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Author Topic: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV  (Read 104779 times)

Offline funyun

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1575 on: April 28, 2014, 01:03:39 PM »

Offline Mad Dog

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1576 on: April 29, 2014, 06:25:35 AM »
I'm not saying that as a slam to funners..
just as an observation of our social circles

in my world, many of my peers carry a pistol everywhere they go.. it totally normal behavior..
in his world, it is just LEO's and "special" people who are allowed

so someone (feebly) attempting to stand up for the constitution of the US would seem totally off the wall to him
around here, Vegetarians, anti-gunners and tree huggers are very uncommon
it's kind of neat if you think about it on a social level.

I disagree that it's bound entirely to social circles.  My upbringing was full of guns and hunting and lots of my hometown friends and family have CCW, my father included.  Lots of people in the small mixed blue/white collar town carry despite the violent crime rate and minority population being laughably low.

Meanwhile I live in a city of 750k, over 1million with the burbs, and a much higher violent crime rate than all but the most dangerous parts of Michigan.  It would seem that with my upbringing and my living conditions that I would have more objective justification for carrying yet I do not feel a need to.

in my world, many of my peers carry a pistol everywhere they go.. it totally normal behavior..

Silly question for you I'm sure, but why?  I assume it's not primarily because of peer pressure and because "everybody does it" but perhaps those societal norms have ingrained upon you a level of fear or caution that may not translate to other social groups or locations.

That being said..
YES..I agree this guy is a tool that broke the law.. and deserves all the fines and shit he caught for it..
I am very interested in how this turns out..

the good cause portion would be the 2nd amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

they formed a militia to hold back the Government, and set a precident for future situations with similar circumstances.
right or wrong.. it happened..
all those people came to the defense of this half wit
I assume MANY of them were mis-informed on the WHOLE story
and that would be why many have left his side

so... someone defending the constitution is IMO a good cause

I fail to see how Clive's situation has anything to do with second amendment rights or presents any type of responsible citizenship.  The reason we have an electorate and a democratic society is that the will of the people should be done.  If Clive has any legitimate concerns then the proper course of action is to take up his concerns with his local government and attempt to change any undesirable policies through legislation or to take public office himself.  Recall that the taxation of tea and the resulting Boston Tea Party was an issue borne out of a lack of representation in the law making body that implemented these tax laws, not that a use or goods tax was fundamentally untenable.

If the call of the far right is to tell those who don't like America to leave it then selectively disobeying laws and forming armed groups (which are anything BUT well-regulated) because they simply do not agree with them or would cost them money should be tantamount to treason.  instead he's heralded as a patriot, and while the organizations that cannot afford to look racist have abandoned him there are many members of those organizations who share most or all of his views in private regardless of big media backing. 

More often than not I find I simply do not understand people.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 06:28:16 AM by Mad Dog »

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1577 on: April 29, 2014, 08:19:50 AM »
guns make people feel safe, and more often, just makes some feel tough. Or more american because they take one amendment literally. Meaning, since the government in 1776 said I could have guns, that means I need 1000 of them IMMEDIATELY or I am NOT american. so dumb.

no different than driving a Hummer. do you always need to drive through 6ft of water and survive a landmine explosion? not really, but you "could" and it makes you look/feel like a badass having that "nothing can stop me" feeling.  :) depending on the audience of course...

same for guns.  but, those guys who carry bucketloads of cash and valuable items...yeah I'd carry one. no arguments there....

I just think it SHOULD be difficult to attain one. SO smarter people have them and try harder to get them., making it a more exclusive club....and then give them more rights to brandish them. You know, people who can actually help...not just camo-clad crazies with dixie flag tattoos just praying someone tries to rob the 7-11 while theyre in there, so they can open fire on the whole world :lol:

just my view from growing up partially in silicon valley, and here in hillbilly heaven... some people need them, MOST don't. I'd like to carry one but don't feel the need. The only reason I WOULD, is to protect myself from the fuktards around here who DO.  LOL those guys wishing for the fall of modern society, so they can live like it's 1776 again. :rofl:

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1578 on: April 29, 2014, 08:45:29 AM »
I am amending my post above.

to simplify....

I think you totally should be able to carry...just with a few prerequisite rules.

1: you cannot wear camo or a dixie flag.
2: you must be a clean person, groom yourself for cripes sake.
3: your vehicle cannot have camo or a dixie flag on it anywhere.
4: no bumper stickers saying how much smarter you are than any government official.(if you are, go be one)
5: no overalls.
6: just don't be a crazy scary lookin person. in general.
7: must be high school graduate. Or at least prove you are smart enough to have done so.
8: keep your car clean. Mud does not make you look cool.
9: If you use the bible to argue about guns, you are relieved of your licens to carry said weapon.
10: its not 1776 anymore. Do not argue with me like the amendment has any bearing on todays society, other than the
      freedom to acknowledge it.  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1579 on: April 29, 2014, 09:01:59 AM »
I am amending my post above.

to simplify....

I think you totally should be able to carry...just with a few prerequisite rules.

1: you cannot wear camo or a dixie flag.
2: you must be a clean person, groom yourself for cripes sake.
3: your vehicle cannot have camo or a dixie flag on it anywhere.
4: no bumper stickers saying how much smarter you are than any government official.(if you are, go be one)
5: no overalls.
6: just don't be a crazy scary lookin person. in general.
7: must be high school graduate. Or at least prove you are smart enough to have done so.
8: keep your car clean. Mud does not make you look cool.
9: If you use the bible to argue about guns, you are relieved of your licens to carry said weapon.
10: its not 1776 anymore. Do not argue with me like the amendment has any bearing on todays society, other than the
      freedom to acknowledge it.  :thumbs:

Can't wear camo? I forgot.. Your affliction shirts are that much cooler...
Groom yourself? did you have a problem with ZZ Top?
No problem with the dixie flags. I agree there..
no overalls... wtf.
Don't be scary looking in general.. what does that even mean?
pretty sure mud all over your truck DOES look cool!
You're correct that it's not 1776 anymore BUT.. The problem is.. if they were to change that then what leave them from changing any of the other amendments?

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Offline funyun

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1580 on: April 29, 2014, 09:48:46 AM »
Speaking of this story a kid on my FB  from HS is at the bundy ranch now and posted pic of him standing with his AR :facepalm: Guess you wrong on your assumptions hefe :lol: Theres all kinds of gun toting morons from around here

Offline Mad Dog

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1581 on: April 29, 2014, 10:10:15 AM »
I am amending my post above.

to simplify....

I think you totally should be able to carry...just with a few prerequisite rules.

10: its not 1776 anymore. Do not argue with me like the amendment has any bearing on todays society, other than the
      freedom to acknowledge it.  :thumbs:

You're correct that it's not 1776 anymore BUT.. The problem is.. if they were to change that then what leave them from changing any of the other amendments?

They Constitution and the Bill of Rights are living documents and are not absolute.  This is why we are granted the ability to amend the Constitution and why the President nominates and Congress approves Supreme Court officials to interpret it.

Article 1, Section 2 is a perfect example of an aspect of the Constitution which was valid in 1776 and simply arcane by modern standards.  Amendments 15 and 19 were required to ensure the expansion of voting rights beyond white, male landowners.  Our society changes and while I don't believe that the Second Amendment should be revoked, repealed or overridden I do think that it is subject to a changing society in the same way that the rest of the document has been subject to.

Offline Peelz

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1582 on: April 29, 2014, 10:11:05 AM »
whoa whoa WHOA!

affliction shirts? NEVER EVER IN A BAJILLION YEARS! I HATE THEM. did you assume I did? I hate you if so. :lol:

I should say, if you are guilty of MORE than one of those, THEN you are DQ'd  :rofl:

Mud on truck briefly after an awesome day of mudding... fine.  coolness, leaving it forever, then adding more mud is laziness.

overalls...yeah I have to draw the line. If we allow it...those are like sweatpants for rednecks. :lol: then you have the guys with no shirts, and overalls....

and i didnt say no beards. I mean groom what you have. ZZ top are clean people.  they can have guns.

all those...Im really just saying: if you dont care about yourself, how am I to believe you care about others enough to be careful with your weapon? be smart, get gun. period. be filthy, and stupid, you dont. sorry.

OK, for real though. I get lost on the DONT TOUCH MY CONSTITUTION argument. because...its been changed many times... so... if we cant touch it....why did we already?

amendments ARE change, thats the definition of the word AMEND LOL. basically, you are arguing that you only want something that was already changed to begin with...

