Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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Nice work Peels, I agree with 98% of those statements.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Peels660 on October 18, 2008, 02:18:21 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 10:52:06 AM
Quote from: Peels660 on October 18, 2008, 10:44:32 AM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 10:39:43 AM
Oh I definitely agree. It should have never got out of hand, and the current administration is to blame for letting it go this far.


I bet, in your position, over the last 5-6 years, you have seen people approved for car loans, that have no business with any loans period. It was a good time for our country, but it appeared too good at the end...and it was. We will dig out of it but it will be awhile. And all of us will feel it somehow. Maybe not directly, or a lot. But here and there.

Jeebus, I need to do some work today. :lol:

Sure, but those people bought cars through special finance lenders that required an investment from the customer. The bonds that investors invest in to fund those loans are gone because those loans are tied into the mortgage market. We've lost two lenders so far during this crisis, and are faced with a freeze.


that is not good.

I agree, Raptor Randy, I blame them all! But I also blame their attitude on the subject on the figurehead that is George Bush and his make money at all costs gameplan. Not the party as a whole. I saw many changes when W took office due to overall attitude. My wife was a casualty of this attitude. Had her job for 11 years and we watched as things changed and coworkers were dropped until last year...when it was her turn. They can get away with shadier business practices. Liberal candidates IMO, go for more of an "even keel" approach where we have a steadier ship for longer. As opposed to grow, grow grow....then shrink. Which is where we are now. Just my observation. Oh, and I never understood what a "bleeding heart" liberal is? Do tell. My heart is a-ok :lol:

BTW, I think McCain is a much better candidate than Bush was, but I am not ready to vote for his party because of the bad taste he left in my mouth. He represents a slight change, where I believe we need massive change. I actually just summed my whole view up this election with just one paragraph. 8) ;)

I am enjoying this thread :clap:

So in a nutshell, what your saying is that because your pissed at the job W did you are willing to elect and man with no real leadership experience, questionable racist affliliations and socialist views just to punish W  ???

I would much rather go with a proven entity with views more in line with the silent moral majority. Seems like a logical safe bet to me and is far more qualified to be the commander in chief of our Armed Forces in these turbulent times.

BTW, a bleeding heart liberal is someone who wants more give away programs to enable lazy worthless people who don't want to work for what they have by taking money from the people who do or did work hard for what they have. At least that's my definition of one.


07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.



If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Can I write in Ron Paul on the ballot?

Interview with Ron Paul on the bailout plan and the current candidates.



Ron has some good ideas.

It's a shame guys like him don't have the funding to get into the game. We had a dicussion at work and thouught all candidates should have the same amount of cash, and spend it the way they see fit. After it's gone, it's gone. No public funds, not contributions, nothing.

That would be fair.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.


There's where we differ. I think Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be president  than Obama is and she's only running for VP.  Biden is a bufoon and a hypocrite and I could not support him for hall monitor let alone POTUS  ::)

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:27:56 PM
Ron has some good ideas.

It's a shame guys like him don't have the funding to get into the game. We had a dicussion at work and thouught all candidates should have the same amount of cash, and spend it the way they see fit. After it's gone, it's gone. No public funds, not contributions, nothing.

That would be fair.


So true.  I defiantly rank him higher than the current candidates and he has more than enough political experience.

But seriously, cant you write in any name on the Ballot?  Are we really stuck with these 2 candidates?

Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 18, 2008, 06:35:59 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.


I agree!  :thumbs:

There's where we differ. I think Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be president  than Obama is and she's only running for VP.  Biden is a bufoon and a hypocrite and I could not support him for hall monitor let alone POTUS  ::)


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.


agreed. I was leaning that way until then. Did you know Palin and her husband support the Alaskan independent party? The party who wants to secede from the union and form their own govt? ??? ???

Raptor Randy, I am not punishing W, as much as I am afraid of punishing myself with 4 more years of anything resembling what I am finally getting rid of.

And on the bleeding heart thing, I am conservative.

And smiley:

Quote from: Smiley on October 18, 2008, 06:44:45 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:27:56 PM
Ron has some good ideas.

It's a shame guys like him don't have the funding to get into the game. We had a dicussion at work and thouught all candidates should have the same amount of cash, and spend it the way they see fit. After it's gone, it's gone. No public funds, not contributions, nothing.

That would be fair.


So true.  I defiantly rank him higher than the current candidates and he has more than enough political experience.

But seriously, cant you write in any name on the Ballot?  Are we really stuck with these 2 candidates?

Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 18, 2008, 06:35:59 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.


I agree!  :thumbs:

There's where we differ. I think Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be president  than Obama is and she's only running for VP.  Biden is a bufoon and a hypocrite and I could not support him for hall monitor let alone POTUS  ::)

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


QuoteI was leaning that way until then. Did you know Palin and her husband support the Alaskan independent party? The party who wants to secede from the union and form their own govt?   

That was blown totally out of proportion by the media and is not true. Sarah Palin never wanted to succeed from the union.....that is laughable........but it's ok that Obama is knee deep in ACORN and has ties to terrorists. What the hell is wrong with this country....I can't believe someone of Obamas character is even able to run for POTUS ??? 

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Quotebecause of the bad taste he left in my mouth.

:fruity: :rofl:

For some reason when I look at Biden this who I think of

Palin worries me too, but Biden really creeps me out. Is really even a democrat? Some of his views are on the right.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 18, 2008, 06:35:59 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 18, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
If McCain would have picked a qualified candidate for Vice President, he would still have my vote, even though I'm not gung-ho about him. In my opinion, I would be scared to death for McCain to pass, and have Palin running the show.

I have no fear with the tables turned with Biden. I really think McCain missed the V.P. pick, and picked Palin to sway voters Hillary had. Those Hillary voters see right through her, and see that Palin isn't qualified for the job. They'll win some, but it's not enough to make a difference in his campaign.


There's where we differ. I think Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be president  than Obama is and she's only running for VP.  Biden is a bufoon and a hypocrite and I could not support him for hall monitor let alone POTUS  ::)

Palin is qualified......to run a blender.

She was a mayor of a city with a poplualtion of 5000 people two years ago. You honestly want her and her backseat driver husband at the helm of the country if McCain goes down? I'll pass.

She's living up the the image of a good Republican, she's already being investigated in her own state of misuse of power. Imagine what she would do as the leader of the free world with no foreign policy experience. Hell, she's only owned a passport for two years, and been to four countries, and one of those is neighboring Canada. I've owned a passport since 1996, and have 18 countries under my belt. Does that make me more qualified in foreign policy? I wouldn't even attempt to claim I was qualified for that.


I really think John made a mistake selecting her. If he had selected Mit Romney he wouldn't be trailing Obama in the polls, and he would win the election in my opinion. I think many of us have realized the implications of Palin in the driver's seat, two years removed from the PTA, 2 years removed from a town mayor, and almost two years as a govenor of a state with more caribou than people.

I blows me away the GOP supporters that think she's qualified. Hell, she didn't even know what the Vice President did on a day to day basis when interviewed on MSNBC. I think you need someone that's well educated, well traveled, someone with an extensive work history or law degree that knows government. Not some soccer mom that is community college educated, that finished her degree in three semesters at the University of Idaho (communications-journalism).

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


I see Palin and Obama as qualified to run the country.  When people say she is not qualified but Obama is do you understand how dumb that sounds? Its just regurgitating out the normal BS the media is flooded with.  But if someone could point the difference in their experience I would love to chat about that.  Lets look at what Obama has done in Washington and running a state no matter what the size is you are the only ONE to make the decisions.  Any of us could be a senator, its a dream job.  You really don't have to do much and you should see all the perks.  Obama hasn't served on any committees that have any real weight that would gain him the so called "experience".  But I still feel they both have the experence to run this country.  This country is run by a committee with one "head" they put forward to do the talking.  Its the advisers behind the president finding the best decision to make.  But people can feel free pulling the experience card on both sides, but they need to understand how that makes them sound. 
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 18, 2008, 10:45:29 PM
QuoteI was leaning that way until then. Did you know Palin and her husband support the Alaskan independent party? The party who wants to secede from the union and form their own govt?   

That was blown totally out of proportion by the media and is not true. Sarah Palin never wanted to succeed from the union.....that is laughable........but it's ok that Obama is knee deep in ACORN and has ties to terrorists. What the hell is wrong with this country....I can't believe someone of Obamas character is even able to run for POTUS ??? 

On the contrary, not enough has been made of it. But...Daily I hear hundreds of statements saying Obama is a racist terrorist muslim without any current proof.  Same differencce, Just a form of hearsay. And I am not saying she wants to secede from the union, but she fraternizes with those who do. Same thing many are saying about obama. Where are these supposed ties to terrorists? Were george's ties to oil supposed to be better.  :lol:  Hardly! :lol: 
Flynbyu is right on the image thing. 50% of the people who won't vote dem this year, are voting because of an email they got with a pic of Obama in a turban. Cracks me up. I was actually thinking, at first, that Palin was going to be pretty good. Then I watched her speak!  :help: Makes George Bush look like JFK. :lol: Deer in the headlights. McCain has the same sort of aura about him some times as well.

And..I agree almost 100% with socal's above post. The president, at the end of the day, is just a figurehead, who is only as good as those who work for him/with him. My vote this year is for a change in attitude the candidate brings, not necessarily the party. While I will agree that McCain is a far different and better choice than bush was, I would like a wholesale change.  :thumbs: My most important requirement for earning my vote: They must seem more intelligent than me. McCain was doing OK until he chose his VP. Which he chose Purely for image. and...To earn more undecided liberal votes. Obama choosing Biden did not surprise me at all. A gray haired old white man  :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


I would like to see some change.  But of the things I do know Obama wants to change I don't like.  I know he says one thing and votes another way.  I can't trust someone like that.  And the other factor against him.....he's part of the corrupt Chicago machine that I've been able to see first hand how they operate.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum