finally get to run it!!

Started by jonny_b, February 19, 2011, 02:36:42 PM

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alright!! i finally get to put my new hc2 in tomorrow!!  :clap: :clap: :clap: thanks to spartan727 sending me a decompression pin.  :thumbs: never thought there would be people out there willing to help someone they don't know like that. so i'll be breakin it in some tomorrow and mon then oil change and testin out the power.  :nod: thanks again spartan.  :thumbs:


fricken sweet!!! Let us know how it goes!!!

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spartan's a good guy.

Most of the time.  :lol:
Krandall: "peelz. I'll be real with you. As much as I hate on you for soccer, I really don't mind it"


alright!!! got it back together and this bitch is mean!!!!  :nod: went back together nice with only one hiccup. i dropped the damn rocker shaft and of course it had to fall into the one section where the rag wasn't tight. so clunk, clunk, down into the case.  :mad: luckily i only had to pull the head off and grab it with some pliers.  :clap: but once i got the RIGHT version of the map installed it was nice. i dl'd some from here, and when i saved them, i must have saved them as the stock map. so it was very high idle. shut down checked the map, opened my second choice, boom they were the same. ok problem solved. Throttle response is unbelievable compared to how it was.  :jaw:

BUT i couldn't do much of a break in, it started snowing and dumped about 2 inches on us in about an hr. so instead of getting stuck, i just went home. it does tick a little more, but i am 99% positive the valves are set right. so i'll run it for about 20mins, check em and go at it again. what is a good break in time for a topend? i was thinkin about 25mins of easy ridin, check my valves, another 20-25 and check them again, change the oil and go ahead and ride it?


The HC2 Shouldn't tick hardly at all. I had it, and wasn't to much more noticeable vs stock.

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yeah its not much louder, if any. i could just be paranoid with it being my first 4stroke rebuild. but i did it all by the book, so it's right. i'll just check the clearance again to be sure.

will it be much of a difference since i could only get within .002mm? my feelers didn't have even .10mm or .18?mm. so i think they were .002 under on one and over on the other.



You can stack feelers together.    .06 and .04 etc.

That's what I have to do if I remember correctly.

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tried doin the math with the same result. ??? i even carried the 2.  :lol: i cant get that thousandth of a mm to equal out. it is a very tiny amount, so i am thinkin it isn't goin to make much of a difference. i hope.


you don't need a thousandth.

You only need to go to the hundredth. Which any set of feeler gauges should do. ???

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the settings are what .10mm and .18mm right? well the closest i can get is .102mm and .178mm. which is pretty damn close. i think i could add up to .184mm but the other was closer so i didn't see a problem. its pretty quiet compared to when i adjusted them the first time when i first bought it and did it wrong.  :lol: or maybe i should just go see about a metric only feeler set.


yeah, shouldn't be to big o' deal.

I'd look into a set of metric though :)

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