Chastity Bono, gay-rights activist and child of performer Cher and the late entertainer and politician Sonny Bono, is in the early stages of transitioning from a female to a male and will be known as Chaz, his spokesman said Thursday.
Activist Chastity Bono is transitioning from female to male and will be known as Chaz.
"Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his her true identity," Howard Bragman said in a written statement.
"He She is proud of his her decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his her loved ones. It is Chaz's hope that his her choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his her 'coming out' did nearly 20 years ago."
Someone's decision to transition does not necessarily mean they are undergoing gender reassignment surgery, and in many cases they do not, said Mara Keisling, executive director of the Washington-based National Center for Transgender Equality.
"The whole media fixation on surgery is kind of misplaced," she said. "Almost no transgender people ever have surgery. We don't have any idea how many do."
An estimated one-quarter to one-half percent of the American population is transsexual, however, Keisling said. "It's sort of a general term that encompasses both or either a social transition or a medical transition."
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Keisling said she was unaware of the specifics in Bono's case, but speaking generally, a transition means that he she will now want to be "known, seen, viewed" as a male.
"The actual details depend on his needs and wants and his her doctor's needs and wants," she said.
Bragman asked that the media "respect Chaz's privacy during this long process, as he will not be doing any interviews at this time."
Now 40, Bono as a little girl made regular appearances on her parents' show, "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour."
As an adult, he she has been a longtime gay-rights advocate and been closely associated with the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Photo See more photos from Chastity Bono's life »
Bono's father, Sonny Bono, was a U.S. representative from California when he was killed in a skiing accident in January 1998.
Okay, I have a problem with this.....born a woman, always a woman.....especially if you DON'T have a surgery. Even if you do have the surgery, you're still assigned DNA at birth. There's no changing it.
QuoteFLynbyu: Okay, I have a problem with this.....born a woman, always a woman.....especially if you DON'T have a surgery. Even if you do have the surgery, you're still assigned DNA at birth. There's no changing it.
Liar. Explain your weekly visit to the hooker with a bulge. :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on June 12, 2009, 11:48:05 AM
QuoteFLynbyu: Okay, I have a problem with this.....born a woman, always a woman.....especially if you DON'T have a surgery. Even if you do have the surgery, you're still assigned DNA at birth. There's no changing it.
Liar. Explain your weekly visit to the hooker with a bulge. :lol:
Not me.....You're thinking Temptation.
He's the one that can't pick a man out of a lineup......
Real `Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' gravely ill
They were childhood chums. Then they drifted apart, lost touch completely, and only renewed their friendship decades later, when illness struck.
Not so unusual, really.
Except she is Lucy Vodden — the girl who was the inspiration for the Beatles' 1967 psychedelic classic "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" — and he is Julian Lennon, the musician son of John Lennon.
They are linked together by something that happened more than 40 years ago when Julian brought home a drawing from school and told his father, "That's Lucy in the sky with diamonds."
Just the sort of cute phrase lots of 3- or 4-year-olds produce — but not many have a father like John Lennon, who used it as a springboard for a legendary song that became a centerpiece on the landmark album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
"Julian got in touch with me out of the blue, when he heard how ill I was, and he said he wanted to do something for me," said the 46-year-old Vodden, who has lupus, a chronic disease where the immune system attacks the body's own tissue.
Lennon, who lives in France, sent his old friend flowers and vouchers she could use to buy plants at a local gardening center, since working in her garden is one of the few activities she is still occasionally well enough to enjoy. More importantly, he has offered her friendship and a connection to more carefree days. They communicate mostly by text message.
"I wasn't sure at first how to approach her. I wanted at least to get a note to her," Julian Lennon told The Associated Press. "Then I heard she had a great love of gardening, and I thought I'd help with something she's passionate about, and I love gardening too. I wanted to do something to put a smile on her face."
Vodden admits she enjoys her association with the song, but doesn't particularly care for it. Perhaps that's not surprising. It was thought by many at the time, including BBC executives who banned the song, that the classic was a paean to LSD because of the initials in the title. Plus, she and Julian were 4 years old in 1967, the "Summer of Love" when "Sgt. Pepper" was released to worldwide acclaim. She missed the psychedelic era to which the song is indelibly linked.
"I don't relate to the song, to that type of song," said Vodden, described as "the girl with kaleidoscope eyes" in the lyrics. "As a teenager, I made the mistake of telling a couple of friends at school that I was the Lucy in the song and they said, 'No, it's not you, my parents said it's about drugs.' And I didn't know what LSD was at the time, so I just kept it quiet, to myself."
There's no doubt the fanciful lyrics and swirling musical effects draw heavily on the LSD experiences that were shaping Lennon's artistic output at the time — although many of the musical flourishes were provided by producer George Martin, who was not a drug user.
"The imagery in the song is partly a reflection of John's drug experiences, and partly his love of `Alice in Wonderland,'" said Steve Turner, author of "A Hard Day's Write," a book that details the origins of every Beatles song. "At the time it came out, it seemed overtly psychedelic, it sounded like some kind of trip. It was completely new at the time. To me it is very evocative of the period."
Turner said his research, including interviews with Vodden and Julian Lennon, confirm that she is the Lucy in the song. He said it was common for John Lennon to "snatch songs out of thin air" based on a simple phrase he heard on TV or an item he read in the newspapers. In this case, Turner said, it was the phrase from Julian that triggered John's imagination.
Veteran music critic Fred Schruers said Julian Lennon's reaching out to help Vodden as she fights the disease is particularly moving because of the childlike nature of the song.
"It's enormously evocative but with a tinge of poignancy," he said. "It's the lost childhood Julian had with that little Lucy and the lost innocence we had with the psychedelic era, an innocence we really cherished until it was snatched away."
Vodden was diagnosed with lupus about five years ago after suffering other serious health problems. She has been struggling extreme fatigue, joint pain, and other ailments.
"She's not given up, she's a fighter, and she has her family backing her, that's a good thing," said Angie Davidson, campaign director for St. Thomas' Lupus Trust, which funds research. "We need more people like her, more Lucys."
Davidson, who also has the disease, said it affects each person differently, typically causing exhaustion and depression. When the disease kills, she said, it does so by attacking the body's internal organs.
It has become difficult for Vodden to go out — most of her trips are to the hospital — but recently she and her husband went to a bookstore and heard the song playing over the store's music system. When they went to another shop, the song was on there as well.
"That made me giggle," she said.
One of my favorite Beatles songs!
This is hilarious, minus the $1500 bill from the vet.
Quote from: Flynbyu on June 12, 2009, 12:59:40 PM
This is hilarious, minus the $1500 bill from the vet.
Quote from: Flynbyu on June 12, 2009, 12:59:40 PM
This is hilarious, minus the $1500 bill from the vet.
im going to the park today :clap:
No shit....5 lbs of weed!
Quote from: Flynbyu on June 12, 2009, 01:22:04 PM
No shit....5 lbs of weed!
<Brian gets massive craving for cheetos>
On the Fourth of July weekend of 1957, Darrell Robertson was on a train from Fort Lewis, Wash., to southern Nevada. He was one of hundreds of young men with orders in hand to take part in a training exercise that they were told was crucial to the fight against communism.
The native of Lamar was headed deep into the burnt landscape of the Mojave Desert, to a place called Camp Desert Rock. There, between 1945 and 1958, the U.S. military conducted 106 atmospheric nuclear tests.
At the time, Robertson said, military brass believed a nuclear confrontation with the Soviets was likely. They were intent on developing a group of troops hardened by repeated exposure to radiation. They thought exposure to radiation was like sunning on the beach: First you burn, then you tan.
"Today, you think, 'How would you ever harden troops to that?' " Robertson said in an interview this week at the Tribune. "It's not something that you can become accustomed to or environmentally be exposed to and continue to go on. That's just not a fact. But see, they didn't know that then."
On one of his first days in the tent city, Robertson was roused at 4 a.m. — the time of least wind and highest humidity in the desert — and driven to a lookout spot known as Newsman's Knob to observe his first-ever "shot."
Putting on a heavy jacket, helmet, goggles and leather gloves, Robertson and more than 100 others were instructed to crouch, cover their eyes and turn away from the cloud. What followed was a relatively minor detonation — only a few kilotons — but many of the newbies in his group weren't prepared for the "blowback" that came moments later. They "just rolled around on the ground like footballs," he said.
It was an awesome force. A nuclear bomb thrusts so much air away from its center that it creates a vacuum moments later that sucks wind back in until it can achieve normal air pressure. The rushing blowback can hit onlookers like a wooden bat to the stomach.
And when the blast went off, Robertson saw something that has been emblazoned forever in his memory. He says he could see through his gloves and flesh all the way to his bones. He can't explain this brief X-ray vision, but the image shook him so deeply that he didn't talk about it until decades later, when he heard other atomic veterans of that era report similar phenomena they attribute to radiation exposure.
In the coming weeks, Robertson and his men from the First Battle Group, 12th Infantry observed 12 to 15 nuclear blasts. Typically they waited two to four hours after the shot before they went to ground zero for maneuvers. Each man was given a tiny "film badge" to record the level of radiation he encountered.
Scientists also maintained on-site labs where animals from pigs to rats were exposed to the toxic dust that lingered in the air for hours, depending on the wind.
Destruction at these sites was total: Robertson saw a 100-foot steel tower incinerated in an instant. The largest blast he observed, code named "Smoky," was a magnitude of 44 kilotons — about three times the force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It was enough to turn sand into glass several feet deep.
"Were we guinea pigs? Yes, very much so. If that's the vernacular you want to use," he said. He and others just trusted their government. "You know you're in harm's way, but you assume that they're not putting you out there to absolutely crucify you."
Robertson completed the work and eventually moved back home, where he and his wife, Barbara, operated a dairy farm and raised two children. Darrell even was a member of the National Guard for 35 years after leaving active duty.
But the legacy of his time in Nevada has stayed with him. Robertson only has two-thirds of a kidney and one-third of his pancreas; the rest was lost to cancer. He also has had traces of cancer show up in his liver and prostate and has spots on his lungs.
Yet somehow it took him three years of compiling evidence for the Army to acknowledge a service connection between his radiation exposure and his cancer. In 2002 he held the first Missouri meeting for atomic veterans in Joplin. He expected a few local vets to attend, but dozens showed up from nine different states, including Alaska. Many told heart-wrenching stories about their medical problems.
"If you sat there and listened to their stories, you'd almost go out crying," Barbara Robertson said.
Since the 1950s, thousands of residents of towns downwind from the blast sites have developed cancers. In 1956, the John Wayne film "The Conqueror" was filmed in St. George, Utah, downwind of the test site. Many in that production eventually died of cancer, including Wayne himself.
It's enough to make a person bitter about his government, but somehow Robertson isn't. Today, as he and his wife commute regularly back and forth from Lamar to Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital and Ellis Fischel Cancer Center in Columbia for his treatments, he sometimes daydreams about seeing just one more blast. Only this time he'd like to bring along world leaders such as Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel and others.
That's because, he said, if they ever saw a nuclear bomb detonate with their own eyes, they'd never, ever want to dream of ordering one dropped in combat.
"I do believe it would change their minds," he said.
there's a huge dedication memorial to those guys in my building.
I'm all for this and everything, but I honestly think Obama needs to back off the spending for a bit. All this crazy talk from him scares me w/ how much it's costing our country.
Obama urges doctors to back his health care plans
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, continuing to barnstorm for his health care proposals, will urge doctors gathered in Chicago to support wider insurance coverage and targeted federal spending cuts.
Obama planned to tell the American Medical Association's annual meeting in his hometown on Monday that overhaul cannot wait and that bringing down costs is the most important thing he can do to ensure the country's long-term fiscal health, a senior administration official said.
The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the president's remarks before they were delivered.
The nation's doctors, like many other groups, are divided over the president's proposals to reshape the health care delivery system. The White House anticipates heavy spending to cover the almost 50 million Americans who lack health insurance and has taken steps in recent days to outline just where that money could be found.
For instance, Obama wants to cut federal payments to hospitals by about $200 billion and cut $313 billion from Medicare and Medicaid. He also is proposing a $635 billion "down payment" in tax increases and spending cuts in the health care system.
To an audience of doctors Obama plans to say the United States spends too much on health care and gets too little in return. He says the health industry is crushing businesses and families and is leading to millions of Americans losing coverage, the administration official said.
Obama's turn before the 250,000-physician group in his latest effort to persuade skeptics that his goal to provide health care to all Americans is worth the $1 trillion price tag it is expected to run during its first decade.
The president plans to acknowledge the costs. But he also will tell the doctors it is not acceptable for the nation to leave so many without insurance, the official said.
Unified Republicans and some fiscally conservative Democrats on Capitol Hill have said they are nervous about how the administration plans to pay for Obama's ideas.
The New York Times reported Monday that Obama has been quietly making a case for reducing malpractice lawsuits to help control costs, long a goal of the AMA and Republicans. Obama has not endorsed capping jury awards
Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said Monday that controlling the cost of malpractice insurance would have to be a part of the Obama administration's overhaul of the health care system.
Daschle, whose nomination for secretary of health and human resources was derailed because of questions about his personal finances, said much of the unnecessary annual health care cost can be attributed to doctors ordering extra tests and taking extra precautions to make sure "they aren't sued."
Obama has been speaking privately with lawmakers about his ideas and publicly with audiences, such as a town hall style meeting last week in Green Bay, Wis. Obama and his administration officials have blanketed the nation in support of his broad ideas, and Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday said it's up to Congress to pin down the details on how to pay for them.
"They're either going to have to agree with us, come up with an alternative or we're not going to have health care," Biden told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"And we're going to get health care."
In Chicago, the president's remarks are likely to focus on how his ideas might affect the medical profession.
His proposed cuts in federal payments would hit hospitals more directly than doctors, but physicians will be affected by virtually every change that Congress eventually agrees to. Many medical professionals are not yet convinced Obama's overhaul is the best for their care or their pocketbooks.
Broadly, the AMA supports a health care "reform" — a term that changes its definition based on who is speaking — although the specifics remain unclear.
In a statement welcoming Obama, AMA president Dr. Nancy Nielsen said the medical profession wants to "reduce unnecessary costs by focusing on quality improvements, such as developing best practices for care and improving medication reconciliation."
She also said doctors need greater protection from malpractice lawsuits and antitrust restrictions.
Many congressional Republicans, insurance groups and others oppose Obama's bid for a government-run health insurance program that would compete with private companies. On Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., described a government plan as a "nonstarter."
"There are a whole lot of other things we can agree to do on a bipartisan basis that will dramatically improve our system," he said.
To that end, lawmakers were considering a possible compromise that involved a cooperative program that would enjoy taxpayer support without direct governmental control. The concessions could be the smoothest way to deliver the bipartisan health care legislation the administration seeks by its self-imposed August deadline, officials said.
"There is no one-size-fits-all idea," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.
"The president has said, 'These are the kinds of goals I'm after: lowering costs, covering all Americans, higher-quality care.' And around those goals, there are lots of ways to get there."
Momentum might be on Obama's side. Aaron Carroll, an Indiana University medical professor who has surveyed doctors' views on U.S. health care delivery, said 59 percent "favor government legislation to establish national health insurance," an increase over a previous poll's finding.
He noted that many doctors are not AMA members, and therefore the association's views should not be overrated.
Quote from: Colorado700R on June 13, 2009, 09:11:32 AM
there's a huge dedication memorial to those guys in my building.
Shit there better be....especially after they were duped into it.
I have mixed feelings on health care.
To provide a system of health care like Canada has as example, we would need MASSIVE constraints from companies that manufacture medication, etc.. Too many doctors milk insurance companies by trying to keep you in the network as long as possible to collect from insurance several times before diagnosis is made, or a referral is given to a specialist. The cycle then repeats. I think everyone should have health care.
A friend I work with here is having to pay for a surgery to fix his collar bone out of pocket because he can't afford insurance. He'll have to make payments forever.....He's 24 years old and recently married. Neither him or his wife have insurance. It's sad because he's a good kid, and works hard for what he makes. It would cost him nearly $100 a week for insurance and he's just check to check to survive.
Why can't we roll like Canada?
I think if you are a citizen of this tax paying nation, you should be entitled to it.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Some 65 years after their service, the 300 surviving Women Airforce Service Pilots are being honored with the Congressional Gold Medal.
The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a measure awarding the women one of the national's highest civilian honors. The Senate passed a similar measure in May and President Obama is expected to sign it.
With only about a quarter of the former WASPs still alive and all in their late 80s or older, it was important for the House to act quickly, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida, a sponsor of the bill, told CNN.
"This is a largely overlooked veterans group. They haven't gotten the medals they deserve, the recognition they deserve," Ros-Lehtinen told CNN.
From the time she was about 8 years old, Jane Tedeschi wanted to fly.
"[Charles] Lindbergh was flying across the Atlantic, and a lot of other people were flying air races and things like that. It was very romantic," she said.
Flight was still relatively new in the 1920s and 1930s, and female pilots were few.
But Tedeschi was determined.
In 1941, she found a childhood friend who taught flying and started taking lessons. After the friend was sent off to war and the airport near her home in Bethesda, Maryland, was closed to private flying, she traveled about 40 miles to Frederick and spent nights on the floor of a farmhouse to continue her lessons.
Around the same time, Deanie Parrish was working in a bank in Avon Park, Florida, and kept seeing aviation students who were attending a flying school there.
"I asked an instructor 'Why can't I learn to fly,' and he didn't have an I decided to find out for myself."
She found an instructor and started taking lessons.
These two women were not only fulfilling a personal dream. Along with 1,100 other women, they would become an instrumental part of the war effort during World War II, becoming the first women to fly U.S. military aircraft.
The Women Airforce Service Pilots was born in 1942 to create a corps of female pilots able to fill all types of flying jobs at home to free male military pilots to travel to the front.
In the days after the outbreak of the war, Jacqueline Cochran, one of the country's leading female pilots at the time, went to a key general to argue that women would be just as capable pilots as men if they were given the same training.
She won the argument, and the program was launched.
Parrish joined up at age 21 in November 1943.
"Everybody was doing something," she said. "I wanted to do something for my country."
Some 25,000 women pilots applied, and 1,830 were accepted. They had to pay their own way to Texas for 21 to 27 weeks of rigorous training, for which they received less pay than the male cadets in the same program, Parrish said.
Candidates had to be at least 21 years old and at least 5-feet, one-half inch tall.
When Tedeschi underwent a physical, she was told her height was only 5 feet.
"I frowned," she recalled. "I said I need that half-inch, so he wrote it down." She was in.
Eventually 1,102 women completed the program and were assigned to one of 120 bases across the country to start their missions.
Depending on the base, they did everything from participating in ground-to-air anti-aircraft practice; towing targets for air-to-air gunnery practice with live ammunition; flying drones; conducting night exercises; testing repaired aircraft before they were used in cadet training; serving as instructors; and transporting cargo and male pilots to embarkation points.
"We were still civilians. All of our training was to make [Army] Air Corps pilots," Tedeschi said.
They flew more than 60 million miles in every type of aircraft -- from the PT-17 and AT-6 trainers, the fastest attack planes like the A-24 and A-25 or heavy bombers such as B-17s or B-29s.
Paid $250 a month, the women were not officially part of the military -- receiving no benefits, no honors.
Eventually Parrish was sent to Florida where she flew a B-26 bomber for air-to-air target practice, training gunners for combat.
Tedeschi, who graduated in May 1944, was sent to a Selma, Alabama, base which did more engineering work.
"We did whatever they asked us," she recalled in a CNN interview. "You knew enough about flying you could adapt ... sometimes it was a little tougher."
For instance, she would take planes up after repair which could involve acrobatic work -- "which, of course, we liked to do," or be called to do night flying.
While the work was technically non-combat, it could be dangerous.
Thirty eight of the pilots were killed. Parrish recalled the military would not allow the flag to be put on a colleague's coffin.
"It still bothers me," she told CNN.
As the war was winding down in December 1944, the program was closed -- with no recognition from the government and not much help for the women who served.
"You got home the best way you could," said Parrish. "I paid my own way home."
The women then went off to restart their prewar lives -- but without getting any of the help that male veterans were getting.
Several of the women, however, said they were not bitter since the only reason they had signed up was to do their part for the country, pointing out that they were just like the thousands of other women who also learned new skills and went to work in the factories to replace male workers sent off to war.
"We were proud of what we did, and the war was over. It was time to get on," said Tedeschi, who is married and 89 years old.
But many Americans were not aware of their efforts. The WASP records were sealed for more than 30 years. In 1977 Congress voted to make them eligible for veterans' benefits.
"I didn't care for veteran status, but now I could have a flag on my coffin ... that is important to me," Parrish said.
Parrish married a pilot after the war. She and her daughter, Nancy, for over a decade have documented the work of the WASPs.
While some of the WASPs say the medal itself is a nice gesture, more importantly they say they hope the publicity will teach younger generations about their accomplishments and remind some still skeptical men just how capable women are.
"People all over the country will hear about it. It will be a national event," Parrish said.
Epic Fail!!!!......Again!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
DALLAS -- Former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf posted a $45,000 bond Wednesday in Washington state for drug and burglary charges out of Texas after being arrested by customs agents as he returned to the United States from Canada.
James Farren, the district attorney in Randall County in West Texas, said Leaf was arrested Wednesday by federal customs agents. Legal assistant Jennifer Bonstein said Leaf declined to waive extradition during a hearing Wednesday afternoon in Bellingham, Wash., about 90 miles north of Seattle.
Wendy Jones, chief corrections deputy for the Whatcom County Jail, confirmed that Leaf posted bond Wednesday evening.
Leaf's attorney in Washington told the court Leaf would post the bond and return to Texas by himself. Leaf was also to come back to court in Whatcom County on July 16, Bonstein said.
Bill Kelly, Leaf's attorney in Texas, said his client was returning to Texas to turn himself in by a Thursday deadline.
"I assume when he was crossing the border, they picked him up," Kelly said.
The ex-Washington State University and San Diego Chargers quarterback is charged with burglary to a habitation, a second-degree felony. Leaf was also indicted on seven counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud and one count of delivery of a simulated controlled substance.
Leaf coached quarterbacks at West Texas A&M in Canyon, where the indictment was returned in May.
Leaf, who resigned from West Texas A&M after being investigated for drug crimes in November, was working in British Columbia, his attorney said. Kelly, a former head football coach at the college, said Leaf "has been to rehab and successfully completed it."
Leaf, who coached for three seasons at West Texas A&M, spent four seasons in the NFL after being chosen with the No. 2 pick in the 1998 draft by the Chargers.
In his NFL career, which included stints with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Dallas Cowboys, Leaf had 14 touchdowns and 36 interceptions. He was better known for outbursts directed at teammates, coaches, fans and reporters.
not really news but what was she thinking?
N. Korea ship, maybe with weapons, passes Shanghai
SEOUL, South Korea – A North Korean ship suspected of carrying illicit weapons cruised through waters off Shanghai on Tuesday en route to Myanmar, a news report said, as regional military officials and a U.S. destroyer kept a close eye on the vessel.
Washington's top military commander in South Korea, meanwhile, warned that the communist regime is bolstering its guerrilla warfare capacity.
Gen. Walter Sharp, who commands the 28,500 U.S. troops positioned in South Korea, said the North could employ roadside bombs and other guerrilla tactics if fighting breaks out again on the Korean peninsula. The two Koreas technically remain at war because their three-year conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, in 1953.
North Korea is believed to have begun boosting its urban, nighttime and special operation capabilities in the wake of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, South Korea's Defense Ministry said. After the U.S. invasion of Iraq, North Korea claimed it would be the next target.
With 1.2 million troops, North Korea's army is one of the world's largest. Some 180,000 are special operation forces.
Last Wednesday, a North Korean-flagged vessel left the port of Nampo and was being trailed by a U.S. destroyer, a U.S. official said. It the first ship being monitored under the U.N. sanctions imposed earlier this month following North Korea's defiant underground nuclear test in May. The new resolution seeks to strengthen efforts to stop North Korea from developing its nuclear and missile programs and selling its technology.
The Kang Nam, accused of transporting illicit goods in the past, is believed to be carrying banned small arms to Myanmar, a South Korean intelligence official said Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information.
However, analysts say a high-seas interception — a move North Korea has said it would consider an act of war — is unlikely.
The resolution calls on U.N. member states to inspect North Korean vessels if they have "reasonable grounds" to believe that its cargo contains banned weapons or materials. But it must first get the consent of the nation whose flag the ship is flying — in this case, North Korea's.
The North, however, is unlikely to allow any inspection of its cargo, said Hong Hyun-ik, an analyst at the Sejong Institute think tank outside Seoul.
If Pyongyang refuses, authorities must direct the vessel to a port. U.N. members have been ordered not to provided suspected ships with services such as fuel.
In Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said China will "strictly observe" and implement the resolution. He urged other nations to also heed the U.N. guidelines.
"Under the current circumstances, we call upon all parties to refrain from acts that might escalate the tension," he said Tuesday.
Singapore, the world's busiest port and a top refueling center, said officials would "act appropriately" if asked to confront a North Korean ship believed to be carrying banned cargo.
"Singapore takes seriously the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials," a Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman said Tuesday on condition of anonymity according to ministry policy. "If the allegation is true, Singapore will act appropriately."
The South Korean broadcaster YTN said the ship was traveling in waters 200 nautical miles (230 miles; 370 kilometers) southeast of Shanghai at a speed of about 10 knots (11.5 miles per hour; 18.5 kilometers per hour).
The Kang Nam is expected to dock at Myanmar's Thilawa port, some 20 miles (30 kilometers) south of Yangon, in the next few days, according to the Irrawaddy, an online magazine operated by independent exiled journalists from Myanmar, citing an unidentified port official.
North Korea is believed to have sold guns, artillery and other small weapons to Myanmar, said Kim Jin-moo, an analyst at Seoul's state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses.
An American destroyer, the USS John S. McCain, is relatively close to the North Korean vessel but had no orders to intercept it, a senior military official told The Associated Press last week on condition of anonymity.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and North Korea's neighbors were discussing how to deal with the increasingly defiant country amid signs it may be preparing a long-range missile test.
Ambassador Kathleen Stephens said the U.S. "remains willing and eager to engage North Korea" through diplomacy. But she said Washington and its allies have begun outlining defensive measures should the North continue with provocative acts.
"We're committed to do what is necessary to protect" the American people and their allies, she said at a Seoul forum also attended by ambassadors from China, Japan and Russia.
The vice defense ministers of Japan and South Korea also met Tuesday in Seoul, nuclear envoys from South Korea and Russia were slated to hold talks Wednesday in Moscow and a U.S. defense official was in the region for talks this week in Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo.
ok.. WTF, First Ed McMahon dies, then Farah, and now I hear Michael Jackson might be dead..
can anyone confirm this?
Report: Michael Jackson suffers cardiac arrest
Entertainer Michael Jackson was taken to a hospital on Thursday, according to a Los Angeles Fire Department official. Fire Capt. CNN affiliate KTLA reported Jackson suffered cardiac arrest and was not breathing when paramedics arrived. Steve Ruda told CNN a 911 call came in from a west Los Angeles residence at 12:21 p.m. and the patient was treated and transferred to the UCLA Medical Center
Millions of young boys 8-15 sigh of relief
:lol: is saying he's dead. And Harvey Levin has an in on everything.
they are calling him dead
could be a HUUUUGE Breakthrough!
WASHINGTON – Senators working to give President Barack Obama a comprehensive health care overhaul said Thursday they had figured out how to pare back the complex legislation to keep costs from crashing through a $1 trillion, 10-year ceiling.
The announcement from Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., and other lawmakers amounted to a small, parting gift to Obama on his top domestic priority as Congress prepares to leave town for its weeklong July 4 recess. It moved Congress a bit closer to a deal on legislation to lower costs and provide coverage to nearly 50 million Americans who lack it.
It also capped two weeks of tough going for health care negotiations on Capitol Hill as price tags as high as $1.6 trillion over 10 years sent senators back to the drawing board and forced deadlines to be repeatedly reset.
"We have options that would enable us to write a $1 trillion bill, fully paid for," Baucus said at a news conference.
Baucus declined to detail how the costs were being cut, but options included difficult sacrifices like potentially delaying an expansion of Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor.
Others have said the changes made in recent days would lower the cost of government subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance, as well as pare back a planned 10-year series of rate increases for doctors serving Medicare patients.
Aides said the Congressional Budget Office had estimated that the elements under consideration would extend coverage to 97 percent of the population, excluding illegal immigrants.
But even Democrats acknowledged that Thursday's announcement fell fall short of a final deal on legislation to meet Obama's goals.
"There's not a final bill that's agreed to. What there is now is a clear path to having a bill that is paid for," said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., one of seven Republican and Democratic Finance Committee senators who've been working closely on the deal.
Baucus has dubbed the group "the coalition of the willing." All seven issued a brief, joint statement later Thursday claiming progress, even though some Republicans involved made no secret of their skepticism.
"We have not seen language (of legislation) in any way shape or form," said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. He questioned how costs could be cut before bill language was written, calling it "gimmickry."
The Finance Committee had hoped to pass a bill by now, but given the setbacks of recent weeks Thursday's announcement was seen as progress. Of the five House and Senate panels writing health care bills, Finance is the only one with a real chance of producing a bipartisan bill, something Obama has repeatedly said he wants.
The committee will resume work when lawmakers return to Washington after July 4. On Thursday they discussed whether to give more power to MedPAC, a commission that makes recommendations to Congress on Medicare payment rates, Baucus said.
The House also will continue work on a partisan bill that embraces Democratic priorities, and similar legislation is taking shape in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Health Committee lawmakers Thursday defeated an amendment offered by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., that would have allowed cheaper prescription drugs to be imported from Canada.
All the bills envision new requirements for all Americans to have health insurance, and prohibitions against insurance companies denying people care.
Still unsettled are the divisive questions of whether to create a new public plan to compete against private insurers, and what types of requirements employers should face to offer coverage to their workers.
Across from the Capitol on Thursday, hundreds of people, including actress Edie Falco, rallied for a health care overhaul.
Organizing for America, Obama's political operation within the Democratic National Committee, plans thousands of service events around the country Saturday aimed at building support for health care overhaul among a restive public wary of higher costs, lower quality and a giant price tag.
JUNE 24--Meet Lahoma Sue Smith. The Oklahoma woman, 36, copped a plea last week to a prostitution charge for accepting a box of Frito-Lay chips in exchange for oral sex. According to the below Oklahoma City Police Department report, john Faron Johnson told cops that he informed Smith that he did not have any money, but that she "agreed to give him a 'blow job' meaning oral sex, for a box of chips." Johnson, a Frito-Lay employee, provided Smith with a case of chips he valued at $30. Following her February arrest, Smith, pictured in the mug shot at right, told police that she had a few prior prostitution busts. At her sentencing last week, Smith was ordered to pay a $1142 fine. Last July, with gasoline prices climbing, a Kentucky woman was arrested for accepting a $100 gasoline card in exchange for sexual favors. (3 pages)
Quote from: Krandall on June 26, 2009, 10:10:08 AM
From TSG: Chips And Dip :lol:
Remember tattoo girl from my previous post? Now she admits to lying about it. Check the video to see the artist that did it. Wow.,0,5070710.story
BELGIUM -- An 18-year-old girl who initially claimed she fell asleep while being tattooed with 56 stars now admits she lied about the incident.
"I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and the that the tattooist made a mistake," 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck said.
She even threatened to sue tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for the $14,000 she needed for laser surgery to have them removed.
Toumaniantz, who himself is covered from head to foot in tattoos and piercings had consistently denied he had made a mistake and always insisted Vlaminck wanted all 56 stars, reported The Daily Telegraph.
After his recent experience, Toumaniantz says he will get written consent from clients before undertaking any design.
Quote from: Krandall on June 26, 2009, 10:10:08 AM
JUNE 24--Meet Lahoma Sue Smith. The Oklahoma woman, 36, copped a plea last week to a prostitution charge for accepting a box of Frito-Lay chips in exchange for oral sex. According to the below Oklahoma City Police Department report, john Faron Johnson told cops that he informed Smith that he did not have any money, but that she "agreed to give him a 'blow job' meaning oral sex, for a box of chips." Johnson, a Frito-Lay employee, provided Smith with a case of chips he valued at $30. Following her February arrest, Smith, pictured in the mug shot at right, told police that she had a few prior prostitution busts. At her sentencing last week, Smith was ordered to pay a $1142 fine. Last July, with gasoline prices climbing, a Kentucky woman was arrested for accepting a $100 gasoline card in exchange for sexual favors. (3 pages)
A bag of chips? Damn. That's hot.
a CASE of chips!
Quote from: Hefe on June 26, 2009, 11:25:19 AM
a CASE of chips!
Does that mean I am cheap if I'd do it for a bag? :lol:
Quote from: disco on June 26, 2009, 10:41:16 AM
Quote from: Krandall on June 26, 2009, 10:10:08 AM
From TSG: Chips And Dip :lol:
Remember tattoo girl from my previous post? Now she admits to lying about it. Check the video to see the artist that did it. Wow.,0,5070710.story
BELGIUM -- An 18-year-old girl who initially claimed she fell asleep while being tattooed with 56 stars now admits she lied about the incident.
"I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and the that the tattooist made a mistake," 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck said.
She even threatened to sue tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for the $14,000 she needed for laser surgery to have them removed.
Toumaniantz, who himself is covered from head to foot in tattoos and piercings had consistently denied he had made a mistake and always insisted Vlaminck wanted all 56 stars, reported The Daily Telegraph.
After his recent experience, Toumaniantz says he will get written consent from clients before undertaking any design.
TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead at Florida home
TAMPA, Fla. – Billy Mays, the burly, bearded television pitchman whose boisterous hawking of products such as Orange Glo and OxiClean made him a pop-culture icon, has died. He was 50.
Tampa police said Mays was found unresponsive by his wife Sunday morning. A fire rescue crew pronounced him dead at 7:45 a.m. It was not immediately clear how he died. He said he was hit on the head when an airplane he was on made a rough landing Saturday, and Mays' wife told investigators the TV personality didn't feel well before he went to bed that night.
There were no signs of a break-in at the home, and investigators do not suspect foul play, said Lt. Brian Dugan of the Tampa Police Department, who wouldn't answer any more questions about how Mays' body was found because of the ongoing investigation. The coroner's office expects to have an autopsy done by Monday afternoon.
Mays' wife, Deborah Mays, told investigators that her husband had complained he didn't feel well before he went to bed some time after 10 p.m. Saturday night, Tampa police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said.
"Although Billy lived a public life, we don't anticipate making any public statements over the next couple of days," Deborah Mays said in a statement Sunday. "Our family asks that you respect our privacy during these difficult times."
U.S. Airways confirmed Sunday that Mays was among the passengers on a flight that made a rough landing on Saturday afternoon at Tampa International Airport, leaving debris on the runway after apparently blowing its front tires.
Tampa Bay's Fox television affiliate interviewed Mays after the incident.
"All of a sudden as we hit you know it was just the hardest hit, all the things from the ceiling started dropping," MyFox Tampa Bay quoted him as saying. "It hit me on the head, but I got a hard head."
McElroy said linking Mays' death to the rough landing Saturday afternoon would "purely be speculation." She said Mays' family members didn't report any health issues with the pitchman, but they said he was due to have hip replacement surgery in the coming weeks.
Born William Mays in McKees Rocks, Pa., on July 20, 1958, Mays developed his style demonstrating knives, mops and other "as seen on TV" gadgets on Atlantic City's boardwalk. For years he worked as a hired gun on the state fair and home show circuits, attracting crowds with his booming voice and genial manner.
After meeting Orange Glo International founder Max Appel at a home show in Pittsburgh in the mid-1990s, Mays was recruited to demonstrate the environmentally friendly line of cleaning products on the St. Petersburg-based Home Shopping Network.
Commercials and informercials followed, anchored by the high-energy Mays showing how it's done while tossing out kitschy phrases like, "Long live your laundry!"
Recently he's been seen on commercials for a wide variety of products and is featured on the reality TV show "Pitchmen" on the Discovery Channel, which follows Mays and Anthony Sullivan in their marketing jobs. He's also been seen in ESPN ads.
His ubiquitousness and thumbs-up, in-your-face pitches won Mays plenty of fans. People line up at his personal appearances for autographed color glossies, and strangers stop him in airports to chat about the products.
"I enjoy what I do," Mays told The Associated Press in a 2002 interview. "I think it shows."
Mays liked to tell the story of giving bottles of OxiClean to the 300 guests at his wedding, and doing his ad spiel ("powered by the air we breathe!") on the dance floor at the reception. Visitors to his house typically got bottles of cleaner and housekeeping tips.
As part of "Pitchmen," Mays and Sullivan showed viewers new gadgets such as the Impact Gel shoe insert; the Tool Band-it, a magnetized armband that holds tools; and the Soft Buns portable seat cushion.
"One of the things that we hope to do with 'Pitchmen' is to give people an appreciation of what we do," Mays told The Tampa Tribune in an interview in April. "I don't take on a product unless I believe in it. I use everything that I sell."
Discovery Channel spokeswoman Elizabeth Hillman released a statement Sunday extending sympathy to the Mays family.
"Everyone that knows him was aware of his larger-than-life personality, generosity and warmth," Hillman's statement said. "Billy was a pioneer in his field and helped many people fulfill their dreams. He will be greatly missed as a loyal and compassionate friend."
Iraqis rejoice as U.S. troops leave Baghdad
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – U.S. troops pulled out of Baghdad on Monday, triggering jubilation among Iraqis hopeful that foreign military occupation is ending six years after the invasion to depose Saddam Hussein.
Iraqi soldiers paraded through the streets in their American-made vehicles draped with Iraqi flags and flowers, chanting, dancing and calling the pullout a "victory."
One drove a motorcycle with party streamers on it; another, a Humvee with a garland of plastic roses on the grill.
U.S. combat troops must pull out of Iraq's urban centers by midnight on Tuesday under a bilateral security pact that also requires all troops to leave the country by 2012.
All had left the capital by Monday afternoon, Major-General in Staff, Abboud Qanbar, head of Iraqi security forces in Baghdad, told Reuters.
Another Iraqi official who would not be named, said some units in cities outside Baghdad would leave at the last minute. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said 30 bases remained to be handed over. There are still some 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.
Addressing military leaders in Baghdad, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said: "Our sovereignty has started and ... we should move forward to build a modern state and enjoy security which has been achieved."
Many Iraqis were elated even though they feared militants might use the withdrawal as an opportunity to step up attacks.
"The American forces' withdrawal is something awaited by every Iraqi: male, female, young and old. I consider June 30 to be like a wedding," said Ahmed Hameed, 38, near an ice cream bar in Baghdad's upmarket Karrada district.
"This is proof Iraqis are capable of controlling security inside Iraq," added the recent returnee from exile in Egypt.
The government has declared June 30 a national holiday, "National Sovereignty Day."
A spate of bombings in recent days, including two of the deadliest for more than a year that killed 150 people between them, have raised fears militants will try to step up the pace of attacks.
Yet few Iraqis see that as reason for the Americans to stay.
"It is a big joy to see them leaving," said Abu Hassan, 60, a shop owner. "There might be some more attacks because of struggles between the different parties, but Iraqis are controlling security now. It's up to our forces now."
At a ceremony outside central Baghdad's old defense ministry building, the last Baghdad location to be handed over by U.S. forces, a military band played while soldiers and army college students paraded through a square festooned with Iraqi flags.
"Baghdad is safe, Iraq is safe. We are moving to sovereignty in secure steps," Qanbar said at the ceremony, which unusually was not cordoned off, despite the presence of the commander of U.S. forces in Baghdad, Major-General Daniel Bolger.
U.S. troops will remain at two giant bases near Baghdad airport that are defined as non-urban, in case the Iraqis need to draw on their firepower.
"They'll ask us for help whenever they need something but they've got a lot of capability. This is their country. It only makes sense they should secure their own cities," Bolger said.
More than six years of U.S. occupation and the orgy of sectarian violence it unleashed have left most Iraqis feeling ambivalent about U.S. forces.
Many complain their lives have improved little since then, with daily struggles caused by power cuts and water shortages.
"They did a good job getting rid of that tyrant, Saddam, and we thank them for that, but it's really time for them to leave," said Talib Rasheed, 70, sitting outside in one of Baghdad's leafier suburbs. "Maybe they could leave us some electricity?"
I hope this is good news, not "yay the americans are gone, let's bomb shit" :lol:
seems it's a good time for us to get out of there. Those dang koreans/iranians are flexin their muscles, knowing they more than likely have a nuclear arsenal is even scarier than the "WMD" in iraq.
Punk vs 72-year old man. :lol:
fricken awesome!
Two Centuries On, a Cryptologist Cracks a Presidential Code
For more than 200 years, buried deep within Thomas Jefferson's correspondence and papers, there lay a mysterious cipher -- a coded message that appears to have remained unsolved. Until now.
The cryptic message was sent to President Jefferson in December 1801 by his friend and frequent correspondent, Robert Patterson, a mathematics professor at the University of Pennsylvania. President Jefferson and Mr. Patterson were both officials at the American Philosophical Society -- a group that promoted scholarly research in the sciences and humanities -- and were enthusiasts of ciphers and other codes, regularly exchanging letters about them.
In this message, Mr. Patterson set out to show the president and primary author of the Declaration of Independence what he deemed to be a nearly flawless cipher. "The art of secret writing," or writing in cipher, has "engaged the attention both of the states-man & philosopher for many ages," Mr. Patterson wrote. But, he added, most ciphers fall "far short of perfection."
To Mr. Patterson's view, a perfect code had four properties: It should be adaptable to all languages; it should be simple to learn and memorize; it should be easy to write and to read; and most important of all, "it should be absolutely inscrutable to all unacquainted with the particular key or secret for decyphering."
Mr. Patterson then included in the letter an example of a message in his cipher, one that would be so difficult to decode that it would "defy the united ingenuity of the whole human race," he wrote.
There is no evidence that Jefferson, or anyone else for that matter, ever solved the code. But Jefferson did believe the cipher was so inscrutable that he considered having the State Department use it, and passed it on to the ambassador to France, Robert Livingston.
The cipher finally met its match in Lawren Smithline, a 36-year-old mathematician. Dr. Smithline has a Ph.D. in mathematics and now works professionally with cryptology, or code-breaking, at the Center for Communications Research in Princeton, N.J., a division of the Institute for Defense Analyses.
A couple of years ago, Dr. Smithline's neighbor, who was working on a Jefferson project at Princeton University, told Dr. Smithline of Mr. Patterson's mysterious cipher.
Dr. Smithline, intrigued, decided to take a look. "A problem like this cipher can keep me up at night," he says. After unlocking its hidden message in 2007, Dr. Smithline articulated his puzzle-solving techniques in a recent paper in the magazine American Scientist and also in a profile in Harvard Magazine, his alma mater's alumni journal.
The code, Mr. Patterson made clear in his letter, was not a simple substitution cipher. That's when you replace one letter of the alphabet with another. The problem with substitution ciphers is that they can be cracked by using what's termed frequency analysis, or studying the number of times that a particular letter occurs in a message. For instance, the letter "e" is the most common letter in English, so if a code is sufficiently long, whatever letter appears most often is likely a substitute for "e."
Because frequency analysis was already well known in the 19th century, cryptographers of the time turned to other techniques. One was called the nomenclator: a catalog of numbers, each standing for a word, syllable, phrase or letter. Mr. Jefferson's correspondence shows that he used several code books of nomenclators. An issue with these tools, according to Mr. Patterson's criteria, is that a nomenclator is too tough to memorize.
Jefferson even wrote about his own ingenious code, a model of which is at his home, Monticello, in Charlottesville, Va. Called the wheel cipher, the device consisted of cylindrical pieces, threaded onto an iron spindle, with letters inscribed on the edge of each wheel in a random order. Users could scramble and unscramble words simply by turning the wheels.
But Mr. Patterson had a few more tricks up his sleeve. He wrote the message text vertically, in columns from left to right, using no capital letters or spaces. The writing formed a grid, in this case of about 40 lines of some 60 letters each.
Then, Mr. Patterson broke the grid into sections of up to nine lines, numbering each line in the section from one to nine. In the next step, Mr. Patterson transcribed each numbered line to form a new grid, scrambling the order of the numbered lines within each section. Every section, however, repeated the same jumbled order of lines.
The trick to solving the puzzle, as Mr. Patterson explained in his letter, meant knowing the following: the number of lines in each section, the order in which those lines were transcribed and the number of random letters added to each line.
The key to the code consisted of a series of two-digit pairs. The first digit indicated the line number within a section, while the second was the number of letters added to the beginning of that row. For instance, if the key was 58, 71, 33, that meant that Mr. Patterson moved row five to the first line of a section and added eight random letters; then moved row seven to the second line and added one letter, and then moved row three to the third line and added three random letters. Mr. Patterson estimated that the potential combinations to solve the puzzle was "upwards of ninety millions of millions."
After explaining this in his letter, Mr. Patterson wrote, "I presume the utter impossibility of decyphering will be readily acknowledged."
Undaunted, Dr. Smithline decided to tackle the cipher by analyzing the probability of digraphs, or pairs of letters. Certain pairs of letters, such as "dx," don't exist in English, while some letters almost always appear next to a certain other letter, such as "u" after "q".
To get a sense of language patterns of the era, Dr. Smithline studied the 80,000 letter-characters contained in Jefferson's State of the Union addresses, and counted the frequency of occurrences of "aa," "ab," "ac," through "zz."
Dr. Smithline then made a series of educated guesses, such as the number of rows per section, which two rows belong next to each other, and the number of random letters inserted into a line.
To help vet his guesses, he turned to a tool not available during the 19th century: a computer algorithm. He used what's called "dynamic programming," which solves large problems by breaking puzzles down into smaller pieces and linking together the solutions.
The overall calculations necessary to solve the puzzle were fewer than 100,000, which Dr. Smithline says would be "tedious in the 19th century, but doable."
After about a week of working on the puzzle, the numerical key to Mr. Patterson's cipher emerged -- 13, 34, 57, 65, 22, 78, 49. Using that digital key, he was able to unfurl the cipher's text:
"In Congress, July Fourth, one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. A declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. When in the course of human events..."
That, of course, is the beginning -- with a few liberties taken -- to the Declaration of Independence, written at least in part by Jefferson himself. "Patterson played this little joke on Thomas Jefferson," says Dr. Smithline. "And nobody knew until now."
Very Cool!!
I just read that on Yahoo a few hours ago!!! way sweet!
Arturo Gatti dead!
Here's the link:
Sad...... ???
Dang, he wasn't that old iether. what. 30somethin!
This is insane in my eyes..
so what if he was a guard. He was doing his civil duty as a german citizen.
MUNICH – Retired auto worker John Demjanjuk was formally charged Monday with 27,900 counts of acting as an accessory to murder — one for every person who died at Sobibor during the time he is accused of serving as a guard at the Nazi death camp.
The charges by prosecutors a Munich state court are one of the final steps before an expected autumn trial for the 89-year-old, who has been fighting a variety of Nazi-era charges since 1977.
Demjanjuk and his family have argued that he is in poor health. Photos taken in April showed him wincing in pain as immigration agents removed him from his home in Seven Hills, Ohio, where he had been living since 1993.
German doctors cleared the way for formal charges this month when they declared that Demjanjuk (dem-YAHN'-yuk) was fit to stand trial so long as court hearings do not exceed two 90-minute sessions per day.
The state court must now decide whether to accept the charges — usually a formality — and set a date for the trial. Court spokeswoman Margarete Noetzel it was unlikely to start until the autumn.
The defendant's son, John Demjanjuk Jr., described the charges as "a farce" in an e-mail to The Associated Press, writing that, "as long as my father remains alive, we will defend his innocence as he has never hurt anyone anywhere." Demjanjuk's lawyer, Guenther Maull, said he had no immediate comment because had not yet seen the charges.
Demjanjuk, a native of Ukraine, says he was a Red Army soldier who spent the war as a prisoner of war and never hurt anyone.
But prosecutors accuse him of serving as a guard at the Sobibor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1943. Nazi-era documents obtained by given to German prosecutors by U.S. authorities include a photo ID identifying Demjanjuk as a guard at Sobibor and saying he was trained at an SS facility for Nazi guards at Trawniki, Poland. U.S. and German experts have declared the ID genuine.
"This is obviously an important step forward," Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi-hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said by telephone from Jerusalem. "The effort to bring Demjanjuk to justice sends a very powerful message that the passage of time in no way diminishes the guilt of the perpetrator."
Demjanjuk gained U.S. citizenship in 1958. The U.S. Justice Department moved to revoke the citizenship in 1977, alleging he hid his past as a Nazi death camp guard, and it was revoked in 1981.
Demjanjuk was deported to Israel and tried on accusations that he was the notorious "Ivan the Terrible" at the Treblinka death camp in Poland. He was found guilty in 1988 of war crimes and crimes against humanity but the conviction was overturned by the Israeli Supreme Court.
That decision came after Israel won access to Soviet archives, which had depositions given after the war by 37 Treblinka guards and forced laborers who said "Ivan" was a different Ukrainian named Ivan Marchenko.
Demjanjuk's U.S. citizenship was restored in 1998. A U.S. judge revoked it again in 2002 based on fresh Justice Department evidence showing he concealed his service at Sobibor and other Nazi-run death and forced-labor camps from immigration officials.
A U.S. immigration judge ruled in 2005 he could be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine. Munich prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for him in March.
They accused him in that warrant of being an accessory to murder in 29,000 cases, representing the number of people who arrived there while he was alleged to be a camp guard based on his photo ID. However, that number was reduced in the charges because, of the people transported to Sobibor, "many did not survive the journey," said Anton Winkler, a spokesman for Munich prosecutors.
Approximately 250,000 Jews, Gypsies and political prisoners died at Sobibor, which opened in 1942 and was razed a year and a half later.
Charges of accessory to murder carry a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison in Germany.
German plane drops out of sky
vid here:
A sports biplane has crashed into a car after plunging from the air. The pilot was performing aerobatics and struck a car, which was parked on a road near the airfield.
The impact of the collision tore the undercarriage off the aeroplane and left it, and the car in a nearby field.
A couple who were in the car at the moment of impact, suffered scratches while their daughter suffered some injuries, but no-one had to be taken to the hospital. The pilot also suffered minor injuries but did not need to go to hospital.
"Clearly guardian angels had a hand in the outcome," Grossostheim police said in a statement about the incident.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Not every classically trained musician has the gumption to interpret Michael Jackson on the violin. But German-born virtuoso David Garrett re-imagines "Smooth Criminal" with such fervor that you'd think Jackson had intended the song to be played by the instrument all along.
"I always loved his performances because as a lot of classical musicians are perfectionists, he was," said Garrett of the late singer. "He was really one of those people who was really old school, always looking for better performances. [He was] definitely a big influence [on me]."
Recorded before Jackson's death, Garrett's "Smooth Criminal" cover appears on his self-titled debut album, which has enjoyed three weeks atop the classical crossover charts since its release last month on Decca Records.
As comfortable playing Bach's "Air on the G String" as he is Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" (both of which appear on the album), Garrett makes no bones about the fact he's trying to attract a younger audience to classical music by injecting shots of rock and pop.
Already a celebrated artist in Europe and Asia, the 28-year-old worked his way into the spotlight in the United States with help from his PBS special "Live in Berlin."
And his chiseled jawline and playful blond ponytail seem to help sway the female contingent. After spotting him recently on NBC's "Today Show," actress Kirstie Alley declared on Twitter that Garrett was her new crush.
But she'd better get moving if she wants to keep up with him. Garrett, who studied with renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman at New York's Juilliard School, recently set a record as the world's fastest violinist, a feat to be documented in 2010's Guinness Book of World Records. He played "Flight of the Bumblebee" in a dizzying 66 seconds. Put another way, that's 13 notes per second. Really. :thud:
13 notes per second? Nice, on a violin? cripes!
News icon Walter Cronkite dies at 92
sad :(
Quote from: disco on July 18, 2009, 03:32:26 AM
News icon Walter Cronkite dies at 92
Will we see the same hullabaloo we saw about that useless moron MJ? Doubtful. Guess you have to be a dipshit and squander your money, touch little boys, and act like an all around dufus to get any postmortem recognition in our country. :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on July 20, 2009, 10:07:11 AM
Quote from: disco on July 18, 2009, 03:32:26 AM
News icon Walter Cronkite dies at 92
Will we see the same hullabaloo we saw about that useless moron MJ? Doubtful. Guess you have to be a dipshit and squander your money, touch little boys, and act like an all around dufus to get any postmortem recognition in our country. :lol:
therefore your funeral will be epic
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 20, 2009, 10:39:12 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on July 20, 2009, 10:07:11 AM
Quote from: disco on July 18, 2009, 03:32:26 AM
News icon Walter Cronkite dies at 92
Will we see the same hullabaloo we saw about that useless moron MJ? Doubtful. Guess you have to be a dipshit and squander your money, touch little boys, and act like an all around dufus to get any postmortem recognition in our country. :lol:
therefore your funeral will be epic
I hate you so much at this very moment. :lol: :bird:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on July 20, 2009, 10:55:39 AM
I hate you so much at this very moment. :lol: :bird:
I have some hatred left for you too Hefe. :lol:
Go to the site to watch the vid. Awesome! :clap:
John Hargrave tracked down Verizon CEO's private address and cellphone number. Then he went to his home—megaphone in hand—to ask him to stop Verizon's lousy privacy policies. The video is quite funny and his message is clear:
When we don't have privacy, then freaks with bullhorns start showing up. Keep our phone numbers unlisted. Keep our cellphone records private. Keep us safe in your loving arms, Ivan.
So damn right. To give you an idea about how easy it was to get this information, the only thing that John did was sign up for one of those "free cell phone records" listings and scan it for the cells and home addresses of the CEOs from the big three: Randall Stephenson of AT&T, Dan Hesse of Sprint Nextel, and Ivan Seidenberg of Verizon. There were a lot of Stephensons and Hesses, but only one Ivan Seidenberg. He confirmed the information and off he went in his car, ready to deliver his message about how important privacy is by showing him exactly how these awful information keeping policies could affect us.
:( my favorite bird.
Cutting the Fat from the US Defense Budget is Green: Obama Scraps the F-22
It doesn't take a green blogger to tell you that the government's defense budget is bloated--and that we're manufacturing way more weapons and vehicles than necessary. Which is why it's good news that the senate voted in favor of halting production of seven F-22 Raptors, supporting Obama's agenda. Not only will the materials that constitute the planes and the energy required for their production be saved--but so will $1.75 billion.
And before everyone gets on my back for being a liberal, naive, give-peace-a-chance hippie, consider this: the Republican, Bush appointed Secretary of Defense was in favor of scrapping the planes. They're simply not useful in the current kind of warfare the US is engaged in--and would be produced essentially only to gratify the massive defense contractor Lockheed Martin (and the more-massive body of employees who would build them).
From Politico:
"The president really needed this vote, not just in terms of the merits of the F-22 itself but in terms of his reform agenda," said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.). Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) told POLITICO: "We have got to be a leaner, meaner government. We have to be more efficient."
Indeed. Also encouraging were the presidents words after the vote landed in favor of his agenda:
In his own remarks after the vote, Obama stressed too that defense spending is now "a zero-sum game" and the F-22 an "inexcusable waste of money" at a time when the U.S. is "fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit."
This attitude is refreshing, especially when it's focused on such politically hallowed ground as the US defense budget. After all, defense spending is at a whopping $515 billion (Obama actually increased it this year)--around 4.7% of the entire US GDP. And the military can launch as many campaigns to "go green" as it wants--the fact remains that cutting the proverbial large-scale fat (like now-useless fighter plane contracts) off of military spending will do more to conserve resources, energy (the military uses the most energy in the US), and money than, say, acquiring rubber tracks for military vehicles.
emergency landing in the bigger town north of us. Iowa City.
Pretty sweet.
Quote from: Krandall on July 23, 2009, 11:01:45 AM
:( my favorite bird.
Cutting the Fat from the US Defense Budget is Green: Obama Scraps the F-22
It doesn't take a green blogger to tell you that the government's defense budget is bloated--and that we're manufacturing way more weapons and vehicles than necessary. Which is why it's good news that the senate voted in favor of halting production of seven F-22 Raptors, supporting Obama's agenda. Not only will the materials that constitute the planes and the energy required for their production be saved--but so will $1.75 billion.
And before everyone gets on my back for being a liberal, naive, give-peace-a-chance hippie, consider this: the Republican, Bush appointed Secretary of Defense was in favor of scrapping the planes. They're simply not useful in the current kind of warfare the US is engaged in--and would be produced essentially only to gratify the massive defense contractor Lockheed Martin (and the more-massive body of employees who would build them).
From Politico:
The president really needed this vote, not just in terms of the merits of the F-22 itself but in terms of his reform agenda, said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.). Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) told POLITICO: We have got to be a leaner, meaner government. We have to be more efficient.
Indeed. Also encouraging were the presidents words after the vote landed in favor of his agenda:
In his own remarks after the vote, Obama stressed too that defense spending is now a zero-sum game and the F-22 an inexcusable waste of money at a time when the U.S. is fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit.
This attitude is refreshing, especially when it's focused on such politically hallowed ground as the US defense budget. After all, defense spending is at a whopping $515 billion (Obama actually increased it this year)--around 4.7% of the entire US GDP. And the military can launch as many campaigns to "go green" as it wants--the fact remains that cutting the proverbial large-scale fat (like now-useless fighter plane contracts) off of military spending will do more to conserve resources, energy (the military uses the most energy in the US), and money than, say, acquiring rubber tracks for military vehicles.
I don't know about you, but I'm all for arming our troops with the best possible weapons available. As for the $1.75 billion, if it lets 1 Airmen come home to his family that otherwise would not, it's worth every penny.
^^^^ True Dat!
Im still in favor of just blowing the hell outta them and call it a day 8)
I understand where your coming from. And Im on both sides sort of.. You can't have an unlimited funds acct. I still think there needs to be some sort of "Checks and Balances" kind of thing. But.. I don't want our guys going in w/ muskets either.
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 23, 2009, 11:16:40 AM
Quote from: Krandall on July 23, 2009, 11:01:45 AM
:( my favorite bird.
Cutting the Fat from the US Defense Budget is Green: Obama Scraps the F-22
It doesn't take a green blogger to tell you that the government's defense budget is bloated--and that we're manufacturing way more weapons and vehicles than necessary. Which is why it's good news that the senate voted in favor of halting production of seven F-22 Raptors, supporting Obama's agenda. Not only will the materials that constitute the planes and the energy required for their production be saved--but so will $1.75 billion.
And before everyone gets on my back for being a liberal, naive, give-peace-a-chance hippie, consider this: the Republican, Bush appointed Secretary of Defense was in favor of scrapping the planes. They're simply not useful in the current kind of warfare the US is engaged in--and would be produced essentially only to gratify the massive defense contractor Lockheed Martin (and the more-massive body of employees who would build them).
From Politico:
"The president really needed this vote, not just in terms of the merits of the F-22 itself but in terms of his reform agenda," said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.). Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) told POLITICO: "We have got to be a leaner, meaner government. We have to be more efficient."
Indeed. Also encouraging were the presidents words after the vote landed in favor of his agenda:
In his own remarks after the vote, Obama stressed too that defense spending is now "a zero-sum game" and the F-22 an "inexcusable waste of money" at a time when the U.S. is "fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit."
This attitude is refreshing, especially when it's focused on such politically hallowed ground as the US defense budget. After all, defense spending is at a whopping $515 billion (Obama actually increased it this year)--around 4.7% of the entire US GDP. And the military can launch as many campaigns to "go green" as it wants--the fact remains that cutting the proverbial large-scale fat (like now-useless fighter plane contracts) off of military spending will do more to conserve resources, energy (the military uses the most energy in the US), and money than, say, acquiring rubber tracks for military vehicles.
I don't know about you, but I'm all for arming our troops with the best possible weapons available. As for the $1.75 billion, if it lets 1 Airmen come home to his family that otherwise would not, it's worth every penny.
I disagree, the type of warfare we deal with today is a ground one on one warfare with occasional larger explosions when we really arent smart enough to make an intelligent strike. This fighter came during a time when the Bush presidency was looking to "all over" make our military a solid one. So that we would not get caught with our pants down if things escalated to North Korean warfare, or even some sort of spat with the Russians. We also have to look at the fact that the F-15E is one amazing piece of work that just got a major overhaul and was fielded in Afghanistan. The whole of the Air Force has not been completely upgraded to the F-15E, however its payload and manuverability is more than what is necessary for todays forces.
And....if there is the necessity for America to be armed with a highly manuverable air - air fighter. We already have the capability to field the F-22 because the construction facilities, pilots, and maintainters are already trained and the bugs have been worked out to construct and field this fighter with a quickness.
F-15E and other models are nearing end term of service life due to structural distress. And only preparing for an engagement your already in makes you voulenrable to the battle you will fight next.
China, NK, Iran, etc comes to mind.
We need Brian's expertise :(
I can't believe I'm defending a competeing contract company :lol:
Military is going towards unmanned weapons? smarter. Less infantry? Less casualty?
My company builds the X-47 UCAV....badass!!!
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 24, 2009, 08:57:24 AM
My company builds the X-47 UCAV....badass!!!
Yeah, I love that thing!
prove it.. ;)
in testing now, rolled out in December 08 in cali :thumbs:
I meant like. real pics :lol:
Pretty sweet Aaron, now we must kill you. :lol:
Holy hell, they are freaking HUGE!!!!! :jaw:
I didn't think they'd be that big
Quote from: Krandall on July 24, 2009, 09:37:49 AM
Holy hell, they are freaking HUGE!!!!! :jaw:
I didn't think they'd be that big
That is what all the ladies tell me. :lol: :lol:
but yeah, have you ever seen the actual stealth bomber. that is huge
Not in person, but I've seen pics w/ people next to them. I figured the UAV would be... say... 3-6 foot across. damn
I saw it fly over my damn head at about 300 feet!
Oskosh WI Airshow..
the whole place went DEAD silent..
we all just stood there with our mouths hanging open
it really was an awesome moment in my life
gave me chills
Quote from: Hefe on July 24, 2009, 09:51:46 AM
Oskosh WI Airshow..
the whole place went DEAD silent..
we all just stood there with our mouths hanging open
it really was an awesome moment in my life
gave me chills
Yeah...saw it out in Cali. Creepy. Doesn't look like it should fly :lol:
Hope you're not mad Krandall but I don't think we should have that one on the forum....too much. As a father I'm so mad I'm sick. I had to go up into Owen's room just too check on him.
It's breaking news. I don't understand why we shouldn't make people aware of the real world.... ???
we don't list all breaking news in this thread. I think we can filter out the stuff that will make people sick. Or just post a link with a warning. Trust me, thats one story most would skip.
*WARNING* Very Sad/Graphic Story. If you don't want to read about a Canible and an infant. Please do not click. :(
Quote from: Hefe on July 24, 2009, 09:51:46 AM
Oskosh WI Airshow..
the whole place went DEAD silent..
we all just stood there with our mouths hanging open
it really was an awesome moment in my life
gave me chills
My parents are there right now. I wonder what they'll have this year.
Interesting read on the health care reform. I don't understand it all, but sounds kinda scary.
Quote from: Krandall on July 28, 2009, 09:41:02 AM
Interesting read on the health care reform. I don't understand it all, but sounds kinda scary.
Your next prostate exam will be preformed by C average dentist. That's all you need to know.
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 28, 2009, 09:43:05 AM
Quote from: Krandall on July 28, 2009, 09:41:02 AM
Interesting read on the health care reform. I don't understand it all, but sounds kinda scary.
Your next prostate exam will be preformed by C average dentist. That's all you need to know.
And your dental exams will be performed by gynecologists who "recycle" exam tools! Lube will be the new tooth polish... what flavor will you choose? KY's cherry, strawberry, chocolate or mint? :confused:
Quote from: Socalrappy700 on July 27, 2009, 11:03:50 PM
Hope you're not mad Krandall but I don't think we should have that one on the forum....too much. As a father I'm so mad I'm sick. I had to go up into Owen's room just too check on him.
funny thing that happens when you have the kids. Just reading those stories makes your blood boil. I have not read this one, and probably won't. Thank you for the warning Randy. :thumbs:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on July 28, 2009, 11:15:58 AM
Quote from: Socalrappy700 on July 27, 2009, 11:03:50 PM
Hope you're not mad Krandall but I don't think we should have that one on the forum....too much. As a father I'm so mad I'm sick. I had to go up into Owen's room just too check on him.
funny thing that happens when you have the kids. Just reading those stories makes your blood boil. I have not read this one, and probably won't. Thank you for the warning Randy. :thumbs:
Thank E. I had the story posted.
should be interesting:
Microsoft, Yahoo! agree on Internet search partnership
SAN FRANCISCO – Microsoft Corp. has finally roped Yahoo Inc. into an Internet search partnership, capping a convoluted pursuit that dragged on for years and setting the stage for them to make a joint assault against the dominance of Google Inc.
The 10-year deal announced Wednesday gives Microsoft access to the Internet's second-largest search engine audience, beefing up the software maker's arsenal as it tries to better confront Google, which is by far the leader in online search and advertising.
Microsoft didn't have to give Yahoo an upfront payment to make it happen, as many Yahoo investors had been counting on ever since Microsoft dangled $1 billion last summer in an attempt to forge a search partnership then.
Google tried to stop Yahoo from falling into Microsoft's camp. Last year it formed its own proposed search advertising deal with Yahoo, only to be forced to retreat from that alliance after U.S. antitrust officials threatened to sue.
Now the extended reach Microsoft is gaining will let it introduce its recently upgraded search engine, called Bing, to more people. The Redmond, Wash.-based software maker believes Bing is just as good, if not better, than Google's search engine. Taking over search responsibilities on Yahoo's popular site gives Microsoft a better chance to convert Web surfers who had been using Google by force of habit.
"Microsoft and Yahoo know there's so much more that search could be," said Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer. "This agreement gives us the scale and resources to create the future of search."
Even with Yahoo's help, Microsoft has its work cut out. Combined, Microsoft and Yahoo handle 28 percent of the Internet searches in the United States, well behind Google's 65 percent, according to online measurement firm comScore Inc. Google is even more dominant in the rest of the world, with a global share of 67 percent compared to a combined 11 percent for Microsoft and Yahoo.
In return for turning the keys to its search engine over to Bing, Yahoo will keep 88 percent of the revenue from all ads that run alongside search requests on its site for the first five years of the deal. Yahoo also will have the right to sell search ads on some Microsoft sites.
Yahoo estimated the deal will boost its annual operating profit by $500 million and save the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company about $200 million on annual capital expenditures because it won't have to invest as much in its own search technology. An unspecified number of Yahoo engineers will lose their jobs as the company scales back, Yahoo Chief Executive Carol Bartz told analysts in a Wednesday conference call.
The deal isn't expected to close until early next year, and then it could take another two years before all the pieces of the partnership are in place. The companies first will give antitrust regulators time to review the possible effects on the Internet ad market. Then they will need time to stitch together their different technologies.
Shares of Yahoo plunged $1.84, or 10.7 percent, to $15.38 in afternoon trading, as investors expressed disappointment over the fact that the company won't be getting an immediate windfall. Microsoft shares edged up 3 cents to $23.50 while Google shares shed $5.16, or 1.2 percent, to $434.69.
"I think the market hasn't figured out that there's not much I can do with an upfront payment," Bartz said in a Wednesday interview.
"It's very clear that (in this deal) I get virtually all my revenue at no cost. That's what's important on an ongoing basis. A one-time upfront payment, what am I going to with it? Collect interest on it every year? That doesn't help me with" Yahoo's finances.
The alliance could give Yahoo a chance to recoup some of the money it squandered in May 2008, when it turned down a chance to sell the entire company to Microsoft for $47.5 billion. Yahoo's market value currently stands at about $22 billion, and the company, while profitable, is coming off a quarter in which revenue slid 13 percent.
The two rivals began talking about a possible partnership as far back as 2005 before Microsoft intensified the courtship with last year's attempt to buy Yahoo.
It took Bartz just six months to strike a deal with Microsoft — something that neither of her predecessors, Terry Semel and Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, seemed interested in doing.
Shortly after her arrival, Bartz made it clear she was willing to farm out Yahoo's search engine for "boatloads of money" as long as she as thought the company would still receive adequate information about its users' interests. Although Yahoo won't get any immediate cash, Bartz predicted the deal will still be a boon for the company.
"This agreement comes with boatloads of value for Yahoo, our users, and the industry," Bartz said.
Under the agreement, Yahoo will have limited access to the data on users' searches — which yield insights that can be used to pick out ads more likely to pique a person's interest. The value of that information is why Microsoft wants to process more search requests.
Like Yahoo, Microsoft has invested billions in its search technology during the past decade, yet remained a distant third in market share while its online losses piled up. The company's Internet services division lost $2.3 billion in the fiscal year ending in June, nearly doubling from the previous year.
Microsoft is counting on Bing, unveiled last month, to turn things around.
Bing has been getting mostly positive reviews and picking up slightly more traffic with the help of a $100 million marketing campaign. Analysts believe Bing's successful debut pushed Microsoft to reopen negotiations so it could expose its search engine improvements to a wider audience more quickly.
"The reason the deal happened now is the recent success of Bing. I think it put pressure on Yahoo, as well as Yahoo not being able to turn it around on its own," said Gartner Inc. analyst Neil MacDonald.
Microsoft and Yahoo are bracing for scrutiny into whether the combination would have an adverse effect on competition in the online ad market.
The U.S. Justice Department spent five months dissecting last year's proposed search advertising partnership between Google and Yahoo before concluding that it would give Google too much control over the market. And under the Obama administration, the Justice Department is promising to pore over deals more rigorously than it did when the proposed Google-Yahoo partnership came up.
Microsoft used its lobbying muscle to spearhead the campaign against Google teaming up with Yahoo, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Google turned the tables.
"There has traditionally been a lot of competition online, and our experience is that competition brings about great things for users," Google spokesman Adam Kovacevich said. "We're interested to learn more about the deal."
A key lawmaker on antitrust issues said the Yahoo-Microsoft plan "warrants our careful scrutiny." Sen. Herb Kohl, a Wisconsin Democrat, said the Senate antitrust subcommittee he chairs will review the deal "because of the potentially far-reaching consequences for consumers and advertisers and our concern about dampening the innovation we have come to expect from a competitive high-tech industry."
Peter Kaplan, a spokesman for the Federal Trade Commission, declined to comment. A Justice Department spokeswoman couldn't immediately be reached.
Ballmer expects that support from online advertisers and Web publishers who would like a stronger rival to Google will eclipse any objections that Google might raise.
"We think this is one of these cases where the coming together will produce more effective market competition, not less," he told analysts in Wednesday's conference call.
Microsoft is doubling down on Internet search at the same time Google is attacking Microsoft's bread-and-butter business of software for personal computers.
Google is working on a free operating system for inexpensive PCs in a move that could threaten Microsoft's Windows franchise. If it gains traction, Google's alternative, called Chrome OS, could divert revenue from Microsoft while the software maker is trying to grab more money pouring into search advertising.
Chrome OS isn't supposed to hit the market until the second half of next year. That means Microsoft could get a head start on Google in the duel to steal each other's financial thunder.
I was just reading that. :thumbs: Prepare for onslaught of advertisement. :lol:
US Air Force says decision-making attack drones will be here by 2047
Leave it to the military to dream big. In its recently released "Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan 2009-2047" report, the US Air Force details a drone that could fly over a target and then make the decision whether or not to launch an attack, all without human intervention. The Air Force says that increasingly, humans will monitor situations, rather than be deciders or participants, and that "advances in AI will enable systems to make combat decisions and act within legal and policy constraints without necessarily requiring human input." Programming of the drone will be based on "human intent," with real actual humans monitoring the execution, while retaining the authority and ability to override the system. It's all still extremely vague, with literally no details on exactly how this drone will come into existence, but we do know this: the Air Force plans to have these dudes operational by 2047. We're just holding out to see what those "classified" pages are all about. [Warning: read link is a PDF]
Quote from: Krandall on July 29, 2009, 02:20:56 PM
US Air Force says decision-making attack drones will be here by 2047
Leave it to the military to dream big. In its recently released "Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan 2009-2047" report, the US Air Force details a drone that could fly over a target and then make the decision whether or not to launch an attack, all without human intervention. The Air Force says that increasingly, humans will monitor situations, rather than be deciders or participants, and that "advances in AI will enable systems to make combat decisions and act within legal and policy constraints without necessarily requiring human input." Programming of the drone will be based on "human intent," with real actual humans monitoring the execution, while retaining the authority and ability to override the system. It's all still extremely vague, with literally no details on exactly how this drone will come into existence, but we do know this: the Air Force plans to have these dudes operational by 2047. We're just holding out to see what those "classified" pages are all about. [Warning: read link is a PDF]
Skynet bitches !!!
dun dunt dunt, dun dunt dunt.
crazy they can give it a sort of "AI" :jaw: :batman: :batman:
All AI truly is in this function is the longest list of If/Then statements you've ever seen. Decisions are made by automated program reactions to these if thens. therefore reacting accordingly to the sensor inputs
would be interesting to see. that list wold have to be HUUUUUUUUGE
Windows 7 Ultimate activation cracked with OEM master key (Updated)
Windows 7 Ultimate has been cracked. The pirate milestone, reached almost three months before Windows 7 is set to hit General Availability on October 22, 2009, was achieved via OEM instant offline activation that passes Windows Genuine Advantage validation and keeps the operating system permanently activated. Previous cracks weren't as solid: while they may be working now, they can easily be disabled by Microsoft. This one won't be so easy.
Both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate can now easily be activated, according to My Digital Life. For Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Basic, and Windows 7 Starter, the OEM-System-Locked Preinstallation (SLP) keys haven't been leaked, so they cannot be OEM-activated yet. It won't be long before easy-to-use Windows 7 activation toolkits start appearing in the wild.
The story begins with a Windows 7 Ultimate OEM DVD ISO from Lenovo leaking to a Chinese forum. The boot.wim file was then used to retrieve the OEM-SLP product key and OEM certificate for Windows 7 Ultimate. The SLP is a procedure used by Microsoft to preactivate the Windows operating system for mass distribution by major OEMs. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 use SLP version 2.1, which is backwards-compatible with version 2.0, the version Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 use. As such, after the OEM certificate and OEM product key were extracted, it was discovered that Windows 7 uses the same digitally signed OEM certificate, which has an .xrm-ms extension, that Vista uses.
The extracted Windows 7 Ultimate OEM-SLP product key can be used to activate an installed Windows 7 Ultimate system, and since the product key appears to be a master OEM-SLP product key for Windows 7 Ultimate, it can activate Windows 7 Ultimate from any OEM. Furthermore, even if the user already has a retail version of Windows 7 Ultimate installed, it can be converted to an OEM version with two simple commands, and then activated.
This is a major breakthrough for the Windows piracy world and a huge blow to Microsoft. Even if it was imminent, the fact that it has occurred so soon means pirates will have activated copies of Windows 7 a good week before even MSDN and TechNet subscribers get their hands on the RTM build on August 6, not to mention all the other groups Microsoft plans to give the build to. The Windows 7 RTM and Windows Server 2008 RTM build was compiled on July 13, 2009 and the official announcement was made on July 22, 2009.
"We're aware of reports of activation exploits that attempt to circumvent activation & validation in Windows 7, and we can assure customers that Microsoft is committed to protecting our customers and partners from counterfeit and pirated software," a Microsoft spokesperson told Ars. "Microsoft strongly advises customers not to download Windows 7 from unauthorized sources and downloading Windows 7 from peer-to-peer Web sites is piracy, and exposes users to increased risks - such as viruses, Trojans and other malware and malicious code—that usually accompany counterfeit software. These risks can seriously harm or permanently destroy data and often expose users to identity theft and other criminal schemes."
geek status confirmed.
Headache by paragraph 3. :lol:
In a nutshell for you non-techy's......
All windows keys are based off of one "Master" key alogrythm.. So. One key creates all of the keys people get.... Well..... Somehow hackers figured out what the master key is... Windows CANT disable this master key, because it would take all its "children" keys down with it. :lol:
sucks for windows. Rocks for pirates :boat:
I got it. But it was so wordy :lol:
Windows master key has been cracked. <that should have been the post :lol:
done, end of discussion.
NERDZ! :rolleyes: :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on July 30, 2009, 12:37:41 PM
I got it. But it was so wordy :lol:
Windows master key has been cracked. <that should have been the post :lol:
done, end of discussion.
NERDZ! :rolleyes: :lol:
New GI Bill sending veterans to school this fall
WASHINGTON – Spc. Marco Reininger started the year on the dusty streets of Afghanistan. He'll end it on the campus of Columbia University with the government picking up a large chunk of the $100,000 tab for tuition.
The Post-9/11 GI Bill rolls out on Saturday, just in time for the fall semester for veterans of the recent wars. Reminiscent of the GI education benefits signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt two weeks after D-Day in 1944, the measure is aimed at transforming the lives of a new generation of veterans.
President Barack Obama on Monday will attend a rally at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., in celebration.
In the next decade, $78 billion is expected to be paid out under the new GI Bill, which is the most comprehensive education benefit offered since World War II.
Many veterans who served after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are eligible for full tuition and fees for four years at a state university, a monthly housing stipend and up to $1,000 annually for books. Among those covered are members of the Guard and Reserve who spent three months or more activated for war service, giving them vastly improved benefits.
If they opt to attend a private institution or graduate program, they'd get up to as much as if they attended a public school in the state. About 1,100 schools and colleges are offering additional scholarships for veterans that the VA is matching under a Yellow Ribbon program.
Many veterans say they can't help but be thankful.
"It definitely makes it more valuable," Reininger, 25, a member of the New York Army National Guard, said of his combat experience. "Without that deployment, I couldn't be eligible for anything."
By 1947, nearly half of all college students in America were veterans. The program cost $14.5 billion, and more than half of the nation's 15 million World War II veterans participated in some sort of educational program.
One of them was Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., 85, the child of immigrants from hard-scrabble Paterson, N.J., who fought in Europe at age 18. The GI Bill paid for him to go to Columbia University.
"In a way, I'm not even sure I would've gone to college," Lautenberg said. "The horizon was so limited. I couldn't think in terms of the future."
Lautenberg signed on early to the new GI Bill legislation, which was authored by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., 63, a Vietnam veteran whose Marine son fought in Iraq.
Webb attended the U.S. Naval Academy before his war service and Georgetown University's law school afterward. He said paying for education sends a signal about the value of military service and helps veterans with readjustment issues.
"There's a tremendous downstream effect on the emotional well-being on the people who have served if you treat them right," he said.
Webb said he's had success convincing others in Congress of the need for the new GI Bill by showing that when inflation is considered, veterans from the current wars are receiving about 15 percent of what some World War II veterans had received.
Aubrey Arcangel, 27, an Iraq veteran who attends City College of New York, recalls chatting with some of his Army buddies in Iraq worried about finding a job in the recession, and telling them about the new benefit.
"They were worried about getting out and looking for a job, and I said, 'Listen, this new GI Bill will do good for you,'" Arcangel said.
The legislation didn't pass without a fight. Some lawmakers complained about the cost, and the Pentagon expressed concerns that many troops would leave the military to attend college. A popular benefit was added that allowed members of the military to transfer the benefit to spouses or children.
It's anticipated that 485,000 veterans or their family members could participate in the first year. About 112,000 claims have been processed so far, and more than 1 million callers have flooded a VA call center this year with questions.
There are concerns that universities and the VA could be overwhelmed, in part, because the benefit is complex. And, there are complaints that veterans attending private schools in states that kept their public tuition low face a major disparity in what they receive.
Keith M. Wilson, education service director at the VA, said agency officials are working with Congress on solutions to potential problems, but the agency overall feels good about its ability to execute the program.
"There's certainly going to be things that will not go as expected. We would expect to be able to learn from those situations and correct them quickly and move on," Wilson said.
Veterans from the nonprofit Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, which aggressively lobbied for the bill, are back on Capitol Hill pushing for what they call a GI Bill fix. Among other things, it would seek to solve the disparity in tuition amounts covered and grant new benefits for vocational programs. It would also provide a living allowance for those who live too far from a university and take classes online.
"The benefit is fantastic, it's transformative, it's historic, but we also have serious concerns about where it stands right now," said Paul Rieckhoff, the group's executive director and founder.
Iraq veteran Isaac Pacheco, 27, from Union, Ky., a Marine in the Individual Ready Reserve who is publications editor at AMVETS, said he's grateful for the thousands of dollars he's receiving to help pay for a graduate program this fall at Georgetown University.
"Veterans are a really valuable resource to the learning pool, to the marketplace of ideas, so they're going to bring a lot of valuable experience to these universities," Pacheco said.
Administration: Clunker deals could end by Friday
WASHINGTON – The government's wildly popular "cash for clunkers" program, offering $4,500 rebates to customers who trade in gas guzzlers, is likely to end Friday if the Senate doesn't approve $2 billion more for it, the White House says.
"If it doesn't happen this week, it's unlikely that we'll make it to the weekend with a program that can continue," said President Barack Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs.
He said Monday the $2 billion would fund the program through September.
The House approved the money by a nearly 3-to-1 margin last Friday before recessing for the month of August.
But the legislation faces a tougher fight in the Senate, where conservatives deride it as the latest in a series of taxpayer bailouts for the auto industry and environmentalists want to wring out more fuel efficiency. The Senate plans to take a four-week recess beginning Friday, after it votes this week on Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the average fuel economy of new vehicles purchased through the program is 9.6 miles per gallon higher than for the vehicles traded in for scrap. Buyers of new cars and trucks that get 10 mpg better than their trade-ins get the $4,500 rebate. People whose cars get between 4 mpg and 10 mpg better fuel efficiency qualify for a smaller $3,500 rebate.
LaHood said some 80 percent of the traded-in vehicles are pickups or SUVs, meaning many gas-guzzlers are being taken off the road. The Ford Focus is a leading replacement vehicle.
Ford Motor Co. reported its first U.S. sales increase in nearly two years on Monday, and other major automakers said sales showed signs of stability. Chrysler Group LLC posted a smaller year-over-year sales drop compared with recent months, also helped by "clunkers" deals.
"The program is working the way Congress intended it to work," he asserted on MSNBC. But it was not intended to run out of money nearly so quickly, nor create such confusion at dealerships.
The administration pressed hard for an additional $2 billion after serving notice over the weekend that the program could expire as early as this week unless the Senate acts.
Senate Republicans appeared to be in no rush Monday. "We were told this program would last for several months," GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said in remarks prepared for a Senate floor speech. "It ran out of money in a week, prompting the House to rush a $2 billion extension before anybody even had time to figure out what happened to the first billion."
McConnell said, "It's not a bad idea to look for a second opinion. All the more so if they say they're in a hurry."
The administration collected information on 80,500 vehicle transactions logged into the government's operating system through Saturday afternoon. An official said the fuel efficiency improvements would save a typical customer $700 to $1,000 a year in fuel costs. The new vehicles were getting 25.4 miles per gallon on average, a 61 percent increase over the models traded in, said the official, speaking on condition on anonymity because the figures had not been released.
The data were aimed at appeasing lawmakers such as Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, who have questioned whether the program's environmental benefits go far enough.
"We're encouraging senators to listen to their car dealers and the people they represent," LaHood said. "If they do that, it will pass the Senate."
The administration has been coy about just how long dealers would be reimbursed for rebates of up to $4,500 per vehicle, after saying Sunday that the program would have to be suspended if the Senate failed to act.
Fierce lobbying for the program came from other quarters: The National Automobile Dealers Association and the American International Automobile Dealers contacted thousands of dealerships, telling them to bombard the Senate with phone calls and e-mails.
"This is the one true stimulus that seems to be working out of all the things that have been tried in the last few months," said Cody Lusk, president of the international group.
The Senate narrowly approved the initial money in June. But some lawmakers who voted for the plan, including Feinstein and Collins, have said the additional dollars should push consumers to buy more fuel-efficient vehicles and allow people to buy fuel-efficient used vehicles. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., has said he was concerned with the way the House paid for the extension, shifting $2 billion from a renewable energy loan program.
Yeah I read that Randy. Aargh
College Grad? Can't find a job? Sue your college! lol
Alumna sues college because she hasn't found a job
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A recent college graduate is suing her alma mater for $72,000 -- the full cost of her tuition and then some -- because she cannot find a job.
Trina Thompson has sued her alma mater, Monroe College of New York.
Trina Thompson, 27, of the Bronx, graduated from New York's Monroe College in April with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology.
On July 24, she filed suit against the college in Bronx Supreme Court, alleging that Monroe's "Office of Career Advancement did not help me with a full-time job placement. I am also suing them because of the stress I have been going through."
The college responded that it offers job-search support to all its students.
In her complaint, Thompson says she seeks $70,000 in reimbursement for her tuition and $2,000 to compensate for the stress of her three-month job search.
As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a
2.7 grade-point average :rofl: and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.
"They're supposed to say, 'I got this student, her attendance is good, her GPA is all right -- can you interview this person?' They're not doing that," she said.
Thompson said she has fulfilled her end of the job-search bargain, peppering companies listed on Monroe's e-recruiting site with cover letters, résumés and phone calls. But no more than two employers have responded to her outreach, and those leads have borne no fruit.
Her complaint adds, "The office of career advancement information technology counselor did not make sure their Monroe e-recruiting clients call their graduates that recently finished college for an interview to get a job placement. They have not tried hard enough to help me."
She suggested that Monroe's Office of Career Advancement shows preferential treatment to students with excellent grades. "They favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement," she said.
Monroe College released a statement saying that "while it is clear that no college, especially in this economy, can guarantee employment, Monroe College remains committed to working with all its students, including Ms. Thompson, who graduated only three months ago, to prepare them for careers and to support them during their job search."
Thompson says she has not hired an attorney to represent her because she cannot afford one. When she filed her complaint, she also filed a "poor person order," which exempts her from filing fees associated with the lawsuit.
Asked whether she would advise other college graduates facing job woes to sue their alma maters, Thompson said yes.
"It doesn't make any sense: They went to school for four years, and then they come out working at McDonald's and Payless. That's not what they planned."
QuoteHer complaint adds, "The office of career advancement information technology counselor did not make sure their Monroe e-recruiting clients call their graduates that recently finished college for an interview to get a job placement. They have not tried hard enough to help me."
Maybe your dumb butt should have tried a little harder in class. :lol:
holy f**king $hit!!!!
Ridiculous. That is one thing I would change about our society. We are litigation crazy. Like a fat f*ck that trips and falls, sues the store. No possible way it can be your fat ass that made you fall. :rolleyes:
That's why a lot of people hate America.. We had a very nice conversation in Australia w/ the bro-inlaws family over there about it. It's not at ALL like that there.
this topic really pisses me off......
It's just lazy ass f*cks that want something for nothing.
There is someone I know who she had just quit her job and she's suing her old boss for I forget what.. But the reason was complete BS. I can't even stand to listen to her talk anymore. Makes me angry.
Quote from: Krandall on August 04, 2009, 07:38:53 AM
That's why a lot of people hate America.. We had a very nice conversation in Australia w/ the bro-inlaws family over there about it. It's not at ALL like that there.
this topic really pisses me off......
It's just lazy ass f*cks that want something for nothing.
There is someone I know who she had just quit her job and she's suing her old boss for I forget what.. But the reason was complete BS. I can't even stand to listen to her talk anymore. Makes me angry.
yeah. The asswipes that sued the cigarette companies..... Putting smoke in your lungs is bad? No kidding? If you are that stupid, you should have been aborted before birth :lol: Nobody is held accountable for their mistakes anymore. Maybe gunz should sue SIlver Lake? :lol: :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on August 04, 2009, 08:42:41 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 04, 2009, 07:38:53 AM
That's why a lot of people hate America.. We had a very nice conversation in Australia w/ the bro-inlaws family over there about it. It's not at ALL like that there.
this topic really pisses me off......
It's just lazy ass f*cks that want something for nothing.
There is someone I know who she had just quit her job and she's suing her old boss for I forget what.. But the reason was complete BS. I can't even stand to listen to her talk anymore. Makes me angry.
yeah. The asswipes that sued the cigarette companies..... Putting smoke in your lungs is bad? No kidding? If you are that stupid, you should have been aborted before birth :lol: Nobody is held accountable for their mistakes anymore. Maybe gunz should sue SIlver Lake? :lol: :lol:
no doubt.. or the ranger.. That told us we had to drive the long way around. I'm going to make him pay for my extra gas wasted damnit
Quote from: Krandall on August 04, 2009, 09:03:36 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on August 04, 2009, 08:42:41 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 04, 2009, 07:38:53 AM
That's why a lot of people hate America.. We had a very nice conversation in Australia w/ the bro-inlaws family over there about it. It's not at ALL like that there.
this topic really pisses me off......
It's just lazy ass f*cks that want something for nothing.
There is someone I know who she had just quit her job and she's suing her old boss for I forget what.. But the reason was complete BS. I can't even stand to listen to her talk anymore. Makes me angry.
yeah. The asswipes that sued the cigarette companies..... Putting smoke in your lungs is bad? No kidding? If you are that stupid, you should have been aborted before birth :lol: Nobody is held accountable for their mistakes anymore. Maybe gunz should sue SIlver Lake? :lol: :lol:
no doubt.. or the ranger.. That told us we had to drive the long way around. I'm going to make him pay for my extra gas wasted damnit
LOL!!!! :lol:
So much for Hillary being Secretary of Deffense...... :rofl:
Bill Clinton meets with NKorean leader Kim Jong Il;_ylt=Aj1mUt.J02ftQmpQrhxxof.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTM4ZGMzbzRyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwODA0L2FzX25rb3JlYV9qb3VybmFsaXN0c19oZWxkBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMgRwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDYmlsbGNsaW50b25t
SEOUL, South Korea – Former President Bill Clinton met Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on the first day of a surprise mission to Pyongyang to negotiate the release of two Americans, holding "exhaustive" talks on a wide range of topics, state-run media said.
Clinton "courteously" conveyed a verbal message from President Barack Obama, the official Korean Central News Agency said in a report from Pyongyang. Kim expressed his thanks, and engaged Clinton in a "wide-ranging exchange of views on matters of common concern," the report said.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, however, denied Clinton went with a message from Obama. "That's not true," he told reporters.
Clinton was in communist North Korea on a mission to secure the freedom of Americans Euna Lee and Laura Ling, reporters for former Vice President Al Gore's Current TV media venture who were arrested along the Chinese-North Korean border in March and sentenced in June to 12 years of hard labor for illegal entry and engaging in "hostile acts."
His landmark visit, which was not announced in advance by North Korea or the U.S., comes at a time of heightened tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, foes during the Korean War of the 1950s, over the regime's nuclear program.
North Korea in recent months has conducted a nuclear test and test-fired an array of ballistic missiles in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, with Washington leading the push to punish Pyongyang for its defiance.
It's only the second visit to Pyongyang by a former U.S. leader. Jimmy Carter traveled to North Korea for talks with Kim's father, Kim Il Sung, in 1994 in a groundbreaking meeting during a time of similar tensions.
Clinton's meeting with Kim would be the notoriously reclusive North Korean leader's first with a prominent Western figure since Kim reportedly suffered a stroke a year ago, sparking questions about the future of the nation he controls with absolute authority.
Kim, said to have a taste for fine wines and fancy gourmet food, also is believed to suffer from chronic diabetes and heart disease. The man who once sported a noticeable pot belly has appeared gaunt and gray in recent months.
Though Clinton was in North Korea on a private basis, his visit was treated by North Korea as a high-profile visit, with senior officials — including Kim Kye Gwan, the vice foreign minister who serves as the country's chief nuclear negotiator — meeting him on the tarmac.
Footage from the APTN television news agency showed the arriving Clinton exchanging warm handshakes with the officials and accepting a bouquet of flowers from a schoolgirl.
Kim later hosted a banquet for Clinton at the state guesthouse, Radio Pyongyang and the Korean Central Broadcasting Station reported.
Photos in state-run media of the visit showed Kim, with a broad smile, standing next to a solemn-looking Clinton. The two also posed with Clinton's party in front of a mural, and another picture showed the men and others seated around a conference table.
Though Clinton does not hold office, his stature and good relations with Pyongyang could yield positive results, analysts said.
"This is a very potentially rewarding trip. Not only is it likely to resolve the case of the two American journalists detained in North Korea for many months, but it could be a very significant opening and breaking this downward cycle of tension and recrimination between the U.S. and North Korea," Mike Chinoy, author of "Meltdown: The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis," said in Beijing.
There was no word in state media on the status of Clinton's negotiations to secure the release of Ling, 32, and Lee, 36. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton last month urged North Korea to grant the women amnesty, saying they were remorseful and that their families were anguished.
Lee, a South Korean-born U.S. citizen, is married and has a 4-year-old daughter in Los Angeles; a native Californian, Ling is the married younger sister of TV journalist Lisa Ling.
Clinton's administration had rocky but relatively good relations with Pyongyang, and both he and Gore, his vice president, had been named as possible envoys to bring back Lee and Ling. Also mentioned was New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who in the 1990s traveled twice to North Korea to secure the freedom of detained Americans.
However, the decision to send the former president was kept quiet. A senior U.S. official told reporters traveling Tuesday with Hillary Rodham Clinton that the White House would not comment on the trip to Pyongyang until the mission was complete.
"While this solely private mission to secure the release of two Americans is on the ground, we will have no comment," Gibbs, the White House spokesman, said later in a statement from Washington. "We do not want to jeopardize the success of former President Clinton's mission."
In New York, the Committee to Protect Journalists said it was encouraged by reports about Clinton's trip.
"This is welcome news and we are pleased to see movement in this case," said Bob Dietz, the group's Asia program coordinator. "The fate of these two women should not be linked to broader issues on the Korean peninsula, and to see both sides make a move toward the release of these reporters will bring some relief to them, their families and friends.",23599,25886757-421,00.html
A FEMALE stripper charged with rape over an incident with a sex toy at a bucks party has been found not guilty.
Linda Maree Naggs, 40, wept after the verdict was handed down in the County Court this afternoon, the Herald Sun reports.
The jury took approximately 90 minutes to reach a verdict.
Ms Naggs was accused of raping the best man at a 2007 buck's party with a sex toy.
During the trial, the alleged victim told the County Court he urged Ms Naggs not to put the sex toy into his anus and was shocked when she did.
"I was pretty upset at that stage,'' he said.
"I could feel something was there.''
The best man told the court he scuffled with Ms Naggs and told her to leave after the incident.
Related Coverage
Jury stripper bucks night rape verdict, 5 Aug 2009
Stripper not guilty of rape
Courier Mail, 5 Aug 2009
'Rape was game of chicken with stripper', 4 Aug 2009
Stripper 'asked if he liked being violated', 31 Jul 2009
'It was just a joke' - stripper
Perth Now, 30 Jul 2009 Your Say
She must have been a real pain in the butt
(Read More)
Peachy of Adelaide
"She said it was just a joke, just a joke. I knew that there was something wrong down there.''
The best man said he went to the toilet and returned with a bloody tissue that he showed to Ms Naggs.
He said when he asked for his money back, the stripper threatened to call in bikies.
Ms Naggs' barrister, Paul Higham, told jurors if there had been penetration it was an accident.
"This is the case of the accidental rape, if there was one," he said.
Prosecutor Kieran Gilligan said the best man had booked Ms Naggs, who performed under the name Tiffany, for the bucks party on the Mornington Peninsula.
During Ms Naggs' performance, the best man's shirt was removed and she asked him to take off his jeans, Mr Gilligan said. The court heard he was naked from the knees up.
Mr Gilligan said Ms Naggs directed him to get on all fours before she strapped the sex toy to herself.
When he raised concerns about where she might put the sex toy, Mr Gilligan said she replied: "Not a problem, relax, it's only fun, I won't go there."
But the best man claims she penetrated him anyway, before telling him "don't worry, only you and I know'', the jury was told.
wow, nice story.
<krandall jealously scratches head, wondering why the guy was upset>
Billy Mays positive for coke
Mays' family calls cocaine finding 'speculative'
long read.
blah blah blah The office said Mays last used cocaine in the few days before his death but was not under the influence of the drug when he died. Hillsborough County spokeswoman Lori Hudson said nothing in the toxicology report indicated the frequency of Mays' cocaine use. blah blah blah
Fla. man blames cat paws for child porn downloads
JENSEN BEACH, Fla. – Florida investigators say a man accused of downloading child pornography is blaming his cat. Keith Griffin of Jensen Beach is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography after detectives found more than 1,000 images on his home computer.
According to a sheriff's report Friday, Griffin told investigators that his cat jumped on the computer keyboard while he was downloading music. He said he had left the room and found "strange things" on his computer when he returned.
Griffin is being held on $250,000 bond in the Martin County jail. It is unclear if he has an attorney.
Stargazers across North America have their eyes to the sky this week to watch the Perseid meteor shower, an annual celestial display that hits its peak Tuesday and Wednesday. What many Earthbound observers may not know, NASA said, is that meteors are like big celestial bugs bouncing off the planet's "windshield," or atmosphere.
NASA said the Perseids could deliver up to 80 falling stars per hour, making it one of the liveliest meteor showers viewable from Earth.
"This week, lots of meteors will appear over Earth's northern hemisphere when our planet plows through a swarm of dust shed by periodic comet Swift-Tuttle," NASA explained. "It's the annual Perseid meteor shower, which peaks Aug. 11 and 12," the space agency added.
NASA likened a meteor shower to what happens when bugs hit the windscreen of a speeding vehicle. "Just as bugs tend to accumulate on the front windshield of a car, Perseids accumulate on the front windshield of Earth," said NASA.
NASA said Earth's windshield is, in fact, the atmosphere. "Earth's front windshield is the early morning sky. Earth circles the Sun dawn-side first, scooping up whatever lies on that side of the planet. That's why it's usually best to look for Perseids just before dawn," said NASA.
The space agency added that Perseids that strike glancing blows off the atmosphere are also worth checking out.
"Side windows, the ones to the left and right of passengers in cars, are good, too," said NASA. "Zooming down a bug-infested lane, side windows don't intercept many insects, but the ones they do gather are worth examining. Bugs that strike the side windows do so at a shallow angle, leaving long and colorful streaks," said NASA.
"A breathtaking Earthgrazer is the sort of meteor you're likely to remember for years," said NASA.
I bet you have a great view for this Aaron. :thumbs:
Have you ever seen it? Pretty sweet. :thumbs:
Judge: Microsoft Banned from Selling Word in the US
Welcome to the world of surprising patent lawsuits. A Texas judge ruled Tuesday that Microsoft cannot sell Word – yes, Microsoft Word, the cornerstone of Microsoft Office – in the United States.
Toronto-based i4i Inc won an injunction against Microsoft regarding the company's XML patents. In the words of i4i, the injunction "prohibits Microsoft from selling or importing to the United States any Microsoft Word products that have the capability of opening .XML, .DOCX or DOCM files (XML files) containing custom XML". Microsoft has been given 60 days to comply, reports Seattle PI.
The injunction reads:
Microsoft Corporation is hereby permanently enjoined from performing the following actions with Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word 2007, and Microsoft Word products not more than colorably different from Microsoft Word 2003 or Microsoft Word 2007 (collectively "Infringing and Future Word Products") during the term of U.S. Patent No. 5,787,449:
1. selling, offering to sell, and/or importing in or into the United States any
Infringing and Future Word Products that have the capability of opening a .XML,
.DOCX, or .DOCM file ("an XML file") containing custom XML;
2. using any Infringing and Future Word Products to open an XML file
containing custom XML;
3. instructing or encouraging anyone to use any Infringing and Future Word
Products to open an XML file containing custom XML;
4. providing support or assistance to anyone that describes how to use any infringing and Future Word Products to open an XML file containing custom XML;
5. testing, demonstrating, or marketing the ability of the Infringing and Future
Word Products to open an XML file containing custom XML.
This injunction does not apply to any of the above actions wherein the Infringing and Future Word Products open an XML file as plain text.
Needless to say, Microsoft won't pull Word off the market. The company has said it plans to appeal, and i4i actually sells XML products for Word, making that company reliant on the ecosystem. An agreement will be reached: probably one involving Microsoft signing a big check.
:( While I prefer the fender body style of Guitar, there can be no denying that guitars wouldn't be what they are today without this guy.
Legendary guitarist Les Paul dies at 94
Guitarist and instrument innovator Les Paul has died at the age of 94, it was announced today.
The U.S. musician died at a New York hospital as a result of complications from pneumonia, the Gibson Guitar company said.
As a pioneer of the instrument he influenced the course of jazz and rock music with the development of his solid body electric guitar and other technical innovations.
If you live in the United States or Canada, chances are you have cocaine in your wallet.
Nearly nine out of ten bills circulating in the U.S. and its northern neighbor are tainted with cocaine, according to what's being called the most definitive research to date on the subject.
In a similar study by the same team in 2007, 67 percent of U.S. bills were found to be tainted with cocaine. The new study puts the percentage at 85 to 95—a jump of roughly 20 percent, Zuo said.
The drug gets on paper money during drug transactions and when people roll bills to snort cocaine powder, Zuo said.
Stress spurred by the worldwide financial crisis may be driving people to abuse cocaine, one of the most common illegal drugs in the world, Zuo said in a phone interview.
The new findings could "help raise public awareness about cocaine use and lead to greater emphasis on curbing its abuse," Zuo said in a follow-up email.
Cocaine Country
Part of the reason the new study is so complete, Zuo said, is because the team used new equipment, a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, which doesn't ruin the money—allowing the scientists to test more bills without breaking the bank.
The team collected banknotes from the Brazil, Canada, the U.S., China, and Japan.
With 5.8 million people having used the drug at least once in 2007, the U.S. is the world's biggest cocaine market, according to the 2009 UN World Drug Report.
Perhaps not surprisingly, then, the U.S.—along with Canada—had the highest percentage of cocaine-permeated bills in the study.
Of the 234 U.S. bills collected in 17 large and small cities, nearly 90 percent had traces of cocaine, especially in larger cities such as Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit. Ninety-five percent of the dollars found in Washington, D.C., had cocaine embedded in their fibers—among the highest in the study.
(See pictures of cocaine-cultivating country in National Geographic magazine.)
In keeping with their reputations for having relatively low rates of cocaine use, China and Japan yielded bills with relatively low levels of cocaine contamination.
Asian drug-taking practices could conceivably be partly responsible for the lower percentages of cocaine-tainted bills. Zuo doesn't know, for example, whether Asian cocaine users inhale through rolled bills as many Western users do.
"It is for sure that drug abuse in different countries and regions has different use patterns which may affect cocaine contamination on money," he said via email.
Regardless of where you live, though, there's little chance of getting buzzed off your bills, Zuo said. Even in the U.S. and Canada, the concentrations are simply too small.
Findings today at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Washington, D.C.
Game Informer: Xbox 360 at 54.2 percent failure rate
The latest issue of Game Informer contains a surprising statistic for anyone who's ever loved and lost their Microsoft-branded home console – according to their survey, in which over 5,000 console owners participated, the Xbox 360's current failure rate due to the Red Ring of Death, E74 or other hardware failure is 54.2 percent. They also calculated the relative death toll for PS3s due to the Yellow Light of Death (10.3 percent) and Wiis, due to ... well, we're not actually sure what color the Wii's light turns to upon its demise (6.8 percent).
Unfortunately, for having the highest failure rate, survey participants also pinned Microsoft for having the least helpful customer service representatives. Not that it matters – later in the survey, only 3.8 percent of participants said they'd never buy another Xbox 360 due to its high failure rate.
Speaking of which, we're not sure what future techno-utopia this poll was conducted in, but a 54.2 percent Xbox 360 failure rate sounds awfully low. Had the survey's participants been comprised entirely of Joystiq staffers, it would have been a bone-chilling 100 percent.
gawd...... :rolleyes:
Source: Favre to sign with Vikings
A source close to Brett Favre said the quarterback, pending a physical, will sign a contract with the Minnesota Vikings for between $10 million to $12 million, according to ESPN senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen.
Favre, 39, arrived in Minnesota on Tuesday to meet with the Vikings, getting off a team plane at a small St. Paul airport and getting into an SUV after shaking hands with the ground crew.
Coach Brad Childress confirmed the planned meeting in an e-mail to The Associated Press. Asked if the plan was to sign Favre, Childress replied: "In a perfect world."
The Herd with Colin Cowherd
Chris Mortensen tells Colin Cowherd that Brett Favre is headed to Minnesota today and will sign with the Vikings pending a physical.
More Podcasts »
Favre is expected to take a physical later Tuesday.
Favre's mother, Bonita, told the Biloxi Sun Herald that her son would be working out with the Vikings on Wednesday. ESPN analyst Cris Carter reported Tuesday that Childress already has told the Vikings that Favre will be starting in Friday night's preseason game against the Kansas City Chiefs.
"I have mixed emotions, but I have always loved to watch him play," she told the Sun Herald. "This time, however, I thought he would stay retired and stay home. I guess he could not do it.
"They [Minnesota] seem to have a good team in place, and he liked that. I guess I need to get a Vikings jersey now."
Favre, a longtime star in Green Bay, came out of retirement last season to play for the New York Jets. He retired again, only to then entertain the idea of joining the Vikings. Three weeks ago, Childress said the quarterback would stay retired.
The pronouncement now appears to be premature.
Two television stations first reported that Favre was seen boarding a plane Tuesday morning that was headed to Minneapolis.
Sources told Hattiesburg television station WDAM, which initially broke the story, that Favre had said: "We may know something by dinner."
Fantasy: What to expect
Brett Favre's addition to the Vikings should be a boon to the cast around him, Fantasy analyst Matthew Berry believes.
While Favre is just a borderline top-20 fantasy quarterback (he was 16th in points among QBs in 2008), Adrian Peterson and Bernard Berrian should see boosts in production.
The presence of Favre makes Adrian Peterson the consensus No. 1 pick. Berry previously had Peterson ranked No. 2 behind Michael Turner.
Also, Berrian is now a top-20 fantasy receiver. He is currently ranked No. 26 in average draft position. projections:
• Favre: 3,294 passing yards; 21 TDs; 19 INTs
• Berrian: 73 receptions; 1,150 yards; 7 TDs
• Peterson: 1,701 rushing yards; 11 rushing TDs; 22 receptions; 184 receiving yards; 3 receiving TDs
• 2009 Draft Kit | Blog
A high-level source first told Minneapolis TV station WCCO that Favre was expected to sign a deal with the Vikings on Tuesday.
ESPN's Ed Werder reported that according to a source, Favre told close friends and family members before boarding the plane Tuesday: "I'm going to play football.''
The decision to do so comes even though Favre has informed the team that Dr. James Andrews detected a slight tear in his right rotator cuff in May while performing arthroscopic surgery on the quarterback's passing shoulder in May, according to a source.
It was concern about that injury, and the pain in both of his ankles and left knee, that discouraged Favre from signing with the Vikings before training camp.
Favre, who holds almost all of the NFL's career passing records, has never been much of a fan of offseason practices, though. Last summer, he ended his retirement with the Packers and forced a trade to the Jets, where he faded down the stretch amid problems with his throwing arm.
But Favre remained in regular communication with the Vikings' coaching staff the past three weeks, and a source said that owner Zygi Wilf had to do very little convincing when the two met this week near Favre's home in Hattiesburg.
"He had a lot of aches and pains and they basically needed a commitment from him before he felt he was ready to play,'' a source told Werder. "He wants to be able to do the best he can do and doesn't want to disappoint them.''
The Vikings are aware of the small tear in Favre's rotator cuff.
"The tear is still there and there's always a possibility something could happen with it later on,'' a source told Werder. "He wanted to give it the best chance he could before he made a commitment. But the last three weeks, it hasn't gotten any worse and he's been working hard. Hell, who knows? It could flare up again if they make him throw 50 or 60 balls a day.
"Three weeks ago, he wasn't ready to go play and didn't feel physically he could do what they needed him to do. But three more weeks of working out and now he's feeling that he's able to throw the football and he's going to give it a try.''
Favre has been working out regularly with Oak Grove High school players in Hattiesburg, according to WDAM-TV, and has not missed a practice even after telling the Vikings he would remain retired.
The Vikings finished training camp last week and beat Indianapolis 13-3 in their preseason opener Friday. They got a strong performance from quarterback Sage Rosenfels, who has been competing with Tarvaris Jackson for the starting job since Favre jilted the team July 28.
The Vikings are expected to challenge for the NFC North title this season, with whomever is behind center.
Rosenfels and Jackson have had some rough moments during practice. Jackson hurt his knee, missed a few workouts and then returned, but he was out of sync last week against the Colts.
Rosenfels did well, but preseason games are tough to evaluate and Indianapolis held out all four starting defensive backs.
On Monday, Jackson, responding to the day's scuttlebutt that Favre was predicted to play in Minnesota this season, said he was not paying attention to any of the talk.
"I pretty much have said [Favre] probably will follow me even when I retire. I'll probably have to hear about it. I'm just trying to take care of my business, and I can't worry about that stuff," Jackson said, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "If I let that stuff get to me, ain't no telling where I'd be right now. I just let it roll off my shoulder and just keep going. Just keep trying to get better."
Yeah, saw that. Old bastard.
All PS3s got a $100 price cut today, they are now availble for $299.00 :clap:
Slim-design as well. :thumbs:
Australian oil well to gush for nearly two months
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A leaking Australian oil well is likely to pour oil into the Timor Sea for nearly two months before it can be stopped, the operator said on Sunday, as environmentalists expressed grave fears for rare wildlife.
Rig operator PTTEP Australasia said it planned to drill a relief well and pour mud to stop the leak, which began on Friday with a blow-out more than three kilometers (two miles) deep.
It would take 20 days to bring a new offshore drilling rig by barge from Singapore, plus four weeks to drill, the company said in a statement.
Asked if this meant the well would flow for nearly two months, a company spokesman told Reuters: "That is pretty much the estimation."
Environmentalists have expressed concern about the giant slick, saying the entire area is ecologically significant and part of an "ocean super highway" for migrating animals between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Many breathe air and could surface in the oil, an official of WWF Australia said.
Earlier on Sunday the Australian Maritime Safety Authority used C-130 Hercules aircraft to spray dispersant chemicals on the slick, which was in excess of 8 nautical miles in length.
Spokeswoman Tracey Jiggins said the results were encouraging but the agency was prepared for a long operation.
PTTEP Australasia, a unit of Thailand's PTT Exploration and Production PCL, said a team of international experts recommended drilling a relief well, to intersect the existing well and stop its flow.
Company spokesman Ian Williams gave no estimate of the amount of oil that would be released, but said the company believed it would be possible to prevent the slick spreading.
"There is a blow-out of some kind. It is very deep," Williams told Reuters, putting the depth at around 3,500 meters.
An air exclusion zone had been set up and ships advised to stay more than 20 nautical miles away from the rig, considered too dangerous to board.
WWF Australia called for changes to ensure better preparations for such disasters, noting it took three days for the first dispersant to be sprayed.
"From a global scale this is one of the most important places on the planet for ocean wildlife," Gilly Llewelyn, WWF Australia's director of conservation, told Reuters.
Among the animals affected were three endangered species of turtles, plus sea snakes, she said. Even a pygmy blue whale has been monitored there.
"It seems to be one of these critical migration routes -- an oceanic super highway," she said
Great work peelz!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
AP IMPACT: New meth formula avoids anti-drug laws
TULSA, Okla. – This is the new formula for methamphetamine: a two-liter soda bottle, a few handfuls of cold pills and some noxious chemicals. Shake the bottle and the volatile reaction produces one of the world's most addictive drugs.
Only a few years ago, making meth required an elaborate lab — with filthy containers simmering over open flames, cans of flammable liquids and hundreds of pills. The process gave off foul odors, sometimes sparked explosions and was so hard to conceal that dealers often "cooked" their drugs in rural areas.
But now drug users are making their own meth in small batches using a faster, cheaper and much simpler method with ingredients that can be carried in a knapsack and mixed on the run. The "shake-and-bake" approach has become popular because it requires a relatively small number of pills of the decongestant pseudoephedrine — an amount easily obtained under even the toughest anti-meth laws that have been adopted across the nation to restrict large purchases of some cold medication.
"Somebody somewhere said 'Wait this requires a lot less pseudoephedrine, and I can fly under the radar,'" said Mark Woodward, spokesman for the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control.
An Associated Press review of lab seizures and interviews with state and federal law enforcement agents found that the new method is rapidly spreading across the nation's midsection and is contributing to a spike in the number of meth cases after years of declining arrests.
The new formula does away with the clutter of typical meth labs, and it can turn the back seat of a car or a bathroom stall into a makeshift drug factory. Some addicts have even made the drug while driving.
The pills are crushed, combined with some common household chemicals and then shaken in the soda bottle. No flame is required.
Using the new formula, batches of meth are much smaller but just as dangerous as the old system, which sometimes produces powerful explosions, touches off intense fires and releases drug ingredients that must be handled as toxic waste.
"If there is any oxygen at all in the bottle, it has a propensity to make a giant fireball," said Sgt. Jason Clark of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Division of Drug and Crime Control. "You're not dealing with rocket scientists here anyway. If they get unlucky at all, it can have a very devastating reaction."
One little mistake, such as unscrewing the bottle cap too fast, can result in a huge blast, and police in Alabama, Oklahoma and other states have linked dozens of flash fires this year — some of them fatal — to meth manufacturing.
"Every meth recipe is dangerous, but in this one, if you don't shake it just right, you can build up too much pressure, and the container can pop," Woodward said.
When fire broke out in older labs, "it was usually on a stove in a back room or garage and people would just run, but when these things pop, you see more extreme burns because they are holding it. There are more fires and more burns because of the close proximity, whether it's on a couch or driving down the road."
After the chemical reaction, what's left is a crystalline powder that users smoke, snort or inject. They often discard the bottle, which now contains a poisonous brown and white sludge. Dozens of reports describe toxic bottles strewn along highways and rural roads in states with the worst meth problems.
The do-it-yourself method creates just enough meth for a few hits, allowing users to make their own doses instead of buying mass-produced drugs from a dealer.
"It simplified the process so much that everybody's making their own dope," said Kevin Williams, sheriff of Marion County, Ala., about 80 miles west of Birmingham. "It can be your next-door neighbor doing it. It can be one of your family members living downstairs in the basement."
A typical meth lab would normally take days to generate a full-size batch of meth, which would require a heat source and dozens, maybe hundreds, of boxes of cold pills.
But because the new method uses far less pseudoephedrine, small-time users are able to make the drug in spite of a federal law that bars customers from buying more than 9 grams — roughly 300 pills — a month.
The federal government and dozens of states adopted restrictions on pseudoephedrine in 2005, and the number of lab busts fell dramatically.
The total number of clandestine meth lab incidents reported to the Drug Enforcement Administration fell from almost 17,400 in 2003 to just 7,347 in 2006.
But the number of busts has begun to climb again, and some authorities blame the shake-and-bake method for renewing meth activity.
The AP review of 14 states found:
• At least 10 states reported increases in meth lab seizures or meth-related arrests from 2007 to 2008.
• The Mississippi State Crime Lab participated in 457 meth incidents through May 31, up from 122 for the same period a year ago — a nearly 275 percent increase.
• Several states, such as Oklahoma and Tennessee, are on pace this year to double the number of labs busted in 2008. The director of Tennessee's meth task force said the pace of lab busts in his state is projected to be about 1,300 for 2009, compared with 815 for all of 2008.
Some states lack a central database to monitor cold medicine sales, so meth cooks circumvent state laws by pill shopping in multiple cities and states — a practice known as "smurfing" that allows them to stay under restrictions placed on sales.
Traci Fruit, a special agent with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, said law enforcement officials are becoming increasingly frustrated because there's no way to tell who is buying what "unless we go from store to store ourselves and pull up the records."
Historically, rural states like Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas have been hotbeds for meth use because an important ingredient in the traditional method, anhydrous ammonia, was easily available from tanks on farms where it's used as a fertilizer. But the new formula does not need anhydrous ammonia and instead uses ammonium nitrate, a compound easily found in instant cold packs that can be purchased at any drug store.
Data from the Justice Department and the DEA data suggest the method could only be in its early stages, and "shake-and-bake" labs have recently been discovered as far north as Indiana and as far east as West Virginia.
States surveyed by the AP also included: Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
While many law enforcement agencies are just learning how to spot the new labs, other states are rushing to close loopholes in laws limiting the sale of meth ingredients.
Mississippi Sen. Sid Albritton, said that state's law — modeled after Oklahoma's — forces buyers to show identification and makes stores keep a log of cold medicine sales. But the problem in Mississippi is lack of technology to instantly log purchases in a central database.
"You have to understand going in that drugs are an evolutionary process," said Albritton, a former police detective and narcotics officer. "The day after we pass a law, they are going to look for ways to circumvent that."
Only in Minnesota..... :rolleyes:
Oh, there's a 'Favre' goat in my trunk...;_ylt=AicCkQ96zOg9SPzvC_SVPe3tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJsbDQzaG4wBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwODI0L3VzX29kZF9nb2F0X2luX3RydW5rBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNvaHRoZXJlc2FmYXY-
WINONA, Minn. – A woman on her way to St. Paul really got the goat of auto repairman James Prusci. She went to Tires Plus in Winona Friday, wanting a belt replaced on her Chevy Malibu. While he was doing paperwork, she said she had a goat in her trunk. "A what?" he asked. She told him she planned to butcher it.
It was painted Minnesota Viking colors — purple and gold — with Brett Favre's No. 4 shaved on its side. Favre made his Vikings debut Friday in a preseason game.
Prusci called animal control, which took the goat to a local vet. He was renamed Brett and placed in foster care.
Animal control officer Wendy Peterson said Monday the city attorney was reviewing the case for possible citations.
a VERY interesting read about a kid who turned into a phone hacker. To long to post.
Quote from: Krandall on August 24, 2009, 03:06:25 PM
Only in Minnesota..... :rolleyes:
Oh, there's a 'Favre' goat in my trunk...;_ylt=AicCkQ96zOg9SPzvC_SVPe3tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJsbDQzaG4wBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwODI0L3VzX29kZF9nb2F0X2luX3RydW5rBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNvaHRoZXJlc2FmYXY-
WINONA, Minn. – A woman on her way to St. Paul really got the goat of auto repairman James Prusci. She went to Tires Plus in Winona Friday, wanting a belt replaced on her Chevy Malibu. While he was doing paperwork, she said she had a goat in her trunk. "A what?" he asked. She told him she planned to butcher it.
It was painted Minnesota Viking colors — purple and gold — with Brett Favre's No. 4 shaved on its side. Favre made his Vikings debut Friday in a preseason game.
Prusci called animal control, which took the goat to a local vet. He was renamed Brett and placed in foster care.
Animal control officer Wendy Peterson said Monday the city attorney was reviewing the case for possible citations.
Saw that on CNN this morning. :lol:
Tiger Killed, Skinned Inside Indonesian Zoo
According to the Jakarta Globe, authorities suspect the poachers went through a gutter into the zoo and made their way to Sheila's enclosure, where they threw in poisoned bait to kill her.
Didy Wurdjanto, the head of the Jambi Natural Resources Conservation Center, is confident that the killing of the tiger was done by professionals who were well aware of the tiger's value in the illegal wildlife trade.
There is no doubt that the killers were professionals because they did their job very cleanly, taking off the skin in the enclosure rather than dragging the 100-kilogram animal out, which could have attracted attention ... I just can't bear the thought that this could be a new trend in the illegal wildlife trade, [that poachers] are now going after tame tigers in zoos rather than in forests. The demand for tigers is increasing and the price is getting higher because there are so few left.
The head of Taman Rimbo Zoo "refused to speculate on whether zoo staff could have been involved in the crime."
Increasing demand for tiger parts
Tiger (and rhino) conservation is under serious threat by China's economic boom: The growing affluence in China and other Asian countries is driving an unprecedented demand for tiger (and rhino) parts for supposed "medicinal" purposes - and as a result, forcing tigers and rhino closer to extinction in the wild.
China has even lobbied to get the ban on their horrific "tiger farms" lifted: See "Breeding Tigers for Commercial Trade in Body Parts."
Now it appears these murderers will stop at nothing to get what they want.
He may not be everyone's favorite politician but I try to respect all that have served this country, especially in death.
Senator Edward Kennedy dies at age 77
BOSTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older brothers were assassinated, died at age 77, his family said.
"Edward M. Kennedy, the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply, died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port (Massachusetts)," the Kennedy family said in a statement early on Wednesday.
One of the most influential and longest-serving senators in U.S. history -- a liberal standard-bearer who was also known as a consummate congressional dealmaker -- Kennedy had been battling brain cancer, which was diagnosed in May 2008.
His death marked the twilight of a political dynasty and dealt a blow to Democrats as they seek to answer President Barack Obama's call for an overhaul of the healthcare system.
Kennedy was a longtime advocate of healthcare reform, a signature issue of Obama's presidency. Obama said on Wednesday he was heartbroken to hear of the death of Kennedy, a crucial supporter of his presidential candidacy.
"I valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support in my race for the Presidency. And even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I've profited as President from his encouragement and wisdom," said Obama, who was elected last November and took office in January.
Kennedy had recently urged Massachusetts lawmakers to change state law so the governor, if necessary, could quickly fill a Senate vacancy as the chamber debates the contentious healthcare issue.
Known as "Teddy," he was the brother of President John Kennedy, assassinated in 1963, Senator Robert Kennedy, fatally shot while campaigning for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination, and Joe Kennedy, a pilot killed in World War Two.
When he first took the Senate seat previously held by John Kennedy in 1962, he was seen as something of a political lightweight who owed his ascent to his famous name.
Yet during his nearly half century in the chamber, Kennedy became known as one of Washington's most effective senators, crafting legislation by working with lawmakers and presidents of both parties, and finding unlikely allies.
At the same time, he held fast to liberal causes deemed anachronistic by the centrist "New Democrats," and was a lightning rod for conservative ire.
He helped enact measures to protect civil and labor rights, expand healthcare, upgrade schools, increase student aid and contain the spread of nuclear weapons.
"There's a lot to do," Kennedy told Reuters in 2006. "I think most of all it's the injustice that I continue to see and the opportunity to have some impact on it."
After Robert Kennedy's death, Edward was expected to waste little time in vying for the presidency. But in 1969, a young woman drowned after a car Kennedy was driving plunged off a bridge on the Massachusetts resort island of Chappaquiddick after a night of partying.
Kennedy's image took a major hit after it emerged he had failed to report the accident to authorities. He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene and received a suspended sentence.
Kennedy eventually ran for his party's presidential nomination in 1980 but lost to then-President Jimmy Carter.
His presidential ambitions thwarted, Kennedy devoted himself to his Senate career.
A 2009 survey by The Hill, a Capitol Hill publication, found that Senate Republicans believed Kennedy was the chamber's easiest Democrat to work with and most bipartisan.
Republican Senator John McCain called Kennedy "the single most effective member of the Senate if you want to get results."
In January 2008, Kennedy endorsed Obama, who was serving his first term as a senator, for the Democratic presidential nomination. Many saw the endorsement as the passing of the political torch to a new generation. A year to the day before his death, Kennedy made an electrifying speech to the Democratic convention that nominated Obama for president.
Kennedy had been largely sidelined in Congress since becoming ill. The "Lion of the Senate" began to use a cane and often looked tired and drained as he mixed work with treatment.
Yet colleagues and staff said he remained determined to fulfill what he called "the cause of my life," providing health insurance to all Americans. He helped draft legislation to overhaul the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare system.
Kennedy's interest in healthcare dated from his son's bout with cancer in the 1970s. More recently, he cited his own illness as he made a case for reform.
"I've benefited from the best of medicine, but I've also witnessed the frustration and outrage of patients and doctors alike as they face the challenges of a system that shortchanges millions of Americans," he wrote in a May 28, 2009, issue of the Boston Globe.
His charisma as "the last of the Kennedy brothers" was such that draft-Teddy drives were a feature of U.S. presidential election years from 1968 through the 1980s.
But he never fully escaped the cloud of the Chappaquiddick accident. A decades-long argument arose about whether he tried to cover up his involvement by leaving the scene while Mary Jo Kopechne's body remained submerged and whether police helped sweep such questions under the rug. All involved denied any cover-up.
Later crises involving younger Kennedys, notably the 1991 Palm Beach rape trial of his nephew, William Kennedy Smith, caught a bloated and weary-looking Uncle Ted in a media glare. Reports of heavy drinking and womanizing led to a public apology for "the faults in the conduct of my private life."
Kennedy was remarried soon after that to Victoria Reggie, a 38-year-old lawyer with two young children from her first marriage. He poured renewed energy into the Senate, where he would become the third-longest serving senator in history.
Even his Republican foes recognized Kennedy's dedication as he worked to protect civil rights, give federal help to the poor, contain the spread of nuclear weapons, raise the minimum wage, expand health coverage and improve America's schools.
Born on February 22, 1932, Edward Moore Kennedy was the last of four sons and five daughters born to millionaire businessman Joseph Kennedy, who would later be ambassador to Britain, and his wife, Rose.
The Boston Irish family combined the competitive spirit of nouveau riche immigrants with acquired polish and natural charm. The sons were expected to mature into presidential timber and were groomed for that starting with the oldest, Joseph Jr., a bomber pilot who died in World War Two.
"I think about my brothers every day," Kennedy told Reuters. "They set high standards. Sometimes you measure up, sometimes you don't."
Like his brothers, Kennedy was known for his oratory, delivered in a booming voice at rallies, congressional hearings and in the Senate.
He drew praise from liberals, labor and civil rights groups and scorn from conservatives, big business and anti-abortion and pro-gun activists. His image was often used by Republicans in ads as a money-raising tool.
Tragedies dogged Kennedy throughout his life. They included a 1964 plane crash that damaged his spine and left him with persistent pain; bone cancer that cost son Teddy a leg; first wife Joan's battles with alcoholism that contributed to their divorce, and drug problems involving nephews, one of whom died of an overdose. His nephew, John Kennedy Jr., died in July 1999 when his small plane crashed into the ocean near Cape Cod.
In May 2008, Edward Kennedy collapsed at his Cape Cod home and was flown to hospital in Boston, where he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Brain cancer kills half its victims within a year.
Kennedy's illness kept him from attending the funeral of his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, a leading advocate of the mentally disabled, who died on August 11 at the age of 88.
yeah, sad news. :(
Get Ready for Gruesome Cigarette Warnings
THURSDAY, Aug. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Would a gruesome picture of a cancer-ravaged mouth with rotting teeth make you think twice about buying a pack of cigarettes?
That's the goal of new federal regulations expected to go into effect within three years. The rules will require tobacco companies to cover at least half of the front and back of packages with graphic -- and possibly gruesome -- images illustrating the dangers of smoking.
If U.S. regulations are modeled after those already in place in Canada and other countries, the warnings will be shocking: blackened lungs, gangrenous feet, bleeding brains and people breathing through tracheotomies.
Though hard to look at, the more graphic the image, the more effective in discouraging smoking, said Stanton Glantz, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and director of the university's Center for Tobacco Control, Research and Education.
"The graphic warnings really work," Glantz said. "They substantially increase the likelihood someone will quit smoking. They substantially decrease the chances a kid will smoke. And they really screw up the ability of the tobacco industry to use the packaging as a marketing tool."
Over the last decade, countries as varied as Canada, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Iran and Singapore, among others, have adopted graphic warnings on tobacco products. Some are downright disturbing: in Brazil, cigarette packages come with pictures of dead babies and a gangrened foot with blackened toes.
In the United States, the authority to force packaging changes was granted on June 22, when President Barack Obama, who has struggled with cigarette addiction since he was a teen, signed into law the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The landmark legislation gives the U.S. Food and Drug Administration broad new authority to regulate the marketing of tobacco products.
Under the law, the FDA has two years to issue specifics about the new graphic warnings tobacco products will be required to carry. Tobacco companies then have 18 months to get them onto packages.
Currently, the United States has some of the weakest requirements for cigarette package warnings in the world, said David Hammond, an assistant professor in the department of health studies at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. The text-only warnings on packages have changed little since 1984.
"Consumers in many Third World countries are getting more and better information about the risks of cigarettes off their packs," Hammond said.
With much at stake for tobacco companies, there will be much wrangling over the details, Glantz said.
Yet research shows the FDA shouldn't compromise, Glantz said. The more frightening the image, the greater the anti-smoking effect, he said.
Despite some research that has suggested images that are too stomach-turning may backfire because people eventually ignore them, new research is showing the most graphic images pack the most punch, said Jeremy Kees, an assistant professor of marketing at Villanova University.
In a yet-to-be published study, Kees had 541 adult smokers in the United States and Canada view a mild image of a smoker's mouth with yellowed teeth; a moderately graphic image of a diseased mouth; and a third photo of a grotesque, disfigured mouth.
The most disturbing photo evoked the most fear, prompting more smokers to say they intended to quit, Kees said.
While the new regulations may also include no-nonsense, text warnings such as "Smoking Makes You Impotent" and "Smoking Kills," the images will have the broadest reach, Hammond said.
Non-English speakers can understand the picture of a diseased mouth, as can people who are illiterate. Smokers tend to have lower literacy levels, Hammond noted.
And kids will get the message too, potentially stopping them from ever lighting up. "You have 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds who can understand that picture," Hammond said.
Elsewhere, graphic warnings seem to be helping to drive down smoking rates. In Canada, about 13 percent of the population smokes daily, a 5 percent drop since the graphic warnings were adopted in 2000, Hammond said.
About 21 percent of the U.S. population smokes daily, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While powerful, the gruesome warnings won't get everyone to quit.
"Nicotine is highly addictive," Hammond said. "Health warnings are not a magic bullet, but they help move people closer to quitting and provide a constant reminder of why many people want to change."
Sad :(
Shareholders Approve Pirate Bay Purchase
By David Kravets August 27, 2009 | 11:47 am | Categories: Yo Ho Ho
As expected, The Pirate Bay moved a step closer Thursday to being sold to a Swedish-based software concern that hopes to turn the world's notorious BitTorrent tracker into a legitimate, pay-to-play site.
Global Gaming Factory shareholders approved the $8.5 million transaction Thursday, four months after The Pirate Bay's four co-founders were found guilty of facilitating copyright infringement. Within weeks, the site is expected to become a subscription-based service, although no major content providers have agreed to license their wares.
The sale, which is expected to be largely funded via Hans Pandeya, Global Gaming's chief executive, is one of two major blows to the illicit file sharing scene. On Wednesday, Dutch-based Mininova, which many believed would become one of the main alternatives to a legitimate Pirate Bay, was ordered by a European court to remove all its copyrighted material or face millions in fines.
Still, concerns remain over Global Gaming's ability to remain solvent or perhaps even complete the deal. The AktieTorget, the Swedish-based exchange where the company is listed, is examining whether to delist the company amid allegations of insider trading ahead of the deal's initial announcement weeks ago.
Pandeya and other board members are the main shareholders, and Pandeya promised to sell some of his holdings to help shore up the deal.
The Pirate Bay, as of 9:30 a.m. PDT, appeared operational for file sharers to hijack movies, games, software and music for free — despite a court order demanding it be shuttered. The Pirate Bay's four co-founders each face a year in prison, but remain free pending appeal. The Pirate Bay's domain still remains under the control of Fredrik Neij, one of the 5-year-old site's founders.
Never got into that, but that does suck. That's the way it goes.
I was a fellow pirate..... :'(
Aaron, don't try and hide it.. I know it was you...
Marijuana found in another national park
The Drug Enforcement Administration Friday announced that it found 14,500 marijuana plants growing in a Colorado national park, the latest in a series of such finds in national parks that authorities say are linked to Mexican drug cartels.
Authorities say they have seen an increase in outdoor marijuana operations run by Mexican drug cartels. In the past several months, federal agents have found nearly $55 million worth of pot plants in national parks and on federal lands in California, Colorado and Idaho.
On Thursday, authorities closed a section of Sequoia National Park in California so they could destroy marijuana plants discovered near a cave filled with crystals that is a popular tourist stop. Most of the marijuana already had been harvested. Authorities estimated the plants were worth more than $36 million.
In June, federal authorities seized 2,250 marijuana plants from California's Point Reyes National Seashore and Golden Gate National Recreational Area. That same month, hikers in Idaho found a site with 12,545 pot plants.
In the most recent Colorado case, the marijuana was found in "the remote, rugged terrain" of Pike National Forest, which is about 60 miles southwest of Denver. The DEA said it is the largest outdoor marijuana-growing operation ever found in Colorado, with an estimated value of $5 million.
"The persons who were involved in this criminal activity had no regard for the damage caused to the forest and environment by the waste they left behind," said Jeffrey D. Sweetin, special agent in charge of the DEA's Denver office. "The public's safety is also at risk for those who recreate on our public lands due to these trafficking groups operating there."
Authorities say they learned of the marijuana site from a passer-by. DEA said Mexican migrant workers had been recruited to work at the site and harvest plants, which were between 4 feet and 6 feet high.
Authorities tracked down two men associated with the site and arrested them last week, but have released few details about them, including their names.
Mr. Sweetin said growing marijuana on public land in the United States has become attractive to drug cartels as increased border security has made it more difficult to smuggle large quantities of marijuana into the U.S.
And, he said, outdoor operations can be set up for relatively little money. Typically, the sites are tucked away relatively close to all-terrain-vehicle trails and campsites at the parks.
Stopping the proliferation of these sites has become a priority for the National Park Service, which dedicated $3.3 million this year to stop growers at parks in the West, including Yosemite, Sequoia and Redwood national parks.
"Before this, the [National Park Service] had set aside a modest fund for marijuana interdiction - about $150,000 a year over the past five years - and parks competed for this money," said Jeffrey Olson, a spokesman for the Park Service. "The bulk of it went to the Pacific West Region, where most of the marijuana grow sites have been found."
Authorities are concerned about the legal ramifications of such sites and the environmental consequences, which, they say, are severe.
"The impacts are numerous," said Gill Quintana, head of the U.S. Forest Service's Denver branch.
He said these include "damage to the lands due to clearing the areas to prepare the garden site, trash left behind, chemicals used to grow the crop [seeping] into the watershed, and the public-safety issues associated with the recreating public coming in contact with these organizations while they're operating on our national lands."
Earlier this month, investigators in California said they were looking for marijuana growers tied to a Mexican drug cartel that they suspect of igniting the La Brea fire that charred more than 88,000 acres of the Los Padres National Forest in the remote Santa Barbara County mountains northwest of Los Angeles.
The fire, which erupted Aug. 8, is thought to be the first major wildfire in the state caused by drug traffickers, a U.S. Forest Service spokesman said.
In a statement, the Forest Service said the blaze was sparked by a "cooking fire in a marijuana drug-trafficking operation ... believed to be run by a Mexican national drug organization. ... There is evidence that the unburned marijuana garden area has been occupied within the last several days."
Right behind that story, is this one. Makes me sick, all the political correctness BS we have to put up with.
Warning on possible pot growers called profiling
DENVER — An advocate for Hispanic rights says she was appalled to learn that the U.S. Forest Service is warning the public that campers who eat tortillas, drink Tecate beer and play Spanish music could be armed marijuana growers.
Polly Baca, co-chairwoman of the Colorado Latino Forum, says the warning is profiling and discriminatory. She says it could put Hispanic campers in danger.
A Forest Service spokesman had no immediate comment Friday.
The agency issued the warning Wednesday amid an investigation into how much marijuana is being cultivated in Colorado's national forests.
More than 14,000 irrigated marijuana plants were found in the Pike National Forest in July. Federal officials say they believe illegal immigrants were brought to the site from Mexico to tend the plants.
Watched that story on the news Russ. Funny in my book. :lol:
Ironically, I do all those activities. :lol: Don't turn me in. Tecate beer is the $hit.
A couple of these should be able to easily clean all the pirates out of the
Indian Ocean .
U.S.S. Independence (LCS-2)
A Triple Hulled, Weapon-Laden Monster.
We've been hearing rumblings about the U.S. Navy's triple-hulled ships, but
here's one that was launched last month, the U.S.S Independence ... Built by
General Dynamics, it's called a "littoral combat ship" (LCS), and the
tri-maran can move huge weapons around faster than any ship in the Navy.
Ironic that with all that high tech built in, the ship reminds us of the
Merrimac ironclad from Civil War days.
Littoral means close to shore, and that's where these fleet-hulled babies
will operate, tailor-made for launching helicopters and armored vehicles,
sweeping mines and firing all manner of torpedoes, missiles and machine
These ships were designed to be relatively inexpensive this one's a bargain
at $208 million and the navy plans to build 55 of them.
This tri-maran is the first of the new fire-breathing breed, ready to scoot
out of dry dock at a rumored 60 knots.. It's like a speedy and heavily-armed
aircraft carrier for helicopters.
that's not breaking news man. I'm pretty sure those have been out. Or at least built a while ago.
Man Spies on New Owner of Stolen Computer via Apple's MobileMe
Earlier, we reported the story of a robbery victim who used his stolen iPhone's GPS application to track down his purloined phone and, thus, the suspected thieves. In other crime-fighting Mac news, The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) reports that an anonymous contributor dubbed 'Jim' has gotten a tip on the location of his stolen laptop -- thanks to Apple's MobileMe, a program that enables users to sync several computers.
Since police are currently investigating, the report is intentionally vague, but what is apparent is the Apple program's role in the potential capture of these suspected ne'er-do-wells. After Jim's home was invaded, and his two Macs and one PC stolen, he glumly forked over the cash for a new MacBook Pro. Smartly, Jim had backed up his former computers' files to a Time Machine drive, so he went about restoring the files. In doing so, he opened up MobileMe to discover one of his former computers listed as being synced to the new MacBook. Enabling the screen-sharing function, Jim was able to bring up the other computer's screen and watched as somebody searched for winning lottery numbers. Although MobileMe allows the option of taking control of a synced computer, Jim, again smartly, resisted. Instead, once its screen fell motionless, he snuck in, acquired an IP address, and took a screenshot. This morning, according to the report, Jim spied the phantom user applying for a job online. Just as easy as pie, Jim was able to snag a Social Security Number, address, and phone number straight off the form. (Ouch.)
Although the investigation is still very much underway, we think it's safe to say that Jim's computer will be restored to him, and that the glowing Apple logo will continue to scare away potential thieves. [From: TUAW]
Apple growers to release successor to Honeycrisp
LAKE CITY, Minn. – Tim Byrne picked an apple from the spindly tree, sliced it and popped a chunk into his mouth. He couldn't have been more pleased as he chomped and got a juicy blast of sweet-tart flavor.
"This is what's got us excited," Byrne said as he shared samples from a perfectly ripe SweeTango apple, which he and other growers are about to introduce as the successor to the incredibly successful Honeycrisp.
Honeycrisp was a phenomenon in the apple industry because its taste and texture were so good it sold for about $1 more per pound than other varieties. Those investing in SweeTango are banking on it commanding the same premium price, and they've formed a cooperative to grow and sell it nationwide.
SweeTango will start showing up in some Minnesota farmers markets Labor Day weekend and arrive in selected grocery stores around the Twin Cities, Seattle and Rochester, N.Y., a few days later. If all goes according to plan, the apple should be available nationwide in 2011 or 2012, said Byrne, who's president of the cooperative and vice president of sales and marketing for Pepin Heights Orchards in southeastern Minnesota.
SweeTango and Honeycrisp were developed at the University of Minnesota. The new apple has Honeycrisp's crispness and juice but kicks up the flavor and adds an intriguing note of fall spice. It was made by crossing Honeycrisp with Zestar!, another University of Minnesota variety.
"It inherited Honeycrisp's texture, and that's a rare commodity, and it actually has more flavor than Honeycrisp," said David Bedford, the university apple breeder who helped develop Honeycrisp and SweeTango.
Another asset is SweeTango is ready in early September. "Woefully few" premium apples come out then, when produce managers are eager for something new to start the fall season, Byrne said.
The university earned more than $8 million from Honeycrisp, mostly from a $1 per tree royalty paid by licensed nurseries before the patent expired in November.
The school will earn a similar royalty on the SweeTango patent. But it also licensed the SweeTango trademark to Byrne and a group of growers who audaciously named their cooperative the Next Big Thing, in the hope that SweeTango will prove as lucrative as Honeycrisp. The co-op will pay the school 4.5 percent of the apple's net wholesale sales in perpetuity.
Bedford said he expects the university to earn as much on the deal as it did from Honeycrisp, with the money supporting more research. But Byrne said he expects the school to do even better.
The arrangement creates a "managed variety," a relatively new concept for U.S. growers but more common abroad. The Jazz apple from New Zealand and Pink Lady from Australia are managed varieties sold in the U.S. Honeycrisp is a managed variety in Europe.
The deal gives Next Big Thing control over who can grow SweeTango and where, and how the apple is marketed and shipped. The co-op has about 72 growers in Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Washington, Wisconsin, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
Any Minnesota grower can get licensed through Pepin Heights to grow and sell SweeTango at their farms, farmers markets or to local grocers. Byrne said 87 have signed up. They pay the $1 per tree royalty, but not the 4.5 percent of sales.
Growers outside Minnesota must join the co-op to get SweeTango. The trees likely won't be available to the general public until the patent expires in 2028, Byrne said.
Other major horticultural schools are developing managed varieties, too, including the apple programs at Cornell University and Washington State University. But only the top new varieties are likely to attract enough interest to merit becoming managed, said Bedford, who expects most to be released to everyone as before.
An important advantage of managed varieties is they allow growers to enforce high quality standards, Byrne said. An emerging problem with Honeycrisp, which debuted in 1991, is that anyone can grow it, so it's now planted at some sites that are too warm and the quality can suffer, he said.
And Byrne said quality is the key to getting Americans, particularly children, to eat more apples. Many kids have been turned off by the low-quality apples they often get at school, he said.
"We're fighting for that share of stomach," Byrne said, "and we firmly believe that we have to be able to provide a great eating experience so that when a kid is given a choice between a really good apple and something else snacky, that the apple will be the one they choose."
Cops SHOOTS fire chief in court over tickets :rofl: I know it ain't funny but WTF? I'd own that town. You roll into town and you'd see a sign "Welcome to Disco, Arkansas. pop. 174"
JERICHO, Ark. — It was just too much, having to return to court twice on the same day to contest yet another traffic ticket, and Fire Chief Don Payne didn't hesitate to tell the judge what he thought of the police and their speed traps.
The response from cops? They shot him. Right there in court.
Payne ended up in the hospital, but his shooting last week brought to a boil simmering tensions between residents of this tiny former cotton city and their police force. Drivers quickly learn to slow to a crawl along the gravel roads and the two-lane highway that run through Jericho, but they say sometimes that isn't enough to fend off the city ticketing machine.
"You can't even get them to answer a call because normally they're writing tickets," said Thomas Martin, chief investigator for the Crittenden County Sheriff's Department. "They're not providing a service to the citizens."
Now the police chief has disbanded his force "until things calm down," a judge has voided all outstanding police-issued citations and sheriff's deputies are asking where all the money from the tickets went. With 174 residents, the city can keep seven police officers on its rolls but missed payments on police and fire department vehicles and saw its last business close its doors a few weeks ago.
"You can't even buy a loaf of bread, but we've got seven police officers," said former resident Larry Harris, who left town because he said the police harassment became unbearable.
Sheriff's deputies patrolled Jericho until the 1990s, when the city received grant money to start its own police force, Martin said.
Police often camped out in the department's two cruisers along the highway that runs through town, waiting for drivers who failed to slow down when they reached the 45 mph zone ringing Jericho. Residents say the ticketing got out of hand.
"When I first moved out here, they wrote me a ticket for going 58 mph in my driveway," 75-year-old retiree Albert Beebe said.
The frequent ticketing apparently led to the vandalization of the cruisers, and the department took to parking the cars overnight at the sheriff's department eight miles away.
It was anger over traffic tickets that brought Payne to city hall last week, said his lawyer, Randy Fishman. After Payne failed to get a traffic ticket dismissed on Aug. 27, police gave Payne or his son another ticket that day. Payne, 39, returned to court to vent his anger to Judge Tonya Alexander, Fishman said.
It's unclear exactly what happened next, but Martin said an argument between Payne and the seven police officers who attended the hearing apparently escalated to a scuffle, ending when an officer shot Payne from behind.
Doctors in Memphis, Tenn., removed a .40-caliber bullet from Payne's hip bone, Martin said. Another officer suffered a grazing wound to his finger from the bullet.
Martin declined to name the officer who shot Payne. It's unclear if the officer has been disciplined.
Prosecutor Lindsey Fairley said Thursday that he didn't plan to file any felony charges against the officer or Payne. Fairley, reached at his home, said Payne could face a misdemeanor charge stemming from the scuffle, but that would be up to the city's judge. He said he didn't remember the name of the officer who fired the shot.
Payne remains in good condition at the Regional Medical Center at Memphis. He referred questions to his lawyer.
"I know that he was unarmed and I know he was shot," Fishman said. "None of that sounds too good for the city to me."
After the shooting, Martin said police chief Willie Frazier told the sheriff's department he was disbanding the police force "until things calm down." The sheriff's department has been patrolling the town in the meantime.
A call to a city hall number listed as Frazier's went to a fax machine. Frazier did not respond to a written request for comment sent to his office.
Alexander, the judge, has voided all the tickets written by the department both inside the city and others written outside of its jurisdiction — citations that the department apparently had no power to write. Alexander, who works as a lawyer in West Memphis, resigned as Jericho's judge in the aftermath of the shooting, Fairley said. She did not return calls for comment.
Meanwhile, sheriff's deputies want to know where the money from the traffic fines went. Martin said that it appeared the $150 tickets weren't enough to protect the city's finances. Sheriff's deputies once had to repossess one of the town's police cruisers for failure to pay on a lease, and the state Forestry Commission recently repossessed one of the city's fire trucks because of nonpayment.
City hall has been shuttered since the shooting, and any records of how the money was spent are apparently locked inside. No one answered when a reporter knocked on the door on Tuesday.
Mayor Helen Adams declined to speak about the shooting when approached outside her home, saying she had just returned from a doctor's appointment and couldn't talk.
"We'll get with you after all this comes through," Adams said Tuesday before shutting the door.
A white Ford Crown Victoria sat in her driveway with "public property" license plates. A sales brochure advertising police equipment sat in the back seat of the car.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
UN Says New Currency Is Needed to Fix Broken 'Confidence Game'
Sept. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar's role in international trade should be reduced by establishing a new currency to protect emerging markets from the "confidence game" of financial speculation, the United Nations said.
UN countries should agree on the creation of a global reserve bank to issue the currency and to monitor the national exchange rates of its members, the Geneva-based UN Conference on Trade and Development said today in a report.
China, India, Brazil and Russia this year called for a replacement to the dollar as the main reserve currency after the financial crisis sparked by the collapse of the U.S. mortgage market led to the worst global recession since World War II. China, the world's largest holder of dollar reserves, said a supranational currency such as the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights, or SDRs, may add stability.
"There's a much better chance of achieving a stable pattern of exchange rates in a multilaterally-agreed framework for exchange-rate management," Heiner Flassbeck, co-author of the report and a UNCTAD director, said in an interview from Geneva. "An initiative equivalent to Bretton Woods or the European Monetary System is needed."
The 1944 Bretton Woods agreement created the modern global economic system and institutions including the IMF and World Bank.
Enhanced SDRs
While it would be desirable to strengthen SDRs, a unit of account based on a basket of currencies, it wouldn't be enough to aid emerging markets most in need of liquidity, said Flassbeck, a former German deputy finance minister who worked in 1997-1998 with then U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers to contain the Asian financial crisis.
Emerging-market countries are underrepresented at the IMF, hindering the effectiveness of enhanced SDR allocations, the UN said. An organization should be created to manage real exchange rates between countries measured by purchasing power and adjusted to inflation differentials and development levels, it said.
"The most important lesson of the global crisis is that financial markets don't get prices right," Flassbeck said. "Governments are being tempted by the resulting confidence game catering to financial-market participants who have shown they're inept at assessing risk."
The 45-year-old UN group, run by former World Trade Organization chief Supachai Panitchpakdi, "promotes integration of developing countries in the world economy," according to its Web site. Emerging-market nations should consider restricting capital mobility until a new system is in place, the group said.
The world body began issuing warnings in 2006 about financial imbalances leading to a global recession.
The UN Trade and Development report is being held for release via print media until 6 p.m. London time.
Walmart's Project Impact: A Move to Crush Competition
Walmart loves to shock and awe. City-size stores, absurdly low prices ($8 jeans!) and everything from milk to Matchbox toys on its shelves. And with the recession forcing legions of stores into bankruptcy, the world's largest retailer now apparently wants to take out the remaining survivors.
Thus, the company is in the beginning stages of a massive store and strategy remodeling effort, which it has dubbed Project Impact. One goal of Project Impact is cleaner, less cluttered stores that will improve the shopping experience. Another is friendlier customer service. A third: home in on categories where the competition can be killed. "They've got Kmart ready to take a standing eight-count next year," says retail consultant Burt Flickinger III, managing director for Strategic Resources Group and a veteran Walmart watcher. "Same with Rite Aid. They've knocked out four of the top five toy retailers, and are now going after the last one standing, Toys "R" Us. Project Impact will be the catalyst to wipe out a second round of national and regional retailers." (See 10 things to buy during the recession.)
Though that's bad news for many smaller businesses that can't compete, Walmart investors have clamored for this push. Despite the company's consistently strong financial performance, Wall Street hasn't cheered Walmart's growth rates. During the 1990s, the company's stock price jumped 1,173%. In this decade, it's down around 24% (Walmart's stock closed at $51.74 per share on Sept. 3). "Walmart is under excruciating pressure from employees and frustrated institutional investors to get the stock up," says Flickinger.
Many analysts believe that the store-operations background of new CEO Mike Duke will keep investors quite happy. Though the recession finally caught up to Walmart last quarter, when the company reported a 1.2% drop in U.S. same-store sales, Walmart was a consistent winner during the worst days of the financial crisis, as frugal consumers traded down. While most retailers are shutting down stores, Walmart has opened 52 Supercenters since Feb. 1. Joseph Feldman, retail analyst at Telsey Advisory Group, estimates that each store costs Walmart between $25 and $30 million. In order to continue the momentum that it has picked up during the retail recession, over the next five years the company plans to remodel 70% of its approximately 3,600 U.S. stores.
So what does a Project Impact store look like? One recent weekday afternoon I toured a brand new, 210,000-sq.-ft. Walmart in West Deptford, N.J., with Lance De La Rosa, the company's Northeast general manager. "We've listened to our customers, and they want an easier shopping experience," says De La Rosa. "We've brightened up the stores and opened things up to make it more navigable." One of the most noticeable changes is that Project Impact stores reshape Action Alley, the aisles where promotional items were pulled off the shelves and prominently displayed for shoppers. Those stacks both crowded the aisles and cut off sight lines. Now, the aisles are all clear, and you can see most sections of the store from any vantage point. For example, standing on the corner intersection of the auto-care and crafts areas, you can look straight ahead and see where shoes, pet care, groceries, the pharmacy and other areas are located. And the discount price tags are still at eye level, so the value message doesn't get lost. (See how Americans are spending now.)
"They are like roads," De La Rosa says proudly. "And look around, the customers are using them. We've already gotten feedback about the wider, more breathable aisles. Our shoppers love them."
The layout is also smarter. "You can kind of guess where everything is going to be," says Sharon Tilotta, 73, a shopper in the West Deptford store. The pharmacy, pet foods, cosmetics and health and beauty sections are now adjacent to the groceries. In the past, groceries and these other sections were often at opposite ends of the store, which made it more difficult for someone looking to pick up some quick consumables to get in and out of Walmart. "Under Project Impact, Walmart is providing more of a full supermarket experience within its walls," says Feldman. "The biggest complaint against them has always been that it takes a long time to get through everything. This definitely improves efficiency." De La Rosa also points out the party-supply section. Favors, wedding decorations, cards and scrapbooks are all in one area. "In the past, these products would be in three different places," he says.
And although Walmart won't admit to targeting specific competitors - "We're just listening to what our customers want," De La Rosa says - it's clear that, under Project Impact, Walmart will make major plays in winnable categories. The pharmacy, for example, has been pulled into the middle of the store, and its $4-prescriptions program has generated healthy buzz. With Circuit City out of business, the electronics section has been beefed up. Walmart is also expanding its presence in crafts. Sales at Michael's Stores, the country's largest specialty arts-and-crafts retailers, have sagged, and Walmart sees an opportunity. Stores are chock-full of scrapbooking material, baskets and yarns. "Look, they're selling the stuff that accounts for 80% of Michael's business, at 20% of the space," says Flickinger. "It's very hard for any company to compete with that."
Apparel, one of Target's traditional strengths, gets a prominent position at the center. The color palettes of the shirts and dresses are brighter and more appealing than they've been in the past. "Walmart has figured out fashion for the first time in 47 years," Flickinger says. "They've gone from a D to an A-minus." Briefs and underwear have been shuttled to the back. "That's a smart move," Flickinger says. "People know to come to Walmart for the commodity clothing. Now, they have to walk past the higher margin, more fashionable merchandise to get what they need."
Of course, Project Impact isn't perfect. You'd think that if Walmart was going to open a massive new store with a cutting-edge layout, the company would at least put a sign up. In West Deptford, it's easy to miss the entrance to the Walmart - which is buried in the back of a parking lot - while driving along a main thoroughfare. And of course, customers will always nitpick. One elderly shopper complained about a shortage of benches in the store (she needed a rest). Another had a more esoteric, yet legitimate, gripe. "Their meat is leaky," says Jeff Winter, 30, a West Deptford shopper. "And instead of giving you a wet wipe to clean it off, they give you a dry towel. How's that going to prevent E. coli or whatever?" (See which businesses are bucking the recession.)
What analysts really want to see from Project Impact, however, is a faster pace of implementation. "The biggest hurdle facing Walmart is the speed with which they can roll this out," says Feldman. As more Project Impact stores pop up, the existing stores appear worse by comparison. For example, while the merchandise at the Project Impact store outside of Philadelphia really speaks to that particular market - there's tons of Eagles and Phillies gear - at one regular discount store outside New York City, Minnesota Twins and Seattle Mariners pajama pants wasted away on the racks. There were plenty of associates staffing the electronics section at the Project Impact store; at the discount store, five frustrated shoppers waited in line for help from a customer-service rep. Soon, it was closer to 10.
What about the friendly service? In West Deptford, the associates were sunny and bright. At the New York–area discount store, not so much. "You'll notice we've been in the store for two hours, and no one has even said hello to us," Flickinger says after he and I toured that store. He's right, we weren't feeling any love. But if Project Impact keeps picking up momentum, many more Walmart salespeople, and shareholders, should be smiling.
I hate walmart
If walmart wanted to improve business they should try opening more freakin' checkout lanes. I go in there at 3 am after work and STILL have to stand in line. One lane open and a long line. They build a store with 30 lanes and never use them until what, the week before Christmas?
I avoid going there whenever possible.
They don't say exactly where, but this is in my neck of the woods.
Ancient campsite uncovered on Cypress Creek
Archaeologists say they have unearthed hundreds of artifacts — pottery fragments and stone tools and chips — left behind by migratory Native Americans who camped along Cypress Creek in northwestern Harris County more than 1,000 years ago.
The archaeological survey was conducted in preparation for a Harris County Flood Control District erosion control project.
Archaeologist David Driver called the site "relatively rare" in that researchers were able to identify cooking sites and an "occupational layer" containing refuse from tool-making operations.
Pottery at the site may date back to 800 A.D., he said. Arrow points may date to 600 A.D.
"It's a rare opportunity that we've been presented with when we are able to do work that ends up contributing to the knowledge base of prehistoric peoples in this part of Texas," said Glenn Laird, flood district environmental services director.
District spokeswoman Heather Saucier said only 1 percent of the agency's project sites show sufficient potential to warrant full-scale archaeological digs.
Driver, an archaeologist with Moore Archeological Consulting, said 22 square meters were excavated during the June dig. More than 1,000 artifacts were recovered, generally within two meters of the earth's surface.
Saucier said the site is included in Phase 2 of a maintenance project designed to curb erosion along Cypress Creek. The district declined to specify the site's location for fear amateur artifact hunters would begin illegal digs. Poaching artifacts from archaeological sites on public lands is a state and federal offense, Saucier said.
Regular visitors
Driver said the people who camped at Cypress Creek likely were hunters and gatherers who regularly returned to the site over hundreds of years. The groups, drawn to the creek by fish, shellfish and edible plants, likely predated the Tonkawa and Akokisa tribes that populated the region in more recent times.
Pottery fragments found at the site are of a type known as Goose Creek Plain, made of a sandy clay that has a tendency to crumble. Driver said the inhabitants of the site likely traveled light.
The artifacts now are at a Houston lab where they are being cleaned and analyzed. At the conclusion of that work, they will be housed at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at the University of Texas.
Saucier said construction of the erosion project's $1.8 million second phase will begin in about a year.
"Basically, this project is to make the channel banks more gentle in their slope to reduce erosion," Saucier said. "What happens is that a lot of sediment is deposited in the storm water. It's carried downstream in the channel and ultimately affects the creek's carrying capacity."
Phase 1 of the project restored about a quarter-mile of the creek in 2006.
Preddy blows goats!!! :jaw:
Quote from: Krandall on September 10, 2009, 02:07:16 PM
Preddy blows goats!!! :jaw:
How is this news? :lol:
Just in case people didn't know.
I'm the informant. :lol:
Informer.........You know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blame....... A licky boom boom down
Quote from: Hefe on September 10, 2009, 03:41:36 PM
Informer.........You know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blame....... A licky boom boom down
ERMAHGERD!!!! no you di-int!!! :lol:
so you guys see Disney is buying Marvel COmics?
Quote from: Hefe on September 10, 2009, 03:41:36 PM
Informer.........You know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blame....... A licky boom boom down
??? huh?
oh wow...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kanye West is a doucher:
Quote from: Krandall on September 14, 2009, 12:08:39 PM
Kanye West is a doucher:
wife and I watched a little bit of that show. Moron. :lol: Unfortunately, publicity is what he is after, and he is getting it. I won't be watching any internet vids of it.
Patrick Swayze died yesterday (Krandall sobbing in the corner)
I wonder if he's haunting Whoopi Goldberg ???
The man himself.. No one should be surprised though, he's only been battling cancer for what... a couple years now.
For Randy's loss.........
Quote from: Colorado700R on September 15, 2009, 10:40:05 AM
Patrick Swayze died yesterday (Krandall sobbing in the corner)
I wonder if he's haunting Whoopi Goldberg ???
SOmebody finally "put baby in da corner" and he couldn't take it. :lol: :lol:
I mourn the loss of such a fantastic mullet. :lol:
Dalton finally got his ass kicked out the roadhouse :lol:
Quote from: Colorado700R on September 15, 2009, 01:32:26 PM
Dalton finally got his ass kicked out the roadhouse :lol:
post o the day. :lol:
Obama calls Kanye a jackass. :lol:
Possible T-Mobile-Sprint merger could rival AT&T in subscribers
Deutsche Telekom, the owners of T-Mobile in the U.S., are reportedly looking into acquiring competitor Sprint. Together, the two companies would have a customer base that rivals AT&T.
According to The Daily Telegraph, Detsche Telekom is prepping a multi-billion dollar offer for Sprint Nextel, which is the third-largest wireless carrier in America. Together, the two companies would have a combined customer base near AT&T's nearly 80 million subscribers.
Currently, AT&T is the second-largest wireless carrier in the U.S., behind only Verizon Wireless, which had an estimated 87.7 million subscribers as of July. While AT&T has lagged behind Verizon, the No. 2 company has been gaining ground, thanks, in part, to its exclusive deal for Apple's iPhone.
Sprint is estimated to have a market value of $10 billion. The formal bid from Deutsche Telekom is expected to be received within weeks.
The news comes as the international corporation also hopes to merge T-Mobile U.K. with Orange. Combined, those two British carriers would have 37 percent of the market with 28.4 million subscribers. That deal is reportedly centered on the possibility of gaining access to popular handsets, like the iPhone, by having a larger customer base for negotiation leverage.
The Telegraph notes that T-Mobile U.S. has struggled recently, with revenue falling and subscribers leaving for larger carriers that offer better coverage, like AT&T and Verizon, or smaller, regional carriers that cost less. But combined with Sprint, it would have a subscriber base of 78.2 million, just behind AT&T.
Such a merger would be difficult, as the two carriers operate on different style networks. AT&T and T-Mobile share a GSM network, while Sprint, like Verizon, operates primarily as a CDMA network. Deutsche Telekom has reportedly been eyeing Sprint for over a year, though "preparations" for the deal began within the last few months.
While still a long ways off, if at all possible, a T-Mobile-Sprint merger would change the landscape of U.S. wireless providers significantly. The iPhone's exclusive contract with AT&T is set to expire next year, which has led some to speculate that Apple's device could become available on a rival network. By and large, assumptions have suggested Apple would choose Verizon, the largest wireless provider in the U.S. But a combination of T-Mobile and Sprint would be nearly as large as AT&T, and perhaps a viable option for Apple to consider.
I hope the iphone makes the jump over to verizon.
I thought Verizon already bought T-Mobile?
Nope, T-mobile will never sell out. Those bastard germans want to conquer the USA!
856 BILLION for the health care bill! And the bill makes not changes to medical malpractice....a major source of our problem right now. Guess thats what you get when lawyers write the bill. :confused:
WASHINGTON – Sen. Max Baucus on Wednesday brought out the much-awaited Finance Committee version of an American health-system remake — a landmark $856 billion, 10-year measure that starts a rough ride through Congress without visible Republican backing.
The bill by Baucus, chairman of the Finance Committee, would make major changes to the nation's $2.5 trillion health care system, including requiring all individuals to purchase health care or pay a fine, and language prohibiting insurance company practices like charging more to people with more serious health problems.
"This is a unique moment in history where we can finally reach an objective so many of us have sought for so long," Baucus said. "The Finance Committee has carefully worked through the details of health care reform to ensure this package works for patients, for health care providers and for our economy."
Consumers would be able to shop for and compare insurance plans in a new purchasing exchange. Medicaid would be expanded, and caps would be placed on patients' yearly health care costs. The plan would be paid for with $507 billion in cuts to government health programs and $349 billion in new taxes and fees, including a tax on high-end insurance plans and fees on insurance companies and medical device manufacturers.
The bill fails to fulfill President Barack Obama's aim of creating a new government-run insurance plan — or option — to compete with the private market. It proposes instead a system of nonprofit member-owned cooperatives, somewhat akin to electric co-ops that exist in many places around the country. That was one of many concessions meant to win over Republicans.
In other ways though, including its overall cost and payment mechanisms, the bill tracks closely with the priorities Obama laid out in his speech to Congress last week.
Baucus is still holding out hope for GOP support when his committee actually votes on the bill, probably as early as next week.
The measure represents the most moderate health care proposal in Congress so far, compared to legislation approved by three committees in the House and the Senate's health panel. Obama's top domestic priority is to revamp the health care system to provide coverage to nearly 50 million Americans who lack it and to rein in rising costs.
The bill includes provisions to keep illegal immigrants from obtaining health coverage through the new insurance exchanges — reflecting the White House's newly stringent stance on the issue after a Republican House member interrupted Obama's speech last week to accuse him of lying about it.
The bill also would prevent federal funds from being used to pay for abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or if the life of the mother would be endangered. It's all but certain that the Baucus provisions will not be the last word on either of those volatile issues.
The bill would set up a verification system to make sure people buying insurance in the exchanges are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants, using Social Security data and Homeland Security Department files. The bill would impose penalties for fraud and identity theft.
While only legal residents would be able to buy coverage through the exchanges, illegal immigrant parents would be able to get insurance for their U.S. born children.
The bill would prohibit abortion from being included in any minimum benefits package. However, plans in the exchange could offer unrestricted coverage for abortions, provided that no funds from government subsidies are used to pay for them. Women who want coverage for abortions would have to pay for it with their own money.
Wednesday's bill release follows months of negotiations among Baucus and five other Finance Committee senators dubbed the "Gang of Six" — Republicans Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Mike Enzi of Wyoming and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Democrats Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico.
Enzi said he couldn't support the Baucus bill and preferred an incremental approach. "Let's start by focusing on the issues where we already have broad, bipartisan agreement," he said.
In the end, Democrats believe Snowe may be the only Republican to support the bill, though she wasn't ready to commit her support Tuesday night. "Hopefully at some point through the committee process we can reach an agreement," she said.
The bill drew quick criticism from Republican leaders.
"This partisan proposal cuts Medicare by nearly a half-trillion dollars, and puts massive new tax burdens on families and small businesses, to create yet another thousand-page, trillion-dollar government program," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. "Only in Washington would anyone think that makes sense, especially in this economy."
Many liberals also have concerns. Some wanted Baucus to include a public option, while others fear that, in his effort to hold down the price of his bill, Baucus didn't do enough to make health coverage affordable to working-class Americans. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., a member of the Finance Committee, said Tuesday that he couldn't support the bill in its current form.
Baucus' plan, released as a detailed 223-page summary, aims to make health insurance more affordable for self-employed people and those working for small companies, who now have the biggest problems in getting and keeping coverage.
People insured through large employers would not see major changes, but some of their health care benefits would be nicked to help pay for the cost of the plan. The Baucus proposal would limit to $2,000 a year the amount people can contribute to flexible spending accounts, which are used to cover copayments and deductibles not paid by their employers. That provision would raise $16.5 billion over 10 years.
Everyone covered through an employer would learn the full costs of their health benefits, which starting next year would be reported on employees' W-2 tax forms. Although family coverage averages about $13,000 a year most workers don't know how much their employer is paying.
Not carrying insurance could result in a steep fine, as much as $3,800 per family, or $950 for an individual. People who can't afford their premiums would be exempted from the fine.
The plan proposes a $6 billion annual fee on health insurance providers, which would recoup some of the profits the companies expect to make from millions of new taxpayer-subsidized customers.
Unlike the health care bill written by majority Democrats in the House, which permanently rolls back scheduled cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, the Baucus plan only suspends the reductions for one year. That trims more than $100 billion from the cost of the bill, but has already led to criticism from the American Medical Association.
The legislation makes no changes in medical malpractice laws. It does incorporate Obama's call for federal funds for state experiments on alternatives to malpractice lawsuits.
Democratic leaders are aiming for votes in the full House and Senate this fall.
Quote from: Krandall on September 16, 2009, 07:28:55 AM
Obama calls Kanye a jackass. :lol:
He finally said something I agree with without reservation. :lol:
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me to it in anther thread.
Quote from: disco on September 17, 2009, 05:24:57 AM
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me to it in anther thread.
sorry :lol:
as much as I HATE all televised team sports, this little clip cracks me up!
saw that yesterday, that was awesome. the guy DID get the ball back :)
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 17, 2009, 06:33:38 AM
Quote from: disco on September 17, 2009, 05:24:57 AM
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me to it in anther thread.
sorry :lol:
Kayne-Swayze joke. got it in a text message earlier in the day and posted it when I got home. I was too slow. lol.
Tiger Woods has played 1,044 holes of golf this season and has earned $9.7 million, or approximately $9,300 per hole.
Jason Hargett laughs at that figure. Laughs, I say!
On Tuesday, Hargett participated in one of those "hole-in-one for big bucks" contests as part of the Mark Eaton Celebrity Classic in Utah. Hargett hadn't planned on playing because of a sore wrist. But since even a bad day golfing is better than a good day doing anything else, he manned up, borrowed his brother's clubs, and ventured onto the course at the Red Ledges Golf Club. And then this happened:
That hole was a 150-yarder, and Hargett used a nine-iron for a $1 million stroke. Only question now is, how much of a cut does his brother get? Those were his clubs, after all. Bet that won't make for some awkward Thanksgiving dinners at all.
You read the comments for that vid? :rofl:
Of course, the Feds will rip him off as usual and take about $500,000.........but still a nice payday for one lousy shot.........I just hope he spends it on hookers and a new Vette........I hate assholes who win money and " save it for a rainy day ".........FERK is meant to be enjoyed -- bring on the blowjob hookers and the new wheels !!!
my emphasis in bold
Student kills burglary suspect with Samurai sword
On Monday, someone had burglarized college student John Pontolillo's Baltimore house and nabbed two laptop computers and a videogame system. Late that night, Pontoilillo heard noises in his garage. So he grabbed his samurai sword and went to check it out. When the prowler lunged at him, Pontoilillo killed him with the sword. The state's attorney's office will consider whether to bring any charges against Pontoilillo. From the Washington Post:
The student "was backed up against a corner, and either out of fear or out of panic, he just struck the sword with force," said city police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.
Pontolillo, who rents the off-campus home, nearly severed the man's left hand, inflicting what police called a "spear laceration."
Donald D. Rice of Baltimore, 49, a repeat offender who had been released from jail Saturday, died at the scene.
1 down ? to go.
Quote from: disco on September 19, 2009, 02:24:58 AM
my emphasis in bold
Student kills burglary suspect with Samurai sword
On Monday, .....
Donald D. Rice of Baltimore, 49, a repeat offender who had been released from jail Saturday, died at the scene.
Love it, out of jail three days and right back to criminal activity.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 17, 2009, 06:33:38 AM
Quote from: disco on September 17, 2009, 05:24:57 AM
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me off in anther thread.
Glad you liked it sonny :lol:
Riiigghht.............keeping it friendly eh, you shaping up to share a tent on the next rally?
Quote from: dragonz on September 19, 2009, 04:54:04 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 17, 2009, 06:33:38 AM
Quote from: disco on September 17, 2009, 05:24:57 AM
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me off in anther thread.
Glad you liked it sonny :lol:
waiiiiittttt a minute! Hand jobs are my responsibility around here. :lol:
Right on bro. Do work son. :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 19, 2009, 07:24:46 PM
Quote from: dragonz on September 19, 2009, 04:54:04 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 17, 2009, 06:33:38 AM
Quote from: disco on September 17, 2009, 05:24:57 AM
deleted my corny joke. Peels beat me off in anther thread.
Glad you liked it sonny :lol:
ok, just getting the gloves on then, & wheres that vasaline
Whos got the gerbil? :jaw:
waiiiiittttt a minute! Hand jobs are my responsibility around here. :lol:
Right on bro. Do work son. :lol:
dammit, you messed it up :lol:
PORTLAND, Maine – New England pumpkin growers, who spent the early summer mostly losing a battle with rain that destroyed many pumpkins, face the frightening prospect that the rest won't be ready before Halloween.
The relentless rain in June and July caused some seedlings to turn to mush in the soil and delayed the harvest up to two weeks, meaning pumpkins may not turn orange or grow large enough in time to be shipped to stores.
In Dayton, Maine, what looks like a plentiful crop of orange pumpkins is not so at Pumpkin World Inc., a subsidiary of Anderson Farms, said farmer Edward LeBlanc.
"If you saw our field, you'd say it looks beautiful," LeBlanc said of his 30 acres. "You would say, 'Wow, look at all the pumpkins. But we'd be saying, 'Wow, look at all the pumpkins that aren't going to quite make it, or look at all the pumpkins that aren't going to be large enough size to sell."
Some New England growers lost their entire crops, but others fared much better. Maine's harvest is expected to be off by about 50 percent, said Lauchlin Titus, a crop consultant with AgMatters LLC in Vassalboro and president of the Maine Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Association.
LeBlanc says his yield will be down by half.
Consumers need not worry, though.
There's sufficient supply elsewhere to compensate for problems in New England, said Gary Lucier, an agricultural economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
"Every year something happens with the pumpkin crop, someplace," Lucier said. "The problems crop up in the crop and people start saying we're going to be short of pumpkins and no one is going to get their pumpkins. In fact, everyone gets a pumpkin, but sometimes they pay more."
In New England, it has been a long slog.
Rain fell on 21 of the final 24 days of June in Portland, and it was the wettest summer in the city's history, according to the National Climatic Data Center. It was also the wettest summer on record in Concord, N.H., and Albany, N.Y., the data center said.
The rain caused waterlogged fields that killed plants. Bees stayed in their hives, slowing pollination of the flowering vines. Farmers had to work between rainstorms to apply fertilizer, fungicides and herbicides. Weeds and plant diseases spread. Some farmers had to replant.
"We've all taken our lumps this year with crop losses. Drowned fields are certainly going to reduce our yields significantly," said Bill Barrington, sales manager for Pioneer Valley Growers Association in Whately, Mass., a growers' cooperative with about 50 acres devoted to pumpkins.
In Vermont, the Gladstone Farm is one of New England's big pumpkin producers, with 150 acres devoted to pumpkins. This time of year, the pumpkins are supposed to be shipping out, but instead there are plenty of green pumpkins still on their vines, Margaret Gladstone said from Fairlee, Vt.
It's become a race against time as Gladstone and others anxiously wait to see whether those green pumpkins will become big and orange in time to be sold. If they aren't sold by Oct. 20, the pumpkins will be plowed under in the spring, Gladstone said.
The weather also caused sporadic problems in the Midwest, but overall the crop will be average in top pumpkin-producing states like Illinois, Pennsylvania, California, Ohio and Michigan, Lucier said.
In Illinois, the nation's pumpkin capital, it won't be a bumper crop, nor will it be a disaster, said Mohammad Babadoost, professor of plant pathology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
But there were challenges there. Large growers who can afford expensive crop treatments tended to fare better than smaller growers, said Dan Hinkle, who grows 1,000 acres of pumpkins in Cissna Park, Ill. Hinkle spent $500,000 on chemical applications to prevent disease and weeds. That doesn't include fertilizer costs.
"As a general trend, most guys are going to do well, but I get a lot of calls from smaller growers, some who've even lost their entire crop to disease," he said.
Across the country, things have changed since the days when farmers tossed a few pumpkin seeds on the ground and hoped for the best. It's now a $250 million crop, Lucier said.
Nationwide, 92,955 acres of land were devoted to growing pumpkins in 2007, compared with 25,985 acres in 1982, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The bulk of pumpkins will be carved into jack-o'-lanterns or used as other decorations, while about 13 percent are canned for pie filling, Lucier said.
In Sabbattus, Maine, there are normally pumpkins all over Willow Pond Farm's apple orchards as people take wagon rides. This year, though, the farm harvested only a dozen or so carving pumpkins, and there weren't enough pie pumpkins to sell.
"It's very pretty to have a whole blanket of pumpkins around the farm. Kids like it. It's part of the fall seasonal picture, and we're going to miss that," said Jill Agnew, who runs the farm.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 20, 2009, 11:03:14 AM
dammit, you made me messed in my pants :lol:
Good thing I still got the rubber gloves on then!
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A man using a metal detector in a rural English field has uncovered the largest Anglo-Saxon gold hoard ever found -- an "unprecedented" treasure that sheds new light on history, archaeologists said Thursday.
A gold strip with a Biblical inscription was among the 1,500 pieces unearthed in an English field.
The hoard includes 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of gold and 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds) of silver. That is more than three times the amount of gold found at Sutton Hoo, one of Britain's most important Anglo-Saxon sites, said the local council in Staffordshire where the latest haul was found.
It's an "incredible collection of material -- absolutely unprecedented," said Kevin Leahy, an archaeologist with the Portable Antiquities Scheme, a voluntary group that records finds made by members of the public. "We've moved into new ground with this material."
Because the find is so large and important, experts haven't been able to say yet how much it is worth. They hope to make a valuation within 13 months, Staffordshire Council said.
The hoard was first discovered in July by Englishman Terry Herbert, who was using a metal detector he bought more than a decade ago in a jumble sale for only a few pounds (dollars). He belongs to a local metal detecting club in Staffordshire and was just out enjoying his hobby when he made the find.
There was so much gold at the site that Herbert said he was soon seeing it in his sleep.
"Imagine you're at home and somebody just keeps putting money through your letterbox. That's what it was like," Herbert told Britain's Press Association. "As soon as I closed my eyes I saw gold patterns. I didn't think it was ever going to end."
Herbert found 500 items before he called in experts, who then found a further 800 articles in the soil. Officials aren't saying exactly where the gold was found, other than to say it was in Staffordshire, in north-central England.
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"Pieces were just literally sat at the top of the soil, at the grass," said Ian Wykes, of the county council. He said the hoard had been unearthed by recent plowing.
Most of the pieces appear to date from the 7th century, though experts can't agree on when the hoard first entered the ground, Staffordshire Council said.
The pieces are almost all war gear, Leahy said. There are very few dress fittings and no feminine dress fittings; there are only two gold buckles, and they were probably used for harness armor, he said.
Sword hilt fittings and pieces of helmets, all elaborately decorated, are among the more remarkable finds.
"The quantity of gold is amazing but, more importantly, the craftsmanship is consummate," Leahy said. "This was the very best that the Anglo-Saxon metalworkers could do, and they were very good. Tiny garnets were cut to shape and set in a mass of cells to give a rich, glowing effect; it is stunning."
The items belonged to the elite -- aristocracy or royalty, he said, though it's not clear who the original or final owners were, why they buried it, or when.
"It looks like a collection of trophies, but it is impossible to say if the hoard was the spoils from a single battle or a long and highly successful military career," he said.
More work will help determine how the hoard came to be buried in the field, Leahy said.
Many of the objects are inlaid with garnets, which Leahy called "stunning" and "as good as it gets." The filigree on the items is "incredible," he said.
Some are decorated in an Anglo-Saxon style consisting of strange animals intertwined with each other. That decoration appears on what is believed to be the cheek-piece of a helmet, decorated with a frieze of running, interlaced animals.
A strip of gold bearing a Biblical inscription in Latin is one of the most significant and controversial finds, Staffordshire Council said. One expert believes the lettering dates from the 7th or early 8th centuries, but another is sure it dates from the 8th or 9th centuries.
The inscription, misspelled in places, is probably from the Book of Numbers and reads: "Surge domine et dissipentur inimici tui et fugiant qui oderunt te a facie tua," or "Rise up, o Lord, and may thy enemies be dispersed."
Regardless of the exact date, the hoard is certainly from a period of great turmoil, when kingdoms with tribal loyalties battled each other in a state of perpetual warfare, experts say.
The land was also split along religious lines. Christianity was the principal religion, having gained ground at the expense of local pagan forms of worship, experts said.
At least two crosses are among the items in the hoard. The largest is intact, though it has been folded, possibly to make it fit into a small space prior to burial, Staffordshire Council said.
The folding may mean it was buried by pagans who had little respect for the Christian symbol, but it may have also been done by Christians who had taken it from someone else's shrine, experts said.
The hoard will likely help rewrite history, experts said.
"Earlier finds will be looked at in the context of what we find amongst this mass of material," Leahy said.
Said Leslie Webster, the former keeper of the Department of Prehistory and Europe at the British Museum, "This is going to alter our perceptions of Anglo-Saxon England."
Excavation of the field where the hoard was found is now complete, and all items that were found are being held at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. The most important objects will go on exhibit from Friday until October 13, after which they will go to the British Museum in London for valuation.
Once the items have been valued, Staffordshire Council said it hopes a selection of the pieces can go on temporary display at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery in Stoke-on-Trent.
Once the hoard is sold, the market value of the find will go to Herbert and the owner of the field where the hoard was discovered. The pair have agreed to split the amount.
According to Marion County Sheriff Roger Vickers, this is what happened next.
As Duffy came over a hill, he quickly came upon a brush pile in the road. Duffy swerved into the other side of the road, attempting to avoid it. He lost control of the truck, sending it into a tumble.
The four players in the back - whose names are not being released - were thrown from the vehicle. Miraculously, three of the players in the back suffered only minor injuries. A fourth remains in the hospital but appears to be headed for recovery. Duffy was killed at the scene.
The game with Salem was cancelled.
Thamail Morgan took the kickoff and headed up the field.
He was at the 20 ... 30 ... 40
He had been avoiding, dodging or just simply running through tacklers on the way. Football always had come easily for Morgan. This game was no different. By the time he hit midfield, only open space was ahead of him. The two-time Arkansas all-state selection was headed for a touchdown.
40 ... 30 ... 20
He glanced at the clock and saw the final seconds ticking away. He realized his team, Cave City, was on the way to a victory over Yellville-Summit, comfortably ahead, 34-16. He also realized two other things: This wasn't an ordinary game. And he wasn't the same Thamail Morgan.
When he reached the 2, he stopped. He took a few steps back and took a knee at the 5-yard line.
Yelleville-Summit is a co-op program, a combination of two small rural schools in the northern part of Arkansas, near the Missouri border. Combining the schools allows them to field a football team. But even then, the squad is so small that coach Calvin Mallett has to bring extra uniforms in case a lineman gets hurt and someone needs to fill in.
On Sept. 11, before a game with Salem, the schools came together for a pep rally. Afterward, four of the players piled into the bed of Kymball Duffy's truck to head to his house for a pre-game meal.
The town held memorial services for Duffy, then decided they needed to continue the season as part of the healing process.
Before taking on Cave City, the most seriously injured of the four players in the back of the truck, spoke to the team from his hospital bed.
Players from Yellville-Summit and Cave City met at midfield before the game for a moment of remembrance. Players on both teams were a No. 72 decal - Duffy's number - on their helmet.
The game began and Cave City quickly scored. Minutes later, it scored again. And again. All hope for a storybook ending appeared lost.
Thamail Morgan is the type of player who can dominate a high school game. On every play.
Last year, playing for Newport in a state playoff game against Heber Springs, he had 15 tackles, a sack and two forced fumbles on defense. He had 145 yards receiving and two touchdowns on offense.
He was coveted by most Division I programs in the South. Then it all changed.
In January, he violated an unspecified school rule that banned him from athletics for a year. Morgan would be eligible for basketball during his senior season but not football.
A year away from football would hurt his chances of gaining a scholarship, so - after considering a number of options - he transferred roughly 40 miles away to Cave City. His scholarship offers did not travel with him.
"Before I screwed up and got myself into trouble, I had some schools like Arkansas, Florida State, Ole Miss, and some other big schools looking at me,'' he said. "Now they are not looking at me, but I have no one to blame but myself for that. Hopefully I can get on someone's radar, even if it is a lower level D-1 or D-2 school."
Cave City coach Jon Bradley was willing to take a chance on Morgan. But only if he met certain conditions. He not only is required to attend extra weight lifting and conditioning exercises, he is required to participate in after-school activities with a local church and meet with a pastor on a regular basis for counseling.
"Everyone makes mistakes," Bradley said. "Thamail made some mistakes that did not allow him to play football anymore at Newport, and we knew what those mistakes were when he came here. I sat him down and talked to him, and let him know I was willing to give him a chance, but there were certain things that he would have to do in order to play for our program.
"So far, he has accomplished, and continues to do everything he has been asked to do, and then some. He has transitioned well and the kids here have accepted him. He is doing well in class, and is a leader on the football field and is a great athlete. We feel fortunate to have him."
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran tested its most advanced missiles Monday to cap two days of war games, raising more international concern and stronger pressure to quickly come clean on the newly revealed nuclear site Tehran was secretly constructing.
State television said the powerful Revolutionary Guard, which controls Iran's missile program, successfully tested upgraded versions of the medium-range Shahab-3 and Sajjil missiles. Both can carry warheads and reach up to 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers), putting Israel, U.S. military bases in the Middle East, and parts of Europe within striking distance.
The missile tests were meant to flex Iran's military might and show readiness for any military threat.
"Iranian missiles are able to target any place that threatens Iran," said Abdollah Araqi, a top Revolutionary Guard commander, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
Iran conducted three rounds of missile tests in drills that began Sunday, two days after the U.S. and its allies disclosed the country had been secretly developing an underground uranium enrichment facility. The Western powers warned Iran it must open the site to international inspection or face harsher international sanctions.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hasan Qashqavi said the missile tests had nothing to do with the tension over the site, saying it was part of routine, long-planned military exercises.
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he was concerned about the missile tests. He said Iran must immediately resolve issues surrounding its second nuclear enrichment facility with the U.N.'s nuclear agency.
The newly revealed nuclear site has given greater urgency to a key meeting on Thursday in Geneva between Iran and six major powers trying to stop its suspected nuclear weapons program. Solana said those talks are now taking place "in a new context."
Britain said Monday's test further illustrates why Europe and the U.S. have serious concerns about Iran's nuclear intentions.
"This sends the wrong signal to the international community at a time when Iran is due to meet" the six world powers, Britain's Foreign Office said. The six nations are the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she doesn't believe Iran can convince the U.S. and other world powers at the upcoming meeting that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, as Tehran has long claimed. That puts Tehran on a course for tougher economic penalties beyond the current "leaky sanctions," she said.
The nuclear site is located in the arid mountains near the holy city of Qom and is believed to be inside a heavily guarded, underground facility belonging to the Revolutionary Guard, according to a document sent by President Barack Obama's administration to lawmakers.
Qashqavi, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, identified the site as Fordo, a village located 110 miles (180 kilometers) south of the capital, Tehran. The site is 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Natanz, Iran's known industrial-scale uranium enrichment plant.
After strong condemnations from the U.S. and its allies, Iran said Saturday it will allow U.N. nuclear inspectors to examine the site.
Israel has trumpeted the latest discoveries as proof of its long-held assertion that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.
By U.S. estimates, Iran is one to five years away from having nuclear weapons capability, although U.S. intelligence also believes that Iranian leaders have not yet made the decision to build a weapon.
Iran also is developing ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead, but the administration said last week that it believes that effort has been slowed. That assessment paved the way for Obama's decision to shelve the Bush administration's plan for a missile shield in Europe, which was aimed at defending against Iranian ballistic missiles.
The Sajjil-2 missile is Iran's most advanced two-stage surface-to-surface missile and is powered entirely by solid-fuel while the older Shahab-3 uses a combination of solid and liquid fuel in its most advanced form, which is also known as the Qadr-F1.
Solid fuel is seen as a technological breakthrough for any missile program as solid fuel increases the accuracy of missiles in reaching targets.
Experts say Sajjil-2 is more accurate than Shahab missiles and its navigation system is more advanced.
State media reported tests overnight of the Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 missiles, with ranges of 185 miles (300 kilometers) and 435 miles (700 kilometers) respectively.
That followed tests early Sunday of the short range Fateh, Tondar and Zelzal missiles, which have a range of 120 miles (193 kilometers), 93 miles (150 kilometers) and 130 miles (200 kilometers) respectively.
Iran's last known missile tests were in May when it fired its longest-range solid-fuel missile, Sajjil-2. Tehran said the two-stage surface-to-surface missile has a range of about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) — capable of striking Israel, U.S. Mideast bases and southeastern Europe.
Awesome. :lol:
Actors Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman halted a performance of their Broadway play because of an audience member's ringing mobile phone.
Secretly filmed footage of the incident last week posted online sees Jackman tell the patron to answer the phone during a performance of A Steady Rain.
"We can wait," Jackman is seen saying. "Don't be embarrassed - just grab it."
The Wolverine star and 007 actor play Chicago policemen in the play, which officially opens this week in New York.
Both remained in character throughout the incident, footage of which was obtained by showbiz website TMZ and subsequently posted on YouTube.
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2009, 10:48:33 AM
TEHRAN, Iran Iran tested its most advanced missiles Monday to cap two days of war games, raising more international concern and stronger pressure to quickly come clean on the newly revealed nuclear site Tehran was secretly constructing.
State television said the powerful Revolutionary Guard, which controls Iran's missile program, successfully tested upgraded versions of the medium-range Shahab-3 and Sajjil missiles. Both can carry warheads and reach up to 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers), putting Israel, U.S. military bases in the Middle East, and parts of Europe within striking distance.
The missile tests were meant to flex Iran's military might and show readiness for any military threat.
"Iranian missiles are able to target any place that threatens Iran," said Abdollah Araqi, a top Revolutionary Guard commander, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
Iran conducted three rounds of missile tests in drills that began Sunday, two days after the U.S. and its allies disclosed the country had been secretly developing an underground uranium enrichment facility. The Western powers warned Iran it must open the site to international inspection or face harsher international sanctions.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hasan Qashqavi said the missile tests had nothing to do with the tension over the site, saying it was part of routine, long-planned military exercises.
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he was concerned about the missile tests. He said Iran must immediately resolve issues surrounding its second nuclear enrichment facility with the U.N.'s nuclear agency.
The newly revealed nuclear site has given greater urgency to a key meeting on Thursday in Geneva between Iran and six major powers trying to stop its suspected nuclear weapons program. Solana said those talks are now taking place "in a new context."
Britain said Monday's test further illustrates why Europe and the U.S. have serious concerns about Iran's nuclear intentions.
"This sends the wrong signal to the international community at a time when Iran is due to meet" the six world powers, Britain's Foreign Office said. The six nations are the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she doesn't believe Iran can convince the U.S. and other world powers at the upcoming meeting that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, as Tehran has long claimed. That puts Tehran on a course for tougher economic penalties beyond the current "leaky sanctions," she said.
The nuclear site is located in the arid mountains near the holy city of Qom and is believed to be inside a heavily guarded, underground facility belonging to the Revolutionary Guard, according to a document sent by President Barack Obama's administration to lawmakers.
Qashqavi, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, identified the site as Fordo, a village located 110 miles (180 kilometers) south of the capital, Tehran. The site is 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Natanz, Iran's known industrial-scale uranium enrichment plant.
After strong condemnations from the U.S. and its allies, Iran said Saturday it will allow U.N. nuclear inspectors to examine the site.
Israel has trumpeted the latest discoveries as proof of its long-held assertion that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.
By U.S. estimates, Iran is one to five years away from having nuclear weapons capability, although U.S. intelligence also believes that Iranian leaders have not yet made the decision to build a weapon.
Iran also is developing ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead, but the administration said last week that it believes that effort has been slowed. That assessment paved the way for Obama's decision to shelve the Bush administration's plan for a missile shield in Europe, which was aimed at defending against Iranian ballistic missiles.
The Sajjil-2 missile is Iran's most advanced two-stage surface-to-surface missile and is powered entirely by solid-fuel while the older Shahab-3 uses a combination of solid and liquid fuel in its most advanced form, which is also known as the Qadr-F1.
Solid fuel is seen as a technological breakthrough for any missile program as solid fuel increases the accuracy of missiles in reaching targets.
Experts say Sajjil-2 is more accurate than Shahab missiles and its navigation system is more advanced.
State media reported tests overnight of the Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 missiles, with ranges of 185 miles (300 kilometers) and 435 miles (700 kilometers) respectively.
That followed tests early Sunday of the short range Fateh, Tondar and Zelzal missiles, which have a range of 120 miles (193 kilometers), 93 miles (150 kilometers) and 130 miles (200 kilometers) respectively.
Iran's last known missile tests were in May when it fired its longest-range solid-fuel missile, Sajjil-2. Tehran said the two-stage surface-to-surface missile has a range of about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) capable of striking Israel, U.S. Mideast bases and southeastern Europe.
All I got to say is......
Cha-Ching !!! :nod: Mo Money, Mo money !!!
Saturn Shutting down.
DETROIT -- General Motors Co. said Wednesday it would shut down its Saturn division after an agreement to sell it to Penske Automotive Group Inc. fell apart.
The Bloomfield, Mich. dealership headed by auto racing magnate Roger Penske walked away after it was unable to find a manufacturer to supply vehicles to it after a contract with GM runs out in 2011.
A tentative deal for Saturn was announced on June 5. Penske was to get Saturn's 371 dealers and promised to retain the 13,000 Saturn employees. The proposed price was never disclosed.
This marks an ignominious end for the brand that was supposed to revolutionize the way small cars were built and sold in America. GM Chairman Roger Smith first unveiled Saturn in November 1983, but the project was slow to develop and the brand did not officially launch until 1990. GM put more effort into making higher-profit SUVs and Saturn languished, never making money.
Sales did spring up in 2006 and 2007 when gas prices rose, but then plunged along with other segments of the market last year. GM put the unit on the block this year as it battled the financial crisis that caused it to eventually file Chapter 11.
GM CEO Fritz Henderson said in statement that Saturn and its dealership network will be phased out.
"This is very disappointing news and comes after months of hard work by hundreds of dedicated employees and Saturn retailers who tried to make the new Saturn a reality," Henderson said in a written statement. Penske's announcement "explained that their decision was not based on interactions with GM or Saturn retailers."
Shares of Penske fell $1.92 or 10 percent to $17.26 in after hours trading. They rose $1.32, or 7.4 percent to $19.18 in regular trading Wednesday.
Penske said it negotiated with another manufacturer to make Saturn cars, but that company's board of directors rejected the agreement. Penske spokesman Anthony Pordon would not identify the other manufacturer.
GM had agreed to keep building the Saturn Aura, Outlook and Vue models through 2011. After that Saturn would have to come up with its own products.
Without another supplier in place before the deal was signed, Penske couldn't run the risk of taking on Saturn, Pordon said. It takes several years to design new vehicles or engineer foreign vehicles to meet U.S. standards. Penske would risk having no products to sell once the GM contract expired.
"There's a pretty long lead time," Pordon said. "You've got to try to time this so as the supply of one ends and the other one comes on board."
Pordon said there is little if any chance that the talks could be reopened.
GM said Saturn vehicle owners can still go to their Saturn dealer for service and would be able to go to a certified GM dealer for service once Saturn dealerships are closed.
It had been expected that GM would announce the completion of Saturn's sale to Penske in the coming days.
The news left many of the 371 Saturn dealers across the country stunned and fearful of being left with nothing to sell.
"I find this hard to believe," said Carl Galeana, owner of two Saturn dealerships in suburban Detroit. "Everyone's been saying we're right at the goal line."
Galeana said he's heard nothing yet from GM or Saturn, but if the plan is to phase out the brand and cut the products, he'll have to come up with another options.
"I assumed if you're at the goal line, those things would have been figured out," he said Wednesday. "We're going to try to put some plan Bs in place at this point."
Galeana said he's concerned for his employees and still hopes the deal can be resurrected.
"It's tough out there, but we'll keep fighting. That's all we can do."
Saturn featured the iconic tag-line "a different kind of car company." GM's hope was that Saturn would attract younger buyers with smaller, hipper cars to better compete with Japanese imports. It built a new plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., devoted to Saturn production.
Despite a cult-like following that drew thousands to annual reunions in Spring Hill, the brand never made money for GM. The factory stopped making Saturns in 2007 and currently builds only the Chevrolet Traverse crossover. Today, Saturn production is scattered at plants across North America.
In the late 1990s, Saturn took a back seat as GM focused more on high-profit pickup trucks and SUVs. Then in 2006, car buyers began to find Saturn's new models more appealing. But after a good year in 2007, sales dropped 22 percent last year as the U.S. car market withered.
GM has been trying to sell Saturn since earlier this year as part of its turnaround plan.
Awesome. :lol:
Carell's Daughter Profits From Paparazzi
Steve Carell's 8-year-old daughter is learning how to profit from her dad's celebrity status by selling lemonade to paparazzi lurking around their Los Angeles home.
The actor admits he had low expectations for little Annie's business venture, and he was shocked when his daughter came back with a pocket full of cash after helping paparazzi trailing neighborhood celebrities cool down with summer drinks.
He explains, "She went down to the corner. ... I figured she'd come back in half an hour or an hour with 75 cents. She came back with $36 in half an hour.
"Billy Ray Cyrus (came) by walking his dog and drops $20 on a cup of lemonade, so she keeps the $20. Then the paparazzi who had been following Billy Ray Cyrus, they all came and bought lemonade as well. And then the police who were called to chase the paparazzi circle back and bought lemonade. Now she thinks she can do that for a living."
Read more:
way to go kiddo!
finally someone found a way to leach off the leaches
I honestly don't envy any of the decisions the president has to make. Good or bad. He's going to get slammed..
can't please anyone. As long as he keeps his eyes set true to what is really good for this country. We'll be fine.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is gathering his national security team for another strategy session on Afghanistan eight years after the war started and as a new poll shows public support declining.
Obama, who inherited the war when he took office last January, is examining how to proceed with a worsening combat situation that has claimed nearly 800 U.S. lives and sapped American patience. Launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to defeat the Taliban and rid al-Qaida of a home base, the war has lasted longer than ever envisioned.
House and Senate leaders of both parties emerged Tuesday from a nearly 90-minute conversation with Obama with praise for his candor and interest in listening. But politically speaking, all sides appeared to exit where they entered, with Republicans pushing Obama to follow his military commanders and Democrats saying he should not be rushed.
Public support for the war now stands at 40 percent, down from 44 percent in July, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. A total of 69 percent of self-described Republicans in the poll favor sending more troops, while 57 percent of self-described Democrats oppose it.
Obama said the war would not be reduced to a narrowly defined counterterrorism effort, with the withdrawal of many U.S. forces and an emphasis on special operations forces that target terrorists in the dangerous border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Two senior administration officials say such a scenario has been inaccurately characterized and linked to Vice President Joe Biden, and that Obama wanted to make clear he is considering no such plan.
The president did not show his hand on troop increases. His top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has bluntly warned that more troops are needed to right the war, perhaps up to 40,000 more. Obama has already added 21,000 troops this year, raising the total to 68,000.
Obama also gave no timetable for a decision, which prompted at least one pointed exchange.
Inside the State Dining Room, where the meeting was held, Obama's Republican opponent in last year's presidential race, Sen. John McCain, told Obama that he should not move at a "leisurely pace," according to people in the room.
That comment later drew a sharp response from Obama, they said. Obama said no one felt more urgency than he did about the war, and there would not be nothing leisurely about it.
Obama may be considering a more modest building of troops — closer to 10,000 than 40,000 — according to Republican and Democratic congressional aides. But White House aides said no such decision has been made.
The president insisted that he will make a decision on troops after settling on the strategy ahead. He told lawmakers he will be deliberate yet show urgency.
"We do recognize that he has a tough decision, and he wants ample time to make a good decision," said House Republican leader John Boehner. "Frankly, I support that, but we need to remember that every day that goes by, the troops that we do have there are in greater danger."
What's clear is that the mission in Afghanistan is not changing. Obama said his focus is to keep al-Qaida terrorists from having a base from which to launch attacks on the U.S or its allies. He heard from 18 lawmakers and said he would keep seeking such input even knowing his final decision would not please them all.
Obama's emphasis on building a strong strategy did not mean he shed much light on what it would be. He did, though, seek to "dispense with the more extreme options on either side of the debate," as one administration official put it. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the closed-door meeting.
The president made clear he would not "double down" in Afghanistan and build up U.S forces into the hundreds of thousands, just as he ruled out withdrawing forces and focusing on a narrow counterterrorism strategy.
"Half-measures is what I worry about," McCain, R-Ariz., told reporters. He said Obama should follow recommendations from those in uniform and dispatch thousands of more troops to the country — similar to what President George W. Bush did during the 2008 troop "surge" in Iraq.
The White House said Obama won't base his decisions on the mood on Capitol Hill or eroding public support for the war.
"The president is going to make a decision — popular or unpopular — based on what he thinks is in the best interests of the country," press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
You've got to love australia.....
Racing fans "limited" to 24 beers a day Tue Oct 6, 2009 4:42pm EDT Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text
1 of 1Full SizeMELBOURNE (Reuters) - Adult fans at one of Australia's most popular motor sport races, the Bathurst 1000, will be limited to one "slab" of beer a day -- or 24 375 ml cans -- as police focus on reducing alcohol-related crime.
The 24-can rule would also be placed on mixed drinks for the V8 car race starting Thursday which draws thousands to the rural town of Bathurst in eastern New South Wales state, the NSW police said Tuesday.
But more restrained spectators would be able to slake their thirst, if not their craving for alcohol, with up to 36 cans of low or mid-strength beer.
Wine lovers must make do with no more than four liters of cask wine per day and combinations of the options would not be allowed, the police statement said.
"This is one of the greatest motorsport events in Australia and for some it is a pilgrimage that they make every year," Assistant Commissioner Alan Clarke said.
"Police respect people's rights to enjoy the race weekend, but will promptly act when the law is broken.
"Every year thousands of race fans attend and enjoy the event and Police will not allow their safety to be compromised by a drunken few.
"As such we will once again be focusing on alcohol related behavior," he said.
Police were also urging people traveling to Bathurst to drive safely and closely monitor their speed and fatigue.
The race runs from Thursday to Sunday.
Somali pirate error ends with 5 in French brig
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: awesome.
PARIS – Somali pirates in two skiffs fired on a French navy vessel early Wednesday after apparently mistaking it for a commercial boat, the French military said. The French ship gave chase and captured five suspected pirates.
No one was wounded by the volleys from the Kalashnikov rifles directed at La Somme, a 3,800-ton refueling ship, French military spokesman Rear Adm. Christophe Prazuck said.
La Somme "was probably taken for a commercial ship by the two small skiffs" about 250 nautical miles (290 statute miles) off Somalia's coast, Prazuck said.
"They understood their mistake too late," he said.
One skiff fled, and La Somme pursued the second one in an hour-long chase.
"There were five suspected pirates on board. No arms, no water, no food," Prazuck said.
France is a key member of the EU's naval mission, Operation Atalanta, fighting Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden. It has aggressively tracked and caught suspected pirates and handed over at least 22 to Kenya. An additional 15 suspects were brought to France for prosecution after allegedly seizing boats belonging to French nationals.
President Nicolas Sarkozy called for tougher action against piracy last year after dozens of attacks.
NASA Set to Dive Bomb the Moon
A NASA spacecraft and its trusty rocket stage are drawing ever closer to the moon to intentionally crash to their doom Friday, all in the name of science.
The cosmic collisions are expected to kick up tons of moon dirt in giant debris plumes that will then be scanned for signs of water ice suspected to be buried beneath the floor of a permanently shadowed crater at the lunar south pole.
"Everybody is feeling very excited," said Victoria Friedensen, NASA's program executive for the LCROSS mission at the heart of the moon crash. "There is a great sense of anticipation."
