Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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Quote from: Flynbyu on October 17, 2008, 07:32:14 AM
Healthcare seems to work well in Canada, why won't it work here?


Former Canadian here ...   WRONG !!!!!!


Quote from: Smiley on October 17, 2008, 04:00:01 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 17, 2008, 07:32:14 AM
Healthcare seems to work well in Canada, why won't it work here?


Former Canadian here ...   WRONG !!!!!!

I live very close to the Canadian border and have a lot of Canadian friends and not one of them is even remotely happy with their socoalized health care.....and that's exactly what they refer to it as. When they or family members have serious medical problems they go down to Seattle and pay out of their own pockets for the treatment they need.

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 17, 2008, 03:52:57 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 17, 2008, 03:40:30 PM
The biggest thing that gets me are the hundreds of thousands of people that believe that Obama is a Muslim because they read it in an email.

That's bullshit.


Some actually believe it because they took the time to read his books and heard him state it in an interview. He may have converted to christianity....but it's my personal belief he did it out of convienience because he knew american would never elect a Muslim. 

I know he was not close to his father, and his father was from Africa. I'm 100% sure his father was a Muslim, but I thought his mother was raised Catholic.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


The thing to remember with politics is for every action is a reaction.

Government wants to provide heathcare .. it needs money .. where is it coming from ...  your pocket.

As I mentioned above, healthcare in Canada raised taxes, private insurance rates and may other things like a domino effect.  When the government couldnt raise anymore taxes, they took services away from the healthcare system without telling the private insurance companies.  Then it started to cost me out of my pocket because no one else was paying for it.

I say, stop trying to holding my wee while I pee!  Let me keep my hard earned money.


Quotefrom: RaptorRandy on Today at 02:52:57 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on Today at 02:40:30 PM
The biggest thing that gets me are the hundreds of thousands of people that believe that Obama is a Muslim because they read it in an email.

That's bullshit.


Some actually believe it because they took the time to read his books and heard him state it in an interview. He may have converted to christianity....but it's my personal belief he did it out of convienience because he knew american would never elect a Muslim. 

I know he was not close to his father, and his father was from Africa. I'm 100% sure his father was a Muslim, but I thought 

Read up on the time he spent in Indonisia (sp)  He was a a Muslim for a long time before he decided to call himself a Christian. Then he was a radical Christian, that attended a racist church that hated whites.  These are facts not political rhetoric my friend.  That by itself is reason enought for me to know I don't want him as my President.

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Bottom line of the last 2 posts ...

If the guy has a questionable past and next to no experience in the field.  Why not for for Osama Bin Ladin  :thumbs:



2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


i cant vote, i just get to sit back and watch my future pretty much unfold  :help:


I am going to agree with conservatives on one issue. If the Al Gore type liberal hippies have their way, I would have no career. All the printers I work on have one goal in life: to produce junk mail. An industry AL Gore, and the Leonardo kid from Titanic wanted to do away with. ( I saw an ad the other day that pissed me off) Not realizing that my company as a whole, employs at least 1500 people. The industry total would be over 500 times that. I know we all hate to get it in the mail (me included), but it is a major economic force. However, like I said before, the focus has shifted, and you are not hearing as much about environmental problems, more about finances etc.... The "hot button" issue has changed. I wish we could stop focusing on religion too, this is as bad as race in my book.

My problem with the economic downturn is this: I saw it coming..why didn't Republican govt see it and do something about it? I was offered a job back home in Cali for just under $100k (an excellent number for my position) But...and it was a big but....no homes were anywhere near my price range, unless I wanted to drive 100 miles each way to work. So I though to myself: How in the f**k are regular folks making it out there? Well, the short answer was: they weren't. I knew it would end bad!  Even here I know someone who was making $8 an hour and bought a $170k house. WTF!!!!!!!  But...we will bail them out!!!! That is why Rep were so quick to want to offer bailout package. To cover up their blindness. And keep voters leaning their way.... This is a major reason I want to vote for change. I like money as much as the next guy but we all didn't need to be making and spending so much. Regulation is sometimes necessary...unfortunate, but necessary. If somebody is earning, somebody has to be losing, period. Not everyone can have windfalls at once. ;) I believe in the American dream, but recently, we have forgotten that you should have to work for it. Not get a loan and default! :confused:

nice exentix! lol
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"