
Other/Off-Topic => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Gunz on October 20, 2013, 12:23:55 AM

Title: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Gunz on October 20, 2013, 12:23:55 AM
My brother is starting to get kinda out of hand. Im not sure where or when it started, but he's running around buying up all kinds of weird shit. I say bring on the collapse of our society, I need a break from all the responsibility anyways. On the other hand some of the stuff he talks about does make me wonder. Colorado700, is there really a half million foreign solders on the east and west coast? He's talking about Marshal Law, I don't know how that would work out for us. Either way, he's got me looking for a bugout vehicle.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Mad Dog on October 20, 2013, 11:10:39 AM
Gunny I both like and respect you.  I say this because although you have asked for input from the peanut gallery here I realize that what I say is somewhat judgmental and I want to express that I chime in with hopes of providing constructive input.

I can accept that some hold fears that I do not and can understand taking some measures to hedge against those fears but it sounds like your brother has strayed down a troubled path and I do not think you should follow him too far down the rabbit hole.  Instead of arming yourself with weapons, rations and fear I'd suggest arming yourself with the knowledge necessary to help guide him back to a healthier path.  Too much devotion to "what if" has a tendency to keep you from enjoying "what is" and detracts from planning for the more likely future where "what if" doesn't happen.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Gunz on October 20, 2013, 05:31:23 PM
Dang it. I just want to shoot stuff and live in a cabin.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Krandall on October 21, 2013, 08:51:17 AM
Dang it. I just want to shoot stuff and live in a cabin.

I'm in!!

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: disco on October 21, 2013, 09:24:45 AM
Snorkel your truck and buy a tow rope and life raft to drag behind it.  I think that's all the bug out you'll need.

I want a bug out vehicle just so I can pimp it out like the cars and trucks in Mad Max. 

Sign me up for the cabin and shooting stuff too.  :aaron2:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on October 21, 2013, 09:30:10 AM
Dang it. I just want to shoot stuff and live in a cabin.


when yellowstone explodes..... and the new ice age is upon us....  :rofl:

im telling ya, buy the medusa car. they built it for a movie, but then people wanted them, so they sell em. got like guns, remote cameras... oils slicks, smoke screen...lol


then when the rest of the world goes and lives in caves, we live above in pure bedlam, and own this bitch! LOL
I wouldnt want to be a prepper...because they are targets. ill wait for them to self destruct then drive in with my armageddonmobile and steal all their stuff.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on October 21, 2013, 09:36:33 AM
should add...not sure they still do sell the car... that idea was 2012 when america went batshit crazy and believed a prophecy from some fukin quasi-indians who couldnt even prevent their own downfall.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Too much devotion to "what if" has a tendency to keep you from enjoying "what is" and detracts from planning for the more likely future where "what if" doesn't happen.

lol MD. while I agree....i cant help but wonder if you came up with this whilst sitting to pee, and playing candy crush.

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: disco on October 21, 2013, 10:03:31 AM
My madmaxmobile will donkey punch your armageddonmobile Peels!  I just have to fix that "tap to explode" feature on Hollywood cars.

With this one, I can still ride the dunes even after TEOTWAWKI.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Colorado700R on October 21, 2013, 10:12:24 AM
My brother is starting to get kinda out of hand. Im not sure where or when it started, but he's running around buying up all kinds of weird shit. I say bring on the collapse of our society, I need a break from all the responsibility anyways. On the other hand some of the stuff he talks about does make me wonder. Colorado700, is there really a half million foreign solders on the east and west coast? He's talking about Marshal Law, I don't know how that would work out for us. Either way, he's got me looking for a bugout vehicle.

My favorite current conspiracy theory is that the United Nations is going to send troops to disarm Americans. :rofl:

Mother fucker, have you ever seen what the UN is capable of? Ya....Neither has anyone else. My Daughters third grade music class has more disipline, tactics, and bloodlust.

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on October 21, 2013, 10:14:37 AM
My madmaxmobile will donkey punch your armageddonmobile Peels!  I just have to fix that "tap to explode" feature on Hollywood cars.

With this one, I can still ride the dunes even after TEOTWAWKI.

are you saying you will ride a donkey in the post apocalyptic world? that would be sweet....

that is ONE sweet ride disco!

lol aaron!

what does the UN even do, if anything? :lol:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Mad Dog on October 21, 2013, 10:27:28 AM
lol MD. while I agree....i cant help but wonder if you came up with this whilst sitting to pee, and playing candy crush.


I was pooping, and playing Gemz....but close enough  :P
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on October 22, 2013, 02:07:11 PM
lol MD. while I agree....i cant help but wonder if you came up with this whilst sitting to pee, and playing candy crush.


I was pooping, and playing Gemz....but close enough  :P

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: phucker on November 01, 2013, 10:30:05 AM
I say prep away, for two reasons.

1. if something does happen you are ready.
2. if nothing happens you still have a bunch of badass shit to play with. plus nothing pisses off a libtard more than a well armed redneck.

