Poll: Seriously, who are you voting for???

Started by Gunz, October 09, 2008, 10:08:46 PM

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Im just curious which way this is leaning on our forum. I am also wondering as to how many people are going  to actually vote. It doesn't matter your reason for not voting, but if your not going to go to the polls at least pick who you would like to win.

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I don't vote, but I was thinking about doing it this go around just to make sure Obama doesn't become president.   :grin_nod:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


Personally, I don't like these political threads becuase they always end in drama.  Hopefully this one is diffrent, but I'll be watching it closely.

I enjoy good conversation, dicussion and even a heated debate, however emotions can get out of hand, so don't be suprised if this ends up locked 4 Gunz



I'm not voting.

It's a close choice for me to who I'm pulling for. But in the end I'm pullin for Obama Mama.

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I did see a thing last night on Entertainment Tonight. Mcains wife is a drifter. likes drift racing w/ her son! thought that was pretty cool

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Not being a grammer Nazi, but it's John McCain not John McLain (Die Hard Trilogy!)


I'm solid with Obama, and man enough to admit it. I am confident Obama can change things for my generation, and our next generation.

I honestly like McCain. He's a fellow pilot (Bonus!), and a true patriot for the shit he endured in in Vietnam. I told you guys back on RF that I would strongly consider him if he ever ran for President, and I did until he picked Palin. Honestly, that's where he lost my vote. I'm not sexist, because if Hillary would be in the drivers seat, I would have voted for her under the current pecking order.
McCain is unfortunatley 8 years too late. If he would have ran 8 years ago, I honestly don't think we would be in the mess we are in now. Due to his age now, and with the "maverick" he picked, I don't want to take the chance having an unexperienced soccer/hockey mom and Joe Six Pack as President/The First Man within the next four years.


2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


I really wished obama picked hillary as his running mate. She's got a good head on her shoulders.

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Quote from: Krandall on October 10, 2008, 09:41:08 AM
I really wished obama picked hillary as his running mate. She's got a good head on her shoulders.

My thoughts too...   I am a total OBAMA mark


for me I think Obama and Palin have equal experience.  It doesn't take much to do what Obama did in the senate, he really hasn't done much there.  Much more work to run a state no matter what the size.  But I think they both have what it takes to run this country.  Hilliary on the other hand, I couldn't swallow her health care idea....I'm not a fan of getting stuck with the bill for everyone else's health care.  And her stance on gun control and siding with the people that want to close our riding areas down.  Plus I wasn't sure if she would side with her Husbands fair housing act that helped get all the Americans that couldn't afford houses into homes.  This set new rules for the lenders so they could finance more on less income and give 80/20 loans or interest only......causing the problem we have today.  She may not of felt the same way but I didn't want to take that risk.  
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Valid points E, but I have to disagree with you one one thing in your statement.

The problem we have now wasn't created by Bill Clinton's Administration. The problem now was created by deregualtion of lending guidlines passed by a Republican led congress. Deregualtion of these guidlines occured in the first four years of President Bush's term. Lobbyist, and the Bush Administration pushed Congress and the House to deregualte lending guidlines.
It was good in many points because it did help a few honest Americans get into home ownership that had never owned homes before (like myself!), but the downside was the no income, no job verification loans, and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM loans) in areas where the housing market was over inflated. People went with these loans to buy more home than they could afford. As you know, a family with a $5000 month gross income can't switng a $950,000 mortgage. With a NINJA loan (No income, no job, no assett verification loan), all you had to have was a good credit score on a tri merged credit report, and someone doing  "stated income" on the application (State income = Inflated income).
I originated mortgages for a year, and this practice was going STRONG when I left. I never did one of these loans, even though I had reps pushing me to do so...."You'll close more deals!" etc.. Had those regualtions remained in place, we wouldn't be in this shape. I would have probably had to have another $3-5000 down to get into the home I am in now, but I would have paid it anyway to get in there.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


it was in place long before the bush administration.  Some of it goes back as far as carter.  but both sides of the room have had their hands in it since they both are being pulled by housing lobbyist.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


But it all boils down to those damn dirty apes.
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


Quote from: Socalrappy700 on October 10, 2008, 10:22:29 AM
it was in place long before the bush administration.  Some of it goes back as far as carter.  but both sides of the room have had their hands in it since they both are being pulled by housing lobbyist.


There were more homeowners created during Bush's term(s) than any other President in history. It's just too bad there were also more foreclosures during his term(s) too. If that one statistic held true without the negative, that would have been a huge plus for his administration.

2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum


That bubble of homeowners has been building since the 90's. If it wasn't going to pop in his term it would of gone in the next.  Its like a game of the musical chairs.  Whoever is left without a chair when the music stops gets the blame. 
07 SE2


Yamaha Raptor Forum


2003 Yamaha Raptor

Yamaha Raptor Forum