Road on a OCCRA track with some RS members

Started by Gunz, November 09, 2009, 08:33:24 PM

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Tonto13 is the air guitarist, David the guy in the middle owns the track, and JSTEV on the right is the guy that hooked us up with David and his track.

I tore up my raptor, so I got ride this beast for one lap. It waaaaaaaas so f'n awesome to rock a BRICK through some tight woods trails.
Roy in the back sport'n the beer belly.

James (JSTEV) on his 660 wheelie machine.

Some of the terrain we were rock'n. James didn't care to much for it, but Roy and dug the hell out of it.

Believe it or not that's the bottom of the trail that James is walking up on. Gnarly stuff.

James on his 660, right before he wasted a tie rod.

See David on the brick up in front of ol' googly eyes? That dude is 51years old and he was walking away from us on that thing, I guess it helps that it's his track, but still I kept thinking to myself that I hoped I can rock like him when Im that age.

FAIL... Jstev's bike.

I dont know, but it looked like fun so I did it too. It's about a 30% grade, rock climb, with a switchback at the half way point. Roy made it as far as his belly stuck out. I made it to the switchback, but kept getting hung up on a boulder.

James coming up from a small valley. Coming down the other side was a little tricky, with a small drop off at the end of a 45* decent.

Clean before.

Dirty half way through.

All in all it was a great track, uber tight. To tight for my +4 width. I ended up hitting all 4's and knocked the air out of my fronts, broke a pinch bolt on my swinger, broke off a bolt on my chain guide, and loosened up the risers purdy good. No more riding 4 wide in the woods EVER again. Also the +4 swinger was killing my traction. I gave Jstev a stocker to cut and add +2 for me, and even then I wonder if that's going to be to much. Oh by the way 70+hp bikes in the woods are ridiculous, am I going to drop some HP? Hell NO!

Have a nice day. 8)

By the way, we are going to Lake Murry Oklahoma for some sweet sweet sweet riding on November 22nd if anybody is interested.

Dent Source LLC

941 +10 w/bar


Quit blaming the tight trails for the poor riding! :rofl: Man it was a very tight track, really meant for dirt bikes. But it was a blast!!! JSTEV thanks again for the invite to go ride at this place had a hell of a time!! And it true we had our butts handed to us by David, that man can ride the hell out of it all. The best part was getting slapped by the trees as we had to take go over a few!!
MSAWS= My Sh*t Always Works Sometimes!
"99% of life is what you make of it, so if your life sucks, YOU SUCK!!!"
-Mike Muir (aka Tonto)


Sounds like fun.    :thumbs:   And once again I wished I lived closer.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.