I am all for conspiracies as you all know, I truely hope if anything does happen it will be the un coming in to disarm us, just because that would be fun and easy as aaron said. There are foreign troops here but not in those numbers. I know that a few militias in tenessee have been turning back russian troops moving some sort of military equipment from kentucky through tenessee and there are some russians on a few of the aleutians islands.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 01, 2013, 11:07:10 AM

I know that a few militias in tenessee have been turning back russian troops

UMMM reading it on infowars cannot be classified as "knowing" anything. other than you have too much free time. if that was happening, there would be 50,000 news vans with fuktard reporters trying to "embed" themselves and be the next big thing. and wed be watching it around the clock live on 50 different channels.  Plus.... if it was a REAL story...it would be on sites like infowars being discredited as fake, and the govt hiding something ELSE. :lol: :lol: :lol: that place capitalizes on fear.

Unless you can find me a legitimate story on it. ------ Wait Ill save you the time-there arent any. Don't tell me you really believe ALL that nonsense... the government knows when I take a piss and hit the seat with it...im bettin they'd know about this little deal.

Hey buddy, I'm all for hoarding guns and food and being "prepared" but shunning society and everyday life in lieu of these factless fantasies is a waste of time. That, AND no way ill ever be a real prepper----- Ill never wear camo if i'm not hunting, Camo is tool not a fashion statement.  :rofl: it also adds 50 lbs. fat mofos always be wearing camo...thinking it will "camouflage" their fatness. nope. you still be  fat, and you look dumb now too... good for you.  :thumbs: :rofl:

wait, what am I saying.....??

WOLVERINES!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: phucker on November 01, 2013, 11:14:13 AM

I was hoping you would pick up on that word peels, i pretty much mashed up a few conspiracy theories into one run on sentance. I do feel something bad is going to happen so being prepared is a good idea, but i have no idea what it will be. could be as simple as a power outage or as cool as a zombie appocalypse. either way if you prepare and it happens then you are ready, if it doesnt then you have a bunch of cool shit to play with
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 01, 2013, 11:18:47 AM
and....taking over tennesee.....wtf is that gonna accomplish? Corner the market on shitty country music....

even russians are smarter than that.

If they come in...its alaska, canada or some shithole place like that.

I worry more about 'Murricans starting their own little "Dont take away my 1700's version of america" with slaves and forced religion and me getting caught in teh crossfire, than i ever do foreign occupation.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i laugh but thats true.

downfall of society, if not natural disaster, will be caused by overpopulation and the inevitable "gimme gimmes" vs "got it got its dont touch" civil war we are creating by allowing it. resources will dwindle.....the rich will hoard them, and the rest of us will have to fight it out. lol

fuktardia will be the name of the new post civil war country.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: phucker on November 01, 2013, 03:20:43 PM
heres one question for peels and maddog.

how are we going to pay back the 17,000,000,000,000 dollars that we are in debt?

oh and the gimme gimmes are already destroying the economy, if you dont believe it wait a year or two more and see whats happening then.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 01, 2013, 03:36:06 PM
heres one question for peels and maddog.

how are we going to pay back the 17,000,000,000,000 dollars that we are in debt?

oh and the gimme gimmes are already destroying the economy, if you dont believe it wait a year or two more and see whats happening then.

 :rofl: got damned gimme gimmes!!!!!! they aren't the lone problem though.

i do not doubt we are fuked if it does not change.

what I doubt, is that the blame can only be put on liberal thinking. 

i'm telling you...mandatory birth control...the ONLY way to solve it. :lol:

Make them gimme gimmes stop having babies. Or,  nature will solve it for us. we are living past the what the environment can support. That can only happen for so long. Before the environment changes itself.

I am just saying we dont need to help the "fukkeredness" along by spewing fear theories. Lets live in our bubble of ignorant bliss for as long as we can. Im happier there.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: then, when western civilization falls....we come out guns a blazin!  :rofl: Guess who im going after....the preppers. theyll have all the good stuff, and they can only fight us of for awhile.  :rofl:

anywhoo...callin names and pointing fingers across the aisle certainly isn't gonna make it better. Were all in it together. liberal, conservative, moderate. And we all have a right to be here and to have a say.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 01, 2013, 03:39:08 PM
I am enjoying this thread....

Ill say it again...there is part of me that is ready for this....almost excited for the bedlam...but...

lets not speed it along, I wanna watch my kids grow, thanks.  :thumbs:

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Krandall on November 04, 2013, 08:28:35 AM
heres one question for peels and maddog.

how are we going to pay back the 17,000,000,000,000 dollars that we are in debt?

oh and the gimme gimmes are already destroying the economy, if you dont believe it wait a year or two more and see whats happening then.

Question... Why is America's debt a huge problem? A few years ago.. I was approved for a loan for a home.. $200,000... It was 5 times as much money as I made in a year.

From what I can find.. Last years revenue for the USA was 5.8some Trillion... To the 17 Trillion in debt.. Which is only 3x the income..

That doesn't seem that bad imo?
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 04, 2013, 08:54:07 AM
heres one question for peels and maddog.

how are we going to pay back the 17,000,000,000,000 dollars that we are in debt?

oh and the gimme gimmes are already destroying the economy, if you dont believe it wait a year or two more and see whats happening then.

