Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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"Men are more likely to say they're happier in relationships, while women are more likely to say they're sexually satisfied."

A study in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior examined over 1,000 long-term couples from five different countries, and found that men and women in committed relationships seem to subvert both gender stereotypes. Men were more likely to be happy when receiving signs of physical affection (hugs, cuddling), while women's sexual satisfaction outpaced men's and increased over time. (Overall, women were at their least happy between years one and 15 of a relationship, but they grew happier thereafter.)

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"In some animal populations, high-ranking males also experience the most stress."

High-ranking alpha males in baboon populations, previously thought to have easier lives, are in fact more stressed than beta males below them, according to authors of a Princeton study. Baboon populations are a good model for human interactions, given their genetic resemblance to humans and similarly complex societies. Researchers measured the stress-hormone levels of baboons over a nearly decade-long span and found that alpha males, who are constantly responsible for protecting their spoils and guarding their mates, had stress levels comparable only to those of the lowest-ranking males.

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"Arousal is much more subjective in women."

Men and women have decidedly different interpretations of sexual arousal, but a metastudy that analyzed over 130 smaller studies (and over 4,000 subjects) demonstrated that men are more likely to report levels of arousal mirrored by their bodily indicators (66% of the time), while the same is unlikely to be true with women (only 26% of the time). According to the study, women are more likely to experience physical arousal but report feeling none. A similar study about the subjectivity of arousal found that men responded as expected to erotica (with gay and straight men reacting to images of men and women respectively), while women of either orientation were aroused by images of both men and women.

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"Handshake grip is directly correlated to thrill-seeking behavior."

In men, the hand-grip strength ("HGS") used in a handshake is linked to testosterone levels. A study of 117 men set out to test whether HGS was also linked to risk-taking; the study found that a firm handshake is an indicator of sensation-seeking in general, and of thrill- and adventure-seeking personalities in particular. Grip strength is also correlated with a high shoulder-to-hip ratio, sexual promiscuity and a younger age for the person's first sexual experience.

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"Women find a far wider range of traits attractive than men do."

Men are generally in agreement about what's attractive: "thin" and "seductive" appear to be the traits they're drawn to, followed by "confident," according to a Queens College study. Women in the study were also drawn to these traits to some extent, but were far more varied in the specific men they found attractive. Study participants were shown photos of 100 men and women, and while men agreed on which women were attractive, some women were attracted to men who others found entirely unattractive. This was true regardless of sexuality. Homosexual men were more in accordance about the attractiveness of other men than women were, and straight men showed a greater consensus on the subject than lesbians did.

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"Chicago and New York consumers are least likely and most likely to steal unattended bottles of tea, respectively."

Honest Tea set up an experiment on July 19th, when temperatures in U.S. cities ranged above 100° F. The company set out unattended racks of bottled iced tea adorned with signs that asked people to leave $1 per bottle if they took one, then monitored the racks with hidden cameras. Seattle, the coolest city in the running, initially also had the highest payment rate, though Chicago, where it was 85Ã,° F, eventually won that spot with a 99% payment rate. Boston and Dallas rounded out the top three spots, both with 97% payment rates. Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and New York filled out the bottom of the list, with 91%, 88%, and 86% payment rates respectively.

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"Meaner people tend to gain more weight."

Impulsiveness and conscientiousness are the most influential traits in predicting weight gain (with impulsive people separated by some 22 pounds of weight gain compared to conscientious people). More surprising is that people who identified as cynical and aggressive also tended toward greater weight gain, while people who were perpetually worried about their appearance tended toward cycles of weight gain and weight loss. The National Institute on Aging has been conducting the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging since 1958, and has followed over 1,400 subjects.

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I would have fucked that average lol


Quote from: Krandall on August 01, 2011, 07:35:35 AM
"Meaner people tend to gain more weight."

Impulsiveness and conscientiousness are the most influential traits in predicting weight gain (with impulsive people separated by some 22 pounds of weight gain compared to conscientious people). More surprising is that people who identified as cynical and aggressive also tended toward greater weight gain, while people who were perpetually worried about their appearance tended toward cycles of weight gain and weight loss. The National Institute on Aging has been conducting the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging since 1958, and has followed over 1,400 subjects.

then why aren't you a raging fatass? :rofl:

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Half of social networking users plan to leave Facebook for Google+."

A PCMag poll found that 50% of respondents approved of Google+ and intended to leave Facebook for the new Google service. A further 21% were undecided about whether they'd leave Facebook or not. Only 7% of respondents claimed unwavering loyalty to Facebook, fewer even than the number of people who simply refuse to use social networking at all (11%). The poll only reflects the opinions of 6,237 respondents; Facebook boasts, in total, three fourths of a billion users.

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Quote from: Krandall on August 03, 2011, 08:35:54 AM
"Half of social networking users plan to leave Facebook for Google+."

A PCMag poll found that 50% of respondents approved of Google+ and intended to leave Facebook for the new Google service. A further 21% were undecided about whether they'd leave Facebook or not. Only 7% of respondents claimed unwavering loyalty to Facebook, fewer even than the number of people who simply refuse to use social networking at all (11%). The poll only reflects the opinions of 6,237 respondents; Facebook boasts, in total, three fourths of a billion users.

meh, that google site is lame as shit.

that being said, Ill be on there with hijinx at some point :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


I have some invites if any of you guys wanna check it out. I like it :)

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send me an invite Randy, wanna try that geek stuff
'06 Raptor 700: Yoshi RS-7 full, PCV, Pro Design Foam, EHS lid, Flexx bars, 2" Rox a/v risers, ASV C/5 levers, Powermadds, CCP, HDUSA i3500 +2 a-arms, Rap 700 SE front shocks redone by Wiig, Fox Podium X rear, DWT Drift rear and Hiper beadlocks, Pro Armor XC nerfs, Race grab bar, Tag Agro bumper/chassis skid, PRM 0.25" swinger skid

My name is Iñigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!


Quote from: rappyfreak on August 03, 2011, 10:05:23 PM
send me an invite Randy, wanna try that geek stuff

just shoot me your e-mail :)

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"A 1,000-pound weight difference between vehicles increases the fatality rate for lighter vehicles by nearly half. "

The fact that heavier vehicles are safer for their occupants (but more dangerous for other people) is not particularly surprising, but two Berkeley economists set out to quantify this effect and determined that a 1,000-pound difference accounts for a 47% increase in fatality risk. The effect is even more pronounced if the heavier vehicle is a truck or SUV. Also notable is that 1,000 pounds was the reduction in average vehicle weight of cars in the U.S. from 1975 to 1980, but by 2005, cars had become heavier again and had grown back to their 1975 weights.

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