Fact O' The Day

Started by Krandall, July 07, 2009, 07:23:11 AM

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Fact: My hubby is hawt!  :rofl:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


we lookin at the same guy?  :confused:

Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Twitter is frequently used to relay lifesaving information."

According to studies by University of Pennsylvania researchers, tweets are often used to communicate potentially lifesaving information, including the use of CPR or defibrillators. The analysis, performed by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine, turned up 15,324 tweets providing information about cardiac arrest over a month-long period. About a quarter of the tweets related personal experiences involving the use of CPR and about 5% described personal encounters with cardiac arrest.

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"Smile intensity can predict both future relationship success and longevity."

A study from Indiana's DePauw University examined hundreds of school yearbook photos for smile authenticity and intensity and then followed up with the pictured students to check the status of their relationships. The more heartfelt a student's smile, the less likely he or she was to be divorced. A similar study on photos from the 1952 Baseball Register found that players with more intense smiles lived longer.

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"Narcissism is good for leadership."

According to a study from the IMD business school in Switzerland, CEOs with narcissistic personalities tend to outperform CEOs without them. Professors examined the characteristics of 78 chief executives at 33 American pharmaceutical companies, recording (among other things) how often their photos appeared in annual reports and how frequently their names were mentioned in press releases. The analysis concluded that more egotistical CEOs were also more daring and innovative, leading companies that were faster in responding to the rise of biotechnology than their peers.

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"A company has built a dual-core computer within a USB stick."

Norwegian company FXI Technologies recently unveiled the prototype for the "Cotton Candy" USB device, a 3-inch-long USB stick that contains a dual-core 1.2-GHz processor, a quad-core GPU, Bluetooth/Wifi support and runs on the Android OS. When plugged into a computer, the device starts Android in a separate window on the desktop and, as it has HDMI output, can also run the OS on a TV. The device will retail for around $200 in mid-2012.

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"The purpose of yawning may be to cool down the brain."

A study published in the journal Medical Hypotheses suggested that yawning -- something that has always baffled scientists -- may serve to move air through the maxillary sinuses (under and behind the eyes) and up to the brain thereby lowering its temperature. This theory would also tidily explain the function of sinuses, another curious anatomical feature. Researchers tested the theory by measuring the temperatures in rats' brains and found that temperatures tended to spike before a yawn before dipping back down, indicating that the yawns themselves were precipitated by a brain in need of cooling.

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"Walking speed can predict overall health."

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center analyzed data from over 35,000 people over the age of 65 and found that walking speed was one of the most accurate predictors of longevity. The participating seniors typically moved at around speeds of 2.2 miles per hour. For every 0.1 meters per second they moved faster than that, they were 12 percent more likely to be alive a decade later. Only age and gender were better predictors -- making it potentially even more accurate than metrics like weight and blood pressure.

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Quote from: Krandall on November 30, 2011, 07:32:51 AM
"Narcissism is good for leadership."

According to a study from the IMD business school in Switzerland, CEOs with narcissistic personalities tend to outperform CEOs without them. Professors examined the characteristics of 78 chief executives at 33 American pharmaceutical companies, recording (among other things) how often their photos appeared in annual reports and how frequently their names were mentioned in press releases. The analysis concluded that more egotistical CEOs were also more daring and innovative, leading companies that were faster in responding to the rise of biotechnology than their peers.

I argued this with people that called their doctors assholes, or jerks. I WANT my doctor to be an arrogant prick. No wishy washy BS. Know the decision, and make it... :thumbs: same goes for large businesses in my opinion
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Well-done red meat substantially increases the risk of prostate cancer."

A University of California study published in the journal PLoS ONE found that consumption of processed meats in general, and ground beef in particular, increases the risk of prostate cancer. The study also found that cooking methods influence cancer incidence: men who ate a lot of ground beef that was well done or very well done had twice the prostate cancer risk of men who ate none. Mutagenic compounds produced by some cooking methods (including grilling and pan frying) are likely involved, although the researchers stressed that other factors may be involved and the issue calls for further research.

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"Increasing the time between having kids can increase their academic performance."

Notre Dame researchers have determined that leaving two years between siblings is beneficial to the older sibling's overall intelligence. Based on an analysis of 5,000 sibling pairs, an additional year between siblings' ages accounted for an increase of intelligence of 0.17 standard deviations. The issue, researchers explained, is that having one or two children in need of constant supervision decreases the time spent on the older child's enrichment as he or she develops. The more time a child gets to be an only child, the more that child is likely to benefit.

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Quote from: Krandall on December 12, 2011, 08:08:37 AM
"Increasing the time between having kids can increase their academic performance."

Notre Dame researchers have determined that leaving two years between siblings is beneficial to the older sibling's overall intelligence. Based on an analysis of 5,000 sibling pairs, an additional year between siblings' ages accounted for an increase of intelligence of 0.17 standard deviations. The issue, researchers explained, is that having one or two children in need of constant supervision decreases the time spent on the older child's enrichment as he or she develops. The more time a child gets to be an only child, the more that child is likely to benefit.

I like this fact....  :thumbs: makes sense.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


"Women who are gamers have more sex."

A Harris Interactive survey found that women who play any variety of computer, mobile or social networking games have more sex than their peers: 57% of gamers had sex regularly, compared to 52% of non-gamers (38% of gamers had sex at least once a week, compared to 34%). Furthermore, they have richer real-life social lives; 42% of gamers socialized with friends in person at least once a day, compared to 31% of non-gamers.

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Quote from: Krandall on December 13, 2011, 07:33:18 AM
"Women who are gamers have more sex."

A Harris Interactive survey found that women who play any variety of computer, mobile or social networking games have more sex than their peers: 57% of gamers had sex regularly, compared to 52% of non-gamers (38% of gamers had sex at least once a week, compared to 34%). Furthermore, they have richer real-life social lives; 42% of gamers socialized with friends in person at least once a day, compared to 31% of non-gamers.

while for males, the opposite is true... :nerd:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


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