Moon crash
NASA launched the LCROSS probe in June along with a powerful lunar orbiter that is currently circling the moon to determine whether water ice, which could be a vital resource for astronauts in the future, actually exists in the perpetual darkness of craters at the moon's south pole.
Since then, the $79 million LCROSS — short for Lunar Crater Observation Sensing Satellite — has made three long loops around the Earth while attached to an empty Centaur rocket stage, its first weapon in the upcoming lunar double whammy.
The two vehicles are due to separate late tonight and the first impact is set for 7:31 a.m. EDT (1131 GMT). That's when the 42-foot (13-meter) long Centaur rocket stage will plow into the crater Cabeus at the moon's south pole. NASA will start broadcasting the event live on NASA TV at 6:30 a.m. EDT (1030 GMT).
Seasoned amateur astronomers may be able to see the crash using 10 or 12-inch telescopes depending on their location, local weather and lighting conditions. [Click here to see how to watch the LCROSS moon crashes.]
The Centaur rocket stage weighs 5,216 pounds (2,366 kg), about as much as a sport utility vehicle, and will slam into the moon at about 5,600 mph (9,010 kph). Researchers believe the blast will create a new crater about 12 miles (20 km) wide and send moon dirt soaring to heights of 6.2 miles (10 km), where it would be illuminated by the sun.
"It will kick up whatever is on the floor of the crater," LCROSS project manager Daniel Andrews has said. "That may very well include water ice."
But the first crash is only the prelude. Riding aboard the LCROSS spacecraft are nine different science instruments, including cameras that will beam live views of the impact back to NASA's mission operations center at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. Those tools will be used to scan the debris plume for evidence of water ice.
"We expect to see the crater getting closer and closer," Friedensen told
The 1,664-pound (891-kg) LCROSS shepherding craft will follow its Centaur rocket stage down to make its own crash about four minutes after the initial lunar hit.
More than 20 observatories on Earth, as well as a host of amateur astronomers, museums and volunteers will be watching the two crashes to search for signs of any water ice in the debris clouds. The Hubble Space Telescope and other space-based observatories will also turn their camera eyes on the moon for the event.
"Our last day in flight promises to be the most challenging and the most rewarding for the project," LCROSS flight director Paul Tomkins wrote in his NASA blog today. "Our 112 days in orbit are focused entirely on the last four minutes, after the Centaur impacts our target crater and raises a plume of lunar material for the LCROSS Shepherding Spacecraft to observe for signs of water, but before the Shepherd also impacts the moon."
Unlike other spacecraft that have smacked the moon, like Japan's recent Kaguya probe, Europe's Smart-1 and NASA's Lunar Prospector, the LCROSS impactors will hit at a steep angle in order to get the biggest boom for their buck, mission managers said.
LCROSS has not had a completely smooth ride to the moon. An August glitch forced the spacecraft to use much of its propellant supply, but not enough to prevent its ultimate mission.
NASA also unexpectedly switched target craters last week, choosing the 60-mile (98-km) wide Cabeus over its nearby neighbor Cabeus A because data suggested the new target had a higher concentration of hydrogen — a signal for potential water ice.
Hunting moon water
Scientists already know that some small amount of water exists on the moon, but LCROSS is designed to seek out buried water ice at the lunar south pole — a region where the sun has never shined on some craters with permanent shadows.
NASA scientists say the areas may be the coldest places in the solar system, with temperatures reaching minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 240 Celsius) in the crater shadows. Finding usable amounts of water ice would be a boon for NASA's vision to send astronauts back to the moon by the mid-2020s.
But Friedensen said that it will take time before scientists know if any water is present in the debris plumes. A few hours after the two impacts, LCROSS scientists will hold a press conference, but will likely only be able to discuss how accurate the hits were, she added.
"We will not be able to talk about how much water is there, if it's water we find," she said. "The science team will need a couple of days, maybe even a couple of weeks to make sure."
The live stream of data from LCROSS will be recorded in triplicate — at the mission control center at Ames and two other sites — to make sure it is saved for posterity, Friedensen added.
Tompkins said that knowing LCROSS will soon meet its fate is a bit sad, even if it was already preordained for the cause of science.
"Well, we all knew it was going to happen. It was inevitable. It was the whole design of the mission," he wrote. "LCROSS was destined to end its wonderfully fantastic journey by intentionally crashing into a permanently shadowed crater at the south pole of the moon."
Nice try peels... :lol:
Nearly $10,000 Worth of Meth Found in Potato Chip Bag on its Way to Phoenix
A routine traffic stop resulted in the seizure of what authorities say was nearly $10,000 worth of crystal meth on its way to Phoenix late last week.
Two people, 36-year-old Enrique Orozco and 27-year-old Vanessa Concepcion Gaxiola, were driving in a 2003 Chevrolet pickup truck west on Interstate 10 when a DPS K-9 unit pulled them over near Marana.
The two said they were driving to Phoenix, but DPS officials tell New Times the couple was acting suspiciously, which prompted the officer to ask if he could search the vehicle.
When the two said no, the officer had a narcotics canine walk around the truck.
When the dog indicated there were drugs in the car, the couple's objection to a search was noted and ignored.
Officers found an open half-full potato chip bag on the back seat of the truck and as you may have guessed, it was full of crystal meth.
"There are some smart criminals, but they aren't all rocket scientists," a DPS official says. "Our dogs are very accurate."
The officer found close to a half pound of meth.
Orozco and Gaxiola were arrested and booked into the Pima County Jail on charges of possession and transportation of dangerous drugs.
Dammit!!! all I wanted was a potato chip!
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 08, 2009, 01:58:04 PM
Dammit!!! all I wanted was a potato chip!
Betcha can't eat just one! :P
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 08, 2009, 01:58:04 PM
Dammit!!! all I wanted was a potato chip!
I am an Obama supporter, but aren't we jumping the gun a bit? Not much has really been accomplished. ???
Press secretary Robert Gibbs awoke President Obama with a phone call just before 6 a.m. to tell him he had won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama is "humbled" by the honor, the White House said in a brief statement.
It seems like no one expected this. There were audible gasps in the room when the Nobel committee announced the decision early this morning in Oslo, Norway.
Obama and aides lost their Olympic bid for Chicago just a week ago, but now that seems far away.
I wish I was there... to steal one of those!
TRAUBING, Germany – A German artist is posing 1,250 garden gnomes with their arms outstretched in the stiff-armed Hitler salute in an installation that he calls a protest of lingering fascist tendencies in German society. Artist Ottmar Hoerl posed the gnomes in the historic central marketplace of Straubing, a town in southeastern Germany, on Wednesday. The exhibit called "dance with the devil" is to run through Oct. 19.
Most of gnomes are black plastic, but about 20 are painted shiny gold.
Displaying Nazi symbols is illegal in Germany but a court ruled earlier this year that Hoerl's gnomes were clearly satire and thus allowed.
Hoerl says: "the fascist idea, the striving to manipulate people or dictate to people ... is latently dangerous and remains present in our society."
Nazi yard gnomes? I need them!!!!!!
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 14, 2009, 03:25:14 PM
Nazi yard gnomes? I need them!!!!!!
I seriously want one!
Quote from: Krandall on October 14, 2009, 03:43:16 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 14, 2009, 03:25:14 PM
Nazi yard gnomes? I need them!!!!!!
I seriously want one!
& what would ya do with that???
Give ya a couple of hours for the novelty to wear off & it would be sitting in the corner keeping your collection of broken swingarms company :nod:
Quote from: dragonz on October 14, 2009, 05:22:51 PM
Quote from: Krandall on October 14, 2009, 03:43:16 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 14, 2009, 03:25:14 PM
Nazi yard gnomes? I need them!!!!!!
I seriously want one!
& what would ya do with that???
Give ya a couple of hours for the novelty to wear off & it would be sitting in the corner keeping your collection of broken swingarms company :nod:
What do you do with lawn gnomes... You put em' in your lawn!
Quote from: Krandall on October 15, 2009, 06:31:49 AM
What do you do with lawn gnomes... You put em' in your lawn!
I prefer to put them in the back paddock..................................
With a stick of dynamite for company.............. :nod: :rofl: :thumbs:
fair enough!
) -- After scouring northern Colorado by foot and air, frantically chasing a Mylar balloon for dozens of miles and interviewing his big brother over and over, local and federal authorities ended their search for 6-year-old Falcon Heene where it began -- at his house.
Falcon Heene, 6, said he hid in the family attic after his father yelled at him.
Falcon Heene, 6, said he hid in the family attic after his father yelled at him.
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He was in a box. In the attic. The whole time.
"I played with my toys and took a nap," Falcon told reporters outside his Fort Collins home Thursday afternoon.
"He walked in by himself, it felt like from nowhwere," the boy's mother, Mayumi Heene, told CNN Friday morning. "When I first saw him I couldn't even believe it, I couldn't comprehend."
"He says he was hiding in the attic," Falcon's father, meteorologist Richard Heene, said Thursday as he clutched his son. "He says it's because I yelled at him. I'm sorry I yelled at him."
But in a later interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," Falcon said he heard his parents call for him from the garage. When asked by his father on air why he didn't respond, the boy replied, "You guys said we did this for the show."
When Richard Heene was pressed by fill-in host Wolf Blitzer to explain what his son meant, he became uncomfortable, finally saying he was "appalled" by the questions. He added that Falcon likely was referring to all the media coverage. Video Watch Heene respond to the question »
Heene reiterated Friday morning that Falcon was talking about media requests after the drama ended Thursday.
Authorities said they believe the case, which launched search efforts by the Colorado Air National Guard and Federal Aviation Administration, was genuine.
Heene told reporters earlier the family was working on the balloon, what he called a "3-D low-altitude vehicle," and they were in the "early stages of the invention" when the balloon and the boy went missing.
The situation grabbed the world's attention Thursday afternoon after authorities reported that the experimental helium balloon was set adrift and the 6-year-old apparently was riding in it. His brother had said he watched Falcon get into the balloon before he untied the tethers, setting it free. Heene later said Falcon was videotaped getting into the vessel by his brother but "obviously he got out." Video Watch the father explain the balloon mishap »
Rescuers followed the saucerlike vessel, and the FAA tried to track it until the balloon made a soft landing some 50 miles away in a field.
Officials rushed to the scene, smacking the metallic balloon until it deflated. They looked inside, but there was no Falcon.
At that point, there were two possibilities: Either Falcon never got in the balloon, or he fell out. After reports that a box possibly carrying Falcon might have fallen off the balloon, authorities feared the worst.
"It was like the worst thing I ever heard in my life because all I could think of was maybe he had fallen out," Richard Heene said Friday.
But a little while later, the boy turned up at home.
Larimer County Sheriff James Alderden said it's not uncommon for children to seek cover when they realize they're the subject of a massive search. "They hide because they think they are in trouble."
"What was confusing was the eyewitness who said [Falcon] climbed into the apparatus, which was not the case," Alderden said, referring to the boy's brother. Video Watch as the balloon lands »
The sheriff said investigators interviewd the brother several times and he was consistent with his story.
Earlier, the falling-box scenario prompted a widening search.
A Weld County sheriff's deputy had said he saw an object fall from the balloon somewhere over Platteville, Colorado, which is in the search area. There was no box attached when the balloon made a soft landing at 1:35 p.m. (3:35 p.m. ET).
The widespread worries prompted the Colorado Air National Guard to deploy a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, with plans to launch a second one equipped with night vision, if necessary.
The search, which initially focused on Weld County, covered "the entire flight plan, from the Fort Collins area down to the Denver International Airport area," Col. Mark Riccardi said.
Falcon's parents, science enthusiasts Richard and Mayumi Heene, were featured on the 100th episode of ABC's prime-time program "Wife Swap" in March, that network said.
According to ABC's Web site, the Heenes "devote their time to scientific experiments that include looking for extraterrestrials and building a research-gathering flying saucer to send into the eye of the storm." See different types of balloons »
Richard Heene is a meteorologist and former television weatherman who has submitted to CNN iReports accounts of his sons helping him chase Hurricane Gustav, among other contributions.
Marc Friedland, the family's next-door neighbor, said he left his house about 11 a.m. Thursday for a walk and found Heene working on the giant balloon in the backyard.
"Basically, the whole family was out there, and they were working with it," he said. "When I came back is when I found out that the event happened."
He said the aircraft was intended to hover about 20 feet in the air and was not intended to carry people. "Obviously, something went wrong with that."
Friedland described his neighbors for the past year as "a great family."
"They're unusual, yes, of course. He's sort of a scientist slash inventor. They're storm chasers -- they go after tornadoes, hurricanes, things like that."
The family had been working on the aircraft for a couple of weeks, he said.
About Falcon, Friedland said, "He's a great kid. We see him a lot, and they come over and they're always friendly."
The Larimer County Sheriff's Office said the balloon had been tethered to the family's home.
Once untethered, the saucerlike craft flew eastward from the Heenes' neighborhood, though officials couldn't immediately confirm how fast it was going. See where the balloon floated »
Authorities said the silver balloon, 20 feet long and 5 feet high, at times reached 7,000 feet above the ground while adrift.
2010 Olympic Medal design released. I like em!
Inside a grow-house raid
Sick, in a bad way. :( WTH is wrong with people?
Minn. man suspected of encouraging suicides;_ylt=AtBVFMkhpiDZAn0TJ58kqtbLOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTJxYzczbHJ1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMDE3L3VzX2VuY291cmFnaW5nX3N1aWNpZGVzBGNwb3MDMwRwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA21pbm5tYW5zdXNwZQ--
MINNEAPOLIS – A nurse who authorities say got his kicks by visiting Internet suicide chat rooms and encouraging depressed people to kill themselves is under investigation in at least two deaths and could face criminal charges that could test the limits of the First Amendment.
Investigators said William Melchert-Dinkel, 47, feigned compassion for those he chatted with, while offering step-by-step instructions on how to take their lives.
"Most importatn [proofread FAIL] is the placement of the noose on the neck ... Knot behind the left ear and rope across the carotid is very important for instant unconciousness [proofread FAIL x2] and death," he allegedly wrote in one Web chat.
Sheriff: Balloon boy hoax may have conspirators
FORT COLLINS, Colo. – The lawyer for the man accused of perpetrating the balloon boy hoax to promote a reality show said Monday that he expects authorities to bring charges against his client in the next day as investigators analyze e-mails that show Richard Heene and an associate discussing the stunt months ago.
"These folks are absolutely willing to turn themselves in, so I don't want to see a perp walk done for media consumption," lawyer David Lane said on the "Today" show on NBC as he made the rounds on the morning talk shows.
In addition to drawing up possible felony charges against Heene, investigators say they want to question an associate of his after e-mails surfaced showing the two had discussed a balloon hoax months ago as part of a public relations campaign for the reality show.
Robert Thomas of Denver claimed Heene had told him he was planning a media stunt to promote a proposed reality show. Thomas, a self-described researcher, sold his story to and provided the Web site with e-mail exchanges between him and Heene. Thomas said the show would feature Heene as a mad scientist who carries out various scientific experiments.
"This will be the most significant UFO-related news event to take place since the Roswell Crash of 1947, and the result will be a dramatic increase in local and national awareness about The Heene Family, our Reality Series, as well as the UFO Phenomenon in general," according to a copy of the show's proposal provided to the site by Thomas. editor-in-chief Gabriel Snyder confirmed the New York-based Web site paid Thomas, but declined to say how much for the story billed with the headline: "Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax."
Snyder said Thomas was planning to meet with investigators, though sheriff's officials did not return messages seeking confirmation.
Messages left for Thomas by The Associated Press were not returned.
Thomas, 25, said in his story that the plan he knew about did not involve Heene's children.
The alleged stunt temporarily shut down Denver International Airport, and the National Guard provided two helicopters in an attempt to rescue 6-year-old Falcon Heene, who was believed to be inside the flying-saucer shaped homemade balloon that hurtled more than 50 miles across two counties.
The drama played out on live television to millions of viewers worldwide. When the balloon landed without the boy, officials thought he had fallen out and began the grim search for his body.
Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden announced Sunday that he's seeking charges, including felonies, against Richard Heene and his wife, Mayumi. Alderden said the stunt two weeks in the planning was a marketing ploy by the Heenes, who met in acting school in Hollywood and have appeared on ABC's reality show "Wife Swap."
"We certainly know that there's a conspiracy between the husband and wife, you've probably seen some of the e-mails and some of the things on the Internet suggesting that there may be other conspirators," Alderden said.
Alderden said documents show that a media outlet has agreed to pay money to the Heenes with regard to the balloon incident. Alderden didn't name the media outlet but said it was a show that blurs "the line between entertainment and news."
It wasn't clear whether the deal was signed before or after the alleged hoax, or whether the media outlet was a possible conspirator.
"Let's call it (my statement) short of speculation that a media outlet was in on the hoax, but let's not discount the possibility," he said.
In an e-mail Sunday to the AP, Snyder said editors at had not contacted the Heene family or offered them money for their story, referring to Alderden's reference to a deal being struck by a media outlet.
"No, that wasn't us," Snyder said.
The parents weren't under arrest, the sheriff said. He said he expected to recommend charges of conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, making a false report to authorities and attempting to influence a public servant. Federal charges were also possible.
The most serious charges are felonies and carry a maximum sentence of six years in prison and a $500,000 fine. Alderden said they would be seeking restitution for the costs, though he didn't have an estimate.
The cost for just the two military helicopters was about $14,500.
As Alderden told reporters Sunday that the whole thing was a hoax, the Heenes were shopping for snacks at Wal-Mart, where Richard Heene told the AP he was "seeking counsel."
"This thing has become so convoluted," Heene said, tears welling in his eyes. He said his wife was holding together better than he was.
In a statement issued Sunday, Lane he has advised the family against making public statements and said Heene is willing to turn himself in.
"I don't think it's humane to arrest someone in front of their children," Lane also said Monday, appearing on "The Early Show" CBS. "We're not sure what charges he's looking at yet."
Once investigators got a good look at the "flying saucer" they determined that the thin mylar balloon covered with foil and held together with duct tape would not have been able to launch with the 37-pound-boy inside, according to Colorado State University physics professor Brian Jones.
Other parts of the story, including whether the 6-year-old had been hiding in the rafters of the family's garage during an intense five-hour search also weren't true, Alderden said.
"For all we know he may have been two blocks down the road playing on the swing in the city park," the sheriff said.
The sheriff said all three of the Heenes' sons knew of the hoax, but likely won't face charges because of their ages. The oldest son is 10. One of the boys told investigators he saw his brother get in the balloon's box before it launched.
Alderden said Heene, a 48-year-old storm chaser, inventor and self-described amateur scientist, has a high school education and most recently earned a living by laying tile.
Alderden said investigators had an "aha" moment that the story was a hoax when Falcon turned to his father during a CNN interview Thursday and said what sounded like "you had said we did this for a show" when asked why he didn't come out of his hiding place.
On Friday, Falcon got sick during two separate TV interviews when asked again why he hid.
Alderden said they didn't question the family Friday because they wanted to keep the family's cooperation by maintaining the appearance that they believed their story.
Records show that police have responded to the house at least twice in the past year, including a possible domestic violence incident in February. No charges were filed.
Alderden said officials tried Saturday to persuade Mayumi Heene, 45, to go to a safe house, but she declined.
Alderden said the children were still with the parents Sunday and that child protective services had been contacted to investigate their well-being. On "Wife Swap," Heene was portrayed as erratic, at one point throwing a glass of milk on a participant on the program.
"Clearly, from all indications, Mr. Heene has somewhat of a temper," Alderden said.
Lane described the Heenes as a loving family.
"I met the three boys and they were in my office yesterday for a good long time and I have three kids of my own ... and these are by all appearances well loved, well taken care of, well adjusted and happy little boys," Lane said on ABC's "Good Morning America."
The producer of "Wife Swap" said it had a show in development with the Heenes but the deal is now off. TLC also said Heene had pitched a reality show to the network months ago, but it passed on the offer.
Some people are just a little too f**ked up :confused:
This Thursday, Jacob Wetterling's family will mark the 20th anniversary of his disappearance.
On Oct. 22, 1989, a masked man with a gun kidnapped Jacob in rural St. Joseph, Minn. Eleven-year-old Jacob was biking home from a convenience store with his brother, Trevor, and a friend.
In the two decades since the abduction, Jacob's mom, Patty Wetterling, has worked tirelessly to make the world safe for other children. This week she is also bracing for another anniversary without knowing what happened to her son.
In an interview with WCCO-TV reporter Caroline Lowe, Wetterling talked about the emotions she and her family go through every time an anniversary approaches.
"For me, every fall, there is this whole body experience of knowing that the abduction time is nearby," said Wetterling. "I just keep scratching my head, like, 'What haven't we done? What else do we need to do to find Jacob and the man who took him and get some answers?' Because we do need answers. I think the entire state of Minnesota needs answers."
Answers that have never come, despite hundreds of searches and tips.
"We were really carried by the people in our community and throughout the state from the beginning, when so many people said, 'I don't know how you do it, I couldn't get out of bed," said Wetterling. "We couldn't either, we couldn't. We were really lifted up by so many amazing people, and it's working. It's carried us for a long, long time."
Wetterling said she has never given up hope.
"I simply don't know. I never had this overwhelming sense that he died. A lot of parents will tell you they knew exactly the moment, they felt it. And I didn't have that happen, so I don't have that sense that he's not alive," she explained.
But the anniversary of the last time Wetterling saw her son never stops hurting.
"I just want to curl up in a ball all over again on the 22nd. I want to be home. I don't want to think. I don't want to do anything. I just want to be," said Wetterling. "It is a time to remember and reflect and honor Jacob. And hope that one day, maybe this year, we will have our answers."
Jacob would be 31 years old now. Wetterling finds hope when she sees reunions like the recent one between Jaycee Dugard and her family. She survived 18 years as a prisoner of a man who snatched her from a school bus stop in California.
"I dream about having that opportunity," said Wetterling.
And she hopes the 20-year anniversary of Jacob's abduction prompts someone to come forward. Maybe even his kidnapper.
"Twenty years is a long time to carry that kind of guilt or pain," said Wetterling.
As she waits for answers, Wetterling works as a nationally-recognized advocate for child safety. She is also is charge of sexual violence prevention education at the Minnesota Department of Health. Earlier this week, she was a guest on an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show that focused on making a better world for children.
"I am fighting for the world that Jacob knew and believed in. A world where our kids can grow up safe. It's really our adult job to build this world. It is not their job to not get kidnapped," said Wetterling.
Last Saturday night, the Wetterling family hosted a children's concert to mark the abduction anniversary. Jacob's favorite singer, Red Grammer, performed.
Quote from: Krandall on October 16, 2009, 06:18:56 AM
fair enough!
) -- After scouring northern Colorado by foot and air, frantically chasing a Mylar balloon for dozens of miles and interviewing his big brother over and over, local and federal authorities ended their search for 6-year-old Falcon Heene where it began -- at his house.
Falcon Heene, 6, said he hid in the family attic after his father yelled at him.
Falcon Heene, 6, said he hid in the family attic after his father yelled at him.
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He was in a box. In the attic. The whole time.
"I played with my toys and took a nap," Falcon told reporters outside his Fort Collins home Thursday afternoon.
"He walked in by himself, it felt like from nowhwere," the boy's mother, Mayumi Heene, told CNN Friday morning. "When I first saw him I couldn't even believe it, I couldn't comprehend."
"He says he was hiding in the attic," Falcon's father, meteorologist Richard Heene, said Thursday as he clutched his son. "He says it's because I yelled at him. I'm sorry I yelled at him."
But in a later interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," Falcon said he heard his parents call for him from the garage. When asked by his father on air why he didn't respond, the boy replied, "You guys said we did this for the show."
When Richard Heene was pressed by fill-in host Wolf Blitzer to explain what his son meant, he became uncomfortable, finally saying he was "appalled" by the questions. He added that Falcon likely was referring to all the media coverage. Video Watch Heene respond to the question »
Heene reiterated Friday morning that Falcon was talking about media requests after the drama ended Thursday.
Authorities said they believe the case, which launched search efforts by the Colorado Air National Guard and Federal Aviation Administration, was genuine.
Heene told reporters earlier the family was working on the balloon, what he called a "3-D low-altitude vehicle," and they were in the "early stages of the invention" when the balloon and the boy went missing.
The situation grabbed the world's attention Thursday afternoon after authorities reported that the experimental helium balloon was set adrift and the 6-year-old apparently was riding in it. His brother had said he watched Falcon get into the balloon before he untied the tethers, setting it free. Heene later said Falcon was videotaped getting into the vessel by his brother but "obviously he got out." Video Watch the father explain the balloon mishap »
Rescuers followed the saucerlike vessel, and the FAA tried to track it until the balloon made a soft landing some 50 miles away in a field.
Officials rushed to the scene, smacking the metallic balloon until it deflated. They looked inside, but there was no Falcon.
At that point, there were two possibilities: Either Falcon never got in the balloon, or he fell out. After reports that a box possibly carrying Falcon might have fallen off the balloon, authorities feared the worst.
"It was like the worst thing I ever heard in my life because all I could think of was maybe he had fallen out," Richard Heene said Friday.
But a little while later, the boy turned up at home.
Larimer County Sheriff James Alderden said it's not uncommon for children to seek cover when they realize they're the subject of a massive search. "They hide because they think they are in trouble."
"What was confusing was the eyewitness who said [Falcon] climbed into the apparatus, which was not the case," Alderden said, referring to the boy's brother. Video Watch as the balloon lands »
The sheriff said investigators interviewd the brother several times and he was consistent with his story.
Earlier, the falling-box scenario prompted a widening search.
A Weld County sheriff's deputy had said he saw an object fall from the balloon somewhere over Platteville, Colorado, which is in the search area. There was no box attached when the balloon made a soft landing at 1:35 p.m. (3:35 p.m. ET).
The widespread worries prompted the Colorado Air National Guard to deploy a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, with plans to launch a second one equipped with night vision, if necessary.
The search, which initially focused on Weld County, covered "the entire flight plan, from the Fort Collins area down to the Denver International Airport area," Col. Mark Riccardi said.
Falcon's parents, science enthusiasts Richard and Mayumi Heene, were featured on the 100th episode of ABC's prime-time program "Wife Swap" in March, that network said.
According to ABC's Web site, the Heenes "devote their time to scientific experiments that include looking for extraterrestrials and building a research-gathering flying saucer to send into the eye of the storm." See different types of balloons »
Richard Heene is a meteorologist and former television weatherman who has submitted to CNN iReports accounts of his sons helping him chase Hurricane Gustav, among other contributions.
Marc Friedland, the family's next-door neighbor, said he left his house about 11 a.m. Thursday for a walk and found Heene working on the giant balloon in the backyard.
"Basically, the whole family was out there, and they were working with it," he said. "When I came back is when I found out that the event happened."
He said the aircraft was intended to hover about 20 feet in the air and was not intended to carry people. "Obviously, something went wrong with that."
Friedland described his neighbors for the past year as "a great family."
"They're unusual, yes, of course. He's sort of a scientist slash inventor. They're storm chasers -- they go after tornadoes, hurricanes, things like that."
The family had been working on the aircraft for a couple of weeks, he said.
About Falcon, Friedland said, "He's a great kid. We see him a lot, and they come over and they're always friendly."
The Larimer County Sheriff's Office said the balloon had been tethered to the family's home.
Once untethered, the saucerlike craft flew eastward from the Heenes' neighborhood, though officials couldn't immediately confirm how fast it was going. See where the balloon floated »
Authorities said the silver balloon, 20 feet long and 5 feet high, at times reached 7,000 feet above the ground while adrift.
quit typing so loud!, I have an eye-ache. :lol:
Cap locks stuck on keyboard to home computer. Sometimes it just caps the first letter on some boards. Now I'm on my iPhone it works much better. It even puncutate if I hit space twice spell queck for the redneck in me. Can't use this constantly my hand held mac kills my big ugly pc
Dems push for benefits to kick in by 2010
Democrats are pushing Senate leaders and the White House to speed up key benefits in the health reform bill to 2010, eager to give the party something to show taxpayers for their $900 billion investment in an election year.
The most significant changes to the health care system wouldn't kick in until 2013 – two election cycles away. With Republicans expected to make next year a referendum on health care reform, Democrats are quietly lobbying to push up the effective dates on popular programs, so they'll have something to run on in the congressional midterms.
Democrats are anxious to mix the good with the bad since some of the pain would be phased in early, including more than $100 billion in industry fees that critics say could be passed on to consumers.
"We want to be able, within the cost framework and the implementation framework, to have as much start as early as possible, even though we know all of it can't," said Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), a Finance Committee member who is working with other senators on the effort. "And the White House wants to have as much as possible to start."
Under the Democratic wish-list, senior citizens would receive discounts on brand-name drugs next year. Small businesses that provide insurance would see tax credits. And a $5 billion high-risk pool would cover people with preexisting conditions.
Democratic strategists expect the 2010 election to present a stark contrast between the parties, particularly if the health care bill receives minimal Republicans support. The front-load strategy could help blunt GOP attacks on the bill as a toxic mix of higher taxes, rising premiums and cuts to Medicare.
The strategy also could ease some of the disappointment among voters who expect more immediate reforms than the bill can deliver, including on the much-debated public insurance option. Democrats in both the House and Senate are closing in on finding the votes to include some form of a public option in the bill, but a government-run insurance plan would likely be one of the last pieces to kick in fully, if it passes.
"Democrats will be the party that passed health care reform, and Republicans will be the party that tries to repeal it," said Jim Kessler, vice president for policy at Third Way, a centrist policy organization. "The challenge on health care has always been to demonstrate to the middle class that this bill is really for them and that it will provide them stable coverage that they can count on through thick and thin.
"It's important to have a few things to point to that go into effect right away," Kessler said. "This is a case where good policy and good politics coincide."
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the strategy was a transparent attempt to paper over the less palatable aspects of the bill.
There are billions in new taxes on insurers, device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies that come due in 2010.
Starting in 2013, insurers that offer family plans worth more than $21,000 a year would pay a tax, which unions say would hit middle class families. Beginning in 2014, the penalty on people who do not purchase insurance would kick in. The changes to Medicare funding, which Democrats say is aimed at redirecting wasteful spending but Republicans say would hit senior citizens, would be implemented immediately.
"I can understand their desire to have some fig leaf to protect them against understandable voter concern about the fact that insurance premiums are going to go up. You are taking half-trillion dollars from Medicare and you are going to raise taxes on middle class families," Cornyn said. "Those are unpopular positions, so I can understand their desire to front-load and show something for it."
A Kaiser Family Foundation poll released last week showed Democrats risk disappointing voters with the delayed timetable, which lawmakers view as necessary given the complexity of implementing the reforms.
The survey found voters are unaware that the major components -- $450 billion in subsidies to purchase coverage and a menu of insurance market reforms -- wouldn't kick in for four years. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they expected people to begin receiving financial assistance to buy coverage this year or next. Fifty-one percent said they expected insurers to begin accepting customers regardless of preexisting conditions this year or next.
The Senate Finance Committee has already posted a one-page memo on its website titled "What You Get Right Away: Immediate Relief for Families and Small Businesses." The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which also passed a health care bill, prepared its own list of immediate benefits.
Both documents read like a blueprint of Democratic talking points for the 2010 elections.
"It helps to have more to run on in the midterms and to prime the pump for 2012," said a senior Democratic aide of the front-load strategy. "Also, you want to have real, practical effects folks can feel right away so the issue is a clear tangible – not just rhetorical – victory. It's a big part of this."
Stabenow said she is working with other senators to influence the closed-door negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who is representing the HELP committee. In several cases, the HELP bill offers earlier effective dates on key provisions – and Stabenow and others are pressing Reid to go with the more immediate approach.
"We want to have as much front-ended as possible," Stabenow said.
The Senate HELP bill would immediately require family policies to cover young adults until age 26, while the Finance bill sets up a "young invincible" policy beginning in 2013.
Both Senate bills establish a reinsurance fund that protects early retirees from losing their health care coverage, but only the HELP bill kicks into effect immediately. Pushed by Stabenow and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), the fund would cover catastrophic claims of retirees between 55 and 64 who receive coverage through employer-based plans.
Insurance companies would be required to report the proportion of premium dollars that are spent on items other than medical care. Hospitals would need to itemize charges so consumers can compare prices. States would be compelled to establish an insurance ombudsman office that would intervene with companies on behalf of consumers.
Under both bills, people who have been denied insurance due to preexisting conditions or who have been uninsured for six months could seek coverage in a high-risk pool available in 2010.
Out-of-pocket costs for prevention and wellness programs under Medicare would be eliminated in 2010 under the HELP bill and 2011 in the Finance bill.
"Anything that we can do to realize reforms that won't take money upfront and at the same time create real relief for families, we are for," said Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Didn't know we had any commercial jet pilots on our roster. Bet these guys were posting in shout. :lol:
NATION: Northwest Airlines pilots admit they were working on personal laptops
flying to Minnesota for a rally. :lol:
Colorado ski town legalizes pot
DENVER – The Colorado ski town of Breckenridge has voted overwhelmingly to legalize marijuana.
Early returns Tuesday night showed the proposal winning with 72 percent of the vote. The measure would allow adults over 21 to have up to 1 ounce of marijuana.
The measure is largely symbolic because pot possession remains a state crime for people without medical clearance. But supporters said they wanted to send a message to local law enforcement to stop busting small-time pot smokers.
The vote comes as communities nationwide are struggling with how to enforce pot laws at a time when medical marijuana has surged in popularity.
^^^^ Fuggin' Hippies :lol:
Now Peels is gonna move here :'(
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 04, 2009, 11:14:41 AM
^^^^ Fuggin' Hippies :lol:
Now Peels is gonna move here :'(
never. :lol: not even the legalization of Maryjane is worth the embarassment of hailing from your state :lol:
JK honeybritches. I like Co. COming to Breckenridge this weekend to scout real estate :lol:
How much is a place in breckenridge ??
Quote from: Alkire193 on November 04, 2009, 12:58:58 PM
How much is a place in breckenridge ??
Really don't'd be so high you could be living in a cardboard box and not give a shit :lol:
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 04, 2009, 01:04:05 PM
Quote from: Alkire193 on November 04, 2009, 12:58:58 PM
How much is a place in breckenridge ??
Really don't'd be so high you could be living in a cardboard box and not give a shit :lol:
ERMAHGERD I am sooo there.
Fed: banks need customer consent on overdraft fees
WASHINGTON – Banks will have to secure their customers' consent before charging large overdraft fees on ATM and debit card transactions, according to a new rule announced Thursday by the Federal Reserve.
The rule responds to complaints from consumer groups, members of Congress and other regulators that the overdraft fees are unfair because many people assume they can't spend more on a debit card than is available in their account. Instead, many banks allow the transactions to go through, then charge fees of up to $25 to $35.
For small purchases, such as a cup of coffee, the penalty can far exceed the actual cost of the transaction.
Under the Fed's new rule, which will take effect July 1, banks will be required to notify new and existing customers of their overdraft services and give customers the option of being covered. If customers don't "opt in," any debit or ATM transactions that overdraw their accounts will be denied, Fed officials said.
Many consumers do want checks and regular electronic bill payments to be covered in the event of an overdraft, Fed officials said. As a result, those transactions aren't covered by the rule.
Banks earn as much as $25 billion to $38 billion annually from overdraft fees, Fed officials said, but that total includes check overdrafts.
Many larger banks, including Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo & Co. began instituting similar "opt-in" plans in late September after coming under fire for the fees.
But consumer groups and other regulators, including Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair, said new rules were still necessary to ensure smaller banks followed suit.
Many lawmakers have criticized the Fed for failing to provide sufficient consumer protection in the past, a defect they say contributed to last year's financial crisis. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., on Tuesday introduced a bill that would strip the Fed of its consumer oversight.
Dodd also proposed legislation last month that would have imposed limits similar to the Fed's on the banks' ability to charge overdraft fees.
OMFG!!! BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: click the "Watch the Video" The kid admits it!
The Colorado parents in last month's notorious "balloon boy" case will plead guilty to offenses for creating a hoax that their son had flown away in a large balloon.
Richard and Mayumi Heene are to plead Friday morning in Larimer County Court, according to a statement issued by Richard Heene's attorney.
Mayumi Heene is expected to plead guilty to an offense of false reporting to authorities, a misdemeanor of the lowest level, according to the attorney.
Mayumi Heene is a citizen of Japan. As such, any felony conviction or certain misdemeanors would result in her deportation, even though her husband and children are Americans," the statement said.
"It is supremely ironic that law enforcement has expressed such grave concern over the welfare of the children, but it was ultimately the threat of taking the children's mother from the family and deporting her to Japan which fueled this deal."
Prosecutors in the case could not be immediately reached for comment.
On October 16, a large silver balloon came loose from moorings in the Heenes' yard and floated over Colorado. Mayumi Heene called 911 and said the couple's 6-year-old son Falcon was inside the craft.
Millions of people across the country watched the saga on television for nearly two hours as military aircraft tracked the balloon in the air and rescuers chased it on the ground.
Mayumi Heene later admitted the whole thing was a hoax and that Falcon was safe in their home the whole time, authorities said.
Watch the moment the hoax was revealed
Court documents released last month said the couple hatched the plan about two weeks before the incident and "instructed their three children to lie to authorities as well as the media regarding this hoax."
Their motive? To "make the Heene family more marketable for future media interests," the documents said.
Richard Heene is expected to plead guilty to a felony offense of attempting to influence a public servant.
Though the Heenes could receive jail time for the charges, the prosecutor has recommended probation, Richard Heene's attorney said.
The threat of deportation for Mayumi Heene was a factor in the plea deal negotiation, the attorney's statement said.
I called it!! I F'n called it!!!! What do I win? :clap:
nothin'.....figures :(
Swift kick in the ass?
LA MARQUE, Texas – A man blamed a low-flying pelican and a dropped cell phone for his veering his million-dollar sports car off a road and into a salt marsh near Galveston. The accident happened about 3 p.m. Wednesday on the frontage road of Interstate 45 northbound in La Marque, about 35 miles southeast of Houston.
The Lufkin, Texas, man told of driving his luxury, French-built Bugatti Veyron when the bird distracted him, said La Marque police Lt. Greg Gilchrist. The motorist dropped his cell phone, reached to pick it up and veered off the road and into the salt marsh. The car was half-submerged in the brine about 20 feet from the road when police arrived.
Gilchrist said he doesn't know if the car was salvageable, but in his words, "Salt water isn't good for anything." He says the man, whose identity hasn't been released, was not injured.
A 2006 Bugatti Veyron was recently offered for sale in Jonesboro, Ark., for $1.25 million.
FDA for the day! Dillhole. :lol:
Minneapolis daycare baby found sucking crack ball
The bad news: A 13-month-old baby at the AGAPE Child Development Center was found last Friday with a ball of crack cocaine in his mouth. The good news: It was wrapped up in plastic.
"When I found out it was crack or cocaine then I was really like, 'Oh my GERD, just one drop in a baby's mouth could cause lord knows what damage," the daycare center's CEO, Dr. Diane Thibodeaux, told WCCO.
The source of the drugs is a mystery, Thibodeaux said. But it may not be for long, because nobody can get in or out of the West Broadway Avenue daycare center without signing visitor's log.
More from WCCO:
"We're talking about an amount, about possibly the size of maybe a couple of jelly beans," said Jesse Garcia of Minneapolis Police.
The room was cleaned and scrubbed from top to bottom.
"I emptied out the room thoroughly and I had everybody with vacuums and hoses and Shopvacs getting in the corners. Anything that looked like it should be sucked up, suck it up," Thibodeaux said.
The baby was taken to the hospital, but appeared none the worse for the experience.
Damn...I was looking for mah crackball. :lol:
Somali pirate: $3.3M ransom paid, 36 hostages freed
Might I just add.... I don't understand how this is happening. why not set a bigass boat in there or a couple and if you see a Somali boat. burn their ass. 8)
MOGADISHU, Somalia – Pirates freed 36 crew members from a Spanish trawler Tuesday after holding them for more than six weeks off the coast of Somalia, while a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom.
In Spain, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said the tuna boat Alakrana "is sailing toward safer waters. All of its crew members are safe and sound."
A Somali villager named Ali Ahmed Salad said 12 armed pirates left the ship shortly after noon Tuesday and joined colleagues near the pirate town of Haradhere.
Ali Gab, a self-proclaimed pirate, told The Associated Press that a boat delivered $3.3 million in ransom. Gab said pirates began leaving the ship shortly afterward, and that a Spanish warship nearby watched the proceedings.
Cmdr. John Harbour, a spokesman for the EU's anti-piracy force, confirmed that a Spanish warship had been in the region.
Zapatero was evasive when asked if the government had taken part in payment of a ransom. "The government did what it had to do," he told a news conference after talks with the president of Hungary, Laszlo Solyom.
The reported ransom payment demonstrates why pirate attacks have been on the rise. The millions of dollars a successful hijacking can bring is a windfall in impoverished and war-ravaged Somalia.
The trawler was seized Oct. 2 with 16 Spaniards, eight Indonesians and 12 crew from five African countries aboard. The pirates holding the Alakrana had been pressing for the release of two colleagues who were captured by Spanish naval forces a day after the hijacking and eventually brought to Madrid to face charges.
The Spanish government has been working feverishly to find some sort of legal formula that would allow it to try them and send them back to Somalia quickly in hopes of appeasing the pirates who remained in control of the trawler.
In the end, the hostages were released with the two Somali suspects still in custody in Madrid. They were formally charged with kidnapping and related charges Monday.
In the latest attempted hijackings, pirates attacked two vessels Monday off East Africa, successfully capturing one of the ships and its crew of 28 North Koreans, officials said Tuesday.
The pirates attacked a chemical tanker named the MV Theresa with the 28 crew members on board, the European Union's anti-piracy force said. The vessel, which was operated out of Singapore, had been heading to the Kenyan port town of Mombasa. The EU force did not say what kind of chemicals were on board.
In a second incident Monday, pirates attacked a Ukrainian cargo ship with AK-47 rifles and rocket-propelled grenades after two small skiffs detached from a mother ship. Harbour, the EU Naval Force spokesman, said that private security guards on board fired on the pirates, wounding two. The pirates then broke off the attack, the force said, Harbour said the Ukrainian ship was not hijacked.
A Somali man who claims to be a spokesman for the pirates, Gedi Ali, said Tuesday that pirates had captured the Ukrainian ship. Ali also said two pirates were wounded in the attack.
Pirates hold around a dozen ships and more than 200 crew, and attacks have increased in recent weeks as the monsoon season subsided. An international flotilla of warships now patrols the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden, but pirates continue to carry out attacks because of the millions of dollars that can be made from a successful hijacking.
I heard thaty on the radio this morning.
I wanna be a pirate! ARR!
did you see my life motto song? :lol:
I vote for this thread to be re-named "The Breaking Wind Thread" :nod:
Iran begins war games to protect nuclear sites
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran on Sunday began large-scale air defense war games aimed at protecting the country's nuclear facilities against any possible attack, state television reported.
It said the five-day drill will cover an area a third of the size of Iran and spread across the central, western and southern parts of the country.
Gen. Ahmad Mighani, head of an air force unit that deals with threats to Iran's air space, said Saturday the war games would cover regions where Iran's nuclear facilities are located.
The drill involves both Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard, the paramilitary Basij forces affiliated with the Guard as well as army units.
The United States and its European allies accuse Iran of embarking on a nuclear weapons program. Iran denies the charge and insists the program is only for peaceful purposes.
Israel has not ruled out military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
The commander of the Guard's air force, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, meanwhile sought on Sunday to play down the significance of Israel's threats against his country, saying they amounted to psychological warfare.
"We are sure they are not able to do anything against us since they can not predict our reaction," Hajizadeh was quoted as saying by the Guard's official Web site, Sephahnews.
"If their fighter planes could escape from Iran's air defense system, their bases will be hit by our devastating surface-to-surface missiles before they land," he said.
Also on Sunday, Iran's defense minister, Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, said Iran planned to pursue designing and producing its own air defense missiles, according to the official IRNA news agency.
His comments were apparently in response to the delay in the delivery from Russia of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, a key component of Iran's air defense.
Iran complains that the delay is apparently the result of Israeli and U.S. pressure.
Israel and the United States have opposed the missile deal out of fear Iran could use the system to significantly boost air defenses at its nuclear sites — including its main uranium enrichment plant at Natanz.
ugh.. Minnesota AGAIN?!!!
Photo by juhansonin
It's one thing to go out for a drunken joy cruise alone if you are a boozed-up idiot, but offering a 7-year-old a sweet ride on top of your car is probably an epic fail in anyone's book. Worst babysitter ever.
Robert Wayne Christgau, 56, was allegedly driving circles near his Austin apartment Thursday night with a 7-year-old boy on top of the car roof. He's been charged with drunk driving and child neglect. He also left a 3-year-old boy alone in his apartment.
When another man saw this happening, he pulled Christgau out of the car and stopped him from leaving the scene after calling police.
More from the Rochester Post-Bullein:
Deputies found Christgau standing next to his vehicle with an open can of beer on its roof, the complaint says. Christgau allegedly smelled strongly of alcohol and failed sobriety tests, later testing at a 0.14 percent blood-alcohol level, which is higher than the state's 0.08 percent legal limit for driving.
Christgau, who returns to court Dec. 3, allegedly admitted driving with the 7-year-old on the roof and drinking alcohol before doing so.
The witness told authorities he saw the 7-year-old riding on the roof with his legs hanging over the windshield. At one point, he saw Christgau crash the car into the apartment's front steps, the complaint says.
Bring on the Turkey!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :rofl:
Alcoholics will gobble up this meal.
Bar owner Paul Hurley said he is unveilling the nation's first 100-proof turkey on Monday.
"It's a turkey you can eat and drink at the same time, but you'll need a cab home," Hurley told the NY Post. "There's an ounce of vodka in every bite."
Hurley, the owner of O'Casey's Tavern in Midtown Manhattan says that the bird is infused with fruit-flavored and 100-proof Georgi vodka for three days before being cooked.
He claims to have gotten the idea for the boozy bird from his dear ol' mother, in Ireland, 15 years ago.
"On christmas, my mom said, 'Why not try some vodka in the turkey?'" Hurley told the Post.
The flavors of vodka include peach, raspberry, cherry and apple.
The gravy is also laced with the distilled liquor, and there will be a vodka reservoir inside the turkey with a straw, letting you eat and drink at th same time.
The lush meal will run you $29.95, and includes stuffing, crandberry sauce, sweet potatoes and -- out of concern for the danger of drinking-and-driving -- a free taxi ride home.
Took place just down the road from me:
Four officers shot dead at coffee shop near Parkland south of Tacoma
Four local police officers were killed this morning at a Parkland-area coffee shop south of Tacoma.
The gunman walked into the coffee shop and shot two of the Lakewood officers as they sat down. The other two officers stood up. One officer was killed. The fourth officer fought the gunman and may have injured him. The officer was able to fire his weapon said Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said. ...
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would 'Shock', 'Confuse' Consumers
Want to know how much phone companies and internet service providers charge to funnel your private communications or records to U.S. law enforcement and spy agencies?
That's the question muckraker and Indiana University graduate student Christopher Soghoian asked all agencies within the Department of Justice, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed a few months ago. But before the agencies could provide the data, Verizon and Yahoo intervened and filed an objection on grounds that, among other things, they would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public.
Yahoo writes in its 12-page objection letter (.pdf), that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it "to 'shame' Yahoo! and other companies — and to 'shock' their customers."
"Therefore, release of Yahoo!'s information is reasonably likely to lead to impairment of its reputation for protection of user privacy and security, which is a competitive disadvantage for technology companies," the company writes.
Verizon took a different stance. It objected to the release (.pdf) of its Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide because it might "confuse" customers and lead them to think that records and surveillance capabilities available only to law enforcement would be available to them as well — resulting in a flood of customer calls to the company asking for trap and trace orders.
"Customers may see a listing of records, information or assistance that is available only to law enforcement," Verizon writes in its letter, "but call in to Verizon and seek those same services. Such calls would stretch limited resources, especially those that are reserved only for law enforcement emergencies."
Other customers, upon seeing the types of surveillance law enforcement can do, might "become unnecessarily afraid that their lines have been tapped or call Verizon to ask if their lines are tapped (a question we cannot answer)."
Verizon does disclose a little tidbit in its letter, saying that the company receives "tens of thousands" of requests annually for customer records and information from law enforcement agencies.
Soghoian filed his records request to discover how much law enforcement agencies — and thus U.S. taxpayers — are paying for spy documents and surveillance services with the aim of trying to deduce from this how often such requests are being made. Soghoian explained his theory on his blog, Slight Paranoia:
In the summer of 2009, I decided to try and follow the money trail in order to determine how often Internet firms were disclosing their customers' private information to the government. I theorized that if I could obtain the price lists of each ISP, detailing the price for each kind of service, and invoices paid by the various parts of the Federal government, then I might be able to reverse engineer some approximate statistics. In order to obtain these documents, I filed Freedom of Information Act requests with every part of the Department of Justice that I could think of.
The first DoJ agency to respond to his request was the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), which indicated that it had price lists available for Cox Communications, Comcast, Yahoo and Verizon. But because the companies voluntarily provided the price lists to the government, the FOIA allows the companies an opportunity to object to the disclosure of their data under various exemptions. Comcast and Cox were fine with the disclosure, Soghoian reported.
He found that Cox Communications charges $2,500 to fulfill a pen register/trap-and-trace order for 60 days, and $2,000 for each additional 60-day-interval. It charges $3,500 for the first 30 days of a wiretap, and $2,500 for each additional 30 days. Thirty days worth of a customer's call detail records costs $40.
Comcast's pricing list, which was already leaked to the internet in 2007, indicated that it charges at least $1,000 for the first month of a wiretap, and $750 per month thereafter.
But Verizon and Yahoo took offense at the request.
Yahoo objected on grounds that its pricing constituted "confidential commercial information" and cited Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act and the Trade Secrets Act.
Exemption 4 of the FOIA refers to the disclosure of commercial or financial information that could result in a competitive disadvantage to the company if it were publicly disclosed. The company claims its pricing is derived from labor rates for employees and overhead and, therefore, disclosing the information would provide clues to its operating costs — regardless of whether these same clues are already available in public records, such as those the company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company also claims that since Soghoian is trying to determine the actual amounts the Marshals Service paid Yahoo for responding to requests, the price lists are irrelevant, since "there are no standard prices for these transactions."
But equally important to Yahoo's objections was the potential for "criticism" and ridicule. Yahoo quoted Soghoian on his blog writing that his aim was to "use this blog to shame the corporations that continue to do harm to user online privacy."
Yahoo also objected to the disclosure of its letter objecting to the disclosure of pricing information saying that "release of this letter would likely cause substantial competitive harm" to the company. The company added, in a veiled threat, that if the Marshals Service were to show anyone its letter objecting to the disclosure of pricing information, it could "impair the government's ability to obtain information necessary for making appropriate decisions with regard to future FOIA requests."
If anyone out there has a copy of Verizon or Yahoo's law enforcement pricing list and wants to share it, feel free to use our anonymous tip address.
Mist of pig brain tissue sickened slaughterhouse workers
Between November 2006 and May 2008, two dozen slaughterhouse workers in Minnesota and Indiana took ill with a variety of neurological and physical illnesses. Now, researchers think they know why.
The medical journal Lancet Neurology describes what happened this way: "An outbreak of neurological autoimmunity with polyradiculoneuropathy in workers exposed to aerosolised porcine neural tissue."
That's another way of saying the workers inhaled a mist of pig brain tissue and it made them very sick.
Twenty-one of those affected were from Minnesota, while the rest were from Indiana. Many, but not all, of the workers were stationed near a high-powered air compressor used to blow the brains out of pig heads. Researchers say that when workers inhaled the mist, it triggered their immune systems to attack their own nervous systems:
Quote from: Krandall on December 02, 2009, 10:30:17 AM
Mist of pig brain tissue sickened slaughterhouse workers
Between November 2006 and May 2008, two dozen slaughterhouse workers in Minnesota and Indiana took ill with a variety of neurological and physical illnesses. Now, researchers think they know why.
The medical journal Lancet Neurology describes what happened this way: "An outbreak of neurological autoimmunity with polyradiculoneuropathy in workers exposed to aerosolised porcine neural tissue."
That's another way of saying the workers inhaled a mist of pig brain tissue and it made them very sick.
Twenty-one of those affected were from Minnesota, while the rest were from Indiana. Many, but not all, of the workers were stationed near a high-powered air compressor used to blow the brains out of pig heads. Researchers say that when workers inhaled the mist, it triggered their immune systems to attack their own nervous systems:
That's truly f-ed up.
Quote from: Headrope on December 03, 2009, 11:13:20 PM
Quote from: Krandall on December 02, 2009, 10:30:17 AM
Mist of pig brain tissue sickened slaughterhouse workers
Between November 2006 and May 2008, two dozen slaughterhouse workers in Minnesota and Indiana took ill with a variety of neurological and physical illnesses. Now, researchers think they know why.
The medical journal Lancet Neurology describes what happened this way: "An outbreak of neurological autoimmunity with polyradiculoneuropathy in workers exposed to aerosolised porcine neural tissue."
That's another way of saying the workers inhaled a mist of pig brain tissue and it made them very sick.
Twenty-one of those affected were from Minnesota, while the rest were from Indiana. Many, but not all, of the workers were stationed near a high-powered air compressor used to blow the brains out of pig heads. Researchers say that when workers inhaled the mist, it triggered their immune systems to attack their own nervous systems:
That's truly f-ed up.
meh, I've inhaled worse :lol:
US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan
KABUL – U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the first offensive since President Barack Obama announced an American troop surge, striking against Taliban communications and supply lines in a southern insurgent stronghold, a military spokesman said.
Hundreds of troops from the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines and the Marine reconnaissance unit Task Force Raider were dropped by helicopter and MV-22 Osprey aircraft behind Taliban lines in the northern end of the Now Zad Valley of Helmand province, scene of heavy fighting last summer, according to Marine spokesman Maj. William Pelletier.
A second, larger force pushed northward from the Marines' Forward Operating Base in Now Zad, Pelletier said. Combat engineers were forcing a corridor through Taliban minefields with armored steamrollers and explosives, Pelletier said.
In all, about 1,000 Marines as well as Afghan troops were taking part in the operation, known as "Cobra's Anger," he said.
There were no reports of casualties.
The operation began three days after Obama announced that he was sending 30,000 reinforcements to Afghanistan to help turn the tide against the Taliban. America's European allies will send an estimated 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan next year "with more to come," NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced Friday.
Most of the new troops are expected to be sent to southern Afghanistan, including Helmand, where Taliban influence is strongest.
The new offensive aims to cut off the Taliban communication routes through Helmand and disrupt their supply lines, especially those providing explosives for the numerous lethal roadside bombs that litter the area.
Pelletier said several arms caches and at least 400 pounds of explosive materials had been found so far Friday.
"Right now, the enemy is confused and disorganized," Pelletier said by telephone from Camp Leatherneck, the main Marines base in Helmand. "They're fighting, but not too effectively."
Pelletier said insurgents were caught off guard by the early morning air assault, the first using Ospreys, an aircraft that combines features of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.
let's get this over with. Take em out boys! Hope they don't half ass it.
Mysteries Surround Afghanistan's Stealth Drone (Updated)
Earlier this year, blurry pictures were released by the French magazine Air & Cosmos of a previously unknown stealth drone taken at Kandahar in Afghanistan. The photos, snapped in 2007, prompted a wave of speculation about the classified aircraft. That speculation grew even more intense this week, when a blog belonging to the French newspaper Libération released an even better photograph. But while the new picture may answers some questions, it also creates a heap of new mysteries. Chief among them: Why use such a fancy, stealthy aircraft in Afghanistan? The Taliban have neither the radar to spot the plane, nor the weaponry to shoot it down.
The lines of the drone clearly indicate a stealth design slightly reminiscent of the B-2A Spirit bomber, but smaller. Over on Ares, veteran aviation expert Bill Sweetman describes the wingspan as being perhaps eighty feet, and notes "One important detail: the overwing fairings are not B-2-like inlets, but cover some kind of equipment - satcoms on one side, perhaps, and a sensor on the other."
The aircraft, which Bill has dubbed the Beast of Kandahar, is widely believed to be a product of Lockheed's celebrated Skunk Works, home of the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter. The Beast bears some resemblance to the Skunk Works' Polecat drone, revealed in 2006. This was a private venture, costing some $27 million of Lockheed's own money, designed to operate stealthily at high altitude and at supersonic speed. However, the Beast is not Polecat, as one look at the exhaust will indicate.
The Beast has also been identified with the covert Desert Prowler program, identified by black ops spotter Trevor Paglen. The Desert Prowler's patches include the phrases "alone and unafraid" and "alone and on the prowl" as well as the figure of a wraith taken from an album cover by Insane Clown Posse. The wraith is said to represent the Grim Reaper...peculiar as it may seem, Paglen has shown that a remarkable amount of information can be gleaned from Black Ops patches and has written a book on the subject.
Pretty interesting Interweb facts.
Quote from: Krandall on December 09, 2009, 11:21:10 AM
Pretty interesting Interweb facts.
whoa....we waste alot of time and money on da innernetz.
WWII veteran had Hitler's art book on bookshelf
DALLAS – After fighting his way across Europe during World War II, John Pistone was among the U.S. soldiers who entered Adolf Hitler's home nestled in the Bavarian Alps as the war came to a close.
Making his way through the Berghof, Hitler's home near Berchtesgaden, Germany, Pistone noticed a table with shelves underneath. Exhilarated by the certainty of victory over the Nazis, Pistone took an album filled with photographs of paintings as a souvenir.
"It was really a great feeling to be there and we knew, by that time, he was on his last leg," Pistone told The Associated Press.
Sixty-four years after Pistone brought the album home to Ohio, the 87-year-old has learned its full significance: It's part of a series compiled for Hitler featuring art he wanted for his "Fuhrermuseum," a planned museum in Linz, Austria, Hitler's hometown.
Pistone's album is expected to be formally returned to Germany in a ceremony at the U.S. State Department in January. Germany has 19 other albums discovered at the Berchtesgaden complex that are part of a 31-album collection of works either destined for or being considered for the Linz museum.
Pistone's 3-inch thick, 12-pound album's journey from obscurity began this fall when a friend became curious about the book sitting on Pistone's bookshelf.
The friend discovered after some Internet searching that the Dallas-based Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art was involved in 2007 in the restitution of two other albums that were part of a series documenting art stolen by the Nazis from Jewish families.
Its founder, Robert Edsel, who while living in Italy for a time after selling his oil and gas business became interested in what was done to protect art in World War II, traveled to Ohio this fall to examine Pistone's album. Seeing it convinced him that Pistone had one of the missing albums of the series on the planned museum.
Stamped on the album's spine is "Gemaldegalerie Linz" — Gemaldegalerie means picture gallery in German — and the Roman numerals for 13. It still has a sticker from the book's binder in Dresden.
Birgit Schwarz, a German art historian from Vienna who has written books about Hitler and art, including a book called "Hitler's Museum" describing the albums in the series, is convinced the album is authentic. She said she recognized paintings in the album along with the volume number and title.
"It's absolutely clear!" she wrote in an enthusiastic e-mail to the AP after reviewing scanned photographs of the album. "Hans Makart's 'Pest in Florenz' (Plague in Florence), for example, the first picture of album XIII, Hitler got as a gift from Mussolini!"
Souvenir hunting was routine by soldiers during the war, and problems arise when people try to sell rather than return culturally important items, said Thomas R. Kline, a Washington-based lawyer who specializes in art restitution and works for the foundation.
"It's really important that as people go through their attics and they find the things that grandpa brought home, people are aware that something as simple as a book of pictures could have a cultural significance," Kline said.
Ambassador J. Christian Kennedy, special envoy for Holocaust issues at the State Department, said the agency is happy to help return objects taken during the war. "This is all about doing the right thing," Kennedy said.
Edsel started his foundation in 2007 to honor and continue the work of the original Monuments Men, the roughly 345 men and women from 13 nations who helped Allied forces protect cultural treasures during World War II. After the war, they began trying to find the rightful owners of pieces of art looted by the Nazis, hundreds of thousands of which are still missing.
"It's my desire to see the works of the Monuments Men completed," said Edsel, who wrote two books detailing the group's work.
The discovery of albums could help. In Pistone's case, experts had the names of artwork featured in his album but the photographs could help match them to the correct piece of art, Edsel said.
"They are key documents from the crime scene," he said of the albums.
He said the art Hitler wanted for his museum was bought, stolen or confiscated. The 13th album contains works by some of Hitler's favorite German painters, including a photo of Adolf von Menzel's painting of Frederick the Great that hung in Hitler's office in Munich.
Edsel said his office gets about a call a day from someone curious about an item brought home after the war.
"We're looking for people with goodwill who don't know what they have," Edsel said.
Pistone, album in hand, returned home after surviving the battlefields in Europe. He finished college, got into the restaurant business and had five children. The album mostly stayed up on a shelf at his home in Beachwood, Ohio, but he'd occasionally take it down and let family members look through it.
Once he met Edsel and learned about the Monuments Men, he knew it should be returned to Germany. "I just wanted to get it in the right hands," he said.
Before the book makes the trip overseas, it and one of two other albums the foundation helped discover will go on display for about three months at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans following the State Department ceremony, Edsel said.
Edsel said that of the two albums from 2007, one has already been donated to the U.S. National Archives to join the other albums in that series used as evidence of Nazi looting in the Nuremberg trials. He said that the second will go to the National Archives in the next three years.
"When soldiers and their families realize what they have and come forward to return it, there's never an issue. It's a happy moment and there's celebrations of one kind of another," Kline said. "We owe a huge debt to this generation that saved the world from Naziism."
I've been looking for my album! :lol:
Exactly what I was thinking! :rofl:
I've got breaking news in my britches... :clap:
erich spotted in Minnesota? in the northwoods? Camera picks up strange image near Remer
sucks, they don't show the picture.
Tim Kedrowski and his sons, Peter and Casey, are not pushovers for Bigfoot stories, but a frame on a game trail camera set up on their hunting land north of Remer has left them in a quandary.
"To us, it's very hard because we lean toward the skeptical type," Kedrowski said in a telephone interview from his Rice, Minn., home.
But after checking with neighbors and any other hunters who might have been walking through the dense woods at 7:20 p.m. on the rainy night of Oct. 24, he said they couldn't imagine what else the image could be. Tim said he considered ideas from a bear to a bow hunter in a fuzzy suit. But the arm and hand couldn't be a bear's, or its upright gait. And there is no evidence in the photo of a bow or flashlight a hunter might be using to track a wounded deer.
The Kedrowskis checked the Minnesota Bigfoot Web site and came up with the names of Don Sherman and Bob Olson, the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team.
Sherman is the facilities manager for the Cass Lake Indian Health Service Hospital, and Olson is an auto body repairman in Deer River.
Sherman has responded to numerous area Bigfoot sighting reports and has made casts of footprints. He said he once caught footage of a Bigfoot on a thermal imaging camera and heard its warbling call.
When Sherman saw the image the Kedrowskis sent him, Tim said the researcher responded that he believes it is a picture of a Bigfoot. Sherman went with the Kedrowskis to the photo site and measured
the height of the creature in comparison the sapling next to it. He determined the animal is about 7 feet tall.
"I've hunted there for 43 years," Tim said of their property near Shingle Mill Lake. "I've seen one bear off my deer stand. I've seen three timber wolves."
Casey Kedrowski said he and his brother had gone out to the family's hunting shack prior to deer season to bring in firewood and make other preparations. They set up a game trail camera to see what might be wandering around their property.
Casey said he and his brother were the only people who knew where the camera was located. They took the camera down when deer season started, and a couple of weeks later checked on what they had caught.
When they came to the picture of the long-armed creature walking upright, Casey said, "We just looked at each other. Each of us thought we were playing a trick on each other."
When they determined that neither of them had pulled a prank on the other, they checked to see if anyone had been in the area that night. Tim said the only neighbors were two elderly hunters in their own shack, neither of whom matched the size and appearance of the creature caught on camera.
However, he said, when he asked the men about the night the camera clicked on the mystery, they said they had gone out about 2 a.m. to use the outhouse and had heard strange squealing noises. Ted said he asked them to show him the direction of the sounds. They pointed to the area where the camera had been, although they had no idea of its location.
Ted said he just released the photo and permission for its publication last weekend.
"It was deer season and we wanted to concentrate on deer hunting, and (we) really wanted to talk to people in the area and ... make sure they weren't scamming us," he said. "We're not 100 percent sure, obviously. After visiting with (Sherman and Olson) we feel they've done a lot more investigation. That's why we put it in their hands."
Sherman said the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team started receiving reports of Bigfoot sightings in 2006 and has had reports every year since, including four reports this year. He said the first reported sighting he investigated was from a man running a road grader near Six Mile Lake south of Lake Winnibigoshish. Sherman said he was able to make casts of the footprints. A more recent sighting report was by a truck driver.
"I've talked to this guy — this was last year — he was coming from Crosby (Minn.) with a load of lumber by Washburn Lake," Sherman said. "It had hands, he said, like baseball mitts. It took three steps to cross the road. He was pretty shook up."
In spite of such seemingly credible reports, biologists remain unconvinced.
"Personally, I don't buy the fact this thing exists," said Blane Klemek, assistant wildlife manager with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in Bemidji.
"There are certainly species that are discovered each year -but megafauna — rare is it a big mammal is discovered," he said.
He noted the belief that the ivory-billed woodpecker is not extinct after all is based on a fleeting, indistinct video image of some kind of woodpecker recorded in 2004 in the Big Woods of Arkansas. No other sightings have been reported.
He also noted than no one has ever found a Bigfoot carcass.
"All organisms die; they don't just go away," Klemek said. "You'd think someone someday would find one."
Evan Hazard, Bemidji State University retired mammalogist, also expressed doubt about the Bigfoot's existence.
"I just don't know," he said. "My background in mammalogy makes me skeptical, not expert. My inclination is to say we really don't have good evidence."
Hazard said proof would be a clear photo matched with footprints at the same site — multiple pieces of overlapping evidence.
Sherman said the research would go on. He said he believes the Bigfoot is intelligent and perfectly at home in the woods.
"That's why they're so elusive," he said. "They know the woods better than any hunter because they live it."
One thing the hunters agree on is that even if they could produce a carcass for examination, they wouldn't shoot a Bigfoot.
"Absolutely not — no way," said Tim. "I asked my sons would they shoot it, and they said no. It has every right to live."
"I've talked to people who've had them in their sights and their scopes, and they said they couldn't pull the trigger," she Sherman.
He urged anyone who wants to report a Bigfoot sighting or evidence of the creature to call him at 218-308-1451 or Olson at 218-246-8493.
"We've got all kinds of equipment, night vision, cameras, listening devices," Sherman said.
pic here...
way to go erich. busted :lol:
might not work...
try here.
nah...E's been busy elsewhere...
might not be breaking news to all of you, but we are pretty happy.
My Uncle Bill, the uncle who was here helping take care of dad, and he pretty much raised my mom, had his house broken into by meth heads while he was here lending a hand. (the uncle that lives right down the road from Pismo dunes)
yeah, i hate him. JK, He is probably right up there on the top of the "my favorite people ever list"
He is a seriously avid gun nut. ANd they took pretty much all of them. Even the tommy gun which he said "wasn't his" BS. :lol: So he was dealing with all that while he was here with mom and dad, and I felt terrible about it.
Took his brand new TV too.
They caught the douchebags!!!! On them they found 35 guns...and when the officers busted in, they were watching his tv. :lol: Oh and $80k in meth. dat's alot of fooking meth! :rofl:
He considered the guns as part of his kids' inheritance as well as his hobby.
The Arroyo Grande Police Department is investigating what it considers the most extensive burglary ring uncovered in recent years — one believed to have spanned all of the South County and possibly reached into other parts of San Luis Obispo County.
Law enforcement arrested three people Saturday after an investigation found more than 800 stolen items, including more than 35 guns and $80,000 worth of methamphetamine.
Investigators say that more arrests will likely follow and that it might take months to track down the owners of the stolen property.
Click image to see caption
Arroyo Grande Police Chief Steve Annibali displays some of the recovered property from arrests made Saturday. Investigators say it will likely take months to return items to their original owners.
larger version purchase prints
The items were taken from private residences, businesses and cars, Arroyo Grande Police Chief Steve Annibali said.
Investigators also recovered hundreds of keys — likely stolen from victims and potential victims of burglary. The keys nearly fill two gallon-sized bags.
Annibali said it is not yet known how the keys were stolen.
Hundreds of recovered items are still being catalogued by Arroyo Grande police, and lists of those items will be forwarded to all local law enforcement agencies to aid in getting the items back to their owners.
"There is so much evidence that we are renting a storage pod to put our own supplies in to make room for all of it," Annibali said.
The gun cache — police say many of the weapons were stolen from registered owners — included a 45-caliber submachine gun, commonly called a "tommy" gun.
website kinda sux, and the pic of tall his guns is not working :(
Glad they got em peelz hope they get treated like punks in jail brah.
Hope you guys in Illinois like the BAD BAD guys. :help:
Ill. prison to get Gitmo detainees
WASHINGTON – Taking an important step on the thorny path to closing the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the White House plans to announce Tuesday that the government will acquire an underutilized state prison in rural Illinois to be the new home for a limited number of terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo.
Administration officials as well as Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will make an official announcement at the White House.
Officials from both the White House and Durbin's office confirmed that President Barack Obama had directed the government to acquire Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town near the Mississippi River about 150 miles from Chicago. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting Tuesday's announcement.
A Durbin aide said the facility would house federal inmates and no more than 100 detainees from Guantanamo Bay.
The facility in Thomson had emerged as a clear front-runner after Illinois officials, led by Durbin, enthusiastically embraced the idea of turning a near-dormant prison over to federal officials.
The White House has been coy about its selection process, but on Friday a draft memo leaked to a conservative Web site that seemed to indicate officials were homing in on Thomson.
The Thomson Correctional Center was one of several potential sites evaluated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to potentially house detainees from the Navy-run prison at Guantanamo Bay. Officials with other prisons, including Marion, Ill., Hardin, Mont., and Florence, Colo., have said they would welcome the jobs that would be created by the new inmates.
Closing Guantanamo is a top priority for Obama, and he signed an executive order hours into his presidency directing that the process of closing the prison begin. Obama has said he wants terrorism suspects transferred to American soil so they can be tried for their suspected crimes.
The Thomson Correctional Center was built by Illinois in 2001 as a state prison with the potential to house maximum security inmates. Local officials hoped it would improve the local economy, providing jobs to a hard-hit community. State budget problems, however, have kept the 1,600-cell prison from ever fully opening. At present, it houses about 200 minimum-security inmates.
Obama has faced some resistance to the idea of housing terrorism suspects in the United States, but in Thomson many have welcomed the prospect as a potential economic engine. Thomson Village President Jerry Hebeler, was asleep when the word came that Thomson had been chosen.
"It's news to me, but then I'm always the last to know anything," Hebeler said Monday night of the news affecting his town of 450 residents. "It'll be good for the village and the surrounding area, especially with all the jobs that have been lost here."
But Hebeler said he wouldn't rejoice until "the ink is on the paper" because previous plans for increased use of the nearly empty prison have fallen through.
Some Illinois officials have not supported the idea. GOP Rep. Mark Kirk, who is seeking Obama's old Senate seat, said he believes moving Guantanamo detainees to Illinois will make the state a greater threat for terrorist attacks. Kirk has lobbied other officials to contact the White House in opposition to using the facility.
To be sure, Thomson will not solve all the administration's Guantanamo-related problems. There still will be dozens of detainees who are not relocated to Thomson, other legal issues and potential resistance from Congress.
Thomson is a symbolic step, however, a clear sign that the United States is working to find a new place to hold detainees from Guantanamo.
boeing 787 FINALLY takes flight:
BLM looks to raise fees at popular recreation area
December 13th, 2009 @ 9:34pm
By John Hollenhorst
JUAB COUNTY -- Federal officials are proposing a hefty increase in fees at one of Utah's most popular recreation areas.
Depending on which plan you choose, it could nearly double the cost of racing around on the Little Sahara sand dunes.
To some degree, we've all been subsidizing the recreation at Little Sahara whether we go there or not. That's because the place loses money. The shortfall has to be made up by U.S. taxpayers. That's what officials hope to change.
Motorsports enthusiasts flock to Little Sahara, especially on holiday weekends. This year nearly 300,000 people went. Next year the feds want them to pay more for the privilege.
It costs money to run the place for staff, utilities, toilets, camping facilities and other services. However, visitors have not been paying enough to keep it in the black. So the Bureau of Land Management is proposing a significant increase.
"What we're trying to do is kind of pay as we go with our operation out there," said Glenn Carpenter with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. "The new plan is to try to get the revenue that we generate to approximately match the amount that we spend every year. We're not trying to make a lot of money but we are trying to make ends meet."
Under the proposal, the annual vehicle pass would jump from $75 to $120. The one-day pass, which currently costs $8 per vehicle, $10 on holidays, is being scrapped entirely.
Instead there will be a two-day pass for $25, $30 on holidays or a new seven-day pass for $40.
The government does plan to sweeten the deal. Twenty miles of dirt roads in the area will finally get pavement this spring at a cost of $7 million.
Well-publicized crashes this year focused attention on safety issues, especially the crash that killed former Congressman Bill Orton. However, the fee increase will not affect staffing for enforcement and emergencies.
"I think the risks are pretty constant," said Carpenter. "There's additional technology, more horsepower, in some of the vehicles. So they go faster and jump farther. If people exercise some restraint in what it is that they do, then it will still remain a very safe place to go and play."
The BLM is accepting written comments for the next month. The new fee plan is expected to be approved in January and in effect in April.
argh! Reading that about pismo dunes too. Rate increase, and tree huggers are pointing fingers. LIke nevermind the thousands of diesel ships and trucks that run in and out of there.
puking black smoke all the way!
Cincinnati Bengals WR Chris Henry died a few minutes ago on a single car crash on NC. It's believed his girl friend threw him from vehicle. This is sad
I haven't heard he died yet.
(CNN) -- Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry suffered "life-threatening injuries" after falling out of the bed of a pickup during a fight with his fiancee, police in Charlotte, North Carolina, said Wednesday.
The incident occurred shortly before noon Wednesday, when Henry's fiancee tried to drive off during a "domestic situation," only to have Henry jump into the bed of the truck, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said in a written statement.
"The domestic situation continued between the operator and Mr. Henry," according to a police statement. Henry "came out of the back of the vehicle" about six-tenths of a mile from the house, police said.
Henry was believed to be in critical condition after the wreck, the Bengals said in a statement on their Web site. Police said Henry was undergoing treatment at the Carolinas Medical Center hospital in Charlotte.
Charlotte is the home of his fiancee's family, the team said.
The 26-year-old receiver has played for the Bengals for five seasons, but has been on the injured reserve list after suffering a dislocated forearm during a November 8 game against the Baltimore Ravens. The 6-foot-4, 200-pound Henry caught 12 passes for 236 yards and two touchdowns in eight games before being hurt.
Was reported lastnight he's dead but this morning on life support. That was the news in Cincinnati.
Wife just text chanell 12 CBS reports he's dead now.
dang, sad story.. :(
^that's how my brother died^ (Older bro "tom")
Quote from: Hefe on December 17, 2009, 03:14:36 PM
^that's how my brother died^ (Older bro "tom")
Sorry to hear that bro
long time ago
L ANGELES (Reuters) – A first edition of Lewis Carroll's classic book "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There" -- dedicated to the real life Alice who inspired the story -- was sold at a U.S. auction for $115,000, auctioneers said on Thursday.
Southern California-based Profiles in History said the book, the sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", was the highlight of its children's literature sale on Wednesday.
"Through the Looking Glass", published in 1871, includes the nonsense poem "Jabberwocky."
Both works were inspired by 10 year-old Alice Liddell, the daughter of an academic friend of Carroll's.
The edition sold on Wednesday is inscribed in ink "Alice Pleasance Liddell", and was described as having been presented to her by Carroll.
English author Beatrix Potter's personal copy of her work "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" was also sold at the auction, fetching $92,000.
Other highlights included a first edition soft-cover copy of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" -- described as one of only 200 such copies printed -- which sold for $5,750.
messed up
Police: Brazil boy stuck with needles in rituals
BRASILIA, Brazil – The stepfather of a 2-year-old boy claimed he pushed 42 "blessed" sewing needles deep into the toddler because his lover told him to while in a trance, saying it would keep the couple together, according to police.
Roberto Carlos Magalhaes, a 30-year-old bricklayer, told detectives the woman would enter a trance and "command him to stick the needles in the boy's body," police inspector Helder Fernandes Santana told The Associated Press by telephone.
The lover, Angelina Ribeiro dos Santos, paid to have the needles measuring up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) blessed by a woman who practiced the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomble, and convinced Magalhaes that inserting them into the boy would somehow allow them to be together, Santana said.
Police, however, believe Dos Santos was out for revenge on the boy's mother, though they did not say why.
"According to his confession, he acted under influence of the woman, but it was he who stuck the needles in the boy's body," the inspector said.
One of the needles penetrated the boy's heart, meaning he may need an emergency operation if any bleeding starts, Brazil's Globo TV reported Friday, quoting unnamed hospital sources. The boy also had a fever brought on by a heart infection but he was conscious and in stable condition in an intensive care unit, the network said.
Officials at the hospital in the coastal city of Salvador have said previously that two needles were close to his heart, one was embedded in a lung and others were dangerously close to vital organs. They declined immediate comment on the Globo TV report, saying doctors would hold a press conference later to discuss the boy's condition.
Magalhaes and dos Santos were both arrested, though no charges have yet been filed.
Dos Santos is not believed to be a member of any religious or occult group, and authorities believe she came up with the idea of the rituals on her own, Santana said.
The two were taken to an undisclosed lockup for their own protection after a mob threw stones at the police station where they were being held in the small northeastern city of Ibotirama. It was not immediately clear whether they had legal representation.
Authorities also detained the woman who blessed the needles so she could be questioned, but Santana said he expects she will be released without charge because she did not know how they were being used.
The boy's mother, a maid, took him to a hospital in Ibotirama, population about 25,000, on Dec. 10, saying he was complaining of pain.
After X-rays revealed the cause, the mother told police she didn't know how the needles got inside her son, whose name was not released because of his age.
Police and doctors concluded it would have been impossible for the boy to have ingested the needles — which have been also in his left leg and spread throughout his abdomen.
Afro-Brazilian religions practiced in Brazil have no ceremonies, rituals or practices involving harm to people, said Nelson Inocencio, director of African-Brazilian studies at the University of Brasilia.
He worried that the incident could hurt the image of the religions, of which Candomble is the most popular, and concentrated most in Bahia state.
"What happened to this boy without a doubt could feed into the prejudice against Afro-Brazilian traditions," he said.
that is just f'd up
I stick my kids with needles all the time.
start em young. :lol:
we expect that outta you
get em' addicted early... then they'll be your customers! :lol:
that's H-A-W-T!!!!!!
I think it is funyun (with a wig... obviously)
I have seen that poster before :puke:
do you see how you hurt people now?
Quote from: Hefe on December 18, 2009, 08:44:16 AM
I think it is funyun (with a wig... obviously)
That's why dorito hangs w/ him :lol:
Peels introduced him to Meth at SL
that pic was taken the day we left to go home!
I belive it
lmao hefe.
"do you see how you hurt people?"
I do not inject the needle. :lol:
poor Funyun was somewhat normal b4 you
Drunk 4-Year-Old Steals Christmas Presents
my kind of people :lol: this is sad and hilarious at the same time.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (WTVC-TV) - A 4-year-old boy, beer in hand, is accused of stealing Christmas presents from his neighbors. It's a strange story, but also a sad one.
April Wright is 21 years old and is going through a divorce with her husband who is in jail. She says she is not sure how her 4-year-old managed to get out of the house, open a beer, and steal the neighbors presents from under their tree. Now she's just glad he's okay and says she won't let it happen again.
The child, Hayden Wright, was found around 1:45 am Tuesday, wandering the streets of his neighborhood. In a police reports, officers said he was wearing a little girl's dress and drinking a beer. The police report says the child had to be taken to the hospital to be treated for alcohol consumption.
The mom admitted that her son was being bad so he could go to jail to be just like daddy. :confused: Just wow. some folks should not have babies.
Oh Crap... now Aiden is gonna start selling meth!
Quote from: Hefe on December 21, 2009, 03:34:05 PM
Oh Crap... now Aiden is gonna start selling meth!
aidAn... thanx. lol start them on the path to success young.
Iran nuclear trigger report a U.S. forgery: Ahmadinejad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A leaked memo appearing to show Tehran's efforts to design an atomic bomb trigger was forged by the United States, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a U.S. news program.
Ahmadinejad was asked by ABC News about a report in London's Times newspaper last week on what it said was a confidential Iranian technical document describing a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator, the part of a warhead that sets off an explosion.
"They are all fabricated bunch of papers continuously being forged and disseminated by the American government," he told the U.S. network in an interview broadcast on Monday.
Reports that Iran is working on a bomb trigger are "fundamentally not true," Ahmadinejad said.
On December 14, The Times published what it said was the Farsi-language document, with an English translation, entitled "Outlook for Special Neutron-Related Activities Over the Next Four Years."
The document described steps to develop and test parts for a neutron initiator, a device that floods the core of highly enriched uranium with subatomic particles to set off the chain reaction of a nuclear explosion.
Last week, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast called the report "baseless ... not worthy of attention, intended to put political and psychological pressure on Iran."
Iran, the world's No. 5 oil exporter, says its uranium enrichment program is aimed at generating electricity so that it can export more gas and oil. Because of its record of nuclear secrecy, the West believes Iran wants to make atomic bombs.
In a televised speech in southern Iran on Tuesday, Ahmadinejad said the nuclear arsenals of the United States and Israel should be dismantled. The Jewish state is assumed to have the Middle East's only atomic weapons.
"They must know that the Iranian nation and all the world's nations will continue resisting until the complete (nuclear) disarmament of America and all arrogant powers," he told a crowd at a stadium in the city of Shiraz.
Dismissing Western allegations about Iran's nuclear ambitions, Ahmadinejad said: "You should know that if we had any intention of building a bomb, we would have had enough guts and courage to announce that without any fear from you."
Iran appears to be on course to miss the West's year-end deadline for it to accept an enrichment fuel deal aimed at calming international fears about its nuclear program.
If that happens, Washington has made clear it intends to pursue harsher sanctions against Iran in the United Nations.
Ahmadinejad said in Shiraz: "Who are they to set us a deadline? We set them a deadline that if they do not correct their attitude and behavior and literature we will demand from them the Iranian nation's historic rights."
(Reporting by Paul Eckert in Washington and Hossein Jaseb in Tehran; Editing by Eric Walsh and Andrew Dobbie)
F Iran
And every other American hating country if I offended you or anyone reading this leave our country and go home. If you don't like Americas get out.
I hear ya bro. Aaron. Hit the red button please. 8)
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 21, 2009, 03:36:45 PM
Quote from: Hefe on December 21, 2009, 03:34:05 PM
Oh Crap... now Aiden is gonna start selling meth!
aidAn... thanx. lol start them on the path to success young.
Oh... sorry, my bad!
I didn't realize you used the "My Daddy is a homo" version of his name!
My dead Friend Aaron's son is named Aiden (spelled correctly)
I will try to remember in the future
Don't start with me on name spelings. Kinda have an OCD about kid's names. Aidan is the correct way to spell it. It is an Irish name. Comes from a patron saint. Aiden is a variation. :thumbs:
A little sensitive here, because not even his moron teacher can spell it right. :rolleyes: :lol:
dick. :lol: are you Geoff, the old version, or Jeff, the gay Pilgrim spelling? :lol:
Gay Pilgram spelling!
and for the record, I really don't know how my buddy's boy's name is spelled
my son has a normal name though
Quote from: Hefe on December 22, 2009, 09:49:15 AM
Gay Pilgram spelling!
and for the record, I really don't know how my buddy's boy's name is spelled
my son has a normal name though
cool name. I dig it. If I were to have another, that might make the list..but I can't so it won't :lol:
When E was naming his daughter..I had to leave it alone.... not my place. wwaaaayy too many syllables. :lol:
My wife was dead set against the Name Spencer, but I wore her down!
My niece is spelled JALEESA (and yes, she is white)
my prerequisite for naming the boys was "how will it sound as their name is read on the graduation podium"
say it aloud. If it doesn't sound good or distinguished, throw it out.
Name your kid fail.
can't mess that up. :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on December 22, 2009, 12:39:04 PM
Name your kid fail.
can't mess that up. :lol:
no pressure to succeed son. :lol:
Succeed or Suck Seed (that would be if you name your kid "Funyun")
Quote from: Hefe on December 22, 2009, 09:49:15 AM
Gay Pilgram spelling!
and for the record, I really don't know how my buddy's boy's name is spelled
my son has a normal name though
So you named your son after a womans under-garment, nice :lol:
womans undergarment?
thats kinda cool
Quote from: Hefe on December 22, 2009, 05:04:44 PM
womans undergarment?
thats kinda cool
pretty cool huh bra
WINONA, Minn. – Authorities are considering whether to charge a woman accused of grabbing a man by the genitals and yanking hard enough for him to need stitches. Deputy Police Chief Tom Williams told the Winona Daily News the 54-year-old woman faces possible charges of domestic assault, third-degree assault and interfering with a 911 call.
Officers were called Friday night to a domestic disturbance in Winona. Williams said the man pulled down his underwear for police and showed them a large tear on his genitals.
Williams said the woman denied grabbing the man, telling officers he had cut himself.
The man was taken to a hospital for stitches. The woman bailed herself out of jail on Saturday.
Charges had not been filed by Tuesday.
teabag gone wrong
Minnesota for the win :help:
this just in......
I like turtles
Cool story.
The boy who paints like an old master
His pictures cost upwards of £900, there are 680 people on a waiting list to buy them, and his second exhibition sold out in 14 minutes. Patrick Barkham meets the gifted artist Kieron Williamson, aged seven
Kieron Williamson kneels on the wooden bench in his small kitchen, takes a pastel from the box by his side and rubs it on to a piece of paper.
"Have you got a picture in your head of what you're going to do?" asks his mother, Michelle.
"Yep," Kieron nods. "A snow scene."
Because it is winter at the moment, I ask.
Do you know how you want it to come out?
And does it come out how you want it to?
"Sometimes it does."
Like many great artists, small boys are not often renowned for their loquaciousness. While Kieron Williamson is a very normal seven-year-old who uses his words sparingly, what slowly emerges on the small rectangle of paper in his kitchen is extraordinarily eloquent.
This month, Kieron's second exhibition in a gallery in his home town of Holt, Norfolk, sold out in 14 minutes. The sale of 16 new paintings swelled his bank account by £18,200. There are now 680 people on a waiting list for a Kieron original. Art lovers have driven from London to buy his work. Agents buzz around the town. People offer to buy his schoolbooks. The starting price for a simple pastel picture like the one Kieron is sketching? £900.
Kieron lives with his dad Keith, a former electrician, his mum, who is training to be a nutritionist, and Billie-Jo, his little sister, in a small flat overlooking a petrol station. When I arrive on a Saturday afternoon, Kieron and Keith are out. When Kieron returns in football socks and shorts, I assume he has been playing football. But no, he has been replenishing his stock of pastels in Holt, a chichi little place where even the chip shop has grainy portraits for sale on its walls.
kieron williamson artist Artist Kieron Williamson, age seven, painting at home in Holt, Norfolk. Photograph: Graham Turner
From Jan Lievens to Millais, there have been plenty of precocious geniuses in the art world. Excitable press coverage has compared Kieron to Picasso, who painted his first canvas, The Picador, aged eight.
"We don't know who Picasso is really," says Keith.
"I know who Picasso is," interrupts Kieron. "I don't want to become Picasso."
Who would he like to become? "Monet or Edward Seago," he says.
These days, however, we are often suspicious of child prodigies. We wonder if it is all their own work, or whether their pushy parents have hot-housed them. People who don't know the Williamsons might think Kieron is being cleverly marketed, particularly when they hear that Keith is now an art dealer.
The truth is far more innocent. Two years ago, a serious accident had forced Keith to stop work and turn his hobby – collecting art – into an occupation. The accident also stopped Keith racing around outside with his son. Confined to a flat with no garden, surrounded by paintings and, like any small boy, probably influenced by his dad, Kieron decided to take up drawing. Now, father and son are learning about art together.
Kieron is rubbing yellows and greys together for his sky. "There's some trees going straight across and then there's a lake through the centre," he explains. Is this picture something you have seen or is it in your imagination? "I saw it on the computer and every time I do the picture it changes." he says, handling his pastels expertly.
Keith ducks into the kitchen and explains that Kieron finds pictures he likes on the internet. Rather than an exact copy, however, he creates his own version. This winter scene is imagined from an image of the Norfolk Broads in summer.
Figures at Holkham by Kieron Williamson Figures at Holkham by Kieron Williamson
At first, Kieron's art was pretty much like any other five-year-old's. But he quickly progressed and was soon asking questions that his parents couldn't answer. "Kieron wanted to know the technicalities of art and how to put a painting together," says Michelle. Hearing of Kieron's promise, one local artist, Carol Ann Pennington, offered him some tips. Since then, he has had lessons with other Norfolk-based painters, including Brian Ryder and his favourite, Tony Garner.
Garner, a professional artist, has taught more than 1,000 adults over the last few decades and Kieron, he says, is head and shoulders above everyone. "He doesn't say very much, he doesn't ask very much, he just looks. He's a very visual learner. If I did a picture with most students, they will copy it but Kieron is different. He will copy it and then he will Kieronise it," he says. "It might be a bit naive at the moment but there's a lovely freshness about what he does. The confidence that this little chap has got – he just doesn't see any danger."
Garner says his parents have been brilliant at shielding Kieron from the business side and the pressure this invariably brings. Keith and Michelle are extremely proud, and protective, and perhaps slightly in awe of their son. They insist that Kieron only paints when he wants to.
"We judge ourselves every day, wondering whether we are making the right choices," says Michelle. "Kieron is such a strong character you wouldn't get him to do anything he didn't want to do anyway. It's a hobby. Some could argue he's got such a talent, why aren't we doing more for him in terms of touring galleries every weekend. We are a family and we've got Billie-Jo to consider; you've got to strike a balance."
Boat at half way house by Kieron Williamson Boat at half way house by Kieron Williamson
With all the people wanting paintings, I ask Kieron if he feels he has to do them. He says no.
So you only paint when you want to? "Yep."
Do you have days when you feel you don't want to paint?
So you only do it when you're in the mood?
How many paintings or drawings do you do each week? One or two? "About six."
Is he a perfectionist? "You've got a bit of an artist's temperament, haven't you?" says Michelle, softly, as Kieron continues wielding his pastels. "You get really frustrated if it doesn't work out. You punched a hole in the canvas once, didn't you?"
That was rare. Sometimes, however, Kieron will produce "what we classify as a bag of trosh," says Michelle. "He's just got to go through the motions. It's almost as if it's a release. It's difficult to explain – it's the process that he enjoys, because there are days when he is not really focused on his work but he just enjoys doing it."
Sometimes, when they have taken Kieron out on painting trips in the countryside, the little boy has had other ideas: he has gone off and played in the mud or a stream. He is still allowed to be seven years old.
What do his school friends think? Are they impressed? "Yep." A few moments later, Kieron pauses. "I am also top of the class in maths, English, geography and science," he says carefully, rubbing the sky in his picture.
Kieron explains he is sticking to landscapes for now but plans to paint a portrait of his 98-year-old nan when she turns 100. What does he think about people spending so much money on his paintings? "Really good." Would he like to be a professional painter? "Yep." So he doesn't want to be a footballer when he is older? "I want to be a footballer and a painter."
Kieron enjoys playing football and, like his dad, supports Leeds United ("I haven't ever pushed him into it," says Keith quickly). What other things does Kieron like doing? "You played on the Xbox but then you got bored of it didn't you?" says Keith.
"You said I could have it out when Christmas comes," says Kieron.
"You can have it out in the holidays," promises Michelle. "He's a bit all-or-nothing with whatever he does, like the artwork. You have to pull the reins in a bit because otherwise he'd be up all night."
What would his parents say if Kieron turned around and told them he was not going to paint any more? "Leave him to it. As long as he's happy. At the end of the day, he's at his happiest painting," says Keith. "It's entirely his choice," says Michelle. "We don't know what's around the corner. Kieron might decide to put his boxes away and football might take over and that would be entirely his choice. We're feeling slightly under pressure at the moment because there is such a waiting list of people wanting Kieron's work, but I'm inclined to tell them to wait, really."
I doubt many artists could paint or draw while answering questions and being photographed but Kieron carries on. When he finishes, we lean over to look. "Not bad. That's nice," says Keith, who can't watch Kieron at work; I wonder if it is because he is worried about his son making a mistake but Keith says he just prefers to see the finished article.
"Is it as good as the one I did this morning or better?" asks Kieron.
"What do you think?" replies Keith. "It's got a nice glow on it, hasn't it?"
Kieron nods.
I would love one of his pictures but, I tell Kieron, he is already too expensive for me. "I can price one down for you," he says, as quick as a flash.
No, no, I couldn't, I say, worried I would be exploiting a little boy who is eager to please. I thank him for his time and hand him my business card. And Kieron trots into his bedroom, comes out with his business card and says thank you back
Rustlers ride wideopen range of Great Basin
FRENCHGLEN, Ore. – Cruising down a two-lane blacktop where the Catlow Rim drops down into a broad valley of sagebrush and bunchgrass, ranch manager Stacy Davies pulls his pickup over to let pass a herd of young bulls being trailed along the road by a couple of his buckaroos, as ranch hands are called here.
Arriving at the corrals at Three Mile Creek, Davies opens the tailgate on the gooseneck trailer hitched to his pickup, leads his horse into the cold hard sunshine, and swings up into the saddle to cut out cattle destined for shipment to market.
Two springs ago, Davies pulled up to these same corrals to find that dozens of weaned calves were gone, rustled, with truck tracks half-stomped by the remaining cattle the only clue to what had happened.
Out of pride and a reluctance to point a finger at neighbors, ranchers in the vast Great Basin outback where Oregon, Idaho and Nevada come together have been slow to admit that someone in their midst, perhaps even someone they know from barbecues and brandings, has been stealing cattle. Just who is doing it, and how they have gotten away with it for at least three years, remains a mystery.
"There's a lot of men who have worked these various ranches, moved from ranch to ranch and know this country well, who would be capable of such activity," said Davies, manager of Roaring Springs Ranch, which covers 1.1 million acres of private and federal range. "They know when we are at ballgames, they know when we're at church. They know where the animals are at."
Last summer, pushed by Jordan Valley rancher Bob Skinner, a past president of the Oregon Cattlemen's Association, ranchers overcame their reluctance to talk and started sharing information with law enforcement and each other. It quickly became clear that more than 1,200 cattle worth about $1 million had disappeared, far more than could be accounted for by the bones that dot this harsh country, or strays joining a neighbor's herd.
That would make this the rustling hotspot of the nation, said Rick Wahlert, Colorado state brand commissioner and secretary of the International Livestock Identification Association. The group's members in 20 states and three Canadian provinces have reported about 500 cattle thefts a year the past two years, up from 150 a year.
The association believes the jump in rustling is apparently spurred by the hard economic times, he said.
Rancher Skinner urged an aggressive new attitude among his far-flung neighbors, and he organized regular meetings to raise the profile on rustling. Once the cattlemen began admitting their losses, the numbers snowballed. The county sheriffs realized for the first time they had a major problem.
"Cattle theft — rustling — is not just something you read about in old Western magazines or watch in the Western movies you see," said Ed Kilgore, sheriff of Nevada's Humboldt County. "I really believe it's going on with people riding horses like in the old days, gathering cattle and taking them to a place they can load them up on transport."
With cows worth as much as $1,200 apiece, and calves $650, the losses mounted quickly, Skinner said. Despite struggling with their losses and the recession, ranchers have kicked in close to $60,000 in reward money to back a wanted poster circulating with the brands of stolen cattle.
Ranchers are keeping closer watch on their cattle, even with hidden cameras, and taking counts every time a herd moves through a gate, so they can report a theft sooner.
"The worst thing we can do is just to not say anything and hope they show up, then four or five or who knows how many months later go, 'Oh my gosh, I'm missing a bunch,' and by then there's no more smoking trail," Skinner said.
Once the stolen cattle are loaded on a truck, there is no telling where they might end up. They could be driven in a matter of hours to be sold in a state like Kansas with no brand laws, said Wahlert.
Or they could be hidden out in a remote pasture to produce their calves year after year, which could easily be branded and sold, said Idaho brand inspector Larry Hayhurst.
"There are a lot of ways to beat the system," he said.
This high desert country has fed cows since the early 1870s, when California cattle barons who struck it rich feeding gold miners first trailed their herds here. Even today, cattle outnumber people 1,000 to one, and it can take 40 acres to feed one cow and its calf for a month.
Buckaroos, a corruption of the Spanish word vaquero, follow many of the Old California traditions, braiding their own bridles and hackamores, and throwing long ropes that give them more room to slow a calf without hurting their horse.
Bred cows are turned loose on rangeland far from home and left on their own for months at a time. The only good count of what the weather, predators, disease, poisonous weeds and now rustlers have left comes at the fall gather.
Kilgore said they have established the rustling is real, but have little hard evidence to target any suspects.
The Roaring Springs theft from corrals next to a paved highway was the exception. Most cattle have disappeared from remote valleys where no one lays eyes on them for months at a time.
Jordan Valley ranchers Rand and Jane Collins swim their cows across the Owyhee River to get them to their federal allotment in February, and don't see them again until June or July, when they brand the new calves.
Rand Collins figures about 90 mother cows were stolen in the spring of 2007, though it was fall before he could be sure they weren't just lost. All carried the box-slash brand — a square with a diagonal line inside. The fact the cows had yet to drop their calves made them easier to handle on the long drive _three to five days — to a gravel road where they could be loaded on trucks. And it gave the rustlers 90 calves with no brands.
"It's not the kind of thing you like to admit," Rand Collins said. "There's always the chance as the season goes along that the cattle will turn up, and then you look like a fool for crying wolf."
Malheur County Sheriff Andrew Bentz figures the rustlers are a small group, more like a family than a gang, with the horseback skills to drive a herd hundreds of miles in rough country to read a road good enough to handle a cattle truck.
Chances of catching them in the act are slim in this wide-open country, he said.
"It's a long and methodical process of following money and the animals themselves," he said. "When the rustlers are named the people who are arrested will be no surprise to anybody. Nobody falls in out of Mars and takes care of this business."
When the fall gather came in this year, the losses appeared to be down, leading several ranchers to figure the rustlers are feeling the heat and laying low.
"We catch guys stealing stuff all the time. Those are onesy-twosy guys," said Idaho Brand Inspector Larry Hayhurst. "This is something different.
"They have a system down to beat this system. They have it figured out. We've just got to figure out what they're doing. Sooner or later we'll find out."
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Dubai opened the world's tallest skyscraper Monday, and in a surprise move renamed the gleaming glass-and-metal tower Burj Khalifa in a nod to the leader of neighboring Abu Dhabi — the oil-rich sheikdom which came to its rescue during the financial meltdown.
A lavish presentation witnessed by Dubai's ruler and thousands of onlookers at the base of the tower said the building was 828 meters, or 2717 feet, tall.
Dubai is opening the tower in the midst of a deep financial crisis. Its oil rich neighbor Abu Dhabi has pumped billions of dollars in bailout funds into the emirate as it struggles to pay its debts.
Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the ruler of Abu Dhabi and serves as the president of the United Arab Emirates, the federation of seven small emirates, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Analysts have questioned what Dubai might need to offer in exchange for the financial support it has received from Abu Dhabi, which controls nearly all of the UAE's oil wealth. Abu Dhabi provided direct and indirect injections totaling $25 billion last year as Dubai's debt problems deepened.
Dubai's hereditary ruler, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in recent months has increasingly underscored the close relationship between the two emirates. Sheik Mohammed serves as vice president and prime minister of the UAE federation.
The developer of the newly opened tower said it cost about $1.5 billion to build the tapering metal-and-glass spire billed as a "vertical city" of luxury apartments and offices. It boasts four swimming pools, a private library and a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani.
The Burj's developers say they are confident in the safety of the tower, which is more than twice the height of New York's Empire State Building's roof.
Greg Sang, Emaar's director of projects, said the Burj has "refuge floors" at 25 to 30 story intervals that are more fire resistant and have separate air supplies in case of emergency. And its reinforced concrete structure, he said, makes it stronger than steel-frame skyscrapers.
"It's a lot more robust," he said. "A plane won't be able to slice through the Burj like it did through the steel columns of the World Trade Center."
Dubai was little more than a sleepy fishing village a generation ago but it boomed into the Middle East's commercial hub over the past two decades on the back of business-friendly trading policies, relative security, and vast amounts of overseas investment.
Then property prices in parts of sheikdom collapsed by nearly half over the past year. Now Dubai is mired in debt and many buildings sit largely empty — the result of overbuilding during a property bubble that has since burst.
Despite the past year of hardships, the tower's developer and other officials were in a festive mood, trying to bring the world's focus on Dubai's future potential rather than past mistakes.
"Crises come and go. And cities move on," Mohammed Alabbar, chairman of the tower's developer Emaar Properties, told reporters before the inauguration. "You have to move on. Because if you stop taking decisions, you stop growing."
Dubai, which has little oil of its own, relied on cheap loans to pump up its international clout during the frenzied boom years.
But like many overextended homeowners, the emirate and its state-backed companies borrowed too heavily and then struggled to keep up with payments as the financial crisis intensified and credit markets froze up.
Meanwhile, speculators who had fueled Dubai's property bubble disappeared along with the easy money, revealing a glut of brand-new but empty homes and crippling many of the emirate's property developers
The sheikdom shocked global markets late last year when it unexpectedly announced plans to reorganize its main state-run conglomerate Dubai World and sought new terms in repaying some $26 billion in debt.
It got some succor from a $10 billion bailout provided by its richer neighbor and UAE capital Abu Dhabi last month. That was on top of $15 billion in emergency funds provided by Abu Dhabi-based financiers earlier in the year.
Burj developer Emaar is itself partly owned by the Dubai government, but is not part of struggling Dubai World, which has investments ranging from Dubai's manmade islands and seaports to luxury retailer Barneys New York and the oceanliner Queen Elizabeth 2.
Emaar's Alabbar said the landmark Burj is 90 percent sold in a mix of residential units, offices and other space, offering a counterpoint to Dubai's financial woes.
The developer has only said the spire stands more than 2625 feet (800 meters) tall. Alabbar said Dubai's ruler will announce the height at the inauguration ceremony.
At a reported height of 2,684 feet (818 meters), the Burj Dubai long ago vanquished its nearest rival, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.
But the tower's record-seeking developers didn't stop there.
The building boasts the most stories and highest occupied floor of any building in the world, and ranks as the world's tallest structure, beating out a television mast in North Dakota.
"We weren't sure how high we could go," said Bill Baker, the building's structural engineer, who is in Dubai for the inauguration. "It was kind of an exploration ... A learning experience"
Baker, of Chicago-based architecture and engineering firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, said early designs for the Burj had it edging out the world's previous record-holder, the Taipei 101, by about 33 feet (10 meters). The Taiwan tower rises 1,667 feet (508 meters).
Work on Burj Dubai began in 2004 and moved ahead rapidly. At times, new floors were being added almost every three days, reflecting Dubai's raging push to reshape itself into a cosmopolitan urban giant packed with skyscrapers.
During the busiest construction periods, some 12,000 workers labored at the tower each day, according to Emaar. Low-wage migrant workers from the Indian subcontinent provided much of the muscle for the Burj and many of Dubai's other building projects.
The tower is more than 50 stories higher than Chicago's Willis Tower, the tallest building in the U.S. formerly known as the Sears Tower.
At their peak, some apartments in the Burj were selling for more than $1,900 per square foot, though they now can go for less than half that, said Heather Wipperman Amiji, chief executive of Dubai real estate consultancy Investment Boutique.
She said some buyers may struggle to find tenants at going rates once the tower's expected high service charges are factored in.
"The investment community is quite divided," she said. "They're not sure how it's going to play out."
The Burj is the centerpiece of a 500-acre development that officials hope will become a new central residential and commercial district in this sprawling and often disconnected city. It is flanked by dozens of smaller but brand-new skyscrapers and the Middle East's largest shopping mall.
That layout — as the core of a lower-rise skyline — lets the Burj stand out prominently against the horizon. It is visible across dozens of miles of rolling sand dunes outside Dubai. From the air, the spire appears as an almost solitary, slender needle reaching high into the sky.
An observation deck on the 124th floor opens to the public Tuesday, with adult tickets starting at 100 dirhams, or just over $27 apiece. The ride to the top took just over a minute during a visit for journalists early Monday morning.
Dubai landmarks like the sail-shaped Burj al-Arab hotel and the manmade Palm Jumeirah island were visible through the haze.
The Burj itself cast a sundial-like shadow over low-rise houses and empty sand-covered lots stretching toward the azure Persian Gulf waters. And yes, Dubai is still open for business: there are gift shops at the base and the top.
Dec. 14 so not quite Breaking.
I think at his trial, they should call him Recruit and stick him on a bus to Paris Island or 29 Palms. Tell him it's time to earn those medals or die trying.|main|dl1|link3|
(Dec. 14) -- Steven Douglas Burton wore the Marine Corps uniform proudly. He had rows of medals, including a prestigious Navy Cross, a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.
He posted a photo of himself in uniform and blogged about serving one tour of duty in Afghanistan and four in Iraq. He was at the Battle of Fallujah, he said, and praised the doctors who "patched us up."
But Burton wasn't a hero. He was a fraud who purchased medals online.
U.S. Attorney's Office Steven Douglas Burton's web site contained photos of him wearing the Marine Corps uniform proudly. He had rows of medals, including a prestigious Navy Cross, a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.
A scam that began two years ago when Burton wore a Marine Corps uniform as a Halloween party costume ended Monday with a guilty plea in federal court in Riverside, Calif.
Burton, a 39-year-old bank employee from Palm Springs, was unmasked after he wore the uniform of a Marine lieutenant colonel to his 20-year high school reunion. A classmate who was a Navy commander became suspicious of his story, got him to pose for a photo and handed it over to the FBI.
Burton pleaded guilty to a single count of the unauthorized wearing of a military medal. He faces up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine for violating the Stolen Valor Act, which prohibits wearing an unearned medal or falsely claiming to have earned one.
"The defendant was wearing some of the highest military honors given in this country for valor," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Akrotirianakis, who prosecuted the case. "He never served in the military."
Burton is one of five men -- and the second in two weeks -- successfully prosecuted in California since the 2006 law toughened penalties against fraudulent claims of heroism. That is the largest number of phony heroes prosecuted in any state, said independent watchdog Doug Sterner, who operates the Home of Heroes Web site in Pueblo, Colo.
Sterner and others who track impostors say there are thousands more like Burton who falsely claim military honors or lie about their supposed wartime bravery but have never been prosecuted.
Mary Schantag, co-founder and researcher for the POW Network, said her group's Web site lists 3,500 "phonies and wannabes" who claim to be former prisoners of war, medal recipients, members of elite forces or heroic combat veterans. She said she receives new allegations daily.
"This is an epidemic," said Schantag, who is based in Skidmore, Mo. "It's almost a mass identity theft of people who earned their status as heroes."
Some, like Burton, are apparently motivated to make false claims by a desire to pump up their self-esteem. But more often, a false claim of bravery is part of a con to steal money, get a better job, illegally claim veteran's benefits or entice a woman into a romantic relationship.
"It pretty much boils down to ego, women or money," Schantag said.
Many impostors get away with their claims for years because the military does not keep a list of most medal recipients. Sterner, who pushed for adoption of the Stolen Valor Act, is now campaigning for legislation that would require the Pentagon to maintain a list of all the men and women it has honored.
"How many people do you see out there claiming they won an Academy Award and didn't?" he asked. "None, since there is a list of Academy Award recipients. How many phonies are claiming Silver Stars? They are all over the country because there is no list of Silver Star recipients."
Sterner has compiled his own list of more than 26,000 medal winners and posted it on the Hall of Valor Web site, sponsored by the Military Times. Members of the public can search the database to verify the names of true medal winners. Earlier this month, AMVETS launched, where people can report suspected impostors.
Burton began attracting attention in February 2008, when he wrote to a veterans' Web site and sent a photo of himself in uniform taken on Coronado Island, near San Diego.
The letter discussed his supposed wartime experiences and a moving encounter with ex-Marines on Coronado. He signed the letter, "MGySgt Burton, 1st Division, USMC," indicating his rank as master gunnery sergeant.
Some vets who saw his post questioned his terminology and the abbreviation. When asked in an e-mail why his name did not turn up on a list of Navy Cross winners, he replied that Burton was his first name and that he does not provide his full name online.
The exchange prompted Schantag to post Burton's photo and letter on her site of "phonies and wannabes." She also posted Burton's e-mail reply, which says, "If people are hunting around for information on me or trying to match my name to medals I'm wearing, they are not looking in the right place."
Even though he knew he was under suspicion, Burton wore the lieutenant colonel's uniform to his October 2008 reunion. Classmates at Alhambra High School in Martinez remember him as an unlikely candidate to become a highly decorated Marine. His regalia aroused the suspicion of Navy Cmdr. Colleen Salonga, who obtained Burton's photo by asking if they could pose together.
Burton was arrested a year later on Veterans Day and initially pleaded not guilty. But on Dec. 3, he signed a plea agreement admitting in detail to the crime.
He chose the Marine Corps uniform because he liked it best of all the services, the plea agreement said. He purchased uniforms and equipment online and at military stores, acquiring at least 15 medals. His attorney, Michael DeFrank, did not return phone calls from Sphere.
"Defendant wore the USMC uniform to the reunion because he wanted to impress his high school classmates," the plea agreement says.
Last week, another high-profile impostor pleaded guilty in Sacramento. Kenneth Jerome Nelson, the unofficial caretaker of the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Sacramento, had become something of a local celebrity. His accounts of his bravery during the war had been featured in newspaper and television stories.
Nelson, 60, said he was a Marine in Vietnam and was wounded three times, once while carrying an injured buddy on his back for 26 miles. He sometimes wore a Silver Star and said he had received three Purple Hearts.
In fact, Nelson never served in combat in Vietnam or anywhere else.
Last week -- on Pearl Harbor Day -- he pleaded guilty in federal court to wearing a Silver Star he did not earn. As part of the plea agreement, Nelson surrendered his medals.
Despite the successful prosecutions in California, Sterner and Schantag say authorities often don't take phony heroes as seriously as they should.
"In the vast majority of these cases, there is additional fraud going on," Sterner said.
Women are particular targets, and dating Web sites are a common place to encounter phony heroes, Schantag said. Some women who were tricked have lost their homes, contracted AIDS or gotten pregnant and then been abandoned.
"It's not a victimless crime," she said. "They are looking for women with money, secure jobs or inheritances. Prosecution isn't fast enough sometimes to prevent further victims. We hear from woman after woman after woman, and nothing is being done."
Schantag also said that punishment is often too light. Worst of all, she said, is ordering an impostor to perform community service for a veterans' organization.
"Don't put them with the real heroes, where they can learn more stories," she said. "Have them dig graves in Arlington National Cemetery."
Filed under: Nation, Crime
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what kind of quad is you ridin in this pic :D (
I have a friend that had a grizly, that is one bad as work quad.
04 Big Bear 400 with 27" Mudzillas. Pretty impressed with it for having an open front and non-independant rear. I really want a Grizzly but this will have to hold me over till I can swing it.
Score! The clutch I ordered before the Little Sahara 09 Rally came in today. Lol, I forgot all about it.
Boats collide in anti-whaling clash in Antarctica
SYDNEY — A conservation group's boat had its bow sheared off and was taking on water Wednesday after it collided with a Japanese whaling ship in the frigid waters of Antarctica, the group said. The boat's six crew members were safely rescued. [more but I cut it off]
Okay, I don't agree with Japans whaling (at all) but I think that group sorta had it coming. The pro-whales place themselves in harms way then cry when they get hit? Come on. And the sympathetic comments by the readers. :facepalm: If I was the Japanese I think I'd depth charge the whales just to p*ss everybody off. :lol: More realistically, I'd hunt by helicopter and sue the opposition into oblivion if they brought that bird down.
Frigid blast barreling toward Houston area
To Houston's list of Official Seasons — Summer, Not Summer — we may be inclined to add another come Thursday. Emphatically Not Summer.
An Arctic blast strong enough to make even liberals denounce Al Gore is expected to race through Southeast Texas late tonight and send temperatures plummeting. The National Weather Service expect temperatures to drop into the lower 70's by Thursday morning.
My emphasis in bold. This sucks! I'm going to have to dig out my jacket or some long sleeve shirts.
lower 70's?
wuss. :batman: :lol:
Quote from: disco on January 06, 2010, 03:34:18 AM
Frigid blast barreling toward Houston area
To Houston's list of Official Seasons — Summer, Not Summer — we may be inclined to add another come Thursday. Emphatically Not Summer.
An Arctic blast strong enough to make even liberals denounce Al Gore is expected to race through Southeast Texas late tonight and send temperatures plummeting. The National Weather Service expect temperatures to drop into the lower 70's by Thursday morning.
My emphasis in bold. This sucks! I'm going to have to dig out my jacket or some long sleeve shirts.
That's like 90 degrees warmer than we were this weekend.!!!!
Synthetic Alcohol Gives Drinkers a Buzz Minus the Hangover, Addiction
Still feeling the sting of New Year's Eve all these days later? A synthetic alcohol substitute developed from chemicals similar in composition to Valium could give users the pleasant feelings of tipsiness without affecting the parts of the brain that lead to barroom brawls, crippling addiction, and sleeping in your car.
Unlike all those bunk point-of-sale hangover remedies, this headache-eluding synthetic is being developed by some serious brainpower at Imperial College London. Professor David Nutt, one of Britain's top drug experts, was recently relieved of his position as a government advisor for comments about cannabis and MDMA. Now, he's trying to change the way Britons think, and feel, about getting drunk.
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By harnessing benzodiazepines like diazepam, the chief ingredient in anti-anxiety med Valium, Nutt sees a future of drinking without becoming addicted, belligerent or -- and here's the kicker -- intoxicated. Using one of thousands of possible benzos, researchers are working to tailor a colorless, tasteless synthetic that could eventually replace the alcohol content in beer, wine and liquor.
Drinkers could toss back as many glasses of the swill as they want but would remain only mildly drunk from first drink to last, keeping good-timers within legal limits whether they like it or not. If one did find the buzz too intense for a particular task -- say, driving home after a long night at the pub -- those warm feelings of inebriation could be instantly turned off with a simple antidote pill that mutes the synthetic's effects on brain receptors.
The skeptics (and delinquents) among us wonder exactly why Nutt and company think that people who enjoy getting roaring drunk would voluntarily switch to a tipple that lacks the knock-down power of authentic alcohol, but as a matter of public health it's not such a far-fetched idea. After all, alcohol has been both a bringer of good cheer and destroyer of lives for thousands of years now, and a 21st-century update to an ancient favorite could be in order. In the meantime, we're sticking with scotch.
Quote from: disco on January 06, 2010, 03:34:18 AM
Frigid blast barreling toward Houston area
To Houston's list of Official Seasons — Summer, Not Summer — we may be inclined to add another come Thursday. Emphatically Not Summer.
An Arctic blast strong enough to make even liberals denounce Al Gore is expected to race through Southeast Texas late tonight and send temperatures plummeting. The National Weather Service expect temperatures to drop into the lower 70's by Thursday morning.
My emphasis in bold. This sucks! I'm going to have to dig out my jacket or some long sleeve shirts.
I lied. That's a real news story but I did quote change. :lol: It's cold as :mad: down here! Supposed to be in the 20s by Thursday or Friday.
20's? I repeat: wuss!!!!
:lol: That's why I'm living down here in the south. Warm clothes? What's that?
We haven't made it above the 20's in weeks. Supposed to see low 30's this weekend, maybe some of this effing snow will melt.
Frigid weather hits Midwest, -52 wind chill in ND
DES MOINES, Iowa – Snow was piled so high in Iowa that drivers couldn't see across intersections and a North Dakota snowblower repair shop was overwhelmed with business as heavy snow and wind chills as low as 52 below zero blasted much of the Midwest on Thursday.
Frigid weather also was gripping the South, where a rare cold snap was expected to bring snow and ice Thursday to states from South Carolina to Louisiana. Forecasters said wind chills could drop to near zero at night in some areas.
Dangerously cold wind chill levels hit the Midwest early Thursday including 52 below zero in northern North Dakota, negative 40 in parts of South Dakota and minus 27 in northeast Nebraska, according to the National Weather Service. Equally disturbing chills were expected overnight Friday.
"Temperatures are going to be nose-diving," said Billy Williams, a weather service meteorologist in Sioux Falls, S.D. "Winds are slowing dropping off but will be more than compensated for."
An additional 10 inches of snow was expected in Iowa, already buried by more than 2 feet of snow in December, while up to 9 inches could fall in southeast North Dakota that forecasters warned would create hazardous zero-visibility driving conditions. Wind gusts of 30 miles per hour were expected in Illinois — along with a foot of snow — while large drifts were anticipated in Nebraska and Iowa.
Joe Dietrich said he had to turn away dozens of customers this week from his snowblower repair shop in Bismarck, N.D.
"My building is only so big and I can only take so many," Dietrich said.
The weather hasn't let up since sweeping into the eastern U.S. earlier this week. Five straight days of double-digit subzero low temperatures, including negative 19, were recorded by the National Weather Service office in Chanhassen, Minn., a Twin Cities suburb.
"It's brutally cold, definitely brutal," meteorologist Tony Zaleski said.
Several recent deaths have been blamed on the cold. An 88-year-old woman died of hypothermia in her unheated Chicago home, an Alzheimer's sufferer died after wandering into his yard in Nashville, Tenn., and a homeless man was found dead in a tent in South Carolina, authorities said. Kansas City police said a man involved in a multi-car pileup Wednesday died after jumping a barrier wall in the dark, apparently to avoid sliding cars, and falling about 80 feet.
Slick roads were blamed for scores of accidents. In Indiana, a driver was reported killed in a crash with a school bus near Delphi on Thursday. In Iowa, a driver died Wednesday when slamming into the back of a semitrailer that had slowed for an accident near Des Moines.
In preparation for worsening conditions, more than 500 flights were grounded at Chicago's airports. The Chicago Department of Aviation reported more than 400 canceled flights at O'Hare International Airport and more than 100 canceled flights at Midway International Airport. Frost on planes' wings delayed seven early flights in Tampa, Fla.
Just one day into the 2010 legislative session, the Missouri Senate canceled its Thursday session because of weather. The House planned only a technical session, which allows bills to be processed without the attention of most lawmakers.
Freeze warnings covered nearly all of Florida with temperatures expected to drop into the 20s. Freezing iguanas were seen falling out of trees in Florida; experts say the cold-blooded reptiles become immobilized when the temperature falls into the 40s and they lose their grip on the tree.
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear declared a state of emergency in Perry County on Wednesday after water line breaks left areas without water.
Schools in parts of Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia canceled classes because of the weather. Major roads were closed in South Dakota, Minnesota, North Carolina and Virginia.
Salt had no effect on the Twin Cities' ice-rutted streets, and the deep snow left over from a Christmas storm has hardened into rock-hard blocks. The conditions helped business at Roger's Master Collision, an auto-body repair shop in Plymouth, Minn.
"A lot of people sliding on the ice, then hitting the snowbanks. They're frozen up pretty hard," said store manager Kirk Suchomel, estimating the shop is averaging 15 repair estimates a day. "I'm sure we're going to stay busy."
In Iowa, officials in Des Moines warned that a $3 million annual snow removal budget would likely be exhausted with this week's storm. Another 10 inches of snow was forecast overnight — on top of the more than 28 inches of snow that fell there in December.
Public Works Director Bill Stowe said the city would tap a $6 million road maintenance fund to cover snow clearing for the rest of the season. Snow that had been plowed into tall piles at intersections was set to be dumped into a lake.
"It can be a half-million dollar operation, depending on the amount of snow," Stowe said.
freakin yay :rolleyes:
Yeah, our apartment parking lot. is literally 2 tracks and about 4 inches of ice.
QuoteFreezing iguanas were seen falling out of trees in Florida; experts say the cold-blooded reptiles become immobilized when the temperature falls into the 40s and they lose their grip on the tree.
:lol: I'd have a pet iquana or two after that.
H&M and Wal-Mart destroy and trash unsold goods
This week the New York Times reported a disheartening story about two of the largest retail chains. You see, instead of taking unsold items to sample sales or donating them to people in need, H&M and Wal-Mart have been throwing them out in giant trash bags. And in the case that someone may stumble on these bags and try to keep or re-sell the items, these companies have gone ahead and slashed up garments, cut off the sleeves of coats, and sliced holes in shoes so they are unwearable.
This unsettling discovery was made by graduate student Cynthia Magnus outside the back entrance of H&M on 35th street in New York City. Just a few doors down, she also found hundreds of Wal-Mart tagged items with holes made in them that were dumped by a contractor. On December 7, she spotted 20 bags of clothing outside of H&M including, "gloves with the fingers cut off, warm socks, cute patent leather Mary Jane school shoes, maybe for fourth graders, with the instep cut up with a scissor, men's jackets, slashed across the body and the arms. The puffy fiber fill was coming out in big white cotton balls."
The New York Times points out that one-third of the city's population is poor, which makes this behavior not only wasteful and sad, but downright irresponsible. Wal-Mart spokeswoman, Melissa Hill, acted surprised that these items were found, claiming they typically donate all unworn merchandise to charity. When reporters went around the corner from H&M to a collections drop-off for charity organization New York Cares, spokesperson Colleen Farrell said, "We'd be glad to take unworn coats, and companies often send them to us."
After several days of no response from H&M, the company made a statement today, promising to stop destroying the garments at the midtown Manhattan location. They said they will donate the items to charity. H&M spokeswoman Nicole Christie said, "It will not happen again," and that the company would make sure none of the other locations would do so either. Hopefully that's the final word.
Quote from: Krandall on January 08, 2010, 08:21:26 AM
Lenovo IdeaCentre Dual Core 2.4Ghz Desktop
$299.99 + $5 shipping
Vizio 47" 1080p HDTV
$649.99 + $5 shipping
Kid A by Radiohead
quote before the fix.
thread fail :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 08, 2010, 08:38:41 AM
Quote from: Krandall on January 08, 2010, 08:21:26 AM
Lenovo IdeaCentre Dual Core 2.4Ghz Desktop
$299.99 + $5 shipping
Vizio 47" 1080p HDTV
$649.99 + $5 shipping
Kid A by Radiohead
quote before the fix.
thread fail :lol:
quote before he fixes your quote?
Krandall posted dotd in breaking news, i quoted it before he removed it :lol:
blah blah blah.
Sarah Palin takes Fox News commentator job
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, will take her conservative message to Fox News as a regular commentator, the cable channel announced Monday.
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement posted on the network's Web site. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news."
Fox said that according to the multiyear deal, Palin will offer political commentary and analysis. She also will host occasional episodes of Fox News "Real American Stories," a series featuring true inspirational stories about Americans.
"Governor Palin has captivated everyone on both sides of the political spectrum and we are excited to add her dynamic voice to the FOX News lineup," Bill Shine, executive vice president of programming, said in a statement.
Palin is hugely popular with conservatives and has more than 1.1 million Facebook followers.
She stepped down as Alaska governor in July, 17 months before the end of her first term in office. Her resignation came less than a year after she vaulted to overnight fame as John McCain's running mate.
Palin worked part-time as a weekend sportscaster in the 1980s for KTUU-TV in Anchorage.
Her upcoming commentary career had her Facebook fans giddy with excitement Monday.
"Tell 'em like it is girl!!!!!!," one poster wrote.
Palin finished a nationwide tour in December to promote her best-selling book, "Going Rogue."
oh great. more mindless drivel.
Im gay. If any of you raptorfourm friends want to get with me let me know hit me up, even u krandall hit me up!!!!
Quote from: Sand84 on January 12, 2010, 03:47:57 AM
Im gay. If any of you raptorfourm friends want to get with me let me know hit me up, even u krandall hit me up!!!!
This just in... This just in... Gay drunk guy drives his new truck into house....
He'd like to park his "weinermobile" in your "garage"
Quote from: Krandall on January 12, 2010, 07:49:19 AM
He'd like to park his "weinermobile" in your "garage"
Sand84, never figured for a homewrecker.
Stella Awards
It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'! For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico , where she purchased coffee. You remember, she took the lid off the coffee and put it between her knees while she was driving. Who would ever think one could get burned doing that, right? That's right; these are awards for the most outlandish lawsuits and verdicts in the U..S. You know, the kinds of cases that make you scratch your head. So keep your head scratcher handy.
Here are the Stella's for the past year:
Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The store owners were understandably surprised by the verdict, considering the running toddler was her own son.
Start scratching!
Carl Truman, 19, of Los Angeles , California won $74,000 plus medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps.
Scratch some more....
Terrence Dickson, of Bristol , Pennsylvania , who was leaving a house he had just burglarized by way of the garage. Unfortunately for Dickson, the automatic garage door opener malfunctioned and he could not get the garage door to open. Worse, he couldn't re-enter the house because the door connecting the garage to the house locked when Dickson pulled it shut. Forced to sit for eight, count 'em, EIGHT days and survive on a case of Pepsi and a large bag of dry dog food, he sued the homeowner's insurance company claiming undue mental Anguish. Amazingly, the jury said the insurance company must pay Dickson $500,000 for his anguish. We should all have this kind of anguish.
Keep scratching. There are more....
Double hand scratching after this one..
Jerry Williams, of Little Rock, Arkansas, garnered 4th Place in the Stella's when he was awarded $14,500 plus medical expenses after being bitten on the butt by his next door neighbor's beagle - even though the beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. Williams did not get as much as he asked for because the jury believed the beagle might have been provoked at the time of the butt bite because Williams had climbed over the fence into the yard and repeatedly shot the dog with a pellet gun.
Pick a new spot to scratch, you're getting a bald spot..
Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania because a jury ordered a Philadelphia restaurant to pay her $113,500 after she slipped on a spilled soft drink and broke her tail bone. The reason the soft drink was on the floor: Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. What ever happened to people being responsible for their own actions?
Only two more so ease up on the scratching....
Kara Walton, of Claymont , Delaware sued the owner of a night club in a nearby city because she fell from the bathroom window to the floor, knocking out her two front teeth. Even though Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the ladies room window to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge, the jury said the night club had to pay her $12,000....oh, yeah, plus dental expenses. Go figure.
Ok. Here we go!!
This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was: Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , who purchased new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set. The Oklahoma jury awarded her, are you sitting down?
$1,750,000 PLUS a new motor home. Winnebago actually changed their manuals as a result of this suit, just in case Mrs. Grazinski has any relatives who might also buy a motor home.
Are we, as a society, getting more stupid....
or are more members of Congress serving on juries these days?
f**king kidding me....
trapped in your garage for 8 days? you get money. beat down the door moron. :lol:
but seriously.. :mad:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 12, 2010, 11:24:38 AM
f**king kidding me....
trapped in your garage for 8 days? you get money. beat down the door moron. :lol:
but seriously.. :mad:
Yea, pull the release pin, lift the door manually. What a fuktard.
However, these are old, maybe last years or even the year before.
Quote from: russ on January 12, 2010, 05:54:03 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 12, 2010, 11:24:38 AM
f**king kidding me....
trapped in your garage for 8 days? you get money. beat down the door moron. :lol:
but seriously.. :mad:
Yea, pull the release pin, lift the door manually. What a fuktard.
However, these are old, maybe last years or even the year before.
They're fake...thank GERD...
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 12, 2010, 05:58:13 PM
Quote from: russ on January 12, 2010, 05:54:03 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 12, 2010, 11:24:38 AM
f**king kidding me....
trapped in your garage for 8 days? you get money. beat down the door moron. :lol:
but seriously.. :mad:
Yea, pull the release pin, lift the door manually. What a fuktard.
However, these are old, maybe last years or even the year before.
They're fake...thank GERD...
Yup, just looked it up, all these are fabrications. :gunny:
Quote from: russ on January 12, 2010, 05:59:28 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 12, 2010, 05:58:13 PM
Quote from: russ on January 12, 2010, 05:54:03 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 12, 2010, 11:24:38 AM
f**king kidding me....
trapped in your garage for 8 days? you get money. beat down the door moron. :lol:
but seriously.. :mad:
Yea, pull the release pin, lift the door manually. What a fuktard.
However, these are old, maybe last years or even the year before.
They're fake...thank GERD...
Yup, just looked it up, all these are fabrications. :gunny:
OH NOES!!!! I can't really get a bunch of dough for locking myself in the garage? UH-OH. HELP!!!!!! great, now I am stuck :lol:
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace, the cathedral, hospitals, schools, the main prison and whole neighborhoods. Officials feared thousands — perhaps more than 100,000 — may have perished but there was no firm count.
Death was everywhere in Port-au-Prince. Bodies of tiny children were piled next to schools. Corpses of women lay on the street with stunned expressions frozen on their faces as flies began to gather. Bodies of men were covered with plastic tarps or cotton sheets.
President Rene Preval said he believes thousands were killed in Tuesday afternoon's magnitude-7.0 quake, and the scope of the destruction prompted other officials to give even higher estimates. Leading Sen. Youri Latortue told The Associated Press that 500,000 could be dead, although he acknowledged that nobody really knows.
"Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed," Preval told the Miami Herald. "There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them."
Even the main prison in the capital fell down, "and there are reports of escaped inmates," U.N. humanitarian spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said in Geneva.
The head of the U.N. peacekeeping mission was missing and the Roman Catholic archbishop of Port-au-Prince was dead.
"The cathedral, the archbishop's office, all the big churches, the seminaries have been reduced to rubble," Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the apostolic envoy to Haiti, told the Vatican news agency FIDES.
The parking lot of the Hotel Villa Creole was a triage center. People sat with injuries and growing infections by the side of rubble-strewn roads, hoping that doctors and aid would come.
The international Red Cross said a third of Haiti's 9 million people may need emergency aid and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge.
At first light Wednesday, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter evacuated four critically injured U.S. Embassy staff to the hospital on the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the military has been detaining suspected terrorists.
President Barack Obama promised an all-out rescue and humanitarian effort, adding that the U.S. commitment to its hemispheric neighbor will be unwavering.
"We have to be there for them in their hour of need," Obama said.
A small contingent of U.S. ground troops could be on their way soon, although it was unclear whether they would be used for security operations or humanitarian efforts. Gen. Douglas Fraser, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, said roughly 2,000 Marines as part of an expeditionary unit might be deployed aboard a large-deck amphibious ship. Fraser said the ship could provide medical help.
Other nations — from Iceland to Venezuela — said they would start sending in aid workers and rescue teams. Cuba said its existing field hospitals in Haiti had already treated hundreds of victims. The United Nations said Port-au-Prince's main airport was "fully operational" and open to relief flights.
The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson, is under way and expected to arrive off the coast of Haiti Thursday. Additional U.S. Navy ships are under way to Haiti, a statement from the Southern Command said.
Aftershocks continued to rattle the capital of 2 million people as women covered in dust clawed out of debris, wailing. Stunned people wandered the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares to sing hymns.
U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said it was possible that the death toll "will be in the thousands."
"Initial reports suggest a high number of casualties and, of course, widespread damage but I don't have any figure that I can give you with any reliability of what the number of casualties will be," Holmes said.
People pulled bodies from collapsed homes, covering them with sheets by the side of the road. Passers-by lifted the sheets to see if loved ones were underneath. Outside a crumbled building, the bodies of five children and three adults lay in a pile.
The prominent died along with the poor: the body of Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot, 63, was found in the ruins of his office, said the Rev. Pierre Le Beller of the Saint Jacques Missionary Center in Landivisiau, France. He told The Associated Press by telephone that fellow missionaries in Haiti had told him they found Miot's body.
Preval told the Herald that Haiti's Senate president was among those trapped alive inside the Parliament building. Much of the National Palace pancaked on itself.
The international Red Cross and other aid groups announced plans for major relief operations in the Western Hemisphere's poorest country.
Many will have to help their own staff as well as stricken Haitians. Taiwan said its embassy was destroyed and the ambassador hospitalized. Spain said its embassy was badly damaged and France said its embassy also suffered damage.
Tens of thousands of people lost their homes as buildings that were flimsy and dangerous even under normal conditions collapsed. Nobody offered an estimate of the dead, but the numbers were clearly enormous.
"The hospitals cannot handle all these victims," said Dr. Louis-Gerard Gilles.
Medical experts say disasters such as an earthquake generally do not lead to new outbreaks of infectious diseases, but they do tend to worsen existing health problems.
Haiti's quake refugees likely will face an increased risk of dengue fever, malaria and measles — problems that plagued the impoverished country before, said Kimberley Shoaf, associate director of the UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters.
Some of the biggest immediate health threats include respiratory disease from inhaling dust from collapsed buildings and diarrhea from drinking contaminated water.
With hospitals and clinics severely damaged, Haiti will also face risks of secondary infections. People seeking medical attention for broken bones and other injuries may not be able to get the help they need and may develop complications.
Dead bodies piled on the streets typically don't pose a public health risk. But for a country wracked by violence, seeing the dead will exact a psychological toll.
An American aid worker was trapped for about 10 hours under the rubble of her mission house before she was rescued by her husband, who told CBS' "Early Show" that he drove 100 miles (160 kilometers) to Port-au-Prince to find her. Frank Thorp said he dug for more than an hour to free his wife, Jillian, and a co-worker, from under about a foot of concrete.
An estimated 40,000-45,000 Americans live in Haiti, and the U.S. Embassy had no confirmed reports of deaths among its citizens. All but one American employed by the embassy have been accounted for, State Department officials said.
Even relatively wealthy neighborhoods were devastated.
An AP videographer saw a wrecked hospital where people screamed for help in Petionville, a hillside district that is home to many diplomats and wealthy Haitians as well as the poor.
At a destroyed four-story apartment building, a girl of about 16 stood atop a car, trying to see inside while several men pulled at a foot sticking from rubble. She said her family was inside.
"A school near here collapsed totally," Petionville resident Ken Michel said after surveying the damage. "We don't know if there were any children inside." He said many seemingly sturdy homes nearby were split apart.
The U.N.'s 9,000 peacekeepers in Haiti, many of whom are from Brazil, were distracted from aid efforts by their own tragedy: Many spent the night hunting for survivors in the ruins of their headquarters.
"It would appear that everyone who was in the building, including my friend Hedi Annabi, the United Nations' secretary-general's special envoy, and everyone with him and around him, are dead," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on RTL radio.
But U.N. peacekeeping chief Alain Le Roy would not confirm that Annabi was dead, saying he was among more than 100 people missing in its wrecked headquarters. He said only about 10 people had been pulled out, many of them badly injured. Fewer than five bodies had been removed, he said.
U.N. peacekeeping forces in Port-au-Prince are securing the airport, the port, main buildings and patrolling the streets, Le Roy said.
Brazil's army said at least 11 of its peacekeepers were killed, while Jordan's official news agency said three of its peacekeepers were killed. A state newspaper in China said eight Chinese peacekeepers were known dead and 10 were missing — though officials later said the information was not confirmed.
The quake struck at 4:53 p.m., and was centered 10 miles (15 kilometers) west of Port-au-Prince at a depth of only 5 miles (8 kilometers), the U.S. Geological Survey said. USGS geophysicist Kristin Marano called it the strongest earthquake since 1770 in what is now Haiti.
Video obtained by the AP showed a huge dust cloud rising over Port-au-Prince shortly after the quake as buildings collapsed.
Most Haitians are desperately poor, and after years of political instability the country has no real construction standards. In November 2008, following the collapse of a school in Petionville, the mayor of Port-au-Prince estimated about 60 percent of buildings were shoddily built and unsafe normally.
The quake was felt in the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, and in eastern Cuba, but no major damage was reported in either place.
With electricity out in many places and phone service erratic, it was nearly impossible for Haitian or foreign officials to get full details of the devastation.
"Everybody is just totally, totally freaked out and shaken," said Henry Bahn, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official in Port-au-Prince. "The sky is just gray with dust."
Edwidge Danticat, an award-winning Haitian-American author was unable to contact relatives in Haiti. She sat with family and friends at her home in Miami, looking for news on the Internet and watching TV news reports.
"You want to go there, but you just have to wait," she said. "Life is already so fragile in Haiti, and to have this on such a massive scale, it's unimaginable how the country will be able to recover from this."
nasty stuff however.
Haitians are making us work this weekend. Trying to throw "help the earthquake victim stuff" into the mail this month. :nod:
SO we can give them money, then they turn around and have babies that they can't afford, then we have to give them more money to help them with their babies. :rolleyes:
vicious cycle. Send them rubbers.
Preddy wishes he could be the airline security.. :help:
sucks for this little kid though.
The Transportation Security Administration, under scrutiny after last month's bombing attempt, has on its Web site a "mythbuster" that tries to reassure the public.
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Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Michael Hicks, 8, a Cub Scout in Clifton, N.J., has the same name as a suspicious person.
Myth: The No-Fly list includes an 8-year-old boy.
Buster: No 8-year-old is on a T.S.A. watch list.
"Meet Mikey Hicks," said Najlah Feanny Hicks, introducing her 8-year-old son, a New Jersey Cub Scout and frequent traveler who has seldom boarded a plane without a hassle because he shares the name of a suspicious person. "It's not a myth."
Michael Winston Hicks's mother initially sensed trouble when he was a baby and she could not get a seat for him on their flight to Florida at an airport kiosk; airline officials explained that his name "was on the list," she recalled.
The first time he was patted down, at Newark Liberty International Airport, Mikey was 2. He cried.
After years of long delays and waits for supervisors at every airport ticket counter, this year's vacation to the Bahamas badly shook up the family. Mikey was frisked on the way there, then more aggressively on the way home.
"Up your arms, down your arms, up your crotch — someone is patting your 8-year-old down like he's a criminal," Mrs. Hicks recounted. "A terrorist can blow his underwear up and they don't catch him. But my 8-year-old can't walk through security without being frisked."
It is true that Mikey is not on the federal government's "no-fly" list, which includes about 2,500 people, less than 10 percent of them from the United States. But his name appears to be among some 13,500 on the larger "selectee" list, which sets off a high level of security screening.
At some point, someone named Michael Hicks made the Department of Homeland Security suspicious, and little Mikey is still paying the price. (His father, also named Michael Hicks, was stopped for the first time on the Bahamas trip.)
Both lists are maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center, which includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They are given to the Transportation Security Administration, which in turn sends them to the airlines.
A spokesman for the T.S.A., James Fotenos, said that as a rule, "there are no children on the no-fly or selectee lists," but would not comment on Mikey's situation specifically.
For every person on the lists, hundreds of others may get caught up simply because they share the same name; a quick scan through a national phone directory unearthed 1,600 Michael Hickses. Over the past three years, 81,793 frustrated travelers have formally asked that they be struck from the watch list through the Department of Homeland Security; more than 25,000 of their cases are still pending. Others have taken more drastic measures.
Mario Labbé, a frequent-flying Canadian record-company executive, started having problems at airports shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, with lengthy delays at checkpoints and mysterious questions about Japan. By 2005, he stopped flying to the United States from Canada, instead meeting American clients in France. Then a forced rerouting to Miami in 2008 led to six hours of questions.
"What's the name of your mother? Your father? When were you last in Japan?" Mr. Labbé recalled being asked. "Always the same questions in different order. And sometimes, it's quite aggressive, not funny at all."
Fed up, in the summer of 2008, he changed his name to François Mario Labbé. The problem vanished.
Several Web sites, including the T.S.A.'s own blog, are rife with tales of misidentification and strategies for solving them. Some travelers purposely misspell their own names when buying tickets, apparently enough to fool the system. Even the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy once found himself on a list.
"We can't just throw a bunch of names on these lists and call it security," said Representative William J. Pascrell Jr., a New Jersey Democrat. "If we can't get an 8-year-old off the list, the whole list becomes suspect."
Mr. Fotenos, the T.S.A. spokesman, promised improvements in a few months, as the agency's Secure Flight Program takes full effect. Under the new system, airlines will collect every passenger's birth date and gender, along with their names. The T.S.A. will cross-check all that with the watch lists. Previously, the airlines cross-checked the lists themselves, using only the names.
Certainly, Mikey's date of birth, less than a month before 9/11, should prevent him from being mistaken as a terrorist.
A third grader at a parochial school in Clifton, N.J., Mikey recites the drill like the world-weary traveler he is. Leave early for the airport, always with his passport. Try to get a boarding pass at the counter. This will send up a flag. The ticket agent, peering down at tiny bespectacled Mikey, will apologize or roll her eyes, and call for a supervisor. The supervisor, after a phone call — or, more likely, a series of phone calls — will ultimately finagle him onto the plane. But the Hickses are typically the last to select seats and the last to board, which means they sometimes can't sit together.
Mrs. Hicks, a photojournalist who herself got Secret Service clearance to travel aboard Air Force II with then-Vice President Al Gore, anticipated additional chaos following the attempted underwear bombing. Before leaving for the Bahamas on Jan. 2, she reached out to Congressman Pascrell's office, which then enlisted a T.S.A. agent to meet the family at the airport. Even this did not prevent Mikey from an extra pat-down.
On the way home last Friday, Mikey's boarding pass showed four giant red S's at the airport in Nassau. "Oh, random screening," Mrs. Hicks said. Mikey asked his mother not to worry and said he would use his tae kwon do — he has a junior black belt — if needed. Mrs. Hicks said she wanted to take pictures of her son being frisked but was told it was against the rules.
Mikey, who would rather talk about BMX bikes and his athletic trophies than airport security, remains perplexed about the "list" and the hurdles he must clear. "Why do they think a kid is a terrorist?" Mikey asked his mother at one point during the interview.
Mrs. Hicks said the family was amused by the mistake at first. But that amusement quickly turned to annoyance and anger. It should not take seven years to correct the problem, Mrs. Hicks said. She applied for redress in December when she first heard about the Department of Homeland Security's program.
"I understand the need for security," she added. "But this is ridiculous. It's quite clear that he is 8 years old, and while he may have terroristic tendencies at home, he does not have those on a plane."
bit of a long story, but VERY good
Quote from: Krandall on January 15, 2010, 08:23:45 AM
bit of a long story, but VERY good
GM cuts ties with Tiger Woods
Actually I think this is kind of dumb. Somebody needs to get him set up with a Corvette, Viper, etc. high end sports car. "C'mon, pimp. Get one of these and be a playa!" Instead of running from his image, embrace it. Dang, I need to be in marketing.
Leading the fight is U S Marine Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt, known as 'Iron Mike' or just 'Gunny'. He is on his third tour in Iraq . He had become a legend in the bomb disposal world after winning the Bronze Star for disabling 64 IEDs and destroying 1,548 pieces of ordnance during his second tour.
Then, on September 19, he got blown up... He had arrived at a chaotic scene after a bomb had killed four US Marines.. He chose not to wear the bulky bomb protection suit. 'You can't react to any sniper fire and you get tunnel-vision,' he explains. So, protected by just a helmet and standard-issue flak jacket, he began what bomb disposal officers term 'the longest walk', stepping gingerly into a 5 foot deep and 8 foot wide crater.
The earth shifted slightly and he saw a Senao base station with a wire leading from it. He cut the wire and used his 7 inch knife to probe the ground. 'I found a piece of red detonating cord between my legs,' he says. 'That's when I knew I was screwed.' Realizing he had been sucked into a trap, Sgt Burghardt, 35, yelled at everyone to stay back. At that moment, an insurgent, probably watching through binoculars, pressed a button on his mobile phone to detonate the secondary device below the sergeant's feet 'A chill went up the back of my neck and then the bomb exploded,' he recalls. 'As I was in the air I remember thinking, 'I don't believe they got me...' I was just ticked off they were able to do it. Then I was lying on the road, not able to feel anything from the waist down.'
His fellow Marines cut off his trousers to see how badly he was hurt. None could believe his legs were still there 'My dad's a Vietnam vet who's paralyzed from the waist down,' says Sgt Burghardt. 'I was lying there thinking I didn't want to be in a wheelchair next to my dad and for him to see me like that... They started to cut away my pants and I felt a real sharp pain and blood trickling down. Then I wiggled my toes and I thought, 'Good, I'm in business.' As a stretcher was brought over, adrenaline and anger kicked in. 'I decided to walk to the helicopter. I wasn't going to let my team-mates see me being carried away on a stretcher.' He stood and gave the insurgents who had blown him up a one-fingered salute. 'I flipped them one.. It was like, 'OK, I lost that round but I'll be back next week.'
Copies of a photograph depicting his defiance, taken by Jeff Bundy for the Omaha World-Herald, adorn the walls of homes across America and that of Col John Gronski, the brigade commander in Ramadi, who has hailed the image as an exemplar of the warrior spirit.
Sgt Burghardt's injuries - burns and wounds to his legs and buttocks - kept him off duty for nearly a month and could have earned him a ticket home. But, like his father - who was awarded a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts for being wounded in action in Vietnam - he stayed in Ramadi to engage in the battle against insurgents who are forever coming up with more ingenious ways of killing Americans.
dig the pic!
The pic for the lazy.
Awesome. :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on January 15, 2010, 08:23:45 AM
bit of a long story, but VERY good
+1 :thumbs:
Obama announces initiatives for middle class
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Monday offered help for people struggling to pay bills and care for their families, appealing to a middle-class he says has been "under assault for a long time."
In a partial preview of a State of the Union address that aims to answer voter angst about the economy and reconnect with the public, Obama outlined the series of proposals from the White House. The product of a middle class task force headed by Vice President Joe Biden, the proposals will also be included in Obama's budget request due to be submitted to Congress next week.
Among the initiatives: a doubling of the child care tax credit for families earning under $85,000; a $1.6 billion increase in federal funding for child care programs and a program to cap student loan payments at 10 percent of income above "a basic living allowance."
His initiatives also include expanding tax credits to match retirement savings and increasing aid for families taking care of elderly relatives. That program would also require many employers to provide the option of a workplace-based retirement savings plan.
Obama is seeking to offer some attractive options to taxpayers, mindful of the painful implications of the loss of a traditionally Democratic Senate seat in Massachusetts to Republican Scott Brown. White House advisers see Wednesday's State of the Union speech as a key opportunity for Obama to recalibrate his message and reset his presidency after that stinging setback, which took away the Democrats' 60-vote supermajority in the Senate and put his main domestic agenda item, a health care overhaul, in doubt.
Obama and fellow Democrats are trying to regroup to stem more losses of congressional, gubernatorial and legislative seats in this fall's midterm elections. Obama's poll numbers are also off — primarily because of the slow economic recovery and double-digit unemployment.
"Too many Americans have known their own painful recessions long before any economists declared that there was a recession," Obama said in remarks to the task force, gathered around a horseshoe-shaped table.
The president said that creating new jobs and reducing unemployment is the "single-most important thing we can do to rebuild the middle class." "I won't rest until we're doing just that," he said.
But, Obama said, "We also need to reverse the overall erosion in middle-class security, so that when this economy does come back, working Americans are free to pursue their dreams again."
The White House says the new proposals are aimed at just that — the "sandwich generation" that is now struggling to care for both children and parents. The theme fits into the planned economic message of Obama's prime-time address to the nation on Wednesday, which promises to provide a sharper focus on jobs and is likely to cover financial regulations, energy, education, immigration and a push to change the political tone in Washington.
Under the president's proposals, families making under $85,000 a year would see their child care tax credit nearly doubled. Families making under $115,000 would also see at least some increase in their tax credit as well. Obama will also call for the allocation of $100 million to assist families caring for aging relatives by providing help with transportation, adult day care and in-home aids.
The initiatives also focus on savings, requiring employers that don't offer work-based retirement plans to enroll their employees in a direct deposit retirement account, unless the employee opts out. The cost to employers would be offset by new tax credits, and the administration says the smallest firms would be exempt.
Obama will also call for caps on some student loans, limiting a borrower's payments to 10 percent of his or her income, and forgiving all remaining debt after 10 years of payment for those in public service work — and 20 years for all others.
believe it when I see it, bit :thumbs:
child care credit would rockspent 2700 on daycare last year :help: that is only part time. :(
Aidan after school, Colin one day a week....
spent 3600 last year on child care (split 50/50 with the ex, 7200 total) for one kid 3 days a week
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2010, 11:41:41 AM
spent 3600 last year on child care (split 50/50 with the ex, 7200 total) for one kid 3 days a week
:help: feelin your pain. Your kids ever cry when you drop them off? You could stab me right then and I wouldn't even feel it. Nearly kills me every time, even though I know that he is totally fine within 10 minutes of leaving. :(
Here we go again :rolleyes:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 25, 2010, 12:48:42 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2010, 11:41:41 AM
spent 3600 last year on child care (split 50/50 with the ex, 7200 total) for one kid 3 days a week
:help: feelin your pain. Your kids ever cry when you drop them off? You could stab me right then and I wouldn't even feel it. Nearly kills me every time, even though I know that he is totally fine within 10 minutes of leaving. :(
No, he liked "School", its a Montessori Acedemy
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2010, 12:49:41 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 25, 2010, 12:48:42 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2010, 11:41:41 AM
spent 3600 last year on child care (split 50/50 with the ex, 7200 total) for one kid 3 days a week
:help: feelin your pain. Your kids ever cry when you drop them off? You could stab me right then and I wouldn't even feel it. Nearly kills me every time, even though I know that he is totally fine within 10 minutes of leaving. :(
No, he liked "School", its a Montessori Acedemy
right on. :thumbs:
Quote from: Colorado700R on January 25, 2010, 12:49:08 PM
Here we go again :rolleyes:
Only a blog. And it's only day one after the post-season :lol:
give the man some time. Anyone see how many hard hits he took last night.. Insane. They think he may have broken his ankle too. It'll be a favre season, until he does make up his mind..
231-mph NH wind gust is no longer world's fastest
CONCORD, N.H. – First the Old Man, now the Big Wind. New Hampshire's Mount Washington has lost its distinction as the site of the fastest wind gust ever recorded on Earth, officials at the Mount Washington Observatory said Tuesday.
The concession came three days after the World Meteorological Organization posted a snippet on its Web site saying a panel of experts reviewing extreme weather and climate data turned up a 253 mph gust on Australia's Barrow Island during Cyclone Olivia in 1996.
That tops the 231 mph record set atop Mount Washington on April 12, 1934.
"It's obviously a big disappointment. Having the world record for over six decades was such a part of the soul of this organization and for fans of Mount Washington around the country," said Scot Henley, the observatory's executive director.
The official title at issue is "highest wind gust ever recorded on the surface of the Earth by means of an anemometer." But to most people in New Hampshire, it was simply "the Big Wind," a source of pride in a state that also revered its Old Man of the Mountain, a rock outcropping that appeared to be a man's profile and was featured on the state's quarter.
The Old Man crumbled to bits in 2003, seven years after the wind record apparently toppled.
Henley stressed that Mount Washington still holds the record for the Northern and Western hemispheres, and said it still can claim to be home to some of the world's worst weather given the combination of bitter cold, snow, wind and freezing fog it frequently experiences.
"So the work continues up there, and we'll be ready for the next one," he said.
No one noticed the new record gust at the time, Henley said.
"Somehow it fell through the cracks and the Australians didn't think it was a big deal," he said. "We hear that, and it kinds of blows our minds, but of course, we're weather fans and we're tuned into that sort of thing."
Henley first heard about the meteorological organization's conclusion Monday, when someone posted a link to the item on the observatory's forum. He contacted the organization and learned that the information was part of a report being presented at an international conference in Turkey next month.
The panel of experts has shared its research with observatory officials, who plan to review it in the coming weeks.
"There's no reason to believe it's not accurate, but we owe it to this institution and to our state and really to weather fans all over the world to make sure it is indeed accurate," he said.
The Mount Washington Observatory is a private, non-profit organization that maintains a weather station at the summit of the 6,288-foot mountain. On April 12, 1934, there were three crew members, two guests, three cats and five kittens at the observatory, according to observer Alex McKenzie, who later wrote a book about the Big Wind.
According to his account, April 11 started with a brilliant sunrise, but the weather soon turned cloudy. By evening, fog obscured the summit and rime ice formed up to a foot thick. Early the next morning, when observer Wendell Stephenson headed outside to clear ice from the anemometer, the wind knocked him flat on his back as he opened the door. When he accidentally dropped the club he was using to break up the ice, it went flying off into the fog. Gusts were at 150 mph.
"I dropped all other activities and concentrated on observations. Everyone in the house was 'mobilized' as during a war attack and assigned a job," observer Sal Pagliuca wrote in a log book.
Gusts grew stronger through the afternoon, until 1:21 p.m., when the 231 mph gust was recorded.
"Many people have wanted to know what we did after that," McKenzie wrote. "Did we cheer or open a bottle of champagne, or what? Well, we didn't do anything special for a while, except make more measurements."
Mary Stampone, assistant professor of geography at the University of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire State Climatologist, said she had long expected the record to fall.
"As we improve our technology in terms of instrumentation, and we're observing in more locations, we were bound to pick up on something," she said.
thats some wicked fast wind.... Almost as fast as the wind blows out of my ...
Quote from: funyun on January 27, 2010, 07:54:10 AM
thats some wicked fast wind.... Almost as fast as I can blow peelz...
it heats garages in the winter
Quote from: Krandall on January 27, 2010, 07:55:48 AM
Quote from: funyun on January 27, 2010, 07:54:10 AM
thats some wicked fast wind.... Almost as fast as I can blow peelz...
hawt. I do it faster.
hey! quality, not speed. ;) :lol:
NKorea, SKorea exchange fire near disputed border
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea fired artillery rounds toward its disputed sea border with South Korea on Wednesday, prompting a barrage of warning shots from the South's military and raising tensions on the divided peninsula.
No casualties or damage were reported, and analysts said the volley — which the North announced was part of a military drill — was likely a move by Pyongyang to highlight the need for a peace treaty to formally end the Korean War.
North Korea fired about 30 artillery rounds into the sea from its western coast and the South immediately responded with 100 shots from a marine base on an island near the sea border, an officer at the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul said. The North said it would continue to fire rounds.
He said the North's artillery fire landed in its own waters while the South fired into the air. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because of department policy.
The western sea border — drawn by the American-led U.N. Command at the close of the 1950-53 Korean War — is a constant source of tension between the two Koreas, with the North insisting the line be moved farther south.
Navy ships of the two Koreas fought a brief gunbattle in November that left one North Korean sailor dead and three others wounded. They engaged in similar bloody skirmishes in 1999 and 2002.
North Korea issued a statement later Wednesday saying it had fired artillery off its coast as part of an annual military drill and would continue doing so.
Such drills "will go on in the same waters in the future," the General Staff of the (North) Korean People's Army said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
The North fired more shots later Wednesday, but South Korea didn't respond, a Defense Ministry official said, also requesting anonymity due to department policy.
The exchange of fire came two days after the North designated two no-sail zones in the area, including some South Korean-held waters, through March 29.
The North has sent a series of mixed signals to the South recently, combining offers of dialogue on economic cooperation with military threats, including one this month to destroy South Korea's presidential palace. South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young, meanwhile, angered Pyongyang by saying Seoul's military should launch a pre-emptive strike if there was a clear indication the North was preparing a nuclear attack.
South Korea's Defense Ministry sent the North's military a message Wednesday expressing serious concern about the firing and saying it fostered "unnecessary tension" between the two sides.
It also urged the North to retract the no-sail zones, calling them a "grave provocation" and a violation of the Korean War armistice. The war ended with a truce, but not a formal peace treaty.
Separately, South Korea's point man on North Korea criticized Pyongyang for raising tension near the sea border.
"This kind of North Korean attitude is quite disappointing," Unification Minister Hyun In-taek told a security forum in Seoul.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency said it was the first time that North Korea has fired artillery toward the sea border. The Joint Chiefs of Staff officer said the North Korean artillery shells were believed to have fallen into the no-sail zones about 1.75 miles (3 kilometers) north of the maritime border.
Top South Korean presidential secretary Chung Chung-kil convened an emergency meeting of security-related officials on behalf of President Lee Myung-bak, who was making a state visit to India, according to the presidential Blue House. It said Lee was informed of the incident.
Yoo Ho-yeol, a professor of North Korean studies at Korea University in South Korea, said the North's action was aimed at highlighting the need for a peace treaty to formally end the Korean War by showing that the peninsula is still a war zone.
"It's applying pressure on the U.S. and South Korea," Yoo said. He said North Korea also was expressing anger over South Korea's lukewarm response to a series of recent gestures seeking dialogue.
Earlier this month, North Korea called for the signing of a peace treaty and the lifting of sanctions as conditions for its return to stalled nuclear disarmament talks it quit last year.
The U.S. and South Korea, however, brushed aside the North's demands, saying they can happen only after it returns to the disarmament negotiations and reports progress in denuclearization.
Despite the exchange of fire, the capitals of the two Koreas were calm.
North Koreans in Pyongyang wearing thick winter coats walked briskly through the streets while a female police officer directed traffic and a crowded tram passed by, according to footage shot by broadcaster APTN.
The military tensions had little effect on South Korean financial markets. Seoul's benchmark stock index fell less than 1 percent, while South Korea's currency, the won, rose against the U.S. dollar.
Dolla Dolla bills y'all :nod:
This just in....
Quote from: funyun on January 28, 2010, 12:39:36 PM
This just in....Dorito and I are going to Iowa to make it official.
congrats. are we invited?
When heading off to jail, it's best to commit a crime that will provide you with a manly story to tell your fellow inmates, something a little more desperado-like than, say, knee-capping a rival figure skater. Working as a hired gun for the Mafia always sounds good...
Armored car heists always have a nice ring to them. And even if you're not quite up to something this ambitious, you can still trot out the old resisting arrest.
Unfortunately, Robert T. Jenkins now sits in jail with probably the worst criminal tale ever. He was arrested at a Walmart in Canton, Ohio for peeing on steaks. Yes, you heard that right.
Cops were called to the store after Jenkins simply walked up to the meat counter, pulled out his manly apparatus -- which we hope isn't capable of reproduction -- and begin peeing on the steak selection.
No one seems to know why he did it, unless he was practicing a bold new form of marinating.
The poor dope supposedly ruined $600 worth meat. (Be careful, Canton area shoppers. This being Walmart, there's a good chance they simply hosed them down and put them back on display.)
Jenkins has been charged with felony vandalism and disorderly conduct.
You serious? You would get MAD rep for that
Steak marinated in <--- likes the taste of pee yum
guarantee walmart repacked and threw it on discount endcaps
We had a guard at work that, for reasons only known to him, took a leak in one of the ice machines. Luckily one of the car washers saw him and said something. They locked up the machine and had the ice company haul it off.
Don't know how true but I like it!
Pennsylvania Pol Lobbies for 'State Gun'
(User Submitted) – Every state has its official symbols, from the state flower of Texas (the bluebonnet) to the state drink of Wisconsin (milk). Now state senator Pat Browne wants Pennsylvania to be the first state to have an official state firearm. The Lehigh County Republican is sponsoring a bill that would give the honor to the Pennsylvania Long Rifle.
Supporters of the move say the measure is a celebration of history and a Pennsylvanian contribution to America's independence, the Harrisburg Patriot-News reports. But opponents find the idea outrageous, given that the state's cities are scarred by gun-related crimes.
No doubt the Air Force purchasing department gets some odd requests from time to time, but we'd love to have seen the grin on the face of the officer tasked with procuring some 1,700 Playstation 3s for a USAF facility in Rome, NY.
Before you complain about your tax dollars being spent on toys, the machines aren't for gaming. Instead, the facility -- an Air Force research lab -- will join them into a parallel-computing cluster that, when complete, will number well over 2,000 PS3s.
The supercomputer -- snappily monikered "500 TeraFLOPS Heterogeneous Cluster" -- will be put to work playing 2,000 simultaneous games of GERD of War III. Wait, no. Among other things, they'll be attempting to simulate the way the human brain processes information and how it pulls off the remarkably difficult task of recognizing the content of images.
"Humans can routinely do these things, but a computer struggles to do it," the facility's computing director Mark Barnell told Stars and Stripes. "In a general sense, we are interested in making it autonomous."
The cluster won't be as powerful as a regular supercomputing rig, but it will be cheaper and more environmentally friendly: it'll consume as much as 95% less electrical power and shut down unused machines when the cluster isn't running at full capacity.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on January 29, 2010, 11:32:24 AM
Steak marinated in <--- likes the taste of pee yum
guarantee walmart repacked and threw it on discount endcaps
Woulda charged extra, afterall it's marinated now!
This will be some of us in a few years
Sledder, 62, Hurt When Improvised Rocket Blows Up
NDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- A 62-year-old sledder looking for a burst of power got it when the homemade rocket strapped to his back exploded, burning him over nearly 20 percent of his body.
The man is in good condition and is expected to be released from the hospital. His identity hasn't been released.
The man was hosting a Sunday night sledding party when he filled an automobile muffler with gasoline and gunpowder, strapped it to his back and had it lit, seeking what McCabe called "a rocket-launch effect."
The device blew up as the man headed downhill, causing second-degree burns to his face and right side of his body and possible eye damage.
No charges have been filed against the man, whom McCabe says is known for doing "outrageous things" at his sledding parties.
Talk about a sweet sledding party!! :clap:
Male Date-Drug
Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties & local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink by any woman.
Many females use a date-drug on the market called 'Beer ' .
The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and in large kegs.
Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them.
A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex.
Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several Beers , men will often succumb to the desires to sleep with horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted.
After drinking Beer , men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that something bad' occurred.
At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings, in a familiar scam known as 'a relationship' . In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as'marriage'.
Men are much more susceptible to this scam afterBeer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.
Please forward this warning to every male you know.
If you fall victim to this 'Beer ' scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly victimized men.
For the support group nearest you, just look up Raptor Source on the internet.
For a video to see how Beer works click here:
Beer Demo <>
If I take one more drank im gunna end up....
U.S. and allied commanders in Afghanistan are preparing for the biggest battle of the eight-year war, knowing that its outcome will reveal the chances of success for President Obama's revamped Afghan strategy. About 20,000 U.S., British and Afghan troops will soon storm Marja, the Taliban's final redoubt in the southern province of Helmand. A town of 80,000, Marja has for years been a den of narcotics traffickers and insurgents, serving as a launching pad for roadside bombs and suicide attacks. If the U.S. and its allies succeed in driving out the Taliban - and, perhaps more importantly, bring a measure of security to Marja - U.S. officials believe it will mark a turning point in the war.
The battle has actually been under way for several weeks, as Afghan and Western forces have announced their plans to the local population while moving into position. Pentagon officials say this unusually public "shaping" of the battlefield has one key goal: while hundreds of hard-core Taliban are hunkering down for a fight, many more, along with thousands of residents, have fled Marja until the dust settles. That should limit civilian casualties and, they hope, lure some lukewarm Taliban over to the government side. "We're not interested in how many Taliban we kill," Army General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S., commander in Afghanistan, said Thursday. "We'd much rather have them see the inevitability that things are changing and just accept that." (See pictures of the new U.S. offensive in Afghanistan.)
But U.S. and Afghan officials know that die-hard Taliban forces have been burying hundreds of improvised explosive devices around the town in recent weeks. "It's giving time and space to those who want to fight to dig in," says Ali Jalali, who served as Afghanistan's first post-Taliban Interior Minister and now works with the Pentagon's National Defense University in Washington. "It could be very bloody, and that could affect public opinion in Europe and the U.S."
The effort to roll up Marja follows last summer's sweep through much of Helmand, which drove many additional Taliban into the town. While there weren't enough troops to take the town at that time, the growing ranks of Afghan security forces and some of the additional 30,000 U.S. troops ordered to Afghanistan by Obama in December have given commanders the ability to storm Marja, U.S. officers say. While last year's offensive was largely a U.S.-led affair, this time Afghan forces will account for about half of the troops involved. Operation Moshtarak - "Together" in the Afghan Dari language - is meant to signal growing cooperation between Afghan and foreign forces, and the Afghans' ability to shoulder more of the burden of defending their country. "The Afghan forces all have Marine haircuts right now," McChrystal noted of the local troops preparing to storm the town alongside U.S. Marines. (See pictures of challenges British troops faced in Helmand.)
The offensive, when it begins in earnest, will largely be conducted on foot. That's because the terrain surrounding Marja is latticed with canals built by the U.S. a generation ago to expand agriculture to 250,000 acres in the Helmand River valley. It also gave the region the nickname "Little America." The canals and ditches created a network of bridges unable to support armored vehicles and gives the Taliban good places to hide IEDs - the top killer of U.S. troops in Afghanistan - and snipers. They also turned the region into lush farmland that has proven ideal for growing opium-producing poppies.
Both sides predict the fight for Marja could be brutal, with belts of IEDs believed to be buried along all major approaches to the town. Unlike earlier battles over towns and villages further east, where many Taliban are from Pakistan, the enemy in Marja is largely local, which will further complicate the fight. "It's harder to separate the enemy from the people," a Pentagon planner says, "when they are the people." (See pictures of the battle against the Taliban.)
But it's what follows the fighting that will be the real test. While many in Marja detest the Taliban, they are just as angry at the impotence of the Afghan government to better their lives despite years of promises. U.S. officials say Afghan President Hamid Karzai, some 500 miles from Marja in Kabul, has become a full partner in the planning of the offensive and its follow-up development efforts. Afghan and U.S. experts will flood Marja after the offensive, helping to set up local government and schools, and offering cash to entice poppy growers to shift to wheat. After driving the Taliban out, Afghan and allied troops plan on staying in Marja to ensure its security. The Taliban will have little recourse once the offensive begins. Instead of fighting to the death, U.S. officials believe some of them will melt into the local population to fight another day, while others will flee to fight elsewhere.
As McChrystal prepares to launch the offensive, he's got one eye on Marja and the other on the calendar. If he and his forces prevail, it will serve as the template for the far more challenging battle this summer for the Taliban capital of Kandahar, about 100 miles to the east. Success in Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, would mean that McChrystal is on track to achieving Obama's ultimate goal: to start sending U.S. troops back home in July 2011.
nothing like the element of suprise.......dumbasses
That's kind of what I was thinking, but... still..
if they do a night mission..
Night Vision goggles vs candles. :lol:
"Hey...all ya'll that are being hunted by the Americans...GTFO, they'll be here in 24hrs"
Pretty cool article in the Star Tribune (state wide paper) about my company.
At Securian, profit-sharing is more than just a memory
Here's an economic term that has been threatened with extinction over the past few years: Profit- sharing.
Bucking the fiscal flow of things lately, Securian Financial Group's board of directors approved a 5.5 percent profit-sharing distribution to more than 2,500 eligible employees of the St. Paul company.
About $8.8 million is involved in this, the 36th consecutive year that 130-year-old Securian has made such a payout.
At the annual all-company meeting, Chairman and CEO Robert Senkler said employees' performance in 2009 was excellent, especially given the difficult economic environment.
"This record of success you established allows us to continue to fulfill our basic mission," Senkler told the 2,000-plus employees who attended the meeting at the RiverCentre in downtown St. Paul.
While Securian has not had to make any layoffs, 120 vacant positions have been eliminated and some employees have been reassigned within the company.
"There are a lot of people in this room today doing different jobs than they did a year ago," Senkler said. "Being able to withstand this downturn by eliminating open positions is a testament to your creativity and commitment to this organization. It allowed us to get out in front of this very negative environment."
Securian and its affiliates provide insurance, investments and retirement plans to individuals and businesses. It is the holding company parent of a group of companies that include Minnesota Life Insurance, Advantus Capital Management, Allied Solutions, Capital Financial Group, Cherokee National Life Insurance, CNL/Insurance America, Personal Finance, Securian Financial Services Inc., Securian Casualty, Securian Life Insurance and Securian Trust.
Marines push 'The Breacher' against Taliban lines
That's the nickname given by the crew to one of the 72-ton, 40-foot (12-meter)-long Assault Breacher Vehicles. Fitted with a plow and nearly 7,000 pounds (3,175 kilograms) of explosives, the Breachers, as they are commonly known, are the Marines Corps' answer to the deadliest threat facing NATO troops in Afghanistan: thousands of land mines and roadside bombs, or improvised explosive devices, that litter the Afghan landscape.
The Breachers, metal monsters that look like a tank with a cannon, carry a 15-foot (4.5-meter) -wide plow supported by metallic skis that glide on the dirt, digging a safety lane through the numerous minefields laid by the Taliban.
If there are too many mines, the Breachers can fire rockets carrying high-grade C-4 explosive up to 150 yards (meters) forward, detonating the hidden bombs at a safe distance so that troops and vehicles can pass through safely.
The detonations — over 1,700 pounds (770 kilograms) of Mine Clearing Line Charges — send a sheet fire into the air and shock waves rippling through the desert in all directions.
Reporters watched the "Breacher" in action Wednesday as Marines edged closer to Marjah, a southern Taliban stronghold that NATO commanders plan to attack in the coming days in the largest joint NATO-Afghan operation of the Afghan war. Troops are expected to face a massive threat from mines and roadside bombs as they push into Marjah, 380 miles (610 kilometers) southwest of Kabul.
"This may be the largest IED threat and largest minefield that NATO has ever faced," says Brig Gen. Larry Nicholson, the commander of all Marines in southern Afghanistan.
Several Breachers — including "The Joker" and its twin "Iceman" — will be used in the Marjah assault. Commanders hope they will make a huge difference as troops pierce through layer after layer of minefields circling the town.
"I consider it to be a truly lifesaving weapon," said Gunnery Sgt. Steven Sanchez, 38, leader of a platoon from the 2nd Marines Combat Engineers Battalion.
A cross between a bulldozer and Abrams tank with a 1,500-horsepower turbine engine, Breachers are so valuable that they only travel outside bases along with a tank retrieval vehicle to drag them to safety if they are damaged.
Sanchez's platoon drove Breachers in their first combat operation in December, when Marines reclaimed a section of the heavily mined Now Zad valley farther north in Helmand province. "We made history, and the Breacher did well," says Sanchez, of Palm Desert, Calif.
"I'm happy to see that this monster is on our side," said Rahim Ullah, a machine gunner in the Afghan army unit that will fight alongside the Marines.
A few kinks are yet to be worked but before the Breachers are entirely up to speed. Two charges fired by "The Joker" and "Iceman" on Wednesday didn't go off automatically, forcing one of their crew to dismount and trigger the explosives themselves.
Developed by the Marines since the 1990s and costing US$3.5 million apiece, the Breacher still has room for improvement, Sanchez admits.
"It's not in the testing phase anymore, but it sure as hell still is in the deployment phase," he said, adding that all the Marines serving on his Breacher platoon are volunteers and intent on improving the new weapon.
"I'm convinced it's going to prove itself in Marjah," Sanchez said.
Many on his platoon believe the Breacher has already proven its worth. The Joker's vehicle commander, Cpl. Michael Turner, 21, of Provo, Utah, says his Breacher works even better than he'd thought during training.
"She's surprisingly easy to operate," Turner said. His vehicle can travel at 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour. When plowing for bombs, it can still move at 5 to 8 mph (8 to 13 kph), depending on the terrain — all the while digging up the dirt 14 inches (36 centimeters) deep.
"That's plenty enough to get the IEDs," said Turner, because any explosive buried deeper is unlikely to be triggered by a vehicle driving by.
The Joker's driver, Sgt. Jeremy Kinsey, 23, from Sunny Side, Washington, even triggered a live IED during his Breacher's first combat outing in December. The 60-pound (27-kilogram) bomb exploded on his plow, powerful enough to rip out a tire or an axle from a normal armored vehicle.
The Breacher barely registered. "It shook slightly," Kinsey said. "I laughed and I drove on."
Sweet, I want one for the morning commute. :clap:
Potential new radical Indy Car design for stuff.
Quote from: Colorado700R on February 15, 2010, 01:33:01 PM
Potential new radical Indy Car design for stuff.
ugly. If I can't buy and drive one, it isn't a real race car.
but really, fugly.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on February 15, 2010, 01:34:55 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on February 15, 2010, 01:33:01 PM
Potential new radical Indy Car design for stuff.
ugly. If I can't buy and drive one, it isn't a real race car.
but really, fugly.
Careful...that almost sounds like the whimper of a closet NASCAR fan.
Batmobile gone wrong?
Quote from: Colorado700R on February 15, 2010, 01:37:51 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on February 15, 2010, 01:34:55 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on February 15, 2010, 01:33:01 PM
Potential new radical Indy Car design for stuff.
ugly. If I can't buy and drive one, it isn't a real race car.
but really, fugly.
Careful...that almost sounds like the whimper of a closet NASCAR fan.
umm no sirree bob. can't buy nor drive nascar cars either. otherwise, they might be cool ;)
VIENNA – The U.N. nuclear agency on Thursday expressed concern for the first time that Iran may currently be working on ways to turn enriched uranium into a nuclear warhead, instead of having stopped several years ago.
Its report appears to contradict an assessment by Washington that Tehran suspended such activities in 2003. It appears to jibe with the concerns of several U.S. allies that Iran may never have suspended such work.
The U.S. assessment itself may be revised and is currently being looked at again by American intelligence agencies.
In a report prepared for its 35 board nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency also said that Iran managed to make a minute amount of near 20-percent enriched uranium within days of starting production from lower-enriched material. Higher enrichment puts Iran nearer to the capability of making fissile warhead material, should opt to do so.
Iran denies any interest in developing nuclear arms. But the confidential report, made available to The Associated Press, said Iran's resistance to agency attempts to probe for signs of a nuclear cover-up "give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program."
The language of the report — the first written by Yukiya Amano, who became IAEA head in December — appeared to be more directly critical of Iran's refusal to cooperate with the IAEA than most previous ones under his predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei.
It strongly suggested that intelligence supplied by the U.S., Israel and other IAEA member states on Iran's attempts to use the cover of a civilian nuclear program to move toward a weapons program was compelling.
"The information available to the agency ... is broadly consistent and credible in terms of the technical detail, the time frame in which the activities were conducted and the people and organizations involved," said the report, prepared for next month's IAEA board meeting.
"Altogether, this raises concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile," said the report.
O RLY :lol:
That's exactly how I feel...
What the heck?!? Guy flies his Piper into an IRS building in Austin today.
AUSTIN — A small plane owned by a man whose Web site indicated he was furious at the Internal Revenue Service slammed into a seven-story office building in northwest Austin that houses some of the agency's offices, injuring two people inside and leaving another person unaccounted for.
The home of the plane's owner, Joseph Andrew Stack, burned down this morning in Austin before his plane hit the building at 9430 Research Boulevard. A Web site registered to him featured a long complaint against the tax system, capitalist greed, his accountant, former President George W. Bush and other targets.
The site is titled, "Well Mr. Big Brother IRS man ... take my pound of flesh and sleep well." The note and other documents indicate Stack moved from California to Austin after the dot-com bust.
Calls to the accountant and Stack's ex-wife were not immediately returned. (Gee, ya think?)
More "what the heck?!?" :rofl:
Lawmaker: First cousins should not marry
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A Maryland state legislator says it's time to ban marriages between first cousins and stop playing what he calls "genetic roulette" with their offspring.
Henry Heller, a Democratic delegate, or state representative, says he wants to bring Maryland "into the enlightened world of other states such as West Virginia and Arkansas" that already prohibit unions of first cousins.
Heller is a retired special education administrator. He says couples who are first cousins are at an increased risk of having a child with birth defects.
The bill would make an exception for people who are over age 65 or infertile. Heller says he has "no problem" with those couples if they want the companionship.
There are 24 states that prohibit marriage between first-cousins.
genetic roulette :rofl:
Pediatricians Want Redesign of Hot Dogs, Candy to Curb Kids' Choking
MONDAY, Feb. 22 (HealthDay News) -- The leading group of pediatricians in the United States is pushing for a redesign of common foods such as hot dogs and candies, along with new warning labels placed on food packaging, to help curb sometimes fatal incidents of child choking.
"We know what shape, sizes and consistencies pose the greatest risk for choking in children and whenever possible food manufacturers should design foods to avoid those characteristics, or redesign existing foods when possible, to change those characteristics to reduce the choking risk," said Dr. Gary Smith, immediate-past chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention and lead author of the organization's new policy statement on preventing choking.
"Any food that has a cylindrical or round shape poses a risk," he pointed out. Smith said that hot dogs were high on the list of foods that could be redesigned -- perhaps the shape, although he said it would be up to the manufacturers to figure out the specifics.
Hard candies, on the other hand, could be designed so they're flat rather than round, said Smith, who is also director of the Center for Injury Research & Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
The AAP policy statement appears in the March issue of Pediatrics and is the first such guidance on the subject from that group.
"There's a general recognition that more needed to be done to protect children from choking," according to Smith. "We have a number of laws and regulations that help prevent choking due to toys. There are no such similar regulations for food."
Health experts welcomed the suggestions.
"I think it's very reasonable to strengthen regulations to prevent choking injuries for children," said Dr. Lee Sanders, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "The most common cause of death for kids aged roughly 1 to 5 is choking but it's also one of the most common reasons for visits to the emergency room and, for kids who don't die of these injuries, sometimes there are long-lasting injuries or implications," Sanders said. "It's a significant public health issue."
"People should know that grapes are a choking hazard for a certain-age child, that hot dogs are of risk," added Dr. Mike Gittelman, associate professor of clinical pediatrics in the division of emergency medicine at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it would "carefully review the analysis and recommendations."
"The FDA is concerned about the deaths and serious injuries caused by choking," said agency spokeswoman Rita Chappelle. "We will also continue to consult with the Consumer Product Safety Commission on assessing choking hazards associated with food and take action against food products that are 'unfit for food' on a case-by-case basis."
Hot dogs are a prime offender, accounting for 17 percent of food-related asphyxiations in children under the age of 10, according to one study.
"If you were to take the best engineers in the world and asked them to design a perfect plug for a child's airway, you couldn't do better than a hot dog," Smith said. "It's the right size, right shape. It's compressible so it wedges itself in. When they're in that tight [it's] almost impossible, even with the correct training and the correct equipment, to get out. When it's wedged in tightly, that child is going to die."
Other high-risk foods include hard candy, peanuts and nuts, even peanut butter.
The policy statement called for the government to establish a "mandatory system . . . to label foods with appropriate warnings according to their choking risk, to conduct detailed surveillance and investigate food-related choking incidents, and to warn the public about emerging food-related choking hazards."
Manufacturers' responsibility would be to affix "choking hazard" labels to high-risk products and to consider shapes, sizes and textures when designing products.
"I think there should be a commitment from the entire industry to label not only hot dogs but all high-risk foods with some type of informational label that allows consumers to make informed decisions," Smith said, adding that he thought companies would figure out that "safety sells."
The AAP also called on parents, pediatricians and other health-care workers to pay more attention to the issue.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) responded, but put special emphasis on the role of parents, teachers and other child care providers in helping keep kids safe.
"Food safety and consumer confidence is the number-one priority of the food and beverage industry. We applaud the attention the American Academy of Pediatrics is bringing to the prevention of choking among children," the GMA said in a statement.
"We especially agree that the education of parents, teachers, child care workers, and other child caregivers encouraging them to supervise and create safer environments for children is paramount to the prevention of choking among children. We also strongly agree that pediatricians, doctors and other infant and toddler care professionals should intensify choking prevention counseling including providing parents and care givers guidance on developmentally appropriate food selection for their children. We take our working relationships with FDA and USDA [U.S. Department of Agriculture] very seriously and look forward to continuing to work with the agencies to ensure that our products are as safe as possible," the GMA said.
Marijuana use by seniors goes up as boomers age
MIAMI – In her 88 years, Florence Siegel has learned how to relax: A glass of red wine. A crisp copy of The New York Times, if she can wrest it from her husband. Some classical music, preferably Bach. And every night like clockwork, she lifts a pipe to her lips and smokes marijuana.
Long a fixture among young people, use of the country's most popular illicit drug is now growing among the AARP set, as the massive generation of baby boomers who came of age in the 1960s and '70s grows older.
The number of people aged 50 and older reporting marijuana use in the prior year went up from 1.9 percent to 2.9 percent from 2002 to 2008, according to surveys from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
The rise was most dramatic among 55- to 59-year-olds, whose reported marijuana use more than tripled from 1.6 percent in 2002 to 5.1 percent.
Observers expect further increases as 78 million boomers born between 1945 and 1964 age. For many boomers, the drug never held the stigma it did for previous generations, and they tried it decades ago.
Some have used it ever since, while others are revisiting the habit in retirement, either for recreation or as a way to cope with the aches and pains of aging.
Siegel walks with a cane and has arthritis in her back and legs. She finds marijuana has helped her sleep better than pills ever did. And she can't figure out why everyone her age isn't sharing a joint, too.
"They're missing a lot of fun and a lot of relief," she said.
Politically, advocates for legalizing marijuana say the number of older users could represent an important shift in their decades-long push to change the laws.
"For the longest time, our political opponents were older Americans who were not familiar with marijuana and had lived through the 'Reefer Madness' mentality and they considered marijuana a very dangerous drug," said Keith Stroup, the founder and lawyer of NORML, a marijuana advocacy group.
"Now, whether they resume the habit of smoking or whether they simply understand that it's no big deal and that it shouldn't be a crime, in large numbers they're on our side of the issue."
Each night, 66-year-old Stroup says he sits down to the evening news, pours himself a glass of wine and rolls a joint. He's used the drug since he was a freshman at Georgetown, but many older adults are revisiting marijuana after years away.
"The kids are grown, they're out of school, you've got time on your hands and frankly it's a time when you can really enjoy marijuana," Stroup said. "Food tastes better, music sounds better, sex is more enjoyable."
The drug is credited with relieving many problems of aging: aches and pains, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and so on. Patients in 14 states enjoy medical marijuana laws, but those elsewhere buy or grow the drug illegally to ease their conditions.
Among them is Perry Parks, 67, of Rockingham, N.C., a retired Army pilot who suffered crippling pain from degenerative disc disease and arthritis. He had tried all sorts of drugs, from Vioxx to epidural steroids, but found little success. About two years ago he turned to marijuana, which he first had tried in college, and was amazed how well it worked for the pain.
"I realized I could get by without the narcotics," Parks said, referring to prescription painkillers. "I am essentially pain free."
But there's also the risk that health problems already faced by older people can be exacerbated by regular marijuana use.
Older users could be at risk for falls if they become dizzy, smoking it increases the risk of heart disease and it can cause cognitive impairment, said Dr. William Dale, chief of geriatrics and palliative medicine at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
He said he'd caution against using it even if a patient cites benefits.
"There are other better ways to achieve the same effects," he said.
Pete Delany, director of applied studies at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, said boomers' drug use defied stereotypes, but is important to address.
"When you think about people who are 50 and older you don't generally think of them as using illicit drugs — the occasional Hunter Thompson or the kind of hippie dippie guy that gets a lot of press maybe," he said. "As a nation, it's important to us to say, 'It's not just young people using drugs it's older people using drugs.'"
In conversations, older marijuana users often say they smoke in less social settings than when they were younger, frequently preferring to enjoy the drug privately. They say the quality (and price) of the drug has increased substantially since their youth and they aren't as paranoid about using it.
Dennis Day, a 61-year-old attorney in Columbus, Ohio, said when he used to get high, he wore dark glasses to disguise his red eyes, feared talking to people on the street and worried about encountering police. With age, he says, any drawbacks to the drug have disappeared.
"My eyes no longer turn red, I no longer get the munchies," Day said. "The primary drawbacks to me now are legal."
Siegel bucks the trend as someone who was well into her 50s before she tried pot for the first time. She can muster only one frustration with the drug.
"I never learned how to roll a joint," she said. "It's just a big nuisance. It's much easier to fill a pipe."
"much easier to fill a pipe" what can I say? :lol:
No need to hammer Mir for crossing idiot line
Frank Mir has never been afraid to speak his mind and in a Pittsburgh radio interview last week, the former Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight titleholder unloaded on current champ Brock Lesnar.
He said they shared "legitimate hate" and "anger," and then in a couple lines that went particularly crazy, declared he hoped he could essentially kill Lesnar if the two ever fight for a third time.
"I want to break his neck in the ring," Mir said on the Mark Madden Show on WXDX. "I want him to be the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries."
Crude. Ridiculous. And, even by cage fighting standards, unnecessarily barbaric. No one understands that more now than Mir himself, who backtracked from the comments Tuesday and expressed embarrassment that in trying to force a rematch with Lesnar he went too far. He said he was trying to explain a fighter's mentality and it came out all wrong.
"I kind of lost myself there," Mir told Yahoo! Sports on Tuesday. "I got carried away. Obviously I don't want to kill Brock Lesnar."
For the most part, there was nothing to see here, no need to suspend or fine Mir for speaking out. The UFC in particular, and mixed martial arts in general, walk a fine line as they continue to move into the mainstream. Broken neck comments don't help erase the old stigma of "human cockfighting."
Here's the thing, though: in the end the person most affected by Mir's comments is Mir. If there was ever a sport where trash talking wasn't just accepted but could even be applauded it is MMA. This isn't some team sport or non-contact exercise.
This is cage fighting. How polite do you want these guys?
Frank Mir will have to deal with this and anything else he says when the door closes on the Octagon and big Brock Lesnar is standing across the way. That's how it works. Talk all you want, there is no avoiding the bill coming due.
"I'm the one who's going to have to answer for it," Mir acknowledged.
Lesnar could very well pound Mir senseless again, the way he did at their last fight at UFC 100 in July 2009. Mir won the first fight between the two by submission in 2008.
Considering the stakes involved for any fighter who wants to run his mouth, it's tough to get too upset when they do. It's their risk. It's on them. The thing that makes MMA so exciting – a true man vs. man battle – is why there can only be so much tsk-tsking over this.
Mir was talking big and it got out of control, going from colorful to cartoonish. "Idiotic" is how Mir described it.
Mir is a natural promoter, always willing to do media interviews and even serving as color commentator for World Extreme Cagefighting fights on the Versus Network. He knows what he's doing and freely admits he's been so vocal about attacking Lesnar because controversy doesn't just help sell fights, it helps create them in the first place.
"Hype puts you in line for fights," he said. "A Brock rematch is big on my list. I can't let this control my emotions. The thing I want is to fight him. Obviously I took it too far."
Mir takes on Shane Carwin, himself a vocal Lesnar basher, on March 27 in Newark, N.J. Assuming Lesnar's recovery from illness is on schedule, the winner likely gets a title shot this summer, probably in Las Vegas in July.
Fighting Lesnar isn't just the biggest payday out there for a fighter; it would give Mir a chance to avenge the disappointing UFC 100 result. While Mir and Lesnar weren't friends before that one, and the trash talk from both sides was intense, there was still a relationship between the two.
Just three days before the bout, the fighters, both accompanied by their wives, ran into each other in a back hallway of the Mandalay Bay Events Center. Both were parents to newborns, Lesnar's second child and Mir's fourth. They actually took time to look at pictures of each other's babies.
Mir said even that tenuous relationship was snapped when Lesnar continued to taunt Mir and pointed a finger in his face even after knocking him out in the second round of their fight. Lesnar defended it as saying he was full of post-fight emotion and Mir had talked smack in the run-up to the fight.
"I always understand we're going to say things to help promote the fight," Mir said. "But when it's over with, it's over with. For him to behave that way afterwards did bug me."
No matter who is correct, Mir said his anger at Lesnar motivated him to push for a rematch a little too hard. Eight months later, Mir was on a radio show and went too far. "I wouldn't want my kids to hear that," he acknowledged.
The mini-controversy is likely over. Those that want to use the comments to cement a negative opinion of MMA probably will. Those that know better, and understand Mir's personality, will brush them aside and look forward to the eventual clash.
And that's the point with the UFC. As long as he avoids crossing the idiot line, Frank Mir should say pretty much anything he wants.
It is he and he alone who will have to deal with Brock Lesnar.
RIP, Rickrolling: YouTube Kills Original Video
Are you sitting down? I have some horrible news for you. YouTube has removed the original "Rickrolling" video from its site due to a terms-of-use violation. Though there are other avenues in which to get a Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" fix, the original, the one that captured the nation's attention, the video that spurned over 30 million hits, is dead.
In case you weren't one of the lucky many to experience it, to be "Rickrolled" is to be baited by a contextually relevant Web link and then get smacked with Astley's official YouTube music video. "Rickrolling" started in early 2007 on the 4chan imageboard, and a year later spread like wildfire, becoming an unavoidable meme. The use of "Never Gonna Give You Up" stemmed from a 4chan prank called "duckrolling," in which people would be sent to an image of a duck on wheels. SurveyUSA estimated that at least 18 million Americans were "Rickrolled."
It's hard to believe, but "Rickrolling" extended way beyond simple Internet pranks. It was used during protests against the Church of Scientology, touched upon the First Lady, and even gave name to an iPhone virus that changed jailbroken iPhone backgrounds into images of Astley.
As it is wont to do, the Internet leapt upon the meme and tried turning it into something more expansive than it ought to be. Many Geocities-esque sites were born devoted to the cause, including a database and a dubious phone service.
But it's all over now, baby blue. Time to dust off the Keyboard Cat videos.
Quote from: Krandall on February 25, 2010, 08:41:18 AM
RIP, Rickrolling: YouTube Kills Original Video
Are you sitting down? I have some horrible news for you. YouTube has removed the original "Rickrolling" video from its site due to a terms-of-use violation. Though there are other avenues in which to get a Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" fix, the original, the one that captured the nation's attention, the video that spurned over 30 million hits, is dead.
In case you weren't one of the lucky many to experience it, to be "Rickrolled" is to be baited by a contextually relevant Web link and then get smacked with Astley's official YouTube music video. "Rickrolling" started in early 2007 on the 4chan imageboard, and a year later spread like wildfire, becoming an unavoidable meme. The use of "Never Gonna Give You Up" stemmed from a 4chan prank called "duckrolling," in which people would be sent to an image of a duck on wheels. SurveyUSA estimated that at least 18 million Americans were "Rickrolled."
It's hard to believe, but "Rickrolling" extended way beyond simple Internet pranks. It was used during protests against the Church of Scientology, touched upon the First Lady, and even gave name to an iPhone virus that changed jailbroken iPhone backgrounds into images of Astley.
As it is wont to do, the Internet leapt upon the meme and tried turning it into something more expansive than it ought to be. Many Geocities-esque sites were born devoted to the cause, including a database and a dubious phone service.
But it's all over now, baby blue. Time to dust off the Keyboard Cat videos.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Mornings at the Pentagon
McClatchy Newspapers
Over the last 12 months, 1,042 soldiers, Marines, sailors
and Air Force personnel have given their lives in the terrible duty that is
war. Thousands more have come home on stretchers, horribly wounded and facing
months or years in military hospitals.
This week, I'm turning my space over to a good friend and
former roommate, Army Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, who recently completed a year
long tour of duty in Iraq and is now back at the Pentagon.
Here's Lt. Col. Bateman's account of a little-known ceremony
that fills the halls of the Army corridor of the Pentagon with cheers,
applause and many tears every Friday morning. It first appeared on May 17 on
the Weblog of media critic and pundit Eric Alterman at the Media Matters for
America Website.
"It is 110 yards from the "E" ring to the "A" ring of the
Pentagon. This section of the Pentagon is newly renovated; the floors shine,
the hallway is broad, and the lighting is bright. At this instant the entire
length of the corridor is packed with officers, a few sergeants and some
civilians, all crammed tightly three and four deep against the walls. There
are thousands here.
This hallway, more than any other, is the `Army' hallway.
The G3 offices line one side, G2 the other, G8 is around the corner. All Army.
Moderate conversations flow in a low buzz. Friends who may not have seen each
other for a few weeks, or a few years, spot each other, cross the way and
Everyone shifts to ensure an open path remains down the
center. The air conditioning system was not designed for this press of bodies
in this area.
The temperature is rising already. Nobody cares. "10:36
hours: The clapping starts at the E-Ring. That is the outermost of the five
rings of the Pentagon and it is closest to the entrance to the building. This
clapping is low, sustained, hearty. It is applause with a deep emotion behind
it as it moves forward in a wave down the length of the hallway.
"A steady rolling wave of sound it is, moving at the pace of
the soldier in the wheelchair who marks the forward edge with his presence. He
is the first. He is missing the greater part of one leg, and some of his
wounds are still suppurating. By his age I expect that he is a private, or
perhaps a private first class.
"Captains, majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels meet his
gaze and nod as they applaud, soldier to soldier. Three years ago when I
described one of these events, those lining the hallways were somewhat
different. The applause a little wilder, perhaps in private guilt for not
having shared in the burden ... yet.
"Now almost everyone lining the hallway is, like the man in
the wheelchair, also a combat veteran. This steadies the applause, but I think
deepens the sentiment. We have all been there now. The soldier's chair is
pushed by, I believe, a full colonel.
"Behind him, and stretching the length from Rings E to A,
come more of his peers, each private, corporal, or sergeant assisted as need
be by a field grade officer.
"11:00 hours: Twenty-four minutes of steady applause. My
hands hurt, and I laugh to myself at how stupid that sounds in my own head. My
hands hurt. Please! Shut up and clap. For twenty-four minutes, soldier after
soldier has come down this hallway - 20, 25, 30.. Fifty-three legs come with
them, and perhaps only 52 hands or arms, but down this hall came 30 solid
They pass down this corridor of officers and applause, and
then meet for a private lunch, at which they are the guests of honor, hosted
by the generals. Some are wheeled along. Some insist upon getting out of their
chairs, to march as best they can with their chin held up, down this hallway,
through this most unique audience. Some are catching handshakes and smiling
like a politician at a Fourth of July parade. More than a couple of them seem
amazed and are smiling shyly.
"There are families with them as well: the 18-year-old
war-bride pushing her 19-year-old husband's wheelchair and not quite
understanding why her husband is so affected by this, the boy she grew up
with, now a man, who had never shed a tear is crying; the older immigrant
Latino parents who have, perhaps more than their wounded mid-20s son, an
appreciation for the emotion given on their son's behalf. No man in that
hallway, walking or clapping, is ashamed by the silent tears on more than a
few cheeks. An Airborne Ranger wipes his eyes only to better see. A couple of
the officers in this crowd have themselves been a part of this parade in the
These are our men, broken in body they may be, but they are
our brothers, and we welcome them home. This parade has gone on, every single
Friday, all year long, for more than four years.
I've been there for this, it the most humbling expierence of my life to see these men with their families with their bodys shattered but with their pride and honor overflowing.
Cruise travelers tell of deadly waves off Spain
BARCELONA, Spain – The Mediterranean was heaving as the 68-year-old Italian stood in the cruise ship lounge. A moment later a monstrous wave shattered the windows and sent shards into her head, leaving her bleeding on the floor and calling out for her husband.
Torrents of water gushed into the Louis Majesty, pouring through several floors of the ship.
"I thought I would end up in the sea, drowned," said Anna Lita, who had a black eye and bandages on her head and hand Thursday.
The three waves that struck the Cypriot-owned ship Wednesday claimed two lives off the coast of northeast Spain. The vessel was carrying 1,350 passengers and 580 crew members, from a total of 27 countries.
Lita's husband Carlo, 69, who had been beside her on a sofa, was thrown in the air and ended up with five stitches in the head and a leg injury.
Another Italian, Giovanni Zanoni, said that after the waves blew out the windows of the lounge, the ceiling caved in and pandemonium broke out.
"People were screaming, panicking. They were grabbing life vests," Zanoni said. He said he saw one huge shard of glass hit a man in the face, killing him. It took a while to find the body because he was under the wreckage of the ceiling, Zanoni said.
The ship's owner and operator, Louis Cruise Lines, said the vessel was struck Wednesday by three "abnormally high" waves more than 33 feet (10 meters) high that broke glass windshields in the forward section on deck five, which is one of 10 used by passengers. Two people died and 14 were slightly hurt, the company said.
Large waves are not rare in the Mediterranean, but ones that size occur only once or twice a year, said Marta de Alfonso, an oceanographer with the Spanish government.
This accident happened in an area of the Mediterranean called the Gulf of Leon, which is known for big waves when storms hit.
The ship was on a 12-day cruise from the ports of Genoa and Marseilles in the western Mediterranean, calling at Tangiers, Casablanca, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Cadiz, Cartagena, Barcelona and had been due to return to Genoa on Thursday.
Passengers said the weather was terrible as they left Cartagena in eastern Spain Wednesday, and the captain announced he was skipping a planned stop in Barcelona and heading straight for Italy.
"I remember when the wave hit," Lita said. "It broke all the windows and I was rolling and rolling and did not stop calling out for my husband."
Amateur video footage taken by a passenger and aired on Spanish television showed a huge, foamy wave hitting what appeared to be the lounge area, sending water gushing in and people scurrying for safety.
"Suddenly we saw a wave that went up above our level, and I said to my husband, 'tonight we will not have to wash the windows,'" said Claudine Armand of France, who was in her cabin at that point. "Right then we heard we heard a loud noise, and it was the wave that hit us."
"When we came out of the room we saw the wave had flooded everything," she told Associated Press Television News.
Pierre Languillon, also of France, said damage was extensive and he saw many people with superficial injuries.
"They called for doctors, as many doctors as there were. Luckily nothing happened to us, but I think we averted a catastrophe."
Louis Cruise Lines spokesman Michael Maratheftis said 14 passengers who suffered only minor injuries were taken to hospital as a precaution.
Arrangements have been made to fly all passengers home Thursday and the ship will carry on with its normal schedule later this month after repairs are completed, he told the AP from Cyprus. By the end of the day most will have left the ship.
Maratheftis said the two dead passengers — a German and an Italian — suffered fatal injuries from the glass shards and ripped-out window frames and furniture.
"It was three waves, one after the other. The damage was done by the second and the third waves. We are talking about waves that exceeded 10 meters in height. This was unforeseen and unpredicted because the weather was not really that bad," Maratheftis said.
De Alfonso said there was in fact a big storm in the area at the time and the waves might have been stirred up by fierce winds. Waves often come in threes, she said.
Another passenger, Jean Claude Fery, of Marseille, said he was in his cabin looking out the porthole at tremendously turbulent seas. "I have never seen waves so big. It was unbelievable."
A Louis Cruise Lines statement said the waves smashed windows in a public area on deck 5 on the forward part of the vessel.
Louis Cruise Lines' Web site says the ship is 680 feet (207 meters) long, and features 10 passenger decks and 732 staterooms along with various bars, pools, restaurants and shops.
That is very cool Aaron
A HERO Chinook pilot was shot between the eyes by a Taliban bullet - but flew on and saved all 20 aboard.
Flight Lieutenant Ian Fortune, 28, had flown in to pick up casualties as a firefight raged between American and Afghan forces and heavily-armed rebels near Garmsir in Helmand Province.
He circled until troops reported incoming fire had calmed down.
But as Ian flew in the helicopter came under attack - which continued as casualties were being loaded.
Then as he lifted off Ian was shot.
A bullet hit a metal rail on the front of his helmet which is used to attach night vision goggles.
The round then penetrated his helmet hitting him between the eyes. It knocked his head back and caused severe bleeding.
More bullets followed, hitting the Chinook's controls and shutting down the stabilisation system.
But with blood pouring into his eyes, Ian battled with the controls to stop the chopper from spiralling out of control.
Then with the aircraft lurching from side to side he continued flying for eight minutes before landing at Camp Bastion.
Ian was taken to the field hospital and treated for his wound.
It is the first time in the nine-year war in Afghanistan a pilot has been shot while in the air.
One senior RAF source said: "This could have become one of the worst incidents of the conflict.
"If the bullet had hit the pilot a millimetre lower, those on board wouldn't have stood a chance.
"And had it not been for the skill of the pilot the result would have been the same."
TV's Mike, 41, who was with a crew from the Discovery Channel, said: "The courage and heroism of the pilot was beyond belief."
Read more:
Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Vag
A Florida woman recently caused an accident while on her way to visit her boyfriend. Police say Megan Mariah Barnes was driving and had her ex-husband take the wheel for her from the passenger's seat while she prepared for a date.
While on the way to Key West, Barnes sensed that her vaj wasn't smooth enough, so she decided to shave it. The Thunderbird she was driving slammed into the back of another vehicle and she kept on going. Cops say about a half-mile down the road Barnes pulled over and jumped into the back seat and let her ex-husband get in the driver's seat.
Barnes was convicted of a second DUI and driving under suspension the day before, so she really didn't need to get caught driving again.
But, of course, she did. Burns on her ex's chest from the passenger side airbag proved he wasn't driving when the accident happened. She was charged with driving with a revoked license, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident with injuries and driving with no insurance.
Now she and her shaved beaver are likely headed to jail.
Quote from: Krandall on March 07, 2010, 09:18:15 PM
Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Vag
A Florida woman recently caused an accident while on her way to visit her boyfriend. Police say Spartan727 was driving and had her ex-husband take the wheel for her from the passenger's seat while she prepared for a date.
While on the way to Key West, Pattumz sensed that her vaj wasn't smooth enough, so she decided to shave it. The Truck she was driving slammed into the back of another vehicle and she kept on going.
Now she and her shaved beaver are likely headed to jail.
That coulda waited Pat. :confused:
Courtesy of Nikki:
Woman Charged for Squirting Breast Milk at Deputy,2933,588369,00.html?test=latestnews
A Kentucky woman was charged with assault after she allegedly squirted breast milk into the face of a deputy, sparking online debate Sunday in the local media.
Toni Tramel, 31, was arrested Thursday for public intoxication in Owensboro, WYMT-TV reported, but it is what she did next which has attracted headlines.
As Tramel changed into an inmate uniform, she squirted a stream of breast milk into the face of the female deputy watching over her.
A press release from the Daviess County, Kentucky, Detention Center, said that after the deputy decontaminated herself from the "bio-hazard", Tramel was charged with third degree assault.
While the public drunkenness was merely a misdemeanor offense, the assault is a felony charge and a US$10,000 bond was set.
Reports of the case have sparked debates about whether using breast milk as a weapon should constitute a felony assault case, with many readers likening it to an accused person spitting on an officer.
Also sparking feedback has been the use of the term "bio-hazard" to describe breast milk.
HOTT! :lol:
So First person gamers.........
Is that considered "dual wielding" ???
Akimbo FTW
pow pow!
"Machine gun jubblies... How did I miss those baby?"
Soldier tells how he threw back Taliban grenade
LONDON (Reuters) – A soldier serving with the British Army in Afghanistan has told of the moment he threw back a Taliban hand grenade, telling himself: "I've really only got one chance to do this."
Rifleman James McKie from Recce Platoon, 3rd Battalion The Rifles was under fire from three directions on a roof when the grenade hit his platoon commander and landed at his feet.
"My first thought was I hope this doesn't hurt too much," the New Zealander said. "That, and I've really only got one chance to do this.
"If it fails, either way, doing nothing, I'm going to get the same amount of hurt. So I picked it up and threw it off the roof."
It exploded in mid-air just seconds later, sending shrapnel flying.
A media statement from The Rifles at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, which carried McKie's account, said his actions helped to save the lives of his commander and one other soldier who were involved in a fire-fight in the Sangin area of Helmand province, where six British soldiers have been killed in the last week. "We were in a high position on a compound roof," McKie went on. "There was no way you could throw yourself off and not get injured, so I made a decision to pick up the grenade and throw it off the roof.
"I tried to throw it properly, to clear the roof. I didn't want to do it half-arsed and have them throw it back at us or anything like that.
"I remember thinking that if I didn't pull this off, it was going to hurt. But at that stage I was pretty much committed."
McKie sustained fragmentation injuries to his right arm and face as the grenade exploded mid air, close to where he stood.
Fragmentation also hit his Platoon commander Captain Graeme Kerr who received leg injuries and who is recovering at Selly Oak Hospital in Britain.
"In retrospect, people keep telling me how brave I am, which I'm slightly embarrassed about," said McKie, who previously served in the New Zealand army.
"I'd like to think that anyone in that situation would have done the same or something similar because you can't just sit there and let yourself or other people get hurt.
"I don't feel particularly brave. I thought: I have to do this to survive."
Everything We Know About Call of Dutygate
Catch up on the ongoing legal war between Infinity Ward and Activision.
by Ryan Geddes
March 5, 2010 - This week, the gaming world watched with morbid fascination as Infinity Ward, the development studio that created the enormously popular Call of Duty series, imploded. In a flurry of press releases, legal filings, rumors and social networking status changes, Infinity Ward developers and publisher/owner Activision took their private war public.
The extent of the damage is still unknown, but we have solid intel in a few key areas. First, we know key Infinity Ward developers Jason West and Vince Zampella have been forced out in the wake of a bitter dispute with their corporate masters. It's trouble, we're told, that had been brewing for a long time. We also know Activision is already moving on with the Call of Duty franchise, giving new installments to internal studios Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch.
Read about that yesterday, it doesn't sound good.
I am sure it will all shake out and have little effect on us anyway, but nice read
Quote from: Hefe on March 09, 2010, 02:41:03 PM
I am sure it will all shake out and have little effect on us anyway, but nice read
the corporate big wigs always tryin to smack the little man down.
fuckin whitey!
keepin us down!
Corey Haim DEAD!!!!
Quote from: Hefe on March 10, 2010, 09:06:16 AM
Corey Haim DEAD!!!!
this shoulda been in the "tool" thread.
haha awesome.
N.Korea says ready for dialogue and war with US
SEOUL (AFP) – North Korea said Tuesday it would strengthen its nuclear deterrent in response to US military threats and is prepared for both dialogue and war with Washington.
The comments from a foreign ministry spokesman follow Monday's launch of a major US and South Korean military exercise which the North depicts as a rehearsal for invasion.
On Monday the communist state said it had ordered its military on full alert and announced readiness to "blow up" South Korean facilities.
The US and South Korea say the annual Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise, which involves 18,000 American and 20,000 South Korean troops, is defensive.
North Korea habitually responds angrily to the war games south of the border but they normally pass off without major incident.
This year's exercise coincides with diplomatic efforts to bring the North back to six-nation nuclear disarmament talks. The North quit the forum last April, a month before staging its second atomic weapons test.
As a precondition for returning, it demands a US commitment to open talks about a peace treaty to replace the armistice which ended the 1950-53 Korean War.
The ministry spokesman, quoted by Pyongyang's official news agency, described the military drill as "nuclear war exercises aimed at mounting a preemptive attack" on the North.
The exercise proved the justice of the proposal for a peace treaty, the spokesman added.
"The DPRK (North Korea) is fully ready for dialogue and war. It will continue bolstering up its nuclear deterrent as long as the US military threats and provocations go on."
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 10, 2010, 09:16:01 AM
this shoulda been in the "tool" thread.
for sure!
Quote from: Krandall on March 10, 2010, 11:34:27 AM
N.Korea says ready for dialogue and war with US
SEOUL (AFP) North Korea said Tuesday it would strengthen its nuclear deterrent in response to US military threats and is prepared for both dialogue and war with Washington.
The comments from a foreign ministry spokesman follow Monday's launch of a major US and South Korean military exercise which the North depicts as a rehearsal for invasion.
On Monday the communist state said it had ordered its military on full alert and announced readiness to "blow up" South Korean facilities.
The US and South Korea say the annual Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise, which involves 18,000 American and 20,000 South Korean troops, is defensive.
North Korea habitually responds angrily to the war games south of the border but they normally pass off without major incident.
This year's exercise coincides with diplomatic efforts to bring the North back to six-nation nuclear disarmament talks. The North quit the forum last April, a month before staging its second atomic weapons test.
As a precondition for returning, it demands a US commitment to open talks about a peace treaty to replace the armistice which ended the 1950-53 Korean War.
The ministry spokesman, quoted by Pyongyang's official news agency, described the military drill as "nuclear war exercises aimed at mounting a preemptive attack" on the North.
The exercise proved the justice of the proposal for a peace treaty, the spokesman added.
"The DPRK (North Korea) is fully ready for dialogue and war. It will continue bolstering up its nuclear deterrent as long as the US military threats and provocations go on."
Bring it Bitcholas!!! :nun:
Really cool story, to big to post though.
Army drops bayonets, busts abs in training revamp
FORT JACKSON, S.C. – At 5 a.m. on the Army's largest training base, soldiers grunt through the kinds of stretches, body twists and bent-leg raises that might be seen in an "ab blaster" class at a suburban gym.
Adapting to battlefield experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army is revamping its basic training regimen for the first time in three decades by nixing five-mile runs and bayonet drills in favor of zigzag sprints and honing core muscles.
Trainers hope the switch will better prepare soldiers physically for the pace of combat, with its sudden dashes and rolling gun battles. They also want to toughen recruits who are often more familiar with Facebook than fistfights.
The exercises are part of the first major overhaul in Army basic fitness training since men and women began training together in 1980, said Frank Palkoska, head of the Army's Fitness School at Fort Jackson, which has worked several years on overhauling the service's fitness regime.
The new plan is being expanded this month at the Army's four other basic training installations — Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Fort Sill, Okla., Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort Knox, Ky.
"We don't run five miles in combat, but you run across the street every day," Palkoska said, adding, "I'm not training long-distance runners. I'm training warriors" who must shuttle back and forth across a back alley.
Drill sergeants with combat experience in the current wars are credited with urging the Army to change training, in particular to build up core muscle strength to walk patrols with heavy packs and body armor or to haul a buddy out of a burning vehicle.
One of those experienced drill sergeants is 1st Sgt. Michael Todd, a veteran of seven deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
On a recent training day Todd was spinning recruits around to give them the feel of rolling out of a tumbled Humvee. Then he tossed on the ground pugil sticks made of plastic pipe and foam, forcing trainees to crawl for their weapons before they pounded away on each other.
"They have to understand hand-to-hand combat, to use something other than their weapon, a piece of wood, a knife, anything they can pick up," Todd said.
The new training also uses "more calisthenics to build core body power, strength and agility," Palkoska said in an office bedecked with 60-year-old black and white photos of World War II-era mass exercise drills. Over the 10 weeks of basic, a strict schedule of exercises is done on a varied sequence of days so muscles rest, recover and strengthen.
Another aim is to toughen recruits from a more obese and sedentary generation, trainers said.
Many recruits didn't have physical education in elementary, middle or high school and therefore tend to lack bone and muscle strength. When they ditch diets replete with soda and fast food for healthier meals and physical training, they drop excess weight and build stronger muscles and denser bones, Palkoska said.
Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command, the three-star general in charge of revamping all aspects of initial training, said his overall goal is to drop outmoded drills and focus on what soldiers need today and in the future.
Bayonet drills had continued for decades, even though soldiers no longer carry the blades on their automatic rifles. Hertling ordered the drills dropped.
"We have to make the training relevant to the conditions on the modern battlefield," Hertling said during a visit to Fort Jackson in January.
The general said the current generation has computer skills and a knowledge base vital to a modern fighting force. He foresees soldiers using specially equipped cell phones to retrieve information on the battlefield to help repair a truck or carry out an emergency lifesaving medical technique.
But they need to learn how to fight.
"Most of these soldiers have never been in a fistfight or any kind of a physical confrontation. They are stunned when they get smacked in the face," said Capt. Scott Sewell, overseeing almost 190 trainees in their third week of training. "We are trying to get them to act, to think like warriors."
For hours, Sewell and his drill sergeants urge on helmeted trainees as they whale away at each other with pugil sticks, landing head and body blows until one falls flat on the ground. As a victor slams away at his flattened foe, a drill sergeant whistles the fight to a halt.
"This is the funnest day I've had since I've been here!" said 21-year-old Pvt. Brendon Rhyne, of Rutherford County, N.C., after being beaten to the ground. "It makes you physically tough. Builds you up on the insides mentally, too."
The Marine Corps is also applying war lessons to its physical training, adopting a new combat fitness test that replicates the rigor of combat. The test, which is required once a year, has Marines running sprints, lifting 30-pound ammunition cans over their heads for a couple of minutes and completing a 300-yard obstacle course that includes carrying a mock wounded Marine and throwing a mock grenade.
Capt. Kenny Fleming, a 10-year-Army veteran looking after a group of Fort Jackson trainees, said men and women learn exercises that prepare them to do something on the battlefield such as throw a grenade, or lunge and pick a buddy off the ground. Experience in Iraq has shown that women need the same skills because they come under fire, too, even if they are formally barred from combat roles.
Fleming said those who had some sort of sports in high school can easily pick up on the training, while those who didn't have to be brought along. One hefty soldier in a recent company he trained dropped 45 pounds and learned to blast out 100 push-ups and 70 sit-ups, he said.
"We just have to take the soldier who's used to sitting on the couch playing video games and get them out there to do it," Fleming said.
Bond set for man in kid punchings
The 68-year-old grandfather accused of punching random children in a Northwest Side Walmart remained in jail after his first court appearance yesterday.
Franklin County Municipal Judge Mark Hummer set bond for Ralph Conone of 5687 Shadowbrook Dr. at $150,000. Should Conone post bond, he is ordered to stay away from his victims and Walmart while the case proceeds.
Conone stood quietly in court, his hands cuffed in front of him. He is being held in the Jackson Pike jail.
Columbus police have charged Conone with two misdemeanor counts of assault, but they said they expect that additional accusers will come forward.
Hummer ordered the news media not to photograph Conone in court to protect the police investigation. Police said they hope other children who were punched can identify him.
Conone was held Wednesday night at the Walmart at 2700 Bethel Rd. after a 6-year-old boy complained to his mother that Conone had punched him in the back of the head. The woman followed Conone out of the store, grabbed his arm, led him back inside and notified security.
Police said a review of the store's surveillance video not only confirmed the punching of the boy but also revealed blows to his 7-year-old brother and two other boys.
Sgt. Rich Weiner, a Police Division spokesman, said investigators have yet to identify the two other boys.
Conone told police he would put his keys between his fingers and strike the children when their parents weren't looking. He said he'd been doing it since January because he liked the excitement of getting away with it.
His public defender said in court that Conone has mental-health issues.
Quote from: Krandall on March 16, 2010, 11:45:24 AM
Police said a review of the store's surveillance video not only confirmed the punching of the boy but also revealed blows to his 7-year-old brother and two other boys.
so, one kid gets punched, and 3 others get blown?
doesn't seem fair!
Quote from: Hefe on March 16, 2010, 11:51:26 AM
Quote from: Krandall on March 16, 2010, 11:45:24 AM
Police said a review of the store's surveillance video not only confirmed the punching of the boy but also revealed blows to his 7-year-old brother and two other boys.
so, one kid gets punched, and 3 others get blown?
doesn't seem fair!
LOL talk about out of context! :nod:
notice his last name?
so hummer's giving hummers?
What about Sgt Weiner?
Students pitch in to help save town from flood
FARGO, N.D. – Some children lugged sandbags that weighed more than they did. Determined teens showed up just after dawn with groups of friends, ready and willing to shovel. New groups of kids arrived by the busloads, all ready to join the race to protect their city from the rising Red River.
Thousands of volunteers are lending a hand this week to fill and stack sandbags to place along the river and near endangered homes as Fargo faces the threat of a severe flood after the river's expected crest Sunday. But the heart of that volunteer corps are the city's youngest citizens.
It's a job that elsewhere might be reserved for emergency workers or at least, their parents. But here, students can be excused from class with their parents' permission and join the hundreds of adults who are taking on the task of filling 1 million sandbags to hold back the impending floodwaters.
"They pretty much have saved our community," said David Stark, 62, who worked beside hundreds of student volunteers Tuesday. One of the few seniors to join the effort, he had to take a break after hurting his hand and was in awe of the students' dedication.
Many of the volunteers know that what they're doing may help save a neighbor or friend. Michael Russell, 14, didn't mind missing a day of school to get dirty filling sandbags. He guessed many would end up near his own home or his friends' homes.
"I think I'm helping the city and my friends," he said.
Emilee Stevens normally can't wait more than a few minutes without itching to send a text message to a friend. This week, she didn't think about touching her cell phone as she shoveled, stacked and filled sandbags to help save her town.
"Texting would be hard to do sandbagging but it doesn't matter because all my friends are here anyway," said the 14-year-old Stevens.
The students are providing critical manpower when their community needs it most. Since March 1, volunteers have been bused in to Fargo's "Sandbag Central," an arena-size utility building normally used to house a fleet of 25 garbage trucks, said Terry Ludlum, the city's solid waste utility manager. There, with the help of machines and volunteers, up to 100,000 sandbags can be filled in a 12-hour shift. Fifty volunteers can fill about 1,000 sandbags an hour.
The volunteers are expected to meet their goal Wednesday afternoon, three days ahead of schedule and largely because of the help of the young students, Ludlum said. More than 1,000 children and teens have participated in the effort.
"We certainly would not be this far along without the help of these kids," Ludlum said.
Student volunteers are a critical part of Fargo's flood response plan, and without them, the city would be sunk. College students helped with the sandbagging effort last year when the region lived through record flooding, but this year, they are on spring break. To fill the gap, hundreds of middle school and high school students have been enlisted to work three- to four-hour shifts for 12 hours each day.
Some children are in grade school, or not even old enough to enroll.
Tina Gianakos brought her three sons to help out. Three-year-old Carsen Gianakos brought his own plastic shovel, and kept pace with brothers Bradley, 8, and Adam, 11.
"We're helping save people's houses so the little kids don't drown," Bradley said.
Carsen was lugging a 35-pound sandbag to a pallet for loading, something that impressed Tom Kempel, a city employee who was overseeing the effort.
"That sandbag is as big as he is, probably bigger," Kempel said. "He feels like he's part of the effort, and he is."
Carsen put down his toy shovel only long enough to take an occasional slide down a sand pile, or to watch heavy machinery that hauled the sandbags away.
"Wow!" he said, pointing to a bucket-loader that chewed into 10-foot-high piles of sand.
Ciera Watkin, a 17-year-old high school senior, said the sandbagging was hard work. Watkin and her friend, 17-year-old Alysa Lerud, were exhausted after pulling a nearly five-hour shift on Tuesday.
"This is hard and my back hurts from shoveling and everything," Watkin said. "But I'll come back."
Gov. John Hoeven said the sandbagging effort couldn't have been done without the student volunteers.
"They're moving those bags like crazy," said Hoeven, who filled a few sandbags and patted the backs of many young workers. "They are taking pride in helping their community and we are grateful."
I been listening to the damn Socialized Health Care stuff today..
kinda worried about all this
could change our world as we know it
It's not good.. that's for sure.
Scares me quite a bit.. but I don't know wtf they are talking about I'm not a political guy.. so.. I just keep on keepin on.
right on, and this is not the place for that type of discussion!
it is a huge deal right now and news worthy
mah britches are a huge deal too. especiallty whats in them.
Nikki sent me a text of what is in your britches
I didn't know you were half black???
hellz yea.. 8)
did you get that text too?
I'm spreading my seed.
Winnie's preggers!
The Wonder Years star and math guru Danica McKellar is pregnant, according to People.
Wonder Years' Danica McKellar says "I do"
"I'm nearing the end of my first trimester and I'm so excited I've been bursting to tell people," McKellar told the magazine.
The 35-year-old former child star said she tried to put off the pregnancy test because she didn't want any distractions while she was in the middle of "a really intense deadline" for her new book, Hot X: Algebra Exposed, which hits shelves in August.
VIDEO: Kiss My Math: Danica McKellar
That only lasted a day I couldn't stop thinking about it and I caved! You can't try to put that off," she said.
I saw her in some movie about a swarm....I didn't know it was literally a swam of sperm to invade her ovaries. Cripes
Ford Introduces New Taurus-based Police Car
The next time you're pulled over for speeding, you might be surprised by what you see in the rearview. Ford recently unveiled its replacement for the Crown-Victoria-based Police Interceptor -- and it's a Taurus.
"Ford first introduced its police package in 1950 and today the Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor is the industry leader," explains Jalopnik. "The automaker's dominated the streets to the point that over the last five years, Ford's controlled more than 70% of the patrol cars sold. ... Unfortunately, the Crown Vic's Panther-platform's getting a little long in the tooth — it hasn't seen a redesign in over 15 years."
So out goes the Crown Vic and in comes the Taurus. "To develop the all-new Police Interceptor, Ford engineers worked hand-in-hand with Ford's Police Advisory Board of law enforcement professionals, which provided input on key vehicle attributes such as safety, performance, durability, driver comfort and functionality," writes Ford.
While the new Police Interceptor is based on the 2010 Ford Taurus, the changes are significant.
According to, "Police departments across the country won't be piloting just any Taurus off dealership lots. Ford says approximately 90 percent of the interior has been redesigned for police use." Unique features include front seats with anti-stab plates to protect officers from violent criminals and vinyl rear seats to make cleaning up after messy ones easier.
Ford Police Interceptor
Ford Police Interceptor
That's not all. USA Today reports: "The Taurus-based model will keep the Police Interceptor name but offer just two 3.5-liter V-6 engines, no big V-8s, as in the Crown Vic. Ford boasts that the standard version will be 25% more fuel efficient than the current standard V-8. And the version with two turbochargers, what Ford calls EcoBoost, will deliver 365 horsepower, 115 more than the standard Crown Vic." The 365-horsepower V6 is the same found in the performance-tuned Taurus SHO. An optional all-wheel drive system will also be available.
The result is a better-performing police car. "Ford's new police car can endure a rear-end crash at 75 m.p.h., easily jump curbs and accelerate twice as fast as Ford's outgoing iconic Crown Victoria Police Interceptor," says the Detroit Free Press.
However, the competition is tough. "The Taurus-based cop car will have to compete against the Dodge Charger cruiser, which looks good and is plenty fast with the available Hemi, and the Chevrolet Caprice, another rear-driver which is pretty much a Pontiac G8 in all but name (and civilian availability)," writes Edmunds.
Ford will cease production on the old Police Interceptor in late 2011 and begin introducing the new Taurus-based model in 2012.
If you're in the market for a new car, check out the U.S. News rankings of this year's best cars as well as this month's best car deals.
I was JUST reading that story, that car is bad ass. Wonder if it will have a few extra mods under the hood compared to the stock SHO.
Winnie cooper is knocked up!
wow.. awesome, some dude is "hittin' that
Quote from: Hefe on March 18, 2010, 03:40:20 PM
Winnie cooper is knocked up!
wow.. awesome, some dude is "hittin' that
from the wonder years? :lol:
that was one fly piece of tail!
Jell-O, no! Geezer duo busted
An elderly Long Island husband and wife were busted yesterday for tampering with boxes of Jell-O pudding -- replacing the contents with sand and salt and then returning them to stores for the $1.40-a-pop refund, officials said.
Alexander Clement, 68, and his wife, Christine Clement, 64, of East Northport disposed of the evidence afterward -- by cooking up and eating the contents of the boxes they had emptied, authorities said.
Their puddings of choice? Pistachio and butterscotch.
Police said the couple struck four stores a total of five times. Christine would buy about 10 boxes each time. Her hubby was the driver.
When the pair got home, she allegedly would empty the boxes' contents and replace them with plastic sandwich bags filled with the sand and salt.
After resealing the boxes, her husband would drive her back to the stores, where she would return them for a refund, police said.
The scheme fell apart after a customer who bought one of the resealed boxes complained. Police traced the boxes back to the Clements.
But authorities said the couple -- who are well-off and have been married 40 years -- is more to be pitied. Christine Clement is suffering from "an age-related mental issue," police said.
"This was a bizarre story to begin with, and it just got worse when we found out what happened. It's sad," said Suffolk Police Lt. Michael Murphy.
"These aren't bad people. They never had any problems before. It was a complete aberration. They are very apologetic."
& laughing themselves silly when no-one else is looking
all that for a buck 40?
times that sh*t by 10!
dat's alot of amphet-O-mines :lol:
Tourist falls into active volcano crater on Bali;_ylt=AglLwL2eAytskAxNikAvZlWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTN1Z29sZ3I0BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMzMxL2FzX2luZG9uZXNpYV92b2xjYW5vX2RlYXRoBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDOQRwb3MDNgRwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX2hlYWRsaW5lX2xpc3QEc2xrA3RvdXJpc3RmYWxscw--
BALI, Indonesia – A Swedish tourist fell to his death into the crater of an active volcano Wednesday on the Indonesian resort island of Bali.
The 25-year-old man and two friends were on a pre-dawn hike along the rim of the crater of 5,633-foot (1,717-meter) Mount Batur when he fell in, local police chief Capt. Made Oka said.
Rescuers spotted the man's body inside the dry crater at a depth of about 500 feet (150 meters), Oka said. Officials believe the man did not survive the initial impact of the fall.
"Rescuers are now in the process of evacuating the body," Oka said, adding that poor weather around the crater may slow the efforts.
Mount Batur, which has erupted 26 times since 1840, is about 40 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of the provincial capital, Denpasar. It last erupted in 2000 and is considered an active volcano. It regularly lets off steam.
Oka said the route the tourists were hiking is considered safe and accidents there are uncommon.
you guys hear about Ricky Martin?
scrolling across bottom of CNN this morning:
"Ricky Martin releases statement coming out of closet"
A. No kidding.... :rolleyes:
B. WHo really gives a f**k?....besides Randy of course. :lol:
So what if I dig the year roun' brown.
Quote from: Krandall on March 31, 2010, 09:32:36 AM
So what if I dig the year roun' brown.
you are "livin la vida loca" !!! :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 31, 2010, 10:19:58 AM
Quote from: Krandall on March 31, 2010, 09:32:36 AM
So what if I dig the year roun' brown.
you are "livin la vida loca" !!! :lol:
If you can call that living.......... :nod:
wtf :rofl:
The book, the brainchild of Lisa Murphy and called Tactile Minds, is designed to be 'enjoyed' by the blind and visually impaired - and is on sale for £150.
Among the 17 raised images include a naked woman in a 'disco pose', a woman with 'perfect breasts' and a 'male love robot'.
Canadian Lisa says that she made the book to fill a gap in the market, adding: "There are no books of tactile pictures of nudes for adults.
"We're breaking new ground. Playboy has an edition with Braille wording, but there are no pictures."
She said that she made the book after realising that the 'blind have been left out in a culture saturated with sexual images'.
Between 1970 and 1985 Playboy printed copies of its famous magazine in braille - but without raised pictures.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 31, 2010, 09:29:53 AM
you guys hear about Ricky Martin?
scrolling across bottom of CNN this morning:
"Ricky Martin releases statement coming out of closet"
A. No kidding.... :rolleyes:
B. WHo really gives a f**k?....besides Randy of course. :lol:
C. Did anyone actually think he was straight?
Quote from: Krandall on April 12, 2010, 11:25:22 AM
wtf :rofl:
The book, the brainchild of Lisa Murphy and called Tactile Minds, is designed to be 'enjoyed' by the blind and visually impaired - and is on sale for £150.
Among the 17 raised images include a naked woman in a 'disco pose', a woman with 'perfect breasts' and a 'male love robot'.
Canadian Lisa says that she made the book to fill a gap in the market, adding: "There are no books of tactile pictures of nudes for adults.
"We're breaking new ground. Playboy has an edition with Braille wording, but there are no pictures."
She said that she made the book after realising that the 'blind have been left out in a culture saturated with sexual images'.
Between 1970 and 1985 Playboy printed copies of its famous magazine in braille - but without raised pictures.
Well doesn't everyone "only buy playboy for the articles".......??
After all porn is free to all on the interweb/net thingy
Porn on the internet... where?
Quote from: Hefe on April 13, 2010, 01:46:51 PM
Porn on the internet... where?
no way! this it the best day ever. :lol:
someone better show me this porn RFN!
peelz busted.
ATHENS, AL -- Limestone County authorities have arrested a man they say tried to disguise five ounces of cocaine as a baked potato.
Sheriff's Lt. Lance Royals says they got a tip Monday afternoon that a man in a silver Mustang had cocaine.
When investigators approached the man in a parking lot outside a restaurant, he said he had nothing illegal. Investigators searched the car and found a carryout plate with chicken, rice and what looked like a foil-wrapped potato.
The foil contained five ounces of cocaine.
The 21-year-old originally gave a false name and said he lived in Huntsville but couldn't remember the address, but Royals says his real name is Ruben Orozco.
Orozco was being held without bail on the trafficking charge and on $2,500 bail on a charge of giving a false name.
Quote from: Krandall on April 15, 2010, 11:30:56 AM
peelz busted.
ATHENS, AL -- Limestone County authorities have arrested a man they say tried to disguise five ounces of cocaine as a baked potato.
Sheriff's Lt. Lance Royals says they got a tip Monday afternoon that a man in a silver Mustang had cocaine.
When investigators approached the man in a parking lot outside a restaurant, he said he had nothing illegal. Investigators searched the car and found a carryout plate with chicken, rice and what looked like a foil-wrapped potato.
The foil contained five ounces of cocaine.
The 21-year-old originally gave a false name and said he lived in Huntsville but couldn't remember the address, but Royals says his real name is Ruben Orozco.
Orozco was being held without bail on the trafficking charge and on $2,500 bail on a charge of giving a false name.
would be cooler to make them into tater tots. :lol:
wow. what punks.
I was almost thinkin she did hit that..
they were in her house... drinking.. one was in her room....
just sounds too fishy
this is sweet, I didn't know this stuff happened anymore!!
Hells Angels, Outlaws motorcycle gangs brawl in Winona County
Officials say a brawl between rival biker gangs in southeastern Minnesota prompted police to close a lane of U.S. 61 after pulling over more than 100 bikers.
Winona County Chief Deputy Ron Ganrude tells the Winona Daily News that police were called Saturday afternoon to a parking lot in Minneiska where members of the Hells Angels and Outlaws motorcycle clubs were fighting.
No was cited for fighting, however, because no one would talk to the officers. One man with facial injuries said he fell. Two men were cited for possessing brass knuckles.
Meanwhile, three deputies and a state trooper pulled over 100 members of the Outlaws on U.S. 61 while police in Minneiska investigated the fight. The Outlaws were eventually let go.
Ganrude says he couldn't recall another biker brawl in the county.
not sweet. Grow the f**k up.....
do they ride wooden wheeled cycles up there?
oops..thinking with the keyboard again. :lol: Rough work get an unfiltered response. THese guys could be doing something for the world...but instead...they are ruining the image for other motorcyclists. ;) Why not just ditch the bikes and go have a barfight? :thumbs:
must all be Harley riders
Quote from: Hefe on April 20, 2010, 02:12:38 PM
must all be Harley riders
figures...that isn't the point here though. As much as I hate harleys :lol:
motorcyclists give themselves a bad image.... like any power sport out there. there's gonna be F*cktards.
Quote from: Krandall on April 20, 2010, 02:16:44 PM
motorcyclists give themselves a bad image.... like any power sport out there. there's gonna be F*cktards.
100% my point. :thumbs: ditch the bikes and go have your little schoolyard fight. :lol:
I know.. but the "Harley" image is just all about douchebaggery
Quote from: Hefe on April 20, 2010, 02:20:48 PM
I know.. but the "Harley" image is just all about douchebaggery
yep. Cuz having a big beard and no home makes you a good man, not taking care of your kids. :lol:
just call mr. judgemental today. :lol:
I was going more for the
Harley is the best bike ever mentality
when factually speaking
they are slow, loud, underpowered, lacking individuality, unsafe, heavy
should I continue?
waiting for Erich to chime in..
he wants one of those POS's so bad
that too. Just say you like harleys, don't tell me it's because they are better. :) I understand the "american made" mentality too...but just say that then :rolleyes:
oh you missed one. waaaaayyy over-priced. :thumbs:
Quote from: Hefe on April 20, 2010, 02:20:48 PM
I know.. but the "Harley" image is just all about douchebaggery
I now see where you're comin from tho
I may be startin a war here.. But that's exactly how I feel about Corvettes and Chevelles..
They lack individuality IMO.
Not sure how you think a harley is unsafe though ??? wife drove her fathers all last year basically.. no accidents or weirdness's?
Quote from: Krandall on April 20, 2010, 03:08:20 PM
Quote from: Hefe on April 20, 2010, 02:20:48 PM
I know.. but the "Harley" image is just all about douchebaggery
I now see where you're comin from tho
I may be startin a war here.. But that's exactly how I feel about Corvettes and Chevelles..
They lack individuality IMO.
Not sure how you think a harley is unsafe though ??? wife drove her fathers all last year basically.. no accidents or weirdness's?
try to maneuver one quickly. think driving a bus with no roof.
So, what you COULD say is..... Driving BIG motorcycles is unsafe.
Quote from: Krandall on April 20, 2010, 03:11:00 PM
So, what you COULD say is..... Driving BIG motorcycles is unsafe.
heavy ones that have the same frame/suspension design from the 1950's.
What are you comparing them to?
I wouldn't say a gold wing is exactly "maneuverable" either.. I don't think in the cruiser world there's been huge developments for frame technology lol
Quote from: Krandall on April 20, 2010, 03:14:05 PM
What are you comparing them to?
I wouldn't say a gold wing is exactly "maneuverable" either.. I don't think in the cruiser world there's been huge developments for frame technology lol
nope. Not arguing that they are safer than a goldwing. Touring bikes are the same way. The argument is with the owners of these hunks o metal that argue that they are somehow better than a metric bike.
Besides, hefe started this. not me :lol:
I'm fairly unbiased when it comes to bikes.. I don't ride nor do I really care to..
But it's like all the harley people thinking that the people that ride rockets are stuntin mo-fo's that wanna do stupid chit all the time too.
yep. just stop the agument. Or think before you argue.
Actually, not to fuel the fire...
but the jap developers are leaps and bounds ahead of Harley
much better braking (ABS), balance, handling, acceleration
I would take a wing over a hog any day!
there is really no comparison between the Harley and the goldwing of today
I drove a Honda (Yuck) Magna from MI to NY for a long weekend
and it was a GREAT bike for a long journey
got in the Catskill mountains and carved the twisties too
dragging footpegs like crazy!
the "tour" BMW's are the shit!
very advanced
I am with you on the vettes to Randy...
but I am kind of fond of the older Chevelle and Monte Carlo body style
touring BMW's are like thrones for a king. COmfy as hell, and every techno safety gadget you can think of. Not to mention the state of the art frame and suspension. The "R" bikes are air cooled boxer engines, most reliable thing on the planet. It was the r1150 GS (dual sport tourer) that was used to tour the entire planet. Can't remember the actor's name who did that. THe F bikes are 650FI singles that are even more reliable. Think they bumperd them out to 800 though.
nice entry level bike. Way more than what you get on a harley for the same price.
Harley has never wanted to be part of that scene though. They were never intended to be a "tour" bike. They are about the looks. Just a classic looking bike. It's like comparing an Escort to a BMW IMO.
Quote from: Krandall on April 21, 2010, 12:43:17 PM
Harley has never wanted to be part of that scene though. They were never intended to be a "tour" bike. They are about the looks. Just a classic looking bike. It's like comparing an Escort to a BMW IMO.
yep. tell that to the douchebag locals that tell me it is a better bike. ANd, to me, it is about what you get for the money. There are harleys that base close to 20k that are ugly and uncomfortable... not to mention slow, uneconomical and again, absolutely nothing new about the design, but they charge you like it is. Did I mention fugly? It is the cost thing that bugs me the most. You can't charge me new prices for old designs. :confused: I looked at them once. Almost bought one. 14 k for a sportster.... ERMAHGERD. I rode it.... ERMAHGERD. mY last tooth rattled outta my head. :lol:
fair enough.
and I completely understand the getting what you pay for. I don't know. Its hard to argue a point when I know nothing about either side really. Just based off what the wife says. She loved her dads 78' Low Rider. Said it was a great ride. And it rattled. But I think that's part of the we'll say "American Muscle" so to speak. kinda like old cars w/ big cams in em when they thump.
Can't really argue looks. I like the look of some harleys and hate the others. But that BMW posted below to me is the epitome of being fugly. (just all in preference :) )
Quote from: Krandall on April 21, 2010, 01:30:33 PM
fair enough.
and I completely understand the getting what you pay for. I don't know. Its hard to argue a point when I know nothing about either side really. Just based off what the wife says. She loved her dads 78' Low Rider. Said it was a great ride. And it rattled. But I think that's part of the we'll say "American Muscle" so to speak. kinda like old cars w/ big cams in em when they thump.
Can't really argue looks. I like the look of some harleys and hate the others. But that BMW posted below to me is the epitome of being fugly. (just all in preference :) )
yeah, I guess. :thumbs: I like the "it can go anywhere" look as opposed to the "sit outside a bar and wait for sleezy chicks in tube tops" look. :lol: preference...
ok.. LMFAO @ Peels "last tooth"
Randy, the biggest diff with the lump of a Harley and the lump of an old Hotrod, is the Harley makes noise, and NO Power
they are a huge joke with regards to power.
as for your wife liking the bike..
it doesn't take a psychologist to ascertain that she loves her dad, and it wouldn't have mattered WHAT he rode
she has great memories of her childhood (very sweet)
as peels said..
they all look the same, and haven't changed a bit!
yet .. they expect you to pay out the nose for it.
I have NO love for that company!
yep hefe.
what this boils down to... Harleys are not better, and anybody who says so hasn't ridden anything else good. In their mind, they are cooler, because of the gimmicks, but in no way, shape, or form will they ever be better. My whole issue, is the folks that say they are better cuz they like the image. Just say you like it. Don't BS me and say Jap is crap. My FZ was 4k and would go 180. I will never pay for something with no substance, because of image.
Harleys can be cool. My mother in law's husband has a really super nice "whatchama-glide" it is all blacked out, even the pipes, and has a fairing. Even sounds cool. Not the normal "potato, potato" sound :lol: The v-rod WAS cool. But they had to get porsche to help them design a powerful motor for it. Cuz they can't handle it. :confused: And it still would only go 140.
My dad rode a suzuki GS1000 standard. I love all motorcycles that are made like that now. Even bought a 1000 standard. FZ1 And would again. Something about a bike that doesn't need bling to be cool. Just bad ass motor and performance. And cheap. No wishy washy gimmicks. (loud motor, crappy suspension, chrome in dumb places etc.)
miss it, it was the bike I learned to ride on. Used to take me to Giants games at Candlestick on it. Best memories as a kid. It had an electrical glitch after sitting in a shed for years, and ate batteries. I rode it anyways, just push started it :lol: It sat for 10 years. Started on first push of the button.
what thread is this again? :lol: man i can rant.... :lol:
Back on topic
In Detroit? Surprised? Not me....
that is pretty messed up shit@!
Barry Komisaruk studies the female orgasm. But not in the way most men do, between the sheets. His research is done in a laboratory.
The Rutgers neuroscientist analyzes brains in their most enthusiastic state, hoping to strengthen women's orgasms and aid the climax-challenged.
"We want to find ways to increase pleasure in people's lives," he says.
To do this, Komisaruk selects volunteers to self-stimulate inside an fMRI machine so he and his team can study which areas of the brain — the body's sexiest organ — are activated by arousal.
And this is why I'm here. Today I will donate an orgasm to science.
Dr. Barry Komisaruk, a Rutgers' based neuroscientist, works with Pat Singh, MRI technologist, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, as they look at the brain scan of a 31 year old female volunteer while she masturbates in an fMRI machine at the lab in Newark. The purpose of the experiment is to analyze where the stimulation activates the brain.Patti Sapone/ The Star Ledger
While the 68-year-old Komisaruk has been witness to more than 200 live-action orgasms in his lab, he's too busy nerding out on stuff such as surging hormones, bonding peptides and synapsing neurons (when amplified, he says they sound like popcorn popping) to view the process in any way other than clinically.
Though he does maintain a sense of humor about his research. "I got into vaginal stimulation about 25 years ago," he says. "That is, professionally speaking."
Among the things Komisaruk has discovered so far is that orgasm is a natural pain-blocker, lessening it by up to 50 percent.
Orgasm also maintains or heightens a woman's sensitivity to touch, making a lover's caresses all the sweeter. (The business-savvy Komisaruk already has taken out a patent on the peptide that creates this response.)
But plenty of mysteries remain. The comprehension of this bodily function is still in its infancy. Despite our ability to plow through the atmosphere and land on the moon, we have yet to figure out the reasons behind what makes our own bodies undulate.
Some contend it's just evolutionary leftovers from the man's ejaculatory climax. Others, such as Komisaruk, believe there's a purpose to a woman's flush-faced ecstasy — but he's not quite sure what it is yet. It could be that the contractions of the uterus during orgasm help draw semen into the Fallopian tubes to aid pregnancy, that the pleasure tempts the woman to copulate repeatedly, or that orgasm allows a healthy release of muscle tension from the body.
On the day I donate my orgasm, I bring along my hot pink dildo. But as I enter the sterile lab, I wish I had chosen something subtler. Komisaruk and his four associates, all in white lab coats, greet me. As they hand me my very unsexy pale blue gown to change into, I have second thoughts — "How am I going to orgasm with five scientists watching me?" — but decide to push myself.
Science needs my climax!
The first thing I am asked to do is give a urine sample.
This is for a pregnancy test: There must be no fetus endangerment under the fMRI's three teslas of magnetic strength.
Then my dildo must be checked for metals — anything magnetic will fly toward the machine. I try to remain calm as a vision of dangerous flying dildos passes through my mind.
The scientists load me into the machine and put a sheet over me, preserving my modesty.
Next step: They strap my head down, because any movement distorts the brain imaging. Ever try to have an orgasm without facial contortions?
I feel as if I'm being shoved into the middle of a toilet paper roll, the walls so close my eyelashes almost graze them.
Then I hear a voice through the earphones I'm wearing. It's Komisaruk.
"You okay in there?" he asks.
Graduate student Nan Wise, 52, puts a dollop of lube on my hand before running around to join the other scientists in the control room.
Born and raised in Jersey City, Wise now lives in West Orange and works closely with Komisaruk. She began her career as a therapist because she was interested in what makes people tick and wanted to help them "regulate their emotions."
With the invention of the fMRI only 20 years ago, along came the ability to look at brain activity. She says that by understanding a function as gigantic as the orgasm, a response that hijacks all of one's attention, she might also learn how smaller emotions affect behavior and decision making.
"The more we understand how the brain works," she says, "the more we will be able to help people modulate its activity."
Wise once volunteered to donate her orgasm. During the experiment, she lost her grasp and her purple dildo went flying. It remains a popular subject during many grad-student happy hours.
"It was the worst orgasm I ever had," she says.
As the machine switches on, it sounds like a jackhammer. I follow Komisaruk's instructions and as I do, the group watches my brain on their computer monitors.
Komisaruk, who lives in Maplewood, is the co-author of "The Science of Orgasm" and "The Orgasm Answer Guide" (both of the Johns Hopkins University Press). He never expected his interest in science to lead to a career researching women's sexual responses.
He grew up in Brooklyn and went on to attend City College of New York. From there, he got a doctoral degree from Rutgers, did a post-doc at UCLA and then returned to Rutgers to join the faculty. He's been at the New Brunswick campus since 1966, and now is also associate dean of the graduate school.
From the beginning, one question shaped his research: How do neurons produce awareness? When he was just starting out, he met with scientists, many of whom became mentors, and participated in their projects. He cut his teeth manipulating the hormones of doves and rabbits. Working with the celebrated psychologist B. F. Skinner, endocrinologist C. H. Sawyer and psychologist James Olds, he even inserted rods into rats' genitals to study the rodents' pseudo-pregnancy response.
He discovered that during vaginal stimulation, the rats looked somewhat paralyzed. They wouldn't respond to sensory input. Through trial and error with the rats, Komisaruk found vaginal stimulation was causing not paralysis, but a painblocking response.
Around this time, Komisaruk's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was often in a lot of discomfort or extreme pain. She died in 1982 at just 40 years old, and her experience affected her husband's career path. Having watched her suffer, Komisaruk decided to apply his research with animals to humans.
"I felt like a dummy standing there helplessly watching my wife in terrible, unrelenting pain," he says. "I felt I should use what I was taught as a scientist to do something that would be directly useful to people, and there is a real need to control people's pain."
The volunteer raises her hand to indicate that she is having an orgasim. Dr. Barry Komisaruk, a Rutgers' based neuroscientist and his team do a brain scan of a 31 year old female volunteer while she masturbates in an MRI machine at the lab in Newark. The purpose of the experiment is to analyze where the stimulation activates the brain. Patti Sapone/ The Star Ledger
Komisaruk was able to reconfigure a lot of the experiments he did on female rats to women. He found many similarities, even the pain-blocking peptide that is released during vaginal stimulation. As most answers in research lead to more questions, so did this.
These days, Komisaruk is trying to learn how to augment pleasure, which goes hand in hand with lessening pain.
Research and teaching take up most of his time, but when he has a spare moment, he visits with his two adult sons. He says they have always supported his interests. "They're never embarrassed, at least not to my face."
During my first hour in the fMRI machine, researchers map my genitals to find out which parts — cervix, uterus, clitoris — correlate to which regions of the brain. A similar map, called the cortical homunculus, was published for the male body in 1951. The one Komisaruk is working on will be the first of its kind for women. (Wise calls it the "hermunculus.")
Finally, it's time for the climax. And thank goodness, because I'm getting sleepy touching myself to the rhythm of the machine's droning.
"You have 10 minutes," Komisaruk says through my earphones. "Stimulate to orgasm."
I'm told to signal orgasm by raising my left hand.
The goal-oriented part of myself overwhelms my embarrassment. On the other side of the glass pane, the scientists can see my brain getting happy. Regions light up as sensation begins building. They are watching my brain on orgasm — brain porn.
"The brain becomes very active as someone approaches orgasm," Komisaruk explains. He, Wise and the other research associates have found that four different pairs of nerves — hypogastric, vagus, pudendal and pelvic — carry information from the woman's genital area via the spinal cord to her brain.
As this information registers in the brain, chemical messengers start doing their work.
Dopamine and oxytocin are let loose — the dopamine stimulates the pleasure sensations as oxytocin, which is released throughout the bloodstream, initiates the uterine contractions that often accompany orgasm.
A woman also experiences accelerated heartbeat, blood pressure, flushness, pupil dilation and sweating — orgasm is a full-body workout. Because there are so many pathways for sensation, Komisaruk believes a woman has the capacity to experience a more intense and complex orgasm than a man.
Wise, who also is a relationship psychotherapist, says it's worth knowing your nerves. "To know how to play your instrument," she says, "you have to learn your range."
Komisaruk proudly discusses what his research — and knowing another's range — has done for his own sex life. "I understand better how to elicit sexual pleasure in a woman," he says, "and it seems to work. It's a validation of my own research."
Some women can create the sensation of orgasm from thought alone, without touch. In slang, the phenomenon is called "thinking off." Komisaruk and Wise have studied these women with extreme interest.
"Our mind is much more powerful than we imagine," says Wise. "If we can become aroused by thoughts, why not orgasm from them?"
Traci, a 30-year-old woman who has given an orgasm to Komisaruk's fMRI, discovered her ability to "think off " while chatting online. "It just kind of happened," she says, "I don't know how it happened. I think I'm just really horny."
Though she has harnessed a skill many women would pay big money for, she rarely will just pop one out while she's out and about. "I haven't really done it much," she says, "but you know what? I probably should."
When she went through the fMRI, she brought herself to orgasm using her special skill — without touching herself.
"If it could somehow help people who've never had an orgasm before, that'd be cool," she says.
Komisaruk is not sure if women such as Traci are tricking their brains into thinking there is real sensory input — or, if the ability is actually a shortcut to an "orgasm center" of the brain.
"If we can understand their process," says Komisaruk, "we might be able to teach these techniques to women who have trouble with orgasm."
One of Komisaruk's ideas for a therapeutic practice is to put people who are having trouble with orgasm into the fMRI and do neurobiofeedback, meaning they will see their own brains in close to real time and have the chance to try to manipulate the regions of their brains that are activated — and hopefully, in this way, learn to achieve orgasm.
At about the five-minute mark through my own path to orgasm in the lab, I'm worried I'm going to let everyone down. They had paid me a $100 subject fee, and I wanted to give them their money's worth.
After all, it's not easy to get funding for this stuff — Komisaruk says he spends at least half of his time applying for grants. Once, he had to agree to take out the word "vaginal" from the title of one of his studies before a foundation would release funds already allocated to him.
"There's no premium on studying pleasure in this society," he tells me as Wise murmurs, "What do you expect? We were founded by Puritans."
So I am really glad — not to mention pleased, sensationally — when I start to feel those familiar contractions. I raise my left hand in the nick of time and break into a smile inside my little toilet paper roll.
Komisaruk and Wise run into the room and high-five me.
It's strange at first, but then I start to think that all orgasms should end that way. They can't stop talking about my brain: "Your brain — it's such a good brain!"
I regain my embarrassment and hide my dildo under the sheet. The scientists will first store all my data, then convert it and analyze it.
The data takes two hours to convert, but it can take much longer to make sense of it.
"We'll be at this for a while," Komisaruk says.
One of the biggest conundrums of the orgasm turns out to be a nagging question for all mankind: The orgasm activates the same part of the brain — the anterior cingulate cortex and the insula — as pain.
Komisaruk gives me a visual example, showing me images of people making O-faces. Their faces are tweaked completely sideways with mangled mouths and eyes shut tight. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd told me they all had just had their feet run over by a semi truck.
"What is the difference between pleasure and pain?" Komisaruk asks. "What makes something feel good?" He begins slipping more and more into his thoughts. "Neurons, little bags of chemicals, create awareness," he says, "but how? How does the brain create the mind?"
I see that at the heart of all his orgasmic research, there is a philosopher trying not only to augment pleasure, but also figure out the nuts and bolts that make up the human experience.
"It's the hard question I want to answer," he says. "What creates consciousness?
"I find that," he adds, "and I find the Nobel Prize."
Quote from: Hefe on April 22, 2010, 08:25:41 AM
Back on topic
Is this the same school you were telling me that started seagulling? :lol:
FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
A classy Chicago man was charged with disorderly conduct after a city employee found brown stains and a foul odor coming off the man's mailed in parking ticket. Chicago, you just got served.
Alexander Bailey, a 22-year-old from the Chicagoland area, allegedly also wrote a note on the ticket that he had wiped himself with it, lest there be any doubt.
The city employee who found the crappy ticket informed police who then charged and locked up Bailey, who was later released after posting $500 bail.
The original ticket that Bailey allegedly wiped himself with was $15.
There comes a time in which you've gone too far to prove a point. Wiping your ass with the ticket,'re a cool rebel. But then writing a note onto the ticket to point out that you wiped your ass with the ticket? That's just over the line, man. We get it, you think the city is a joke and want to illustrate that fact with your tender bung. And to think, I expected so much better of a man who'd rub a filthy parking ticket worth less than a night at the movies on his rectum.
Awesome! :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on April 23, 2010, 10:19:03 AM
FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
A classy Chicago man was charged with disorderly conduct after a city employee found brown stains and a foul odor coming off the mans mailed in parking ticket. Chicago, you just got served.
Alexander Bailey, a 22-year-old from the Chicagoland area, allegedly also wrote a note on the ticket that he had wiped himself with it, lest there be any doubt.
The city employee who found the crappy ticket informed police who then charged and locked up Bailey, who was later released after posting $500 bail.
The original ticket that Bailey allegedly wiped himself with was $15.
There comes a time in which youve gone too far to prove a point. Wiping your ass with the ticket, sure
youre a cool rebel. But then writing a note onto the ticket to point out that you wiped your ass with the ticket? Thats just over the line, man. We get it, you think the city is a joke and want to illustrate that fact with your tender bung. And to think, I expected so much better of a man whod rub a filthy parking ticket worth less than a night at the movies on his rectum.
Nice work Erich!
could be Funyun..
Quote from: Hefe on April 23, 2010, 10:30:20 AM
could be Funyun..
I suppose ???
Did he Upgrade his truck like he did his quad ? Rocking a pimped out Vespa to work nowdays?
I could see Funners on a Vespa!
Sniper kills Qaeda-from 1½ mi. away
It was silent but deadly.
A British sniper set a world sharpshooting record by taking out two Taliban soldiers in Afghanistan from more than a mile and a half away -- a distance so great, experts say the terrorists wouldn't have even heard the shots.
Craig Harrison killed the two insurgents from an astounding distance of 8,120 feet -- or 1.54 miles -- in Helmand Province last November firing an Accuracy International L11583 long-range rifle.
"The first round hit a machine-gunner in the stomach and killed him outright," said Harrison, a corporal of horse in the British Army's Household Cavalry, the equivalent of a sergeant in the American military.
"The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and turned as my second shot hit him in the side. He went down, too," Harrison told the Sunday Times of London.
The shots -- measured via GPS -- surpassed the previous record held by Canadian Army Cpl. Rob Furlong, who killed an al Qaeda gunman from 7,972 feet in 2002.
Harrison's shots were roughly equal to the distance between the Statue of Liberty and Battery Park.
Experts called Harrison's sharp shooting as perfect as it gets.
"When you are shooting that far, if you miss by a hair, you miss by a mile," said John Plaster, a retired US Army sharp-shooting instructor and author of "The Ultimate Sniper." "That is about as precise as any marksmen on the planet could shoot."
He said Harrison's targets likely never knew what was coming.
"At a distance like that they cannot even see anyone and they would not even hear the muzzle report," Plaster said.
Harrison, who fired the bullets while his colleagues were under fire, said perfect weather helped him nail the perfect shot.
"[There was] no wind, mild weather, clear visibility," he said.
Harrison learned of his record nine days ago, when he returned to England. In the weeks after his record shot, he suffered a minor gunshot wound and broke his arms when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
damn. I want that gun. :thumbs:
I want those skillz
Anyone know wtf is going on with that oil spill in the gulf of mexico? I don't watch the news anymore...
Quote from: Spartan727 on May 05, 2010, 10:16:58 AM
Anyone know wtf is going on with that oil spill in the gulf of mexico? I don't watch the news anymore...
millions of gallons of oil leaking into the ocean daily. They can't stop it.
My idea: make the dipshits that were chanting "drill baby drill" to Sarah Palin have to go clean it up. :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 05, 2010, 10:26:52 AM
Quote from: Spartan727 on May 05, 2010, 10:16:58 AM
Anyone know wtf is going on with that oil spill in the gulf of mexico? I don't watch the news anymore...
millions of gallons of oil leaking into the ocean daily. They can't stop it.
My idea: make the dipshits that were chanting "drill baby drill" to Sarah Palin have to go clean it up. :lol:
200,000 Gallons a day. ;)
Quote from: Krandall on May 05, 2010, 10:30:29 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 05, 2010, 10:26:52 AM
Quote from: Spartan727 on May 05, 2010, 10:16:58 AM
Anyone know wtf is going on with that oil spill in the gulf of mexico? I don't watch the news anymore...
millions of gallons of oil leaking into the ocean daily. They can't stop it.
My idea: make the dipshits that were chanting "drill baby drill" to Sarah Palin have to go clean it up. :lol:
200,000 Gallons a day. ;) that "all"? :lol:
well, certainly better than "millions" :lol:
probably the best pic I've seen yet of where the well was.
Quote from: Krandall on May 05, 2010, 10:35:19 AM
well, certainly better than "millions" :lol:
probably the best pic I've seen yet of where the well was.
wow. Killing the fishing industry down there. :(
And raising gas prices :mad:
Troy moves to Louisiana, major oil spill happens.....coincidence or 1 to many cocktails ???
Yup, I just read that yesterday. Fishing shut down until further notice. crazy.
huge economic impact....
as for Peel's comment...
sounded a bit like "tree hugger Preddy" there for a minute!
Quote from: Hefe on May 05, 2010, 11:07:48 AM
huge economic impact....
as for Peel's comment...
sounded a bit like "tree hugger Preddy" there for a minute!
no, no tree hugging, but I don't think we should just burn them for the sake of burning them :lol:
I know... I said you sounded like him..
I know you are a crazy right winger like the rest of us
Quote from: Hefe on May 05, 2010, 11:47:22 AM
I know... I said you sounded like him..
I know you are a crazy right winger like the rest of us
I am on no wings! :lol: I stay on the tail :lol:
^--- likez da buttz
not left or right wing...
call me da hot wing baby! :lol:
how bout a HAWT wing?
Quote from: Hefe on May 05, 2010, 01:13:18 PM
how bout a HAWT wing?
Either way, he'll try and suck all meat off his own bone
Any updates on that oil spill?
they're putting a concrete dome on the well under the gulf to stop the leak for now.
That's good, I know some friends who live on the panhandle not far from where it happened. :help:
I read this AM that they've been spraying chemicals into the leak that help break down the oil faster. This is the 2nd time it's been tested... kinda scary stuff using this as a labratory.
Now this is a father! you need to go to the site to see the vid.
Shocking Car Crash Footage Shows Father Taking Full Impact to Save Baby
We love a hero, but in our time reporting on worldwide acts of heroism, few reach the level achieved by Andrew Leich.
The Aussie father was captured on CCTV clinging desperately to his son Haydn after taking the full impact of car smashing into him and a shop front.
Amazingly, the baby escaped without a scratch, but Mr. Leich's elderly parents were tossed across the foyer. Despite a long period in a critical condition in hospital, both have now recovered.
The shocking sequence was captured on a security camera near Sydney, Australia. The 82-year-old driver had a heart attack and careened her car at almost 45 mph into the Leich family.
"I was thinking I can take the hit. I can repair, but there's no way my son is going to repair," said Andrew. Keep reading to see the amazing video.
Quote from: Krandall on May 11, 2010, 05:45:07 PM
Now this is a father! you need to go to the site to see the vid.
Shocking Car Crash Footage Shows Father Taking Full Impact to Save Baby
We love a hero, but in our time reporting on worldwide acts of heroism, few reach the level achieved by Andrew Leich.
The Aussie father was captured on CCTV clinging desperately to his son Haydn after taking the full impact of car smashing into him and a shop front.
Amazingly, the baby escaped without a scratch, but Mr. Leich's elderly parents were tossed across the foyer. Despite a long period in a critical condition in hospital, both have now recovered.
The shocking sequence was captured on a security camera near Sydney, Australia. The 82-year-old driver had a heart attack and careened her car at almost 45 mph into the Leich family.
"I was thinking I can take the hit. I can repair, but there's no way my son is going to repair," said Andrew. Keep reading to see the amazing video.
:jaw: That was f :mad: ing crazy. That guy is a stud for sure.
Dead for 15 minutes :thud:
Oh my word.
a lucky man.
The Secret, 700-Million-Gallon Oil Fix That Worked — and Might Save the Gulf
There's a potential solution to the Gulf oil spill that neither BP, nor the federal government, nor anyone — save a couple intuitive engineers — seems willing to try. As The Politics Blog reported on Tuesday in an interview with former Shell Oil president John Hofmeister, the untapped solution involves using empty supertankers to suck the spill off the surface, treat and discharge the contaminated water, and either salvage or destroy the slick.
Hofmeister had been briefed on the strategy by a Houston-based environmental disaster expert named Nick Pozzi, who has used the same solution on several large spills during almost two decades of experience in the Middle East — who says that it could be deployed easily and should be, immediately, to protect the Gulf Coast. That it hasn't even been considered yet is, Pozzi thinks, owing to cost considerations, or because there's no clear chain of authority by which to get valuable ideas in the right hands. But with BP's latest four-pronged plan remaining unproven, and estimates of company liability already reaching the tens of billions of dollars (and counting), supertankers start to look like a bargain.
The suck-and-salvage technique was developed in desperation across the Arabian Gulf following a spill of mammoth proportions — 700 million gallons — that has until now gone unreported, as Saudi Arabia is a closed society, and its oil company, Saudi Aramco, remains owned by the House of Saud. But in 1993 and into '94, with four leaking tankers and two gushing wells, the royal family had an environmental disaster nearly sixty-five times the size of Exxon Valdez on its hands, and it desperately needed a solution.
Pozzi, an American engineer then in charge of Saudi Aramco's east-west pipeline in the technical support and maintenance services division, was part of a team given cart blanche to control the blowout. Pozzi had dealt with numerous spills over the years without using chemicals, and had tried dumping flour into the oil, then scooping the resulting tar balls from the surface. "You ever cooked with flour? Absorbent, right?" Pozzi says. Next, he'd dumped straw into the spills; also highly absorbent, but then you've got a lot of straw to clean up. This spill was going to require a much larger, more sustained solution. And fast.
That's when Pozzi and his team came up with the idea of having empty ships park near the Saudi spill and pull the oil off the water. This part of the operation went on for six months, with the mop-up operations lasting for several years more. Pozzi says that 85 percent of the spilled oil was recovered, and it is precisely this strategy that he wants to see deployed in the Gulf of Mexico.
Yesterday, I spoke to Pozzi and his business partner, longtime Houston lawyer Jon King, about their proposed solution, and the difficulties they've encountered trying to assist in the disaster, with both BP and the government. While BP is attempting its very difficult maneuvers to contain the gusher at the source, they say, nothing is being done to adequately address the slick itself. Dispersant is being used by the ton, some of the oil is being burned, and there have been other efforts, which taken together, Pozzi likens to "a flea on an elephant's ass." The two men have been trying to rally support since just after the rig blew up, without much success. This has been typical of their experience:
JON KING: Well, we went down to the BP headquarters in Houma, Louisiana, and we didn't have an appointment so they wouldn't let us in. Then I called the president of BP and I talked to his secretary and she put me in touch with somebody, but the somebody she put me in touch with didn't know who we should talk to. Nick contacted a gentleman that he used to work with at BP, and he threatened to sue Nick for not going through channels. And I said, "Great. I'd love BP to sue us for trying to help them. That would be wonderful."
NICK POZZI: Keep in mind that what supertankers typically do is they sit in the middle of the ocean waiting for all the traders to come up with the right price. When they feel that the price is right, the tankers that are full, they take off, and they can be anywhere in the world in a few days. Right now there are probably 25 supertankers, waiting for orders, full of oil. So all they got to do is come to Texas, in the Gulf, unload the oil, and then turn around and suck up all this other stuff and pump it onto shore into on-shore storage. It's not rocket science. It's so simple. It's a Robinson Crusoe fix, but it works.
This past Monday, Pozzi and King spoke with Captain Ed Stanton, who is commanding the United States Coast Guard for much of the affected coastline. Stanton requested a quick proposal in writing, and said he would "take it up the chain of command." Below is the proposal, to which Pozzi and King are still awaiting a response.
Surprised this wasn't mentioned already.
Ronnie James Dio died yesterday at 7:45 am. He was undergoing chemo in Houston. <- I did not know that part.
like a rainbow in the dark :lol:
that sucks. :(
Man shocked while trying to save dog in Iowa lake
CLEAR LAKE, Iowa — Authorities believe faulty wiring on a dock at Clear Lake is what shocked an Ankeny man and electrocuted his dog.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says Nickolas Greiner and other family members were throwing balls into the water at his parents' home on Sunday when one of the dogs began to struggle near the hoist of a neighbor's dock.
Greiner jumped in to help the dog, and he also began struggling. Officials say family members recognized what was happening and disconnected the electricity to the dock.
Greiner was taken to a Mason City hospital after suffering burns and bruising from being shocked. The department says the injuries were not considered to be life-threatening.
That's a shocking experience....
Quote from: Spartan727 on May 24, 2010, 08:25:28 AM
That's a shocking experience....
you are the bright spark aren't you!
Yup, I'm MSD powered, bitch.
Rangers Declare Bankruptcy
Owning a baseball team isn't always a license to print money. Take the Texas Rangers, for example. Ten years after signing Alex Rodriguez to a then unheard of $252 million contract, the MLB franchise has filed for bankruptcy.
Now, it's probably not exactly fair to blame the team's financial failings on the current Yankees slugger. Still, USA Today explains that A-Rod is one of the team's largest unsecured creditors. He is currently owed nearly $25 million in compensation, six years after he was traded away.
So what does it mean to be an "unsecured creditor" at a time like this? Well, the New York Daily News explains that the bankruptcy could cost A-Rod $24,892,006.61 in deferred compensation. However, The Wall Street Journal writes that "the proposed $575 million sale would repay all the team's creditors, including players owed back salary." A-Rod can apparently rest easy.
Some people hear the word "bankruptcy," and images of baseball players wearing barrels and catching pop flies for nickels come to mind. But the team will continue to function normally. Officials claim that the bankruptcy won't stop the team's efforts to win games. Currently, the Rangers are in first place in their division.
The Rangers bankruptcy, according to an article from the AP, is completely voluntary and has the support of MLB commissioner Bud Selig. The hope is that if the other big-league teams approve the move, it will clear the way for the team's sale to a group of investors led by former Rangers pitcher and all-time strikeout leader Nolan Ryan.
Even though this has all the makings of a relatively normal business deal, web lookups on "rangers bankruptcy" and "texas rangers bankrupt" both soared in the Search box. USA Today explains that this isn't the first time a big-league club has gone Chapter 11. The Chicago Cubs declared bankruptcy last year, and the Baltimore Orioles did likewise in 1993.
$252 million to chew tobacco and sit on the bench and look like you care.....they deserve it. :confused:
Quote from: Spartan727 on May 25, 2010, 05:34:24 AM
Yup, I'm MSD powered, bitch.
That explains the wire hanging out yer ass!
No prizes for guessing where the spark plug is ::)
Its still to soon to say 100% for sure. but... they've got the leak stopped w/ the top kill procedure..
there's a live feed of the oil line here:
Thousands of census workers, including many temporary employees, are fanning out across America to gather information on the citizenry. This is a process that takes place not only every decade in order to complete the constitutionally-mandated census; but also as part of the continuing "American Community Survey" conducted by the Census Bureau on a regular basis year in and year out.
What many Americans don't realize, is that census workers — from the head of the Bureau and the Secretary of Commerce (its parent agency) down to the lowliest and newest Census employee — are empowered under federal law to actually demand access to any apartment or any other type of home or room that is rented out, in order to count persons in the abode and for "the collection of statistics." If the landlord of such apartment or other leased premises refuses to grant the government worker access to your living quarters, whether you are present or not, the landlord can be fined $500.00.
That's right — not only can citizens be fined if they fail to answer the increasingly intrusive questions asked of them by the federal government under the guise of simply counting the number of people in the country; but a landlord must give them access to your apartment whether you're there or not, in order to gather whatever "statistics" the law permits.
In fact, some census workers apparently are going even further and demanding — and receiving — private cell phone numbers from landlords in order to call tenants and obtain information from them. Isn't it great to live in a "free" country?
:wtf: ....I dare them to try that with me....I'll have their liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti
a couple of my friends help manage an apartment in Minneapolis and a cencus worker asked them for cell phone #'s. they refused, gave them the apartment number and said if they want to bother them, there's the apt number.
That's good...Hopefully most of them follow suit.
yeah, some bs if you ask me. like hell if I want them getting my phone number.
Injury prevention group: Don't let kids drive ATVs
ThinkFirst Canada is advising people not to let children under the age of 16 drive ATVs, claiming that operation of the bulky, high-powered vehicles is generally beyond their capability.
Reportedly, ATVs were a factor in 32 deaths in Ontario from 2004 to 2005, with improper safety equipment, alcohol, vehicle size and driver age all cited as contributing factors. All-terrain vehicle, which can weigh as much as 227 kg, often reach acceleration rates of up to 105 km/h.
ThinkFirst Canada is a brain and spinal cord injury awareness group founded by brain surgeon Dr. Charles Tator. He comments: "Children and youth lack the knowledge, development and skills to safely operate these vehicles. ATV use by children has resulted in serious injury and death."
still fighting it in canada big time :mad: dont know anything docs. brain surgeon lol heres your brain surgeon :poke:
Quote from: AJ RAPTOR on May 28, 2010, 08:20:23 AM
... Dr. Charles Tator. He comments: "Children and youth lack the knowledge, development and skills to safely operate these vehicles....
Yep. I'll have to agree. :rolleyes: ATV's are waaay too complicated for kids.
9-Year-Old Pilot Sets Cross-Country Mark
Jessica Watson becomes youngest solo sailor to sail the world
cool disco...but there are lots of stupid people with stupid kids out there :lol:
Meth dealers kids are the worst!
we gotta thin out the stupid somehow hell we cant shoot them so we have to keep comeing up with new ways for them to kill themselfs off :rolleyes:
Another good actor down :(
"LOS ANGELES, May 29 (Reuters) - Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper, best known for directing and starring in the 1969 cult classic "Easy Rider," died on Saturday from complications of prostate cancer, a friend of the actor said. Hopper was 74.
The hard-living screen star died at his home in the coastal Los Angeles suburb of Venice at 8:15 a.m. PDT (1515 GMT), surrounded by family and friends, the friend, Alex Hitz, told Reuters.
Read more:
Quote from: AJ RAPTOR on May 29, 2010, 03:47:08 PM
we gotta thin out the stupid somehow hell we cant shoot them so we have to keep comeing up with new ways for them to kill themselfs off :rolleyes:
The shallow end of the gene pool is rather over-crowded!
Quote from: dragonz on May 31, 2010, 01:49:32 PM
Quote from: AJ RAPTOR on May 29, 2010, 03:47:08 PM
we gotta thin out the stupid somehow hell we cant shoot them so we have to keep comeing up with new ways for them to kill themselfs off :rolleyes:
The shallow end of the gene pool is rather over-crowded!
but the water is warm in here heh Dragonz? :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on June 01, 2010, 10:04:58 AM
Quote from: dragonz on May 31, 2010, 01:49:32 PM
Quote from: AJ RAPTOR on May 29, 2010, 03:47:08 PM
we gotta thin out the stupid somehow hell we cant shoot them so we have to keep comeing up with new ways for them to kill themselfs off :rolleyes:
The shallow end of the gene pool is rather over-crowded!
but the water is warm in here heh Dragonz? :lol:
They're all in Iowa now? ???
That's some fucking BS!
there's a slide show below to see pictures. Pretty depressing stuff. :(
Damn, I got a buddy that lives in Pensacola...gonna see wtf is going on up there.
Man busted by traffic camera gets unique revenge on police department
It goes without saying, but we're gonna go ahead and say it anyway: Nobody likes getting a speeding ticket. And that's especially true when said ticket isn't issued by a human officer, but from a machine set up to catch unwary motorists off guard. If only there was some way to get back that lost sense of justice...
2,314diggsdigg One man from Bluff City, Tennessee came up with a rather inventive way of sticking it back to The Man. It seems that the officer in charge of the Bluff City Police Department's website had gone on sick leave, and nobody noticed when the time came to renew the PD's URL. Whoops.
Computer network designer Brian McCrary, who received a $90 ticket from a speed camera earlier in the year, saw a unique opportunity and seized it, picking up the domain rights from Go Daddy. Want to know what the Bluff City Police Department's old website looks like now? Of course you do.
Jail trusty allegedly uses leg for smuggling
ALEXANDRIA, La. – Rapides Parish authorities accuse a jail trusty of using his prosthetic leg to smuggle contraband into the jail. The Alexandria Town Talk reported that 42-year-old man was arrested and charged with introduction of contraband into a penal institution and possession of a controlled dangerous substance.
Herman Walters, Rapides Parish sheriff's assistant chief deputy, said during a routine check of trusties coming back to the facility Friday, correctional officers discovered the contraband hidden in his prosthetic leg.
Walter said officers found bags of loose tobacco, 10 cigarettes, a container of smokeless tobacco and four Soma pills -- a muscle relaxer.
I wonder how many tablets I can fit in my hearing aid? ???
With each look at oil flow, the numbers get worse
HOUSTON – With each new look by scientists, the oil spill just keeps looking worse.
New figures for the blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico show the amount of oil spewing may have been up to twice as much as previously thought, according to scientists consulting with the federal government.
That could mean 42 million gallons to more than 100 million gallons of oil have already fouled the Gulf's fragile waters, affecting people who live, work and play along the coast from Louisiana to Florida — and perhaps beyond.
It is the third — and perhaps not the last — time the U.S. government has had to increase its estimate of how much oil is gushing. Trying to clarify what has been a contentious and confusing issue, officials on Thursday gave a wide variety of estimates.
All the new spill estimates are worse than earlier ones â€" and far more costly for BP, which has seen its stock sink since the April 20 explosion that killed 11 workers and triggered the spill. Most of Thursday's estimates had more oil flowing in an hour than what officials once said was spilling in an entire day.
"This is a nightmare that keeps getting worse every week," said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. "We're finding out more and more information about the extent of the damage. ... Clearly we can't trust BP's estimates of how much oil is coming out."
The spill was flowing at a daily rate that could possibly have been as high as 2.1 million gallons, twice the highest number the federal government had been saying, U.S. Geological Survey Director Marcia McNutt, who is coordinating estimates, said Thursday. But she said possibly more credible numbers are a bit lower.
And the estimate does not take into account the cutting of the riser pipe on June 3 — which BP said would increase the flow by about 20 percent — and subsequent placement of a cap. No estimates were given for the amount of oil gushing from the well after the cut. Nor are there estimates since a cap was put on the pipe, which already has collected more than 3 million gallons.
MEXICO ties South Africa In 75th min
Pre-News: USA Routes England 4-1 :)
sorry dont think thats appening but france 0 uraguay0
who you callin gay?
Quote from: devious700rSE on June 11, 2010, 02:31:51 PM
sorry dont think thats appening but france 0 uraguay0
:rofl: No kidding. I gotta talk shit BEFORE the match though, cause I don't think I'll be able to afterward... :(
:lol: yeah prob not prob be more like usa 2 england 1 hell mexico only lost by one and we beat them
so i was off this just in USA 1 England 1
Are You Raising a Douchebag?
I only posted the 1st page.. pretty funny/interesting.
Let us begin with the assumption that if you are a parent, you wish for your child every advantage and opportunity. From the ergonomic high chair to that all-important first sushi experience and beyond, life should be as golden for your little one as it is for, say, Pax Jolie-Pitt.
But inevitably the moment arrives when all your doting and care come back on you in the form of a precocious little barb that reminds you in no uncertain terms of . . . you. It might be that his friend Jake's eighth-birthday party was "unbelievably lame" or that "it's weird that Brandon's family flies first-class and we don't," or maybe it's simply that "these taquitos taste like turd."
It's then that you must reckon with the real possibility that your drive to make little Johnny better, smarter, and hipper has merely turned him into a douchebag. Put it this way: If it's your child, not you, who gets to choose your weekend brunch spot, or if he's the one asking how the branzino is prepared, it's probably time to take a hard look at your own behavior.
It's not like we're the first generation to turn out Frankenkinder. Since the dawn of time, parents have been dressing their kids in ridiculous sailor suits and dragging them on ski trips to Gstaad. But lately it feels like we're scaling new heights as bad examples. We create parenting blogs that transform our preschoolers into fetishized celebrities. We subscribe to magazines that suggest buying a 5-year-old a $400 Marc Jacobs cashmere hoodie. We think it's cute when our kids learn to text message (until we realize POS means "parent over shoulder") and quietly rejoice when they can tell which Ramone is Dee Dee and which one is Joey.
Read More
AGREED....Kids today are too spoiled by modern technology and hippie parents...:mad: I see freaking 5 year olds with working cell phones and shit like that.
Japan 1 camaroo 0
'Grow-your-own' organs hope after scientists produce liver in lab from stem cells
Scientists have grown a liver in a laboratory, offering fresh hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with diseased and damaged organs.
It raises the prospect of those in need of transplants one day being offered livers that are 'made to order'.
The first pieces of lab-grown livers could be used in hospitals within just five years, the researchers said.
Patches of artificial tissue could be used to repair livers damaged by injury, disease, alcohol abuse and paracetamol overdose.
Other possibilities include sections of artificial livers to keep those needing transplants alive – in much the same way as a dialysis machine is used to treat kidney failure.
At least one million of Britons live with liver disease and it claims more than 16,000 lives a year – more than diabetes and traffic accidents combined. Up to 600 transplants are carried out a year.
The latest experiments, which were carried out on animal livers, are still in the early stages but could one day lead to an alternative supply of organs.
The process began with a donor liver being 'washed' in detergent, stripping it of its cells, leaving only a collagen and blood vessel 'scaffold' in which the new liver cells could grow.
The U.S. scientists then injected it with up to 200 million healthy liver cells, in four shots, each ten minutes apart.
The cells spread across the scaffold, and, provided with an artificial blood supply, the liver survived in a petri dish for up to ten days, the journal Nature Medicine reports.
Tests showed that, just like a real liver, it was capable of breaking up toxins.
The researchers, from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, also transplanted the liver into a rat, for several hours.
Lead researcher Dr Korkut Uygun said: 'As far as we know, a transplantable liver graft has never been constructed in a laboratory setting before.
'Even though this is very exciting and promising, it is a proof-of-concept study only. Much more work will be required to make long-term functional liver grafts that can actually be transplanted into humans.
'We haven't been able to go beyond several hours in rats, but it's a great start.'
Hurdles to overcome include creating a liver with all the types of cells needed for full function, including specialised cells that destroy bacteria and other invaders.
Rat livers....Rather just keep mine, thank you very much.
at the rate you're going pat, you MAY need a rat liver :lol:
Rate I'm going with what? ??? I don't drink that often
American claiming to be hunting bin Laden arrested
PESHAWAR, Pakistan – An American armed with a pistol and a 40-inch (102-centimeter) sword was detained in northern Pakistan and told investigators he was on a solo mission to kill Osama bin Laden, a police officer said Tuesday.
The man, identified as 52-year-old Californian construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner, said he wanted to cross over into the nearby Afghan province of Nuristan because he had "heard bin Laden was living there", according to officer Mumtaz Ahmad Khan.
Faulkner was picked up in a forest in the Chitral region late on Sunday, he said.
"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Osama bin Laden," said Khan. But he said when officers seized the pistol, the sword, a dagger and night-vision equipment, "our suspicion grew."
He was questioned Tuesday by intelligence officials in Peshawar, the main northwestern city.
Faulkner told police he visited Pakistan seven times, and this was his third trip to Chitral, which is a mountainous region that attracts adventurous Western tourists and hikers. Unlike much of northwestern Pakistan, it is considered relatively safe for foreigners.
Chitral and Nuristan are among several rumored hiding places for the al-Qaida leader, who has evaded a massive U.S. effort to capture him since 2001. The focus of that hunt has been along the Afghan-Pakistan border.
Bin Laden is accused of being behind the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, as well other terrorist acts. Washington has offered a bounty of $25 million for information leading to his capture.
Khan said Faulkner was also carrying a book containing Christian verses and teachings.
When asked why he thought he had a chance of tracing bin Laden, Faulkner replied, "GERD is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him," said Khan.
Faulkner arrived in the Chitrali town of Bumburate on June 3 and stayed in a hotel there.
He was assigned a police guard, as is quite common for foreigners visiting remote parts of Pakistan. When he checked out without informing police, officers began hunting for him, said Khan.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Richard Snelsire said the mission had received notification from Pakistani officials that an American citizen had been arrested. He said embassy officials were trying to meet the man and confirm his identity.
Send in the damn army and rescue him...He's doing more than our current raghead president is willing to do. :mad:
PEELZ... WTF..... I thought you were in Cali?
8-Year-Olds Hospitalized After Drinking Vial of PCP
The only people who do PCP anymore are time-capusled beat poets who haven't yet heard of meth. Oh, and if you're going to get technical about it, two eight-year-old cousins in Renton who found a vial filled with yellow liquid on a playground outside of their school and, kids being kids, decided to put the unknown substance in their mouths.
One of the cousins poured out half the liquid into his hand and licked it. The other then drank what was left in the vial.
When the boys got home one of their moms found the empty vial in her son's pocket. Apparently equipped with the drug-sniffing prowess of a trained German Shepherd, the mom then sniffed the vial and whisked the kids off to the hospital, later telling police it had smelled of PCP.
(Note to authorities: PCP-filled playgrounds may be of lesser concern than the mom who can differentiate one drug from another by scent.)
Once at the hospital, physicians confirmed that the boys had indeed ingested the drug. Hopefully making them the only kids at Kennydale Elementary to have personal knowledge of the effects of Angel Dust.
Looks like he took a wrong turn and stayed on US1 north...
Quote from: Krandall on June 15, 2010, 11:37:30 AM
PEELZ... WTF..... I thought you were in Cali?
8-Year-Olds Hospitalized After Drinking Vial of PCP
The only people who do PCP anymore are time-capusled beat poets who haven't yet heard of meth. Oh, and if you're going to get technical about it, two eight-year-old cousins in Renton who found a vial filled with yellow liquid on a playground outside of their school and, kids being kids, decided to put the unknown substance in their mouths.
One of the cousins poured out half the liquid into his hand and licked it. The other then drank what was left in the vial.
When the boys got home one of their moms found the empty vial in her son's pocket. Apparently equipped with the drug-sniffing prowess of a trained German Shepherd, the mom then sniffed the vial and whisked the kids off to the hospital, later telling police it had smelled of PCP.
(Note to authorities: PCP-filled playgrounds may be of lesser concern than the mom who can differentiate one drug from another by scent.)
Once at the hospital, physicians confirmed that the boys had indeed ingested the drug. Hopefully making them the only kids at Kennydale Elementary to have personal knowledge of the effects of Angel Dust.
ERMAHGERD! I bet those kids were flying high!
I had one experience with it way back in the day, and I thought I was Forrest Gump. I decided to run across the city I lived in and back home non-stop, why I didn't die... well I'm not sure. That's the kinda drug that makes you want to jump off a building, you feel weightless and invisible. Totally creepy! I
wouldn't recommend anyone do it.
Wow. All I can say definitely had an interesting childhood :lol:
Yes Pat, I was an experimental type of person. You know like a tri-sexual, try anything once. :lol:
Pa. man allegedly smuggles drugs in soup packets;_ylt=AjhNXTeaceKzBa8XSDm717LtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ0OWc1NW4zBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNjIwL3VzX29kZF9zb3VwX3BhY2tldF9kcnVncwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA3BhbWFuYWxsZWdlZA--
Gotta give you credit for trying peelz, but you gotta be sneakier. :thumbs:
WASHINGTON – Authorities arrested a Pennsylvania man who allegedly tried to smuggle more than four pounds of cocaine through Dulles International Airport using powdered soup packets. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested the man after he arrived on board a flight from El Salvador on Thursday.
Authorities said a customs dog identified the man as carrying drugs. When authorities opened the soup packets the drugs were hidden and they found some still contained rice.
It isn't the first time authorities at the airport have seen creative smugglers. Last year officers found heroin in juice boxes and cocaine in cooked chicken.
No soup for you!
More oil gushing into Gulf after problem with cap
NEW ORLEANS – Hundreds of thousands of gallons more oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday after an undersea robot bumped a venting system and forced BP to remove a cap that had been containing some of the crude.
When the robot bumped the system, gas rose through the vent that carries warm water down to prevent ice-like crystals from forming in the cap, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said.
The cap was removed and crews were checking to see if crystals had formed before putting it back on. Allen did not say how long that might take.
"There's more coming up than there had been, but it's not a totally unconstrained discharge," Allen said.
In the meantime, a different system was still burning oil on the surface.
Before the problem with the containment cap, it had collected about 700,000 gallons of oil in the previous 24 hours. Another 438,000 gallons was burned.
The current worst-case estimate of what's spewing into the Gulf is about 2.5 million gallons a day. Anywhere from 67 million to 127 million gallons have spilled since the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 workers and blew out a well 5,000 feet underwater. BP PLC was leasing the rig from owner Transocean Ltd.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration tried to sort out how to resurrect a six-month moratorium on new deepwater drilling that was struck down by a federal judge a day earlier.
U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans overturned the ban Tuesday, saying the government simply assumed that because one rig exploded, the others pose an imminent danger, too.
Feldman, a 1983 appointee of President Ronald Reagan, has reported extensive investments in the oil and gas industry, including owning less than $15,000 of Transocean stock, according to financial disclosure reports for 2008, the most recent available. He did not return calls for comment.
The White House promised an immediate appeal of his decision. The Interior Department had imposed the moratorium last month in the wake of the BP disaster, halting approval of any new permits for deepwater projects and suspending drilling on 33 exploratory wells.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a statement late Tuesday that within the next few days he would issue a new order imposing a moratorium that eliminates any doubt it is needed and appropriate.
"It's important that we don't move forward with new drilling until we know it can be done in a safe way," Salazar told a Senate subcommittee Wednesday.
BP's new point man for the oil spill wouldn't say Wednesday if the company would resume deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
Asked about it Wednesday on NBC's "Today" show, BP managing director Bob Dudley said they will "step back" from the issue while they investigate the rig explosion.
Also Wednesday, BP said Dudley has been appointed to head the new Gulf Coast Restoration Organization, which is in charge of cleaning up the oil spill.
At least two major oil companies, Shell and Marathon, said they would wait to see how the appeals play out before resuming drilling.
The lawsuit was filed by Hornbeck Offshore Services of Covington, La. CEO Todd Hornbeck said after the ruling that he is looking forward to getting back to work. "It's the right thing for not only the industry but the country," he said
You hear about the oil rain going on in LA? There's been oil mixed in some rainwater...supposedly. There's a viral vid I'll find again.
oh jeezus. That area is f**ked for awhile. :mad:
This just in....
Mags gave Peels a "rash" in Pismo! :confused:
Quote from: Spartan727 on June 23, 2010, 11:26:06 AM
You hear about the oil rain going on in LA? There's been oil mixed in some rainwater...supposedly. There's a viral vid I'll find again.
oil does not condense. I think that vid is a BS vid. Hell. look under my coronet when it rains, you'll see the same thing. :)
Like I said..supposedly :lol: I know oil is a little too thick to be scooped up into the atmosphere...I think its just from all the junkers leaking oil over the years into the concrete. Same thing happened here til they ripped up the road.
I'm sure everybody heard about the people busted for trying to sell their child outside of Walmart.
Dad accused in Walmart baby sale beaten in jail
SALINAS, Calif. — Jail officials in California said a father who was accused of trying to sell his baby for $25 outside a Walmart is recovering after other inmates beat him.
Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20, of Salinas, pleaded not guilty to child endangerment and drug charges on Friday.
Fousek appeared in court with a bruised eye and stitches. Sheriff's Cmdr. Mike Richards said the man was attacked Thursday at the Monterey County Jail. He also suffered two cracked ribs and is now being held away from the general population.
Fousek is accused of approaching two women on Wednesday and asking if they'd like to purchase his 6-month-old.
He and Tomasini were arrested a few hours later at their home, and Child Protective Services removed the baby from the couple's custody.
reader comment: 'Inmate accused in Walmart baby sale plot beaten', I think they call that foreplay in jail.
WTF :(
don't be hatin' that muthafukka owed me $25. :pimp: :lol:
:confused: Damn peelz....methz sales are down that much?
I think this is where Seg is from (or at least near..... and then again maybe not.. But it's oregon.. so.. Its his deal. :lol: )
Man, 81, accused of machete chase near taco stand;_ylt=AtiUi73dtZrptI7w.Inwnf3tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJxaGk2Z2Z2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNjI5L3VzX29kZF90YWNvX21hY2hldGVfY2hhc2UEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA21hbjgxYWNjdXNlZA--
SALEM, Ore. – Police said an 81-year-old man was arrested after he chased another man around a Salem taco stand while armed with a machete. Salem police said Monday the man accused the taco stand owner of stealing a drill from his nearby business. When the taco stand owner denied it, the suspect left and returned with a machete.
Lt. Dave Okada said the suspect chased the unidentified man around the stand several times before officers arrested him on accusations of menacing and attempted assault. He was booked into the Marion County Jail.
hahaaaa outstanding "gimme my drill!"
Seriously. How badass is that. That guy knows whats going on..
guns are lame. Machete's are WAAAAAAY more cool
Not fond of the machete... I prefer a samurai or nun chucks :nun: now thats badass!
WTF!!!!!! :mad:
Da Interwebz is ded....cause Prince said so. Continue to party like it's 1999...
Prince: The Internet is dead
The music industry might be embracing digital and online technology, but Prince is not convinced that it's a good thing.
"The Internet's completely over," Prince told British tabloid publication, The Mirror, in his first newspaper interview in 10 years. "I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it."
Prince is currently set to release his latest album, "20Ten," for free through various European print media, including the Daily Mirror and its Scottish affiliate, the Daily Record. Fans can snag their copy this Saturday via the different press outlets, but you they certainly won't find any of the new material online.
Prince has banned both YouTube and iTunes from using his music, calling the web obsolete.
"The Internet's like MTV," he told the mirror. "At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."
Plans for a "20Ten" in the States haven't been announced. What do you think, is Prince on the verge smart new alternative for releasing albums or does his approach seem misguided?
Interesting concept none the less. I think it's great when places like iTunes can't get their greedy hands on the music. They have a near monopoly for online music transactions. It's crazy.
:lol: Krandall, not too near me, about 3 hours+ away, but it's close to my builder :lol: I'll have to ask him if ever recovered his drill :rofl:
And REALLY ? Does Prince think he can actually keep his music off the net ? What a dumbass. Sure, don't release it to the legit companies and make money - instead continue to let it be pirated and make nothing. Worked out real well for the rest of the industry didn't it buddy ?
By the way, Prince calling anything obsolete ? Pot/Kettle much Hombre ? When no one really wants to hear your music though, I guess you don't have to worry much about internet pirating. He does know we're using CD's now right ? Last time I can remember even hearing about this fruit basket I'm pretty sure we were all listening to cassette tapes :rofl:
Take this bitches !
Why did I click that? I'd rather be rickrolled. :lol:
Porn star offers oral sex to Twitter followers if Dutch win World Cup
I'm unaware of the World BJ record (it's not listed in Guiness unfortunately) but I'm guessing her 5k followers may end up being more of a "load" than Bobbi and her friends can handle.
And that is not to say this can't be done. If there is one thing in the world we should never doubt, it's a porn star's ability to perform some unheard of sexual acts. But the overall logistics of this would be quite messy. Being one of her "new" followers, I would only like to participate if I am numbers 1-1000. After that, it gets kinda creepy.
As for the World Cup itself, I think we can all agree that it seems to bring out a woman's libido more than any other sport. Paraguayan model Larissa Riquelme has pledged to run naked in the streets even after her home country lost on Saturday. Other models and uh, adult stars have offered to give their teams sexual service if they brought home a championship.
So Bobbi Eden and her porn star friends should be applauded. Not only are they offering their services for free but they also seem to genuinely care about the common man. And in the end, that makes us all Dutch fans.
Go Netherlands!!
Here are pics of the "BJ team" (from left to right, Bobbi Eden, Vickey Vette, Miss Hybrid, Gabby Quinteros)
this was in the back of our local paper :wtf:
Lady had her husband and siste dug up and she lived with them in the house :lol: She couldn't handle them being gone.
No matter they were already dead. Jean Stevens simply had their embalmed corpses dug up and stored them at her house — in the case of her late husband, for more than a decade — tending to the remains as best she could until police were finally tipped off last month.
Much to her dismay.
"Death is very hard for me to take," Stevens told an interviewer.
As state police finish their investigation into a singularly macabre case — no charges have been filed — Stevens wishes she could be reunited with James Stevens, her husband of nearly 60 years, who died in 1999, and June Stevens, the twin who died last October.
Crazzzzy: 91yr Old Lady From PA Dug Up Corpses Of Her Dead Husband & Sister Because She Didn't Want To Be Lonely! (Sat Them On The Sofa)
video removed. I think it coulda had a virus in it. Wife's laptop crashed after watching. :(
only in pennsylvania :confused:
Build your own engine for you Z06 or ZR-1 Corvette ??? better pass :lol:
They finally capped the oil spill in the gulf.
They put a wedding ring on it, and it automatically stop putting out.
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 12, 2010, 10:03:33 PM
They finally capped the oil spill in the gulf.
They put a wedding ring on it, and it automatically stop putting out.
ba-daum criiiiish! :rofl:
Steinbrenner dead!
dang, that's crazy, he wasn't that old it didn't seem like either. maybe this will be the fall of the yankees now.
Why Consumer Reports can't recommend iPhone 4
Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4.
It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.
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We reached this conclusion after testing all three of our iPhone 4s (purchased at three separate retailers in the New York area) in the controlled environment of CU's radio frequency (RF) isolation chamber. In this room, which is impervious to outside radio signals, our test engineers connected the phones to our base-station emulator, a device that simulates carrier cell towers (see video: IPhone 4 Design Defect Confirmed). We also tested several other AT&T phones the same way, including the iPhone 3G S and the Palm Pre. None of those phones had the signal-loss problems of the iPhone 4.
Our findings call into question the recent claim by Apple that the iPhone 4's signal-strength issues were largely an optical illusion caused by faulty software that "mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given signal strength."
The tests also indicate that AT&T's network might not be the primary suspect in the iPhone 4's much-reported signal woes..
We did, however, find an affordable solution for suffering iPhone 4 users: Cover the antenna gap with a piece of duct tape or another thick, non-conductive material. It may not be pretty, but it works. We also expect that using a case would remedy the problem. We'll test a few cases this week and report back.
The signal problem is the reason that we did not cite the iPhone 4 as a "recommended" model, even though its score in our other tests placed it atop the latest Ratings of smart phones that were released today.
The iPhone scored high, in part because it sports the sharpest display and best video camera we've seen on any phone, and even outshines its high-scoring predecessors with improved battery life and such new features as a front-facing camera for video chats and a built-in gyroscope that turns the phone into a super-responsive game controller. But Apple needs to come up with a permanent—and free—fix for the antenna problem before we can recommend the iPhone 4.
If you want an iPhone that works well without a masking-tape fix, we continue to recommend an older model, the 3G S.
MoD unveils unmanned fighter jet 'of the future'
LONDON (AFP) – An unmanned jet capable of striking long-range targets has been dubbed the "combat aircraft of the future" by the Ministry of Defence.
The Taranis -- named after the Celtic GERD of thunder -- was unveiled at a ceremony at BAE Systems in Warton, Lancashire, on Monday.
The £142.5 million prototype is the size of a light aircraft and has been equipped with stealth technology to make it virtually undetectable.
In a press release, the MoD described the Taranis as "a prototype unmanned combat aircraft of the future."
It is built to carry out intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions while its crew stays safely on the ground and can control the aircraft from anywhere in the world.
The unmanned fighter jet can also carry bombs and missiles and, if the trials prove successful, the MoD said it should "ultimately be capable of striking targets at long range, even in another continent."
The current generation of propeller-driven drones -- such as the Predator and Reaper -- are capable of carrying missiles, but these unmanned planes can only be used in areas where the military has air dominance, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.
The first flight trials are due to start next year.
"Taranis is a truly trailblazing project," said Minister for International Security Strategy Gerald Howarth.
"The first of its kind in the UK, it reflects the best of our nation's advanced design and technology skills and is a leading programme on the global stage."
The Taranis was created by the MOD in partnership with BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, QinetiQ and GE Aviation.
"Taranis has been three-and-a-half years in the making and is the product of more than a million man-hours," said Nigel Whitehead, group managing director of BAE Systems' Programmes and Support business.
"It represents a significant step forward in this country's fast-jet capability.
"This technology is key to sustaining a strong industrial base and to maintain the UK's leading position as a centre for engineering excellence and innovation."
looks familiar ;)
the name is straight badass.
I'm sure you're not able to divulge on info.. But, have you ever seen the screen that the people fly these from? does it look like a big video game?
kinda, not really
do they ever do public demo's? :lol:
It'd be so sweet to see it in person.
eventually they will be 100% automated and will be give orders. they will hunt in swarms 8)
Diver finds lost Tiffany engagement ring in lake;_ylt=Ap5nnFUIsTHQyiDyI.amhfDtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJyOWQ3YTkyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNzE0L3VzX29kZF9sb3N0X3JpbmdfZm91bmQEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-
MINNEAPOLIS – A Minneapolis teacher was devastated when her brand new Tiffany engagement ring fell into a lake — until a treasure hunter came to her rescue.
Adam Segar and Sara Stocco got engaged last month. KSTP-TV reports they were out boating on Lake Minnetonka when she took off the $7,000 ring to keep it clean while she applied sunscreen on Segar.
Stocco put the ring in her mouth but it fell, hit the floor of the boat and bounced into the water.
Denny Geffre of nearby Long Lake, Minn. says he has been hunting treasures in lakes for 40 years. After hearing of Stocco's loss, he donned his scuba gear and spent three days searching the lake with a metal detector.
He found the ring buried in three inches of sand and was given a $750 reward for his efforts.
Jihad monkeys! :rofl:
Thierry Henry singed with the NY/NJ Redbulls... Now THAT's a big pick up !!!
Quote from: SegKast on July 14, 2010, 12:13:22 PM
Thierry Henry singed with the NY/NJ Redbulls... Now THAT's a big pick up !!!
holy crap!
note: you and I are probably the only people here who think this is newsworthy :lol:
yawn.................... :rolleyes:
I don't make this stuff up:
British nanny Nicola Paginton dies using sex toy while watching porn: coroner
The ecstasy - and the agony.
A 30-year-old British woman's death, when using a sex toy while watching a porn movie, was probably caused by her state of arousal, officials said.
Nicola Paginton, a children's nanny, was found dead in bed - naked from the waist down - in October as the porn movie played on her laptop, according to the Daily Mail.
A pathologist and coroner said during an inquest that Paginton died from a sudden heart arrhythmia, likely caused by "her activity before death." the paper reported.
Police had been called to Paginton's home after her employer, Sarah Griffths, went to her house when she failed to show up for work. She and a neighbor saw Paginton lying on her bed with her cat sitting on her chest, the newspaper said.
Read more:
ERMAHGERD. How about that for a legacy? Guess it's good to go out with a bang :lol:
:jerkoff: :help: :run: :cry: :hang:
Starcraft II: What's the big deal?
With its July 27 launch date fast approaching, Blizzard's behemoth StarCraft II is about to give gamers a perfectly good reason to avoid that evil summer sun in favor of the warming glow of a computer monitor. The heavily-anticipated game is the biggest of the summer -- and we don't just mean in terms of expected sales.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Blizzard's parent company Activision has spent over $100 million developing the strategy sequel. And that doesn't include whatever extra they'll spend marketing it over the next few months.
(Is your PC ready for Starcraft 2?)
The good news for Blizzard? Other games to feature that kind of insane budget -- specifically, Rockstar's twin hits Grand Theft Auto IV and Red Dead Redemption -- went on to massive success. Perhaps the more you spend, the more you make, after all.
So on the off-chance that terms like "build order" and "Zerg rush" mean nothing to you, do yourself a favor and check out the handy video below to find out why everyone is in a tizzy over this epic real-time strategy game
Who else is getting StarCraft 2? I am considering it...
I am!!!!!
Quote from: Spartan727 on July 23, 2010, 09:34:24 AM
Who else is getting StarCraft 2? I am considering it...
f**k video games! :mad:
Professor returns from vacation, gets 'foiled';_ylt=AurUsDqCDsqUfZjBU.W16krtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJvNzVwZ3F0BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNzIzL3VzX29kZF9mb2lsZWRfcHJvZmVzc29yBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-
ST. PETER, Minn. – A science professor at Gustavus Adolphus College left for a week's vacation this summer and returned to a shiny office. Very shiny. Professor Scott Bur's students had covered his office in aluminum foil. Computer screen, chairs, the ceiling, the floor — all covered in foil. Books and pens were individually wrapped, so was the phone, a ball cap, a bottle and the coffee maker.
Bur said it's a sort of tradition among his research group. He goes on vacation and when he comes back there's ... something.
That last time it happened, his office was decorated for a fairy princess. Pink fabric and bows covered everything. The pink glow from the office could been across campus.
Senior Kristen Jahr said the foil prank required 10, 200-foot rolls of foil.
Holy shit!
Quote from: Diggs59 on July 24, 2010, 03:22:02 PM
Holy shit!
Bring it on....our missiles are bigger than yours, BITCH
Quote from: Diggs59 on July 24, 2010, 03:22:02 PM
Holy shit!
poor kim jong....
he's so RONERY so ronery and sadry arone!!!!
EPA: 1M gallons of oil may be in Mich. river
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – Federal officials now estimate that more than 1 million gallons of oil may have spilled into a major river in southern Michigan, and the governor is sharply criticizing clean-up efforts as "wholly inadequate."
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the update Wednesday night, shortly after Gov. Jennifer Granholm lambasted attempts to contain the oil flowing down the Kalamazoo River. She warned of a "tragedy of historic proportions" if the oil reaches Lake Michigan, which is still at least 80 miles downstream from where oil has been seen.
Granholm called on the federal government for more help, saying resources being marshaled by the EPA and Enbridge Inc., which owns the pipeline that leaked the oil, were "wholly inadequate."
Calgary, Alberta-based Enbridge said earlier Wednesday that it had redoubled its efforts to clean up the mess. Chief executive Patrick D. Daniel said the company had made "significant progress," though he had no update on a possible cause, cost or timeframe for the cleanup.
On Thursday, the company said it was bringing in additional resources as quickly as possible.
The company didn't return messages for comment after Granholm's statements.
Housrou Kedji: Swallows 85 Coke-Filled Condoms, Spends Long Night On The Bowl
Housrou Kedji's got 85 problems, but a bitch ain't one. Except for the bitch of shitting out 85 cocaine-filled condoms while law enforcement agents watched.
Kedji was acting very, very nervous as he boarded a plane at Bush Intercontinental June 29, according to court documents."His heart was racing, his hands were shaking and he relayed conflicting stories about his whereabouts and activities in Houston," the criminal complaint says. (How they knew his heart was racing, it doesn't say.)
Kedji initially denied having swallowed any narcotics, but eventually admitted it. The ICE officials x-rayed him, took him to the bathroom and whoever drew the short straw stayed with him from 5:27 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
"Kedji began expelling pellets," is the euphemism ICE uses; the first pellet tested positive for coke, and Kedji "continued expelling similar sized and shaped pellets until approximately 10:31 a.m., on July 21, when his x-ray was clear of pellets."
Kedji had told officers he had swallowed "about 80" condoms, so the five must have been a little lagniappe. Or maybe you lose count.
The crap-stained haul eventually amounted to about one kilogram of the drug, which was headed for Europe on an Air France flight.
Awesome :lol: :lol:
Pretty good article about valet parking:
Just a little excerpt:
When you're not around to see it, there's a lot valets do:
* Blast the stereo and change the radio stations: "Any time that I have a car with a good stereo in it, I take an extra minute to check out the sound quality. I also change the satellite radio station, but I almost always change it back."
* Speed in a parking structure or on the street while driving to a lot: "We once had a running contest going to see who could get the fastest top speed inside the hotel parking structure. I set the record with a 55-mph run in a Porsche 996 GT2."
* Rev the engines of performance cars: "I can't help revving up the engines of the cool cars I get to park. My favorite was a Lamborghini Gallardo. I drove it straight to the top floor and called all of my friends in my phonebook. I said, 'Guess what I'm driving!' then stuck the phone out the window and revved the engine. Heck, I even called my parents and did that."
* Drift: "After our parking garage is cleaned, we have to re-park all of the cars back in the structure. Of course, having an empty, wet parking structure just begs for a little hoonage. I take every rear-wheel-drive rental car and find out how well they drift going up the structure. Surprisingly, the Chrysler Crossfire does a great job. Gotta love rental cars; they take the most abuse."
* Go through the customer's property: "Though I personally never rifled through anyone's belongings, I hear plenty of, 'You should have seen what I found in this person's car' while we're standing around waiting for cars to pull in."
Goddamn valets :mad:
You guys remember Ferris Bueller and the Mustang :rofl:
Quote from: Spartan727 on August 02, 2010, 05:00:09 PM
Goddamn valets :mad:
You guys remember Ferris Bueller and the Mustang :rofl:
what kind of car was that again?
mistaking Mustang for Ferrari...
that parking lot drifting sounds sweet! :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on August 03, 2010, 08:53:27 AM
Quote from: Spartan727 on August 02, 2010, 05:00:09 PM
Goddamn valets :mad:
You guys remember Ferris Bueller and the Mustang :rofl:
what kind of car was that again?
mistaking Mustang for Ferrari...
Meh bad, I was thinking of a different car at the time...haven't seen Bueller in years :(
i'll show myself out :door:
hold the door for Krandall. :lol:
& kick his ass on the way past!
Majority of BP spill 'dealt with'
White House energy adviser Carol Browner: "This is an important turning point"
Almost three-quarters of the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico has been cleaned up or broken down by natural forces, the US government says.
White House energy adviser Carol Browner announced on Wednesday that only a quarter of the leaked oil posed any further danger to the environment.
The majority has either been captured, burned off, or evaporated, she said.
Ms Browner was speaking hours after BP announced that its "static kill" procedure had been successful.
US Oil Spill
* Biggest ever, but how bad?
* Timeline: BP oil spill
* Controlling a robot claw
* Oil dispersant 'not more toxic'
"The scientists are telling us about 25% was not captured or evaporated or taken care of by mother nature," said Ms Browner on the ABC television network.
Ms Browner said a report, which will be released later on Wednesday, was "encouraging". But she then added that more cleanup was necessary.
"This is an initial assessment by our scientists in the government and outside the government. We think it's important to make this available to the public. That's what we'll be doing today," she said.
The New York Times said the report from the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration indicated it was unlikely beaches along the Gulf of Mexico would be covered by surfacing oil in the future.
And although the report may claim residents along the Gulf will not see their beaches coated with oil, Ms Browner warns we may continue to see effects from the disaster.
Graphic: What happened to the oil?
"Mother nature will continue to break it down. But some of it may come onshore, as weathered tar balls. And those will be cleaned up. They can be cleaned up. And we will make sure they are cleaned up," she said.
A 'big step'
Meanwhile, BP says the "static kill" of its ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well has worked, a big step towards sealing it.
On Tuesday, the oil giant began pumping a drilling fluid known as mud into the well from vessels on the surface.
Experts believe the mud will force the oil back down.
Workers stopped their static kill procedure after eight hours to monitor the well and make sure it remained stable.
BP said well pressure was being controlled by the pressure of the mud, which was "the desired outcome".
A 18,000ft (5486m) relief well is also currently being drilled, which BP will use later this month to perform a "bottom kill" procedure.
Retired Coast Guard Adm Thad Allen said mud and cement would be injected into the bottom of the damaged well as the last step in the process to permanently stop the leaking oil.
"There should be no ambiguity about that. I'm the national incident commander, and this is how this will be handled," Adm Allen said
Efforts to kill the well are becoming increasingly important as hurricane season approaches in the Gulf.
Oil began flowing into the Gulf after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April. Eleven workers were killed in the blast.
The leaking oil was stopped on 15 July when BP closed a new cap it placed on the leaking well.
An estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil leaked into the waters of the Gulf during 87 days, with only 800,000 barrels being captured.
Holy :mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn impressive!
Paris, France (CNN) -- French police believe they've gotten to the bottom of a series of robberies in which teenage girls exposed their breasts to distract men withdrawing money from Paris cash machines.
Two teenagers have been charged with three hold-ups, but they will be prosecuted as juveniles since they are under 18, according to the Paris prosecutor's office.
Police say that on August 7, a man inserted a card into a cash machine in central Paris to withdraw money when two young females approached him and asked for money. The girls waved a newspaper at the man in an attempt to distract him, but the technique didn't work.
So the girls tried another strategy: One of them bared her breasts and put her hand on the man's genitals while the other took the opportunity to withdraw 300 euros, police said.
The two teenagers also are accused of stealing a total of 400 euros in two other Paris ATM robberies on August 17, the prosecutor's office said.
Funny it doesn't mention how the dude was incompasitated by armpit hair and a foul stank ???
The girl lydia hangs out with is from Paris. Definitely no armpit hair or stank... :nod:
Quote from: Krandall on August 19, 2010, 09:44:27 AM
The girl lydia hangs out with is from Paris. Definitely no armpit hair or stank... :nod:
FYI that's a dude.........and the underlying reasoning for your attraction
China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km
BEIJING — Thousands of vehicles were bogged down Monday in a more than 100-kilometre (62-mile) traffic jam leading to Beijing that has lasted nine days and highlights China's growing road congestion woes.
The Beijing-Tibet expressway slowed to a crawl on August 14 due to a spike in traffic by cargo-bearing heavy trucks heading to the capital, and compounded by road maintenance work that began five days later, the Global Times said.
The state-run newspaper said the jam between Beijing and Jining city had given birth to a mini-economy with local merchants capitalising on the stranded drivers' predicament by selling them water and food at inflated prices.
That stretch of highway linking Beijing with the northern province of Hebei and the Inner Mongolia region has become increasingly prone to massive jams as the capital of more than 20 million people sucks in huge shipments of goods.
Traffic slowed to a snail's pace in June and July for nearly a month, according to earlier press reports.
The latest clog has been worsened by the road improvement project, made necessary by highway damage caused by a steady increase in cargo traffic, the Global Times said.
China has embarked in recent years on a huge expansion of its national road system but soaring traffic periodically overwhelms the grid.
The congestion was expected to last into mid-September as the road project will not be finished until then, the newspaper said.
The roadway is a major artery for the supply of produce, coal and other goods to Beijing.
just read about that @ lunch today. Crazy!
Whoa! 100mph wreck caught on cruisers dash cam.
Dukes of Hazzard style going on here.
Amazing that he survived!!
Epic fail for Kitt and the Hoff!!!
:turbo: boost!
He literally tried taking an exit "Ramp"
ba dum crish!
Speak Ebonics? DEA has a job for you!
It may be raising some eyebrows, but the Drug Enforcement Administration insists it needs to hire at least nine people fluent in Ebonics.
The DEA's Atlanta office has been looking for Ebonics "linguists" since at least May, when job vacancies were posted online.
According to one posting, the linguist's duties would include "monitoring varying numbers of communications intercepts during any given shift" and then providing "reliable and accurate transcriptions."
An agency official, said there is nothing "racial" about the job, and described white rapper Eminem as "one of the best speakers of Ebonics there ever was."
"There are words that people use that I never used," the official said. "It's a dialect that certain people use, and we see a need for it."
The DEA also sees a need for linguists who speak scores of other languages and dialects, including Jamaican Patois. The DEA is looking to hiring such linguists too.
As for why the DEA office is looking for nine Ebonics speakers -- on a contract basis -- the official said that would cover teams of three working three different shifts.
Bitch owed me money.
These days, when Paris Hilton wakes up and finds a strange man in her house, it actually is cause for alarm.
The good-time heiress got quite the scare this morning, when she woke up to discover an armed home invader in her Hollywood Hills compound.
"I'm OK," she told E! News exclusively. "Just scary, thank GERD he didn't get in."
The Los Angeles Police Department arrived at Casa Hilton around 6:30 a.m. and took a man into custody.
"So Scary, just got woken up to a guy trying to break into my house holding 2 big knifes," Hilton tweeted this morning. "Cops are here arresting him."
There's been no word on whether he made off with any of Paris' possessions, if he was working alone or how he was caught (besides "in the nick of time"), but a spokesman for the LAPD told E! News that there were no injuries and confirmed that he never made it into the house.
But despite Paris' tweet, they have yet to comment on whether the man had any weapons on him at the time.
Still, as this is hardly an isolated incident, she may want to think about moving. Or at least about cutting back on the number of all-access home tours she gives to the media.
WTF!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Appeals court rules Stolen Valor Act unconstitutionalBy Bill Mears, CNN
August 18, 2010 1:13 p.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- Lying about military honors is not a crime, a federal appeals court has ruled, tossing out the prosecution of a California public official who falsely claimed to have won the prestigious Medal of Honor.
The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 there was inadequate "compelling governmental interest" when Congress passed the Stolen Valor Act in 2006.
Xavier Alvarez had won a seat on the Three Valley Water District Board of Directors in 2007, and at his first open meeting claimed to be a retired Marine who won the Medal of Honor in 1987. The highest military decoration awarded by the U.S. government is sometimes mistakenly called the Congressional Medal of Honor. "I got wounded many times by the same guy," Alvarez declared, according to court records. "I'm still around."
While the three-judge panel ruled Alvarez's free speech rights were violated, they showed little sympathy for his actions, calling them "nothing but a series of bizarre lies."
"We have no doubt that society would be better off if Alvarez would stop spreading worthless, ridiculous, and offensive untruths," the panel concluded in its ruling, handed down Tuesday. "But, given our historical skepticism of permitting the government to police the line between truth and falsity, and between valuable speech and drivel, we preemptively protect all speech, including false statements, in order that clearly protected speech may flower in the shelter of the First Amendment."
Alvarez was prosecuted on one count of falsely verbally claiming to have received the medal. He had conditionally pleaded guilty, reserving his right to later appeal on constitutional grounds. He was fined $5,000, given three years' probation, and resigned last fall from the utility board based in Claremont, California.
There was no word whether the Justice Department will appeal the opinion to the Supreme Court.
The split ruling noted Alvarez apparently "makes a hobby of lying about himself." Acquaintances told the FBI he claimed to have won the Medal of Honor during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis in Iran in 1979, or during the Vietnam War. He also spread stories he was a former professional hockey player and a police officer.
Beyond the circumstances of this appeal, the broader constitutional concerns deal with the power of the government to limit certain types of speech, particularly those made by public officials and those made during election campaigns.
The Supreme Court has been split in recent years whether false statements of fact should be protected under the Constitution, except in very limited circumstances. The Justice Department had argued Alvarez's statements deserved no legal protection because they had little value, and that there was a larger societal need to "protect speech that matters," in this case the valor and integrity of military heroes who rightfully earned their medals.
A dissenting judge in the case, Jay Bybee, agreed. "The Supreme Court has regularly repeated, both inside and outside of the defamation context, that false statements of fact are valueless and generally not within the protection of the First Amendment."
The high court in April struck down another congressional law, this one designed to stop the sale and marketing of videos showing dogfights and other acts of animal cruelty. The 8-1 majority said it was an unconstitutional violation of free speech.
"The First Amendment itself reflects a judgment by the American people that the benefits of its restrictions on the government outweigh its costs," said Chief Justice John Roberts of the 1999 law. He concluded Congress had not sufficiently shown "depictions" of dogfighting were enough to justify a special category of exclusion from free-speech protections.
The government lawyer in charge of defending the animal cruelty law was then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan, now the newest justice on the Supreme Court. Her colleagues in their ruling had nearly completely rejected her position in the case.
The federal Stolen Valor Act was designed to "protect the reputation" of military decorations, citing "fraudulent claims surrounding the receipt of the Medal of Honor [and other Congressionally authorized military medals, decorations, and awards]." Similar laws have been in place since 1948. Other federal judges have recently found the Stolen Valor Act to be similarly unconstitutional.
As for Alvarez, he is currently in the California State Prison in Centinela, convicted separately earlier this year for defrauding the water district, according to court records.
The medals case is U.S. v. Alvarez (08-50345).
I'm a navy seal, I won the medal of honor, purple heart and I won the heisman trophy.....twice.
TORONTO – Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept two Russian bombers in the Arctic as they approached Canadian airspace on the eve of a visit from Canada's prime minister who will observe an Arctic military exercise, a spokesman for the prime minister said Wednesday.
Dimitri Soudas, Stephen Harper's director of communications, said two Canadian CF-18 jets shadowed a pair of Russian TU-95 Bear jets in international airspace on Tuesday.
Soudas said the bombers flew within 30 miles (50 kilometers) of Canadian soil. They were first spotted approximately 120 nautical miles north of Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
"Thanks to the rapid response of the Canadian Forces, at no time did the Russian aircraft enter sovereign Canadian airspace," Soudas said in an e-mail.
Soudas warned that the North American Aerospace Defense Command, a joint U.S. and Canadian agency, "carefully monitors all air activities in the North and considers all options to protect the air sovereignty of Canada and the United States."
Harper is due to observe an annual military exercise in the Canadian Arctic on Wednesday. Soudas said Harper was briefed during and at the conclusion of the intercept mission. He said the Canadian jets returned to base without incident.
Canada has linked recent Russian flights in the area to the competition between Canada, Russia, the U.S. and other countries to secure Arctic resources. With polar ice melting there are new opportunities to exploit the region's oil, gas and mineral reserves.
Two Russian bombers were intercepted last month off Canada's East Coast near the Arctic and in February 2009, fighter jets scrambled to intercept a Russian bomber in the Arctic as it approached Canadian airspace on the eve of President Barack Obama's visit to Ottawa. The Russians said then the plane never encroached on Canadian airspace and that Canada had been told about the flight beforehand. Canada's defense minister said Russia gives no warning prior to the flight, despite Canada's request for Russia to do so.
Harper has made the Arctic a priority by making annual trips and pledging to increase Canada's military presence.
Soviet aircraft regularly flew near North American airspace during the Cold War but stopped after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Several years ago, Russian jets resumed these types of flights.
Soudas noted Canada's recent purchase of 65 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets from U.S. aerospace giant Lockheed Martin Corp. The $8.5 billion purchase, one of the biggest military equipment purchases in the country's history, is due to be debated at parliamentary defense committee on Wednesday. The jets will replace the Air Force's aging fleet of CF-18s.
dang, russia's gonna get blowed up!
It must SUCK to be these poor miners:
A group of Chilean miners trapped for 20 days deep inside a collapsed mine are alive, the Chilean president, Sebastián Piñera, said tonight – but it will take at least four months to set them free.
A rescue probe that drilled down 2,257 feet (688 metres) to the bottom of the San Jose mine made contact with the miners, who sent back a message reading: "All 33 of us are well inside the shelter."
"Never have so few words brought such happiness to an entire nation," said Piñera as he read out the handwritten note.
A second note from the miners indicated they were living in a makeshift refuge. Using a bulldozer, they have created a canal of fresh water and have used electricity from a truck engine to rig up lighting deep inside the notoriously dangerous copper mine.
Aides to Piñera warned that it would take a minimum of four months to free the men. "A shaft 66cm in diameter will take at least 120 days," said Andre Sougarret, lead engineer on the rescue operation. Rescue equipment from around the world is being rushed in to build an escape tunnel nearly 700 metres underground.
The miners were trapped on 5 August by a massive collapse in the roof of the mine, located outside the northern Chilean city of Copiapó. For two weeks, a series of probes has tunnelled hundreds of metres trying to find the refuge where the miners were thought to be gathered. They repeatedly missed their mark, and officials began blaming the mine for not operating with updated maps or modern safety equipment.
Using the hole created by the probes, rescue workers now plan to send down food, medicine and water as doctors struggle to keep the men alive and healthy while mining experts debate the options for building an escape route.
From the day the mine collapsed, dozens of relatives staked out what they call Camp Hope near the mouth of the mine, where they have built shrines, composed songs and ridden a spirit of national unity in hope that rescue efforts would arrive in time to save the men.
"I can't believe it," said Lilian Ramirez, wife of Mario Gomez, who wrote one of the notes. "Though we know he is strong. He has been a miner since he was 12 years old ... I told him several times that he must retire from mining."
"GERD is great," wrote 63-year-old Mario Gomez, the eldest of the trapped miners, in a letter to his wife which Piñera read on television. "This company has got to modernise," Gomez added. "But I want to tell everyone I'm OK, and am sure we will survive."
As the world's leading copper producer, Chile has seen a boom over the past decade as rising copper prices filled the government's coffers and allowed it to ride out the global recession. Record copper prices also meant older mines with deteriorating infrastructure became valuable again. The San Jose mine had been closed twice for safety violations and multiple fatalities. Family members of the trapped miners reacted with joy at the news that their loved ones were alive.
that would SUCK! they have to wait another 120 days? :cripes:
at least there's glimmers of hope for them. that's insane. bet they come out pastey white and skrawny.
Yeah there's glimmers of hope but damn! i would ask for a PSP and a few bottles of booze!
Quote from: Krandall on August 25, 2010, 02:30:43 PM
at least there's glimmers of hope for them. that's insane. bet they come out pastey white and skrawny.
awww little south american aarons. :lol:
Secret US military computers 'cyber attacked' in 2008
William Lynn and David Cameron William Lynn, shown here with David Cameron last month, is a former defence company executive
A 2008 cyber attack launched from an infected flash drive in the Middle East penetrated secret US military computers, a Pentagon official says.
The attack by a foreign spy service was the "most significant breach" ever of US military networks, Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn said.
Writing in Foreign Affairs magazine, Mr Lynn described it as a "digital beachhead" to steal military secrets.
He urged the US to speed up its cyber defence system procurement procedure.
Mr Lynn, the number two official in the Pentagon, wrote that the previously undisclosed 2008 attack began when an infected flash drive was inserted into a US military laptop at a base.
The computer code then spread stealthily through US military computer networks and readied itself to transfer military data to enemy hands, he wrote.
It is unclear whether the cyber spy effort succeeded in obtaining US secrets, and further details on the attack were unavailable.
In the article, Mr Lynn warned that US military dominance was threatened by the relatively low cost of cyber warfare.
Time lag
"A dozen determined computer programmers can, if they find a vulnerability to exploit, threaten the United States' global logistics network, steal its operational plans, blind its intelligence capabilities, or hinder its ability to deliver weapons on target," he wrote.
Mr Lynn, a former defence lobbyist and military budget official under former President Bill Clinton, warned the Pentagon had to speed up the process by which it develops and acquires cyber defence kit.
He noted that on average it took the Pentagon 81 months to get a new computer system online after its initial funding, while Apple developed the iPhone in 24 months, "less time than it would take the Pentagon to prepare a budget and receive congressional approval for it".
The US military operates 15,000 networks and seven million computers across the world that are probed by attackers thousands of times a day, Mr Lynn said.
The Pentagon has consolidated its cyber defence operations into a single command structure, which began operations in May.
The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Ever seen 'Tears of the Sun' :mad:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on August 25, 2010, 02:20:36 PM
that would SUCK! they have to wait another 120 days? :cripes:
Yeah but can you imagine all the overtime? Cha-ching!
Quote from: disco on August 25, 2010, 03:18:47 PM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on August 25, 2010, 02:20:36 PM
that would SUCK! they have to wait another 120 days? :cripes:
Yeah but can you imagine all the overtime? Cha-ching!
LOL you should write a book on "finding the silver lining" :wtf:
:lol: I would die down there. They'd kill me.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: definitely the silver lining disco!!!
Quote from: disco on August 25, 2010, 03:56:00 PM
:lol: I would die down there. They'd kill me.
ERMAHGERD!!! :rofl:
"I've get teh black lung popss"
damn womenz.
Blonde Nazi ballerina 'caused war setback'
A glamorous Nazi spy may have been behind one of the biggest setbacks suffered by Allied forces during World War II, newly released files suggest.
The secret government papers suggest that Marina Lee, a blonde ballerina, stole battle plans which led to the fall of Norway to Germany in 1940.
According to the files, Germany was close to pulling out of Norway before Lee passed on details of the plan.
The documents were part of an archive released by British spy agency MI5.
Lee is said to have infiltrated the headquarters of the British Expeditionary Forces in Norway and obtained information about the plan drawn up by British commander Gen Auchinleck.
German commander, Gen Eduard Dietl, who was holding the Norwegian port of Narvik, was reportedly considering a withdrawal, but the disclosure of these details meant his forces could block the Auchinleck plan.
British, French and Norwegian troops were later forced to withdraw from German-controlled Norway.
'Experienced agent'
Continue reading the main story
"Start Quote
With these details in hand Dietl was able to rearrange his defence and to defeat Auchinleck"
End Quote Gerth Van Wijk Archived document
The information about Lee was disclosed after Gerth Van Wijk, a German agent who had changed sides to work for the British, recounted the story he had heard from von Finckenstein, a German intelligence officer.
It was an account backed by another agent, KC Hansen.
Van Wijk said that "with these details in hand Dietl was able to rearrange his defence and to defeat Auchinleck".
Born in St Petersburg, Russia, Lee was married to a Norwegian communist and had trained as a ballerina before becoming "a highly valued and experienced German agent", according to the files.
She is described as "blonde, tall, with a beautiful figure, refined and languid in manner" and reportedly spoke five languages.
One account says she personally knew Stalin - leading to conjectures she was working for both Berlin and Moscow who, at that time, were on the same side, our reporter says.
The BBC's Rick Fountain says the British force went to Norway to stop strategic material falling into German hands, hoping to bolster anti-Nazi resistance, and even maybe build an Allied force to threaten Germany from the North.
But the plan turned into a fiasco which brought down Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and brought Winston Churchill back to power, our reporter says.
holy crap... :rofl:
Scary gaffe adds to week of airline mishaps
In the middle of an otherwise-peaceful British Airways flight from London to Hong Kong on Tuesday, a terrifying announcement blasted over the speakers.
The automated message warned the 275 passengers to brace themselves, because the plane was about to crash into the sea.
"We all thought we were going to die," one passenger said.
Flight attendants quickly reassured the traumatized passengers that the message was a mistake, and British Airways say they are investigating how the incident could have happened.
This is just the latest mishap to come to light in a wild week for airlines.
[True emergency: Tires of plane catch fire during landing]
On Thursday, the Federal Aviation Administration proposed a record $24.2 million penalty for American Airlines, saying the company put passengers in danger by flying 14,000 flights with planes that didn't meet safety standards. In 2008, the airline canceled more than 3,000 flights to try to fix the electrical wiring on its jets. American plans to appeal the fine.
Meanwhile, in one of the more ill-considered marketing moves in recent memory, Henan Airlines plastered a photo of a crashed, charred plane on its homepage this week, after 42 of its passengers died in the crash in China. The company has fired its president over the crash.
[Decoded: One very important letter on your airline ticket]
At least one of the week's airline gaffes added a measure of adorability to the cavalcade of fear, safety fines and crash photos. A Thai woman was arrested at Beijing's airport after she hid a drugged baby tiger in her suitcase, next to a stuffed toy tiger. Thai officials subsequently placed the 3-month-old cub at a wildlife refuge.
speaking of airline problems...this is a little old...but hilarious this guy is my hero!
Airline steward flips out on rude passenger.
WE'RE all guilty of losing our cool at one time or another, whether it's arguing with a boss, walking out and slamming the door or doing as fed-up flight attendant Steven Slater did and decide enough was enough.
After getting into a foul-mouthed row with a passenger after landing at JFK airport, the 39-year-old immediately announced his resignation over the tannoy, grabbed a cold beer from the galley, activated the aircrafts emergency slide, slid down and headed straight for his car.
Stunned onlookers said Slater 'snapped' on the JetBlue flight from Pittsburgh after he was struck by a piece of luggage a passenger was taking down from an overhead locker.
The outraged air-steward then marched straight to the front of the plane and used the plane's public address system to announce his immediate retirement.
After pausing for a moment to remove his tie, he grabbed himself a nice cold beer, deployed the emergency slide and headed for the tarmac.
Back at his beachfront Belle Harbor home, the ex-flight attendant was arrested several hours later and has since been charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing.
Slater happily confessed to police that he had deployed the escape chute and used it to make his dramatic exit, along with his luggage.
Slater and his melodramatic behaviour have already become something of a hit online, with tweeters, bloggers and Facebook groups celebrating the theatrical resignation of a put-upon 'trolley dolly' who had taken enough abuse, and wasn't going to take any more.
So if you're travelling on package holidays this summer, be kind to your crew members and treat them with the same respect that they treat you with and everyone should be fine.
Nothing new about Funyun :confused:
WTF!!! :mad: I would of used an uzi on anyone protesting a Marine's funeral
those people are unbelievable
I may not agree w/ the wars we have our hands in. But I'll support the hell out of our troops!
Yea, these asshats from Westboro Baptist Church need some serious quality time with my size 11 steel toes.
One paragraph from the CNN report:
Westboro members, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believe GERD is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths. Members have traveled the country, shouting at grieving family members at funerals and displaying such signs as "Thank GERD for Dead Soldiers," "GERD Blew Up the Troops" and "AIDS Cures Fags."
Just makes me want to beat some sense into them, and then beat them senseless again. Repeat as necessary.
Now I don't feel so bad about my hook... :rofl:
Golfer's swing sparks 25-acre California blaze
By Jay Busbee
Follow Jay Busbee on Twitter at @jaybusbee.
You can use a golf club for all kinds of non-golfy purposes -- walking stick, fishing rod, club, to name three. And now we can add to that list -- firestarter.
Over the weekend, a golfer's routine swing in the rough at the Shady Canyon Golf Course in Irvine, Calif., struck a rock. Not so different from the way you play, right? Only this time, the impact caused a spark, and the spark set off a blaze that eventually covered 25 acres, according to the Steven Buck, General Manager of Shady Canyon Golf Course, and required the efforts of 150 Orange County firefighters, writes the Associated Press.
Wow. And I felt bad the time I shanked a ball through the window of a house too close to the fairway. That was nothing compared to this!
The golfer's name is being withheld, which is probably for the best, and no charges are going to be filed. Fortunately, it all could have been much worse. As it was, the blaze required both helicopters and on-the-ground crews.
The conditions were ripe for a blaze, with dry brush from a recent heat wave just waiting for the right spark. Like, say, one caused by metal on rock.
And now, your turn. This is going to inspire a raft of bad Sportscenter-esque "When we say he set the course on fire, he really set the course on fire!" jokes. So let's get ahead of the curve. Best bad golf-and-fire-related pun in the comments wins a round of applause. Go!
Discovery channel HQ bomber with hostages!!
Must of not enjoyed "Shark week" :lol:
ok, off to hell ..........Kthxbye
You go, gurl!
Woman puts bullet hole in attacker's SUV
LA MARQUE — A 56-year-old woman fended off an armed attacker in a Walmart parking lot in La Marque, pulled a pistol and put at least one hole in the assailant's fleeing vehicle, La Marque police said on Thursday.
The woman, whom police declined to name, struggled with a man trying to take her car shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday, Detective Danielle Herman said in a written statement.
The woman, a concealed handgun permit holder, managed to grab a pistol from the car console and pointed it at the man, who fled to a silver or gray SUV driven by an accomplice, Herman said.
The woman fired several shots at the SUV as it sped away, at least one bullet striking the rear of the vehicle, she said.
Herman said the attacker was armed with a pistol.
Police are looking for an SUV with a bullet hole and Texas license plate number NMG 714.
Anyone with information about the vehicle should call La Marque Crime Stoppers at 409-938-8477.
Since it's near Boulder, I consider this a cleansing fire :lol:
Awesome 8)
Quote from: Colorado700R on September 11, 2010, 11:25:40 AM
Awesome 8)
That's way cool. You don't find men/women like that every day.
I wonder. Has a woman ever won a MoH?
Quote from: Krandall on September 13, 2010, 07:37:10 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on September 11, 2010, 11:25:40 AM
Awesome 8)
That's way cool. You don't find men/women like that every day.
I wonder. Has a woman ever won a MoH?
Only Woman Medal of Honor Holder Ahead of Her Time
By Rudi Williams
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 30, 1999 – Whenever Ann Walker's brattish attitude emerged, her grandmother would often say, "You're just like your great- aunt Mary."
"When I was a teen-ager, I started to wonder, who is this great- aunt Mary?" said Walker, 74. "I sort of hungered for information about her, but I couldn't find much. Nobody, including my grandmother, seemed to care about her. She always said, 'Your aunt was always dressing like a man.'"
Her curiosity surged when one of her father's friends, a history professor, told her about her distant relative, actually her great-great-aunt, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker of the Civil War Union Army. He told her Mary Walker was the first American woman to be a military doctor, a prisoner of war and a Medal of Honor recipient. She was also a Union spy and a crusader against tobacco and alcohol.
"He told me she was always imitating men, and if she had dressed like a lady, she would have had a larger role in history," said Walker, a resident of Washington's Georgetown Aged Women's Home. A retired free-lance journalist, Walker said she's working on a book, "Woman of Honor," to tell the story of her aunt's Civil War exploits and her controversial life thereafter.
Through the family friend and research, Ann Walker learned her aunt was born on Nov. 26, 1832, in Oswego County, N.Y., and graduated from Syracuse Medical College in 1855. She married fellow medical student Albert Miller, but declined to take his name. The couple set up a medical practice in Rome, N.Y., but the public wasn't ready to accept a woman physician. The practice and the marriage foundered.
When the Civil War started, the Union Army wouldn't hire women doctors, so Walker volunteered as a nurse in Washington's Patent Office Hospital and treated wounded soldiers at the Battle of Bull Run in Virginia. In 1862, she received an Army contract appointing her as an assistant surgeon with the 52nd Ohio Infantry.
The first woman doctor to serve with the Army Medical Corps, Walker cared for sick and wounded troops in Tennessee at Chickamauga and in Georgia during the Battle of Atlanta.
Confederate troops captured her on April 10, 1864, and held her until the sides exchanged prisoners of war on Aug. 12, 1864. Walker worked the final months of the war at a women's prison in Louisville, Ky., and later at an orphans' asylum in Tennessee.
The Army nominated Walker for the Medal of Honor for her wartime service. President Andrew Johnson signed the citation on Nov. 11, 1865, and she received the award on Jan. 24, 1866. Her citation cites her wartime service, but not specifically valor in combat.
Walker's citation reads in part that she "devoted herself with much patriotic zeal to the sick and wounded soldiers, both in the field and hospitals, to the detriment of her own health. She has also endured hardships as a prisoner of war for four months in a Southern prison while acting as contract surgeon."
The War Department, starting in 1916, reviewed all previous Medal of Honor awards with the intent of undoing decades of abuse. At the time, for instance, the medal could be freely copied and sold and legally worn by anyone. Past awards would be rescinded and future ones would be rejected if supporting evidence didn't clearly, convincingly show combat valor above and beyond the call of duty.
Mary Walker and nearly 1,000 past recipients found their medals revoked in the reform. Wearing the medal if unearned became a crime. The Army demanded Walker and the others return their medals. She refused and wore hers until her death at age 87 in 1919.
In the late 1960s, Ann Walker launched an intensive lobbying campaign to restore her aunt's medal. A Nov. 25, 1974, letter from the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee read, in part, "It's clear your great-grandaunt was not only courageous during the term she served as a contract doctor in the Union Army, but also as an outspoken proponent of feminine rights. Both as a doctor and feminist, she was much ahead of her time and, as is usual, she was not regarded kindly by many of her contemporaries. Today she appears prophetic."
President Jimmy Carter restored Mary Walker's Medal of Honor on June 11, 1977. Today, it's on display in the Pentagon's women's corridor.
Walker said her relative was controversial on the battlefield and in civilian life. During the war, she wore trousers under her skirt, a man's uniform jacket and two pistols. As an early women's rights advocate, particularly for dress reform, she was arrested many times after the war for wearing men's clothes, including wing collar, bow tie and top hat.
The Women in Military Service to America Memorial at Arlington (Va.) National Cemetery features the story of Dr. Mary E. Walker along with a photograph of her and her walking cane. Curator Judy Bellafaire called Walker "quite a character," and one whose ideas made her seem eccentric in her own day and age.
"But judging her from today's perspective, much of what she spoke and wrote about, that people made fun of at the time, is probably true today," Bellafaire said. Walker, she said, wrote volumes about the evils of tobacco and alcohol and women's clothes and authored two books: "Unmasked" and "Hit," a fictionalized autobiography.
"My most favorite of her sayings is, 'Let the generations know that women in uniform also guaranteed their freedom,'" Ann Walker said. "She was strong. I wish I'd known her. It would have been fun."
Interesting, Thanks Aaron :)
Hefe is whoring today!
Quote from: Hefe on September 16, 2010, 10:33:42 AM
Hefe is a whore!
Funny pics thread. Maybe peelz could use help on the corner.
Quote from: Hefe on September 16, 2010, 10:33:42 AM
Hefe is whoring today!
Street corner busy again huh?
Pi record smashed as team finds two-quadrillionth digit By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter BBC News 16-Sep 2010
A researcher has calculated the 2,000,000,000,000,000th digit of pi - and a few digits either side of it.
Nicholas Sze, of technology firm Yahoo, determined that the digit - when expressed in binary - is 0.
Mr Sze used Yahoo's Hadoop cloud computing technology to more than double the previous record.
The computation took 23 days on 1,000 of Yahoo's computers, racking up the equivalent of more than 500 years of a single computer's efforts.
The heart of the calculation made use of an approach called MapReduce originally developed by Google that divides up big problems into smaller sub-problems, combining the answers to solve otherwise intractable mathematical challenges.
At Yahoo, a cluster of 1,000 computers implemented this algorithm to solve an equation that plucks out specific digits of pi.
Pi slicing
The pursuit of longer versions of pi is a long-standing pastime among mathematicians.
But this approach is very different from the full calculation of all of the digits of pi - the record for which was set in January at 2.7 trillion digits.
Instead, each of the Hadoop computers was working on a formula that turns a complicated equation for pi into a small set of mathematical steps, returning just one, specific piece of pi.
"Interestingly, by some algebraic manipulations, (our) formula can compute pi with some bits skipped; in other words, it allows computing specific bits of pi," Mr Sze explained to BBC News.
Fabrice Bellard, who undertook the full calculation announced in January, told BBC News that the single-digit and full pi calculation are vastly different in the degree to which they can be "parallelised" - that is, cut up into manageable pieces among different computers.
He said the current, single-digit record is "more a demonstration of the Hadoop parallelisation framework... it can demonstrate the power of new algorithms which could be useful in other fields".
The record-breaking MapReduce approach, he said, is useful in physics, cryptography and data mining.
Mr Sze added that the calculation was also a good test for the Hadoop hardware and approach.
"This kind of calculation is useful in benchmarking and testing," he said.
"We have used it to compare the [processor] performance among our clusters."
thats awesome.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- A helicopter with three people on board crashed about a mile south of the summit of Pikes Peak Friday morning.
The 7:30 a.m. crash occurred near Elk Park and the Cog Railway.
El Paso County Search and Rescue is responding to the scene and said a medical helicopter is headed to the scene.
Bob Gillis of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb said the helicopter was filming a test for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb. He said the pilot is seriously injured and two other people have minor injuries.
This is the second helicopter crash in the Pikes Peak area in the past three months.
In June, an AH-64D Apache Longbow from the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division from Fort Drum, N.Y., crashed just south of Pikes Peak. Two pilots were hurt. The helicopter crew was conducting high altitude mountain environment training in preparation for deployment to Afghanistan.
Umm, dats a bigass mountain.....take your supercharged eggbeaters around it, instead of over it :lol:
"Ummmm we just hit the mountain...get to the goat"
Quote from: Colorado700R on September 21, 2010, 01:37:38 PM
cool story. :thumbs:
dang cool
For Peelsy:,0,5052898.story
It's a growing crisis all around us that affects the very way we communicate. We're talking about typos: not the kind you find in emails, but the ones we see in signs all around our neighborhoods.
Think about it. How many times have you driven by a sign, seen a misspelling or some bad grammar, and thought, I wonder if whoever put that up knows there's something wrong? Well now, you've got some help on your side--a dynamic duo of typo hunters who say they're trying to change the world one correction at a time.
Look closely, and you'll see we are surrounded by misspellings. Copy editor Jeff Deck says he can't take it anymore. Says Deck, "I've been noticing typos pretty much my entire life. So I figured I could better the world by hunting down typos and fixing them." Jeff and his friend Benjamin Herson are evangelists of sorts. As Herson puts it, "We're trying to spread the gospel of taking a second look."
The Typo Eradication Advancement League, otherwise known as Jeff and Ben and their waterproof marker collection, say even small typos can make a significant impact. Deck says, "It gives a sense that people really aren't paying attention to the details there and aren't putting the care into that neighborhood." The two don't just point out the typos. They ask permission from business owners and correct them.
At Skarbos Furniture in Ballard, it was changing "Furnitupe" to "Furniture." On one sidewalk cafe chalkboard sign, it was a little tougher. On "Raspberry," someone had forgotten the "P." Jeff had to do a quick web check for the spelling of Grand "Marnier" liqueur. It's not Grand "Mariner," as the sign reads, especially this baseball season.
Jeff and Ben consider their job almost a civic duty. They even found a problem with Initiative 101, an anti-tunnel signature-gathering petition. "Inititive," the sign reads. Now, that type of miscue may not change your vote, and actually doesn't bother some people. "No, no, it makes me feel smarter," said passer-by Tad Davis.
But the more you think about it, the more you realize Jeff and Ben's point. As another passer-by, Linda Livingston, told us, "We have to maintain the integrity of our language, and if we don't learn how to spell things right, then where does it all lead?"
Never fear, Linda. The typo heroes are here, for truth, good spelling and the American way.
Check out the Typo Eradication Advancement League website here for pictures of a typo near you.
Good catch!!! Oh peelsy!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's a growing crisis all around us that affects the very way we communicate. We're talking about typos: not the kind you find in emails, but the ones we see in signs all around our neighborhoods.
great link seggie!!
this part is a little extreme, but is part of my point: why am I in the wrong for correcting improper English. Are we not American? :rofl: 1000's of people a day complain about having to see things bilingual(english and spanish), due to immigration. But many of those exact people can't even handle their own language. :lol: The funny part is: Mexican immigrants are SOMETIMES learning proper english, some better than non immigrants. :lol: :confused:
for example.....redneck quote I read once once:
"them mexicans ain't learning no dang English, they ain't got no right being here" seriously? How do you complain about a language you don't even know?
done :lol:
Funny thing is...on another site that I am on and moderate, the people from other countries like Spain, Argentina, Amsterdam, even China have better grasp of English than some people on this site in the states....Also sad :(
I ain't speak no English damnit, I ain't no Brit...
I speaks American.
Hehehehee I'm not from the US and really flinch when I read prolly (instead of probably), duals (instead of duals) and could of (instead of could have) and when I look on location I see they are from the US.... funny really.
:nana: :nana:
KATHMANDU (Reuters) – A car said to have been a gift from Adolf Hitler to a Nepali king will be repaired and used to drive visitors around the grounds of a palace museum, a government official said on Thursday.
The 1939 Mercedes Benz was presented by the Nazi leader to King Tribhuvan, grandfather of Nepal's last King Gyanendra, deposed two years ago.
It has been stored at an old palace garage for more than five years, after being abandoned by an engineering college that had been using it for classes.
Authorities said the doors, seats and bonnet were damaged.
Mod Raj Dotel, a Ministry of Culture official, said the equivalent of $537,000 was being sought from the government to restore both the car and a chariot once used by King Tribhuvan.
"The idea is to repair them so visitors can drive in the car and ride the royal chariot," Dotel told Reuters.
"This will be more attractive to visitors and will also give people a feel of the political change the country has undergone."
In 2008, a specially elected assembly dominated by Maoist former rebels overwhelmingly voted to abolish the 239-year-old monarchy, turning the majority-Hindu nation into a secular republic.
Gyanendra's pagoda-roofed palace has since been made into a museum.
The car was initially carried to the Nepali capital Kathmandu by laborers at a time when automobiles in the city were scarce and the mountainous capital was several days' walk from the outside world.
Quote from: rappyfreak on September 22, 2010, 04:31:37 PM
Hehehehee I'm not from the US and really flinch when I read prolly (instead of probably), duals (instead of duals) and could of (instead of could have) and when I look on location I see they are from the US.... funny really.
;) +1
especially the could of part. :rolleyes: :lol:
Help my breaks don't work anymore
are they single circuit or duel circuit?
hope the wife is okay.
Florida Woman Uses Lighter To Illuminate Meth Lab, Kaboom
28 year old Jamie Griffin was taking a late night stroll through her neighborhood when she spotted a garbage can that looked like it could have been used to store methamphetamine.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Jamie has seen too many cop shows because she used a lighter to get a better look at the meth cooking trash can.
When she struck a lighter to take a better look, the chemicals exploded, causing minor burns to her face. A friend called rescue workers from a neighbor's house and Griffin was treated at the scene then taken to Flagler Hospital.
Thankfully this wasn't the type of explosion that took out 10 city grids in Predator, and Jamie only received minor burns.
The man who owned the meth lab was arrested and taken to St. Johns County jail where he requires 25k for bail.
James Nicholas Lacaze, 41, of the 10400 block of Turpin Avenue was arrested late Monday after rescue workers and deputies responded to a report of suspicious circumstances at the Flagler Estates residence.
There are two lessons you can learn from this story.
1. Don't go digging through a meth lab with a lighter.
2. Don't own a meth lab.
Quote from: Krandall on September 23, 2010, 08:37:20 PM
Jamie Griffin was taking a late night stroll through her neighborhood when she spotted a garbage can that looked like it could have been used to store methamphetamine.
1. What exaclty does a garbage that looks like it has been used to store meth look like ??? ? What's the difference between this garbage can and the next one down the block ? How do you differentiate, in the dark ?
2. If a garbage can on someone's property for some reason 'looks as if it's been used to store Meth' and you're not a effing tweaker, what the hell are you doing even getting near it ?
3. Woman, stay out the neighbor's trash. Christ, nosey ass bitch :lol:
4. This woman was a tweaker, knows the guy living at the place makes meth, and was simply looking to score. Or she's just seriously stupid. My money's on BOTH.
Quote from: SegKast on September 24, 2010, 04:08:52 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 23, 2010, 08:37:20 PM
Jamie Griffin was taking a late night stroll through her neighborhood when she spotted a garbage can that looked like it could have been used to store methamphetamine.
1. What exaclty does a garbage that looks like it has been used to store meth look like ??? ? What's the difference between this garbage can and the next one down the block ? How do you differentiate, in the dark ?
2. If a garbage can on someone's property for some reason 'looks as if it's been used to store Meth' and you're not a effing tweaker, what the hell are you doing even getting near it ?
3. Woman, stay out the neighbor's trash. Christ, nosey ass bitch :lol:
4. This woman was a tweaker, knows the guy living at the place makes meth, and was simply looking to score. Or she's just seriously stupid. My money's on BOTH.
oh...there are ways. usually a smoke plume rising from the can. :lol:
Or Peels peekin out askin if you want a hit :tweakz:
Owner of Segway Dies in a Segway Accident
Published: September 27, 2010
LONDON James W. Heselden, the owner of the company that makes the Segway, died Sunday morning when he drove one of the two-wheeled scooters off a cliff close to his home in West Yorkshire, England.
The West Yorkshire police did not treat his death as suspicious, Neil Wardley, a police spokesman, said, adding that a local coroner had yet to establish the exact cause of death.
Mr. Heselden, 62, fell into the River Wharfe while riding a Segway on his estate. The vehicle was also recovered from the river, the police said.
Mr. Heselden, a British millionaire, bought Segway in January. He had made his fortune with Hesco Bastion, which produces foldable protection containers that were used by the military and to control flood waters.
After working as a miner and after a career in engineering, Mr. Heselden invented the container unit and founded Hesco in 1990. He remained chairman of the company.
It is with great sadness that we have to confirm that Jimi Heselden has died in a tragic accident near his home in West Yorkshire, Hesco Bastion said in a statement. Our thoughts go out to his family and many friends, who have asked for privacy at this time.
The Segway, a motorized scooter that changes direction depending on which way its driver tilts, was invented by Dean Kamen in 2001 and first produced in 2002. Sales of the vehicle initially exceeded expectations but demand has slowed since then. The company is private and does not disclose any financial data.
Mr. Heselden leaves behind his wife, Julie, five children and eight grandchildren, a Hesco spokeswoman said.
That's kind of ironic....
like rain on your wedding day?
or a black fly, in your chardonnay?
death row pardon, two minutes too late?
90's music FTW! :lol: :lol: :lol:
and isn't it ironic?
that you would say that.
Quote from: rappyfreak on September 28, 2010, 11:37:03 AM
exactly magz, that right there is the ultimate irony.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on September 28, 2010, 11:32:35 AM
like ray-eee-aaaain on your wedddd-ding day?
edited for accuracy.
magical invisible syllables. :rofl:
The room is spinnin......from all the gayness.
Ricky Bobby
:cheer: Just let us be!!! :lol:
Oviedo, Florida (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Wednesday awarded the Medal of Honor -- the nation's highest military decoration -- to Staff Sgt. Robert J. Miller, a Green Beret who died after willingly taking fire to protect U.S. and Afghan soldiers.
The citation read at a solemn White House ceremony in Washington, D.C., honored Miller for "conspicuous gallantry ... at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty" and "extraordinary acts of heroism" on January 25, 2008, when a patrol he led was ambushed in Afghanistan.
Miller killed at least 10 insurgents and wounded dozens more in repeatedly exposing himself to enemy fire "in keeping with the highest traditions of military service," the citation said.
Miller is the seventh service member to receive the Medal of Honor for actions during operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama gave a detailed account of the combat in which Miller was killed, describing how the small group of U.S. and Afghan soldiers came under fire in a narrow valley from protected enemy positions above.
Realizing the peril of the situation, Miller ordered his team to fall back, but then "did something extraordinary," Obama said.
"Rob moved the other way, toward the insurgents," to draw their fire so his team could back off safely, the president said.
The others could hear Miller firing and calling out enemy positions amid overwhelming enemy fire, Obama said.
"Then over the radio, they heard his voice," Obama continued. "He had been hit. But still he kept calling out enemy positions, still he kept firing, still he kept hurling grenades. Then they heard it. Rob's weapon fell silent."
Five members of his team were wounded, Obama said, but all survived. He quoted one of the survivors as saying, "I would not be alive today if not for his ultimate sacrifice."
Some of the dozen team members at the ceremony were red-eyed when Obama asked them to stand, and the president cited them and all U.S. fighting forces in Afghanistan for their commitment to the mission of preventing the country from again becoming a haven for terrorists to launch attacks on the United States.
"Every American is safer because of their service, and every American has a duty to remember and honor their sacrifice," Obama said.
Miller's parents, Maureen and Philip Miller, stood onstage with Obama as the citation was read. They earlier told how they take consolation that their son gave his life so others could live.
"If it wasn't for Robert's actions, they could have easily been killed," Maureen Miller said.
Miller's father added: "We have a sense of awe and amazement of what he did and a feeling of pride."
Sgt. James Lodyga, Miller's commander in Afghanistan, described the battle in the village of Barikowt, near the Pakistani border, as being like "fish in a barrel."
"Enemy on right, on the left. Robby immediately started firing," Lodyga said.
An Army commendation noted the young man's character.
"Only 24 years old, Miller impressed everyone on his team. Although the youngest member of A Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group [Airborne], Fort Bragg, N.C., he quickly earned a reputation for taking on difficult challenges," the Army said.
His mother relayed a perspective only a parent could have.
"I'm feeling humbled by it," Maureen Miller said. "He was just our kid, not too long out of the annoying teenager stage, and he was doing all this."
She had a notion, though, of her son's outlook on life.
"Robert wore his favorite shirt which said, 'Cowards die many time before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once,' " she said.
The fallen soldier's sister, Nancy, pointed out that "he was always concerned about looking out for others."
Lodyga said Miller did just that.
"Robby was shot in the side and he shot those who shot him," the sergeant said. "He kept firing until he succumbed to a shot under the armpit. I don't know how to put it into words. I know Robby saved our lives, Absolutely he's a hero. I thank him a lot."
The Medal of Honor is given for exceptional acts of gallantry, "bravery or self-sacrifice" and must involve risk of life, the White House said.
At Miller's home in Oviedo, Florida, his parents fly the U.S. flag -- and display two stars in a window.
"The blue star flag is anyone in active service. Gold star is designation that they are fallen in battle," Philip Miller said. "They are in memory of our son and a proud memorial for him."
For Miller's parents, Wednesday's ceremony at the White House was an important step on the long road to healing.
The parents were told at his funeral more than two years ago that the decorated Green Beret would be receiving another commendation.
"There was a sense that it wasn't finished and that there was something left to be done," Maureen Miller said. "Now this part of the chapter will be closed."
The slain warrior's mother said she was looking forward to "finally getting it over with and a sense of closure. We will always miss Rob and there will always be a hole in our heart."
Krandall ... You just picked up Randy Moss Brother.... NOICE !!!!
Peelz, you need a warning on your products.
Some might say that smoking meth with a blowtorch near a container of gunpowder is ill-advised. Some will try anyway.
John Blanchard, 65, is among them, San Mateo County sheriff's deputies say.
Deputies called to a fire in a storage yard in the unincorporated community of Princeton near the Half Moon Bay Airport found Blanchard standing outside a camper that he had parked there illegally, sheriff's Lt. Ray Lunny said.
Investigators determined that the Oct. 1 fire on the 200 block of Yale Avenue had been started by a defective propane blowtorch that Blanchard had been using to smoke methamphetamine, Lunny said.
Blanchard left the blowtorch on a dryer, causing a nearby container of gunpowder to explode, said Steve Wagstaffe, chief deputy district attorney.
Besides the blowtorch, deputies found a loaded rifle, ammunition, a container of black powder and an unopened safe containing more than 300 feet of detonation cord, Lunny said.
Blanchard, who has a previous drug conviction, pleaded not guilty Monday to drugs and weapons violations. He is being held on $30,000 bail.
Read more:
If serving this country in War isn't enough to make you a citizen WTF does? There's plenty of natural born americans that need to be deported, vice two heros.
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Thousands of flushed condoms threaten to choke the Commonwealth Games village's drainage system, media reports said, in the latest problem to hit the venue from hidden snakes to outbreaks of dengue.
Games organizers, who won a race against time to ready the village, are now battling to clear clogged drains after thousands of non-biodegradeable contraceptives were flushed down toilets in the first week of the event.
"If that is happening, it shows that there is use of condoms and I think that is a very positive story. Athletes are being responsible," Commonwealth Games Federation President Mike Fennell told a news conference Thursday.
"We all know that encouraging safe sex is a very important thing to do."
Games organizers had provided 8,000 free condoms in the village, and the provision appears to be in high demand. One official told the Mail Today newspaper Thursday that over 4,000 had already been snapped up by eager athletes.
Shoddy construction work, fears over an outbreak of dengue fever and worries about security had meant many teams delayed their move into the village before the Games began. However, blame for the latest problem lies firmly with the athletes.
Following a decision to provide free condoms at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, it has become something of a tradition.
At the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, athletes quickly used up the 70,000 free condoms provided, forcing organizers to supply another 20,000, while at the 2004 Games in Athens, the provision was doubled to 130,000.
At both the Beijing Games in 2008, and the Vancouver Winter Olympics in February, 100,000 condoms were provided for athletes.
That's a lot of fu :mad: ing.
Raptor Rally Beats that.... :rolleyes:
Love him or hate him... Eminem on 60 minutes. VERY cool.
Seems like he's got his life on the right track.
He can rhyme the word orange! :thumbs:
and silver...
Facebook does save some lives...
thats crazy!!!!
I haz yo Directv satellites.....and i will killz dem if i wantz
Quote from: Colorado700R on October 19, 2010, 06:36:30 AM
I haz yo Directv satellites.....and i will killz dem if i wantz
interesting read. I had heard about that shuttle.
Don't you think it's funny that every time some hippy gets ahold of a secret gov't project, they automatically assume it is to blow everything up :lol:
I think we have every right to assume anything that's "top secret" is to blow everything up.
name a few things the government has worked on... released.. and WASN"T in some way shape or form used to blow something up.
Quote from: Krandall on October 19, 2010, 07:31:55 AM
I think we have every right to assume anything that's "top secret" is to blow everything up.
name a few things the government has worked on... released.. and WASN"T in some way shape or form used to blow something up.
word. :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on October 19, 2010, 07:31:55 AM
I think we have every right to assume anything that's "top secret" is to blow everything up.
name a few things the government has worked on... released.. and WASN"T in some way shape or form used to blow something up.
da interwebz
Related video, listen to the chick at around :24 "look how close it comes to the bridge" claiming it buzzed the bridge. Retard. I guess from her skewed perspective it actually impacted the bridge.
Wasn't it used back in the day to connect / network military bases together? Aka file-share bomb schematics?
The vacuum tube shuttle system, wtf you call it, you use at the bank drive through came from NASA. Back in the day they had all the files in the basement and the engineers would have a question or have to look something up so they would scribble a question on paper, stick it in the tube and fire away. Somebody downstairs would open it up, look it up and send the answer back.
Space program spin offs are pretty cool.
that's hilarious!1
Mexico's largest pot bust likely hit Sinaloa gang
Pictures here: HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
MEXICO CITY – Mexico's largest-ever seizure of marijuana packaged for sale is even bigger than the original estimate of 105 tons and probably belonged to the country's most powerful drug-trafficking cartel, authorities said Tuesday.
The Sinaloa cartel run by Mexico's most wanted fugitive, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, now is moving drugs through the Tijuana corridor "unimpeded," said a U.S. law enforcement official in Mexico, a possible reason why violence has dropped in the city across the border from San Diego, California, since a bloody peak in 2008.
President Felipe Calderon recently praised the city's new calm as a success story in Mexico's drug war.
Many have speculated the drop in violence just means the Sinaloa cartel has cut a deal with remnants of the Arrellano Felix gang, which became one of the country's dominant cartels in the 1990s through control of Tijuana's lucrative land and sea routes leading into California, but has suffered from the arrests and deaths of its top leaders since 2002.
Calderon dismissed the idea of an arrangement in a recent interview with The Associated Press, saying the new calm came in part from government cooperation and the arrests of key cartel leaders.
"The truth is that in the last two years, the government has made important hits on the criminal structures," he told the AP.
But the U.S. official said it was a possibility.
"There could be a pact. We don't know for certain if there is one, what that pact would be. But Sinaloa has been able to operate there unimpeded by other cartels," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons.
Mexican soldiers and police grabbed the U.S.-bound marijuana in pre-dawn raids Monday in three neighborhoods when 11 people arrested after a shootout led authorities to the drugs.
Army officials first said the drugs weighed 105 tons and had an estimated street value of 4.2 billion pesos, about $340 million. But authorities said the haul was even bigger Tuesday, counting 15,300 packages — 5,000 more than first announced. It weighed 134.2 tons, said Ramon Gomez, a spokesman for the federal Attorney General's office.
By comparison, U.S. authorities seized a total of 123 tons of marijuana during 2009 at all San Diego-area border crossings.
Calderon's security spokesman, Alejandro Poire, agreed the drugs likely belonged to Sinaloa and called it a historic seizure.
"This is an important milestone that demonstrates the ability of the Mexican state when security forces in three levels of government coordinate and take responsibility around a common goal," he said.
But the bust indicates what U.S. Department of Justice figures already show — that marijuana cultivation is up in Mexico since 2005, more than doubling to 21.5 million metric tons in 2008. Marijuana seizures on the U.S. side of the border also have increased from about 1,000 to 1,500 metric tons between 2005 and 2009.
A U.S. State Department report said the decline comes as Mexican security forces focus more harder drugs such as methamphetamines — but also on fighting and arresting the traffickers.
"With the Mexican military changing its role and more actively going after organized crime groups, it could have affected that, stopped crop eradication," the U.S. official said.
Poire denied the Calderon government has backed off of seizures and eradication, saying they are up over the first four years of the previous administration by 100 tons.
"This administration has maintained an important effort in the eradication and confiscation of illicit substances," he said.
The drugs were found stored in tractor trailers and houses wrapped in different colors and labeled with apparently coded phrases and pictures that included the cartoon character Homer Simpson. They appeared to make up a major distribution center traced directly to Guzman, who has expanded the reach of his cartel along the U.S.-Mexico border since escaping from prison in 2001.
The Sinaloa cartel controls distribution in neighboring Sonora state and the city of Mexicali, only 120 miles east of Tijuana. It also controls areas to the east and is warring for control of the border city of Cuidad Juarez, across from El Paso, Texas.
gawd dammiT what the hellz am I supposed to do now??
"now thats a lot of hooch" :lol:
They are on to us Peels :escape:
i hear choppers............. :run:
aww hell. WHo called the policia!!!!
damn bitches!
i could rhyme all day fellas! :lol:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on October 20, 2010, 11:23:21 AM
gawd dammiT what the hellz am I supposed to do now??
Bah, I hope you ain't smokin that mexi-shwag. :aaron: Shit'll give you a headache and a chapped ass :rofl:
Then you'll go lookin for something good to smoke :lol:
Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione dies at 79
breaking news.
raptor source died.
rest in peace raptor source.
US-Saudi arms deal ripples from Iran to Israel
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – As American and Saudi officials spent months quietly hammering out a wish list for a mammoth sale of American warplanes and other weapons to the oil-rich kingdom, leaders in Iran were busy publicly displaying their advances in missiles, naval craft and air power.
In one memorable bit of political theater, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stood under a cascade of glitter in August to unveil a drone bomber — dubbed the "ambassador of death" — that he claimed would keep foes in the region "paralyzed" on their bases.
The response by Washington and its cornerstone Arab ally, Saudi Arabia, moved a step ahead Wednesday. The Obama administration notified Congress of plans to sell as many as 84 new F-15 fighter jets, helicopters and other gear with an estimated $60 billion price tag.
The proposed deal — one of the biggest single U.S. arms sales — is clearly aimed at countering Iran's rising military might and efforts to expand its influence.
But it ties together other significant narratives in the region, including an apparent retooling of Israeli policies to tacitly support a stronger, American-armed Saudi Arabia because of common worries about Iran.
It also reinforces the Gulf as the Pentagon's front-line military network against Iran even as the U.S. sandwiches the Islamic republic with troops and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"In this way, Saudi Arabia does become some sort of buffer between Israel and Iran," said Pieter Wezeman, a senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a Swedish think tank that tracks arms sales.
Israel has made no diplomatic rumblings over the proposed Saudi deal — a marked contrast to almost automatic objections decades ago to Pentagon pacts with Arab nations. It's widely seen as an acknowledgment that Israel's worries over Iran and its nuclear program far outweigh any small shifts in the Israel-Arab balance of power.
Israel is moving toward a policy of "pick your fights," said Efraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.
"After all," he added, "Saudi Arabia is not such a big threat to us."
And Israel does not come out of the current American arms bazaar empty handed. Earlier this month, it signed a deal to purchase 20 F-35 stealth fighters that could possibly reach Iran undetected by radar. Israel has an option for 75 more.
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"This equipment is primarily to give (Israel) a better feeling facing the Iranian threat. It is not related to Israeli-Arab relations," said Inbar. "Ironically, in the current situation, Saudi Arabia is in the same strategic boat as Israel is in facing the Iranian threat."
Besides the new fighters for Saudi Arabia, the U.S. plans to upgrade an additional 70 of the kingdom's existing F-15s. State Department and Pentagon officials told lawmakers the sales also will include 190 helicopters, including Apaches and Black Hawks, as well as an array of missiles, bombs, delivery systems and accessories such as night-vision goggles and radar warning systems.
Congress has 30 days to block the deal, which was first revealed in September but has been in negotiations for months. U.S. officials say they aren't expecting significant opposition.
Iran, meanwhile, has concentrated on its missile arsenal overseen by the powerful Revolutionary Guard. Its solid-fuel Sajjil missile has a reported range of more than 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) — within range of Israel and all main U.S. bases in the region.
Iran's navy has staged war games in the Gulf and announced major additions to its fleet, including three Iranian-built submarines designed to operate in the Gulf's shallow waters.
It marks the Gulf as a buyer's market for arms, led by the U.S. as the dominant Western military power from Kuwait to Oman. Throughout the Gulf, Washington counts on access to Arab allies' air bases, logistics hubs and the Bahrain headquarters of America's naval powerhouse in the region — the U.S. 5th Fleet.
A report last month by the U.S. General Accountability Office said Washington approved $22 billion worth of military equipment transfers to the six Gulf Arab states between fiscal 2005 and 2009 through a Pentagon-managed program.
More than half was earmarked for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, including a $6.5 billion deal in 2009 for the UAE to buy the Patriot missile defense system.
The UAE agreement was the largest single arms approval during the five-year period — but is dwarfed by the proposed Saudi deal.
The researcher Wezeman said Iran is clearly the top perceived threat for the Gulf Arabs, but there are background concerns about Iraq's stability and the unrest in neighboring Yemen that includes Shiite Hawthi rebels and Islamic extremists linked to al-Qaida. The Saudi military was drawn into rare fighting in northern Yemen starting late last year, using airstrikes and artillery to battle a Hawthi rebellion that was spilling across the border.
"Of course it's against Iran. Of course it's against Yemen," said Wezeman. "You can read between the lines ... but there are not any official statements about it."
Wezeman's group issued a report this month that estimates the eight nations ringing the Gulf — including rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia — accounted for 10 percent of all conventional weapons imports between 2005-2009.
The appetite was on display earlier this month when envoys from more than 50 U.S. defense and aerospace firms held talks in Abu Dhabi, where they were welcomed by the UAE's minister of foreign trade at an opulent hotel on the shores of the Gulf.
As the American defense budget tightens, the Gulf's deep pockets beckon.
"This is a critical time for our companies abroad as the U.S. defense budget continues to face pressures at home," said a statement from Lawrence Farrell, head of the National Defense Industrial Association based outside Washington.
Jane Kinninmont, a Middle East and Africa specialist at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said concerns over Iran are the primary motivation for the Saudi arms expansion. But she wonders how much the untested Gulf forces rattle Iranian commanders who are almost all veterans of the 1980-88 war with Iraq.
"I would not be surprised if the Iranians are pretty cynical about the armies here," she said during an interview in Dubai. "To put it bluntly, they've fought a war."
Oh...fucking beautiful... :funyun:
(CNN) -- The U.S. Geological Survey says a revised estimate for the amount of conventional, undiscovered oil in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is a fraction of a previous estimate.
The group estimates about 896 million barrels of such oil are in the reserve, about 90 percent less than a 2002 estimate of 10.6 billion barrels.
The new estimate is mainly due to the incorporation of new data from recent exploration drilling revealing gas occurrence rather than oil in much of the area, the geological survey said.
"These new findings underscore the challenge of predicting whether oil or gas will be found in frontier areas," USGS Director Dr. Marcia McNutt said in a statement. "It is important to re-evaluate the petroleum potential of an area as new data becomes available."
The organization also estimates 8 trillion cubic feet less gas than a 2002 estimate of 61 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, conventional, non-associated gas -- meaning gas found in discrete accumulations with little to no crude oil in the reservoir.
"Recent activity in the NPRA, including 3-D seismic surveys, federal lease sales administered by the Bureau of Land Management and drilling of more than 30 exploration wells in the area provides geological information that is more indicative of gas than oil," the geological survey said.
The petroleum reserve in Alaska has been the focus of significant oil exploration during the past decade, stimulated by the mid-1990s discovery of the largest onshore oil discovery in the U.S. during the past 25 years, the organization said
The next 'Batman' movie will be called...
..."The Dark Knight Rises," according to the Los Angeles Times, in an interview with director Christopher Nolan.
Nolan and his brother Jonathan are hard at work on a script for what they see as the final chapter in a Batman trilogy, set for release in July 2012.
As one might expect, much of it is shrouded in secrecy, including what, if anything, will be done about the late Heath Ledger's Joker character (last seen - spoiler alert! - tied up and hanging upside down off the side of a building).
There's been a lot of speculation about which villain will be featured in the movie, but the Times was only able to get Nolan to rule out the Riddler (he had earlier ruled out Mr. Freeze), making Catwoman or the lesser-known Hugo Strange good possibilities. Batman's "rogues gallery" is practically endless, so Nolan could certainly come up with someone that nobody is talking about, as well.
What a wonderful coming together of two diverse groups! We need more gatherings where the idiot activists are given warm, moist, aromatic welcomes like this one. This is why PETA usually protests women wearing fur rather than bikers wearing leather. Sounds to me like the old saying, "you mess with the bull, and you get the horns". Gee, I guess these characters thought that Bikers where going to be politically correct like the rest of the wimpy world. HERE'S HOW POLICE FOUND ONE OF THEM. (See Picture below)
Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) - Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers "duct taped inside fast food restaurant dumpsters," according to police officials.
"Something just went wrong,"said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. "Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong."The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activist groups, "growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats," decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event "in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats." "In fact," said the organizer, "motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it. ergo, they should stop."
According to witnesses, protesters arrived at the event in a vintage 1960's era Volkswagen van and began to pelt the gang members with balloons filled with red colored water, simulating blood, and shouting "you're murderers" to passers by. This, evidently, is when the brouhaha began.
"They peed on me!!!" charged one activist. "They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me 'La Trene' and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!"
Still others claimed they were forced to eat hamburgers and hot dogs under duress. Those who resisted were allegedly held down while several bikers "farted on their heads."
Police officials declined comments on any leads or arrests due to the ongoing nature of the investigation; however, organizers for the motorcycle club rally expressed "surprise" at the allegations.
"That's preposterous,"said one high-ranking member of the biker organizing committee. "We were having a party, and these people showed up and were very rude to us. They threw things at us, called us names, and tried to ruin the entire event. So, what did we do? We invited them to the party! What could be more friendly than that? You know, just because we are all members of motorcycle clubs does not mean we do not care about inclusiveness. Personally, I think it shows a lack of character for them to be saying such nasty things about us after we bent over backwards to make them feel welcome."
When confronted with the allegations of force-feeding the activist's meat, using them as ad hoc latrines, leaving them incapacitated in fast food restaurant dumpsters, and 'farting on their heads,' the organizer declined to comment in detail. "That's just our secret handshake,"assured the organizer.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: remember reading this a while back, TOO FUNNY!!!
I love it! This brings so much happiness to me! :lol:
And I knew you guys would enjoy it. :thumbs:
'That's just our secret handshake' :rofl: I fuckin love bikers !!!
outstanding! :rofl:
Eet Mah Pussay or Dia !
(pic of the Woman is available on link)
Meet Melissa Lee Williams. The West Virginia woman, 41, is facing assault and weapons charges after allegedly waving a knife at two men who declined her demands to engage in sexual conduct at a West Virginia motor inn.
The October 22 incident is detailed in an amusing/gross Jackson County Sheriff's Department report excerpted here.
According to investigators, Williams--who lives four doors down from her estranged husband at the 77 Motor Inn--showed up at his door and asked Danny Williams and another man to "eat my pussy." At this point, Williams, pictured in the mug shot at right, "commenced to undress herself," reported Deputy Ross Mellinger.
While Danny Williams "declined said invitation," the other man, Adam Watson, told cops that he "agreed to perform at her request." However, as Watson approached Williams, "he became overwhelmed by horrible vaginal odor emitting from Melissa Williams." Watson, understandably, "declined to proceed any further."
This is when Melissa Williams allegedly "produced a lock-back folding knife," opened it, and pointed the weapon at her estranged husband. She then reportedly uttered a line never before memorialized in a police report: "Somebody is going to eat my pussy or I'm going to cut your fucking throat."
When Deputy Mellinger arrived on the scene he observed Williams--who, like the two men, appeared to be intoxicated--nude from the waist down. After pocketing a knife that was on the coffee table in front of Williams, Mellinger arrested her for domestic assault and brandishing a deadly weapon.
Williams, who was released from jail after posting $3000 bond, is next due in Jackson County Magistrate Court on February 16.
Phiengchai Synhavong claimed she was crazy when she tied up 27-year-old Araceli Camacho Gomez then cut out her fetus with a box cutter. Most people wouldn't argue. But from a legal standpoint, jurors in the bizarre case weren't buying it as an excuse. And after being convicted of murder last month, Benton County Superior Court Judge Robert Swishes on Wednesday sent the 25-year-old Laotian woman away to die to prison.
Even without the details, the crime ranks up there as one of the most demented acts recorded in human kind's short history.
Regardless, here the details are:
Synhavong had taken to telling people that she was pregnant, which she wasn't. Gomez, however, was nine months pregnant and seemed the perfect target for the baby snatcher.
Synhavong somehow lured Gomez into her SUV, telling her that she was going to give her some baby clothes. A large-and-in-charge woman, Synhavong overpowered Gomez when she was in the vehicle, then tied her up with yarn.
Then, out came the box cutter.
After the unthinkable deed, Synhavong dumped Gomez's now lifeless body in a city park and took the child (a little boy named Salvador who somehow survived the ordeal) as her own.
She called police and told them she'd just delivered a baby and that it might be dead. But that story didn't add up when simple tests showed there was no way she just gave birth or had even been pregnant at all.
The cops also found bloody mechanic's gloves in her purse.
When they found Gomez's body and charged Synhavong with murder, she started acting all kinds of crazy--saying the police kidnapped her and toting around a blanket that she called her baby. Later though, when the cops and shrinks watched her in secret, she acted normal, playing cards with the folks at the hospital and joking around.
This pretty well blew a hole in her "not guilty by reasons of insanity" defense.
Benton County Prosecutor Andy Miller had decided against seeking the death penalty after the woman's family expressed interest in putting the incident behind them.
Little Salvador, meanwhile, is said to have suffered brain damage, though most would call it a miracle that he survived at all.
WTF!!!!! :mad:
:hang: that bitch!
sick. I think this was in a lifetime movie the wifey watched. :confused:
Vincent Unger Paid 12-Year-Old Girls Thousands to Fulfill His Sexual Wish List
Vincent Joseph Unger knew the fastest way to a little girl's heart wasn't love or diamonds. It was cash -- thousands of dollars in cash. The 49-year-old degenerate was known around his Louisville neighborhood as "Uncle Joe." And he was a hit with the pre-teen girls set...
One mom says her stepdaughter and six other 12-year-old girls began hanging around his apartment nearly a year ago. What she didn't know was that Unger was a horny old dude who couldn't get women his own age. So he was paying the little girls to fulfill his sexual wish list.
He apparently plied them with liquor and porn at his apartment, then made a list of sex acts he wanted to see the girls perform, he admitted to detectives. For each thing they did, the girls were paid between $100 and $500.
"He wanted them to make out with him, touch him, and he would give them money," the mom told WHAS-TV. "But if they didn't he would give them money anyway."
Unger is believed to have spent thousands of dollars on the girls. What's amazing that none of their parents noticed they were hanging out with a creepy old pervert since last December, or that they suddenly were loaded with cash for no apparent reason.
A grand jury has now indicted him on 12 counts of committing sexual acts with minors, giving them adult beverages and showing them pornographic material.
I thought Hefe's name was Jeff ???
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 05, 2010, 11:56:08 AM
I thought Hefe's name was Jeff ???
It is Hefe.... the perpetrator's name was changed for safety, until the trial is over. ;)
SENECA, SC (WCSC) - A burglary call for Oconee County sheriff's deputies turned bizarre Monday morning when their suspect was found naked with a mouse in his rectum and apparently drugged, an incident report shows.
Authorities responded to Bernwood Circle near the town of Seneca late Monday morning after a resident complained of a burglar. When deputies arrived, they found Noah Smith, 31, lying face down and naked inside the doorway of the victim's home, the report stated.
When the deputy tried to make contact with Smith, he slapped the deputy. In return, the deputy deployed his taser, which had no effect on Smith, the report stated.
With reinforcements, deputies approached Smith again in the victim's bedroom. A deputy managed to handcuff Smith before he jumped off the victim's bed and tried to kick other deputies in the room, the report stated.
Then, according to the report, Smith was pepper sprayed. Undeterred, Smith continued to kick at the officers and otherwise evade capture. He was struck with a police baton several times, and Smith attempted to bite the deputy.
Smith's head and mouth were covered with a blanket to prevent him from biting. He was wrestled down so shackles could be placed on his legs and his arms were hog-tied, the report stated. An EMS crew responded and provided a stretcher to which Smith was also tied.
Deputies and officers from the Seneca Police Department opined that Smith might have been high on mushrooms, and identified equipment that could be used to get high in the victim's home.
During a medical exam at a nearby hospital, medical personnel found a mouse tail hanging from Smith's rectum. An X-ray revealed a mouse lodged inside Smith.
He told emergency room personnel that he could not remember what had happened to him.
After the medical exam, he was charged with resisting arrest, 1st and 3rd degree assault a battery charges, and indecent exposure. Smith was transported to the Oconee County Detention Center.
WOW! :rofl:
Is that a mouse in your rectum or are you just happy to see me? :rofl:
History of Veterans Day
World War I – known at the time as "The Great War" - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of "the war to end all wars."
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations..."
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:
Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation's history; after American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.
Later that same year, on October 8th, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first "Veterans Day Proclamation" which stated: "In order to insure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans' organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose. Toward this end, I am designating the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day National Committee, which shall include such other persons as the Chairman may select, and which will coordinate at the national level necessary planning for the observance. I am also requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of the Executive branch of the Government to assist the National Committee in every way possible."
On that same day, President Eisenhower sent a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veterans' Affairs (VA), designating him as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee.
In 1958, the White House advised VA's General Counsel that the 1954 designation of the VA Administrator as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee applied to all subsequent VA Administrators. Since March 1989 when VA was elevated to a cabinet level department, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has served as the committee's chairman.
The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-363 (82 Stat. 250)) was signed on June 28, 1968, and was intended to ensure three-day weekends for Federal employees by celebrating four national holidays on Mondays: Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Columbus Day. It was thought that these extended weekends would encourage travel, recreational and cultural activities and stimulate greater industrial and commercial production. Many states did not agree with this decision and continued to celebrate the holidays on their original dates.
The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on October 25, 1971. It was quite apparent that the commemoration of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens, and so on September 20th, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479), which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11, beginning in 1978. This action supported the desires of the overwhelming majority of state legislatures, all major veterans service organizations and the American people.
Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
Quote from: russ-russ on November 11, 2010, 12:06:36 AM
Is that a mouse in your rectum or are you just happy to see me? :rofl:
would it be weird if I said "Both"?
Pastrana goes Nascar
Call of Duty: Black Ops isn't just a hit with critics: it's a huge success with consumers too, according to preliminary sales figures from publisher Activision.
And when they say huge, they mean huuuuuuge. The Cold War-themed shooter sold 5.6 million copies during its first 24 hours across North America and the UK, generating an estimated $360 million in sales.
If Activision's projections prove accurate, it'll make Black Ops the biggest entertainment launch of all time, beating the record set by the previous Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare 2, this same time last year.
"There has never been another entertainment franchise that has set opening day records for two consecutive years and we are on track to outperform last year's five-day global sales record of $550 million," said Activision CEO Bobby Kotick. "The game's success underscores the pop culture appeal of the brand."
[Y! Shopping: Buy Call of Duty: Black Ops]
Thanks to that popular appeal (and, of course, their comparatively hefty $60 face price), video games are increasingly squeezing out books, DVDs, and movies in the big-launch stakes. Even massive movie theater hits like The Dark Knight or Toy Story 3 only manage around $100 million in box office sales across their domestic opening weekend -- and although the finale in the Harry Potter series of novels, Deathly Hallows, sold 11 million copies in the U.S. and UK on its launch day, it still can't match Black Ops dollar-for-dollar.
Good news for Activision and its shareholders, then -- but appropriately for Veterans Day, it's good news for U.S. soldiers, too. Kotick also announced today that $1 million of Black Ops' record-breaking take will be destined for the Call of Duty Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Activision which aims to help veterans transition into civilian jobs.
Quote from: dragonz on November 13, 2010, 09:15:54 PM
LOL! be afraid
be very afraid! :rofl:
Lock up yo wommin and yo brothers....
hide the sheep!
Currently in Pine Grove, PA waiting for the laundry to be done, then prob heading out to Bethlehem/Allentown
randy isn't answerring me. Not sure I feel safe meeting you alone. :lol:
Comments (103)LAWRENCEBURG, Ky. (AP) - A central Kentucky man says he was forced to eat his beard after an argument about a lawn mower got out of control.
Harvey Westmoreland of Lawrenceburg told WLEX-TV that two men cut off his beard, stuffed it into his mouth and forced him to eat it.
Westmoreland says two former friends got angry as they tried to negotiate a price for a lawn mower they wanted to buy from Westmoreland. He says "one thing led to another, and before I knew it, there were knives and guns and everything just went haywire."
The two men pleaded guilty to charges related to the incident and will be sentenced next week.
you see the vid for that? :rofl:
Oooooooooooooohhhh yes I did ! :rofl:
just the way he said "They made me eat my beard" is freaking hilarious!!! :rofl:
No news lately? ???
well, post some slacker
this is all yours baby! :thumbs:
From CNN.
F-16s scramble as private plane violates D.C. airspace
Two F-16 fighter jets briefly took to the skies over Washington on Friday after a small passenger aircraft violated the capital's airspace restrictions, according to military officials.
A portion of the White House grounds was briefly evacuated during the incident.
The passenger plane - a Cessna 182 - was escorted by the F-16s to an airport in nearby Manassas, Virginia. The Secret Service will interview the pilot, a spokesman for the agency told CNN.
The Pilot, Mr. Brian Sheppard Shat himself 3 times prior to landing.
Dragonz is leaving the USA for a brief period, after spending a little time searching out the lay of the land for future stalking missions
Service Visits to various RS members customers
no sheep were harmed during his visit...........
Preddy managed to evade contact by hiding in the cornfields (you can come out now, honest)
Krandall is still recovering from the shock of my visiting his state
Webb ? tried to distract me with strippers & porn so I couldn't learn too much about his whereabouts
Nikki, prob still hiding behind Aaron...............LOL
One day I will manage to arrange my wok to coincide with a Raptor Rally somewhere & actually get to meet you all properly.
Till next time take care (& beware who befriends you on FB........ :nod: )
I don't think you were in my state. You were in Peelz though. I'm in Minnesota. :)
Quote from: Krandall on November 23, 2010, 08:10:22 AM
I don't think you were in my state. You were in Peelz though. I'm in Minnesota. :)
True, but had you worried for a minute there!
My stalking info is growingI know where you liveI will come visit one day.............
Good luck :lol:
Shit is getting real over in S. Korea...
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- Hours after North Korea's deadly artillery attacks, South Korea's president said "enormous retaliation" is needed to stop Pyongyang's incitement, but international diplomats urgently appealed for restraint.
"The provocation this time can be regarded as an invasion of South Korean territory," President Lee Myung-bak said at the headquarters of the Joint Chiefs of Staff here, according to South Korea's Yonhap news agency.
"Given that North Korea maintains an offensive posture, I think the army, the navy and the air force should unite and retaliate against [the North's] provocation with multiple-fold firepower."
The incident "the first direct artillery attack on South Korean territory since the Korean War ended in an armistice, not a formal peace treaty" in the 1950s, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported.
It has prompted great concern across South Korea and in the United States, which has 28,500 troops deployed in South Korea.
Two South Korean marines were killed and 15 South Korean soldiers and civilians were wounded when the North fired about 100 rounds of artillery at Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow Sea, South Korea authorities. The attack also set houses and forests on fire on the island.
South Korea's military responded with more than 80 rounds of artillery and deployed fighter jets to counter the fire, defense officials said.
Firing between the two sides lasted for about an hour in the Yellow Sea, a longstanding flash point between the two Koreas. In March, a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, was sunk in the area with the loss of 46 lives in a suspected North Korean torpedo attack.
Lee called "indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a grave matter."
"Reckless attacks on South Korean civilians are not tolerable, especially when South Korea is providing North Korea with humanitarian aid," Lee said, according to Yonhap.
"As for such attacks on civilians, a response beyond the rule of engagement is necessary. Our military should show this through action rather than an administrative response" such as statements or talks, he said.
After the incident, Yonhap said the Seoul government "banned its nationals from entering the communist state, indefinitely postponed their scheduled Red Cross talks and began looking at ways to push the United Nations to condemn Pyongyang."
This latest action occurred during South Korean maritime military drills. North Korea said the incident stemmed from those exercises, codenamed Hoguk, and called the activity "war maneuvers for a war of aggression."
The "South Korean puppet group" engaged in "reckless military provocation" by firing "dozens of shells" inside its territorial waters "despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK" or Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the North's military said in a statement.
"The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a prompt powerful physical strike," the statement said.
"It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes," said the statement, which warned that it "will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it" if the border is crossed.
A senior U.S. defense official said South Korea informed North Korea before firing its first artillery rounds, as part of that training mission, and that "there's no reason North Korea should have been surprised by this firing of artillery."
The U.S. military does not publicly announce its military posture or "state of readiness," but no changes have been observed from what U.S. forces in Korea were doing before this attack. The official says North Korea has a history of unpredictable behavior, and that "in some ways this is not surprising for them."
Some U.S. forces had been helping the South Koreans in their training exercises, but were not in the shelled area.
Stephen Bosworth, the U.S. special envoy on North Korean denuclearization, urged restraint on both sides when he spoke to reporters about the incident. He was in Beijing to discuss nuclear matters with Chinese diplomats.
"The U.S. strongly condemns this aggression on the part of North Korea and we stand firmly with our allies. The subject did, of course, come up in my meetings with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think we both share the view that such conflict is very undesirable. I expressed to them the desire that restraint to be exercised on all sides and I think we agree on that."
This incident comes after a U.S. scientist reported that North Korea has a new uranium enrichment facility. North Korean officials said the facility is operating and producing low-enriched uranium, according to Stanford University Professor Siegfried Hecker.
The enrichment facility contains 2,000 centrifuges and appears to be designed for nuclear power production, "not to boost North Korea's military capability," Hecker says.
But U.S. and South Korean diplomats said the latest revelation confirms the country's long-term deceit.
Sanctions have been progressively placed on North Korea in response to a succession of nuclear and missile tests and the sinking of the South Korean warship in March.
The United States said it would not dismiss restarting six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing the North. However, it said it would not return to negotiations unless North Korea showed good faith.
Countries that had been negotiating with North Korea over its nuclear program issued swift reaction. The six-party talks include both Koreas, the United States, Russia, Japan, and China.
The United States "strongly" condemned North Korea's action, and a U.S. Defense Department official told CNN that the "hope is that this is just one isolated incident, not an escalation into a different military posture" by the North.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China had "taken note of relevant reports" and expressed its "concern." "Relevant facts need to be verified and we hope both parties make more contributions to the stability of the peninsula," he said.
Russia's Interfax news agency said Russia condemned North Korea's artillery shelling and said "those who initiated the attack on a South Korean island in the northern part of the inter-Korean maritime border line assumed enormous responsibility."
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's cabinet held a ministerial meeting and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku announced a government statement condemning North Korea and calling the act "unpardonable."
Asked whether the violence in the Yellow Sea would make resumption of six-party talks more difficult, Bosworth said, the "resumption of the six-party talks has never been an easy process." A formal round of talks was last held a few years ago.
"We strongly believe that a multilateral diplomatic approach is the only way to realistically to resolve these problems."
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged that "any differences should be resolved by peaceful means and dialogue."
read that earlier this AM.... they just need to get some snipers to creep into the DMZ and start pickin them off 1 by 1.
Quote from: Krandall on November 23, 2010, 09:43:40 AM
read that earlier this AM.... they just need to get some snipers to creep into the DMZ and start pickin them off 1 by 1.
You play too many Video Games :lol:
The DMZ is the worlds largest go first!! :rofl:
mah bad. just reading about it now :lol:
I say let a fleet of kittens go first :lol:
I'd rather send a fleet of 700xx in there first! :lol:
Finally a use for all those Polaris Predators on Craiglist.
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 23, 2010, 10:45:06 AM
Finally a use for all those Polaris Predators on Craiglist.
the polaris minesweeper edition.
For Peelz:
I gotz yo redcard in meh britches.....
LONDON -- The harshest punishment soccer players can usually expect for berating a referee is a suspension or fine -- not 24 weeks in jail.
But then most players don't respond to the threat of a red card by driving a car on the field and at the official.
Amateur player Joseph Rimmer became incensed by a referee's refusal to award a free kick during a February game between Lonsdale and Harrington in northwest England. Rimmer thought he was about to be penalized by referee David Harkness, so he told him: "If you book me or send me off, you know what will happen."
Not likely.
Rimmer, who works as fitness instructor and nightclub doorman, stormed off, fetched his Range Rover and drove it across the grass. Harkness was not hurt.
Witnesses statements read in court said people reacted with "panic and fear" and some had to run to get out of Rimmer's way.
"Before he could be shown the red card, the defendant stated, 'I'm going to run you down,' then walked off the pitch," prosecutor Derek Jones said. Rimmer was sentenced in Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday.
Harkness remains shaken.
"After 35 years, I now fear I cannot continue as a referee," he said in a statement. "I have not slept through fear that the defendant will find out where I live and carry out his threat to shoot me."
YES !!!!!!!
My own dad red carded me once in a match. Maybe I shoulda tried this! :lol:
Airsoft sniper....just sayin'
More than 8,300 rounds of ammo seized at border
BROWNSVILLE — Federal officers seized more than 8,300 rounds of live ammunition and 17 firearms over a two-day period at border crossings this week.
At the Hidalgo International Bridge on Tuesday, officers seized six assault rifles, a handgun and 21 ammunition magazines hidden inside a pickup truck that was being driven out of the country. The 23-year-old driver, a U.S. citizen from McAllen, was held for further investigation.
The same day, eight assault rifles, two handguns, 87 ammo magazines and 1,574 rounds of live ammo were found in an outgoing sport utility vehicle. A 29-year-old U.S. citizen living in Reynosa, Mexico, was held.
And on Wednesday, officers at the Brownsville Port of Entry stopped an outbound sedan and discovered 6,825 rounds of machine gun ammo hidden in the dash. A 38-year-old U.S. citizen from Brownsville was held.
What exactly is "machine gun ammo?" .22LR, 9mm, .45 ACP, 5.56, 7.62x39, 7.62 NATO, 30.06, 8x57 Mauser, .50 BMG, 12 gauge, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm? They are being a bit vague here as I seen all these calibers used in automatics. But hey, it's make for a great line. ERMAHGERD! MACHINE GUN AMMO! With 6800 rounds of ammo I'd guess it's either a small caliber or a vehicle with an abnormally large dash. :lol:
"Ammo magazines" Who wrote this friggin' article? A twelve year old?
(CNN) -- A Marine Corps reservist helping in a "Toys for Tots" drive was stabbed Friday when he grappled with a fleeing shoplifting suspect, authorities in Augusta, Georgia, said.
Cpl. Phillip Duggan, 24, suffered a single stab wound. He was treated and released from the hospital later Friday, Sgt. Dan Carrier of the Richmond County Sheriff's Office said. "He's doing fine."
The suspect attempted to conceal property and was confronted by Best Buy employees, authorities said. An employee struggled with the suspect, who brandished a knife. The employees backed away from the armed man to prevent any injury to themselves or customers, Carrier told CNN.
Duggan and several other Marines wearing their dress blues were conducting the annual toy drive in the breezeway of the Best Buy when they heard the commotion and saw the suspect flee through the store entrance, Carrier said.
Duggan tackled the suspect and other Marines also moved to stop the suspect, who stabbed Duggan once in the middle of his back, close to his spine, Carrier said.
"They jumped on top of him, and they pulled him down," said "Toys for Tots" volunteer Larry Frelin.
"It took about five different people on top of him, but unfortunately he had a knife. He brought the knife around and managed to get it in the back of the Marine," Frelin told CNN affiliate WRDW.
Tracey Attaway, 39, was in custody Friday night and was charged with armed robbery, aggravated assault and possession of a knife during the commission of a crime, authorities said.
CNN was unable to reach Duggan or the Attaway residence late Friday.
"Most people who shoplift don't take it to this extreme," Carrier said.
CNN's Phil Gast contributed to this report.
Quote from: disco on November 26, 2010, 11:05:22 PM
More than 8,300 rounds of ammo seized at border
BROWNSVILLE — Federal officers seized more than 8,300 rounds of live ammunition and 17 firearms over a two-day period at border crossings this week.
At the Hidalgo International Bridge on Tuesday, officers seized six assault rifles, a handgun and 21 ammunition magazines hidden inside a pickup truck that was being driven out of the country. The 23-year-old driver, a U.S. citizen from McAllen, was held for further investigation.
The same day, eight assault rifles, two handguns, 87 ammo magazines and 1,574 rounds of live ammo were found in an outgoing sport utility vehicle. A 29-year-old U.S. citizen living in Reynosa, Mexico, was held.
And on Wednesday, officers at the Brownsville Port of Entry stopped an outbound sedan and discovered 6,825 rounds of machine gun ammo hidden in the dash. A 38-year-old U.S. citizen from Brownsville was held.
What exactly is "machine gun ammo?" .22LR, 9mm, .45 ACP, 5.56, 7.62x39, 7.62 NATO, 30.06, 8x57 Mauser, .50 BMG, 12 gauge, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm? They are being a bit vague here as I seen all these calibers used in automatics. But hey, it's make for a great line. ERMAHGERD! MACHINE GUN AMMO! With 6800 rounds of ammo I'd guess it's either a small caliber or a vehicle with an abnormally large dash. :lol:
"Ammo magazines" Who wrote this friggin' article? A twelve year old?
Sounds like they raided my basement. :rofl:
Maybe the "machine gun" ammo was belted? :lol: Yea, get your facts straight before you report it to the public.
Quote from: russ-russ on November 28, 2010, 11:33:03 AM
Maybe the "machine gun" ammo was belted? :lol: Yea, get your facts straight before you report it to the public.
Hey, I've got machine gun ammo. :) Just a little bit anyway, somebody gave a chick at work a small section of 5.56 all linked, maybe two feet long. She didn't really want it so she gave it to me. I'm an outlaw! ERMAHGERD! I have machine gun ammo. Now I need some ammo clips filled with *gasp* LIVE ammunition. Having an actual firearm... er.. GUN would be too hardcore for me though.
BERLIN (Reuters Life!) – A German pensioner who wanted to seal off the entrance to his cellar ended up bricking himself into it, a police spokesman told Reuters on Thursday.
The senior citizen from Jena told police he only became aware of the mistake once his handiwork was complete, which police described as "pretty stupid" in a statement.
After camping out in the cellar for several days he resolved to free himself by knocking down a wall, but chose to demolish his neighbor's wall rather than the one he had just put up.
The man had been at loggerheads with his neighbors for some time and they informed the police when they heard drilling noises. The police were waiting for the pensioner when he made his great escape and have now launched an enquiry.
Christmas off to a bad start for the Peels family :(
9 Houstonians indicted after record PCP seizure
The largest seizure of the narcotic PCP in the history of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration resulted in the arrest of nine Houston residents Wednesday for allegedly conspiring to distribute enough of the powerful psychedelic to get at least 28 million people high, according to expert estimates.
Agents seized a whopping 57 gallons of the drug, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Justice.
PCP, or Phencyclidine, is known on the streets as angel dust, super grass, killer weed and rocket fuel.
The seizure of so much PCP could signal the emergence of a huge new market for the drug, which was popular in some areas in the 1970s but keeps a far lower profile than cocaine, marijuana or other illegal substances, authorities said.
W T F ! ! !
Researchers find legalizing child porn may lead to fewer rates of child sex abuse
According to a study headed by Professor Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, in countries where child porn has been legalized the rate of child sex abuse has fallen significantly.
Researchers focused on the Czech Republic, which went from having a strict ban on sexually explicit materials to a fairly relaxed environment when owning pornographic material became decriminalized in 1989. The study then looked at the number of rape, attempted rape, sexual assault and child sex abuse for 15 years during the ban and 18 years after it was lifted. They found a significant decrease in the number of reported cases of child sex abuse. The press release notes similar findings in Denmark and Japan when child pornography was no longer restricted.
[more in link]
I'm sure the murder rate would go down too if you legalized it.
Umm definitely stupid...and the reason the rates are going down there is they are exporting them from that country now
So........ Hefe is moving to the Czech Republic.....
Quote from: Colorado700R on December 02, 2010, 08:24:22 AM
So........ Hefe is moving to the Czech Republic.....
no, thats where he came from. ;)
Check it out:
NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery; Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2
WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.
The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington. It will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on the agency's website at
Participants are:
- Mary Voytek, director, Astrobiology Program, NASA Headquarters, Washington
- Felisa Wolfe-Simon, NASA astrobiology research fellow, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.
- Pamela Conrad, astrobiologist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
- Steven Benner, distinguished fellow, Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, Gainesville, Fla.
- James Elser, professor, Arizona State University, Tempe
I hope it's not some lame ass news like they found some more rock formations that could maybe probably kinda look like fossilized unicellular organisms...
There's lots of speculation based on the speakers, that it's more than that.
Amazon dumped the controversial site WikiLeaks from its computer servers on Wednesday.
But WikiLeaks, which is known for publishing state secrets, apparently has found a new home for its files: A Cold War bunker, inside a Swedish mountain, that's been described as fit for a "James Bond" movie.
A company called Bahnhof is hosting the WikiLeaks site from a literal cave inside White Mountain, near Stockholm, Sweden, according to news reports from Forbes, The Associated Press, and the Norwegian news website VG Nett.
The MIT Technology Review, where we spotted this story, describes the situation this way:
"If Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is trying to turn himself into a Bond villain, he's succeeded: the ongoing distributed denial of service attack against Wikileaks has forced his minions to move the site to a fortified data center encased in a cold war-era, nuke-proof bunker encased in bedrock. Really."
Forbes has further details about the storage site:
"That data center will store Wikileaks' data 30 meters below ground inside a Cold-War-era nuclear bunker carved out of a large rock hill in downtown Stockholm. The server farm has a single entrance and is outfitted by half-meter thick metal doors and backup generators pulled from German submarines --fitting safeguards, perhaps."
There are YouTube videos about the bunker, photos on Flickr, and a page on Bahnhof's website dedicated to the White Mountain site. (You may have to translate that page from Swedish to figure it out, but there are photos there, too).
One video, from a group called Data Center Pulse, describes the center as one of the coolest on earth and "fit for a James Bond villain." A man who describes himself as Bahnhof's CEO in the video says that the inspiration for the center actually was "science fiction and James Bond movies."
Nuke Proof ??? .......O RLY ? :batman:
NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical
NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth.
Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.
"The definition of life has just expanded," said Ed Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington. "As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it."
This finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup will alter biology textbooks and expand the scope of the search for life beyond Earth. The research is published in this week's edition of Science Express.
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur are the six basic building blocks of all known forms of life on Earth. Phosphorus is part of the chemical backbone of DNA and RNA, the structures that carry genetic instructions for life, and is considered an essential element for all living cells.
Phosphorus is a central component of the energy-carrying molecule in all cells (adenosine triphosphate) and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, is poisonous for most life on Earth. Arsenic disrupts metabolic pathways because chemically it behaves similarly to phosphate.
"We know that some microbes can breathe arsenic, but what we've found is a microbe doing something new -- building parts of itself out of arsenic," said Felisa Wolfe-Simon, a NASA Astrobiology Research Fellow in residence at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and the research team's lead scientist. "If something here on Earth can do something so unexpected, what else can life do that we haven't seen yet?"
The newly discovered microbe, strain GFAJ-1, is a member of a common group of bacteria, the Gammaproteobacteria. In the laboratory, the researchers successfully grew microbes from the lake on a diet that was very lean on phosphorus, but included generous helpings of arsenic. When researchers removed the phosphorus and replaced it with arsenic the microbes continued to grow. Subsequent analyses indicated that the arsenic was being used to produce the building blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells.
The key issue the researchers investigated was when the microbe was grown on arsenic did the arsenic actually became incorporated into the organisms' vital biochemical machinery, such as DNA, proteins and the cell membranes. A variety of sophisticated laboratory techniques was used to determine where the arsenic was incorporated.
The team chose to explore Mono Lake because of its unusual chemistry, especially its high salinity, high alkalinity, and high levels of arsenic. This chemistry is in part a result of Mono Lake's isolation from its sources of fresh water for 50 years.
The results of this study will inform ongoing research in many areas, including the study of Earth's evolution, organic chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, disease mitigation and Earth system research. These findings also will open up new frontiers in microbiology and other areas of research.
"The idea of alternative biochemistries for life is common in science fiction," said Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "Until now a life form using arsenic as a building block was only theoretical, but now we know such life exists in Mono Lake."
The research team included scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Penn., and the Stanford Synchroton Radiation Lightsource in Menlo Park, Calif.
NASA's Astrobiology Program in Washington contributed funding for the research through its Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute. NASA's Astrobiology Program supports research into the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life on Earth.
Quote from: disco on December 02, 2010, 02:25:54 AM
Christmas off to a bad start for the Peels family :(
9 Houstonians indicted after record PCP seizure
The largest seizure of the narcotic PCP in the history of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration resulted in the arrest of nine Houston residents Wednesday for allegedly conspiring to distribute enough of the powerful psychedelic to get at least 28 million people high, according to expert estimates.
Agents seized a whopping 57 gallons of the drug, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Justice.
PCP, or Phencyclidine, is known on the streets as angel dust, super grass, killer weed and rocket fuel.
The seizure of so much PCP could signal the emergence of a huge new market for the drug, which was popular in some areas in the 1970s but keeps a far lower profile than cocaine, marijuana or other illegal substances, authorities said.
don't worry peels we got more operations going on............. :haptorrally:
cost of doing buisness buddy....... sacrafice the few for the success of the many.
RoundHouse kicks to the face now officially legal in Texas!!!
Quote from: Colorado700R on December 03, 2010, 08:31:26 AM
RoundHouse kicks to the face now officially legal in Texas!!!
epic LOL!
send him over to Az to help them with their immigrant problem. :rofl:
Peels and Funyun road trip visit to Jade ???
OREM — An Orem man was arrested Friday after a police dog sniffed out his snack.
An officer pulled over the 32-year-old man when he failed to stop at an intersection where the lights were out due to a blown transformer, police said.
Orem Police Cpl. Trent Colledge responded with police dog Rudy, who zeroed in on a bag of Funyuns in the car. Inside were a few balloons of heroin and a bindle of methamphetamine, police said.
Colledge, who has worked with Rudy for almost two years, said the handlers of the department's four Belgian Malinois are constantly training to keep the drug-sniffing dogs' skills sharp.
Drug dealers try an array of substances to try to hide the scent of the narcotics — axle grease has been a popular choice recently, especially with large amounts of heroin and methamphetamine — but their strategy doesn't succeed. "It never does," Colledge said.
He said the officers get newly certified each year and specifically train the dogs to find drugs hidden in food, even in their own dog food.
"When (people) walk into a pizza place, we just smell pizza," Colledge said. "(The dogs) can smell the bread and the sauce and each individual ingredient."
On the job, "they smell everything, and they're able to differentiate between what's narcotics and what's not," he said.
Orem police say the dogs have taken more than $250,000 in illicit drugs off the city's streets in the past seven years.
In this case, Colledge said he believes the man stashed the drugs in the bag as he was pulled over. Police said they also found a meth pipe between the front seats of the car.
The man was booked into the Utah County Jail.
nah, I'm careful. :lol:
World's hottest pepper is 'hot enough to strip paint'
Fiery food mavens seeking to one-up each other now have to gear up for a whole new test of culinary bravado: the world's hottest chili pepper.
Yes, the Naga Viper, the latest claimant to the world's-hottest-pepper crown, outdistances its predecessor, the Bhut Jolokia, or "ghost chili," by more than 300,000 points on the famous Scoville scale of tongue-scorching chili hotness. Researchers at Warwick University testing the Naga Viper found that it measures 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale, which rates heat by tracking the presence of a chemical compound. In comparison, most varieties of jalapeño peppers measure in the 2,500 to 5,000 range -- milder than the Naga Viper by a factor of 270.
You might think the Naga Viper would hail from some part of the world with a strong demand for spicy food, such as India or Mexico. But the new pepper is actually the handiwork of Gerald Fowler, a British chili farmer and pub owner, who crossed three of the hottest peppers known to man -- including the Bhut Jolokia -- to create his Frankenstein-monster chili.
"It's painful to eat," Fowler told the Daily Mail. "It's hot enough to strip paint." Indeed, the Daily Mail reports that defense researchers are already investigating the pepper's potential uses as a weapon.
But Fowler -- who makes customers sign a waiver declaring that they're of sound mind and body before trying a Naga Viper-based curry -- insists that consuming the fiery chili does the body good.
"It numbs your tongue, then burns all the way down," he told the paper. "It can last an hour, and you just don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. But it's a marvelous endorphin rush. It makes you feel great."
A member of the Clifton Chili Club -- a group of Brits who travel around sampling chilis -- decided to try one of Fowler's Naga Vipers on camera. You can watch his less-than-pleasurable experience here.
(Photo of Bhut Jolokia, the previous holder of the hottest pepper in the world title: AP/New Mexico State University)
It was a typical day in the life of 18-year-old Art Taylor of Massachusetts until reds and blues lit up behind him while attempting to change lanes without signaling.
The teen pulled his vehicle over without a problem, but when officer Brandolini approached and asked for his License and Registration, Taylor refused.
"He made a quick movement to the center console, and there was small baggie with a white powder in it," Brandolini said. "He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth," at which point another officer stepped in and attempted to stop him from consuming what they expected was cocaine.
The struggle quickly turned aggressive, at which point the officers pulled Taylor from the vehicle and cuffed him... but not before the teen had consumed the entire bag of "white powder".
Art Taylor was arrested and charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, refusing to give police his license and registration and was also cited for not using a turn signal — a drug possession charge however was never filed.
Moral of the story? Always eat your drugs, because if nothing else, at least you'll have an awesome time in jail.
here's his mug shot
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Damn that's good
ddude, you need to educate the customers before sending them out into the wild... :rofl:
Support us or well hack your shit!!!
Yeah, that sounds like logical thinking to garnish further support...
Douche bags.
WikiLeaks isn't supporting them in doing this Aaron. Its little script kiddies of the world who are doing it themselves...
WikiLeaks FTW 8)
Quote from: Krandall on December 10, 2010, 08:02:29 AM
WikiLeaks isn't supporting them in doing this Aaron. Its little script kiddies of the world who are doing it themselves...
WikiLeaks FTW 8)
The potential for getting US citizens and/or US military personel, or allies getting hurt due to the ramfications of these leaks is never FTW. Secrets are secrets for a reason, not just to annoy inqusitive internet junkies.
This information was stolen by a Traitor to this country. Supporting Wikileaks is like supporting douche bags doing the same in the future. Hopefully they can stem the supply of this information, but I for one won't support the demand either by visiting that site.
In the "open government" we have... In my opinion there's TOO many "secrets". Maybe if a lot of these people would listen to what their moms said.. "If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"
I got into wikileaks about a year ago reading stuff on them blowing the whistle on some toxic dumping that was going on in panama. They took it and dumped it in and around a little villages dumps.. was somethin like 50,000 people reported health problems, and no one figured out why. Wikileaks took over and released docs on it. Not all their stuff is related to "big brother government" Just the stuff they've posted as of late.
The government had to have known something like this would have to happen eventually right? They can't be so naive to think this wouldn't ever happen to them. Maybe it'll help restructure who knows what, who has access to this/that.
You ever see a movie where the bad guys figure out where the only possible source of leaked info came from? Like when a baddy says..."I only told one person about that", or "Only these people were in the room when that was discussed"?
....What happens to those people?
We may not be simply talking about a security leak Randy.
Ooh, just witnessed that in a movie... See the movie "Enemy at the Gates"
Sasha... I only told you about going to the hiding spot.. how'd the russian dude know I was there?
Awesome movie! A related book is called "War of the Rats" Great read 8)
breaking news...
we just got pummeled with snow!
same here.. how much you get?
we got 17" :help:
I'm always pummeled with snow.
new smily? :partytime: :lol:
:aaron: Fuckin California...
A Festivus pole
Comments (2)SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - An inmate in California who disliked salami was able to receive kosher meals after his attorney cited the "Seinfeld" holiday Festivus as his religious belief.
The Orange County Register reported Monday that 38-year-old convicted drug dealer Malcolm Alarmo King asked for kosher meals at the Theo Lacy jail to maintain his physique.
Orange County sheriff's officials reserve such meals for inmates with religious needs, so a judge demanded a religious reason for King to get the meals.
His defense attorney, Fred Thiagarajah, cited his client's devotion to Festivus - the holiday celebrated on the hit TV show with an aluminum pole and the airing of grievances.
Sheriff's spokesman Ryan Burris says King got salami-free meals for two months before the county got the order thrown out in court.
I'll find the thread..
they just announced they are going to open parts of Chernobyl up for tourism!!! AWESOME!
Quote from: Krandall on December 13, 2010, 03:30:25 PM
I'll find the thread..
they just announced they are going to open parts of Chernobyl up for tourism!!! AWESOME!
:lol: never mind the 4 eyed fish.
Got .5"...aka frost here ???
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 13, 2010, 03:31:34 PM
Quote from: Krandall on December 13, 2010, 03:30:25 PM
I'll find the thread..
they just announced they are going to open parts of Chernobyl up for tourism!!! AWESOME!
:lol: never mind the 4 eyed fish.
Both of you should go. Make sure to lick the Uranium rods :thumbs:
I'll drag my ballz on the ground, maybe I can get a super hero kid?
or just a fugly one...
win/win :lol:
Here you go! glow in the dark ballz! :rofl:
the day Niagra Falls ran dry?
wow this is crazy
Watch 23,096 stuffed animals bombard a hockey rink
cool story also w/ the vid. :thumbs:
New York (CNN) -- A performer was injured in a fall during a performance of the stage musical "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" in New York on Monday night, a representative of the show said.
Christopher Tierney, 31, fell 20 to 30 feet and is listed in serious condition, said Bellevue Hospital spokesman Steven Bohlen.
Jonathan Dealwis, a tourist from New Zealand who was in the audience, told CNN the person portraying Spider-Man in the scene fell "about six meters," or about 20 feet.
Reeve Carney is the actor who normally plays Spider-Man, but nine people perform Spider-Man's stunts when the character is masked, show spokesman Jaron Caldwell said. He did not confirm who the injured performer is.
Dealwis said the accident happened near the end of the show.
"Spider-Man was on a bridge, and Mary Jane was dangling from it," Dealwis said. "She drops down, as is meant to happen. Spider-Man went to the end of the bridge there. I think he was meant to sort of swoop over there, but he just fell off. ... The harness, you could see it just flick off his back and fly backward."
'Spider-Man' director talks criticism Afterward, Dealwis said, "it just went black, and the producer came on and said we're going to pause for a moment. You could hear Mary Jane weeping."
A producer then came by and said the show was over, Dealwis said. Some people "clapped awkwardly," and one girl "laughed mockingly," drawing "disapproving glances" from others.
Dealwis said the performer was wheeled away in a neck brace and was alert when he was taken to Bellevue hospital.
Rick Miramontez, another spokesman for the show, issued a statement confirming that the performer fell from a platform and the show was stopped.
"All signs were good as he was taken to the hospital for observation," Miramontez said.
The show, with music and lyrics by U2's Bono and The Edge, is the most expensive in Broadway history by a significant margin, but production has been beset by cast injuries and technical problems.
Monday night's performance was a preview -- the show is not officially open yet. Opening has been delayed repeatedly.
Caldwell declined to say whether the next scheduled performance will take place as planned
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I would have been laughing my ass of too :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on December 03, 2010, 01:21:22 PM
World's hottest pepper is 'hot enough to strip paint'
Fiery food mavens seeking to one-up each other now have to gear up for a whole new test of culinary bravado: the world's hottest chili pepper.
Yes, the Naga Viper, the latest claimant to the world's-hottest-pepper crown, outdistances its predecessor, the Bhut Jolokia, or "ghost chili," by more than 300,000 points on the famous Scoville scale of tongue-scorching chili hotness. Researchers at Warwick University testing the Naga Viper found that it measures 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale, which rates heat by tracking the presence of a chemical compound. In comparison, most varieties of jalapeño peppers measure in the 2,500 to 5,000 range -- milder than the Naga Viper by a factor of 270.
You might think the Naga Viper would hail from some part of the world with a strong demand for spicy food, such as India or Mexico. But the new pepper is actually the handiwork of Gerald Fowler, a British chili farmer and pub owner, who crossed three of the hottest peppers known to man -- including the Bhut Jolokia -- to create his Frankenstein-monster chili.
"It's painful to eat," Fowler told the Daily Mail. "It's hot enough to strip paint." Indeed, the Daily Mail reports that defense researchers are already investigating the pepper's potential uses as a weapon.
But Fowler -- who makes customers sign a waiver declaring that they're of sound mind and body before trying a Naga Viper-based curry -- insists that consuming the fiery chili does the body good.
"It numbs your tongue, then burns all the way down," he told the paper. "It can last an hour, and you just don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. But it's a marvelous endorphin rush. It makes you feel great."
A member of the Clifton Chili Club -- a group of Brits who travel around sampling chilis -- decided to try one of Fowler's Naga Vipers on camera. You can watch his less-than-pleasurable experience here.
(Photo of Bhut Jolokia, the previous holder of the hottest pepper in the world title: AP/New Mexico State University)
my dad has the naga's. he make's his own hot sause. he brings it to the dune's when were down there. I promise you it will light you up like nothing you have ever had before. one nipple and everybody runs. my wife and dad are the only two that will eat this shit.
Quote from: Krandall on July 13, 2009, 08:15:07 AM
This is insane in my eyes..
so what if he was a guard. He was doing his civil duty as a german citizen.
MUNICH – Retired auto worker John Demjanjuk was formally charged Monday with 27,900 counts of acting as an accessory to murder — one for every person who died at Sobibor during the time he is accused of serving as a guard at the Nazi death camp.
The charges by prosecutors a Munich state court are one of the final steps before an expected autumn trial for the 89-year-old, who has been fighting a variety of Nazi-era charges since 1977.
Demjanjuk and his family have argued that he is in poor health. Photos taken in April showed him wincing in pain as immigration agents removed him from his home in Seven Hills, Ohio, where he had been living since 1993.
German doctors cleared the way for formal charges this month when they declared that Demjanjuk (dem-YAHN'-yuk) was fit to stand trial so long as court hearings do not exceed two 90-minute sessions per day.
The state court must now decide whether to accept the charges — usually a formality — and set a date for the trial. Court spokeswoman Margarete Noetzel it was unlikely to start until the autumn.
The defendant's son, John Demjanjuk Jr., described the charges as "a farce" in an e-mail to The Associated Press, writing that, "as long as my father remains alive, we will defend his innocence as he has never hurt anyone anywhere." Demjanjuk's lawyer, Guenther Maull, said he had no immediate comment because had not yet seen the charges.
Demjanjuk, a native of Ukraine, says he was a Red Army soldier who spent the war as a prisoner of war and never hurt anyone.
But prosecutors accuse him of serving as a guard at the Sobibor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1943. Nazi-era documents obtained by given to German prosecutors by U.S. authorities include a photo ID identifying Demjanjuk as a guard at Sobibor and saying he was trained at an SS facility for Nazi guards at Trawniki, Poland. U.S. and German experts have declared the ID genuine.
"This is obviously an important step forward," Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi-hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said by telephone from Jerusalem. "The effort to bring Demjanjuk to justice sends a very powerful message that the passage of time in no way diminishes the guilt of the perpetrator."
Demjanjuk gained U.S. citizenship in 1958. The U.S. Justice Department moved to revoke the citizenship in 1977, alleging he hid his past as a Nazi death camp guard, and it was revoked in 1981.
Demjanjuk was deported to Israel and tried on accusations that he was the notorious "Ivan the Terrible" at the Treblinka death camp in Poland. He was found guilty in 1988 of war crimes and crimes against humanity but the conviction was overturned by the Israeli Supreme Court.
That decision came after Israel won access to Soviet archives, which had depositions given after the war by 37 Treblinka guards and forced laborers who said "Ivan" was a different Ukrainian named Ivan Marchenko.
Demjanjuk's U.S. citizenship was restored in 1998. A U.S. judge revoked it again in 2002 based on fresh Justice Department evidence showing he concealed his service at Sobibor and other Nazi-run death and forced-labor camps from immigration officials.
A U.S. immigration judge ruled in 2005 he could be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine. Munich prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for him in March.
They accused him in that warrant of being an accessory to murder in 29,000 cases, representing the number of people who arrived there while he was alleged to be a camp guard based on his photo ID. However, that number was reduced in the charges because, of the people transported to Sobibor, "many did not survive the journey," said Anton Winkler, a spokesman for Munich prosecutors.
Approximately 250,000 Jews, Gypsies and political prisoners died at Sobibor, which opened in 1942 and was razed a year and a half later.
Charges of accessory to murder carry a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison in Germany.
Brother man, not trying to be an asshole on this situation, but no phucking german guard was doing their civil duty in those camps. Those were SS trained solders (standard german solders even hated them) and they enjoyed there job. In my opinion I don't care how old they are, they knew what was going on to those people. Gas any bastard that was part of those camps. do you know that in england any kind of material of theHolocaust was band in school. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah I have watched a few documentaries lately about Hitler and the holocaust.
Horrible. like beeeeeyond horrible.
Very long, very worthy of your time.....
The Last Six Seconds
On Nov 13, 2010 Lt General John Kelly, USMC gave a speech to the Semper Fi Society of St. Louis, MO. This was 4 days after his son, Lt Robert Kelly, USMC was killed by an IED while on his 3rd Combat tour. During his speech, General Kelly spoke about the dedication and valor of the young men and women who step forward each and every day to protect us.
During the speech, he never mentioned the loss of his own son. He closed the speech with the moving account of the last 6 seconds in the lives of 2 young Marines who died with rifles blazing to protect their brother Marines.
"I will leave you with a story about the kind of people they are...about the quality of the steel in their backs...about the kind of dedication they bring to our country while they serve in uniform and forever after as veterans. Two years ago when I was the Commander of all U.S. and Iraqi forces, in fact, the 22nd of April 2008, two Marine infantry battalions, 1/9 "The Walking Dead," and 2/8 were switching out in Ramadi. One battalion in the closing days of their deployment going home very soon, the other just starting its seven-month combat tour. Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, 22 and 20 years old respectively, one from each battalion, were assuming the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines. The same broken down ramshackle building was also home to 100 Iraqi police, also my men and our allies in the fight against the terrorists in Ramadi, a city until recently the most dangerous city on earth and owned by Al Qaeda. Yale was a dirt poor mixed-race kid from Virginia with a wife and daughter, and a mother and sister who lived with him and he supported as well. He did this on a yearly salary of less than $23,000. Haerter, on the other hand, was a middle class white kid from Long Island. They were from two completely different worlds. Had they not joined the Marines they would never have met each other, or understood that multiple America's exist simultaneously depending on one's race, education level, economic status, and where you might have been born. But they were Marines, combat Marines, forged in the same crucible of Marine training, and because of this bond they were brothers as close, or closer, than if they were born of the same woman.
The mission orders they received from the sergeant squad leader I am sure went something like: "Okay you two clowns, stand this post and let no unauthorized personnel or vehicles pass." "You clear?" I am also sure Yale and Haerter then rolled their eyes and said in unison something like: "Yes Sergeant," with just enough attitude that made the point without saying the words, "No kidding sweetheart, we know what we're doing." They then relieved two other Marines on watch and took up their post at the entry control point of Joint Security Station Nasser, in the Sophia section of Ramadi, Al Anbar, Iraq.
A few minutes later a large blue truck turned down the alley way-perhaps 60-70 yards in length-and sped its way through the serpentine of concrete jersey walls. The truck stopped just short of where the two were posted and detonated, killing them both catastrophically.
Twenty-four brick masonry houses were damaged or destroyed. A mosque 100 yards away collapsed. The truck's engine came to rest two hundred yards away knocking most of a house down before it stopped. Our explosive experts reckoned the blast was made of 2,000 pounds of explosives. Two died, and because these two young infantrymen didn't have it in their DNA to run from danger, they saved 150 of their Iraqi and American brothers-in-arms.
When I read the situation report about the incident a few hours after it happened I called the regimental commander for details as something about this struck me as different. Marines dying or being seriously wounded is commonplace in combat. We expect Marines regardless of rank or MOS to stand their ground and do their duty, and even die in the process, if that is what the mission takes. But this just seemed different. The regimental commander had just returned from the site and he agreed, but reported that there were no American witnesses to the event-just Iraqi police. I figured if there was any chance of finding out what actually happened and then to decorate the two Marines to acknowledge their bravery, I'd have to do it as a combat award that requires two eye-witnesses and we figured the bureaucrats back in Washington would never buy Iraqi statements. If it had any chance at all, it had to come under the signature of a general officer.
I traveled to Ramadi the next day and spoke individually to a half-dozen Iraqi police all of whom told the same story. The blue truck turned down into the alley and immediately sped up as it made its way through the serpentine. They all said, "We knew immediately what was going on as soon as the two Marines began firing." The Iraqi police then related that some of them also fired, and then to a man, ran for safety just prior to the explosion. All survived. Many were injured...some seriously. One of the Iraqis elaborated and with tears welling up said, "They'd run like any normal man would to save his life." "What he didn't know until then," he said, "and what he learned that very instant, was that Marines are not normal." Choking past the emotion he said, "Sir, in the name of GERD no sane man would have stood there and done what they did." "No sane man." "They saved us all."
What we didn't know at the time, and only learned a couple of days later after I wrote a summary and submitted both Yale and Haerter for posthumous Navy Crosses, was that one of our security cameras, damaged initially in the blast, recorded some of the suicide attack. It happened exactly as the Iraqis had described it. It took exactly six seconds from when the truck entered the alley until it detonated.
You can watch the last six seconds of their young lives. Putting myself in their heads I supposed it took about a second for the two Marines to separately come to the same conclusion about what was going on once the truck came into their view at the far end of the alley. Exactly no time to talk it over, or call the sergeant to ask what they should do. Only enough time to take half an instant and think about what the sergeant told them to do only a few minutes before: "...let no unauthorized personnel or vehicles pass." The two Marines had about five seconds left to live.
It took maybe another two seconds for them to present their weapons, take aim, and open up. By this time the truck was half-way through the barriers and gaining speed the whole time. Here, the recording shows a number of Iraqi police, some of whom had fired their AKs, now scattering like the normal and rational men they were-some running right past the Marines. They had three seconds left to live.
For about two seconds more, the recording shows the Marines' weapons firing non-stop...the truck's windshield exploding into shards of glass as their rounds take it apart and tore in to the body of the son-of-a-bitch who is trying to get past them to kill their brothers-American and Iraqi-bedded down in the barracks totally unaware of the fact that their lives at that moment depended entirely on two Marines standing their ground. If they had been aware, they would have known they were safe...because two Marines stood between them and a crazed suicide bomber. The recording shows the truck careening to a stop immediately in front of the two Marines. In all of the instantaneous violence Yale and Haerter never hesitated. By all reports and by the recording, they never stepped back. They never even started to step aside. They never even shifted their weight. With their feet spread shoulder width apart, they leaned into the danger, firing as fast as they could work their weapons. They had only one second left to live.
The truck explodes. The camera goes blank. Two young men go to their GERD. Six seconds. Not enough time to think about their families, their country, their flag, or about their lives or their deaths, but more than enough time for two very brave young men to do their duty...into eternity. That is the kind of people who are on watch all over the world tonight-for you.
We Marines believe that GERD gave America the greatest gift he could bestow to man while he lived on this earth-freedom. We also believe he gave us another gift nearly as precious-our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines-to safeguard that gift and guarantee no force on this earth can every steal it away. It has been my distinct honor to have been with you here today. Rest assured our America, this experiment in democracy started over two centuries ago, will forever remain the "land of the free and home of the brave" so long as we never run out of tough young Americans who are willing to look beyond their own self-interest and comfortable lives, and go into the darkest and most dangerous places on earth to hunt down, and kill, those who would do us harm.
GERD Bless America, and....SEMPER FIDELIS!"
Very touching story... gave me chills.
hmmm...."touching......chills.... I like it already.
but seriously, very nice story :thumbs:
wow... good one!
Wow, goosebumps for sure.
Randy is gone!!!!!
lets break some shit!
take his post count to 1
just ban his ass already! :lol:
I like rappyfreak's style
messing up his post count woul drequire DB acess, and that shit is scary
we could change his password easy enough
Quote from: Colorado700R on December 22, 2010, 02:40:35 PM
Very long, very worthy of your time.....
The Last Six Seconds
GERD Bless America, and....SEMPER FIDELIS!"
That put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. Good read for sure.
Nazis vs. a Dog :lol:
Comments (0)BERLIN (AP) - Newly discovered documents have revealed a bizarre footnote to the history of the Second World War: a Finnish mutt whose imitation of the Hitler salute enraged the Nazis so deeply that they started an obsessive campaign against the dog's owner.
Absurdly, a totalitarian state that dominated most of Europe was unable to do much about Jackie and his paw-raising parody of Germany's Fuehrer.
In the middle of World War II - months before Hitler ordered some 4.5 million troops to invade the Soviet Union - the Foreign Office in Berlin commanded its diplomats in the Nazi-friendly Nordic country to gather evidence on the dog, and even came up with plans to destroy the pharmaceutical wholesale company of its owner.
The undated photo taken from a book on the history of Finnish Tamro Group shows Tor Borg and his dog Jackie.
Historians had not been aware of the episode before some 30 files containing parts of the correspondence and diplomatic cables were recently found by a researcher at the political archives of the German Foreign Office.
Klaus Hillenbrand, an expert who has written several books on the Nazi period, was contacted by the historian and examined all of the documents for an article to be published Saturday in daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Hillenbrand called the entire episode "completely bizarre."
"Just months before the Nazis launched their attack on the Soviet Union, they had nothing better to do than to obsess about this dog," Hillenbrand said.
Finland cooperated with Nazi Germany but the relationship between the two countries was strained.
Finland allowed the Nazis to take over the northern part of the country after the Finns suffered heavy casualties and lost 10 percent of their territory to the Soviet Union in 1939-1940.
After an intense Soviet attack and heavy bombing of its territory, including of the capital Helsinki, Finland made a pact with Germany in 1944 that lasted two months. Finland then annulled the pact and made a truce with Moscow that later led to a peace treaty with the Soviet Union.
The dog, Jackie, was a mutt owned by Tor Borg, a businessman from the Finnish city of Tampere. Borg's wife Josefine, a German citizen known for her anti-Nazi sentiments, dubbed the dog Hitler because of the strange way it raised its paw high in the air like Germans greeting the Fuehrer with a cry of "Heil Hitler!"
On January 29, 1941, German Vice Consul Willy Erkelenz in Helsinki wrote that "a witness, who does not want to be named, said ... he saw and heard how Borg's dog reacted to the command 'Hitler' by raising its paw."
Borg was ordered to the German embassy in Helsinki and questioned about his dog's unusual greeting habits.
He denied ever calling the dog by the German dictator's name, but admitted that his wife called the dog Hitler. He tried to play down the accusations, saying the paw-raising had only happened a few times in 1933 - shortly after Hitler came to power.
The Finnish merchant ensured the Nazi diplomats that he never did anything "that could be seen as an insult against the German Reich."
The zealous diplomats in Helsinki did not believe him and wrote back to Berlin that "Borg, even though he claims otherwise, is not telling the truth."
The different ministries that were involved in the dog scandal - the Foreign Office, the Economy Ministry and even Hitler's Chancellory - meticulously reported all their findings about the canine.
The economy ministry announced that the German chemical conglomerate IG Farben, which had supplied Borg's wholesale trade with pharmaceuticals, offered to eliminate his company by ending their cooperation with him.
Based on all this support, the Foreign Office was already looking for ways to bring Borg to trial for insulting Hitler, but in the end, none of the potential witnesses were willing to repeat their accusations in front of a judge.
On March 21, 1941, the Foreign Office asked the Chancellory whether to press charges against Borg and five days later they answered that "considering that the circumstances could not be solved completely, it is not necessary to press charges."
There's no evidence that Adolf Hitler was ever told of the case, even if the case made it all the way to his chancellory, Hillenbrand said.
Tor Borg died at 60 in 1959. A spokeswoman for Tamro Group, Margit Nieminen, said the dog Josefine Borg died in 1971. His company Tampereen Rohduskuppa Oy eventually became Tamro Group, the leading wholesale company for pharmaceuticals in the Nordic countries.
A spokeswoman for Tamro Group, Margit Nieminen, told the AP that the company had not been aware of the story surrounding Borg's dog until the recent archive discovery.
I'm not going to work today! :clap: Called the boss man and told him I wanted off. He asked why, what's going on.
Me: Uh... nothing.
Boss: nothing?
Me: yeah, I just want off. I just want an option 3 day. But I'm not going to sit here and lie about why I need off. [opt. 3 = sick day more or less]
Boss: I uh... [silence] appreciate your honesty. Have a nice weekend.
And yes, this IS breaking news because I rarely call in.
NICE!! :lol:
breaking news
recently a mythical creature, the mini-ho was spotted lurking the off-topic area of RS, according to several eyewitness accounts.
if you have any info on its whereabouts please notify authorities at once, as the mini ho is believed to be dangerous.
I believe minihos are in season. Thanks for the heads up
:aaron2: :aaron2: :aaron2: :lol:
Quote from: disco on January 07, 2011, 02:28:01 PM
I'm not going to work today! :clap: Called the boss man and told him I wanted off. He asked why, what's going on.
Me: Uh... nothing.
Boss: nothing?
Me: yeah, I just want off. I just want an option 3 day. But I'm not going to sit here and lie about why I need off. [opt. 3 = sick day more or less]
Boss: I uh... [silence] appreciate your honesty. Have a nice weekend.
And yes, this IS breaking news because I rarely call in.
:rofl: Quality !
Quote from: exentix on January 07, 2011, 03:16:53 PM
breaking news
recently a mythical creature, the mini-ho was spotted lurking the off-topic area of RS, according to several eyewitness accounts.
if you have any info on its whereabouts please notify authorities at once, as the mini ho is believed to be dangerous.
Mini Ho's are not dangerous... that is a MYTH! I eat them for breakfast and I'm an effin' Gnome! Mmmhmmm... taste like chicken! :nod:
:rofl: :rofl:
Fox Shoots Hunter
A hunter was shot by a fox in Belarus. Not, like, a sexy woman—an actual fox, that the hunter was trying to kill. I know, right?
In fairness, hunting can be difficult! You have to locate and track the prey, stay silent, aim perfectly, and also, make sure that the animal doesn't shoot you with your own goddamn gun. According to Belarusian media, the hunter had wounded the fox and attempted to "finish the animal off with the butt of the rifle." The fox had other plans. Man and beast "scuffled," and the fox managed to (accidentally?) pull the trigger of the rifle. (A Belarusian prosecutor is quoted saying "The animal fiercely resisted and in the struggle accidentally pulled the trigger with its paw." Fiercely resisted! What a way to put it!)
The hunter, who seems to have been shot in the leg, is in the hospital. The fox, no doubt a folk hero to its own kind as well as to non-fox-hunting humans, is nowhere to be found. What can you say? Sometimes you shoot the fox, and sometimes the fox shoots you.
[Reuters via thegrandinquisitor; image via Shutterstock]
' Cook jailed for putting pubic hair in cop's sandwich '
EVESHAM, N.J. (AP) - A former cook at a New Jersey restaurant is getting 15 days in jail for adding an unwelcome ingredient to a police officer's bagel sandwich.
Twenty-seven-year-old Ryan Burke admitted putting his own pubic and chest hairs in the sandwich in February 2010. He pleaded guilty to aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and retaliation for a past official action.
The Courier-Post of Cherry Hill reports a judge sentenced Burke last week to 15 days in prison, to be served on weekends. He's also ordered to serve two years of probation.
Authorities say the Evesham police officer had previously stopped Burke for a traffic violation.
Awesome!!! hope he gave him a liter of cola too! :rofl:
"It's for a cop"
Dude, Where's My Car: Grandfather Loses Car In Parking Lot – for Nearly Three Years
A British man parked his Honda in a lot before going shopping in May 2008. He found his car last week.
Every shopper knows the frustration – stumbling out of the mall after a therapeutic marathon shopping session, only to have to recall the level, the row, the exact space where you parked the car. But what if that moment of glory never came?
80-year-old Gerald Sanctuary couldn't find his silver Honda in a parking garage after a trip to the pharmacy. Sanctuary, who suffers from dementia, eventually called off the search and got a ride home. His children went back to look for the car, but they too were unable to track it down, presuming it had been stolen.
Over Christmas, an attendant at the garage in St. Albans, England, 25 miles northwest of London, noticed the car was unusually dirty and alerted police. They were able to match the car to Sanctuary and reunited him with his wheels last week. Sanctuary's son Nigel said: 'It's just amazing that it was right under our noses the whole time."
The car surely went unnoticed – or workers simply looked the other way – because Sanctuary's silver Honda was clocking up a daily charge of £8.50 ($13.60) – and after two-and-a-half years, his total due on exit was rapidly approaching £9,000 ($14,400). Fortunately, the parking garage waived the fee.
Read more:
Remember Fountain Lady?
Quote from: maguilar496 on January 19, 2011, 09:52:23 AM
She's getting in trouble.
'Fountain lady' faces criminal charges
By (meganhoye)
Rule one: before hinting at a lawsuit, make sure you don't have any outstanding felony charges yourself.
Fountain Lady, who became an Internet sensation last week after walking into a mall fountain while texting, said on Good Morning America Thursday that she might sue the mall where she fell.
I guess malls have to plan ahead for visitors who abstain from watching where they're walking.
Fountain Lady's lawyer told ABC News he intends to "hold the responsible parties accountable" for the incident, though it's unclear whether this references that no railing prevented her from falling in the fountain, that nobody responded to the incident after she fell or that a video of her fall was released.
But it turns out that "Fountain Lady," also known as Cathy Cruz Marrero, faces legal charges herself — charges even more serious than assuming that pedestrians can avoid large structures on pathways.Marrero was charged in late 2009 with running up bills of more than $5,000 on a coworker's credit account at Target and Zales, according to ABC News. She was supposed to repay the money but never did, and will appear in court for sentencing in April.
We can only hope her lawyer will give her a two-for-one discount.
Meanwhile, Fountain Lady is complaining that none of the mall staff helped her out of the fountain or even asked her if she was okay.
Regardless of whether this is grounds for legal action, there is no denying that the video is still hilarious.
TAMPA - Charles Yezak keeps a secret stash hidden in the kitchen. He can't buy any more. It's illegal in many states now. So he only dips into his stockpile on special occasions.
Not fine wine. Not Cuban cigars. It's dish detergent. Not just any dish detergent.
"This is the stockpile I bought before the changeover," Yezak confesses with a hushed voice while shopping the cleaning supply aisle at a Walmart Neighborhood store in Tampa. "It actually works – not like the new stuff."
Turns out, they really don't make dish detergent like they used to. And that's causing something of a disaster for everyone who gets stuck doing the dishes.
It began last July when Cascade and most other detergent brands eliminated a key ingredient from their formulas, phosphate.
Now people are finding their dishes covered in a white gunk that just won't come off, and some are tossing out sets of dishes and replacing their dishwashers – only to find the gunk appear again in a few days. PTA meetings, cul-du-sacs and soccer practice fields are abuzz with the calamity, and sales are skyrocketing of any product that promises to fix the problem.
* * * * *
Phosphates work fabulously in dish detergent, experts say, helping soap break up grease and suspending the naturally occurring minerals found in hard water so the minerals flush away.
Unfortunately, phosphate is also a wonderful fertilizer for agriculture. That means every load of dishes also poured phosphates into the drain water, ultimately reaching lakes and oceans and encouraging huge algae blooms that plagued sea life.
With that in mind, detergent companies years ago eliminated phosphates from laundry detergents. Last July, 16 states jumped on board and banned phosphates in dish detergent. Even though Florida didn't join the ban, it must use phosphate-free detergent since manufacturers eliminated the substance in all their products.
Shortly thereafter, consumers began to notice.
"Holy cow, we got bombarded, our phone literally rang off the hook with calls," said Don DiChristopher, owner of A DiChristopher Appliance Service. Hundreds of calls came in. "We started turning down repair calls."
DiChristopher sent technicians out to frustrated customers who had already thrown out several sets of dishes or replaced their machines altogether. Technicians tore the machines apart, but couldn't find anything broken.
Tracy Urso of Westchase assumed the problem was her old washer, and bought a new, high-end appliance. "But," she said, "our glasses were not much better."
On Cascade's own online forum, one customer vented. "I had 20 guests in my home from a wedding, and was embarrassed with glasses, dishes, pans and silverware, all covered with white film."
Another consumer posted "Cascade is ruining my silverware and coffee cups – huge residue. FIX IT!!!"
* * * * *
That white film on dishes is mainly made up of magnesium, calcium and aluminum – the elements that help make water "hard." The stains don't easily rub off, even with soap. Over time, that gunk can build up in dishwashers, DiChristopher said, clogging motors, sprayers and bearings. Given enough time, a dishwasher can become useless.
While those minerals are common in many foods, Cascade officials published an online FAQ about the problem and said "we always recommend that consumers wash any residue on dishes before using them again." In other words, rewash the dishes you just washed.
The special irony for Florida is that this state is one of the world's largest producers of phosphates, primarily for agriculture fertilizer.
Agriculture, construction and water treatment centers are the biggest users of phosphates. While Cascade officials say dishwashing represents just 3 percent of the phosphate in the environment, "Cascade is doing its part," and removing it.
All this has triggered a bonanza in sales of any product or home remedy that promises to remove the gunk.
Sales of higher-end dish detergents are up, in particular eco-friendly, alternate or "complete" versions that come in a small "puck" of hard powder with a bubble of liquid shine enhancer.
Electrosol Jet Dry Powerball soap sales rose 22 percent from last year, according to market researcher SymphonyIRI. Cascade "Complete" sales rose 30 percent. Method "Smarty" detergent sales rose 54 percent.
The home-spun solution of white vinegar is also taking off. While DiChristopher considers it a myth, homeowners like Urso now religiously pour a cup into each wash cycle.
Store-brand vinegar sales are up three percent from last year, while sales of Heinz-brand vinegar are up more than three percent. Stores like Target and Walmart are expanding shelf space for gallon-sized jugs of vinegar.
* * * * *
Sales of Finish-brand detergent have taken off as well, notably after Consumer Reports magazine recommended it in tests of phosphate-free detergents.
However, the rising star of this new gunk-removing bonanza is "Lemi Shine."
The Midland, Tex.-based company was relatively low-profile until last year, selling small bottles of granulated citric acid with a lemony smell – primarily to help in cities with especially hard water. The 20-employee Envirocon Technologies Inc. that makes Lemi Shine is producing at a breakneck pace, said spokesman Marty Hammond.
Nationwide, Lemi Shine shipments are up 80 percent from last year according to IRI, and "our business has doubled in the Florida market." Dishwasher repair companies now tell anyone with a cleaning issue to first try Lemi Shine.
Detergent companies aren't likely to go back to including phosphates unless current laws change.
But in another layer of irony, the phosphate ban doesn't apply to commercial facilities like restaurants or hotels, so bulk packages of detergent are available at supply companies. Restaurant Depot in Tampa sells a box of professional detergent with phosphate, for $7.95, or a case of six boxes for $45.31.
Some distributors still sell phosphate detergent on eBay.
Meanwhiole, Target, Walmart and Publix have started devoting more space to alternate detergents, and Lemi Shine and Finish-brand detergents are among the leaders in that growth, said Publix spokeswoman Shannon Patten.
This month, Sweetbay will start stocking Lemi Shine as well, following a torrent of customer requests.
AH HA!!! :mad: and here I was pissed off at the wrong people. Sheesh!
car covered in inches of ice!
Peelz and pat busted.
MIAMI (Reuters) – Burglars snorted the cremated remains of a man and two dogs in the mistaken belief that they had stolen illegal drugs, Florida sheriff's deputies said on Wednesday.
The ashes were taken from a woman's home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores on December 15. The thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes, along with electronic equipment and jewelry, the Marion County Sheriff's Office said.
Investigators learned what happened to the ashes after they arrested five teens in connection with another burglary attempt at a nearby home last week.
"The suspects mistook the ashes for either cocaine or heroin. It was soon discovered that the suspects snorted some of the ashes believing they were snorting cocaine," the sheriff's report said.
Once they realized their error, the suspects discussed returning the remaining ashes but threw them in a lake instead because they thought their fingerprints were on the containers, sheriff's spokesman Judge Cochran said.
Police divers were trying to recover the ashes. The suspects were jailed on numerous burglary and other charges.
Oops lol
Cripes :run: :troy:
Chinese TV May Have Used Top Gun Footage as Real-Life Air Force Footage
Chinese TV Top Gun :lol:
Quote from: disco on January 28, 2011, 03:26:35 AM
Chinese TV May Have Used Top Gun Footage as Real-Life Air Force Footage
Chinese TV Top Gun :lol:
pretty interesting read:
Cracking the Scratch Lottery Code
Displaced fans will receive free Super Bowl tickets next year
The 400 Super Bowl ticket holders who lost their seats at Cowboys Stadium because a temporary seating structure wasn't approved by a fire marshal will be guests at next year's Super Bowl, the NFL announced on Monday. Displaced fans will also receive $2,400, triple the face value of the $800 tickets that went to waste.
The move was the league's initial attempt at damage control from the embarrassing incident, which they admitted to knowing about early last week. It's a fine effort but makes the mistake of presuming that more tickets and money can replace the experience of watching your favorite team in the Super Bowl.
"It's not the money. It's the whole issue. We came here for the memories and it's not happening," said Wayne Rusch, a Green Bay Packers fan told CNN on Sunday.
League spokesman Brian McCarthy wrote on his Twitter account:
What, no coupon book? I get that the NFL wants to make a nice overture toward the displaced fans, but how are a few hot dogs and Pepsis going to make up for the fact that some people traveled for days and incurred huge costs to watch their favorite team play in the Super Bowl, only to arrive at the game and find out they didn't have a seat. The $2,400 (which is triple the face value of the $800 ticket) is a fair amount, but I doubt it covers what some people spent on airfare, hotel, car rental, meals and lost time at work. Some of those 400 fans may have bought tickets on the secondary market, where the average ticket was going for around $3,500. One man told Fox40 News in Dallas that he paid a total of $9,000 to attend the Super Bowl.
The cost is only one concern. Folks were understandably livid on Sunday night when they discovered their section was closed. A foam finger wasn't going to calm them down:
The reality of the situation is that the NFL can't make up for what happened. Getting tickets to Super Bowl XLVI only matters if the Packers or Steelers are in that game. What interest would a Green Bay fan have in seeing the Patriots and Falcons play in next year's title game? And who's paying for them to get to Indianapolis for the game? Or to stay in a hotel? Or pay taxes on the cost of the reimbursement package, which the IRS will certainly consider a gift? The NFL should step up and pay those costs too. (And that's assuming there even is a Super Bowl next year with labor strife looming.)
The league is making the best of a bad situation, but the bad situation was completely of its own doing. It wasn't an unforseen circumstance that led to these folks getting kicked out of the stadium. It was a baffling oversight by whoever was in charge of getting the seats ready.
A police officer told a reporter that the ice storm which paralyzed Dallas earlier in the week played a role in the delay of the construction of the seating structure. You're telling me that Ines Sainz and that guy from "The Tonight Show" could get to the stadium on media day, but construction workers couldn't? The Cowboys' last home game was before Christmas! The Cotton Bowl was played in the stadium on Jan. 11! Surely there was enough time to put up some stands and get them approved.
Jerry Jones and the NFL blew it. They were so concerned with party plazas and attendance records that they ignored 400 football fans who spent time and money to come see their favorite time in the Super Bowl. Empty gestures can't solve that.
They say everything is bigger in Texas. Even the debacles, it seems.
lady steals this guys shovel in the chi-town blilzzard. He snowblos her car. :lol:
REasons to not get circumcised
LOUISVILLE, KY. -- A Fairdale man faces charges after Louisville Metro Corrections officers said they discovered suspected crack cocaine in the foreskin of his penis.
According to the arrest report, officers asked Antoine Banks if he had any drugs, weapons or contraband on him as he entered Metro Corrections after his arrest. He told them he didn't, police said.
During a clothed pat-down, officers said they found a small bag of suspected cocaine tied to the waistband of Banks' boxers.
After that bag was found, a strip search was ordered, according to the arrest report. During the strip search, another small bag was in the foreskin of his penis, police said.
Police said Banks was originally arrested after a traffic stop led to the discovery of a bag of salvia and liquid codeine. Banks arrested on charges of second-degree possession of a controlled substance first offense and possession of synthetic cannabinoid agonists or piperazines.
Banks is now facing additional charges of trafficking a controlled substance and promoting contraband.
Quote from: Krandall on February 09, 2011, 08:20:55 PM
REasons to not get circumcised!
LOUISVILLE, KY. -- A Fairdale man faces charges after Louisville Metro Corrections officers said they discovered suspected crack cocaine in the foreskin of his penis.
According to the arrest report, officers asked Antoine Banks if he had any drugs, weapons or contraband on him as he entered Metro Corrections after his arrest. He told them he didn't, police said.
During a clothed pat-down, officers said they found a small bag of suspected cocaine tied to the waistband of Banks' boxers.
After that bag was found, a strip search was ordered, according to the arrest report. During the strip search, another small bag was in the foreskin of his penis, police said.
Police said Banks was originally arrested after a traffic stop led to the discovery of a bag of salvia and liquid codeine. Banks arrested on charges of second-degree possession of a controlled substance first offense and possession of synthetic cannabinoid agonists or piperazines.
Banks is now facing additional charges of trafficking a controlled substance and promoting contraband.
ladies and gentlemen...we have a new winner....
I take my hat off to this guy.
LONDON (Reuters) – A specialist ice cream parlour plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.
The breast milk concoction, called the "Baby Gaga," will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London's Covent Garden.
Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor was confident his take on the "miracle of motherhood" and priced at a hefty 14 pounds ($23) a serving will go down a treat with the paying public.
The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet.
Victoria Hiley, 35, from London was one of 15 women who donated milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert.
Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realised how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns.
"What could be more natural than fresh, free-range mother's milk in an ice cream? And for me it's a recession beater too -- what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash," Hiley said in a statement.
"I tried the product for the first time today -- it's very nice, it really melts in the mouth."
The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream.
O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavours at the shop.
"Some people will hear about it and go, 'yuck' but actually it's pure, organic, free-range and totally natural," he said. "I had a Baby Gaga just this morning and I feel great."
(Reporting by Paul Casciato; Editing by Steve Addison)
yummy with a sugar cone :rofl:
for dinner they had placenta burgers too :lol:
Tourist arrested for giving Heil Hitler! salute in holiday photo outside Reichstag
A tourist who thought it was amusing to have himself photographed outside the Reichstag in Berlin giving the Heil Hitler! salute has been arrested.
The 30-year-old Canadian was standing on the steps of the German parliament building with his right arm raised as his girlfriend, 29, photographed him in the forbidden pose.
Police arrived within seconds, handcuffed him and took the memory card of the camera.
He risked being formally charged with making a forbidden gesture, an offence for which he could have been jailed for up to six months.
But it is understood he will be let off with a fine and a warning. He was freed after several hours in police custody on Saturday after paying bail money.
Hundreds of tourists every year make the mistake of thinking that Monty Pythonesque jokes about Hitler and his henchmen – including giving his famous raised-arm salute – are acceptable when visiting Germany. But any gestures of the old Nazi regime, or the displaying of any of its symbols, is a s serious crime in modern-day Germany. Three years ago a British businessman at Cologne airport gave the salute to a car hire official – and was arrested immediately.
wow freedom isnt really all that free now is it? :lol:
Sulphur, OK (KWTV) -- A puppy in Oklahoma came back from the dead after being euthanized at a Sulphur animal shelter.
The puppy has been named Wall-E after the Pixar movie character who was the only one left of his kind.
In this case, Wall-E and five other dogs were all put to sleep at the same time.
Three month old Wall-E is very much alive and well, despite the fact that he was euthanized and declared dead about a week and a half ago.
"Might say he's an angel dog," said Scott Prall, who found the dog inside a cage with the other puppies outside the Sulphur Animal Shelter Friday evening. Since they were very thin and appeared to be sick, Prall couldn't put them in the animal shelter with the other strays, so he called the vet and had them euthanized.
"Each one was pronounced dead witha stethascope and everything," said Prall. The dogs were disposed of in a dumpter that was supposed to be unloaded later that night. But for some reason, it wasn't. And the next morning, Prall looked inside and found Wall-E.
"He was just as healthy as he could be," Prall said.
The Arbuckle Veterinary clinic took Wall-E in and checked him out.
"Listened to his heart," Prall said, "He's fine." Thanks to the Internet and Facebook, Wall-E's story has gone viral. And the clinic has been inundated with people from across the country and even Canada who want to give this dog's tale a happy ending.
"He needs a really special home, because he's really special," Prall said.
Amanda at the vet clinic says she will look through all those who want to adopt Wall-E Tuesday and decide who will get to take him home. But still she says there's a whole shelter full of dogs, who also need a home.
Both the Vet clinic and the Animal control officer say Wall-E and the others may not have been put to sleep at all.
Animal control officials say Sulfer and Davis clinics are small and inadequate, and a local group is is trying to raise enough money to build a new county shelter.
Oh Great. we saved another animal so it can ruin somebodys carpet and bite their children....
I woulda let it die.
oh boo hoo peelz.
Hows about I let you have one of the dogs I had and you can clean up after it, replace wii controllers, and your laptop hard drive? hmm hmm hmm hmm? :bird: :lol:
put it outside where they belong!
WASHINGTON – A rocket carrying an Earth-observation satellite is in the Pacific Ocean after a failed launch attempt, NASA officials said Friday.
The Taurus XL rocket carrying NASA's Glory satellite lifted off around 2:10 a.m. PST from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
During a news conference Friday officials explained that a protective shell or fairing atop the rocket did not separate from the satellite as it should have about three minutes after the launch. That left the Glory spacecraft without the velocity to reach orbit.
NASA suffered a similar mishap two years ago when a satellite that would have studied global warming crashed into the ocean near Antarctica after launching from the same kind of rocket that carried Glory. Officials said Friday that Glory likely wound up landing near where the previous satellite did.
"We failed to make orbit," NASA launch director Omar Baez said Friday. "Indications are that the satellite and rocket ... is in the southern Pacific Ocean somewhere."
Had Glory reached orbit it would have been on a three-year mission to analyze how airborne particles affect Earth's climate. Besides monitoring particles in the atmosphere, it would also have tracked solar radiation to determine the sun's effect on climate change.
Glory was supposed to study tiny atmospheric particles known as aerosols, which reflect and trap sunlight. The vast majority occurs naturally, spewed into the atmosphere by volcanoes, forest fires and desert storms. Aerosols can also come from manmade sources such as the burning of fossil fuel.
The $424 million mission is managed by the NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
Friday's launch came after engineers spent more than a week troubleshooting a glitch that led to a last-minute scrub and two years studying what went wrong with the 2009 mission that also crashed.
An accident board was formed to investigate and corrective action was taken to prevent future problems. A duplicate is now scheduled to fly from Vandenberg in 2013.
Investigators spent several months testing hardware, interviewing engineers and reviewing data and documents. The probe did not find evidence of widespread testing negligence or management shortcomings, but NASA declined to release the full accident report, citing sensitive and proprietary information.
All of those church protests.... This one is actually good :)
Quote from: Krandall on March 04, 2011, 09:53:26 AM
All of those church protests.... This one is actually good :)
Quote from: Krandall on March 04, 2011, 09:53:26 AM
All of those church protests.... This one is actually good :)
Those Westboro Baptist turds bring out an anger in me that I can't put into words. Not even bad words. The things I would like to do to Fred Phelps would make a trauma surgeon :puke:
Tsunami Vids
show's how the impact of the waves.!5781040/see-japans-massive-underwater-earthquake-ripple-across-the-world
more vids
oh my gosh. :(
Quote from: Krandall on March 14, 2011, 01:05:23 PM
oh my gosh. :(
yeah.... the vid where you see the water going under an overpass... that overpass is 25 feet tall. When the wave starts, its about 1/4 the way up it, by the end of the vid, water is touching the bottom of it. :help:
I swear, at the beginning, you can hear people screaming, and then 10' into it, you just hear water rushing by...
gunny had it right. Just think how many people we unknowingly are seeing die :(
before and after
wow that is ridiculous
^^At least it wasn't as devastating as the last time Krandall tried lighting one of his farts!
(speaking of natural gas) ::)
Burglar feels the heat dangling over hot oil vat
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Police answering cries for help on Friday found a screaming burglar dangling from a ceiling air vent over a hot fat fryer at an upstate New York restaurant.
"He said he thought he was going to die," said Lt. Michael Brown, spokesman for the police in Rotterdam, New York.
A grease-covered Timothy Cipriani, 46, of nearby Schenectady was pleading for help when he was discovered wedged into the ventilation duct at Paesan's Pizza in the early hours of the morning.
He had climbed a tree to the roof, where he broke into an air duct to enter the restaurant after it closed, police said.
He was trapped where the vent opened over the fryer, and he became extremely distraught, Brown said.
"The fryer had been used all day, so it may have been generating some heat," Brown said.
Cipriani was arraigned on charges of burglary, criminal mischief and possession of burglary tools and was held in lieu of $20,000 (12,296 pounds) bail at the Schenectady County Jail, police said.
WWII vet discovers he's not a U.S. citizen
Ninety-five-year-old Leeland Davidson discovered recently that he's not considered a U.S. citizen, despite living nearly 100 years in the country and serving in the U.S. Navy during WWII.
Davidson, from Centralia, Washington, told KOMO News that he discovered he wasn't a U.S. citizen when he was turned down for an enhanced driver's license he needed for a trip to Canada to visit relatives.
"We always figured because he was born to U.S. parents he's automatically a U.S. citizen," said Davidson's daughter, Rose Schoolcraft.
Davidson was born in British Columbia in 1916, but his parents didn't register the birth with the U.S. government to ensure they knew he was a citizen. He checked up on his citizenship before joining the Navy and was told by an inspector at the U.S. Department of Labor Immigration and Naturalization Service he had nothing to worry about. Now he worries that he won't be able to prove his citizenship, because his parents were born in Iowa before local governments started keeping records of birth certificates in 1880. "I want it squared away before I pass away," he says.
Schoolcraft says they tried to dissuade him from pursuing the matter. Employees at the local passport office scared them, telling her father "If he pursued it, (he could) possibly be deported or [be] at risk of losing Social Security."
"We keep telling him, leave it alone, leave it alone, and he won't, like a dog with a bone," Schoolcraft told the Centralia Chronicle. But Davidson says: "I want to get it done before I die." He also still wants to visit his friends and family in Canada. Sen Patty Murray's office is helping him with his application. can sacrifice yourself for your country, but Ill be damned if we let you drive to canada! :lol:
Imho, honorable military service should warrant citizenship
Quote from: Colorado700R on March 25, 2011, 09:55:37 AM
Imho, honorable military service should warrant citizenship
that was my point, after cutting through the BS of my assholish joke :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rule the waves: One used aircraft carrier for sale;_ylt=At17Q3nEwwXjmMiULszUh.7tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNhaGlpMWVyBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMzI5L291a29lX3VrX2JyaXRhaW5fYWlyY3JhZnRjYXJyaWVyX3NhbGUEcG9zAzcEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNydWxldGhld2F2ZXM-
LONDON (Reuters) – The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has put an aircraft carrier up for sale on an official used equipment website.
The Royal Navy aircraft carrier Ark Royal was taken out of service earlier this year as part of government budget cuts. It was decommissioned in Portsmouth earlier this month, and is up for sale on, a website run by the MoD's Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) arm.
Individuals and organisations interested in purchasing the former flagship of the Royal Navy -- which was launched by the Queen in 1981 -- have to submit their proposals for the ship to the MoD for approval.
"We need to be assured of the viability of the person or organisation...including how they intend to store, maintain and dispose of the ship before the sale can be agreed," DE&S spokesman Tim Foreman told Reuters on Monday.
Proposals for the aircraft carrier -- which travelled 621,551 nautical miles over the course of its career -- include mooring it in London for use as a helipad.
Interested parties have until June 13 to submit their bids and the ship will be handed over to its new owner by the end of the year.
The coalition government said it would axe the flagship in a defence review last year as part of its plans to cut a record budget deficit.
"HMS Ark Royal has a proud history in the naval fleet and was due to leave service in three years time. Bringing forward her decommissioning ensures we will have an enhanced carrier strike capability in the future," the MoD said in a statement.
"Until then, the UK continues to have access to a range of international bases which allow us to project our air power around the world."
HMS Ark Royal played a crucial role in the NATO campaign during the conflict in Bosnia and was also involved in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
It was the fifth British ship to carry the name Ark Royal. The first was built for Sir Walter Raleigh and became the flagship of the English fleet, seeing action during the Spanish Armada campaign of 1588.
Imma bid 25 bucks. if they take it, rally in the pacific ocean! :rofl:
holy crap!!!
1 light air craft carrier (listed above);pgid=MieqQ4wkQg8000ArvQ_8K1sp0000U350_cO3?ProductUUID=eIDAqBIQIhQAAAEupZZcNt5o&CatalogCategoryID=VaLAqBELPagAAAED8GeasfoP&JumpTo=OfferList
and 3 destroyers for sale.;pgid=MieqQ4wkQg8000ArvQ_8K1sp0000U350_cO3?ProductUUID=1nXAqBIQc2AAAAEt_7zjB9i_&CatalogCategoryID=VaLAqBELPagAAAED8GeasfoP&JumpTo=OfferList
I'm thinking lets all become pirates!! :lol:
arrrrrr! in case this becomes like waterwold :lol:
I want to go to Somalia. I hear it's pretty this time of year.
Colouring book used to smuggle drugs into jail
Three inmates and their loved ones were charged with attempting to smuggle drugs into a U.S. jail on the pages of a children's colouring book, authorities said on Tuesday.
The drug, Subozone, is normally used to treat heroin addiction and is classified as a controlled dangerous substance. It was dissolved into a paste and then painted into the colouring book, said Sheriff Gary Schaffer of Cape May County in New Jersey.
Pages with "To Daddy" scribbled on top were sent to the prisoners at the jail in Cape May.
"I've been in law enforcement for 38 years, and I've never seen anything like this," said Schaffer.
Authorities received a tip drugs were being smuggled in drawings, Schaffer said.
Prisoners Zachary Hirsch, Charles Markham and Paul Scipione were charged in the case, along with Markham's mother, Debbie Longo, of New Jersey, and Katelyn Mosbach, of Pennsylvania, who was still being sought.
The New Jersey drug bust was the second one this month involving Suboxone smuggling behind bars.
Authorities at a prison in Pennsylvania earlier this month arrested 11 people in what they said was a scheme to hide the drug beneath postage stamps on letters mailed to inmates from family members.
Struggling stewardess exposed euro coin fraud ring;_ylt=AmkAS5.ODa5r7myGkr4B.6ztiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTMwb3ZxbWFiBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMzMxL291a29lX3VrX2dlcm1hbnlfZnJhdWRfZXVybwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA3N0cnVnZ2xpbmdzdA--
FRANKFURT (Reuters) – An airline stewardess struggling to lift her bag at a German airport led to the discovery of a 6-million euro (5.3 million pound) coin fraud.
The customs officer who stopped the stewardess in early 2010 found thousands of one and two euro coins in her bag, Bild newspaper reported in its Thursday edition.
The incident sparked an investigation that has uncovered a forgery ring stretching to China and potentially implicating employees of German airline Lufthansa, the paper said.
The Frankfurt prosecutors' office said on Thursday it carried out dawn raids on offices and residences and arrested six people, four of whom are from China.
It suspects them of having smuggled coins that had been taken out of circulation or bits of those coins into Germany from China, where they had been sent as scrap metal.
The suspects then put the coins back together and exchanged them for a total of 6 million euros at the Bundesbank from 2007 to 2010, the prosecutors said.
Airline cabin crew do not have a weight limit on their baggage, prosecutors highlighted in a statement.
There was no suspicion of any wrongdoing on the part of Bundesbank employees, the prosecutors' office added.
The Bundesbank said in a statement it was aware of the investigation into the use of scrapped coins. It also said that no Bundesbank employees were subject to the investigation.
A Lufthansa spokesman on Thursday said it was aware that individual employees were under investigation, but said the group could not comment on the investigation.
Old euro coins are taken out of circulation by removing the inner part of the coin from an outer ring and thus effectively turning them into scrap metal.
The investigators recovered around 3 tonnes of coin pieces as well as a machine for putting them back together, prosecutors said in the statement.
The Bundesbank is the only institute in Europe that exchanges damaged euro coins for free, replacing them with new ones of the same value.
no story to copy....but last night at the local target store...a teenage boy asked if he could try on bras...
they let him, then they go clean up the fitting rooms later. 8 bras with wet spots.
Randy...gtfo outta my target :lol:
8.. that's impressive.
Quote from: Krandall on March 31, 2011, 08:27:19 AM
8.. that's impressive.
right on , no f**kin around!
literally. :lol:
Google Job Postings
Autocompleter – Mountain View
This position is located in Mountain View, CA and obscure locations around the world
The area: Product Quality
The Product Quality team ensures that Google has the best worldwide product offerings by analyzing, positioning, packaging and promoting our solutions across a variety of countries and markets where Google does business. The team works closely with the engineering group to continuously improve the search experience.
The role: Autocompleter
Are you passionate about helping people? Are you intuitive? Do you often feel like you know what your friends and family are thinking and can finish their thoughts before they can? Are you an incredibly fast Google searcher? Like, so fast that you can do 20 searches before your mom does 1?
Every day people start typing more than a billion searches on Google and expect Google to predict what they are looking for. In order to do this at scale, we need your help.
Google's quality team is looking for talented, motivated, opinionated technologists to help us predict what users are looking for. If you're eager to improve the search experience for millions of people and have a proven track record of excellence, this is a project for you!
As a Google Autocompleter, you'll be expected to successfully guess a user's intention as he or she starts typing instantly. In a fraction of a second, you'll need to type in your prediction that will be added to the list of suggestions given by Google. Don't worry, after a few million predictions you'll grow the required reflexes.
Watch anonymized search queries as they come in to Google.
Predict and type completions based on your personal experience and intuition.
Suggest spelling corrections when relevant.
Keep updated with query trends and offer fresh suggestions.
Excellent knowledge of English and at least one other language.
Excellent knowledge of grammatical rules (e.g. parts of speech, parsing).
Understanding of the search engine space.
Proven web search experience.
Good typing skills (at least 32,000 WPM).
Willingness to travel (in order to provide local autocompletions) or relocate to obscure places like Nauru and Tuvalu to develop knowledge of local news and trends.
Certificate in psychic reading strongly preferred: palm, tarot, hypnosis, astrology, numerology, runes and/or auras.
Excellent knowledge of grammatical rules (e.g. parts of speech, parsing).
resume sent.
I'm good with Runes, resume sent also. :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on April 01, 2011, 09:09:06 AM
I'm good with Prunes, resume sent also. :lol:
nice & regular then? :lol:
In an effort to ameliorate this rather lonely situation, Beijing's police chief has established a matchmaking service for unmarried SWAT team officers who are too involved in their jobs to meet partners.
Many people meet potential dates in the office. In a days' work, it is unlikely that any SWAT team officer will ever meet someone he or she would even want to see again, much less date.
It is a simple service; there are no elaborate offices, perfunctory meetings or advertisements. Outside the police station, posters are hung with the photos of the 54 male and female officers that comprise the special forces known as SWAT along with catalogs listing their likes and dislikes.
" ...About 5,000 people visited the police station when we launched the service, so it has already been a big success," said a police spokesman.
There is one little issue left to consider.
If these officers are too busy to look for mates, they may be too absorbed in their work to find the time to date and/or maintain the rigors of a relationship, which requires its own brand of SWAT training and attention!
Hopefully, the initials will change from SWAT to SWAK for these brave, hard-working, special force police officers.
Britain's Border Agency announced the firing of an immigration officer in January. The man had apparently turned sour on his marriage, and while his wife was on holiday with her family in Pakistan, he quietly added her name to the terrorist list of people not allowed into the country. [Daily Mail, 1-30-2011]
BAHAHAHAH!!!! :rofl: He shouldn't have been fired! He should of been awarded a medal for his genius!!!
bummer pat.
Bills banning bestiality, baggy pants pass in Fla.
Floridians are going to have to start pulling up their pants and stop having sex with animals soon.
It's up to Gov. Rick Scott to sign off on two bills passed in the Florida Senate and House Wednesday which target droopy drawers and bestiality.
The bestiality bill (SB 344) bans sexual activity between humans and animals and has been championed for years by Sen. Nan Rich, from Sunrise.
Rich took up the anti-bestiality fight after a number of cases involving sexual activity with animals in recent years, including a Panhandle man who was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat during a sex act and the abuse of a horse in the Keys. The bill would make such acts a first-degree misdemeanor.
Also passed by the House and Senate Wednesday is the so-called "droopy drawers bill" (SB 228), will will force students to hike up their pants while at school.
Students caught showing their underwear or butt crack could face suspensions and other punishments.
Quote from: Krandall on May 06, 2011, 08:44:48 AM
bummer pat.
Bills banning bestiality, baggy pants pass in Fla.
Floridians are going to have to start pulling up their pants and stop having sex with animals soon.
It's up to Gov. Rick Scott to sign off on two bills passed in the Florida Senate and House Wednesday which target droopy drawers and bestiality.
The bestiality bill (SB 344) bans sexual activity between humans and animals and has been championed for years by Sen. Nan Rich, from Sunrise.
Rich took up the anti-bestiality fight after a number of cases involving sexual activity with animals in recent years, including a Panhandle man who was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat during a sex act and the abuse of a horse in the Keys. The bill would make such acts a first-degree misdemeanor.
Also passed by the House and Senate Wednesday is the so-called "droopy drawers bill" (SB 228), will will force students to hike up their pants while at school.
Students caught showing their underwear or butt crack could face suspensions and other punishments.
sorry about the news pat. How did the goats take it?
LOL on no baggy pants rule (that has NO racist undertones AT ALL) :rolleyes:
FERK. :cry:
Mark Thompson Of W.Va. Accused Of Sexually Assaulting And Slaughtering Pygmy Goat
Kenny? ???
West Virginia police have arrested a 19-year-old South Charleston, W.Va., man accused of kidnapping, sexually assaulting and slaying a young pygmy goat while wearing nothing but women's undergarments.
"This case is extremely bizarre," Lt. Sean Crosier, of the Kanawha County Sheriff's Office, told AOL Weird News. "It is unlawful to mistreat an animal in a cruel manner, and I certainly think it is very cruel for a human to have sexual relations of any kind with an animal."
According to police, this is how the story unfolded:
Lisa Powers told investigators that at around 3:15 a.m. Monday, a neighbor called her nephew and said that Bailey -- a female goat she had recently purchased for her 4-year-old grandson -- had been spotted inside her neighbor Mark Thompson's house.
"They told him that my goat was wandering around in Mark's house," Powers told The Charleston Gazette.
Powers' nephew and two friends then went to Thompson's house. When they were unable to locate the goat inside the home, they knocked on his bedroom door.
"He told them, 'Don't come in, I'm naked,'" Powers told the Gazette. "But they opened the door and he was standing there with his pants down ... and there was blood everywhere."
Story continues below
Thompson allegedly ran out of the house and into a nearby wooded area.
When police arrived on the scene, they were startled by the bloody crime scene they found, Crosier said. According to the criminal complaint, Bailey was lying dead in a pool of blood on the floor. The small animal, clad in only a pink collar, had blood oozing from a wound to her neck. A pornographic magazine photo lay nearby.
According to Crosier, Thompson allegedly "performed some sexual acts on the goat and also killed the goat."
While authorities investigated the crime scene, Thompson, who was "half naked, wearing female panties and a bra," came out of the woods and turned himself into police, Crosier added.
Thompson allegedly told police he was high on a dangerous new recreational drug intentionally mislabeled as "bath salts," which reportedly has effects similar to methamphetamine and cocaine.
"The argument of bath salts is just an excuse," Crosier said. "There had to be an underlying desire there somewhere, and maybe the bath salts decreased the inhibitions enough to make it happen, but the bath salts is a cop out."
Thompson has been charged with one count of animal cruelty. Additional charges may be forthcoming, pending the results of a necropsy that is being conducted by a local veterinarian.
In the meantime, Crosier said he would like it to be clear that the crime of bestiality occurs everywhere and not just in his state.
"Many people might think that it is common to West Virginia," the lieutenant said, "[But] it is common to every state in the Union."
"my goat was wandering around in Mark's house,"
"He told them, 'Don't come in, I'm naked,'"
GOTTA be raptorsource member. :lol:
I've been to this game. It's INSANE!
Marking D-Day with massive paintball battle;_ylt=AsoderNw3BQc3xnv5fjUmvrtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJyMXJoZDdmBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwNjA2L3VzX29rbGFob21hX3BhaW50YmFsbARwb3MDMTQEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNtYXJraW5nZC1kYXk-
OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – Mighty forces are gathering in the northeast corner of Oklahoma, and they're itching for a fight. They're well-organized, high-spirited and heavily armed -- with paintball guns.
In one of the largest paintball games in the world, some 3,000 people will relive the events of June 6, 1944, D-Day, when German-occupied France was invaded by Allied Forces, marking a turning point in World War II.
This year's Oklahoma version will mark the 14th time a D-Day-style paintball game has been staged. There's an Allied side and a German side, of course, and even the French Resistance is represented, but it's not just a paintball free-for-all.
Instead, in a rugged, 800-acre park, Allied Forces and the Third Reich will compete to achieve certain goals based on the many individual battles that occurred 67 years ago.
There are mock tanks rumbling around, pyrotechnics exploding and soldiers tumbling out of plywood landing craft amid a cacophony of clacking paintball guns.
"The field sorts out the men from the boys," said Andy Van Der Plaats, a 64-year-old marketing consultant from North Fort Myers, Fla., and a high-ranking officer in the Allied paintball chain of command. "The adrenalin is just cranked. It's stressful."
It's a big deal in Wyandotte, population 500, where Dwayne Convirs created the event in 1997 to honor his grandfather, Enos Armstrong, a combat engineer who fought his way through Europe after landing in Normandy on D-Day.
The first version of Oklahoma D-Day drew 135 players, Convirs said. Since then as many as 15,000 people - including the families of players -- have shown up to either camp out on the grounds of Oklahoma D-Day Adventure Park or stay in nearby motels.
"This is their vacation," Convirs, 46, told Reuters. "It's not really about the game, it's about the event."
The big D-Day paintball battle takes place this year on June 11 after a week of preliminary activities including a flag-raising ceremony, a parade, military-style chapel services, and evening showings of movies such as "Patton," "The Longest Day" and "Band of Brothers."
At Oklahoma D-Day, the outcome is definitely not guaranteed. The Axis side has won the past three years.
While the ultimate result may not always match history, pains are taken to recreate certain historical missions, such as the capture and defense of bridges, churches, crossroads and towns. And all the while, thousands of paintballs are flying through the air; if you're hit, you have to sit out awhile in a "dead zone."
The game is taken seriously by those who spend $100 to play and a tidy sum to buy gear, including paintball guns, which can cost anywhere from a few hundred bucks to several thousand dollars.
Despite the fun-and-games atmosphere in Oklahoma, there is a palpable undercurrent of patriotism and reverence for those who fought the real fight on D-Day.
For the past two years, Jake McNiece, 92, a D-Day paratrooper who is a member of the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, has been a guest at the D-Day paintball games. He's going back this year.
McNiece, who lives in Ponca City, Oklahoma, is dismayed how little young people know about World War Two. The Oklahoma D-Day event, he said, keeps the history alive.
Blind in one eye and deaf in one ear, McNiece is not shy about telling stories of his own experiences, whether it was when he parachuted into Normandy to blow up a bridge before the Allied troops came ashore or when he parachuted into Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.
"We don't brag about it and we don't apologize for it," he said. "War is hell. It's a killing game."
He talks to the participants, young and old, and, with his wife, Martha, sells copies of his book, "The Filthy 13," which details his experiences with the 101st Airborne Division.
"It's unbelievable the amount of respect he gets, especially from young people," Van Der Plaats, the Florida marketing consultant, told Reuters.
Even though it's just paintballs being fired, the tactical maneuvering, frequently uphill if you're on the Allied side, is physically taxing in the summer heat, Van Der Plaats said.
Meanwhile, there's a cat-and-mouse game of strategy going on.
Both sides are known to use scanners to intercept the radio communications of their foe and aircraft have been employed to determine the enemy's positions, Van Der Plaats said.
Finally, if it all gets too intense for the paintballers, there is a "chaplain" available to talk it over.
Overseeing this with a certain amount of amazement is Convirs, who remembers the event's humble beginnings and the stories of his grandfather, who helped build 200 bridges in Europe, usually while under fire from the Germans.
"We try to make it patriotic and make people think about life," he added. "There's a lot of people who gave their lives for us to have freedom. A lot of people forget that."
thats a whole lotta lame right there. seriously...reliving d-day with paintball guns...? :confused:
oh cripes. GTFO :door:
still cooler than those civil war re-inactments
got me there :lol:
Breaking news:
Hefe is BACK!
Breaking news.. Hefe's back... went out. :lol:
it's funny cause it's true!
Quote from: Krandall on June 10, 2011, 07:03:51 AM
Breaking news.. Hefe's back... went out. :lol:
:hefe1: :lol:
not really breaking news, but still cool. Dad won Amvet of the year posthumously.... He worked his ass off for that organization.
Very cool Eric
super cool peels :thumbs:
Heck yea peelz!!!! that's some great stuff there :thumbs:
we think so too guys. That VFW post was in the shitter when he took over. People stealing from it, the building falling apart, etc...
Its one of the more succesful posts now. Really cool, as a non-military person, to go down there on Saturday nights when a shitload of vets go in there. And extra cool, if a current service person goes in there. Treat them like royalty. Get drunk and all start singing.
Thats what those places are for. :thumbs:
and sunday morning pancakes!
The VFW around here puts on the best breakfasts!
Quote from: Hefe on June 13, 2011, 09:48:47 AM
and sunday morning pancakes!
The VFW around here puts on the best breakfasts!
it's tacos around here.!! good stuff, cheap beer. supporting a good cause
all good. KInda "rednecky" for my taste, but still fun :lol:
yes.... always alot of "nascar" talk going on.. but still very cool!
Woman dies of heart attack caused by shock of waking up at her OWN funeral
A woman died from a heart attack caused by shock after waking up to discover she had been declared dead - and was being prepared for burial.
As mourning relatives filed past her open coffin the supposedly dead woman suddenly woke up and started screaming as she realised where she was.
Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia.
Devastated husband Fagili Mukhametzyanov, 51, had been told his wife had died of a heart attack after she'd collapsed at home suffering from chest pains.
Mr Mukhametzyanov said: 'Her eyes fluttered and we immediately rushed her back to the hospital but she only lived for another 12 minutes in intensive care before she died again, this time for good.
'I am very angry and want answers. She wasn't dead when they said she was and they could have saved her.'
Hospital spokesman Minsalih Sahapov said: 'We are carrying out an investigation.'
Oh SHit!!!! Nikki wouldn't of had another heart attack until AFTER she'd beat my ass for having her declared dead :lol:
ISLAND PARK, Idaho (AP) — Cleanup crews in Idaho have finished clearing honey and an estimated 14 million bees that got loose after a delivery truck overturned on a highway.
Fremont County Sheriff deputies say several workers were stung during the first few hours of the cleanup Sunday.
And some observers told The Post-Register about seeing a strange black cloud and roaring noise above the spill area before realizing it was a massive swarm of bees.
Authorities say a truck was hauling the bees from California to North Dakota when the driver veered off the shoulder, tipping more than 400 hive boxes and honey.
Crews worked all day Monday before removing all the honey from the roadway, though deputies say a significant amount of bees were still buzzing.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug, but getting shocked with a Taser while riding high on methamphetamines probably beats any white-knuckled cocaine experience hands down
In Safety Study, Sheep on Meth Are Shocked With Tasers-
The study aimed to test whether Taser devices have caused heart-related problems or death in meth-addled suspects
Peelz is gettin clever : Clams Filled with Cocaine
We need to consider, as a society, that we've run out of decent ways to smuggle cocaine. I say this because David Pocasangre Vaquiz was arrested outside DC with $10,000 worth of coke stuffed into 80 clams. Clams.
I guess Vaquiz, who had just gotten off a plane from Panama, the Examiner reports, didn't have a good sub at his disposal. But you have to give him some bonus points for creativity. Where did he find 80 clams? Did he eat the clam flesh before filling the shells with cocaine? I'm no Stringer Bell, but this seems like a lot of effort to move only $10k worth of drugs. If only Vaquiz had combined shoe cocaine guy's ambition with the clam method—well, we could have really had something here, friends.
Quote from: Krandall on September 09, 2011, 08:07:45 AM
Peelz is gettin clever : Clams Filled with Cocaine
We need to consider, as a society, that we've run out of decent ways to smuggle cocaine. I say this because David Pocasangre Vaquiz was arrested outside DC with $10,000 worth of coke stuffed into 80 clams. Clams.
I guess Vaquiz, who had just gotten off a plane from Panama, the Examiner reports, didn't have a good sub at his disposal. But you have to give him some bonus points for creativity. Where did he find 80 clams? Did he eat the clam flesh before filling the shells with cocaine? I'm no Stringer Bell, but this seems like a lot of effort to move only $10k worth of drugs. If only Vaquiz had combined shoe cocaine guy's ambition with the clam method—well, we could have really had something here, friends.
complete and utter genius
16 'super-Earths' found outside solar system
It's not like aliens put up a welcome banner or anything, but scientists now have newly identified at least one planet that could potentially sustain life.
The European Southern Observatory has just announced the discovery of more than 50 new exoplanets (planets outside our solar system), including 16 super-Earths (planets whose mass is between one and 10 times that of our own planet).
One of these planets in particular could theoretically be home to life if conditions are right. It's called HD 85512 b, and scientists say it's about 3.6 times the mass of the Earth. This planet is about 35 light years from Earth. Its location with respect to its star suggests that this planet could have liquid water under certain circumstances.
Don't get too excited, though; there's a lot more work to be done to explore whether this planet is truly fit for life, in addition to whether there are alien life forms there.
The discovery comes from High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, or HARPS. HARPS is located at the La Silla Observatory in Chile, and is part of a telescope that's nearly 12 feet long.
Here's how it works, according to ESO: When a planet orbits a star, the star move toward and away from the person who's stargazing on Earth in a regular fashion. That's called a change in radial velocity. Because of the Doppler effect, changes in radial velocity make the star's light spectrum move toward longer wavelengths when it's moving away, and toward shorter wavelengths as it gets closer. HARPS can detect this shift in the spectrum, and infer that there is a planet present.
So far, scientists have confirmed the existence of 564 planets outside of our solar system, according to NASA's PlanetQuest website, not counting this latest batch of more than 50. Beyond that, NASA's Kepler mission has found more than 1,200 exoplanet candidates.
"In the coming 10 to 20 years we should have the first list of potentially habitable planets in the Sun's neighbourhood. Making such a list is essential before future experiments can search for possible spectroscopic signatures of life in the exoplanet atmospheres," said Michel Mayor, who led the HARPS team, in a statement
Husband Can Explain Lewd Google Search History
EDMONTON, AB—Local husband and father of two, Richard Poitras, 42, announced today that there is a perfectly logical explanation for the long list of raunchy Google searches that recently appeared out of nowhere on his internet browser's search history.
In a response to questioning from his wife, which began yesterday, Poitras said, "Listen, I'm no computer whiz, but I think I have an idea how this could have happened."
He went on to describe a spam email he vaguely remembers opening, completely on accident. "That email must have linked my system up with some kind of hacker."
When asked why a computer hacker would take the time to plant "anal ass butt female" into his search history, Poitras responded, "I've thought about that, and it makes no sense to me, either."
"People spend their time doing strange things these days," he added.
The lewd searches were discovered yesterday when Poitras' wife used his laptop to look up some driving directions. She started to type "Boyle Street" when the search bar suggested "booty popping," "booty shaking ass webcam," and "booty dancing striptease pajamas."
When she confronted Poitras, he said he was completely shocked.
"Some of those words were disgusting. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."
Poitras immediately took his laptop back from his wife and initiated an anti-virus scan.
He says he has learned his lesson about being careful when clicking through his emails.
Inmotion Hosting attacked by same attacker who successfully attacked google.
Man credited with creating Doritos dies in Dallas
DALLAS (AP) — Arch West, a retired Frito-Lay marketing executive credited with creating Doritos as the first national tortilla chip brand, has died in Dallas at age 97.
A statement issued by the West family says he died Tuesday at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. A graveside service is scheduled for Oct. 1. Daughter Jana Hacker of Allen tells The Dallas Morning News ( the family plans on "tossing Doritos chips in before they put the dirt over the urn."
West was a marketing vice president for Dallas-based Frito-Lay in 1961 when, while on a family vacation near San Diego, he found a snack shack selling fried tortilla chips. Hacker says her father got a tepid corporate response to the tortilla chip idea but conducted marketing research that led to the Doritos rollout.
"Toe Suck Fairy" arrested on new charges
Randy Orvis, 26, was arrested on Monday after two women identified him from a photo line-up as "the man who approached them in local stores commenting on their feet and asking to suck their toes," said LaTresha Woodruff, spokeswoman for the Minneapolis Police Department.
One of the women described the man as having "really messed up toes."
Peelz, you just jealous cos he wouldn't suck your toes.......... :thumbs:
Quote from: dragonz on October 01, 2011, 04:01:00 AM
Peelz, you just jealous cos he wouldn't suck your toes.......... :thumbs:
annnn deennnnn?
Mags busted?
Man attacks son with sword for not doing chores, police say
A Ventura man was arrested Sunday after police said he attacked his 18-year-old son with a sword, accusing him of being lazy and not doing chores around the house.
Antonio Gutierrez, 43, was in a heated argument with his son, John, when he picked up a 4-foot-long sword, police said. The son tried to use his hands to defend himself, police said, but his hand was lacerated by the blade and he bled profusely.
When officers arrived at the family's residence, the father had left, police said, but he returned several hours later and was arrested and booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon.
In what has to go down in the history books as the best bounce back from a bad relationship ever, Eric Smith used the engagement ring he intended to propose with to buy a full-size suit of Master Chief's iconic green armor from the Halo series.
Preparing to embark on a new phase in life, Smith picked out a specific ring made to his girlfriend's tastes. That's when he found out she was seeing someone else. And that's the last we will mention her.
Desperately needing to unload the ring (as one would do) he found his only option for selling a custom ring was through eBay. But selling the ring wasn't enough. The money he received couldn't mend his broken heart and he felt the need to do something big with it.
As with most things in love the story is in the nuances. And we are glad to report that in this case the love story isn't about him and his broken heart. It's about his love of Halo. Smith decided to take the money and invest in a suit of Master Chief armor, another long time love and dream.
This wasn't just any costume shop suit; in fact Smith had been thinking about the ideal suit of armor for a long time but had expected to defer the purchase until later. An artist out of Detroit built him a 40-pound dark green suit made out of carbon fiber and steel. The helmet complete with an orange visor and LED's came from a master Stormtooper builder out of the Philippines. We didn't even know there was a master Stormtrooper builder in the Philippines, so clearly Smith did his homework.
By his own account, the suit is cumbersome, hot, takes up space and he has to walk incredibly slowly while wearing it. Strangely, not unlike a relationship.
But let's face it, that's what this suit of armor is. To Smith, it was more than just a toy, but a way to fight his broken heart and what better way to do it that with the ultimate homage to something that has brought you comfort and happiness over the years?
We think it is a love story after all. Dude, you made the right choice.
Cap-n.....we don't have the poweeerrrr!
Star Trek Ashes
James Doohan, who played Scotty on the original Star Trek television series (and in seven big-screen Star Trek films), had it rough. All he wanted was for his ashes to be shot into space, a process that seems simpler than it actually is. In May 2007, after a brief flight in suborbital space on the back of a private rocket, the ashes crashed down to the New Mexico desert. A year later, as part of another attempt to send his remains into the cosmos, a rocket carrying them exploded over the Pacific Ocean. Doohan was just trying to follow in the footsteps of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, who had his ashes shot into space (alongside those of Timothy Leary's) in 1997 and also had a tiny portion of his remains placed aboard Columbia mission STS-52 in 1992.
Read more:,29307,2087112,00.html#ixzz1eN9sbFCq
Quote from: Krandall on November 21, 2011, 01:01:48 PM
In what has to go down in the history books as the best bounce back from a bad relationship ever, Eric Smith used the engagement ring he intended to propose with to buy a full-size suit of Master Chief's iconic green armor from the Halo series.
Preparing to embark on a new phase in life, Smith picked out a specific ring made to his girlfriend's tastes. That's when he found out she was seeing someone else. And that's the last we will mention her.
Desperately needing to unload the ring (as one would do) he found his only option for selling a custom ring was through eBay. But selling the ring wasn't enough. The money he received couldn't mend his broken heart and he felt the need to do something big with it.
As with most things in love the story is in the nuances. And we are glad to report that in this case the love story isn't about him and his broken heart. It's about his love of Halo. Smith decided to take the money and invest in a suit of Master Chief armor, another long time love and dream.
This wasn't just any costume shop suit; in fact Smith had been thinking about the ideal suit of armor for a long time but had expected to defer the purchase until later. An artist out of Detroit built him a 40-pound dark green suit made out of carbon fiber and steel. The helmet complete with an orange visor and LED's came from a master Stormtooper builder out of the Philippines. We didn't even know there was a master Stormtrooper builder in the Philippines, so clearly Smith did his homework.
By his own account, the suit is cumbersome, hot, takes up space and he has to walk incredibly slowly while wearing it. Strangely, not unlike a relationship.
But let's face it, that's what this suit of armor is. To Smith, it was more than just a toy, but a way to fight his broken heart and what better way to do it that with the ultimate homage to something that has brought you comfort and happiness over the years?
We think it is a love story after all. Dude, you made the right choice.
Iowa's Hamburglar surrenders to police
A 21-year-old man in Iowa has turned himself in to the police after breaking into a McDonald's, cooking himself some hamburgers and fries, and then leaving.
The man, Whitley Allen Teslow, a Warburg College student, turned himself in to the Cedar Falls Police Department after seeing coverage of his burglary on the news yesterday. Teslow has been charged with third-degree burglary, fourth-degree criminal mischief and fifth-degree theft.
The break-in was discovered by some mindful observers at 4:20 a.m., the Waterloo Daily Courier reports:
McDonald's workers arrived at 4:20 a.m. Sunday to find the glass in the drive-up window broken, and it appeared food had been cooked in the restaurant. Security footage showed the man first tapped on the glass at the window. No one was in the store, so he broke the glass and climbed inside. Police had made reference to the animated character "the Hamburglar" from McDonald's commercials in a press release.
Local authorities have refused to speculate on whether Grimace will serve as a character witness at the impending trial.
All I wanted was a cheezburger!!! :lol:
Bad News Makes Page 1; Good News Is Ignored: Many major news organizations did not even report that last month the final B53 city-buster nuclear bomb was disassembled. The Federation of American Scientists has the details. A vestige of the darkest days of the Cold War, the B53 was a nine-megaton death device, the most powerful U.S. weapon ever built. Its blast yield was about 750 times greater than that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Horrible as the Hiroshima bomb was, many citizens of Hiroshima survived; the B53 was designed to incinerate an entire large city such as Moscow, leaving no one alive. Once the United States had more than 300 of these monstrosities; now all are gone. The equivalent Russian very large nuclear bombs have been disassembled, too.
Someday when historians look back on our era, they may not pay a huge amount of attention to Lady Gaga or Ryan Seacrest but will be amazed that we paid so little attention to the end of the doomsday threat to civilization. In the mid-1980s, the United States and old Soviet Union each possessed more than 30,000 nuclear warheads, including hundreds on both sides powerful enough to obliterate large cities. Had an all-out nuclear war occurred, most of humanity would have died, while the survivors might have envied the dead. Today each side has about 2,000 nuclear warheads, and the New Start Treaty, ratified by the Senate in 2010, requires both sides to drop to about 1,500 warheads by 2016.
Once that's finished, America still will have plenty of deterrent power -- 1,500 nuclear bombs is, itself, unimaginable force. And war with the remaining nuclear devices still would be horrific. But 95 percent of the old doomsday arsenal will no longer exist. Yet not only is this not hailed as wonderful news, many don't even seem aware such progress has occurred.
There was actually a first page article about that last month on Gizmodo :thumbs:
Pretty cool stuff, instead of the mass chaos devices now we have pin point accuracy drones 8) 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: Oha (she's yo...Queen to beeee!) on November 29, 2011, 11:07:49 AM
There was actually a first page article about that last month on Gizmodo :thumbs:
Pretty cool stuff, instead of the mass chaos devices now we have pin point accuracy drones 8) 8) 8) 8)
No, now we have pin point mass chaos devices :nod:
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 29, 2011, 11:08:35 AM
Quote from: Oha (she's yo...Queen to beeee!) on November 29, 2011, 11:07:49 AM
There was actually a first page article about that last month on Gizmodo :thumbs:
Pretty cool stuff, instead of the mass chaos devices now we have pin point accuracy drones 8) 8) 8) 8)
No, now we have pin point mass chaos devices :nod:
Just point those f**kers somewhere else ok!
Black college student hangs Confederate flag in dorm room, admits it's "kind of weird"
It's no great shock to learn that 19-year-old college student in South Carolina provoked a storm of protests after he'd hung a Confederate flag from his dorm room window. But here's the twist: The student in question, Byron Thomas, is black.
"I know it's kind of weird because I'm black," Thomas said in a video he posted online in response to his school's request that he take the flag down.
Thomas, who says he prefers to be called black rather than African-American, adds that he believes the Confederate flag is a sign of Southern pride, and not racism. The University of South Carolina Beaufort has since relented and said Thomas can put the flag back up in his room if he wants.
"When I look at this flag, I don't see racism. I see respect, Southern pride," Thomas said. "This flag was seen as a communication symbol" during the Civil War, he added. "I've been getting a lot of support from people. My generation is interested in freedom of speech."
The university received about two-dozen complaints from students and families visiting around the Thanksgiving holiday, said spokeswoman Candace Brasseur. In response, the university sent Thomas, his fellow students and the university staff an email asking that the flag be removed from public view, "out of respect for his fellow students' concerns." However, Brasseur said the university has since reversed itself, electing to permit Thomas to put the flag back up; because of the school's "firm belief in the First Amendment and its right of free speech, the University cannot and will not prohibit these flags or other symbols that our students choose to display," she said.
However, there is one obstacle potentially greater than peer pressure or university rules that may prompt him to Thomas to take the flag down: his parents. He says his parents are not fans of his decision to hoist the flag--and, well, they are paying his tuition bills.
"I don't want to make my parents mad," he said. "I may wait until Monday to put it up."
please call me caucasian instead of white plz.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 07, 2011, 02:52:01 PM
please call me caucasian instead of white plz.
just shut your white muthafukin ass up alright! :nod:
Aint nuthin any kind of asian about you...............
Corkasian............does that mean you float?
are you discriminating me? :rofl:
BTW Aaron is caucasian. He likes asian cocks. :rofl: He's Even flying down to Korea to get him some.
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 08, 2011, 08:42:53 AM
are you discriminating me? :rofl:
BTW Aaron is caucasian. He likes asian cocks. :rofl: He's Even flying down to Korea to get him some.
i think you mean cockasian......... :nana:
Phucker loves cauk
it plugs the gaps so well, kinda makes things air tight
Quote from: phucker on December 20, 2011, 05:40:33 AM
it plugs the gaps so well, kinda makes things air tight
so, does that mean your "gap" is plugged??
Bt your burps smell like shit!
Once Upon a Time, We Used Radium Condoms For Glow in the Dark Sex
It's the same old story. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Boy uses radioactive condom for virility. Yeah, romance has a shelf life of forever.
In the early 20th century, it was all the rage to add Radium to items. The most famous being watch faces, where the numbers would glow so you could see what time it is in the dark. You know, in case you had to a night-time chemo session.
Some genius thought it would a good idea to add radium to condoms because anything new and mysterious must be good for knocking da boots. Fortunately, you can no longer make your wang glow blue in the dark for pleasure. Now you take a blue pill.[Orau]
mine glows already :thumbs:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 30, 2011, 08:20:32 AM
mine glows already :thumbs:
yeah, but who wants a fluro pink wang???
Quote from: dragonz on January 02, 2012, 04:21:11 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on December 30, 2011, 08:20:32 AM
mine glows already :thumbs:
yeah, but who wants a fluro pink wang???
ummm. lets see...
Randy, Hefe, Preddy, Colorado, Gunz, Langford, Adam, Geo, Magz, SPartan, Phucker, name a few.
Damn right I'm first in line. :thumbs:
get you some "come-uppance" :lol:
the town I live in is stuck in 1950. LOL
Mayor-elect called a neighborhood black child a coon, right in front of a lady (friend of ours) who is in a mixed marriage and has 4 mixed kids. She called for him to step down.....
He's still got the job 8) :lol:
read comments at bottom for some local racist bigot awesomeness :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on January 04, 2012, 02:19:09 PM
Good for her. She's my new hero.
magz, you dumbass! :rofl:
Peelz, you gonna kill magz?
A 16 kilo (35.5 pounds) consignment of cocaine that Mexican drug traffickers recently lost has turned up in an unlikely place -- the United Nations in New York.
Police and UN officials Thursday described how two fake UN bags containing the drugs -- which experts said had a street value of about $2 million -- set off a security alert when they were delivered, apparently by accident, to the the global body's headquarters.
The bags, which had the UN symbol printed on them, were shipped from Mexico through the DHL delivery company's center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne of the New York Police Department told AFP.
But the bags had no address on them, nor any return to sender details.
"It is my understanding that because there was no addressee, the DHL just thought well that's the UN symbol so we should ship it on to UN headquarters and let them figure out who it was supposed to go to," Browne said.
But the two UN bags were "obvious fakes" and were quickly intercepted by security staff when they arrived on January 16. The bags contained about 14 hard cover books which had been hollowed to create space for the cocaine.
"The working theory now is that possibly it was never meant to have left Mexico at all," the deputy commissioner said, adding that the bags were "a bad fake".
"Somebody in Mexico is probably in trouble now having let a significant amount of cocaine out of their possession," he added.
UN officials said the bags were like flour sacks but were the wrong color or material to be any kind of official bag. "It was not a diplomatic pouch. That I can say categorically," UN spokesman Martin Nesirky told reporters.
uh nooo not me.
2 million? please...! you must think Im fancy!
LOL somebody in mexico is dead.
Magz fail?
30 floating marijuana bales found off Calif. beach
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Thirty bales of marijuana estimated to be worth $500,000 have been found floating off the Southern California coast.
Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators say a boater discovered the pot Wednesday more than six miles off Marina del Rey.
The Los Angeles Times ( ) reports the bales were fished out of the sea with the help of lifeguards and was turned over to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials.
he is SOOOO fired!
pretty cool
Quote from: Krandall on January 26, 2012, 03:28:17 PM
magz, you dumbass! :rofl:
Peelz, you gonna kill magz?
A 16 kilo (35.5 pounds) consignment of cocaine that Mexican drug traffickers recently lost has turned up in an unlikely place -- the United Nations in New York.
Police and UN officials Thursday described how two fake UN bags containing the drugs -- which experts said had a street value of about $2 million -- set off a security alert when they were delivered, apparently by accident, to the the global body's headquarters.
The bags, which had the UN symbol printed on them, were shipped from Mexico through the DHL delivery company's center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne of the New York Police Department told AFP.
But the bags had no address on them, nor any return to sender details.
"It is my understanding that because there was no addressee, the DHL just thought well that's the UN symbol so we should ship it on to UN headquarters and let them figure out who it was supposed to go to," Browne said.
But the two UN bags were "obvious fakes" and were quickly intercepted by security staff when they arrived on January 16. The bags contained about 14 hard cover books which had been hollowed to create space for the cocaine.
"The working theory now is that possibly it was never meant to have left Mexico at all," the deputy commissioner said, adding that the bags were "a bad fake".
"Somebody in Mexico is probably in trouble now having let a significant amount of cocaine out of their possession," he added.
UN officials said the bags were like flour sacks but were the wrong color or material to be any kind of official bag. "It was not a diplomatic pouch. That I can say categorically," UN spokesman Martin Nesirky told reporters.
It was a decoy................I actually got a promotion for this 50 million sneeked by unoticed because they caught 2 mil...........:lol: :pimp:
120,000 sky drive.....bad ass!!
Project Eros or soemthin like that. They've been workin on that for a while. read about it last summer, but they ran into some issues, supposed to go down june or july.
must be some good stuff peelz :rofl:
Meth Addict Accidentally Burns Down World's Fifth-Oldest Tree
Because Florida is running out of unique ways to embarrass itself, a 26-year old meth enthusiast set fire to and destroyed the world's fifth oldest tree last month. While she was in it. Smoking meth.
Sarah Barnes had climbed the tree to smoke, because where better to get high than in the branches of a 118-foot, 3,500 year old cypress ? The fire in question came when she wanted to get a better view of her surroundings, and presumably also her drugs. "The Senator," as the tree was known, was burned to the ground.
The good news is that Barnes seemed sufficiently chastened by the whole thing, reportedly telling friends that "I can't believe I burned down a tree older than Jesus." Neither can he, Sarah. Neither can he.
So what have we learned? First of all, please be careful with lighters. In the wrong hands, they can be deceptively destructive little gadgets. And then yes, right, meth. Don't do that.
too bad it says it was in Florida!
Pat, busted!
He's legal today :atm:
New York Times
March 5, 2012
Pg. B10
Van Barfoot, Medal Of Honor Recipient, Dies At 92
By Richard Goldstein
Van Barfoot, a Medal of Honor recipient in World War II whose fight to fly an American flag outside his home 65 years later drew national attention, died on Friday in suburban Richmond, Va. He was 92.
The cause was a skull fracture and bleeding in the brain resulting from a fall two days earlier in front of his home in a subdivision in Henrico County, said his daughter, Margaret Nicholls.
Serving in the 45th Infantry Division, Sergeant Barfoot took part in the breakout from Italy's Anzio beachhead.
On the morning of May 23, 1944, when his company was involved in a firefight with German troops outside the town of Carano, Sergeant Barfoot moved ahead of his squad and knocked out two machine-gun emplacements, leading enemy soldiers at a third one to abandon their position and surrender.
Later that day, he disabled a German tank with a grenade. Then he wiped out one of the enemy's big guns with a demolition charge and finally helped two seriously wounded men from his squad walk to safety about a mile away.
When it was all over, he had killed 7 German soldiers and captured 17 others.
He was promoted to lieutenant, and he received the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest award for valor, in September 1944 while he was fighting in France. The Medal of Honor citation noted his "herculean efforts" and "aggressive determination in the face of point-blank fire."
Van Thomas Barfoot was born on June 15, 1919, in Edinburg, Miss., one of nine children, and grew up on a farm. He joined the Army in 1940. He remained in the military after World War II, served briefly in the Korean War and was a senior officer in Army aviation in the Vietnam War. He retired in 1974 as a colonel.
In the summer of 2009, Colonel Barfoot moved from his farm in Amelia County, Va., to live near his daughter in Henrico County. He hung an American flag from a flagpole and saluted it every day.
But his neighborhood association, which allowed flags on angular staffs attached to homes, asked him to take the flagpole down, citing aesthetic considerations. When he refused, it threatened court action.
After the dispute became news, Virginia's two senators, Mark R. Warner and Jim Webb, along with the American Legion, voiced support for Colonel Barfoot, and a Facebook page titled "Let Col. Barfoot Fly the American Flag" was created.
When asked about the dispute during a briefing of reporters in December 2009, the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said that he had not spoken with President Obama about it, but that "the president believes, and I think all of us believe, that the very least we can do is show our gratitude and thanks to somebody that served our country so admirably."
Mr. Gibbs said it was "silly" to prevent Colonel Barfoot from flying his flag on a pole.
The neighborhood association surrendered. Colonel Barfoot continued to fly the flag until his final days.
In addition to his daughter, Colonel Barfoot is survived by three sons, Van Jr., Jim and Odell; a sister, Freddie Hall; 12 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. His wife, Norma, died in 1992.
"All my life, from childhood to now, I have been able to fly the flag," The Washington Post quoted Colonel Barfoot as telling supporters when he won his campaign to keep his flagpole. "In the time I have left, I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference."
As his daughter told it on Saturday: "Every day he got up at 6 a.m. and raised the flag, and every day at 5 p.m. he took it down."
lost a good one....
and he shared my Birthday :thumbs:
Looking for stolen iPad, Police find 750 pounds of Meth
As Apple's popularity has grown over the past 10 years, so too have the number of crimes and thefts involving coveted products like the iPod and the iPhone. Typically, thieves engage in "smash and grab" type crimes at Apple retail stores or isolated muggings. But sometimes thieves get inventive, such as when a team of crooks a few years ago drilled a hole into the roof of a Best Buy, rappelled down and made out with a number of iPads, Mission Impossible style.
And other times, well, let's just say that not every criminal is an evil mastermind.
In the latest saga involving a stolen Apple product, we have a little bit of a Breaking Bad inspired mayhem going on.
A few weeks ago, Police in Palo Alto were hot on the trail of a stolen iPad using the "Find my iPad" feature in iOS. Now there are certainly no shortage of stories involving authorities, and sometimes enterprising iOS owners, using the feature to track down their stolen/missing iPhone or iPad.
But this story is just a little bit different.
After tracking down the iPad to an apartment complex in San Jose, the Palo Alto Police entered the apartment and were stunned to find, in addition to the iPad, one of the largest methamphetamine stashes ever seized in the US.
Somewhat comically, the officers, upon finding the apartment in question, didn't have a search warrant - so instead, they knocked on the door and asked to come in.
Not wanting to arouse suspicion, the individual who answered the door invited the officers in.
Once inside, the officers notice a strange oder and, next thing you know, they discovered 750 pounds of meth being stored in and around the apartment.
District Attorney Jeff Rosen said roughly 100 pounds or a little more of meth are recovered annually in the county, making this seizure "easily at least six years worth," he said.
"I told my dad about the bust," said Rosen, "and he said, 'They have $35 million, and they can't go out and buy an iPad?"
Police immediately arrested three people... They then contacted the district attorney's Major Narcotic Vendor Prosecution Unit, which drew up a search warrant.
750 pounds of Meth! Man, it's like Walter White and Jesse Pinkman exist in real life and have been hiding out in Palo Alto all this time.
Putting the figure into perspective, 750 pounds of Meth reportedly represents approximately 16% of all the methamphetamine that law enforcement officials seized in all of 2011.
DEA spokesperson Casey Rettig added, "A seizure of this magnitude is extremely rare."
The three individuals arrested are all in their 20s, were arraigned yesterday, and are being held on $2 million bail each.
LOL!750 lbs...thats a shitload of meth!!
make for one helluva weekend!
good thing you don't like Ipads eh Peelz
Amazon boss Jeff Bezos 'finds Apollo 11 Moon engines'
excerpt: He said he planned to ask Nasa - which still owns the rockets - for permission to display one in the Museum of Flight in his home city of Seattle.
If they're in the ocean, why wouldn't they be salvage? How can NASA still down them?
Peelz? ??? ??? ??? ???
Police say a five-year-old Connecticut boy brought 50 packets of heroin to school for show and tell, and his stepfather has been arrested.
Bridgeport police tell the Connecticut Post that 35-year-old Santos Roman went to the Barnum School on Monday to retrieve the drugs and found police waiting for him.
He was detained on $100,000 bail on risk of injury to a minor and drug charges.
Police say the boy wore Roman's jacket to school Monday.
When it came time for his show-and-tell presentation, the kindergartner displayed bags of heroin. The teacher confiscated the drugs and told the principal, who called police.
The boy was put in state custody until other relatives could be located.
LOL heroin dealer on show and tell day....genius
peelz, you're gonna have to cool it. :lol:
Janitor Finds Meth Lab In Walmart Restroom
Walmart, America's temple of good taste and style, just got a lot better with the addition of meth labs to their restrooms. That's what a janitor found at the women's restroom in Walmart in Boaz, Alabama.
According to the police, it was a "one-pot 'shake and bake' type lab." The janitor found a plastic water bottle with meth residue and pseudoephedrine pills that, surprisingly, were not from Walmart. The police says that it takes from 15 to 30 minutes to cook meth using this method, but it results in a low quality product. Walter White would have not approved.
Boaz Police Chief Terry Davis said it blew his mind: "We've found a lot of shake and bake meth labs in different places but never inside a business."
cover is blown!!!! :mad:
20 WWII-Era Planes Are About to be Exhumed from a Secret Burmese Location
David Cundall, a British aviation enthusiast, has spent 15 years and about $200,000 trying to recover a group of 20 WWII-era Spitfire planes that were buried in 1945 in an undisclosed location in Burma, after being dubbed surplus back in 1945.
Cundall first learned of the buried planes from an offhand remark made by an American veteran. On a recent trip to Burma, a camera was sent down through a targeted borehole, confirming the location of the crated planes.
The Spitfires were built with 2,050-horsepower Rolls Royce Griffon engines, which allow them to reach speeds of up to 440mph. There are fewer than 40 Spitfires flying today.
