Quote O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:58 AM

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 :thumbs:   does a thumb count?


'At the end, regret only what you didn't do.'  -Charlie Rose

Rose, the renowned American journalist and TV personality, was educated at Duke University, where he earned a BA in history, and later, his JD. Rose intended to go into politics, but after landing some early work in journalism, was offered the job of managing editor for the PBS series Bill Moyers' International Report by Moyers himself. Since 1991, he has hosted the show that made his reputation, the late-night talk show Charlie Rose.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today  at 11:53:23 AM] del ban preddy08: I take pictures of all my smoked meat......................

Preddy must scrap book.  :lol:

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: Krandall on July 12, 2010, 10:54:01 AM
[Today  at 11:53:23 AM] del ban preddy08: I take pictures of all my smoked meat......................

Preddy must scrap book.  :lol:

Truck stop blackmail photos.....


'The past is one son of a bitch.'  -Eddie Fisher

The famous singer has been through five marriages, but none caused as much scandal as his marriage to Liz Taylor in 1959, which required him to divorce Debbie Reynolds. Taylor would later dump Fisher for Richard Burton. According to Taylor, she awoke one morning to find Fisher (who'd just learned of her affair with Burton) holding a gun to her head, saying: "I'm not gonna kill you. You're too beautiful." When asked recently if the story was true, Fisher replied rather cryptically with today's quote.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


[Today at 03:44:47 PM] del ban Colorado700R: If Nikki ever leaves me, Roy is the nex Mrs. Dassler

[Today at 03:44:50 PM] del ban Colorado700R: next

how sweet,  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: Krandall on July 13, 2010, 02:46:45 PM
[Today at 03:44:47 PM] del ban Colorado700R: If Nikki ever leaves me, Roy is the nex Mrs. Dassler

[Today at 03:44:50 PM] del ban Colorado700R: next

how sweet,  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't worry your stuck with me, besides I couldn't let that happen and let you go on living your life in extreme homoerotic bliss. :lol:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


'You shouldn't block the page up with weird little marks. If you write properly, you shouldn't have to punctuate.'  -Cormac McCarthy

The 77-year-old author of The Road and No Country For Old Men is an iconoclastic figure in American literature. He doesn't do much publicity, he prefers the company of scientists to other writers, and he eschews, among other things, quotation marks. In his first TV interview, following publication of The Road, McCarthy addressed his writing style and his preference for "simple, declarative sentences."

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: Krandall on July 14, 2010, 07:21:34 AM
'You shouldn't block the page up with weird little marks. If you write properly, you shouldn't have to punctuate.'  -Cormac McCarthy

The 77-year-old author of The Road and No Country For Old Men is an iconoclastic figure in American literature. He doesn't do much publicity, he prefers the company of scientists to other writers, and he eschews, among other things, quotation marks. In his first TV interview, following publication of The Road, McCarthy addressed his writing style and his preference for "simple, declarative sentences."

Are we sure this guy isn't canadian? :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Today at 07:38:03 AM] PeelsSE2: ass bleeding....that's life.

[Today at 07:38:05 AM] PeelsSE2: 

[Today at 07:38:16 AM] preddy08: Life in Iowa

[Today at 07:38:27 AM] PeelsSE2: nebraskawasota

[Today at 07:38:32 AM] PeelsSE2: one big shitty state

i'm not sure what we were talking about, but it was funny.


[Today at 12:38:14 AM] phucker: thats what i carry

[Today at 12:38:16 AM] Sand84: had one sold it 

[Today at 12:38:28 AM] phucker: look up croiss breed holsters, they are badass

[Today at 12:38:30 AM] wobble: I'm a 45 fan

[Today at 12:38:36 AM] Sand84: i carry a LCP with a Crimson trace

[Today at 12:39:01 AM] phucker: 45s are great unless you like to hit what you are aiming at

[Today at 12:39:15 AM] wobble: Usually within 10 feet. Kinda hard to miss.

[Today at 12:39:26 AM] phucker: my 40 is a damn tack driver comp[ared to every 1911 i have shot

[Today at 12:39:48 AM] wobble: I'm old....what do ya want....I like the 1911 

[Today at 12:39:54 AM] phucker: hey do you phuggers have a fb account?

[Today at 12:40:00 AM] phucker: lol

[Today at 12:40:02 AM] Sand84: i got one

[Today at 12:40:06 AM] Sand84: y

[Today at 12:40:12 AM] phucker: well look me up, dan cheff

[Today at 12:40:14 AM] wobble: phuck no. I'm an I.T. guy.

[Today at 12:40:23 AM] phucker: im to drunk to look you guys up

[Today at 12:40:48 AM] phucker: dave you are married that is why you dont have one

[Today at 12:41:10 AM] wobble: My wife and kids have accounts. Not my thing.

[Today at 12:41:17 AM] wobble: And no. You can't have their names. 

[Today at 12:41:30 AM] phucker: oh come on now.....

[Today at 12:41:31 AM] Sand84: sent

[Today at 12:41:49 AM] phucker: at least the kids.. or at least the 18 year old

[Today at 12:42:04 AM] wobble: What would you like on your coffin?

[Today at 12:42:36 AM] phucker: i nailed daves daughters... both of them way before i lived to be 95

[Today at 12:42:49 AM] Sand84: :lo:

[Today at 12:42:52 AM] Sand84: 

[Today at 12:42:54 AM] phucker: im a country boy, good luck trying to outshoot me

[Today at 12:43:12 AM] wobble: Me too Dan.....prick.... 

