Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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I may not be a Clinton fan but what Bill and Hillary did in the white house is what every president has done in history......he just got caught.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


I'm waiting for either side to step-up and place some of the housing issue problems where it belongs.  On the local counties constiantly over appraising property values to collect more property tax.  When the apprasials sky rocketed like in Cali, Vegas, Phoenix and here in Colorado, average middle class folks had to go over there heads in house purchasing just to get a somewhat decent house.

Not the cause of the total problem, but defenitaly a driver



07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 10:35:56 AM

It TERRIFIES me to think of what will happen if Obama gets in the white house.  Although I'm not impressed with either candidates health care policy, with how messed up our gov is right now if they tried universal health care (like Obama keeps talking about) I think they'd just run us even more into the ground.

We need a president that's concerned about our troops, our country and the people that live here.  Why would we want to vote for someone that spent months parading around Europe putting on a show instead of listening to the people who would be voting for him?

Universal health care works in Canada, why wouldn't it work here?

Because the pharamcutical companies, doctors, and hospital admins would take a pay cut?

We you are talking about "parading"  around Europe, are you refering to Obama's trip to Germany? Why is that so bad?

Nothing wrong with mending fences in Europe, where markets are strong. Believe it or not, it's very important to have Europe on our side. If Europe we had more of the big hitters on our side, we would be spending ten billion dollars a month in Iraq each month, and we wouldn't have our forces spread so thin. At one time, the US could trade, buy and sell many comodities with Europe. This helped our economy. I remeber when I was young how Regan brokered deals on wheat and soybeans to Europe and Russia. This was the begining of a flat economy in the 80's, that progressed through Regan, Bush, and Clinton's terms, which was a record for the US economy (127+ months of growth).

If the current administration paid closer attention to what's going on there, maybe our economy wouldn't be so bad!

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 10:49:05 AM
I'm not talking about Monica.  I'm talking about all the other crap that both Bill AND Hillary did while they were in the white house.  The stuff that only the Secret Service and other white house people had the unfortunate fortune to have to witness.  Hillary did her share of crap while Bill was in office too.  Most people just don't know about it.

So you exactly don't know what they did because of the Secret Service, or you do know what they did?

I'm confused.

I'll promsie you this, regardless of what Bill and Hillary did, the man in the chair now, and his choice of Vice President will go down as the worst in history.

They make Bill and Hillary look like Ghandi and Mother Teresa.


2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Flynbyu on October 10, 2008, 11:04:56 AM
Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 10:49:05 AM
I'm not talking about Monica.  I'm talking about all the other crap that both Bill AND Hillary did while they were in the white house.  The stuff that only the Secret Service and other white house people had the unfortunate fortune to have to witness.  Hillary did her share of crap while Bill was in office too.  Most people just don't know about it.

So you exactly don't know what they did because of the Secret Serrvice, or you do know what they did?

I'm confused.

I'll promsie you this, regardless of what Bill and Hillary did, the man in the chair now, and his choice of Vice President will go down as the worst in history.

They make Bill and Hillary look like Ghandi and Mother Teresa.

Tell that to the Somalians, Croations, and Serbs.  Or even better, to the US forces on a 15month rotation becuase our forces were cut back so drastically during the clinton era.

Bush got us into Iraq based on bad intel.  That intel is not his fault.  Every commander is subject to it from a junior NCO to the Commander in chief (been there, done that, got the shrapnel scares to show for it). 

If your intrested in reading about how fucked up our intel has been and is "Legacy of ashes - A history of the CIA" lays out alot of the crap recently declassified, and identifys key flaws in the system.  Doesn't matter your politcal sidings, it's still a good read  :thumbs:


The last eight years have been more tramatic than any since the onset of WWII.  Since Georgy boy took over, he had 9-11, Afganistan, Iraq, Katrina, North Korea and Iran spouting off, and the list goes on.

Now, I'm hardly defending all his decisions, nor endorsing him for saint hood, but he didn't threaten the end of life on this planet twice in his term based on some kind of BS bravado like JFK either.

