axmen so you think you can drop a tree?

Started by imaquadr, June 10, 2010, 10:59:00 AM

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  atv park closed after 9 ft of flood water came out of its banks. :mad: checking out the damage, saw bob the beaver has been busy! he is trying to drop the tree in a ditch of water to the left.  hes got one in the ditch ill give him a 9.5 . one on the right ,not close to the ditch ill give him a 4.5. i wonder why he didnt drop that last tree????  i wonder which way the tree will fall???? 


Timberrrr! I try to stay away from trees nowadays....trees and steel rims don't like each other.



pricecheck 16 ft gate or lets blame the beavers .  BEAVERS!!!!!


Damn beavers, always getting into shit and causing damage...and that's just the furry ones :lol:


that sucks. We had to hire out trappers a few years ago to get rid of the ones that were at my grandparents place. Not sure if I can find the pics or not. but the dam they built was through a big stream. They dammed the whole thing up and would make our entire swamp flood. Hired trappers and then a group that brought a backhoe and took it down.

damn things.

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Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me! >:D


arround here, i have a liscence to buy dynamite, and we just blow up beaver dams.  pack it with about 5kg of geogel, put in the blasting cap and kablooie, no more beaver dam, and you have urself a nice little fishing hole  :lol:
98% of north americans that hit the ditch say "oh shit", the other 2% are from saskatchewan and say "hold my beer and watch this"


:rofl: Nice Kama! Good benefit of being a Canadian...if there ever was one.