SO you dont want to change them? if we cant AMEND something...then we must strike ALL previous AMENDments down.. IMMEDIATELY. otherwise you cant argue that changing them is bad. hell the right to bear arms everyone cries about IS an amendment. should we have not done that? if we apply this logic, you would have never had that law in the 1700's thus no crying about it right now.

go look them all up,  we amended them because they were wrong or not current....why is it not ok to do that now? voting rights...slavery, the 13th AMENDMENT, should we have NOT made that AMENDment?

point is: why is AMENDing things considered bad juju now? Id say they are "mostly" good. minus the alcohol one... LOL obviously!

Follow the constitution, yes, ABSOLUTELY!!!!!  but it was written in a different time. So it must be allowed to be updated for current developments. you know.... like Windows. Sometimes we ferk it up, but we have to try.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have the same argument with the bible by the way. just because something is old, doesn't make it right.  :shrug:
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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1583 on: April 29, 2014, 10:20:30 AM »
Ignore nearly all my post, and just read this...


Our society changes and while I don't believe that the Second Amendment should be revoked, repealed or overridden I do think that it is subject to a changing society in the same way that the rest of the document has been subject to.

he said what I was saying, but in one coherent sentence :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1584 on: April 29, 2014, 02:01:53 PM »
I guess the problem with that sort of thinking is difficult to explain

there are those out there that brandish their weapons all over Facebook, and THAT makes them stupid
not the fact that he bought an AR or AK.. lets face it.. they are a HOOT to shoot!
if you have never shot an "evil assault weapon" then you are missing out on one of the biggest smiles you will ever experience.
that dipshit on FB probably changes his status all the time to let everyone know he just shit..
or adds pics all the time cause he is under the misunderstanding that anyone gives a shit
most people are NOT that important, and the world doesn't need updates regularly of his life

and MD
just so we are clear..
I am in NO WAY Supporting that dumbass in NV
and regardless if we feel this a 2nd amendment issue or not.. it is being sold by the media as one..

as for carry...
I wear a seatbelt, and hope I never need it
I wear a helmet.. and hope I never need it
and I carry a pistol and hope I never need it

legally speaking (in Michigan anyway)
defending the cash drawer at 7-11 is not justification to brandish your weapon
defending your own pocket full of cash is also not just cause
if you can diffuse the situation by giving up your money, that would be the most desirable course of action
for the most part.. your life has to be in danger
of course any lawyer would argue that you thought you were in danger

you have long been known as the kid that spews blanket hatred for everyone on forums..
just to try to get a rise out of people. you are not as crafty as you think you are.
so, your feeble attempt to paint all gun owners as redneck morons falls on deaf ears
for the most part, I take your opinions with a grain of salt
but... for some reason we still like you

do redneck morons own guns..
do respectable law-abiding citizens (like Randy, your dad and myself) also own guns.. yep
and owning a firearm, or possessing a CPL (CCW) does not make someone a redneck or a bad person.

I have no argument for that assface in NV..
best I can tell, he broke the law, and doesn't want to pay the fees/fines
but what do I know..?

I CERTAINLY do not follow the news/Facebook/twitter at all!
and I have little to no interest in starting now!

Offline funyun

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1585 on: April 29, 2014, 02:35:57 PM »

you have long been known as the kid that spews blanket hatred for everyone on forums..
just to try to get a rise out of people. you are not as crafty as you think you are.
so, your feeble attempt to paint all gun owners as redneck morons falls on deaf ears
for the most part, I take your opinions with a grain of salt
but... for some reason we still like you

do redneck morons own guns..
do respectable law-abiding citizens (like Randy, your dad and myself) also own guns.. yep
and owning a firearm, or possessing a CPL (CCW) does not make someone a redneck or a bad person.

I have no argument for that assface in NV..
best I can tell, he broke the law, and doesn't want to pay the fees/fines
but what do I know..?

I CERTAINLY do not follow the news/Facebook/twitter at all!
and I have little to no interest in starting now!

I must have missed the part where i mentioned all people with guns are redneck morons, I wouldn't really classify my dad as a redneck :lol:. I did say all those people out in NV are redneck morons because they are and thats just a fact. Any "respectable" law abiding citizens with firearms as you speak of wouldn't be out there wasting their time thinking they are a bunch of american heros or something.