Will he be judged as one of the worst.  Yes, and his total lack of any ablity to speak coherently will seal that one  :lol:

But I don't see any kind of way to compare him to any other President of our life time, becuase no one else has seen these types of challenges.

Sharpton for President y'all, I'm out   :rofl:



Who appointed the CIA director again?

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


I think FDR and Mr. Truman dealt w/ equal if not MORE back during the beginning of WWII in my opionion.

Bush has had his share. But.. at least FDR and Truman made the correct decision..

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Quote from: Flynbyu on October 10, 2008, 12:05:11 PM
Who appointed the CIA director again?


Read the book brother, the directors are the least of the problem.  Scary times we live in.


Quote from: Krandall on October 10, 2008, 12:18:40 PM
I think FDR and Mr. Truman dealt w/ equal if not MORE back during the beginning of WWII in my opionion.

Bush has had his share. But.. at least FDR and Truman made the correct decision..

No doubt, FDR is one of my heros  :thumbs:

But remeber, FDR and Truman had a lesser media with a stranglehold on them.  Sedetion type acts and policies enforced control of the world's perception.  And our history books can only record what was recorded  :(


Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 12:35:11 PM
Quote from: Flynbyu on October 10, 2008, 11:04:56 AM
Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 10:49:05 AM
I'm not talking about Monica.  I'm talking about all the other crap that both Bill AND Hillary did while they were in the white house.  The stuff that only the Secret Service and other white house people had the unfortunate fortune to have to witness.  Hillary did her share of crap while Bill was in office too.  Most people just don't know about it.

So you exactly don't know what they did because of the Secret Service, or you do know what they did?

I'm confused.

I've heard a few things they did from a couple different sources, and a few things have leaked into the press, but I don't know everything they did, nor do I want to.  We as a country I think have figured out that we need to keep a closer eye on those people we elect to lead us.  We need to remind them that it is an elected office and they can be removed from it.  I'm amazed that AIG spend $440,000 on hotels, spa treatments, golf, food, etc. right after the government agreed to help them out of their mess.  Then they decided to ask for more money.  We don't demand accountability these days like we should.

The news reported that one of the candidates has spent $17 MILLION dollars so far this year on ad campaigns.  In most states these ads they have on TV and radio are 2 to 1, 4 to 1 and even up to 8 to 1 times as may as their opponent.  People are trying to figure out how to keep a roof over there head.  Does anyone else feel like maybe this money could have been spent a little better other places?

Does anyone know much about any of the independent or 3rd party candidates?

Ron Paul , but he's a bit to far to the right, even for me  ::)


Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 12:38:09 PM
So if you could write someone in to vote for... who would it be?  Besides you Aaron... seems like you'd do pretty good out there in DC straightening them out.  :clap:

Oh GERD no  :lol:

JFK almost got into thermal nuclear war twice.  I'd gaurentee it  >:D

See my "If I ruled the world thread for details"   :rofl:



The problem I see is that we as Americans cannot see the forest for the trees anymore.  The size and scope of these issues present today are massive and too much for anyone to understand based on biased news reports and 2 minute politcal debate conversations.

The Presidency needs to be someone the whole country rallies behind, but also needs to have extremely smart personel in the right positions to be delgated as the "go to" for these problems.

I'm almost to the point wheras I don't need to be concerned about who is the prez elect this fall.  And more intrested who that president is going appoint to their cabinet and other key positions.  Becuase when all is said and done, no man or woman can fully understand all of the issues today.  It's a group effort, and I want the right group.



Quote from: GIR on October 10, 2008, 12:44:22 PM
I find it ironic with all the candidates talking about how we need to be united how dividing this election has been and continues to be.  On a flight to St Louis a gentleman sitting next to me asked who I was voting for and then proceeded to say how you can't hardly ask that question anymore without starting a fight.  Whatever happened to debating politics without brawling? ??? 

Here's a very sad question for you....

What ever happened to "We the people???

it only appears to happen anymore when trajedy strikes  :(


Becuase WE don't vote based on OUR best intrests.  I vote on MY best intrests.

Hence the inherent flaw in democracy wrapped in Capitolism IMO  :(