how fast..........

Started by UncleBeaner, February 03, 2010, 08:59:17 AM

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155mph on a 2010 Camaro

don't really know how fast on water maybe 50mph. in a cousins boat.


131 in a 379 Peterbilt loaded with Kobota tractors

120+(on a regular basis) in a Freightliner pulling wiggle wagons...aka Doubles...aka 2 trailers at once...... Did I ever mention my handle over the road is Kamikaze?

155 Ford Taurus SHO

160+ Yamaha R1

Recently 140+ in a 09 Charger R/T

180+ in a 02 Vette across part of New Mexico... knocked out 400 miles in just under 3 hours.

80 in a speed boat...HATED IT, I thought I was going to seat belts, water, the whole ordeal was just f'n scary.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


I went 115mph in gunz' dodge on the way to the hospital at the LS rally  :rofl:


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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: funyun on February 04, 2010, 07:16:24 AM
I went 115mph in gunz' dodge on the way to the hospital at the LS rally  :rofl:

lol I forgot about that.... 26miles in 10 minutes 8)

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


Dam guns, your a speed demon.............
ever been caught speeding in your big rigs.


he just flashes them and gets out of the tickets


I've tried that and it got me in more trouble.



155mph on my Yamaha FJR. Took me a year before I had the Balls to top it out. 135 really doesn't feel like speeding anymore.  :lol:

On a buddies boat around 45-50 mph

In a BMW 735 142mph. I drove it once @135 + ......sucked because of a crosswind

On a friends snowmobile did 100 mph couple of times


Quote from: maguilar496 on February 04, 2010, 07:50:25 AM
Dam guns, your a speed demon.............
ever been caught speeding in your big rigs.

105mph in North Carolina on Christmas Eve back in 99' a warning..

108mph in CALIFORNIA!!! Big no-no.. He gave me a 69/55....

98mph in Arizona 45min after I got the California ticket

92mph in New Mexico 6 hours after I got the Arizona ticket

112mph in Texas sometime later that nite after the New Mexico Ticket... Almost went to jail on that one...

The last four were all in a 24 hour period, I was in a hurry.

I've been pulled over in a big truck somewhere around 300 times maybe.... out of those 300 times maaaaaybe 20 of them were deserved and out of those 20 I got maybe 5 tickets. The other 280 times I got maybe 30 tickets of which weren't deserving at all. I know these numbers look big, but I drove a truck for 12 years, that was 2,000,000 plus miles paid behind a wheel. That breaks down to about being pulled over twice a month on average or every 6700 miles driven. Trucking is a big industry to the government. Tickets are simply a tax to pay local municiples to more or less pay the officers and local officials... it sucks but thats just the way life is.

Sorry didnt mean to go off on a tangent, just figured I'd better explain myself because of the way it looks,,, besides the obvious 4 or 5 big 100mph+ tickets.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


Lol, what's your secret?  The guys at work are always getting popped.  68 in a 60 (in town), stuff like that.

I have managed to get a 70 mph vehicle to hit 80, my car somewhere north of 100 but don't know exactly.  We were three wide going down the beltway after going to the drag strip and after I hit 100 I quit looking down.    
mostly stock with a 12t sprocket of fury


Lets see here:
Dodge Viper 135mph in 3rd gear and its a 6 speed sound like it was going to fly apart
1993 Camaro 125 mph 305, 6 speed this thing was glued to the road
1986 Corvette 130 mph sounded like was going to fly apart also
1985 GMC S-15 Pro-Streeted 355 sbc, narrowed tubed rear, 140mph in Indianopolis on the Interstate racing
145 mph on a 750 Kaw motorcyle
Water maybe 40 mph
And of course as fast as I can go on the Raptor  :thumbs:
2007 Raptor 700SE    Black/Orange
Barker In frame Duals, TRF intake, PCV, 11:5.1 CP Tech Piston, HCIII Cam, Ported Head (TRF), KDS +3 TB, Dynatek Programmable Ign.
15 tooth front sprocket
HID Lighting
Pro-Armor nerf bars
A-Arms skid plates


Secret one...they've always been my trucks.
Secret two...Honesty is the best policy...You'd be surprised what a cop will do if you just act honest about what you were doing..
Secret three...for a small fee attorneys can get you out of alot of shit for $200.
Secret kittys dont give a FERK, if you're eating a taco sideways you're breaking the law, so stay off the hammer in town.. out of town Smokey usually gives you +8 over before he looks your way.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar