how about f*cking unreal?

Started by Krandall, May 06, 2010, 09:14:58 PM

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Sounds about right. Police raids are similar to pirates raiding a ship. They smash thier way in, trash your house, and take whatever they want. They treat you like a violent criminal even though THEY are the ones that broke into your house and pointed guns at you.

Back in 02 the house I lived in got raided because we were the young guys on the block and the neighbors didn't like us. They smashed our front window, trashed our house, and stole my deer rifle all because they "thought" we were drug dealers. We weren't. We were just average 22 year old kids. All we had was a pipe and a couple packs of papers. They uncuffed us after questioning us at gunpoint and we were left to clean up the mess and fix the broken stuff. Never got my rifle back.  :mad:

                   If you're not crashin, you're not ridin hard enough!


they do that because they are scared. Not sure what lies on the other side of the door.  SOmetimes, they go too far though. I can imagine the adrenaline that must be going...
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Doesn't anyone ever do their recon? And who in with full battle gear would be scared of a few small dogs? That's just going way beyond crossing the line. They should all be given jail terms, including the so-called commanders of that operation.


I didn't watch the video. But I hear people complain about how keeps treat them wrong all the time and it gets old. MOm tells me all the stories. You don't want to be treated like criminals, don't be criminals. And if there are little dogs, who is to say there are no big dogs, or guns....
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 07, 2010, 07:48:31 AM
You don't want to be treated like criminals, don't be criminals.


my buddy Wayne is a Narc officer, he is the guy that busts down the door and points his guns at the bad guys

let me tell ya, it is pretty damn rare that they ever bust down a door of someone innocent


Quote from: Hefe on May 07, 2010, 09:04:37 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 07, 2010, 07:48:31 AM
You don't want to be treated like criminals, don't be criminals.


my buddy Wayne is a Narc officer, he is the guy that busts down the door and points his guns at the bad guys

let me tell ya, it is pretty damn rare that they ever bust down a door of someone innocent

my point exactly...and for the love of GERD....don't resist! Worst thing you can do. Do what they tell you. THe only time officers get like that, is is their own life is Jeopardy.  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


If they do break in on someone innocent they should be expected to pay for all the damages done and trouble caused, not just destroy whatever they want and leave like nothing happened.


Wayne has 2 awesome kids and an insanely hot wife.. his will to live is high!


true funners, but like we said before....Police will rarely bust down the door of house if there is no good reason. And if they do come in, chill. Seriously. Or $Hit is gonna get broken. THe officer in that position has to command the situation. Not just go with the flow.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"

Mad Dog

You're right, rarely are the occupants completely innocent.

But there's a gray area between the innocent and the Tony Montana's of the world.  This is an example of law enforcement's ineptitude when it comes to judging how to handle those occupying the gray area.

This guy was not innocent, but someone, at some point made an error in judgement authorizing this kind of use of force to execute a search warrant.  It's impossible to know all the details, but one would hope they tried to minimize the chance that the children would be home; though it would serve logic that children are usually home and in bed at night time.  And it's the refusal to live up to those issues, the "you did something wrong so we can treat you however we like" mentality that some people here have subscribed to as well that becomes the problem.  The justification provided makes these incidents more likely to happen in the future; they and others tell them they did nothing wrong so no one bothers to try and learn from this experience and so they do it again.  Public outcry is necessary to pressure law enforcement to improve their ability to navigate that gray area instead of treating everyone like Tony.


Quote from: Mad Dog on May 07, 2010, 11:16:05 AM
You're right, rarely are the occupants completely innocent.

But there's a gray area between the innocent and the Tony Montana's of the world.  This is an example of law enforcement's ineptitude when it comes to judging how to handle those occupying the gray area.

This guy was not innocent, but someone, at some point made an error in judgement authorizing this kind of use of force to execute a search warrant.  It's impossible to know all the details, but one would hope they tried to minimize the chance that the children would be home; though it would serve logic that children are usually home and in bed at night time.  And it's the refusal to live up to those issues, the "you did something wrong so we can treat you however we like" mentality that some people here have subscribed to as well that becomes the problem.  The justification provided makes these incidents more likely to happen in the future; they and others tell them they did nothing wrong so no one bothers to try and learn from this experience and so they do it again.  Public outcry is necessary to pressure law enforcement to improve their ability to navigate that gray area instead of treating everyone like Tony.

Hey MD...

"Say goodnight to the bad guy!!!!"
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Just like when I was doing it, a plan is only as good as the intel your given.  If the info you got (Good, or bad) says to expect the worst when the door plan, prepare, and execute it in that way.

Going through door ways, house to house was scary as hell.  Your adrenaline is pumping way up.  If you get the honor of being point on a stack for CQB......make sure your will is updated.

As far as the unclesharty instance. I agree, if they we're in error for searching and breaking shit, they should pay for it, and definately return your property.



Just like when I was doing it, a plan is only as good as the intel your given.  If the info you got (Good, or bad) says to expect the worst when the door plan, prepare, and execute it in that way.

exactly. You never know, so keep yourself outta those situations.

COps dare not break my doors. You never what chemical I may have brewin'... Definitely no handguns :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Its easy to say "dont act like criminals" if its never happened to you. We weren't muderers, bank robbers, or even drug dealers, but we still got treated like them. When you're dragged outta bed with guns in your face, your mind thinks of nothing but cooperation. Our privacy was severely violated and thousands of taxpayer dollars were wasted over NOTHING. In the end, the streets were no safer and there were no "criminals" going to jail. We were told we got raided because of traffic. We were 22 year olds with our own house and we had alot of friends. I dont understand how that translates to "these guys could be dangerous". We only had the cops called on us once before all this and it was for loud music. Its a power trip, plain and simple.

Does smoking pot and playing video games in the privacy of your own home make you a criminal? I know you're gonna say "well smoking pot is illegal" but so is speeding! Id be willing to bet more people get killed from speeding than they do from smoking pot!

Bottom line is cops are human and humans make mistakes. The problem is my mistakes will get me in trouble. Thier mistakes cost thousands of dollars and /or someone's life and it all gets swept under the rug.

                   If you're not crashin, you're not ridin hard enough!