Quick Gigot Slingshot question

Started by Troy, February 13, 2009, 09:37:12 PM

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Hey guys I installed my Gigot Slingshot the other day according to the instructions, which says to pull out one steel and one fiber and throw it on.  I pulled the outermost steel and fiber out of the clutch and threw it on, it acted like the brake was on as soon as I pulled in the clutch in gear.  I just pulled it down and pulled out the small fiber and steel closest to the motor and got rid of the spring ring and retaining ring while I was in there.  I replaced it with a regular sized fiber and steel.  It seems like the spring ring is the same size as a fiber so am I short one clutch plate?  What has anyone done that has installed one?  Any input is appreciated.


It will not "free-roll" with the clutch pulled.  The bike MUST be running!  I disassembled mine 5 or 6 times before I just said f-it and started it up and rode it.  Everything works fine.  :thumbs: 

On a side note... I did take it apart again after running it.  the pressure plate does rub on the case cover, but the clearance is a mtter of a few thousandths.  You could run a cookie wheel on it and solve the problem.  From what I saw, a few runs on her cleared the issue right up. LOL  I'm assuming withing the first 10 seconds of operation it wore a groove and was happy. 

As for adjustment, just adjust the lever so it's happy like any other cable.  A little wiggle in the lever is good.  If you put it in gear and it acts like it wants to roll... put a lil' more "pull" on it.  Mine sat purdy and didn't go anywhere.  I thought sure since I couldn't push it when the engine was off an clutch pulled in... that it would lurch when I hit the ignition.  Give it a shot and see what happens.  Sounds to me like it is doing what mine did... in the end, I couln't be happier with the slingshot.  I'm still running the plates that came in the basket the day I bought it off the showroom.  I'm pushing 75hp and hitting her with a 20 shot of No2.  :rofl:  Lemme know if you need any other help, I might be able to find some pics I snapped of the "rubbing".  I think I got the first no hub modification slingshot so Kevin asked me give him some feed back.  I called him several times and took um-teen measurements and all roads lead to "it should work".  It does.  :batman:

As for the plates... Pull the first steel and the first fiber and put it all back together.  There is no need to pull all the plates, it is so simple it can get confusing, but I assure you if you remove the first two objects in the basket, it will work.  The spacers provided need to be installed.  It is so tight in tolerance that any change in the directions will be to "fat" to work right. 


Ok, I'm talking about when it's running and rolling that when I pull in the clutch it acts like the brakes are on, not when it's off.  I'm probably off at this point then.n  There is a huge gap between the last clutch fiber and the lockout now.  Sounds like I had it right the first time.  I may just roll without it for now.


I would guess you have a spacing issue.  So... when you pull the lever in, it is rubbing the plate against your case, thus making it seem like the brakes are being applied!  My advice would be to dissasemble it immediately and get the plates right.  Once the "stack" is the right thickness, it won't rub like that anymore and will work as it should.  I could be completely wrong, but this is what I believe to be the issue.  If I'm right... when you take it back apart, you will see a groove on the case cover.  If it more than a scratch, it is simply a matter of getting the plate and steel count right.  Should be an easy fix... I say that lightly cause I do feel your pain on pulling the damn cover again. LOL  Just be patient and once it's right it will sliced bread.  8)


Here is the pic I took of what I would consider "normal" wear.  I dunno if Kevin modified future plates or not.  You could run a grinder for 2 seconds and scuff the case down to clear... there is plenty of metal in this area to take some away to create a clearance.  :thumbs:


Yeah I tore it down again and pulled the spring ring out before I posted this up, now it seems like there is too much gap between the clutch and the lockup.


Put it back together just leave out the last steel and fiber.
Mine will not always push in gear, but once you start it up it works great.


Yeah I'm having the problem with it started, it's never pushed with the engine off.