Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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"Your blood type could indicate your risk for heart disease."

According to a study in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, people with type O have a decreased risk for heart disease compared to those with types A, B and AB. Type O is the most common blood type (about 43% of Americans have it). Compared to them, people with type A have a 5% increased risk for heart disease and people with type B have an 11% increased risk. People with AB, which is the rarest blood type (only about 7% of Americans have it), showed the highest increased risk -- a 23% jump. The research is based on two major U.S. studies, the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (covering data from some 90,000 people

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Quote from: Krandall on August 21, 2012, 07:40:12 AM
"The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to prefer heavier women."

A study appearing in PloS One asked 41 men to engage in a stress-inducing task, while their 40 counterparts in the control group weren't exposed to any stressors. Both groups then rated the attractiveness of various female bodies across the size and weight spectrum. The men in both groups were matched for age, BMI and appetite, but after the task, the stressed group rated a much heavier body size as the most attractive, rated heavier women as more attractive overall and preferred a wider range of figures in total. Previous research has implied that there is an evolutionary motivation for this response (that is, when resources are unavailable, people get less sexually choosy, even on an instinctive level).

i think they pitted a group of white guys vs a group of black guys


Quote from: phucker on August 28, 2012, 11:01:00 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 21, 2012, 07:40:12 AM
"The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to prefer heavier women."

A study appearing in PloS One asked 41 men to engage in a stress-inducing task, while their 40 counterparts in the control group weren't exposed to any stressors. Both groups then rated the attractiveness of various female bodies across the size and weight spectrum. The men in both groups were matched for age, BMI and appetite, but after the task, the stressed group rated a much heavier body size as the most attractive, rated heavier women as more attractive overall and preferred a wider range of figures in total. Previous research has implied that there is an evolutionary motivation for this response (that is, when resources are unavailable, people get less sexually choosy, even on an instinctive level).

i think they pitted a group of white guys vs a group of black guys

i think it is because when you are stressed you just want to FERK something...............anything
thats how preddys dog gets some acction and his dose of peanut butter


"Men and women both look down on people who have sex with too many partners."

The perception in some past studies has been that people judge women more harshly than men for having a lot of casual sex, but according to data from the 2011 Online College Social Life Survey, which surveyed students at 22 colleges, that perception is changing. Students were asked to respond to the question "If women hook up or have sex with lots of people, I respect them less" (and then the same question for men). About 48% of respondents judged men and women the same way in this regard. About 12% judged women more harshly then men, but about 13% judged men more harshly than women. An unconcerned 27% said they didn't judge anybody for casual sex, regardless of its frequency.

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Quote from: Krandall on August 29, 2012, 07:18:03 AM
"Men and women both look down on people who have sex with too many partners."

The perception in some past studies has been that people judge women more harshly than men for having a lot of casual sex, but according to data from the 2011 Online College Social Life Survey, which surveyed students at 22 colleges, that perception is changing. Students were asked to respond to the question "If women hook up or have sex with lots of people, I respect them less" (and then the same question for men). About 48% of respondents judged men and women the same way in this regard. About 12% judged women more harshly then men, but about 13% judged men more harshly than women. An unconcerned 27% said they didn't judge anybody for casual sex, regardless of its frequency.



study needs redone with raptorsource curve added.

dat shits a badge of honor here
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


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"People will reject a small reward, preferring no reward at all, if they feel they're being treated unfairly."

Half of the participants in a University College London study were drip-fed a salt solution, making them very thirsty. They were then paired with a partner and told that one of them would get to decide how to split a bottle of water and that if the other rejected the offer, neither would get anything. In reality, all participants were told that their partners were the decision makers and had presented them with an unfair offer (one-eighth of a water bottle). Even extremely thirsty subjects tended to reject the offer, forgoing their own best interests purely because of the unfairness of the situation.

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Quote from: Krandall on August 30, 2012, 07:10:03 AM
"People will reject a small reward, preferring no reward at all, if they feel they're being treated unfairly."