BTW he doesnt post on FB very often and when he does its just a bunch of anti-cop and government bullshit. Just thought I'd throw him in on the thread since you think that everyone from around here must be some anti-gun plant eating homo or something and thats swaying my opinion on the subject.

blanket hatred? My blankets are full of love

I now leave you with this video of a raccoon on a leash
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 02:45:51 PM by funyun »

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1586 on: April 29, 2014, 02:38:14 PM »
you arent missing anything, really. FB is fine once you learn to tune out the blah. and zero in on teh LOL's

 it REALLY feels like gun people head out every single day in search of invisible persecution. And when they dont find it, they invent it. Makes them feel "BIG"  ive never ONCE read a story where the government is knocking on doors to take weapons...but somehow, someway, it gets spun into rumours that is going to happen immediately. Then people get all steelly, with pry them, outta my cold dead hands picket signs....and start hoarding gun paraphernalia... this behavior in turn, drives up ammo and weaponry prices. And keeps me outta the sport. shut up and play with your guns already.

religious zealots do this too though. ALOT Persecution can solidify beliefs...

actually MANY people do this with whatever it is that  floats their boats...I try really hard not to, because its seriously annoying.

"defending the cash drawer at 7-11 is not justification to brandish your weapon"

I do not mean the cash drawer.... I mean the fact that you carry much cash makes you a BIG target(you are in the way of the cash drawer), in which a weapon will help you defend yourself. Saving your cash is a happy byproduct. Someone crazed enough to rob you, probably wont see your life as valuable enough to consider not doing this, and you become collateral damage.

when you say you "carry but hope you dont need it" i have much trouble comparing guns to seatbelts....guns were invented to kill. Seatbelts invented to save. completely different. lol

anyways, what are these "need" situations that one might fantasize about, when choosing to be armed all the time, just in case? shootout at a liquor store? knocking grandmas outta the way to get the furby on black friday? :lol:
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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1587 on: April 29, 2014, 02:53:08 PM »
funyun made a volcano for his science project in the 5th grade, id say hes pretty damn crafty.

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1588 on: April 29, 2014, 02:55:26 PM »
I think you're also missing out on the point of FB Hefe.. I don't post pictures because I want to please everyone that I'm friends with.. It's to let those that I care about, be able to keep up with me, when they can't celebrate, or do something else with me. That's not the purpose of this.. It's just beating a dead horse. But you're also talking about something you don't really understand.

"and regardless if we feel this a 2nd amendment issue or not.. it is being sold by the media as one.."
WAT? I know you don't pay attention to the news often.. Am I missing something???? Because I'm missing how this is a 2nd amendment issue? I don't know if you're wtching fox news or something.. But I'm yet to hear that this is about our rights to bear arms?

"I wear a seatbelt, and hope I never need it"
I wear a seatbelt... because it's the law. Not because I hope I never need it. I don't want to pay the BS fine of $150. lol

"if you can diffuse the situation by giving up your money, that would be the most desirable course of action"
The problem with this thought is... People who have guns are too much of a pussy now to even get in a fight.. Oh shit.. guy punched me in my face. nose bleeding. I'm fearing for my life.. it's way easier to just pull a gun and be like back off...  I want to state.. I carry.....

"and owning a firearm, or possessing a CPL (CCW) does not make someone a redneck or a bad person."
The problem is.... like any subculture.. It's those ones who are the biggest and most vocal people. Which in turn.. they become "the voice" of it.whether us "law-abiding citicens" like it or not.

". you are not as crafty as you think you are."

"Any "respectable" law abiding citizens with firearms as you speak of wouldn't be out there wasting their time thinking they are a bunch of american heros or something"

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Re: Off Topic Bullsh*t Thread Volume XXIV
« Reply #1589 on: April 29, 2014, 03:01:15 PM »
Guns were invented to kill?

that's like saying cars were invented to kill
or ball bats
or knives

c'mon peels

guns have MANY uses, not just for bad people to do bad things

way more guns are used lawfully every day than not

many cars on the road make it from point a to point b without incident
and my evil guns have never let themselves out their holsters/case/safe and harmed anyone.

my big problem here is the blanket mentality saying "gun people" do this.. or do that

when in reality, NORMAL people like me or Randy own guns.. shoot for fun... don't get all crazy with the stupid NV shit
(wow.. I just said Randy and I were normal.... ??? )
I think the VAST majority of law-abiding gun owners are NOT the crazy gun waiving whacko-s you see on the news

anymore than Peels is a stupid "drunk boat guy" .. you know the type
but rather .. a family guy that is interested in safe fun recreational boating with his wife and kids while wearing his favorite "affliction shirt"
Boats were made for needed transportation and have evolved into recreational vessels.
Guns were made as hunting/defensive tools, and have also evolved into recreational items
some bad (or sick) people use them to do harm, or make a stupid political statement.. but that doesn't mean everyone does