Quote O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:58 AM

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"Man is the only animal that refuses to be what he is." -Albert Camus

This quote appears in The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt, Camus' 1951 book on the history of revolution in Western Europe. "It is incumbent upon us, at all events, to give a definite answer to the question implicit in the blood and strife of this century. For we are being put to the rack," Camus explained in the introduction to the text. "In any event, the reasons for rebellion cannot be explained except in terms of an inquiry into its attitudes, pretensions, and conquests. Perhaps we may discover it its achievements the rule of action that the absurd has not been able to give us; an indication, at least, about the right or the duty to kill and, finally, hope for new creation."

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


man is NOT an animal!

havent you seen the scientology ads?

:confused:  jeez!

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


[Today at 01:33:53 PM] Geo: http://www.facebook.com/Newegg?v=app_192229990808929

[Today at 01:38:08 PM] Krandall: no fb here

[Today at 01:38:46 PM] Geo: well wut da fuk

[Today at 01:39:02 PM] Geo: whys your work limiting your outside contact

[Today at 01:39:31 PM] Geo: what if zombies took over kansas and minnesota was next but u had no idea so u couldnt run home and grab ur shotguns

[Today at 01:39:53 PM] Geo: so u were left to fend them off with a stapler and scotch tape

[Today at 01:39:58 PM] Geo: and your ctrl, alt, del keys

[Today at 01:40:15 PM] Geo: maybe u could throw an alt+tab at one and it'd disappear

[Today at 01:40:22 PM] Geo: and a ctrl+esc at another

[Today at 01:40:44 PM] Geo: alt tabbin zombies since 2012

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


 Langford: I pray to the gods of fried chicken and grape drank
Langford: oh colonel sanders, give me the strength so steal this stereo so I can buyz me some fried chicken tonight!
PeelsSE2: original or extra crispy?
PeelsSE2: none of that grilled shit


"Genius is only patience." -Georges Buffon

This quote appears in various formulations in older anthologies, sometimes as an unattributed proverb. This version, according to Bartlett's, is attributed to Buffon in a biography of Madame de Stael. "Far from becoming discouraged," the naturalist Buffon once observed, "the philosopher should applaud nature, even when she appears miserly of herself or overly mysterious, and should feel pleased that as he lifts one part of her veil, she allows him to glimpse an immense number of other objects, all worthy of investigation. For what we already know should allow us to judge of what we will be able to know; the human mind has no frontiers, it extends proportionately as the universe displays itself; man, then, can and must attempt all, and he needs only time in order to know all."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Trouble teaches men how much there is in manhood." -Henry Ward Beecher

Beecher was a well-known abolitionist clergyman, arguably America's first celebrity who was famous purely due to his preaching. At various points in his career, such luminaries as Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln came to his Brooklyn church to hear him speak; even the fictional Dr. Watson, of the Sherlock Holmes canon, was revealed to be a fan of Beecher, and to own a portrait of him. He died of a stroke in 1887, at the age of 73; though the truth of this report is uncertain, his last words are said to have been: "Now comes the mystery."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


you quadruple postin dvd eatin envelope lickin opst-it stickin gum chewing micky mouse lookin fuk


"Humility is the part of wisdom, and is most becoming in men. But let no one discourage self-reliance; it is, of all the rest, the greatest quality of true manliness." -Lajos Kossuth

Kossuth is heralded by his bust in the U.S. Capitol as the "father of Hungarian democracy" -- he was a journalist, politician and national figure in the years leading up to the Hungarian Revolution (which began in 1848), and the Regent-President of Hungary for a time thereafter. He was forced to flee to America, where he stayed with the official approval of Congress. "Let him who looks for a monument to Washington look around the United States," Kossuth said of the country. "Your freedom, your independence, your national power, your prosperity and your prodigious growth are a monument to him."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 03:40:13 PM] del ban Geo: someone change peels name to

[Today at 03:40:18 PM] del ban Geo: thats right nothing

[Today at 03:40:19 PM] del ban Geo: blanjk

[Today at 03:40:22 PM] del ban Geo: cuz thats wut he is to me

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Every man who possibly can should force himself to a holiday of a full month in a year, whether he feels like taking it or not." -William James

James was a Harvard psychologist and philosopher in the late 19th century, a major American intellectual figure and the most well-known educator of his era. This quote appeared in a piece in the August 1878 issue of The Nation. "The means have murdered the end. Our ceaseless scheming for the future has undermined for us all sense of reality in the present. We cannot rest with the present alone for our object," James lamented. "No man, were he composed of catgut and whalebone, can work for five years unremittingly at the same kind of work with impunity. None can work 10 years even at a very varied occupation."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"All styles are good except the tiresome kind." -Voltaire

Born Francois Marie Arouet, Voltaire was a French Enlightenment author known mostly by his pen name; he adopted it while in prison for criticizing the French government. Voltaire was also no stranger to controversy, and indeed would be exiled from France a few years later, again for criticizing powerful men. The pen name is an anagram of a Latinized title, "AROVET LI" (Arouet the Younger). Some argue that Voltaire certainly took his pen name with some consideration for the style it evoked, as it shared a root with words like "voltige" (trick acrobatics on horseback). Furthermore, Voltaire took nearly 200 other pseudonyms for various reasons throughout his life, including names like "Sherloc" and "Docteur Goodheart."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." -William Faulkner

This Faulkner quote is from an interview the author gave to the Paris Review in New York in 1956. "All of us failed to match our dream of perfection," Faulkner said of his contemporaries to his interviewer (author Jean Stein). "So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. In my opinion, if I could write all my work again, I am convinced that I would do it better, which is the healthiest condition for an artist. That's why he keeps on working, trying again; he believes each time that this time he will do it, bring it off. Of course he won't, which is why this condition is healthy."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good... The strong, calm man is always loved and revered." -James Allen

James Allen was a British philosopher, writing in the New Thought school (which was, very loosely, an early spiritual and philosophical approach to the idea of motivational thinking). Allen's first book, As A Man Thinketh, perfectly summarized the tenets of the movement. "A man's weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man's; they are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never by another," he writes. "His condition is also his own, and not another man's. His suffering and his happiness are evolved from within... All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 08:02:52 AM] Krandall: not sure wtf was goin on

[Today at 08:03:07 AM] Krandall: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9HkyYhira_Y/UDtpG_q92iI/AAAAAAAAFgA/4nGGx_xiF1Q/s690/IMAG0538.jpg

[Today at 08:03:08 AM] Krandall: 

[Today at 08:03:55 AM] geo: I hump dogs

[Today at 08:04:19 AM] Magz: 

[Today at 08:04:31 AM] geo:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRJtIKgYF3I&feature=g-all-c

[Today at 08:04:34 AM] Magz: WTH is that?

[Today at 08:04:37 AM] geo: <---loves the cock

[Today at 08:04:42 AM] geo: U FILTERIN SOB PEELS

[Today at 08:04:44 AM] geo: da'fuk

[Today at 08:04:45 AM] geo: and da'fuq

[Today at 08:04:49 AM] Magz: :LMAO:


[Today at 08:04:42 AM] geo: U FILTERIN SOB PEELS

[Today at 08:04:44 AM] geo: da'fuk

[Today at 08:04:45 AM] geo: and da'fuq

[Today at 08:04:49 AM] Magz: :LMAO:

[Today at 08:05:09 AM] Krandall: <---loves the cock

[Today at 08:05:12 AM] Krandall: I hump dogs

[Today at 08:05:15 AM] Krandall: fuk

[Today at 08:05:19 AM] Krandall: fuk fuk fuk

[Today at 08:05:22 AM] Krandall: remove that shit right now