriages and relationships, should that be banned? IMO if you are worried about what your kids are seeing then you can control the way they perceive what they are seeing. Ignorant people raise ignorant children, and that my friends is what ruins this country and how people act in it...not gay marriage. (prime example is redrockers comment on the first page...ignorance)

Randy I'm not sure how familiar you are with the topic but there are a LOT of people just like you that have raised their children like "normal" good down home families do just to have one of them end up being gay anyways. And I guarantee its not because they saw two people of the same sex holding hands down town.
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. unfortunately you can only have 2 at the same time


Quote from: Buck on November 06, 2008, 11:18:45 AM
I consider myself a person with religeous beliefs. But in my opinion...The way our society is set up, People should be able to make their own decisions whether it be a sin in others eyes or not. Just because someone has different sexual desires should they be taken out and shot to get them out of our hair? Hardly. As much as some would like to argue, gays are people too and I for one have met and spent time around some homosexuals that are very good people. Having a Bachelor's of Science degree I could get into the scientific theories surrounding the topic but I think that will just cause arguments with the close minded people. I say, let people make their own decisions and let GERD sort it out. I think people taking the "high and mighty" stance and trying to force their beliefs on other people is way out of line. Who is ANYBODY to judge someone else?! If seeing other people of the same sex in public is what concerns you then you have the personal right to distance yourself from it by whatever means you feel fit. Some people are disgusted by grossly overweight people shoudl they not be aloud to go out in public? Some people are appalled by interacial marriages and relationships, should that be banned? IMO if you are worried about what your kids are seeing then you can control the way they perceive what they are seeing. Ignorant people raise ignorant children, and that my friends is what ruins this country and how people act in it...not gay marriage.

Randy I'm not sure how familiar you are with the topic but there are a LOT of people just like you that have raised their children like "normal" good down home families do just to have one of them end up being gay anyways.

BUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!  My man.  Good to see you.    :clap:


Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:21:09 AM
Quote from: Buck on November 06, 2008, 11:18:45 AM
I consider myself a person with religeous beliefs. But in my opinion...The way our society is set up, People should be able to make their own decisions whether it be a sin in others eyes or not. Just because someone has different sexual desires should they be taken out and shot to get them out of our hair? Hardly. As much as some would like to argue, gays are people too and I for one have met and spent time around some homosexuals that are very good people. Having a Bachelor's of Science degree I could get into the scientific theories surrounding the topic but I think that will just cause arguments with the close minded people. I say, let people make their own decisions and let GERD sort it out. I think people taking the "high and mighty" stance and trying to force their beliefs on other people is way out of line. Who is ANYBODY to judge someone else?! If seeing other people of the same sex in public is what concerns you then you have the personal right to distance yourself from it by whatever means you feel fit. Some people are disgusted by grossly overweight people shoudl they not be aloud to go out in public? Some people are appalled by interacial marriages and relationships, should that be banned? IMO if you are worried about what your kids are seeing then you can control the way they perceive what they are seeing. Ignorant people raise ignorant children, and that my friends is what ruins this country and how people act in it...not gay marriage.

Randy I'm not sure how familiar you are with the topic but there are a LOT of people just like you that have raised their children like "normal" good down home families do just to have one of them end up being gay anyways.

BUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!  My man.  Good to see you.    :clap:
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. unfortunately you can only have 2 at the same time


Quote from: RaptorRandy on November 06, 2008, 11:17:58 AM
Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

I have two.  Are you connecting to homosexuality to pedophelia?  You might wanna look at the statistics reagrding that one.  Erich can vouch for me.  I'm a stat geek.  Anyways, both of my children have been "exposed" to homosexuals.  Whatever that means.   :confused:


Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:24:20 AM
Quote from: RaptorRandy on November 06, 2008, 11:17:58 AM
Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

I have two.  Are you connecting to homosexuality to pedophelia?  You might wanna look at the statistics reagrding that one.  Erich can vouch for me.  I'm a stat geek.  Anyways, both of my children have been "exposed" to homosexuals.  Whatever that means.   :confused:

No they both Haven't.  I've only met the mooch.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on November 06, 2008, 11:25:21 AM
Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:24:20 AM
Quote from: RaptorRandy on November 06, 2008, 11:17:58 AM
Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

I have two.  Are you connecting to homosexuality to pedophelia?  You might wanna look at the statistics reagrding that one.  Erich can vouch for me.  I'm a stat geek.  Anyways, both of my children have been "exposed" to homosexuals.  Whatever that means.   :confused:

No they both Haven't.  I've only met the mooch.



Quote from: RaptorRandy on November 06, 2008, 11:17:58 AM
Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

Yes this bothers me alot, but bigotry and discrimination towards any human or American is worse. So my boys will know that while gay marriage is not the first choice, we will not treat those that take that path as anything less than fellow human beings. If my children end up with that issue, I will treat them as nothing less than my children.  Wouldn't you?

I will say I have a problem with homosexuality being almost championed sometimes by the media/society. I do not like it in my face all the damn time. Reality shows etc. Gay people cannot be cool just because they are gay. That makes me puke a little.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Uh, I'm still waiting for the "cutest kids evar" comments, fuckers.  Let's go.   :confused: 


Quote from: Peels660 on November 06, 2008, 11:27:06 AM
Quote from: RaptorRandy on November 06, 2008, 11:17:58 AM
Do any of you that support gay marriage have children ? If so, would it not bother you to have them exposed to homosexuality at a young age so they accept it as the norm?

Yes this bothers me alot, but bigotry and discrimination towards any human or American is worse. So my boys will know that while gay marriage is not the first choice, we will not treat those that take that path as anything less than fellow human beings. If my children end up with that issue, I will treat them as nothing less than my children.  Wouldn't you?

I will say I have a problem with homosexuality being almost championed sometimes by the media/society. I do not like it in my face all the damn time. Reality shows etc. Gay people cannot be cool just because they are gay. That makes me puke a little.

AMEN Peels! Maybe there still is hope in this world!?
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. unfortunately you can only have 2 at the same time


Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:29:25 AM
Uh, I'm still waiting for the "cutest kids evar" comments, F :mad:  ckers.  Let's go.   :confused: 

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:29:25 AM
Uh, I'm still waiting for the "cutest kids evar" comments, F :mad:  ckers.  Let's go.   :confused: 

thats a pretty sweet dinosaur in the picture!
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. unfortunately you can only have 2 at the same time


Quote from: Peels660 on November 06, 2008, 11:30:39 AM
Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:29:25 AM
Uh, I'm still waiting for the "cutest kids evar" comments, F :mad:  ckers.  Let's go.   :confused: 


I posted a pic of my kids and I'm waiting for you to tell me they are awesome.  Look up.  


Quote from: Buck on November 06, 2008, 11:31:43 AM
Quote from: LittleBuddha on November 06, 2008, 11:29:25 AM
Uh, I'm still waiting for the "cutest kids evar" comments, F :mad:  ckers.  Let's go.   :confused: 

thats a pretty sweet dinosaur in the picture!

Put the gun down Buck.  I know you.  You wanna skin that sumbitch.    :confused:


07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum