Quote O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:58 AM

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" you beat Eric Pealer at words with friends"

Stand bye for grammar nazi suicide...



the game is over? I forgot about it.

sad sad day......  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Set your vocabulary genocide oven to preheat and have a seat inside lol


"Hell is oneself." -T. S. Eliot

The Cocktail Party, Eliot's most popular play, is a retelling of Euripides' play Alcestis (Thornton Wilder's A Life In The Sun is another contemporary play with the same source material). The play centers around the troubled relationship between a husband and wife, Edward and Lavinia Chamberlayne. Edward reflects on the couple's lifeless relationship: "Hell is alone, the other figures in it merely projections. There is nothing to escape from and nothing to escape to. One is always alone."

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


One of my FB friends put this as her status!   :clap:

"You should learn to take a joke as easily as you take a dick, whore!"

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


QuoteTroy: the only thing missing from the last photo is the fastest quad there, mine!
Adam: were u the previous record holder for na on that dyno?
Adam: for the raptor
Troy: Adam, I didn't even try to make power on that day, we just tweaked my bottom end a little
Troy: next time, I plan on peeing in some peoples' butts
Troy: buttpeeing is my game
Troy: just sayin
phucker: troy please dont tempt me to spend more on my quad and actually get it running

lol what a threat! :rofl:


[Today at 12:06:44 PM] funyun: dont be mad your company doesnt have a sweatshop like northern to make sweet $1 gloves

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"If you want to be a happy man, you should tie your life to a goal, not to other people and not to things." -Albert Einstein

Einstein often reflected on the nature of happiness, which he always seemed to equate with simplicity and self-realization rather than respect or material wealth. In a letter to Reporter magazine in 1954, Einstein declared, "If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope [of finding] that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 11:45:09 AM] Cammy: ok thats where i got the stiffness then

He's talking about peelz.  :rofl:

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


That's right. I'm a walking viagra! LOL
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why." -James Thurber

James Thurber was an American humorist who contributed regularly to the New Yorker for several decades. In addition to his essays and cartoons, Thurber was known for short, witty fables ending in aphoristic morals; this quote is one such moral, and appears in "The Shore and the Sea." In an interview in 1959 (two years before his death), Thurber commented on the humorist's function: "The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people -- that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 01:16:51 PM] Geo: pretty sure that pdf is as useless as funyun in the gym

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


"Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate." -Henry David Thoreau

Walden consists of 18 chapters, and the first, "Economy," is the source of this quote and acts, in part, as a preface. It is also the chapter in which Thoreau lays out the details of his sociological experiment (and home to some other well-known Thoreau lines). "Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them," Thoreau said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 02:16:18 PM] Colorado700R: lang?

[Today at 02:16:45 PM] Krandall: come on aaron

[Today at 02:16:51 PM] Krandall: that's not how you get him to come to chat.

[Today at 02:16:57 PM] Krandall: you gotta say somethin like..

[Today at 02:17:04 PM] Krandall: ERMAHGERD WAFFLE HOUSE JUST GOT CHICKEN WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Today at 02:17:23 PM] Krandall: AND PURPLE DRANK!!!!!!!

[Today at 02:17:29 PM] Krandall: now sit back and wait.

[Today at 02:18:14 PM] Colorado700R: my bad

[Today at 02:18:15 PM] Colorado700R: I'll try again

[Today at 02:19:08 PM] Colorado700R: is that a 300lbs white single mom giving away watermelon?

[Today at 02:17:29 PM] Krandall: :rofl:

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Yamaha Raptor Forum

PCIII Maps Here:

Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 11:56:59 PM] phucker: i need to get ahold of your old lady... she needs to do some work on you
[Today at 11:57:24 PM] phucker: like withhold sex and act like a bitch to you, treat like a man so you turn into a dick again
[Today at 11:57:29 PM] Langford: shit...she is always trying to get my ass out in the woods so I can bring some venison home
[Today at 11:57:46 PM] phucker: damn i wish she had a sister lol
[Today at 11:57:47 PM] Langford: haha
[Today at 11:58:07 PM] Langford: she has a brother if that will work for ya, makes a lot of money too!
[Today at 11:58:16 PM] Spartan:  :rofl:
[Today at 11:58:20 PM] phucker: how much money?

:rofl: :rofl: