Anyone run on the ice? Need ice screw/stud advice

Started by r00st, November 17, 2009, 01:25:33 AM

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So a buddy of mine found out a local guy has a couple acre pond that he keeps cleaned up and allows bikes/quads to race on during the winter. I have ridden on ice many times on many tires but never any with studs/screws in them.

Here is my dilemma...I have heard Ice racing/screws is a come prepared to race, or go home type of thing. How competitive can I be with sheet metal screws? I plan to buy some used stock rear tires/wheels to put studs in. I have not decided if I want to put A- real ice screws in, or B, sheet metal screws to save money. Also, I have not decided if I should just get 1/2 inch length or much longer (which will penetrate the carcass of course). If I do get long ones that penetrate the carcass, will tire slime seal the tire???

As far as the fronts go...I have 90% tread left Razr's which I was thinking I would throw either the studs or sheet metal screws in. Since these are my dirt tires for the rest of the year its out of the question to pierce the carcass...Will 1/2 inch Ice screws/sheet metal be enough for the fronts since they are not powered? Or will the rotational speed/centrifugal force alone be enough to rip 1/2 inchers out of the fronts?

Because the "racing" is not sanctioned or anything im guessing its mostly a play race type of setup. How well do sheet metal screws allow you to get around on ice? Is it like running slicks in the grass compared to running ice screws? With money being semi-tight if I can avoid buying a full set of tires and 500-1000 Cold Kutters that would be good lol.

Obviously im totally lost on all this so some guidance would be appreciated!!!

2007 Raptor 700 SE
With some SHTUFF


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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


  If you're just out to have some fun give the sheet metal screws a try but you won't get near the traction that you'd get with real ice screws.  Shorter screws in the front will not last and may wreck your tires by tearing the lugs.  For a screw to hold (front or back) you need to get them thru the tire.  Even better is to nut the stud from the inside.  Fronts are not exempt since the side load while turning is pretty heavy. 
   Once again, if you're just bombing around on the ice you don't need to get too crazy but if you want to go fast and have some control, then you need to put a little more into it.

06 700R with:
Big black tires, Lots of shiny metal stuff, some stinky oily stuff inside, AM/FM 8-track hi-fi system, Leopard skin seat cover, Fuzzy dice, curb feelers, a "soccer mom" license plate, and a "my other bike's a Bayou" bumper sticker.


I run on ice. I usually dont go much of anywhere and mostly I fall down  :(


06 700R with:
Big black tires, Lots of shiny metal stuff, some stinky oily stuff inside, AM/FM 8-track hi-fi system, Leopard skin seat cover, Fuzzy dice, curb feelers, a "soccer mom" license plate, and a "my other bike's a Bayou" bumper sticker.


I was just out on the ice last night with a buddy. I have 7/16" ice screws and he had sheet metal screws. I was doing wheelies all over the place I had so much traction. He has a 60+HP Banshee that kills me normally but he couldn't hook up to save his life with the sheet metal screws. Spend the $80 and get the ice screws.

Mad Dog

Sheet metal screws are bad, don't even consider them.  Get some kold kutters, holidays, or pro golds.  Tire choice and purpose is going to make a big difference on how you setup the tire.  IMO it's not necessary to go through the tire, but there are certainly many schools of thoughts on studding.


Quote from: Mad Dog on January 07, 2010, 02:13:00 PM
Sheet metal screws are bad, don't even consider them.  Get some kold kutters, holidays, or pro golds.  Tire choice and purpose is going to make a big difference on how you setup the tire.  IMO it's not necessary to go through the tire, but there are certainly many schools of thoughts on studding.

+1 tried it, lost half of them on 3 lap race :lol: Hope nobody caught one in the face :lol: I would consider collared hex bolts, but put the nuts on the back of them. Or they come right out.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"

Mad Dog

I've seen people try bolts too, without an edge on them you get nowhere.


Well my buddy that was running the sheet metal screws didn't like to get beat. He bought 50 Woody's 1" snow mobile studs and put them between the lugs of a set of Razrs. You need to run a tube in the tire if you go this route. He hooks up so good now he's getting down to the ice with 3" of snow on top of it and still able to pull wheelie's in 1st-5th. If they last the season I'll do the same next winter.

Mad Dog

The sled picks work great, until you want to turn.  But that's on good ice, if yours is always covered with snow or not plowed at all then sled studs will work fine in that application.


Mad Dog, good to know. All our ice is snow covered right now.

Mad Dog

We bring out my father's prairie with the 60" blade and clear our ice whenever we ride and other guys bring out their plow quads as well, sometimes trucks too.  So all of our ice is clear when we ride and most guys just run kold kutters or the like.  Some of the guys do however run picks, and as I said they do great in snow because they'll dig down.  Bad part is if you're using the same section of ice and making some kind of track the picks will eat it up a LOT faster.