Just painted a LOT of stuff on my quad BLACK..what do you think? *NOW WITH PICS!

Started by r00st, December 02, 2008, 08:35:46 PM

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Ceramic is better by far.

Reason why people go w/ the do it yourself painting is it's WAAAAY cheaper to do.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


oh, and roost, I've been reading about high temp paint, Sounds like to make it last for a long while, you are supposed to cure the paint by baking it in a 350-400 degree oven for 2-3 hours.

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Sounds like you need to throw those parts in the oven.  The headers should be able to fit, but the cans might not.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


mike if all else fails i throw your quad on the trailer with mine and we will get it done and its no problem helping you out man glad to help anyone out just been really busy last few weeks so cant really get much done
the Merchant of Miscellanious Merchandise 



Sounds like a plan. We should be able to get it all done in one day.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Ya ive been pretty busy too lately..o well there is only like 10% left to do...all of it should be able to be done in one night.

And thanks for the invite Erich I will probably take you up on that!

As far as the ceramic coating, it would for sure be more durable and probably have better heat dissipation characteristics BUT The paint I used DOES have ceramic in it :)

Ya they said for the best heat protection to heat the parts in cycles... 350* for 3 hours, 450 for 1.5 hours and 600 for like 45 minutes, allowing equal amounts of time to cool between the heat cycles.

THe funny part is...we are in an apartment for school, and leave soon. So please believe im cooking the parts in the oven! lol..the can says not to do it in an oven where food is prepared...o well... We pay 1020 a month for the damn place, I will use the oven for whatever I DAMN PLEASE! :)
2007 Raptor 700 SE
With some SHTUFF


Sounds like a plan, so when are you done with school, and where are you going back to?

Do you think you can get your oven up to 600?
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


o GERD your cooking again hope it doesnt turn out like those burnt ass cookies you made lol
the Merchant of Miscellanious Merchandise 



Well our oven goes to 550*, so might have to let it pre-heat for a really long time and try to only open the door as long as I need to, to throw the parts in.

That, and once I get it installed and ride the first time I will be sure to put-put on trails to get the temps up, and then let it sit for a good 30 minutes to finalize the heat-treating process.

I figure this way... my total cost is about 20 in paint (3 cans.. @ 6.50 a pop). Plus a few hours of my time, which I dont mind because I like doing this kind of crap anyway.

If I had sent it all out to be done... I would be looking at 50-60 to PC the cans, plus 180-240 to ceramic the headers (depending on where its done...). So I will have the same look (not quite the same advantages of the true ceramic...but o well) all for about 250 dollars less.

Now I just pray it holds up! I Think after the heat cycles it should harden the paint and it will work. But again..worst case scenario I will take the headers off, clean them up and spray them with the VHT stuff which I KNOW will not burn off.

Here is a pic of the sand pig...my old DS730. I used the VHT header paint on the entire exhaust and never had a single problem with it. I actually didnt heat treat the DS stuff...but I did start/stop once it got up to temps a few times.

And hey...I would like to think im better at painting than I am baking cookies *STUPID COOKIES* :mad:

2007 Raptor 700 SE
With some SHTUFF


keep trying Mike, you'll make a fine wife someday.

And you better bring that SE to silver lake this year.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


There is another pic so you can see the slip-on. Definitely a true Matte black, but never had a problem with flaking.

When is the rally this year? I have an internship in the spring (time will be hard to get off) but once I am done with that (end of april) I should be pretty available.

And about getting done with school..we are done after next thursday (last final). We are in our apartment down here till Dec 31st (but will probably head home a week before that date). We are heading back to our hometown Dekalb/Sycamore.

lol @ the wife comment... are you trying to convince me who wears the pants? ;)
2007 Raptor 700 SE
With some SHTUFF


we all know its not you that wears the pants.   :lol:

So are you done for good with school?

And the rally should be in late June (I hope for my sake)  We are voting on dates and late June needs all the help it can get.  I can't go in early June due to my wife having baby this spring.  I want more time before I take a weekend away.

07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Well academically yes we are done. We have our internship (which counts for 12 credit hours) this spring (jan-first week of may) then we graduate may 9th. DONE AND DONE.

I should be able to make late june work. Our dunes trip (which I may or may not be going on..) is scheduled for 2nd week of june, so I will for sure vote for late june.

The guys I usually go with are not going, so unless I can hook a ride with some of the other guys the Utah-trip is out (which sucks). O well better silver lake than nothing!
2007 Raptor 700 SE
With some SHTUFF


So I guess no would not be the time to tell you I'll be at glamis for new years. 

07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


the Merchant of Miscellanious Merchandise 