Question... Why is America's debt a huge problem? A few years ago.. I was approved for a loan for a home.. $200,000... It was 5 times as much money as I made in a year.

From what I can find.. Last years revenue for the USA was 5.8some Trillion... To the 17 Trillion in debt.. Which is only 3x the income..

That doesn't seem that bad imo?



I dont see a problem until we start pawning stuff to pay bills. and buy cigarettes  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Magz on November 04, 2013, 08:58:54 AM
you guys are scaring me............................I'm skeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuured   

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 04, 2013, 09:51:30 AM
you guys are scaring me............................I'm skeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuured   


you should be.

Im targeted minorities first.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Langford on November 04, 2013, 05:53:12 PM
Peels, if you get a chance...read Dan Browns new book called Inferno, the same guy who wrote the Davinci Code.  It's a great book, and I think you would enjoy it after reading your posts in this thread. 

As far as prepping...Im too lazy to "prep". I have a hard enough time preparing myself for work in the morning, let alone prepping for doomsday.  I did take the precaution of buying some bulk water (15 gallons) for whatever scenario...after seeing how all of the local stores were cleared out of water within hours during the last large-scale power outage in our area (east coast blackout back in '03), I got slightly concerned about the availability of fresh water during a large scale disaster.  So I figured that was one necessity that I could store in my basement without too much hassle and cost.  Guns are evil, so I no longer have any of those, or any ammo in my house  ;)
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: rookie on November 05, 2013, 02:29:09 AM
Peels, if you get a chance...read Dan Browns new book called Inferno, the same guy who wrote the Davinci Code.  It's a great book, and I think you would enjoy it after reading your posts in this thread. 

As far as prepping...Im too lazy to "prep". I have a hard enough time preparing myself for work in the morning, let alone prepping for doomsday.  I did take the precaution of buying some bulk water (15 gallons) for whatever scenario...after seeing how all of the local stores were cleared out of water within hours during the last large-scale power outage in our area (east coast blackout back in '03), I got slightly concerned about the availability of fresh water during a large scale disaster.  So I figured that was one necessity that I could store in my basement without too much hassle and cost.  Guns are evil, so I no longer have any of those, or any ammo in my house  ;)

Lang you may want to check the taste of the water once a year or sooner if you feel the need. While on the boat we had stored some water in a storeroom and pulled it out a month and a half later and it tasted like shit and medical ended up making us throw the rest out. granted the storeroom was a constant 90* but its better to be safe than sorry. the compounds in the plastic break down which is why water has an experation date. I know you probably already knew that... plus bottled water is pretty cheap so you can swap it out for nothing really.
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 05, 2013, 09:46:58 AM
Guns are evil, so I no longer have any of those, or any ammo in my house  ;)

 :lol: please....

not even little old left leaning peels would say that  :rofl: My stuff isn't in the house either...its just outside in the garage. lol

I'll look into your book. I havent read a non-technical information book in years....  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Magz on November 05, 2013, 09:55:08 AM
Guns are evil, so I no longer have any of those, or any ammo in my house  ;)

 :lol: please....

not even little old left leaning peels would say that  :rofl: My stuff isn't in the house either...its just outside in the garage. lol

I'll look into your book. I havent read a non-technical information book in years....  :rofl:

does porn nudy magazines count?
they can be pretty tecknical.   :lol:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 05, 2013, 10:34:42 AM
Guns are evil, so I no longer have any of those, or any ammo in my house  ;)

 :lol: please....

not even little old left leaning peels would say that  :rofl: My stuff isn't in the house either...its just outside in the garage. lol

I'll look into your book. I havent read a non-technical information book in years....  :rofl:

does porn nudy magazines count?
they can be pretty tecknical.   :lol:

only if we count lookin at pictures lol
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Colorado700R on November 05, 2013, 11:42:12 AM
If you want to be technical, I'm more of a doomsday "provider" than a "prepper"

Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 05, 2013, 12:12:54 PM
If you want to be techical, I'm more of a doomsday "provider" than a "prepper"


LOL just give me a 6 hour head start before hittin da button  :rofl:
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: dragonz on November 09, 2013, 01:49:48 PM
Mate, I'm more prepped than any of you will ever be.
I live in the country, have gardens, animals, tank water, firewood (for cooking & heating) & don't need to worry about the Russians, or the Rednecks, or any of that crap.........
& NZ is an under-populated country, so we're sweet :)
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Gunz on November 10, 2013, 09:52:11 PM
Hell yeah!
Title: Re: Any Doomsday preppers?
Post by: Peelz on November 11, 2013, 09:47:38 AM
Mate, I'm more prepped than any of you will ever be.
I live in the country, have gardens, animals, tank water, firewood (for cooking & heating) & don't need to worry about the Russians, or the Rednecks, or any of that crap.........
& NZ is an under-populated country, so we're sweet :)

f**k you, you live on a bunch of volcanoes. you die first.   :rofl: :rofl:

also, you've COMPLETELY missed the corral full of sheep to "keep you warm" through that nuclear winter. :dragonz: