Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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Fuhrer Flakes!!! :rofl:

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'The most prolific inventor in history is a Japanese researcher named Shunpei Yamazaki.'

Yamazaki, a 65-year-old who owns the Semiconductor Energy Laboratory in Japan, works in computer science and owns, at last count, nearly 2,400 patents (although that's a highly variable figure). His first patent was for a computer chip in 1980, meaning that Yamazaki has averaged more than a patent per week for 30 years.

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'An Asian giant hornet can kill a human being.'

The Asian giant hornet, whose lethality is evident in its nickname "the yak-killer hornet," is two inches long with a three-inch wingspan. The hornet mostly preys on other insects, and its venom is not actually as toxic per volume as honeybee venom-the hornet is simply so large that it delivers far more venom per sting. Even those not allergic to the venom can die following a substantial-enough sting, and more people in Japan are killed per year by giant hornets than by poisonous snakes.

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Quote from: Krandall on July 27, 2010, 09:36:37 AM
'An Asian giant hornet can kill a human being.'

The Asian giant hornet, whose lethality is evident in its nickname "the yak-killer hornet," is two inches long with a three-inch wingspan. The hornet mostly preys on other insects, and its venom is not actually as toxic per volume as honeybee venom-the hornet is simply so large that it delivers far more venom per sting. Even those not allergic to the venom can die following a substantial-enough sting, and more people in Japan are killed per year by giant hornets than by poisonous snakes.

ERMAHGERD f**k that... I hate hornets. Got stung by one last weekend. :mad:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


When I went to the outdoor concert a couple weekends ago. bee hit my mirror, and bounced inside. landed on my arm and stung me.. beestard!!!

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If a bee gave it's life to harm you...........That bee should be honored

July 11th...Happy Beesday :lol:


Quote from: Colorado700R on July 27, 2010, 01:53:02 PM
If a bee gave it's life to harm you...........That bee should be honored

July 11th...Happy Beesday :lol:

Holy hell.... :rofl: Indeed brave soldier, way to take one for the team.  :thumbs: + 1 karma for the bee.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


you guys are f*ckers!! :lol:

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I doubt that bee will be the last to put a little prick in you :homo:


Fact : Per Aaron..  KFC>Life.

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'The U.S. Army Rangers are named after the Spencer Tracy film Northwest Passage.'

As guides and scouts, rangers date back in American military history as early as the 17th century, but in an official capacity they owe their existence to a British Brigadier named Dudley Clarke. Clarke had founded the British Commandos in 1940 and suggested that American Colonel William Donovan consider forming a similar elite force; as it happens, Donovan had just seen Northwest Passage, set during the French and Indian War, and recommended "rangers" as a fitting name.

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'Russia allegedly maintains a vast, secretive underground complex.'

Since the mid-'90s, some sources have alleged that Russia is building (or has completed) a huge military complex popularly dubbed the Yamantau Complex. The structure, under Yamantau Mountain in the Urals, was started by Leonid Brezhnev, and its function is something of a mystery. When asked, Russian officials have variously described the project as a bunker, a mining site, a nuclear dump, or a storage area; others have simply declined to comment.

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Some baboons use birth control.'

Female baboons in the Nigerian rainforest appear to make seasonal use of the African black plum in order to increase progesterone levels, which both halts their reproductive cycles and keeps male baboons from displaying interest. Some biologists argue that this is unintentional behavior, and that the baboons are merely self-medicating (with contraception as a side-effect). If not, this would be the first recorded deliberate exhibition of animal contraception.

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Quote from: Krandall on July 30, 2010, 09:42:39 AM
Some baboons use birth control.'

Female baboons in the Nigerian rainforest appear to make seasonal use of the African black plum in order to increase progesterone levels, which both halts their reproductive cycles and keeps male baboons from displaying interest. Some biologists argue that this is unintentional behavior, and that the baboons are merely self-medicating (with contraception as a side-effect). If not, this would be the first recorded deliberate exhibition of animal contraception.

If a baboon showed sexual interest in you, wouldn't you take every measure to halt it? :rofl:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


'Around 1% of the population qualifies as "highly psychotic.'

Robert Hare, a criminal psychology researcher and professor of psychopathology, notes that many of the defining characteristics of psychopaths -- charisma, manipulation, impulsiveness, grandiosity -- actually make some psychopaths better-suited to some careers, e.g. high-powered corporate environments. In a talk in Newfoundland, Hare displayed the WorldCom and Enron CEOs alongside images of more "typical" (violent) psychopaths, making the point that in such positions, lack of empathy is often seen as an asset.

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