blowing fuses

Started by Kamakazi, April 11, 2009, 11:58:35 PM

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another one on RF today..


i was realy interrested in buying one ove these but it sounds like they are not worth the other 1hp over relieabulity oh buy the way when it workd could u notice a diffrence ???


I notice it on mine when I ride. It's got a much crisper response to the throttle, and it revs up a lot higher now too.

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seems to be the ones that can be programmed are the bad ones.


the dynatek made enough of a difference that i may not have went to the big 3 if i would have bought it first.  the bike behaves completely differently.
98% of north americans that hit the ditch say "oh shit", the other 2% are from saskatchewan and say "hold my beer and watch this"


sent mine out today for "repair". ill be very active letting people know if it fails again or they try to weasel out of replacement.


Keep us posted lightning :thumbs:

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Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once


update. i sent it express mail the following day to this happening. i called today and its been sitting there for 2 full days. not yet checked in. however, it is my lucky day.. it was being checked in AS WE SPOKE!  :clap: thanks to the hard workers at dynatek, my extra $15 in shipping was well spent, sitting there :thumbs:

aside from that, i was told on my first call; i could exchange it for a non-prog ignition and the cost difference pending a receipt. since this had been purchased less then 30 days ago and already failed. today on the phone, this was implied to be untrue now? i asked for them to elaborate on this, and was politely blown off. i talked to the same dude, and he today, didn't know their policy in that department.

some other small shit too, but you get the gist of it. anyone want to buy a dynatek?