Half of the participants in a University College London study were drip-fed a salt solution, making them very thirsty. They were then paired with a partner and told that one of them would get to decide how to split a bottle of water and that if the other rejected the offer, neither would get anything. In reality, all participants were told that their partners were the decision makers and had presented them with an unfair offer (one-eighth of a water bottle). Even extremely thirsty subjects tended to reject the offer, forgoing their own best interests purely because of the unfairness of the situation.

precisely. your offer of butsects could not overcome these years of hatespewing and bigotry!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"BMI numbers actually understate how many people are obese."

One common complaint about the use of Body Mass Index as a predictor of health is that it can overstate obesity; since the number is a factor only of weight and height, a very muscular athlete, for example, might inaccurately qualify as obese. But most people are not muscular athletes, and a new study in PloS One that compared X-ray fat measurements with participants' BMI numbers found that the formula actually understated how much fat they carried. Women were particularly prone to this misrepresentation. According to the researchers, BMI only identifies actually obese people as obese three-fifths of the time, and by a more accurate metric, a staggering 64% of American women should be classified as obese.

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64% cripes!

we gotta do something....all lol's aside. thats bad.

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: Krandall on August 31, 2012, 08:01:33 AM
"BMI numbers actually understate how many people are obese."

One common complaint about the use of Body Mass Index as a predictor of health is that it can overstate obesity; since the number is a factor only of weight and height, a very muscular athlete, for example, might inaccurately qualify as obese. But most people are not muscular athletes, and a new study in PloS One that compared X-ray fat measurements with participants' BMI numbers found that the formula actually understated how much fat they carried. Women were particularly prone to this misrepresentation. According to the researchers, BMI only identifies actually obese people as obese three-fifths of the time, and by a more accurate metric, a staggering 64% of American women should be classified as obese.

BS the BMI calculation shows me as over weight!


Quote from: Colorado700R on August 31, 2012, 11:22:19 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 31, 2012, 08:01:33 AM
"BMI numbers actually understate how many people are obese."

One common complaint about the use of Body Mass Index as a predictor of health is that it can overstate obesity; since the number is a factor only of weight and height, a very muscular athlete, for example, might inaccurately qualify as obese. But most people are not muscular athletes, and a new study in PloS One that compared X-ray fat measurements with participants' BMI numbers found that the formula actually understated how much fat they carried. Women were particularly prone to this misrepresentation. According to the researchers, BMI only identifies actually obese people as obese three-fifths of the time, and by a more accurate metric, a staggering 64% of American women should be classified as obese.

BS the BMI calculation shows me as over weight!

lol same here. at 210 i was borderline extremely obese :rofl:

target weight 160-170

yup I was a fatty  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Shy people read negative facial expressions more accurately."

A study at Southern Illinois University set out to investigate the perception that shy people are bad at reading facial expressions. The study surveyed 241 college students about their levels of shyness, then asked them to identify the facial expressions in 110 photos. The participants were 81% accurate overall, but shy people were more accurate at judging expressions like sadness and fear than outgoing people were.

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"You can smell how old someone is."

Elderly people are often said to have a distinct smell and a study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia set out to test the reality of that perception. Subjects of various ages slept for five nights wearing underarm pads, which were then collected and put in jars for study participants to smell. participants were much more accurate at judging the smell of older people than other age groups. Interestingly, however, the elderly smell was rated as less unpleasant than those from the other age groups (smells from other age groups were rated as both worse and more intense).

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Quote from: Krandall on September 05, 2012, 07:03:20 AM
"You can smell how old someone is."

Elderly people are often said to have a distinct smell and a study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia set out to test the reality of that perception. Subjects of various ages slept for five nights wearing underarm pads, which were then collected and put in jars for study participants to smell. participants were much more accurate at judging the smell of older people than other age groups. Interestingly, however, the elderly smell was rated as less unpleasant than those from the other age groups (smells from other age groups were rated as both worse and more intense).

we shall test this  :nod:

come on Krandall take a whiff!!!!


Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"