Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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I'm getting the shaft in this state thanks to Obama and his boys.  I guess I'm going to get it at the federal level this time around too.   :(
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 16, 2008, 09:37:08 AM
Heated debate last night. McCain should have busted out that performance long ago.

I did get a bit tired of hearing "Joe the Plumber" after about 30 times. McCain shouldn't have dwelled on that. Obama didn't seem to have the charisma he has had in previous debates, but he did recover well after the first 30-40 minutes. Obama held back on attacking Sarah Palin. Obama didn't see that attack coming on Biden. I thought it was pretty chicken shit of McCain to attack Biden, when he's a 100 times better choice for VP as Palin.

McCain's performance seemed like the last 2:00 minutes of a basketball game down 30 points with the worst guy on the court shoting three pointers.


+1  on the f*ckin joe the plumber crap...

Whats with the McCain/Palin crew.. The joe 6-packs the joe plumbers... f*ck. It was a good debate for sure. McCain did very well. To me.. It seems McCain seems to steer more away from issues than address. I didn't like how he kept blaming obama/his campaign on stuff. Obama came right back saying basically wtf? where do you get this stuff.  The Onion?   :lol:

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2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 09:43:19 AM
I'm getting the shaft in this state thanks to Obama and his boys.  I guess I'm going to get it at the federal level this time around too.   :(

Tax wise?

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Yup, he has quite the voting record here.  But this is the land of the most corrupt politicians out there.  I bet we'll see two of our governors in the big house soon. 
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


I'm sure that this is gonna piss some of you off......

I hope you all like Socialism, mark my words that's where were headed with the demos in control and Obama at the helm. GERD help this country  :( 

P.S.   you better stock up om ammo if your a gun enthusiast and you might as well sell your ATV while their still worth something because the liberals are going to make it so you can't afford to buy ammo and they'll listen and agree with the activists and one by one close all public riding area's down. The only place you'll be able to ride is on a track eventually. Don't believe me, wait and  see you Obama loving liberals....your giving away our country with a vote for Obama and paving the way to Socialism :mad:

07 Aljo 199LTD toy box
99 F250 PSD

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He shall direct your paths.


Quote from: GIR on October 16, 2008, 09:43:54 AM
An interesting video about the economy.


Jimmy Carter didn't have  a damn thing to do with the current mortgage crisis.

The Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.) is a United States federal law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

The Act was intended to reduce discriminatory credit practices against such neighborhoods, a practice known as 'redlining'. The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation. (See full text of Act and current regulations.) To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for CRA compliance, and take this information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions.

Low income and moderate income neighborhoods. Those AREN'T the communities that the majority of foreclosures are occurring in. They are occuring in markets where the real estate market values are OVER INFLATED. Do you honestly think houses in low income and moderate income areas are over inflated? NO. It's where there is substaintial economic growth (Southern California.Vegas, etc.). The crisis was caused by deregualtion of lending guidlines. More people got into homes during the last eight years than other time in history. The current administration made it easy by deregulating guidelines to qualify for loans, and lenders took advantage of it by selling loans to people that didn't require income, job, or assett verification (Ninja loans) or into adjustible rate mortages (ARM). ARM loans at the time where great ideas because those rates were affected and adjusted by using the London LIBOR* (Example).

*The London Interbank Offered Rate (or LIBOR, pronounced /ˈlaɪbɔr/) is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the London wholesale money market (or interbank market). LIBOR will be slightly higher than the London Interbank Bid Rate (LIBID), the rate at which banks are prepared to accept deposits. It is roughly comparable to the U.S. Federal funds rate.

When the economy is doing well, investors pump money into bonds and that's what banks and subprime lenders base loans from. When the econpmy started a downward spiral, those investors pulled those investments, and went elsewhere. This caused those rates on wholesale money to skyrocket, thus causing ARM mortgages to raise, and mortgage rates to rise. Now, credit markets are froze due to the lack of investors in the bond market, banks taking it on the chin for making poor loans in inflated market areas. Money is only being loaned to credit worthy customers at strict criteria at much higher rates than normal. The people in ARM loans can't keep up because they've lost jobs, higher fuel prices, food costs, higher insurance premiums, etc..  Those people should have never been in those homes to begin with because of deregualted guidelines. NINJA loans put people into homes at higher rates (Higher rates to NOT verify job, income, and assets). Take a consumer that makes $70,000 a year in Southern California. The consumer needs a small four bedroom home, within 100 miles of his/her job. What does that home cost? $500K if you're lucky? NINJA loans put people like this into expensive homes when a conventional mortgage would have limited this person to a $1200 mortgage max if his/her debt ratio was below 40%.

To the maker of the video.....Don't blame a President that was in office 30 years ago. He had nothing to do with it!

Sharpton for President ya'll, I'm audi.


2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 09:55:24 AM
Yup, he has quite the voting record here.  But this is the land of the most corrupt politicians out there.  I bet we'll see two of our governors in the big house soon. 

Well, you do live near one of the largest US cities.....I'm sure taxes have always been outrageous there due to the infastructure.

If you have an example for me to read on in my spare time, send it to me.


2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 16, 2008, 10:09:12 AM
I'm sure that this is gonna piss some of you off......

I hope you all like Socialism, mark my words that's where were headed with the demos in control and Obama at the helm. GERD help this country  :( 

P.S.   you better stock up om ammo if your a gun enthusiast and you might as well sell your ATV while their still worth something because the liberals are going to make it so you can't afford to buy ammo and they'll listen and agree with the activists and one by one close all public riding area's down. The only place you'll be able to ride is on a track eventually. Don't believe me, wait and  see you Obama loving liberals....your giving away our country with a vote for Obama and paving the way to Socialism :mad:

It's all good, but I don't understand why you think they'll be closing public riding down? ??? or changing gun laws to basicalyl outlaw them?

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


Quote from: Krandall on October 16, 2008, 10:34:55 AM
Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 16, 2008, 10:09:12 AM
I'm sure that this is gonna piss some of you off......

I hope you all like Socialism, mark my words that's where were headed with the demos in control and Obama at the helm. GERD help this country  :( 

P.S.   you better stock up om ammo if your a gun enthusiast and you might as well sell your ATV while their still worth something because the liberals are going to make it so you can't afford to buy ammo and they'll listen and agree with the activists and one by one close all public riding area's down. The only place you'll be able to ride is on a track eventually. Don't believe me, wait and  see you Obama loving liberals....your giving away our country with a vote for Obama and paving the way to Socialism :mad:

It's all good, but I don't understand why you think they'll be closing public riding down? ??? or changing gun laws to basicalyl outlaw them?

Those two examples are easy to see.  Look at the voting records on gun laws and state land access.  That is my main reason for not voting for Obama. 
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 16, 2008, 10:33:34 AM
Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 09:55:24 AM
Yup, he has quite the voting record here.  But this is the land of the most corrupt politicians out there.  I bet we'll see two of our governors in the big house soon. 

Well, you do live near one of the largest US cities.....I'm sure taxes have always been outrageous there due to the infastructure.

If you have an example for me to read on in my spare time, send it to me.



No problem, I'll make sure to send them over tonight.  And it does have a little to do with the city, cook county is one of the highest in the area...or sales tax is 10.25%.  But State wide we are getting killed, trying to own a gun is a joke, gas is MUCH higer then states around us, income taxes..OUCH.  But I guess thats what I get for trying to work hard and make as much money as I can.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: RaptorRandy on October 16, 2008, 10:09:12 AM
I'm sure that this is gonna piss some of you off......

I hope you all like Socialism, mark my words that's where were headed with the demos in control and Obama at the helm. GERD help this country  :( 

P.S.   you better stock up om ammo if your a gun enthusiast and you might as well sell your ATV while their still worth something because the liberals are going to make it so you can't afford to buy ammo and they'll listen and agree with the activists and one by one close all public riding area's down. The only place you'll be able to ride is on a track eventually. Don't believe me, wait and  see you Obama loving liberals....your giving away our country with a vote for Obama and paving the way to Socialism :mad:

I love no candidates. So I cannot be pissed off, just confused as to why people would be hateful either way. ???

So, then what, praytell, are we paving the way for with a vote for McCain?  ??? Also, Republicans have been making mostly the same b.s. environmental promises the dems do. I'll believe it when I see it. The focus has shifted from the green of the environment to the green of the almighty dollar. This will be the deciding factor on election day. I am not worried about riding areas, as long as they are generating revenue, they will be ok.....for awhile...until the economy gets better, then they have nothing better to worry about. And will go after them again, regardless of who is in office.
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


QuoteI am not worried about riding areas, as long as they are generating revenue, they will be ok.....for awhile...until the economy gets better, then they have nothing better to worry about. And will go after them again, regardless of who is in office.

I wish this was true, but their voting proves otherwise.  Same with gun ownership.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 10:41:48 AM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 16, 2008, 10:33:34 AM
Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 09:55:24 AM
Yup, he has quite the voting record here.  But this is the land of the most corrupt politicians out there.  I bet we'll see two of our governors in the big house soon. 

Well, you do live near one of the largest US cities.....I'm sure taxes have always been outrageous there due to the infastructure.

If you have an example for me to read on in my spare time, send it to me.



No problem, I'll make sure to send them over tonight.  And it does have a little to do with the city, cook county is one of the highest in the area...or sales tax is 10.25%.  But State wide we are getting killed, trying to own a gun is a joke, gas is MUCH higer then states around us, income taxes..OUCH.  But I guess thats what I get for trying to work hard and make as much money as I can.

10.25% Shit!

We aren't far off the mark at 9.25%

I can see why a gun is hard to get there. It should be tougher to get since crime is higher. It's WAY too easy to get a gun here. Gas, there's my complaint. Sure it takes more to ship it there, but should it be a $1.00 higher per gallon? No.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 16, 2008, 10:45:50 AM
QuoteI am not worried about riding areas, as long as they are generating revenue, they will be ok.....for awhile...until the economy gets better, then they have nothing better to worry about. And will go after them again, regardless of who is in office.

I wish this was true, but their voting proves otherwise.  Same with gun ownership.

shoot them, run them over with quads, we win

Death by Irony  :grin_nod: