Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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well ya...
I was thinking about ther stupid trip to collionial willimasburg or something to that effect


which is still fine. But I dont need to see all 497 pictures of nothing. Weed them out to the few good ones, so I can be impressed  :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


all Canadians are seal clubbers
98% of north americans that hit the ditch say "oh shit", the other 2% are from saskatchewan and say "hold my beer and watch this"


"Men are likely to eat more when around women."

A study at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and the University of Akron observed students' dining behavior over a 10-day period and found that men tended to buy more calories when eating with women as compared to when eating with men, while women showed the opposite tendency (buying fewer calories around men and more around women). Researchers theorize that people are more aware of gender norms when with the opposite sex. Men don't want to appear to be light eaters, and women don't want to be judged for eating too much.

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"B. F. Skinner worked on a pigeon-guided missile."

The hugely influential psychologist B. F. Skinner spent some of World War II working on, in his words, "a crackpot idea, born on the wrong side of the tracks intellectually speaking." The idea was to create a pigeon-powered missile guidance mechanism. The theory behind it was that a pigeon trained to peck at an image of the specific target would be housed inside the cone, along with a screen with which the pigeon could essentially steer the missile. Skinner demonstrated proof of the concept's functionality in several experiments leading up to the war, and "Project Pigeon" seemed to show some real promise before it was ultimately canceled in 1944.

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"An Italian crew captured by pirates was finally rescued after sending a message in a bottle."

The Italian cargo ship Montescristo was hijacked on October 10th, 2011 by Somali pirates who disabled the ship's communications. The Montecristo's crew had already radioed a distress call before holing up in what was essentially the ship's panic room, bringing the NATO ship into the vicinity. The crew wrote out a distress message, stuffed it in a bottle along with a flashing beacon and threw it out a porthole into the ocean, where it was later picked up by the nearby NATO ship. The bottled message told NATO officials that the crew was safe, so NATO ships were able to approach Montecristo and mount a rescue operation without fear that the pirates could take any hostages.

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Quote from: Krandall on October 21, 2011, 08:23:18 AM
"An Italian crew captured by pirates was finally rescued after sending a message in a bottle."

The Italian cargo ship Montescristo was hijacked on October 10th, 2011 by Somali pirates who disabled the ship's communications. The Montecristo's crew had already radioed a distress call before holing up in what was essentially the ship's panic room, bringing the NATO ship into the vicinity. The crew wrote out a distress message, stuffed it in a bottle along with a flashing beacon and threw it out a porthole into the ocean, where it was later picked up by the nearby NATO ship. The bottled message told NATO officials that the crew was safe, so NATO ships were able to approach Montecristo and mount a rescue operation without fear that the pirates could take any hostages.

While we were on deployment we had something simular happen with a cargo ship. except it wasn't NATO it was UAE who took out the pirates... they are hell of alot faster than the seals thats for damn sure... seals were on the boat for over a week planning out how to take out the three pirates on the sailboat the quest... everyone died on that boat the uae came on and were off the boat in less than 48 hours and everyone lived... Makes you wonder who really is the power house in the world...


We just have to be more careful...being the biggest country, we live in a fishbowl...If that were to go wrong...we'd never hear the end of it.  :thumbs:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 22, 2011, 07:30:56 AM
We just have to be more careful...being the biggest country, we live in a fishbowl...If that were to go wrong...we'd never hear the end of it.  :thumbs:

Peels did you do some research before you posted? It did go wrong... two dead americans one pirate saved using american money and doctor's by the way the pirate that was saved was the one who killed both americans and shot the rocket at the US destroyer... To me sounds like we need some help from the UAE for getting people back alive after pirates take over...


"People who watch reality TV are more likely to believe that meanness is beneficial."

The Girl Scout Research Institute gathered data from a thousand teenage girls, about half of whom watched reality TV regularly. Most of them were consciously aware that reality TV engendered bad behavior, but that didn't make them immune to its effects. Compared to non-viewers, more reality TV viewers believed in being mean to win respect (37%-25%), lying to get what you want (37%-24%) and being liked for outer rather than inner beauty (28%-18%). In their defense, reality TV viewers were also more likely to aspire to leadership (46%-27%).

I see both sides. Granted we take longer, and people DID die.. but if we moved in quickly, and people died, we'd be under much more scrutiny than sitting back. Because it wasn't at the fault of the seals (or replace that with whatever group you want).

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"Men with monotone voices have more sex."

Researchers from universities in California and Pennsylvania followed male volunteers in various situations, including a fake dating game, and measured the variation in each subject's vocal pitch. That pitch variation was directly linked to the number of sexual partners each subject had had. A monotonous voice, according to researchers, is a traditional indicator of power and confidence. Anxiety causes the voice to rise, and aggression causes it to deepen, but men who remain in control of their emotions tend to maintain a more even pitch.

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"Body position can influence memory."

A study in the journal Cognition demonstrated that subjects were able to recall memories more quickly when their body position matched the position they'd been in during the scene they were trying to remember (e.g. waving goodbye or lying down). In addition, two weeks after the first experiment, researchers followed up and found that the subjects whose body positions had matched their memories were able to recall nearly twice as much of their initial recollections.

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"The largest-ever mobile phone study has found no link between tumors and mobile phone use."

A study published in the British Medical Journal examined 18 years of data from 358,403 subjects who used mobile phones and concluded that there is no increased risk of central nervous system tumors (or tumors of any other variety) associated with phone use. This was the follow-up to a nationwide Danish study that had previously reached the same essential conclusions. However, the researchers did stress that it's not possible to rule out a small risk among very heavy users over very long periods. The main criticism of the study was that many more people would need to be followed for far longer for researchers to arrive at a meaningful result.

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"One in five women would rather give up sex than Facebook access."

These results come from a 2,000-respondent Cosmopolitan survey, which also found that, given a choice between things to give up, 70% would give up texting and 50% would give up phones entirely for sex. A previous survey conducted by TeleNav found that 1 in 3 people would give up sex for a week instead of their phones, noting that phone attachment was at its peak among iPhone users (22% of people, for instance, would give up their toothbrushes before their phones. That number jumped to 40% among iPhone users).

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Quote from: Krandall on October 31, 2011, 08:21:16 AM
"One in five women would rather give up sex than Facebook access."

Let me guess, they were all married, right?  Am I right?  What do I win?