[Today at 12:43:26 AM] phucker: shotgun rifle or pistol, i am a natural

[Today at 12:43:28 AM] wobble: I'll take that challenge.....

[Today at 12:43:32 AM] phucker: lol

[Today at 12:43:54 AM] phucker: anytime biutch bring it, and the daugheters so when i win i can take home some trophies

[Today at 12:44:07 AM] phucker: lol im such a dick

[Today at 12:44:11 AM] wobble: Grew up with guns. Outshoot everyone I know.

[Today at 12:44:20 AM] Sand84: shits getting deep we need boots

[Today at 12:44:27 AM] wobble: That's actually one thing I can say and back it.

[Today at 12:44:28 AM] phucker: ya no kidding

[Today at 12:44:52 AM] phucker: ryan, qotd right now

[Today at 12:44:55 AM] phucker: do it

[Today at 12:45:02 AM] wobble: Which one? 

[Today at 12:45:11 AM] phucker: the last five minutes lol

[Today at 12:45:20 AM] phucker: ppl will be bummed to have missed this

[Today at 12:45:23 AM] wobble:  damn drunk posts

[Today at 12:45:47 AM] phucker: so dave give my number to your daughters... tell em i hasve money and i can buy booze

[Today at 12:45:58 AM] phucker: lmao

[Today at 12:46:09 AM] wobble: You seriously have a death wish, don't you? 

[Today at 12:46:42 AM] Sand84: i was FB thanks to u dan

[Today at 12:46:42 AM] phucker: yes... but you would be the third man to ask me that and not back it up

[Today at 12:47:21 AM] wobble: Not back what up?

[Today at 12:47:30 AM] phucker: shit am i gonna have to qotd myself and dave?

[Today at 12:47:42 AM] wobble: You're too drunk to do that

[Today at 12:48:01 AM] wobble: Do it quietly, might wake up your parents 

[Today at 12:48:08 AM] phucker: the whole death wish part.... they learned after acting like they were cleaning their guns and i told them they were doing it wrong.

[Today at 12:48:24 AM] wobble: Try me

[Today at 12:48:35 AM] phucker: any day any time davey

[Today at 12:48:44 AM] wobble: Shit 

[Today at 12:48:54 AM] wobble: Go to bed kid. You're drunk.

[Today at 12:49:11 AM] phucker: shiiiiiit... this country boy dont run... he hits what he aims at

[Today at 12:49:12 AM] phucker: lol

[Today at 12:49:24 AM] wobble: You been listening to too many country songs

[Today at 12:49:49 AM] phucker: only listen to rock like die mfer die by dope

[Today at 12:50:00 AM] wobble: 

[Today at 12:50:05 AM] phucker: lol

[Today at 12:50:26 AM] phucker: so whats your daughters names? dont make me break out my old school haxor skills

[Today at 12:50:26 AM] wobble: I'm a metal fan myself

[Today at 12:50:46 AM] wobble: Haxor? You do realize you are talking to an I.T. guy, right?

[Today at 12:50:50 AM] Sand84: METAL  FTW

[Today at 12:50:59 AM] phucker: well you should love me then, why not introduce me to your youngins?

[Today at 12:51:09 AM] maguilar496: I smell sex in here.

[Today at 12:51:10 AM] Sand84: 

[Today at 12:51:11 AM] wobble: Cause I'll go to prison

[Today at 12:51:13 AM] Sand84: MAGS

[Today at 12:51:23 AM] wobble: Nice timing mags!

[Today at 12:51:25 AM] phucker: its all legal in michigan

[Today at 12:51:28 AM] phucker: daddy

[Today at 12:51:36 AM] Sand84: qoute dan's post mags

[Today at 12:51:39 AM] phucker: thast your new name is daddy

[Today at 12:51:44 AM] maguilar496: ok hold on


haha and the best part was this...

[Today at 12:41:10 AM] wobble: My wife and kids have accounts. Not my thing.

[Today at 12:41:17 AM] wobble: And no. You can't have their names.

[Today at 12:41:30 AM] phucker: oh come on now.....

[Today at 12:41:31 AM] Sand84: sent

[Today at 12:41:49 AM] phucker: at least the kids.. or at least the 18 year old

[Today at 12:42:04 AM] wobble: What would you like on your coffin?

[Today at 12:42:36 AM] phucker: i nailed daves daughters... both of them way before i lived to be 95


Quote from: phucker on July 17, 2010, 01:58:53 AM
haha and the best part was this...

[Today at 12:41:10 AM] wobble: My wife and kids have accounts. Not my thing.

[Today at 12:41:17 AM] wobble: And no. You can't have their names.

[Today at 12:41:30 AM] phucker: oh come on now.....

[Today at 12:41:31 AM] Sand84: sent

[Today at 12:41:49 AM] phucker: at least the kids.. or at least the 18 year old

[Today at 12:42:04 AM] wobble: What would you like on your coffin?

[Today at 12:42:36 AM] phucker: i nailed daves daughters... both of them way before i lived to be 95

+1 :lol: :rofl:
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'Always carry a flagon of whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore, always carry a small snake.'  -W. C. Fields

The W.C. Fields character is more of a stage persona than the real personality of William Claude Dukenfield, the comedian, writer and Vaudeville performer, but that character came to be associated with its creator nonetheless. Woody Allen called Fields one of only six "genuine comic geniuses" in movie history.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once