Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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"Pizza vending machines are coming to America later this year."

Entrepreneur Claudio Torghele rolled out the Let's Pizza vending machines in Italy a few years ago. The machines are now expected to debut in the U.S. later this year. They don't just reheat frozen food; they mix the dough, roll it into shape, add a customer's chosen toppings and bake the pie in an infrared oven, producing a 12-inch pizza in around three minutes. Depending on toppings, the pizzas can cost as little as $4.50.

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very excited for this!


MERIKA........FUK YAH!!!!!

I think said machines should have a camera installed to snap a pic of the consumer. Like a rollercoaster.

Then you can see how fat you are. Make the machines a public service :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"A spike in online activity can (sometimes) indicate depression."

According to a study in IEEE Xplore: Technology & Society Magazine, depression is often linked to a change in internet-related behaviors. The study recruited 216 undergraduate students as study participants, gave them a questionnaire to measure levels of depression and compared those results with the participants' internet use (traffic flow and bandwidth, not actual content). The results indicated a general trend: people with depression sent more email, exhibited more "flow duration entropy" (constant switching between applications) and used the internet more, in general.

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Quote from: Krandall on June 27, 2012, 08:10:32 AM
"A spike in online activity can (sometimes) indicate depression."

According to a study in IEEE Xplore: Technology & Society Magazine, depression is often linked to a change in internet-related behaviors. The study recruited 216 undergraduate students as study participants, gave them a questionnaire to measure levels of depression and compared those results with the participants' internet use (traffic flow and bandwidth, not actual content). The results indicated a general trend: people with depression sent more email, exhibited more "flow duration entropy" (constant switching between applications) and used the internet more, in general.


they also change people's screen names on chat...ANNND invent an entirely new language :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Congrats!!   :clap:   You all are still homo's!!!!       and as for a few of ya,  :nana:
Gonna be stupid you better be tuff.  

Got duals ?


"Internet hypochondriacs and gamblers operate on similar patterns of thinking."

A 2012 study in the journal Psychological Science observed that people are likely to find patterns in a series of unrelated events. Researchers then set out to determine how this tendency influences people's reliance on the internet to check medical symptoms (a 2009 Pew poll found that 60% of Americans rely on the internet for medical information). The study presented three groups of participants with a list of symptoms for a fictional kind of thyroid cancer; each group received the list of symptoms in a different order. Researchers found that when generalized, common symptoms -- like shortness of breath and fatigue -- were lumped together, participants were more likely to self-diagnose with the fictional cancer than when the list of symptoms was jumbled. The mechanism is similar to the one that makes gamblers believe they're on a "hot streak" -- finding a pattern in random events.

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Quote from: Krandall on June 28, 2012, 07:36:25 AM
"Internet hypochondriacs and gamblers operate on similar patterns of thinking."

A 2012 study in the journal Psychological Science observed that people are likely to find patterns in a series of unrelated events. Researchers then set out to determine how this tendency influences people's reliance on the internet to check medical symptoms (a 2009 Pew poll found that 60% of Americans rely on the internet for medical information). The study presented three groups of participants with a list of symptoms for a fictional kind of thyroid cancer; each group received the list of symptoms in a different order. Researchers found that when generalized, common symptoms -- like shortness of breath and fatigue -- were lumped together, participants were more likely to self-diagnose with the fictional cancer than when the list of symptoms was jumbled. The mechanism is similar to the one that makes gamblers believe they're on a "hot streak" -- finding a pattern in random events.

lol at internet hypochondriac 

I just ask my shoutbox buddies when I have health issues. way simpler answers..  :rofl:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Thinking about wine can make you less inhibited."

According to a study in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, the power of suggestion has more effect on outcomes than most people -- even in scientific fields -- tend to think. Researchers compared "response expectancies" to the placebo effect, demonstrating that the simple suggestion of something like a lucky rabbit's foot or a relaxing glass of wine can influence actual behavior -- the expectation of an outcome, in other words, makes you unconsciously behave in a way that makes that outcome more likely. The effect isn't even limited to deliberate suggestion; police lineups, for example, tend to yield more false IDs when organized by someone who knows who the suspect is (again, a case of anticipation unconsciously influencing actual behavior).

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"Raisins can lower blood sugar."
According to research presented at the annual session of the American Diabetes Association, eating raisins can significantly lower post-meal glucose levels. The study examined 46 men and women with high glucose and randomly assigned them either raisins or non-fruit packaged snacks of the same caloric value. The participants had these snacks three times a day, after meals, for 12 weeks. The results: Raisins substantially decreased glucose (by 16%) and glycated hemoglobin, while the packaged snack group saw no reduction. Raisins were chosen in part for their antioxidant and fiber content, as well as their low glycemic index.

I wonder if licking a horse will?

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Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"The act of remembering influences your eye movements."

Scientists use pupillometry (the measurement of pupil diameter) to gauge cognitive processes and emotional states. Pupil dilation generally shows cognitive activity -- that is, thinking harder or experiencing stronger memories is associated with more dilated pupils. Furthermore, we tend to move our eyes twice as much when making decisions or accessing long-term memory. But in a recent study, researchers suppressed participants' involuntary eye movements during a series of memory tasks and found no effect on their ability to create memories, indicating that our eye movements might be an evolutionary holdover no longer serving any function.

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"Coffee decreases your risk of skin cancer."

According to a study published in the journal Cancer Research, coffee drinkers are less likely to develop basal cell carcinoma, the most common cancer. The study examined the data of 113,000 men and women, and concluded that those who drank three or more cups of coffee daily had a 20% lower risk than those who drank none. The effect didn't extend to people who drank decaf, implying that at least part of the protective benefit comes from caffeine. In previous studies, coffee has also been shown to potentially decrease the risk for prostate cancer (a 30% lower risk) and dementia (a 65% lower risk).

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"Men who help around the house are happier."

A Cambridge study began with the assumption that increasingly mixed gender roles would lead to increased dissatisfaction with household responsibilities. They found exactly the opposite. The results showed that men who did more housework reported less conflict and increased well-being. According to researchers, the results suggest that most men don't see chores as an inconvenience, and that the more likely they are to want to do their fair share around the house, the more likely they are to be happy overall.

Help as in.. picking up your feet when the vacuum cleaner goes by?


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Quote from: Krandall on July 09, 2012, 07:31:49 AM
"Men who help around the house are happier."

Help as in.. picking up your feet when the vacuum cleaner goes by?



slide your beer over so the whole table can be dusted....
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"