Though international sanctions prevent military material from leaving the country, British Prime Minister David Cameron's recent visit has aviation enthusiasts hopeful that the exhumed planes will be safely returned to England after their 67-year entombment.
awesome. id love to see them.
same here.. kinda makes me nervous.. They were buried in their shipping containers.. covered with wax and tar over the hydraulic parts. If the boxes werent' damaged, hopefully they're fine. If there's any moisture inside though, I fear for the inside of the plane.
Still an awesome find!!
If they wrapped them right, they'll be fine. A WW2 tank was found in a swamp a few years ago and dragged out with an excavator. I thought they got it running on the spot but I guess not.
thought this was cool 8)
Quote from: Magz on April 25, 2012, 08:51:34 AM
thought this was cool 8)
gonna watch the vid @ lunch, looks VERY interesting.
Holy fucken shit.......... :confused:
not the way i would like to go........... :(
makes my nuts cringe.
not mine. they are empty sacks now anyways :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on April 27, 2012, 07:27:46 AM
:clap: :rofl:
If you're planning a trip to the dentist, it might not be the wisest decision to make your appointment with the person you just broke up with.
A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup.
"I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," Anna Mackowiak, 34, told the Austrian Times. "But when I saw him lying there I just thought, 'What a bastard' and decided to take all his teeth out."
Marek Olszewski, 45, reportedly showed up at Mackowiak's dental office complaining of toothache just days after he broke up with her. She then allegedly gave him a "heavy dose" of anesthetic, locked the door and began removing all of his teeth one at a time.
"I knew something was wrong because when I woke up I couldn't feel any teeth and my jaw was strapped up with bandages," Olszewski said.
"She told me my mouth was numb and I wouldn't be able to feel anything for a while and that the bandage was there to protect the gums, but that I would need to see a specialist," he said.
"I didn't have any reason to doubt her, I mean I thought she was a professional."
Adding to his trauma, Olszewski said his new girlfriend has already left him over his now toothless appearance.
"And I'm going to have to pay a fortune on getting indents or something," he said.
Mackowiak is currently being investigated for medical malpractice.
not a problem for people in Iowa or IDaho..............or peels......... :lol:
Here's your sign!
Quote from: Krandall on May 01, 2012, 07:28:07 AM
If you're planning a trip to the dentist, it might not be the wisest decision to make your appointment with the person you just broke up with.
A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup.
"I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," Anna Mackowiak, 34, told the Austrian Times. "But when I saw him lying there I just thought, 'What a bastard' and decided to take all his teeth out."
Marek Olszewski, 45, reportedly showed up at Mackowiak's dental office complaining of toothache just days after he broke up with her. She then allegedly gave him a "heavy dose" of anesthetic, locked the door and began removing all of his teeth one at a time.
"I knew something was wrong because when I woke up I couldn't feel any teeth and my jaw was strapped up with bandages," Olszewski said.
"She told me my mouth was numb and I wouldn't be able to feel anything for a while and that the bandage was there to protect the gums, but that I would need to see a specialist," he said.
"I didn't have any reason to doubt her, I mean I thought she was a professional."
Adding to his trauma, Olszewski said his new girlfriend has already left him over his now toothless appearance.
"And I'm going to have to pay a fortune on getting indents or something," he said.
Mackowiak is currently being investigated for medical malpractice.
:lol: TOTALLY.
Quote from: Krandall on May 11, 2012, 03:22:02 PM
first car I remember daydreaming about :)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on May 15, 2012, 10:54:53 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw:
I am heading to Miami... any one need me to pick them up anything... some LSD maybe?
you know it :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on June 04, 2012, 03:43:33 PM
Iowa dunes! :thumbs: finally, a reason to come here :rofl:
theyre trying to remove it... that's dumb. leave it, and charge admission :confused:
Ray Bradbury died :(
How To Not Piss Off The World With Your Email Signature
I once worked at an ad agency that forced employees to use an email signature. And not only did we have to have an email signature, but we had to rotate in new talking points about the company into the signature every week. "Did you know that Sturding Pooper Raper Lice was ranked a Top 50 Agency by AdWeek?" I quit that job after two months. Never in human history has a human being looked at an email signature and been like, "Whoa hey, I have to hire that person!"
And yet, email signatures have somehow managed to flourish. I recently got this email from reader Gene about email signatures:
I noticed this more prevalently in college, but I recently saw someone with a Ghandi quote in their email signature block. What is someone's intention with putting a motivational quote affixed to their emails? Am I supposed to think more of you? Am I to associate that quote you stole from someone else as part of your personal philosophy? What whores.
Damn straight. There are only two good excuses to have an email signature, and here they are:
1. Your company forced one upon you. Most companies do this, forcing you to attach a digital business card to any piece of digital communication you send out. Corporations do this because they are evil and shitty.
2. You want people to have easy access to your contact information. Do you have your phone number and address in your email signature? REFEREE MILLS LANE SAYS HE'LL ALLOW IT. If I ever need to call someone and I never bothered to take down the number (happens daily), then I can just call up any old email from the person and have ready access to it. Ditto the address. That's all well and good, I suppose.
But often, people are unable to resist taking their vital email signature info and then loading it up with heaps and heaps of useless dogshit. Here now are some things that should NEVER be included in your email signature:
Your email address. You just sent me an email. I have your goddamn address already. Don't be an idiot.
Your alma mater. Oh wow, you're Dickinson class of '05? Good for you. NOW CHOKE. This goes especially for you active college students. Don't bother trying to present yourself a serious human being just because you put the name of your school in full and your future graduation year at the end of an email about all the ass you tagged last night. That means you, Taylor Cumberstock, University of California at Santa Barbara Class of the Year of Our Lord 2013. Double cockpunches if you include your major.
Your LinkedIn address. You got hacked and you earned it.
Motivational quotes. This is not a yearbook. I'm just trying to schedule lunch with you. I don't need a quote from Sylvia Plath constantly interrupting us. No one has even been impressed by a quote embedded in an email signature. They are the bumper stickers of digital communication. Speaking of bumper stickers ...
Political rallying cries. Congrats. You just outed yourself a HuffPo troll. I'm never emailing you again.
Colorful fonts. ERMAHGERD! It's your name, but it's in RED! And in comic sans! Pretty spiffy!
A fucking jpeg. Companies that embed jpegs into their email sigs should be disbanded and have all their files dropped into a volcano. And if your company didn't force you to put a jpeg in there and you did it of your own accord, you can go straight to hell. No one wants a fucking attachment every time they get an email. Half the time, the things are corrupt and don't even show up. You are ruining the email experience with your stupid logo.
"Sent from my iPhone/iPad/Macbook Air/Steve Jobs' Gaping Dead Asshole." And, even worse, its sister signature ...
"Sent from [pithy modification to the Sent from My iPhone message]" Sent from your iBone? AHAHAHAHAHA THAT'S FUNNY EVERY TIME I HEAR IT. And don't think trying to apologize for your signature helps. "Sent from my iPad, but not in a snotty way (OK maybe a little)." You went into your preferences specifically to make that cutesy little change when you could have erased your signature forever and spared us all the trouble. YOU PENIS. Email signatures are worthless.
Peelz, Here's a woman for ya!!
Walmart Shoplifter Cooked Meth to Kill Time
Now, here's a news story that doesn't need bath salts to getcha going: A Walmart in South St. Louis County, Missouri, was evacuated today after a woman detained for shoplifting decided to kill time in the loss prevention room by cooking up a batch of meth.
Whoa there. Who walks around with the fixings for a mini meth lab inside their purse? (Obviously people who do meth!)
A local news site reports that police who searched the woman's purse found what appeared to be a working meth lab cooking inside a plastic bottle. Some people keep a book on hand, in case of any unforeseen downtime... others, it seems, make sure to grab their meth lab before jetting out the door.
"You have an RPG in your leg"
Editor's note: Watch Barbara Starr's report on Sanjay Gupta MD (Saturday at 430pET/Sunday at 730aET).
By Ashley Fantz, with reporting from Barbara Starr and Larry Shaughnessy
If it were a movie, the moment would play slowly.
The big, boyish eyes of 23-year-old Marine Cpl. Perez Winder would widen. His lips would part. The sound of chaos around him would be muted as he watched a rocket-propelled grenade zooming toward him.
Then, snapped back to real time, Winder would look down and think: "Oh, crap! I have an RPG in my leg!"
The whole thing, the entire, awful metal Nerf football-looking RPG was lodged inside his mangled leg. It was maybe a foot long. Its tail - fins, kind of - poked out.
In his shock, the Marine instinctively grabbed his radio to call for help, not realizing that it was totaled.
WATCH: How the RPG rescue unfolded
Winder didn't feel pain. He didn't feel anything. Adrenaline numbed him.
Another day in Musa Qala
It was mid-January in eastern Afghanistan. The Marine unit that Winder led had been deployed for four of their assigned seven months.
January 12 was like most days they'd seen in Musa Qala, the Fortress of Moses, in Helmand Province, a lawless and desolate stretch in southwestern Afghanistan where Pashtun tribes lived. It was hell there for American troops. Winder's men had taken fire several times. Musa was a Taliban stronghold.
Among many other dangerous jobs the Marines had, they were tasked with investigating when reports came in that an improvised explosive device had been found in the area. They got that kind of call on this day. So. They went to check it out, to verify that it was indeed the type of crude bomb that had killed thousands of Americans during the nearly 11-year war. Secure, verify, log, remove. That's what they did.
This call was no different. The IED they were called to check was legit.
When they finished their work, the Marines packed up and were headed back to the base.
It's unclear who fired the RPG that hit Winder. But it came from the south, a direction where the unit had caught fire before.
In the seconds after the Marines scrambled, they realized Winder was down. They ran to him and realized, in an awesomely frightening moment, they were looking down at an unexploded grenade.
Marines do what they have to do. It was no different in this case.
One of the troops leaned over Winder and joked, "I'm glad I have my protective glasses on."
A terrifying vote
The unit lifted and moved the wounded Marine quickly to a secure spot where they could avoid being hit by any more incoming fire. They tied a tourniquet and called for assistance.
A U.S. Army Medivac team that happened to be flying already was radioed.
Pilot Capt. Kevin Doo should head toward Winder's location.
He listened as he was told Winder's situation. The crew understood the stakes immediately.
Moving Winder into their helicopter meant moving the RPG. The device could explode at any minute. It could go off while they made the 65-mile flight to the nearest medical facility. All aboard could die. At the very least, medics working over Winder could take devastating shrapnel wounds if the RPG exploded.
"There was quite a bit of alarm among the crew at the time, as you can imagine," Doo said.
"Each of us on the aircraft had to agree to take this patient on," said Spc. Mark Edens, one of the medics aboard.
Each medic on the helicopter voted. It was unanimous. They were going to try to save the Marine's life.
'You have an RPG in your leg'
Winder would have likely bled out if the RPG had hit his femoral artery. The device was lodged only a few millimeters away.
When the medics touched down, troops lifted Winder and placed him in the helicopter.
Incredibly, he was still alert.
"Are we good?" Winder shouted.
The bird lifted off and flew to the nearest medical unit. Every minute felt like an hour.
They landed at a base, and Winder was gingerly removed.
By this time, he had started to feel. He asked Navy trauma nurse Lt. Cmdr. James Gennari for more painkillers.
Though the medicine was thick in his veins at this point, Winder was still clear-headed enough to notice that there didn't seem to be a rush of medics around his gurney.
"Where is everybody?" he asked.
"You have an RPG in your leg, and everybody's staying away from you," Gennari answered. He decided to tend to Winder alone thinking, "I am not going to ask somebody to do what I am not going to do."
Winder fully realized, "I'm not the one being protected. I am the one being protected from." He was quiet.
"I promise you," Gennari told Winder. "I will not leave you until that thing is out of your leg."
"Cool," Winder uttered, and then passed out.
An unusual recovery
With Winder knocked out, explosives expert Army Staff Sgt. Benjamin Summerfield came to help and began the crude but necessary work of getting that RPG out of his body.
Gennari grabbed the fins of the weapon protruding from Winder's flesh. The RPG budged a little.
An explosives expert stood next to Gennari and gingerly wrapped his fingers around the device. The RPG was stuck. The two then pulled the fins downward toward Winder's feet and yanked again.
Finally, the hulking metal came loose from Winder's flesh, and a specialist carried the device.
The medic stuffed the gaping hole in Winder's leg with sterile cotton and tightened his tourniquet.
He was carried into surgery.
Days later, Winder woke up in a military hospital in Germany.
He opened his eyes and saw nurses. He immediately reached down to check to see whether he still had his leg.
He felt for the leg that had been ravaged by the RPG. It was still there.
"Am I going to be able to keep it?" he asked.
Highly motivated
For months, doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he's been slowly recovering, have made sure that Winder has the best possible chance of not only keeping his leg but walking again.
In fact, Winder has recovered in a way that has shocked his doctors.
He's now walking with a cane. The braces he wore when doctors secured his shattered femur are now gone. Scars on his left leg are visible when he sits, and his black Nike shorts crop up a little.
"Imagine someone heating up a pole and putting it in your leg, and imagine that attached to that pole is a bomb," said Winder's trauma surgeon, Lt. Cmdr. Elliot Jessie. "We were concerned whether he would keep his leg or not. He had a big injury, a lot of soft tissue damage."
There's no simple explanation for why Winder has recovered so swiftly, he said.
It's lucky that the RPG missed his femoral artery, sure, said Jessie. But there's also something intangible about the way troops like Winder get better.
"He's a Marine, so he's highly motivated," said Jessie. "The first thing they want to know is when can I get back to my unit and when can I get back to being me. ... That makes taking care of them relatively easy."
Winder sat in a metal folding chair in a small room at Walter Reed, answering questions from a reporter. He looks like a typical 23-year-old. You have to look closely to see his scars.
He speaks clearly and calmly. He's polite and direct.
"I sure didn't want anyone losing their life over me," he said, recalling the trepidation the troops had to work on him.
He talks about why he enlisted at 18. No one in his family had been in the military, and it seemed like the right thing to do.
He grew up in the Bronx. He joked that being a Dominican-American requires that he love baseball.
'This is my job'
Some of his buddies from his unit are home now. They have visited him. Two weeks ago, he went with them to take in an Orioles versus Yankees game in Baltimore.
He's a Yankees fan, of course. "They lost but, hey, I got to see them," Winder jokes.
It was so nice to just with them again, be normal, not the guy who went through all this hell.
"We went out," he said. "We drank a little. Did man stuff. ... We didn't really talk about stuff we went through over there."
Winder wants to be able to get on a patch of grass soon and hit a few balls.
Of course, he does. He will. When he says this, it isn't sentimental. His voice has an edge, but he's not going to lose control of his emotions, especially not in front of a news crew taping his interview for CNN.
"What, am I going to sit around and cry about it?" he says.
He sees a lot of guys in rough shape at Walter Reed. It's hard to compare bad experiences in war, but he's seen guys who've had it pretty awful.
There were guys in his unit who didn't come home, Winder is asked.
"We had our downs," he replies.
It's a hard thing to explain to people who haven't been there.
"From the time I got hit, to the time I got knocked out, I'll be honest with you, I wasn't thinking about it. It would've been a big explosion. I wouldn't have felt a thing," he said, stressing each word so that he can be better understood.
"The thing I was thinking about is: 'Who is going to lead my Marines? Who is going to take over for me? Are they better off without me?' " he said. "That's everybody's biggest fear - having to leave your Marines behind.
"This is my job. My job included a lot of stuff that may happen. One of those things happened to me. But those guys, those guys, they were there for me."
Sean COnnery gets the last laugh!
suck it trebek!
Any news on the major Colorado fires? My prayers go out to the people affected by such a horrible thing.
Here is what I found so far
Is that the Waldon that Aaron and Nikki are always riding?
The fire is in COlorado Springs Matt, about 10 miles as the crow flies. Very smokey, but we are safe from the fire. We live in the southeast corner, the fires currently are in the north west corner.
Quote from: Colorado700R on June 27, 2012, 11:48:03 AM
The fire is in COlorado Springs Matt, about 10 miles as the crow flies. Very smokey, but we are safe from the fire. We live in the southeast corner, the fires currently are in the north west corner.
Glad to hear!
HAZEL PARK — A paraplegic man's leg was blown off as he sat in his wheelchair setting off explosives on the Fourth of July.
The man, 21, of Hazel Park was one of many people setting off fireworks and other explosives in the 500 block of East Hayes about 10 p.m.
"I believe he had been lighting fireworks on his lap then setting them down on the ground before they went off," said Hazel Park Police Chief Martin Barner. "He lit one device that then slipped between his legs and went off."
The force of the explosion severed the man's left leg just below the knee and blew it about 50 feet across the street where it hit a neighbor's house.
Barner said there were many beverage bottles at the scene but it is unclear whether alcohol was a factor in the accidental dismemberment.
"There was debris everywhere, including flesh and bone," he said.
Police and paramedics were called to the scene to find the man fading in and out of consciousness from loss of blood.
Across the street, officers found the man's left foot with several inches of leg bone still attached.
"That was recovered and sent along with the man to an area hospital," Barner said.
The man was in stable condition Thursday at an undisclosed hospital, but has permanently lost the lower part of his left leg, Barner added.
Police said they are still investigating details of the explosion and are unsure what kind of fireworks or explosives the Hazel Park man was using.
"We recovered just a piece of the firework and it looks as though it was a long tube, like a quarter stick of dynamite," Barner said. "It was probably not legal to begin with."
LOL just read that link in shout
Quote from: Krandall on July 10, 2012, 12:41:58 PM
interesting....thanks for the link. :thumbs:
not breaking news, interesting though
Quote from: Krandall on July 11, 2012, 11:35:50 AM
enjoyable, and somewhat freaky read. :thumbs:
nice to see there's still good in the world out there:
why do they think we need faster?
I think the 15 meg service is PLENTY fast for anyone
Quote from: Hefe on July 20, 2012, 08:48:07 AM
why do they think we need faster?
I think the 15 meg service is PLENTY fast for anyone
streaming teh p0rnz
you can only see it as fast as it plays...
Quote from: Hefe on July 20, 2012, 09:54:32 AM
you can only see it as fast as it plays...
multiple angle, of multiple vids :thumbs:
Peels must be into the first person mass bukakke experience
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 20, 2012, 06:07:34 PM
Peels must be into the first person mass bukakke experience
pshhhh like youre not..... :confused:
A judge set bond for Oneal Ron Morris on Friday on the manslaughter charge and a charge of practicing medicine without a license causing bodily harm, according HLN affiliate WPLG.
Police say Morris would inject a combination of Fix-a-Flat, cement, mineral oil and super glue into women's buttocks. Authorities arrested her in November for practice medicine without a license. She pleaded not guilty to that allegation in April.
Investigators say one of Morris' clients, 32-year-old Shatarka Nuby, died in March due to complications from cosmetic procedures. According to the arrest warrant, Nuby identified Morris from a photo line-up as the person who injected her at least 10 times between 2007 and 2011. Nuby said the majority of the sessions took place at her Broward County home.
In court, Morris' attorney said Nuby had breast implants and liposuction after Morris' injections and those may have caused her death, according to WPLG.
I remember reading about that back in Nov. effin nuts :rofl:
"The plants are to be burned in a landfill and buried Friday." be back later guys. :peels:
best story headline in a long time :lol:
It's one thing to stage a do-it-yourself renovation on a table, mirror or painting found deep in the weeds of a yard sale.
It's quite another to attempt a repair job on a one-of-a-kind 19 th century fresco by the Spanish painter Elias Garcia Martinez with a few broad brushstrokes.
Such was the lesson learned by an elderly member of the Santuario de Misericodia church in Borja, in northeastern Spain. Her handiwork, or lack thereof, was discovered after the painter's granddaughter donated the work, "Ecce Homo," to the archive of religious paintings housed at the Centro de Estudios Borjano, also in Borja.
When officials from the center went to examine the work at the church a few weeks ago, they found it was not as Martinez had left it, the U.K.'s Telegraph reported.
The last photo taken of the artwork before any damage was done, in 2010, showed Martinez's intricate brush strokes around the face of Jesus. A photo taken in July by center officials for a catalog of regional religious art showed the painting splattered by white marks, possibly the work of the woman trying to remove paint. The final photo, taken this month after Martinez's relative donated the work, showed broad and thick layers of paint now covering important details in the work, such as the crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
While not a good day for art historians, local officials said the restoration attempt by the woman, said to be in her 80s, was not malicious, just misguided.
Juan Maria Ojeda, the city councilor in charge of cultural affairs, told the Spanish newspaper El Pais that the woman turned herself in and admitted causing the damage when she realized it had "gotten out of hand." He added that the woman, who was not identified, attempted to restore the work with "with good intentions."
The U.K.'s Independent reported the church and center are now trying to assess the damage to the painting and determine whether a professional can restore Martinez's work. Ojeda added that the woman herself would meet with restorers to explain what kind of materials she used to help them undo the damage.
There was no figure given on the value of the work, said to hold more sentimental than artistic value because Martinez's family is known in the local community.
not breaking news by any means, but this is just an interesting read:
Carlton, Minn., Sept. 2, 2012 – Black Bear Casino Resort smashed the Guinness World Record for largest hamburger today with a bacon cheeseburger weighing more than a ton.
The behemoth burger was 10-feet in diameter and weighed 2,014 pounds, breaking the previous record of 881 lbs. 13 oz. in the biggest burger one-off event category. More than 60 pounds of bacon, 50 pounds of lettuce, 50 pounds of sliced onions, 40 pounds of pickles and 40 pounds of American cheese topped off the burger.
"I'm very proud of everyone involved in setting this record," Black Bear Casino Resort Executive Chef Gerald Bayerl said. "Countless hours and incredible ingenuity went in to accomplishing this enormous accomplishment. This is another example of how the Bear is unique, entertaining and always unexpected."
A giant outdoor oven equipped with four propane-fueled torches traditionally used for weed burning was specially engineered and constructed to cook the bun and burger. Steel skillets spanning 15 feet were also constructed, and a crane was used to hoist and flip the giant burger and bun during the cooking and assembly process.
The burger was served to spectators and guests free of charge at the Big Burger Bash event outside of the Otter Creek Event Center's east entrance at Black Bear Casino. The event included live entertainment from the Jimmy Buffet tribute band "Son of a Sailor."
"I was just totally impressed with the whole thing. It was amazing," Pat Hendrickson, event participant from Twig, Minn. said. "And the burger is great. The seasoning is great. Everything is good on it."
Philip Robertson, adjudicator from Guinness World Records, was flown in especially for this event to verify the world record.
"I get the privilege of seeing amazing things every week," Robertson said. "What I saw today was a feat of remarkable teamwork that resulted in a world record burger that actually tastes really good."
The burger took close to four hours to bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and the overall it took more than seven hours to cook the bun.
The bun was baked by Twig Bakery, Sysco donated the meat and condiments and the crane was provide by Steve Kolb Construction.
how many calories? :lol:
my boss told me to never ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.
In related news, two "Husky" minnesnowda farm wives devoured the burger in 3 minutes.....their husbands commited suicide shortly after :lol:
No lies... I love Chris Kluwe!!!!
(minnesota vikings punter, super nerd (plays WoW Diablo 3 and other nerdesque games), super outspoken, and in a band in his spare time)
"They Won't Magically Turn You Into A Lustful Cockmonster": Chris Kluwe Explains Gay Marriage To The Politician Who Is Offended By An NFL Player Supporting It
Chris Kluwe
Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo has spoken out in favor of a Maryland ballot initiative that would legalize gay marriage. Yahoo has published a letter that Maryland state delegate Emmett C. Burns Jr. wrote last week to Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti, urging him to "inhibit such expressions from your employee." This is Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe's response to Burns.
Dear Emmett C. Burns Jr.,
I find it inconceivable that you are an elected official of Maryland's state government. Your vitriolic hatred and bigotry make me ashamed and disgusted to think that you are in any way responsible for shaping policy at any level. The views you espouse neglect to consider several fundamental key points, which I will outline in great detail (you may want to hire an intern to help you with the longer words):
1. As I suspect you have not read the Constitution, I would like to remind you that the very first, the VERY FIRST Amendment in this founding document deals with the freedom of speech, particularly the abridgment of said freedom. By using your position as an elected official (when referring to your constituents so as to implicitly threaten the Ravens organization) to state that the Ravens should "inhibit such expressions from your employees," more specifically Brendon Ayanbadejo, not only are you clearly violating the First Amendment, you also come across as a narcissistic fromunda stain. What on earth would possess you to be so mind-boggingly stupid? It baffles me that a man such as yourself, a man who relies on that same First Amendment to pursue your own religious studies without fear of persecution from the state, could somehow justify stifling another person's right to speech. To call that hypocritical would be to do a disservice to the word. Mindfucking obscenely hypocritical starts to approach it a little bit.
2. "Many of your fans are opposed to such a view and feel it has no place in a sport that is strictly for pride, entertainment, and excitement." Holy phucking shitballs. Did you seriously just say that, as someone who's "deeply involved in government task forces on the legacy of slavery in Maryland"? Have you not heard of Kenny Washington? Jackie Robinson? As recently as 1962 the NFL still had segregation, which was only done away with by brave athletes and coaches daring to speak their mind and do the right thing, and you're going to say that political views have "no place in a sport"? I can't even begin to fathom the cognitive dissonance that must be coursing through your rapidly addled mind right now; the mental gymnastics your brain has to tortuously contort itself through to make such a preposterous statement are surely worthy of an Olympic gold medal (the Russian judge gives you a 10 for "beautiful oppressionism").
3. This is more a personal quibble of mine, but why do you hate freedom? Why do you hate the fact that other people want a chance to live their lives and be happy, even though they may believe in something different than you, or act different than you? How does gay marriage, in any way shape or form, affect your life? If gay marriage becomes legal, are you worried that all of a sudden you'll start thinking about penis? "Oh shit. Gay marriage just passed. Gotta get me some of that hot dong action!" Will all of your friends suddenly turn gay and refuse to come to your Sunday Ticket grill-outs? (Unlikely, since gay people enjoy watching football too.)
I can assure you that gay people getting married will have zero effect on your life. They won't come into your house and steal your children. They won't magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster. They won't even overthrow the government in an orgy of hedonistic debauchery because all of a sudden they have the same legal rights as the other 90 percent of our population—rights like Social Security benefits, child care tax credits, Family and Medical Leave to take care of loved ones, and COBRA healthcare for spouses and children. You know what having these rights will make gays? Full-fledged American citizens just like everyone else, with the freedom to pursue happiness and all that entails. Do the civil-rights struggles of the past 200 years mean absolutely nothing to you?
In closing, I would like to say that I hope this letter, in some small way, causes you to reflect upon the magnitude of the colossal foot in mouth clusterfuck you so brazenly unleashed on a man whose only crime was speaking out for something he believed in. Best of luck in the next election; I'm fairly certain you might need it.
Chris Kluwe
P.S. I've also been vocal as hell about the issue of gay marriage so you can take your "I know of no other NFL player who has done what Mr. Ayanbadejo is doing" and shove it in your close-minded, totally lacking in empathy piehole and choke on it. Asshole.
Krandall, you had me at "lustful c@ckmonster" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I like this guy. YAY for the kicking team! :rofl:
enjoyable read.... 90% honest concerns, with 10% hysterical lol insults... :thumbs:
especially enjoyed the closing....
Peelz, When I have time, I'll dig up some of his other posts he's done. He's VERY well spoken. And he doesn't shy away. So awesome!
gracias to the usual.... wind energy isnt doing anything for society.... :confused: I know 407 people who might argue this..5 of them I know personally.
yeah, it isnt a huge cash cow...but it wont run out either so whatever. ... Shove the coal up your arses. you're costing jobs whatever you choose. Coal is no more american than wind energy. Just because the business is older, doesnt make it more american.... :rolleyes:
Phucker, Lang.... told you this would happen. :rofl:
note: Im ok with nuclear so shut up :rofl:
"note: Im ok with nuclear so shut up"
Have you looked at the state of a large percentage of American Nuclear Powerstations?
Many of them are in worse condition than the one that was destroyed in the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami.
The power companies have been milking the cash-cow of nuclear power, without putting the money back for maintenance for waaay too long, & if California has a quake in the wrong part of town (say San Clemente) the results will be at least as catastrophic as the Japanese quake.
I am very pleased that NZ has a "no nukes" policy. I would hate to think of what the ramifications would have been with the Earthquakes that have happened in the Christchurch area, if there had been a Nuke power plant there!
Queue Lang.
Quote from: dragonz on September 20, 2012, 04:50:53 AM
"note: Im ok with nuclear so shut up"
Have you looked at the state of a large percentage of American Nuclear Powerstations?
Many of them are in worse condition than the one that was destroyed in the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami.
The power companies have been milking the cash-cow of nuclear power, without putting the money back for maintenance for waaay too long, & if California has a quake in the wrong part of town (say San Clemente) the results will be at least as catastrophic as the Japanese quake.
I am very pleased that NZ has a "no nukes" policy. I would hate to think of what the ramifications would have been with the Earthquakes that have happened in the Christchurch area, if there had been a Nuke power plant there!
sorry...should have said I'm "OK" I have problems with it here and there...
Security holes enable attackers to switch off pacemakers, rewrite firmware from 30 feet away.
:rofl: funny, but not funny.,hacked-terminals-capable-of-causing-pacemaker-mass-murder.aspx
stand in retirement home with laptop and laugh maniacally :rofl:
google. F*CK YEA!
In our ongoing effort to create the perfect map—one that's as comprehensive, accurate and easy to use as possible—we've gone well beyond just the streets. Through the Street View feature on Google Maps, you've been able to explore panoramic views of amazing places around the world ranging from the Swiss Alps to the Amazon to Antarctica, and a variety of urban cities, university campuses, ancient ruins and ski resorts as well.
Today, demonstrating the rocky and rugged paths we'll travel to make Google Maps even more complete, we're collecting imagery from a place no car, trike or snowmobile has ever been before. On its first official outing, the Street View team is using the Trekker—a wearable backpack with a camera system on top—to traverse the Grand Canyon and capture 360-degree images of one of the most breathtaking natural landscapes on the planet.
Operations Manager Steve Silverman (left) and Product Manager Ryan Falor (right) hiking the Bright Angel Trail on the South Rim with Trekkers
The narrow ridges and steep, exposed trails of the Grand Canyon provide the perfect terrain for our newest camera system. The Trekker—which its operator controls via an Android phone and automatically gathers photos as he walks—enables the collection of high-quality imagery from places that are only accessible on foot.
Falor controlling the the Trekker with his Android device
This week, photos are being gathered from portions of the South Rim at Grand Canyon National Park, including the ridge, the famous Bright Angel Trail, South Kaibab Trail and more. These panoramic views will soon be live on Google Maps, giving everyone from real-life visitors to armchair travelers the opportunity to marvel at this beautiful, majestic site from the comfort of their computers or mobile devices.
The team hiking the Bright Angel Trail
So get ready for the virtual adventure that awaits! And in the meantime, we'll keep on trekken' and working hard to bring you panoramic imagery of more visually stunning places we have yet to explore and share on Google Maps.
Posted by Ryan Falor, Product Manager, Google Street View
Un. Fukking. Believable!
Epic :facepalm:
(CNN) -- Earthquake experts worldwide expressed shock at the manslaughter convictions of six Italian scientists who failed to predict the deadly L'Aquila quake, warning that the decision could severely harm future research.
Two scientists resigned their posts with the government's disaster preparedness agency Tuesday after a court in L'Aquila sentenced six scientists and a government official to six years in prison. The court ruled Monday that the scientists failed to accurately communicate the risk of the 2009 quake, which killed more than 300 people.
Luciano Maiani, the physicist who led the National Commission for the Prediction and Prevention of Major Risks, resigned in protest of the verdict Tuesday afternoon, Italy's Civil Protection Agency announced.
"The situation created by the sentencing yesterday on the facts from L'Aquila is incompatible with a clear and effective performance of the functions of the commission and its role as a consulting bodies for the state," Maiani said in a statement released by the agency.
In addition, Mauro Dolce quit as director of the office that monitors volcano and earthquake threats, the agency said. Dolce will be given another post, it said.
Seismologists were aghast at the court's decision, noting that earthquakes remain impossible to forecast with any kind of accuracy.
"To predict a large quake on the basis of a relatively commonplace sequence of small earthquakes and to advise the local population to flee" would constitute "both bad science and bad public policy," said David Oglesby, an associate professor in the Earth sciences faculty of the University of California, Riverside.
"If scientists can be held personally and legally responsible for situations where predictions don't pan out, then it will be very hard to find scientists to stick their necks out in the future," Oglesby said in a statement.
Prosecutors argued that the scientists gave "inaccurate, incomplete and contradictory information about the dangers" facing L'Aquila at a meeting a week before the magnitude-6.3 quake. The experts determined that it was "unlikely" but not impossible that a major quake would take place, despite concern among the city's residents over recent seismic activity.
The court agreed, finding the six scientists from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology and a member of the Civil Protection Agency guilty and ordering Italian authorities to pay 7.8 million euros ($10 million) in damages.
"It's chilling that people can be jailed for giving a scientific opinion in the line of their work," Roger Musson, the head of seismic hazard and archives at the British Geological Survey, wrote in a comment published on the organization's Twitter feed.
Comments from one of the defendants -- Enzo Boschi, former president of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology -- suggested that the scientists were shell-shocked by their conviction.
"I'm dejected, despairing. I still don't understand what I'm accused of," Boschi said after the ruling, according to ANSA, Italy's official news agency.
Boschi and the six others convicted Monday will remain free during the appeal process.
The Italian geophysics institute expressed "regret and concern" about the verdict in a statement Monday. It said the ruling "threatens to undermine one of the cornerstones of scientific research: that of freedom of investigation, of open and transparent discussion and sharing of results."
Some experts have argued that the issue was a failure of communications, not calculations. Domenico Giardini, who held Boschi's old job at the institute for several months, said last year that the trial was about "the number of weak points in the communication chain."
"We all have to work on new, and more clear, protocols, on the transfer of information," said Giardini, who now conducts research in Switzerland.
Survivors of the 2009 quake, some of whom who lost relatives or property in the disaster, have voiced anger at the officials who downplayed the risks despite the worries expressed by residents.
"I can understand the grief of people who lost loved ones and the frustration that people feel when terrible events happen, especially ones outside their control," Oglesby said. "Convicting honest scientists of manslaughter does nothing to help this situation and may well put a chill on exactly the kind of science that could save lives in the future."
The ruling may well change the way experts disclose their opinions, according to David Spiegelhalter, a professor specializing in the public understanding of risk at Cambridge University in Britain.
"L'Aquila trial shows public scientists need to take media communication very seriously," he wrote on his Twitter account. "And get indemnity."
humanity is fukked.
its ALWAYS someone elses fault :mad:
like blaming doctors for problems AFTER they save your miserable life :mad:
No, now humanity is fucked!
Quote from: preddy08 on October 25, 2012, 05:58:32 PM
No, now humanity is fucked!
<hefe takes notes>
chloroform, CHECK!
rape ropes, CHECK!
send out 50 emails about said rape/abduction, CHECK!
backround check through the police, CHECK!
BBQ spit on low and slow, CHECK!
I don't see where this guy went wrong.
HEFE, Take notes :rofl:
Let's all go to Aaron's house and get high.
Quote from: Mad Dog on November 07, 2012, 04:13:31 AM
Let's all go to Aaron's house and get high.
I am in. :lol:
for peelz:
Quote from: Krandall on November 19, 2012, 10:31:10 AM
for peelz:
ramping up production for the expected demand
How to maximize the Thanksgiving meal.
Inside Amazon.
Pretty cool
very cool
Interesting.. Especially since I just took the CCW Course... Minnesota is a Castle something state.. Where we can defend our homes by any means.
Quote from: Krandall on November 27, 2012, 08:36:06 AM
Interesting.. Especially since I just took the CCW Course... Minnesota is a Castle something state.. Where we can defend our homes by any means.
I defend mine with mortar fire :thumbs:
castle doctrine
Colorado is a "Make my Day" state...You break into or onto someones propert, open fire! Merika, fuk yeah!
that's the way it should be
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:03:03 AM
Colorado is a "Make my Day" state...You break into or onto someones propert, open fire! Merika, fuk yeah!
and legal pot...
that is pure genius.. buncha stoners with loaded pistols..... :rofl:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on November 27, 2012, 09:15:40 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:03:03 AM
Colorado is a "Make my Day" state...You break into or onto someones propert, open fire! Merika, fuk yeah!
and legal pot...
that is pure genius.. buncha stoners with loaded pistols..... :rofl:
cheeto baited trip wires FTMFW
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:16:38 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on November 27, 2012, 09:15:40 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:03:03 AM
Colorado is a "Make my Day" state...You break into or onto someones propert, open fire! Merika, fuk yeah!
and legal pot...
that is pure genius.. buncha stoners with loaded pistols..... :rofl:
cheeto baited trip wires FTMFW
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:16:38 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on November 27, 2012, 09:15:40 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on November 27, 2012, 09:03:03 AM
Colorado is a "Make my Day" state...You break into or onto someones propert, open fire! Merika, fuk yeah!
and legal pot...
that is pure genius.. buncha stoners with loaded pistols..... :rofl:
cheeto baited trip wires FTMFW
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
just leave a trail of cheetos to a pit.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on November 27, 2012, 10:29:03 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
thats genius!
Woman Caught Smuggling Cocaine Inside Her Breasts
A woman has been arrested by airport police carrying almost three pounds of cocaine in her breasts. Not in her bra, no—inside her breasts. You can see the cocaine implants in this image. They are 1.5 pounds each.
The woman was traveling from Bogotá, Colombia, to El Prat airport, in Barcelona, Spain. The police thought she was suspicious when she failed to convincingly answer questions at the border control. A female agent took her to a room for a strip search. At that point, she noticed some bloody bandages under her breasts.
When asked about them, the woman said she just had plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts. Not convinced, the agent removed the bandages and saw that there were no stitches, just two open wounds on each breast. The bags you see here were clearly visible from the outside, through the open skin and flesh.
She was then immediately transferred to a nearby hospital, where the two plastic bags were removed, containing 3 pounds (1.337 kilograms) of pure cocaine.
best comment:
"I want to get rich enough to buy my wife cocaine filled boobies."
I was waiting for that shipment....
Really have to go to the link to see :lol: Awesome
It's a famous question among academic philosophers and drunken college students alike: how can we be sure we're not living in a gigantic computer simulation? Fortunately, researchers from the University of Bonn in Germany think they've cracked it.
Their reasoning is pretty straightforward, according to Technology Review: if the cosmos is just a numerical simulation, calculated on some insanely powerful supercomputer tucked away in another world, there should be clues around us that can reveal the truth. Glitches in the system, if you like, that give the game away.
Moving from that reasoning to the science required to find those clues isn't quite so easy. To kick things off, the team of researchers from Bonn have speculated that the problem with all simulations is that they're discretized: to model a physical phenomenon, the real world has to be represented by separate points in time and 3D space. Sure you can make the distance between those points reeeeeeally small—but you still have to have this kind of grid.
So the researchers started looking at some physics they understood—in this instance high energy processes that become smaller as they get more energetic. Interestingly, they found that the idea of a world-as-computer-simulation would impose limits on the absolute amount of energy any particle can have, a result rooted in the fact that nothing could ever exist in a simulation which is smaller than the 3D grid it's represented on.
Weirdly enough, turns out such a limit actually does exist here in our world, and dictates the amount of energy cosmic ray particles can have. But the idea of the lattices add a further complication, because it would theoretically mean that we wouldn't see cosmic rays traveling equally in all directions across the imposed 3D grid.
To finish off by blowing your mind: that's a measurement that current technology could be used to make. Of course, if the findings were negative it wouldn't rule out the fact that our world was a silicon simulation, because it might just be more complex than we could ever imagine—but if results came out positive it could mean we're all made of code.
sweet were all made of code.
I am basic. :lol:
pretty cool
Quote from: Krandall on January 10, 2013, 12:48:15 PM
pretty cool
It Takes Planning, CautionTo Avoid Being 'It'
Earlier this month, Brian Dennehy started a new job as chief marketing officer of Nordstrom Inc. In his first week, he pulled aside a colleague to ask a question: How hard it is for a nonemployee to enter the building?
Mr. Dennehy doesn't have a particular interest in corporate security. He just doesn't want to be "It."
Mr. Dennehy and nine of his friends have spent the past 23 years locked in a game of "Tag."
It started in high school when they spent their morning break darting around the campus of Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, Wash. Then they moved on—to college, careers, families and new cities. But because of a reunion, a contract and someone's unusual idea to stay in touch, tag keeps pulling them closer. Much closer.
The game they play is fundamentally the same as the schoolyard version: One player is "It" until he tags someone else. But men in their 40s can't easily chase each other around the playground, at least not without making people nervous, so this tag has a twist. There are no geographic restrictions and the game is live for the entire month of February. The last guy tagged stays "It" for the year.
That means players get tagged at work and in bed. They form alliances and fly around the country. Wives are enlisted as spies and assistants are ordered to bar players from the office.
"You're like a deer or elk in hunting season," says Joe Tombari, a high-school teacher in Spokane, who sometimes locks the door of his classroom during off-periods and checks under his car before he gets near it.
One February day in the mid-1990s, Mr. Tombari and his wife, then living in California, got a knock on the door from a friend. "Hey, Joe, you've got to check this out. You wouldn't believe what I just bought," he said, as he led the two out to his car.
What they didn't know was Sean Raftis, who was "It," had flown in from Seattle and was folded in the trunk of the Honda Accord. When the trunk was opened he leapt out and tagged Mr. Tombari, whose wife was so startled she fell backward off the curb and tore a ligament in her knee.
"I still feel bad about it," says Father Raftis, who is now a priest in Montana. "But I got Joe."
It could have been worse for Mr. Tombari. He was "It" in 1982, heading into the last day of high school. He plotted to tag a friend, who had gone home early that day. But when he got there, the friend, tipped off by another player, was sitting in his parents' car with the doors locked. There wasn't enough time to tag someone else.
"The whole thing was quite devastating," says Mr. Tombari. "I was 'It' for life."
About eight years later, some of the group were gathered for a weekend when the topic turned to Mr. Tombari and the feeble finish to his tag career. Someone came up with an idea to revive the game for one month out of the year.
Patrick Schultheis, then a first-year lawyer, drafted a "Tag Participation Agreement," which outlined the spirit of the game and the rules (no "tag-backs," or tagging the player who just tagged you). Everyone signed. The game was on.
One year early on when Mike Konesky was "It," he got confirmation, after midnight, that people were home at the house where two other players lived. He pulled up to their place at around 2 a.m., sneaked into the garage and groped around in the dark for the house door. "It was open," he says. "I'm like, 'Oh, man, I could get arrested.' "
Mr. Konesky tiptoed toward Mr. Dennehy's bedroom, burst through the door and flipped on the light. A bleary-eyed Mr. Dennehy looked up as his now-wife yelled "Run, Brian!" Mr. Konesky recalls. "There was nowhere for Brian to run."
Over the years, some of the players fanned out around the country—which curbed the action but raised the stakes. At one point, Chris Ammann was living in Boston. So Mr. Konesky dipped into his frequent-flier miles and crossed the country on the last weekend of the month. He spent the next two days in the bushes outside Mr. Ammann's apartment, sitting in his friend's favorite bar or driving up and down his street. Mr. Ammann never showed. Mr. Konesky was "It" for the year.
"I felt bad," says Mr. Ammann, who went out of town for the weekend. "I think I would have sacrificed getting tagged to spend some time with him."
The participants say tag has helped preserve friendships that otherwise may have fizzled. Usually, though, the prospect of 11 months of ridicule overrides brotherhood.
Mr. Schultheis once refused to help a colleague change his tire, fearing the guy had been recruited to help get him tagged. He sometimes goes to Hawaii in February, partly to lessen the chances of getting tagged.
Every February, Mr. Schultheis's office manager provides security detail as well as administrative functions.
Mr. Tombari once tried to talk his way past her. "She knew it was tag time," he says. "I wasn't allowed in. Nobody got in to see him."
Mr. Konesky, a tech-company manager, is now "It" again and has had 11 months to stew. With February approaching, he has been batting around a few plans of attack. He says he likes to go after people who haven't been "It" for a while. That includes Father Raftis, who has been harder to reach since he moved to Montana but who, as several players pointed out, is a sitting duck on Sundays.
"Once I step foot outside the rectory, all bets are off," the priest says. "I have to be a little more careful."
Oh man that sounds awesome! :thumbs:
A hooked marlin sinks a fishing boat? Well, something like that
A fisherman off Panama was battling a huge black marlin when the battle took a turn for the worse. The fish sank the boat.
Or as Marlin Magazine put it on its Facebook post, "Marlin Wins!"
Not all the details are in, but apparently the captain began backing down on the huge fish, a common practice in big-game fishing when a fish is taking line. He puts the boat in reverse to chase the fish.
One commenter on Marlin Magazine's Facebook post who apparently had some knowledge of the incident said that the captain fell as he was backing down on the fish at full throttle. The boat took on too much water and, finally, there was no correcting the situation.
Marlin Magazine reported that the boat went to the bottom of the sea and everybody on board was rescued by the photo boat. And, of course, the fish got away.
isn't that a b!tch.... :rofl:
LET rookie gets bitten by a Black Widow mid-round, plays through it to shoot 74
For golfers, the only Black Widows we ever encounter is the occasionally soft spike lost on the driving range, but that wasn't the case with LET rookie Daniela Holmqvist.
The Swede was playing in a pre-qualifier for the Women's Australian Open in Yarralumla, Australia when she felt a sharp pain in her leg on the fourth hole. When she looked down, she saw a spider crawling off and immediately the pain became severe.
As someone who has looped over on the Australian links I can promise you that the one thing the place has is some nasty spiders, and the caddies immediately identified it as a Black Widow.
What happened next might make Holmqvist the toughest golfer in the world.
Via Svensk Golf ...
Her caddies told her that the venom from a Black Widow can sometimes kill a child in half an hour, so Holmqvist knew she had to act fast. With her leg swelling, Holmqvist reached into her pocket and pulled out a tee. She quickly cut open her skin and squeezed the venom out.
"A clear fluid came out," Holmqvist said. "It wasn't the prettiest thing I've ever done, but I had to get as much of it out of me as possible."
After she operated on herself with a golf tee, Holmqvist finished out her round, shooting a round of 74 that left her four shots out of qualifying, but still, she did this after getting bit by a Black Widow during her round!
Now I wouldn't consider myself Rambo or anything, but if there is one thing in this world I'm not messing with it's a spider (unless it's this Spyder which I have used a few times on the course). The fact that she was able to fight through this and post an incredible round of golf considering what she went through might make her our favorite rookie of the 2013 season.
Get Pregnant Today, Get a Free Ikea Crib in 9 Months
Cheap people of Australia: run! Don't walk! To the nearest location where you can get pregnant. Ikea is doling out free cribs to babies born nine months from today.
The baby must come into the world on November 14, 2013. If that's your due date or if you get knocked up today or sometime in the next month, hold onto this coupon! Or convince your doctor to induce you on the 14th of November. Or eat a lot of spicy food that day. Whatever it takes. Unfortunately for Americans who are planning on a baby, this deal is only good in Australia. And unfortunately for any parent, Ikea cribs are only as secure as your assembling skills allow, which is to say they could be pretty hazardous. But hey, free crib!
Quote from: Krandall on February 14, 2013, 09:13:42 AM
Get Pregnant Today, Get a Free Ikea Crib in 9 Months
Cheap people of Australia: run! Don't walk! To the nearest location where you can get pregnant. Ikea is doling out free cribs to babies born nine months from today.
The baby must come into the world on November 14, 2013. If that's your due date or if you get knocked up today or sometime in the next month, hold onto this coupon! Or convince your doctor to induce you on the 14th of November. Or eat a lot of spicy food that day. Whatever it takes. Unfortunately for Americans who are planning on a baby, this deal is only good in Australia. And unfortunately for any parent, Ikea cribs are only as secure as your assembling skills allow, which is to say they could be pretty hazardous. But hey, free crib!
genius :rofl:
too bad mah junk is defective :rofl:
peels.. :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on February 15, 2013, 03:33:39 PM
peels.. :rofl:
Lmao! It was a joint venture with kamakazi and myself.
Burger King twitter hacked. :rofl:
Thank you Aaron :rofl:
3 arrested in massive maple syrup heist
Fire up the griddle! Much of a huge cache of maple syrup snatched from a Quebec storage facility has been recovered, police say.
Three people have been arrested and five others are being sought in connection with the theft from a warehouse in Saint-Louis-de-Blandford, Quebec Provincial Police said in a statement Tuesday. The theft occurred between August 2011 and July 2012, police said.
Two-thirds of the syrup was recovered, according to a police statement. The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers, which bills itself as keeper of the global strategic maple syrup reserve, said in August that up to 10 million pounds of the sweet stuff was in the warehouse from which the theft occurred but could not say exactly how much was missing. The total value of all the syrup in the warehouse was put at $30 million.
The theft was discovered during a routine inventory check of the warehouse, which "had been secured by a fence and locks, and visited regularly," federation president Serge Beaulieu said in a statement in August.
The barrels that originally contained the syrup were empty, meaning it was somehow transferred to other containers to complete the theft, the federation said.
Police said Tuesday that they had seized vehicles that were used to transport the stolen sticky stuff as well as carts, lifts, scales and kettles.
They said their investigation of the thefts covered the provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario as well as the northern United States. Almost 300 people were interviewed as part of the investigation, police said.
As much as 80% of the world's maple syrup comes from Quebec, the federation says.
go to the link and check out the comments. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :clap:
as much as we made fun of the black dudes that ripped off all them chicken being stereotypical...
you really cant much whiter than gankin a shitload of maple syrup :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mexicali Police Deflate Smugglers' Compressed-Air "Marijuana Cannon"
Border fences are really tall so it's not like you can just throw your packages of marijuana over them. No, you'd need something like a weed-apult or, better yet, a weed cannon to heave them over the wall.
Police in Mexicali, a border town between Mexico and California, have reportedly confiscated a powerful compressed air cannon used by Mexican cartels to launch packages of weed over the border. The truck-mounted device is made of PVC piping attached to an air compressor and driven by an automobile engine. It could launch up to 13 kilograms of drugs over the fence at a time. And apparently was quite productive. The police were only tipped off to the device's existence after recently seizeing a large quantity of bagged drugs that looked like they'd been shot out of a cannon.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
look out punkin chunkers!!!!
we launchin buds!
Piracy Policy Hijacks Your ISP
I was just reading about this last Wednesday. I'm excited to get a letter in the mail. :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on March 04, 2013, 03:16:08 PM
I was just reading about this last Wednesday. I'm excited to get a letter in the mail. :lol:
do ye be a pirate?
An Idiot Counterfeiter Returned His Printer with a Sheet of Fake Hundreds Inside
It's one of the oldest tricks in the book; if you can't earn money, why not make it? With your printer. Now that doesn't actually work. Making counterfeit cash is really hard. But that won't keep idiots from trying it, apparently. A Wisconsin man took it a step further though, by trying to return his copier/printer with failed copies still inside.
Jarad S. Carr was arrested last week after an altercation at a Walmart returns desk when he tried to return his printer—presumably because it was not good at printing money—without a receipt. Had he left it there, things might have been OK, but he pushed the matter, and on inspection, employees found a sheet of poor imitation hundreds packed in with the device.
The police were called and eventually Carr was arrested, but not without putting up a fight. And when the cops put him down, they found an addition $300 in homemade money on him. His buddy, who was dumb enough to come along for the ride, is still out there somewhere, probably trying to print a drivers license on an inkjet. But to the pair's credit, at least neither whipped out a fresh, crisp million.
Quote from: Krandall on March 11, 2013, 07:48:23 AM
An Idiot Counterfeiter Returned His Printer with a Sheet of Fake Hundreds Inside
It's one of the oldest tricks in the book; if you can't earn money, why not make it? With your printer. Now that doesn't actually work. Making counterfeit cash is really hard. But that won't keep idiots from trying it, apparently. A Wisconsin man took it a step further though, by trying to return his copier/printer with failed copies still inside.
Jarad S. Carr was arrested last week after an altercation at a Walmart returns desk when he tried to return his printer—presumably because it was not good at printing money—without a receipt. Had he left it there, things might have been OK, but he pushed the matter, and on inspection, employees found a sheet of poor imitation hundreds packed in with the device.
The police were called and eventually Carr was arrested, but not without putting up a fight. And when the cops put him down, they found an addition $300 in homemade money on him. His buddy, who was dumb enough to come along for the ride, is still out there somewhere, probably trying to print a drivers license on an inkjet. But to the pair's credit, at least neither whipped out a fresh, crisp million.
printin money.....
I did that once... to mess with the VP of our company. he was out checkin out my digital printer, I setup a sheet of 8 100 dollar bills, with VOID on the back.... but he was there when they came out... freaked..... :lol:
I was like "I do that all the time, whats the prob?" :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you guys have probably heard the story about the cupcakes with toy soldiers on them.. it's been all over the news.. local and national.
well... that's mah brother!
it made local news, then went crazy the next day
he was on CNN, Fox news, all the major front pages, Yahoo, MSN, ...all that shit
yeah Im gonna go ahead and say this is ridiculous. :confused:
did this happen like the same day of the sandy hook thing?
no.. his birthday was Feb 28th
Quote from: Hefe on March 11, 2013, 01:30:09 PM
no.. his birthday was Feb 28th
ok cool.
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 01:56:16 PM
Just makes you realize being in the military that you can go at anytime, at home or on deployment.
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 01:56:16 PM
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 02:34:34 PM
Just makes you realize being in the military that you can go at anytime, at home or on deployment.
That's sad stuff. I feel like in the military no matter your position or job. That's something that's always in the back of your head (I have no experience to say yes or no...). But just my opinion. I'd think that'd be the case even more so with pilots or anyone operating any type of vehicle.
In all reality, it doesn't really even matter the job. That's just a life statement. No one knows when our time is up in life. Live life to the fullest and treat every day like it's your last. :)
Quote from: Krandall on March 11, 2013, 02:44:56 PM
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 01:56:16 PM
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 02:34:34 PM
Just makes you realize being in the military that you can go at anytime, at home or on deployment.
That's sad stuff. I feel like in the military no matter your position or job. That's something that's always in the back of your head (I have no experience to say yes or no...). But just my opinion. I'd think that'd be the case even more so with pilots or anyone operating any type of vehicle.
In all reality, it doesn't really even matter the job. That's just a life statement. No one knows when our time is up in life. Live life to the fullest and treat every day like it's your last. :)
An unfortunate reality for me is I've lost a lot of friends in military service. More to training accidents than combat truthfully, but hardly makes it any easier for their families or friends.
Quote from: Colorado700R on March 12, 2013, 07:20:44 AM
Quote from: Krandall on March 11, 2013, 02:44:56 PM
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 01:56:16 PM
Quote from: rookie on March 11, 2013, 02:34:34 PM
Just makes you realize being in the military that you can go at anytime, at home or on deployment.
That's sad stuff. I feel like in the military no matter your position or job. That's something that's always in the back of your head (I have no experience to say yes or no...). But just my opinion. I'd think that'd be the case even more so with pilots or anyone operating any type of vehicle.
In all reality, it doesn't really even matter the job. That's just a life statement. No one knows when our time is up in life. Live life to the fullest and treat every day like it's your last. :)
An unfortunate reality for me is I've lost a lot of friends in military service. More to training accidents than combat truthfully, but hardly makes it any easier for their families or friends.
:( Sorry, Aaron.
now...for some real srsbsns....
A Washington state mother is in big trouble with the law after a video of her toddler appearing to take a hit off a bong for marijuana went viral.
The mother can be seen on the video walking up to a 22-month-old boy with the bong. The child then appears to take a hit.
HAHAHAHA merika fuk yeah!!!!
just set the "legalize" movement back half a decade at least :lol:
it is in the vid in the link.... really disturbing...
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 12, 2013, 09:00:55 AM
now...for some real srsbsns....
A Washington state mother is in big trouble with the law after a video of her toddler appearing to take a hit off a bong for marijuana went viral.
The mother can be seen on the video walking up to a 22-month-old boy with the bong. The child then appears to take a hit.
HAHAHAHA merika fuk yeah!!!!
just set the "legalize" movement back half a decade at least :lol:
it is in the vid in the link.... really disturbing...
Shit, thats how we put Ducttape to sleep for 18 years...judgemental pherkers!
Quote from: Colorado700R on March 12, 2013, 09:05:24 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 12, 2013, 09:00:55 AM
now...for some real srsbsns....
A Washington state mother is in big trouble with the law after a video of her toddler appearing to take a hit off a bong for marijuana went viral.
The mother can be seen on the video walking up to a 22-month-old boy with the bong. The child then appears to take a hit.
HAHAHAHA merika fuk yeah!!!!
just set the "legalize" movement back half a decade at least :lol:
it is in the vid in the link.... really disturbing...
Shit, thats how we put Ducttape to sleep for 18 years...judgemental pherkers!
LOL My bad! It's COLORADO, fuk yah!!!!
WHy do you think he was raiding your snacks at rallies? munchies are a muthafukka
noted. :rofl:
peelz is sad they aren't usin meths.
(nice seeing this message: Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.)
Quote from: Krandall on March 12, 2013, 09:19:12 AM
(nice seeing this message: Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.)
I was thinkin the same thing. happened twice today.. almost brought me to tears. :)
3 times here. I was like WTF?!!!
:clap: well done gents.
did you buy me some underwear? :rofl:
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 12, 2013, 09:42:09 AM
did you buy me some underwear? :rofl:
3 pairs :thumbs: :lol:
Relatives Peels?
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Relatives Peels?
Are you sure that it isn't peelz?'
oh well.
it was worth it :peels:
Quote from: Krandall on March 12, 2013, 10:17:25 AM
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Relatives Peels?
Are you sure that it isn't peelz?'
Well isn't Peels from iowa not Kansas?
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:48:35 AM
Quote from: Krandall on March 12, 2013, 10:17:25 AM
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Relatives Peels?
Are you sure that it isn't peelz?'
Well isn't Peels from iowa not Kansas?
Business takes you all over the place. Aaron caught numerous STD's from South Korea.. He doens't live there either. :lol:
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:48:35 AM
Quote from: Krandall on March 12, 2013, 10:17:25 AM
Quote from: rookie on March 12, 2013, 10:01:26 AM
Relatives Peels?
Are you sure that it isn't peelz?'
Well isn't Peels from iowa not Kansas?
yeah, the meth bizness keeps me moving.
I'm like a drug nomad
too early for that "$hit"
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on March 14, 2013, 08:32:28 AM
too early for that "$hit"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I just thought I'd share with you guys. that's all.
High-roller makes off with $33 million after hijacking casino cameras
Australia's biggest casino fell victim to a USD$33 million scam after its own surveillance systems were used against it to supply a high-roller with information on how he should play. According to The Herald Sun, thieves were granted unauthorised access to the casino's security systems "several weeks ago" by a staff member who has since been sacked.
It's believed that the high roller — who was reportedly staying in an "opulent villa" reserved for VIP guests — was exposed over the course of eight hands of cards, played at a table in an exclusive area of the casino. The gambler, along with his family, found himself removed from his VIP accommodation in the middle of the night, saw his betting license revoked and was (unsurprisingly) banned from returning to the casino. Reports also suggest he has since returned to his home country.
Acknowledging reports, a spokesperson said that the casino has opened an investigation, but believes it is "in a good position to recover a significant portion of the amount involved in the scam". Authorities are unaware of how the information gathered from the high-resolution cameras was relayed to the high roller and the casino has yet to file a complaint with local police.
Pretty much Uncle Sam telling Kim Jong dumbass "I'm your Huckleberry bitch!"
Quote from: Colorado700R on March 19, 2013, 07:58:33 AM
Pretty much Uncle Sam telling Kim Jong dumbass "I'm your Huckleberry bitch!"
korea will be a great atv riding area when we get through. :)
the devil will crush them :lol: you guys see this? LOL
guy casted as the devil in the history channel Bible series, looks like Obama :rofl:
I always thought he looked more like spock.
The gel that stops bleeding instantly!/11409/the-gel-that-stops-bleeding-instantly/
All-purpose healing gels familiar to fans of futuristic video games and movies could be about to make the transition from sci-fi fantasy to real-world medical tool thanks to a New York University student who has invented a gel that can instantly halt bleeding in even the most serious of wounds.
Veti-Gel, the name chosen by NYU student Joe Landolina uses plant polymers to rapidly solidify when applied to open wounds, and by a bizarre coincidence was initially being developed under the name Medi-Gel, the name of a fictional healing gel from the Mass Effect video game series with almost identical properties.
Humans Invent spoke to Joe Landolina about the development of Veti-Gel, and how in just a few years he went from high-school science geek to possibly securing a deal with the US military.
Stops bleeding
"In all of our tests we found we were able to immediately stop bleeding," says Landolina. "Your skin has this thing called the extracellular matrix," he explains. "It's kind of a mesh of molecules and sugars and protein that holds your cells in place."
Landolina synthesises his own extracellular matrix (ECM) using plant polymers, which can form a liquid when broken up into pieces. He says, "So it goes into the wound and the pieces of the synthetic ECM in the gel will recognise the pieces of the real ECM in the wound and they'll link together. It will re-assemble into something that looks like, feels like and acts like skin."
If Veti-Gel works as well as Landolina claims, it would be of obvious interest to the military, where a quick response to severe bleeding can make the difference between life and death. Current blood-clotting agents still require a medic to apply pressure, and take up to three minutes to take effect.
"We haven't entered formal talks, but I've been talking to a few officials in the military who really like the product," says Landolina. "I've spoken to DARPA about it. We're definitely looking at the military as one of our main customers," he adds.
Interestingly, Veti-Gel doesn't just stop bleeding but seems to initiate the healing process. "It works in three ways," says Landolina. "The first way is it works as a tissue adhesive," he explains. "It actually holds its own pressure onto the wound so you don't have to do it. Secondly, when it touches the blood, it does something called activating Factor 12."
This activates fibrin, which is the polymer you need to make a blood clot, explains Landolina. "Finally, it activates platelet cells." The gel causes these to bind to the fibrin, causing a tight seal. Landolina says the speed at which this process happens is what triggers the healing process. "We don't have all the testing to back it up yet – but it should allow it to heal faster over time," he says.
Tissue engineering
Landolina was interested in science from a young age, and having a vineyard in the family gave him access to a lab when he was a child.
He says, "I was always very interested in the medical field since before I was in high-school. My family had a winery in upstate New York, so we had chemistry labs there and I used to be able to experiment around. I learned the ropes very early, my grandfather taught me everything – he was a wine maker and a chemist."
Landolina laid the foundations for his later work while still in high school: "I did summer programs at Columbia University. While I was there I learnt how to do tissue engineering, which really got me interested in the bioengineering side of medicine."
But it was after he graduated from high school that Landolina started to attract attention with Veti-Gel. Back in 2011, he entered two college competitions with his business partner Isaac Miller, and it was their success in those competitions that led to the formation of their company, Suneris, Inc.
Landolina says, "We ended up getting second place at the business school which is where [Isaac Miller] was from and we took first place at the engineering school which is where I was from. And with that we got so much interest that we decided to keep going and turn it into a real company."
Platform technology
The past two years have seen Landolina and Miller develop their company and their product, now working under the supervision of cardiovascular surgeon Dr Herbert Dardik at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. Landolina is also currently studying for a bachelor's degree in biomolecular and chemical engineering and a masters in biomedical engineering simultaneously. Needless to say, the future looks promising for Joe Landolina and his miracle healing gel.
He says, "The gel is what we call a platform technology, it's very biocompatible – your body recognises it, and you can mix just about anything into it. We're doing tests to see if we can actually make it work for healing wounds that won't heal by adding in therapeutics or drugs; you can put antibiotics into it, you can put just about anything you want into it."
Landolina has begun the process of securing approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. He says, "The gel, once it gets FDA approval, has a huge amount of ramifications, not only having something that can be available to every medic, so that you can immediately stop traumatic bleeding, but also something surgeons use in the operating room, so that if you have some bleeding that arises on the operating table you don't lose the patient."
But Landolina also envisages more everyday uses for Veti-Gel: "Every mother has something in their purse, just so that if their kid cuts themself, you can slap it on, and it takes the place of a liquid bandage. All the way to care of the elderly where you have bed sores, you can put this on – hopefully it can work on healing the ulcers. We're just trying to work out where it fits into the grand scheme of things."
Clinical trials will begin around the same time as Veti-Gel is released for the military, Landolina says, which may take up to a year and a half. But until then, you'll just have to settle for a plaster and a couple of paracetamol.
Here's a link to the vid showing how it works. It's amazing.
Happy Thursday guys :)
nifty...gaming becoming real life..
let me know when I can respawn :thumbs: :rofl:
"Dear Leader....keep acting up...we'll Butt-Eff you into glass"
some f*ked up people out there:
Quote from: Krandall on April 15, 2013, 02:53:21 PM
some f*ked up people out there:
sick to my stomach....
and now begins the political "point making" So....your rich white guy didn't get into office....people dying unnecessarily is a great reason to complain about that.... :rolleyes: :mad:
ignorant tired of it...
Quote from: Krandall on April 15, 2013, 02:53:21 PM
some f*ked up people out there:
Live police scanner stream (from boston)
Really good up to date info:
ugh, terrible. :(
Westboro bastards
Quote from: Krandall on April 16, 2013, 07:44:42 AM
Westboro bastards
that's real?
what a bunch of pigs.
new zealand legalizes gay marriage....
As the speaker read out the votes, spectators in the gallery started singing the traditional Maori love song "Pokarekare Ana".
What the f**k dragonz!!!! thats exactly what the fukin world needs...a bunch of gay singing kiwis. :lol: :rolleyes:
All that means is now he can marry a boy sheep
Quote from: Colorado700R on April 18, 2013, 09:38:45 AM
All that means is now he can marry a boy sheep
good for him. :thumbs: :dragonz:
Ugh, onto the senate again...
Quote from: Krandall on April 18, 2013, 12:18:10 PM
Ugh, onto the senate again...
I dont really care one way or the other because the internet doesnt belong to me, so it's my own arse if I put incriminating stuff on it.
Remind me if I run for office to delete all my posts on RS first :lol:
No worries Peels, your personal racism recorder (Denver Dude) has all the evidence backed up elsewhere :lol:
Quote from: Colorado700R on April 18, 2013, 12:54:18 PM
No worries Peels, your personal racism recorder (Denver Dude) has all the evidence backed up elsewhere :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If interested in listening to info on the Boston case. Here's a live stream to a local news station.
some BS...
"A bill allowing states to collect sales tax from online retailers that lack a physical presence in their borders appears primed to pass the Senate this week. The Marketplace Fairness Act passed a procedural vote 74-20 Monday as the White House gave its explicit support for the bill, signaling smooth sailing ahead for a full vote expected sometime this week...."
Quote from: Krandall on April 23, 2013, 10:07:08 AM
some BS...
"A bill allowing states to collect sales tax from online retailers that lack a physical presence in their borders appears primed to pass the Senate this week. The Marketplace Fairness Act passed a procedural vote 74-20 Monday as the White House gave its explicit support for the bill, signaling smooth sailing ahead for a full vote expected sometime this week...." it passes.
This is for phucker...
Did NASA fake the moon landing? Is the government hiding Martians in Area 51? Is global warming a hoax? And what about the Boston Marathon "inside job" perhaps?
In the book "The Empire of Conspiracy," Timothy Melley explains that conspiracy theories have traditionally been regarded by many social scientists as "the implausible visions of a lunatic fringe," often inspired by what the late historian Richard Hofstadter described as "the paranoid style of American politics." Influenced by this view, many scholars have come to think of conspiracy theories as paranoid and delusional, and for a long time psychologists have had little to contribute other than to affirm the psychopathological nature of conspiracy thinking, given that conspiricist delusions are commonly associated with (schizotype) paranoia.
Yet, such pathological explanations have proven to be widely insufficient because conspiracy theories are not just the implausible visions of a paranoid minority. For example, a national poll released just this month reports that 37 percent of Americans believe that global warming is a hoax, 21 percent think that the US government is covering up evidence of alien existence and 28 percent believe a secret elite power with a globalist agenda is conspiring to rule the world. Only hours after the recent Boston marathon bombing, numerous conspiracy theories were floated ranging from a possible 'inside job' to YouTube videos claiming that the entire event was a hoax.
So why is it that so many people come to believe in conspiracy theories? They can't all be paranoid schizophrenics. New studies are providing some eye-opening insights and potential explanations.
For example, while it has been known for some time that people who believe in one conspiracy theory are also likely to believe in other conspiracy theories, we would expect contradictory conspiracy theories to be negatively correlated. Yet, this is not what psychologists Micheal Wood, Karen Douglas and Robbie Suton found in a recent study. Instead, the research team, based at the University of Kent in England, found that many participants believed in contradictory conspiracy theories. For example, the conspiracy-belief that Osama Bin Laden is still alive was positively correlated with the conspiracy-belief that he was already dead before the military raid took place. This makes little sense, logically: Bin Laden cannot be both dead and alive at the same time. An important conclusion that the authors draw from their analysis is that people don't tend to believe in a conspiracy theory because of the specifics, but rather because of higher-order beliefs that support conspiracy-like thinking more generally. A popular example of such higher-order beliefs is a severe "distrust of authority." The authors go on to suggest that conspiracism is therefore not just about belief in an individual theory, but rather an ideological lens through which we view the world. A good case in point is Alex Jones's recent commentary on the Boston bombings. Jones, (one of the country's preeminent conspiracy theorists) reminded his audience that two of the hijacked planes on 9/11 flew out of Boston (relating one conspiracy theory to another) and moreover, that the Boston Marathon bombing could be a response to the sudden drop in the price of gold or part of a secret government plot to expand the Transportation Security Administration's reach to sporting events. Others have pointed their fingers to a 'mystery man' spotted on a nearby roof shortly after the explosions. While it remains unsure whether or not credence is given to only some or all of these (note: contradicting) conspiracy theories, there clearly is a larger underlying preference to support conspiracy-type explanations more generally.
Interestingly, belief in conspiracy theories has recently been linked to the rejection of science. In a paper published in Psychological Science, Stephen Lewandowsky and colleagues investigated the relation between acceptance of science and conspiricist thinking patterns. While the authors' survey was not representative of the general population, results suggest that (controlling for other important factors) belief in multiple conspiracy theories significantly predicted the rejection of important scientific conclusions, such as climate science or the fact that smoking causes lung cancer. Yet, rejection of scientific principles is not the only possible consequence of widespread belief in conspiracy theories. Another recent study indicates that receiving positive information about or even being merely exposed to conspiracy theories can lead people to become disengaged from important political and societal topics. For example, in their study, Daniel Jolley and Karen Douglas clearly show that participants who received information that supported the idea that global warming is a hoax were less willing to engage politically and also less willing to implement individual behavioral changes such as reducing their carbon footprint.
These findings are alarming because they show that conspiracy theories sow public mistrust and undermine democratic debate by diverting attention away from important scientific, political and societal issues. There is no question as to whether the public should actively demand truthful and transparent information from their governments and proposed explanations should be met with a healthy amount of scepticism, yet, this is not what conspiracy theories offer. A conspiracy theory is usually defined as an attempt to explain the ultimate cause of an important societal event as part of some sinister plot conjured up by a secret alliance of powerful individuals and organizations. The great philosopher Karl Popper argued that the fallacy of conspiracy theories lies in their tendency to describe every event as 'intentional' and 'planned' thereby seriously underestimating the random nature and unintended consequences of many political and social actions. In fact, Popper was describing a cognitive bias that psychologists now commonly refer to as the "fundamental attribution error": the tendency to overestimate the actions of others as being intentional rather than the product of (random) situational circumstances.
Since a number of studies have shown that belief in conspiracy theories is associated with feelings of powerlessness, uncertainty and a general lack of agency and control, a likely purpose of this bias is to help people "make sense of the world" by providing simple explanations for complex societal events — restoring a sense of control and predictability. A good example is that of climate change: while the most recent international scientific assessment report (receiving input from over 2500 independent scientists from more than a 100 countries) concluded with 90 percent certainty that human-induced global warming is occurring, the severe consequences and implications of climate change are often too distressing and overwhelming for people to deal with, both cognitively as well as emotionally. Resorting to easier explanations that simply discount global warming as a hoax is then of course much more comforting and convenient psychologically. Yet, as Al Gore famously pointed out, unfortunately, the truth is not always convenient.
Good read...very interesting. Always hard for me to understand group mentality-especially when there no substantial facts to support them. Brain just has to shut down the logic portion...
im just so tired of these bizarre theories. These people find one of these stories, and latch onto it...bending every single fact to said theory. It's almost as bad as christianity. The facts don't fit your belief...just alter the facts....then adjust your belief. :rolleyes: IE: The earth really isn't that old, gerd put the dinosaur bones in the ground for us to find. ??? this one still eats away at my logic. (came from my brother in law)
It's almost a universal human need to be part of something that is powerful and true. It cannot be powerful and true, if it isnt true LOL I dont fit this mold. I dont feel the need to be part of a big system. Other than humanity in general. and raptorsource :lol:
My latest favorite theory: the government is producing tornadic storms by using chemical droppin airplanes. :thumbs:
on weather channel's google+, I was briefly engaged in an argument with some guy claiming this was 100% fact and I should "look at the evidence, you can see the chemical trails behind jets" koo koo cachoo :lol: Had to give up. you cannot win an argument with genius like that.
it was fun for a sec though. :rofl:
anyways, men latching onto these conspiracy theories is no different than housewives standing in line at the supermarket buying gossip rags and enquirers. Controversy sells.
Quote from: Krandall on April 19, 2013, 11:18:41 AM
took me 2 days to hear about it (no lie)
Quote from: Hefe on May 08, 2013, 09:52:07 AM
Quote from: Krandall on April 19, 2013, 11:18:41 AM
took me 2 days to hear about it (no lie)
That's crazy, I heard about it within 20 mins of the blast.
I don't watch live TV, no Facebook, myspace, or twitter, I listen to Pandora Radio at work, most days my car radio is turned WAY down. just not much "current events" action in my life.
Don't worry, I know I'm weird, and I'm ok with it!
He lives a "hefe-centric" lifestyle. :lol: :nod:
no judging what-so-ever. Honestly. :)
Hey Jeff, Elvis died...just thought you should know...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
who's elvis?
Stout opposition to looming limits on selling lower-alcohol beer in taverns, restaurants
As the happy-hour crowd began trickling into The Celtic Tavern on Tuesday night, bar owner Patrick Schaetzle — flanked by placards and mirrors touting Murphy's Irish Stout — got some unsettling news.
Sometime next year bars will have to stop selling his Lower Downtown pub's signature stout along with an array of other beers that are lower alcohol. The looming restrictions flow from a bitter, three-year battle between liquor and convenience stores over who can sell full-strength beer.
Schaetzle and a number of his similarly shocked patrons pointed out that both waistlines and blood-alcohol levels could suffer as a result of banning low-alcohol — read, low-calorie — beers from taverns and restaurants.
The Celtic could carry another stout — Guinness teeters right at the cutoff point between the low- and high-alcohol label — but Schaetzle won't be happy about giving up a brew he feels is more authentically Irish.
"It's ridiculous," he said, grabbing for a bottle of wine under the bar. "I don't understand why the nanny state would (ban beers) when the other stuff is three, four and five times more alcohol by volume. It's going to hurt a lot of places."
State liquor regulators continue to hammer out guidelines meant to ensure everyone from the brewers down to the retailers follow the rules.
Beermakers will have to test their suds and submit an affidavit stating their alcohol content to authorities.
Once enforced, the rules will likely shut off taps of lighter versions of brands like Shiner, Amstel, Heineken, Yeungling, Michelob and Shipyard among others. Light versions of the big three — Coors, Budweiser and Miller — appear to have just enough alcohol to remain flowing.
Technically, bars, restaurants and liquor stores in Colorado should never have sold the lower-alcohol beers in the first place, though no one ever paid much attention.
Their licenses allow them to sell spirits, wine and beers that fall into the "malt liquor" category: Brew stronger than 4 percent alcohol by volume or 3.2 percent by weight.
Convenience and grocery stores' licenses are restricted to selling only beer at or below that threshold, thanks to rules aimed at limiting the flow of alcohol to the general public.
Blocked for years in their attempts to sell all types of beer, convenience store advocates and their allies in the legislature amended a bill last spring that now requires the state to enforce license restrictions to a T.
"Either stop selling the product we sell, or let's stop having this false delineation on beer," said Jason Hopfer, lobbyist for a group of convenience stores. "Let's let beer be beer."
Colorado has never reprimanded a bar or liquor store for selling beer that's not alcoholic enough, as far as liquor enforcement director Laura Harris knows.
Even punishment going the other way — dings to convenience and liquor stores selling beer with too much alcohol — are rare, though in the 1990s the state revoked the license of a distributor, Harris said.
She cautioned that the rules will take effect gradually, starting with the beermakers and working down. It could be spring before consumers notice a change.
"Brands will either stay in the market appropriately labeled or leave the state," Harris said. "These things don't turn on a dime. We'd rather spend our time on more important public- safety issues."
Restaurateurs caught in the middle of the liquor-store-convenience-store face-off hold out hope that lawmakers will intervene in the new year.
"We're not really involved in this fight," said Pete Meersman, president of the Colorado Restaurant Association. "Our members feel like they ought to be able to sell the stuff. Yes, we're worried about it. But there's a legislative session starting Jan. 12. A lot can happen."
Convenience store advocates are drafting bills now, and Meersman's group has already started lobbying lawmakers for a fix.
A commonly discussed resolution — and one that liquor-store owners abhor — is abolishing the low-alcohol beer designation altogether.
Massachusetts transplants Tom Maloney and Jen Cutter wouldn't mind letting retailers sell whatever types of beer they like — especially if it would keep bars from shutting down taps.
The pair sidled up to the bar at The Celtic on Tuesday and argued that taking away low-calorie and low-alcohol options at bars would hurt public health and inconvenience consumers.
"In a lot of ways, they're safer beers to drink," said Maloney, who sticks to low-alcohol beer when he's skiing. "It's really just another way for state government to make things complicated."
that is dumb.
While heavy beers kick ass, I like my low cal beers most times...
just chillin, no need to rush and get fatter and drunker faster :lol:
:lol: GTFO :door:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Quote from: Krandall on May 08, 2013, 02:51:52 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
haha at "never, ever forget this for the rest of my life"
*****edited because I am supposedly "harsh" guarantee oscar mayer paid her to say that sh!T :nod:
Both minutes?
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 08, 2013, 06:09:49 PM
Both minutes?
haha! LOL
i said 5, but some sissy said I was harsh :lol:
awww I missed it :(
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 08, 2013, 08:25:04 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 08, 2013, 06:09:49 PM
Both minutes?
haha! LOL
i said 5, but some sissy said I was harsh :lol:
you said 6 bitch....................your memory aint that good anymore old man :lol:
Quote from: MagzSE2 on May 09, 2013, 07:37:42 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 08, 2013, 08:25:04 PM
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 08, 2013, 06:09:49 PM
Both minutes?
haha! LOL
i said 5, but some sissy said I was harsh :lol:
you said 6 bitch....................your memory aint that good anymore old man :lol:
this is not "breaking news" as the thread would suggest :rofl:
Who's the sensative pansy? We talk sodomy, racial sterootypes, anti-semitism all day someone caught a concience when discussing old people and their potential for death? :rofl:
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 09, 2013, 08:29:39 AM
Who's the sensative pansy? We talk sodomy, racial sterootypes, anti-semitism all day someone caught a concience when discussing old people and their potential for death? :rofl:
difficult to draw a line here....
pretty sure hell awaits us all....little late to have a conscience :)
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 09, 2013, 08:42:43 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 09, 2013, 08:29:39 AM
Who's the sensative pansy? We talk sodomy, racial sterootypes, anti-semitism all day someone caught a concience when discussing old people and their potential for death? :rofl:
difficult to draw a line here....
pretty sure hell awaits us all....little late to have a conscience :)
welcome to Raptor Source.
Quote from: Krandall on May 09, 2013, 08:44:08 AM
Quote from: PeelsSE2 on May 09, 2013, 08:42:43 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 09, 2013, 08:29:39 AM
Who's the sensative pansy? We talk sodomy, racial sterootypes, anti-semitism all day someone caught a concience when discussing old people and their potential for death? :rofl:
difficult to draw a line here....
pretty sure hell awaits us all....little late to have a conscience :)
welcome to Raptor Source.
Imma sit in the back of the hell bus...
with the minorites. :thumbs:
Magz will wave at us as we hit the on ramp to the highway to hell..............while he sells oranges........:lol: Jk sweety :kiss:
Oranges are for loosers.............I'm going to sell mustache rides.............. :lick:
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 09, 2013, 08:29:39 AM
Who's the sensative pansy? We talk sodomy, racial sterootypes, anti-semitism all day someone caught a concience when discussing old people and their potential for death? :rofl:
Quote from: Colorado700R on June 18, 2008, 03:23:28 PM
I removed a few jokes from this thread do to Racial comments. Please refer to our rules ( if you have any question about our stance about this.
There will not be another warning.
^ sensitive Pansy :lmao:
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 09, 2013, 10:29:52 AM
Magz will wave at us as we hit the on ramp to the highway to hell..............while he sells oranges........:lol: Jk sweety :kiss:
and lol all yall sensitive pansies! :rofl:
Wow...just Wow! :facepalm:
(CNN) -- A Mayan pyramid that has stood for 2,300 years in Belize has been reduced to rubble, apparently to make fill for roads.
Local media in the Central American country of 334,000 people report the temple at the Noh Mul site in northern Belize was largely torn down by backhoes and bulldozers last week.
"This is one of the worst that I have seen in my entire 25 years of archaeology in Belize," John Morris, an archaeologist with the country's Institute of Archaeology, told local channel 7NewsBelize. "We can't salvage what has happened out here -- it is an incredible display of ignorance."
The institute's director, Jaime Awe, called the destruction "one of the worse set of blows I have felt philosophically and professionally."
"What happened there is both deplorable and unforgivable," Awe told News5 in Belize.
Though the pyramid was grown over with trees and brush, there could be no mistaking what it was, Morris said.
"There is no way that one can say that they did not know. Even for you guys as laypeople can look and you'll see the building," 7NewsBelize quoted Morris as saying.
The pyramid was the center of a settlement of about 40,000 people and 81 buildings over 12 square miles, according to 7NewsBelize. It stood about 65 feet tall and was built around 250 B.C. with hand-cut limestone bricks, archaeologists said.
The limestone is quality material used to upgrade local roads, and it's prized by contractors, local opposition legislator John Briceno told CTV3 News.
"The Mayas use good material to build their temples, and these temples are close to (the village of) Douglas so that means that they have to use less diesel, less wear and tear; they can do more trips per day, and at the end of the day they can make more money," CTV3 quotes Briceno as saying.
And there was plenty of the material in Noh Mul.
"Like a huge palace or building or a huge temple, it would have had many rooms in there, multilayered rooms so you have rooms for people living, and you would also had several tombs in there of the people who lived in this area here," Morris told 7NewsBelize.
Awe said archaeologists would try to go through the rubble for artifacts.
"I'm hoping that there will be bits and pieces that we can acquire from any kind of work that we do there. But to say that we can try to preserve the building anymore; that is impossible," he told News5.
The mound sits on private land, and archaeologists said they would ask police to take action against both the landowner and contractor, according to reports.
"It is against the law; it is against the nature act to willfully destroy an ancient monument," Awe told News5. "Any willful destruction of an ancient site or monument has penalties of 10 years' imprisonment or $10,000 for this kind of destruction."
Work at the site stopped when the archaeologists were alerted to it, but the site's scientific value has been severely compromised, they said.
Its value will now be as something else, Moore told 7NewsBelize.
"It's a monument of ignorance, and unfortunately that's the way it is," he told the station. "Now we will probably have to look at this and say that it is a good example of what not to do."
that's insane.
you can't stop progress!!!! you can only gtfo of the way!!!! :rofl:
live vid for oklahoma tornado.
2 1/4 miles wide at the base.
Quote from: Krandall on May 20, 2013, 03:32:47 PM
live vid for oklahoma tornado.
2 1/4 miles wide at the base.
Glad to hear all of my RS buddies are safe, alive, and accounted for.
video of the nado forming/destruction ):
Quote from: Krandall on May 23, 2013, 01:19:08 PM
:rofl: good stuff.
unreal medical advancements.
Sorry peelz :(
Authorities intercepted two speedboats -- sinking one -- and recovered about 13,000 pounds of cocaine worth almost $1 billion.
Indeed, that's billion with a B.
"These two disruptions are an example of the international cooperative law enforcement effort to disrupt transnational criminal activity and deny their profiting from such activity," Doug Garner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection's director of national air security operations in Jacksonville, Florida, said in a news release.
The Memorial Day weekend drug bust, which was announced Wednesday, resulted from two separate interdiction efforts, the first unfolding Friday north of the Galapagos Islands, west of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.
A Customs and Border Protection Office of Air and Marine crew spotted a 30-foot speedboat carrying almost 7,000 pounds of cocaine worth more than $500 million. After realizing that they'd been spotted, three people on the boat started chucking packages of cocaine into the water. They also "began washing the boat to eliminate traces of cocaine," the release said.
In small-town USA, business a usual for cartels
A law enforcement helicopter, responding to a call from the Customs and Border Protection crew, tracked down the boat and fired shots to disable it. Three suspects were arrested as the boat sunk into the ocean, according to the release.
The next evening, a Customs and Border Protection crew in the Western Caribbean saw a three-engine speedboat moving rapidly near the Panamanian-Colombian border. The boat's driver tried to evade police by moving closer to the Panamanian coastline and maneuvering "in and out of shoals and other obstructions," according to the agency.
Colombia arrests fake nuns with cocaine under their habits
The crew told Panamanian police to intercept the boat, which was carrying more than 1,000 bundles of cocaine weighing more than 6,000 pounds. Authorities estimate their value at more than $445 million.
The Customs and Border Protection Office of Air and Marine crews, called P-3s, patrol a 42 million-square-mile swath of the Western Caribbean and Eastern Pacific in search of drugs destined for U.S. shores. In fiscal 2012, P-3 crews seized almost 59 tons of cocaine valued at $8.8 billion.
they didnt get my OTHER speedboat! that one was a dummy!
rubber dinghy full of meth..... :boat:
The only rubber dinghy you own is black and shaped like a fist.
Quote from: Colorado700R on May 31, 2013, 08:26:59 AM
The only rubber dinghy you own is black and shaped like a fist.
and I nicknamed it "Colorado"
Courtesy of Funnerz:
His old high school.
A Chicago high school student is facing misdemeanor battery charges after allegedly spiking the school cafeteria's spaghetti marinara with hot sauce. Three cafeteria staff members were hospitalized after inhaling fumes from the fiery sauce, according to Highland Park High School spokeswoman Natalie Kaplan. "Several staff and students reported reactions to the sauce, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and skin rashes," said Kaplan. "The impacted staff members were taken to hospital but no serious injuries were reported."
Police say the male student behind the peppery prank, whose name and age have not been released, somehow sneaked "Da Bomb" hot sauce into a container of marinara sauce during the first lunch period on May 14. "A student then went through the food line and purchased spaghetti with marinara sauce, and after sitting down and taking his first bite, found it intolerably hot and went back to the food line to advise staff," said Highland Park Police Deputy Chief George Pfutzenreuter. "Staff pulled the sauce from the line and, in evaluating the sauce, some of the staff members also started feeling effects." Pfutzenreuter said he didn't know which type of Da Bomb hot sauce was used in the prank. According to the brand's website, "Final Answer Hot Sauce" reaches 1,500,000 Scoville units — a level of heat approaching that of law enforcement-grade pepper spray. The alleged perpetrator will be charged as a juvenile on five counts of misdemeanor battery, according to Pfutzenreuter. And the high school plans to install a security camera in the cafeteria food line to fend off future schemes, according to Kaplan.
Boo hoo, we ate a spicy meatball with some inflated Scoville units*. <Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain> guys. Grow up. It's a high school prank. You got your tongue burned a little bit and maybe had a scorched asshole for a couple of days. This isn't the end of the world. Everyone is going to be fine. There's no reason to start throwing around misdemeanor battery charges. Not to mention, if you look at the timeline of how things went down here this whole thing is a giant overreaction and ploy to get out of work. Kid eats some sauce that the lunch ladies had been dealing with all day. Kid complains. Lunch Ladies "evaluate" the sauce, then all of a sudden everyone needs to go to the hospital and miss the rest of the workday. K, that makes sense. pherking babies. Little cayenne peppers and "Da Bomb" hot sauce and everyone starts pretending a biological weapon went off.
This is the biggest crime in Highland Park history right?
*Whoever's job it is to measure Scoville units on a hot sauce is such a hardo.
just reading the comments "Highland Park Jews, can't trust em." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LMAO! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Quote from: Krandall on June 10, 2013, 10:37:22 AM
that lady got to live out Preddy's fantasy. :thumbs:
NY man who says 4 kids vandalized home is charged
CLYDE, N.Y. (AP) — A man who says he caught four boys vandalizing his father-in-law's home has been charged with child endangerment after corralling them in a closet until police arrived.
Jesse Daniels was arraigned on four counts of endangering the welfare of a child after authorities say he interrupted the vandalism at the empty home in the Wayne County village of Clyde, midway between Rochester and Syracuse.
Daniels, 53, told WHAM-TV in Rochester that he heard pounding coming from the home next door the night of June 8. The house is empty while Daniels renovates it for his father-in-law.
Daniels said he went to investigate while his wife called 911. He said he found four boys, ages 8 and 10, inside with hammers. He took a hammer from one, then stuck the boys in a closet until officers arrived, he said.
"I was fortunate that they were in that room that had a closet, so I put them in the closet," he said. "I said, 'Listen, you guys are staying here until the police come, period.'"
Their parents said Daniels handled the boys roughly and threatened them with the hammer.
The damage to the home included holes in the walls, broken windows and graffiti derogatory to women spray-painted on walls. Daniels estimated that the damage to his father-in-law's property exceeds $40,000.
He said he believed the boys committed the vandalism in retaliation for Daniels' wife telling them earlier in the day to stay off the couple's property.
The boys have been charged with burglary and criminal mischief. Their cases are being handled in Wayne County Family Court.
Paul Bowler, the father of two of the boys, told the station that there are no excuses for his sons' actions.
"I understand they were in the wrong, but there are other ways to handle it," he said. "He (Daniels) knew who the kids were. It's not like they were strangers. And send the kids home and call the cops then. You don't sit there and torment them and tell them you're going to bash their skulls in with a hammer."
Bowler said Daniels grabbed the neck of one of his sons and left a mark. He said that his boys are traumatized and that Daniels should have faced more charges.
Daniels counters that he was just trying to protect his family.
Daniels is due back in court later this month. It wasn't immediately clear if he has a lawyer.
Wayne County District Attorney Richard Healy told the station that the incident is still under investigation.
what a bunch of BS.
yea minnesota!
DBS for parkinsons.. This is insane.
the scientific advancements in today's world are unreal
that is awesome... now we need something like that for Autism!
Sad stuff. :(
Ariz. fire crew that lost 19 worked front lines
YARNELL, Ariz. (AP) - The 19 firefighters killed Sunday in Arizona were part of an elite crew known for working on the front lines of region's worst fires, including two this season that came before the team descended on the erratic fire that claimed their lives.
All but one member of the Prescott-based Hotshot crew died in what was the deadliest wildfire for firefighters in the U.S. in decades.
Prescott Fire Chief Dan Fraijo said the 19, whose names had not been released, were a part of the city's fire department.
Before the fire near Yarnell, the group - one of 13 Arizona Hotshot crews - had been profiled in local media last year as they prepared for the fire season and this year as they took on a blaze near Prescott earlier this month.
"The Hot Shots may be fighting the fire with fire," Prescott firefighter and spokesman Wade Ward told the Prescott Daily Courier in an interview last week ( "They may be removing the fuels from the fire, or building a containment line that might be a trigger point for farther down the line."
He told the newspaper members of Hotshot crews are highly trained and work long hours in extreme conditions as they carry out the most demanding of tasks. When the deadly blaze near Yarnell erupted Friday, it came amid a severe heat wave that gripped much of the West. It grew out of control as it was fanned by gusty, hot winds Sunday.
"By the time they got there, it was moving very quickly," Fraijo told The Associated Press of Sunday's fire.
Hotshot crews - there are more than 100 in the U.S. - often hike for miles into the wilderness with chain saws and backpacks filled with heavy gear to build lines of protection between people and fires. They remove brush, trees and anything that might burn in the direction of homes and cities.
The Prescott-based crew last year had four rookies on its 22-member squad, according to a Cronkite News Service report that profiled the group (
State forestry spokesman Art Morrison told the AP that the firefighters were forced to deploy their emergency fire shelters - tent-like structures meant to shield firefighters from flames and heat - when they were caught in the fire.
The Cronkite News Service had featured the group in its story practicing such deployment in a worst-case scenario drill.
"One of the last fail safe methods that a firefighter can do under those conditions is literally to dig as much as they can down and cover themselves with a protective - kinda looks like a foil type - fire-resistant material - with the desire, the hope at least, is that the fire will burn over the top of them and they can survive it," Fraijo said Sunday.
"Under certain conditions there's usually only sometimes a 50 percent chance that they survive," he said. "It's an extreme measure that's taken under the absolute worst conditions."
eek... dig hole and wait for fire to pass....
sad stuff man.
would love to hear your thoughts on all this bs, aaron.
Snowden needs "world's protection", says Venezuelan leader
(Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that Edward Snowden, the former U.S. spy agency contractor, deserved the "world's protection" for divulging details of Washington's spy program.
Snowden, wanted by Washington on spying charges for revealing the secret U.S. electronic surveillance program Prism, has applied for political asylum in more than a dozen countries, in his search for safety.
The 30-year-old is in legal limbo in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, unable to fly on to a hoped-for destination in Latin America because he has no legal travel documents and no Russian visa to leave the airport.
On Monday, he broke a nine-day silence since arriving in Moscow from Hong Kong, challenging Washington by saying he was free to publish more about its programs and that he was being illegally persecuted.
That ruled out a prolonged stay in Russia, where a spokesman for President Vladimir Putin said Snowden had withdrawn his request for asylum after the Russian leader said he should give up his "anti-American activity".
But while countries lined up to deny his asylum requests, Venezuela, part of an alliance of leftist governments in Latin America, said it was time to stop berating a man who has "done something very important for humanity".
"He deserves the world's protection. He has not asked us for it yet. When he does we will give our answer," Maduro told Reuters during a visit to Moscow.
He said he would consider an asylum application if Snowden made one. His request for safety in Ecuador, which has sheltered the founder of antisecrecy group WikiLeaks Julian Assange in its London embassy, has seemingly ended.
U.S. President Barack Obama, embarrassed by the affair, has made clear to a number of countries that granting him asylum would carry costs.
Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa was quoted in Britain's Guardian newspaper on Monday as saying his country could not consider an asylum request unless Snowden was on Ecuadorean territory.
He said giving Snowden a temporary travel pass to fly to Moscow from Hong Kong was "a mistake on our part".
"Are we responsible for getting him to Ecuador? It's not logical," he said, adding that Snowden was now Moscow's problem.
Moscow has been unwilling to send Snowden to the United States and look weak but is just as unwilling to damage ties with Washington over a man Putin, a former KGB spy, has little sympathy with.
"Snowden is in the transit area of Sheremetyevo airport and has not crossed the Russian Federation's border (onto Russian soil) ... Russia has never extradited anyone, is not extraditing anyone and will not extradite anyone," Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters on Tuesday.
Peskov said Snowden showed no sign of stopping releasing secret U.S. documents and added that he had "abandoned his intention (of staying in Russia)".
Snowden has prepared requests for asylum in countries including India, China, Brazil, Ireland, Austria, Bolivia, Cuba, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and Venezuela, WikiLeaks said on Monday.
By Tuesday, the list of rejections was growing.
Norway said he was unlikely to get asylum there, and Poland said it would not give a "positive recommendation" to any request. Finland said it could not accept his request as Finnish law required him to be in the country. France, Iceland and Italy said they had not received any formal request for asylum.
Snowden's options are narrowing. His U.S. passport has been revoked so he has no travel documents and he does not have a valid Russian visa to leave the airport.
In a statement released by WikiLeaks on Monday, he accused the Obama administration of deception in a campaign to prevent him from finding political asylum and of "leaving me a stateless person" by revoking his U.S. passport.
"This kind of deception from a world leader is not justice, and neither is the extralegal penalty of exile," he said.
"Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right," Snowden said. "A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum ... Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me."
U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman Nanda Chitre rejected Snowden's allegation "since he is still a United States citizen and his country is willing to take him back."
Snowden said he was being illegally persecuted in a undated letter sent to Ecuador's Correa seen by Reuters.
"I remain free and able to publish information that serves the public interest," Snowden, who had been a contract employee for the U.S. National Security Agency, said in the letter.
"No matter how many more days my life contains, I remain dedicated to the fight for justice in this unequal world. If any of those days ahead realize a contribution to the common good, the world will have the principles of Ecuador to thank."
funny. like the guy snapped....
He joined NSA purposely to leak info. Prism was just oppertune. He's a self righteous coward, hiding behind an information freedom flag.
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 02, 2013, 08:53:12 AM
He joined NSA purposely to leak info. Prism was just oppertune. He's a self righteous coward, hiding behind an information freedom flag.
well said.
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 02, 2013, 08:53:12 AM
He joined NSA purposely to leak info. Prism was just oppertune. He's a self righteous coward, hiding behind an information freedom flag.
It's crazy. I've gone back and forth so many times. Being a person in Information Security. Part of me was like.. this is crazy.. it didn't surprise me.. But to hear it publicized.. It was kind of scary.. But then.. my daily job.. I have lots of information about my company.. That there's no way I'd ever talk about.. Only because, as part of my job, I have a code of ethics that I must follow and adhere to.
Quote from: Krandall on July 02, 2013, 09:31:46 AM
Quote from: Colorado700R on July 02, 2013, 08:53:12 AM
He joined NSA purposely to leak info. Prism was just oppertune. He's a self righteous coward, hiding behind an information freedom flag.
It's crazy. I've gone back and forth so many times. Being a person in Information Security. Part of me was like.. this is crazy.. it didn't surprise me.. But to hear it publicized.. It was kind of scary.. But then.. my daily job.. I have lots of information about my company.. That there's no way I'd ever talk about.. Only because, as part of my job, I have a code of ethics that I must follow and adhere to.
uhhh yeah. nicely said Rando.
Though not nearly as much access as you would have, the access to credit info is crazy. that's why I have to have a locked room with security clearance....
shit, theres a safe in here with a bucket load of one dollar bills. I always crack jokes about snaggin a bag and hittin da tittie bars! :rofl:
Cracking jokes is one thing, but its your job, you don't f**k around. :thumbs:
Paralyzed rats relearn to pee
Paralyzed rats can now decide for themselves when it's time to take a leak. Animals in a new study regained bladder control thanks to a new treatment that coaxes severed nerves to grow.
Instead of dribbling out urine, the rodents squeezed out shots of pee almost as well as healthy rats do, researchers report June 25 in the Journal of Neuroscience. The study is the first to regenerate nerves that restore bladder function in animals with severely injured spinal cords.
"This is a very big deal," says neurologist John McDonald of the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Md. If the treatment works in people with spinal cord injuries, he says, "it would change their lives."
Unlike paralyzed rats, severely paralyzed humans can't leak urine to relieve a full bladder. Unless injured people are fitted with a catheter, urine backs up into the kidneys. "These people get kidney failure all the time," says study leader Jerry Silver, a neuroscientist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "It's a terrible problem. If they didn't have the catheter, they would die."
Some of the worst spinal cord injuries sever the bundle of nerve cells that reach from a mammal's brain down through the vertebrae. The neurons can't just grow back. Instead, the cells' stumps get stuck in a gummy thicket of scar tissue that forms around the wound.
Silver's team has spent years refining a technique to tear down scar tissue and encourage damaged nerve cells to grow. The researchers snip out a healthy nerve bundle from between rats' ribs, graft it onto a damaged section of spinal cord and then add an enzyme that chews up scar tissue. In 2006, his team used the technique to return some limb control to rats with one paralyzed forepaw. And in 2011, they helped paralyzed rats regain the ability to breathe.
In both cases, the rats retained bladder control after their injury because researchers had snipped only halfway through the bundle of spinal cord nerves. For the new study, the researchers chopped out a hunk of the rats' spinal cords, severing the entire nerve bundle and leaving a gap about the width of a pencil. They then pumped up the treatment protocol from the earlier studies by adding a growth factor to the injury site.
Over several months, the damaged nerves slowly regenerated. They inched down through the grafted nerves, and then, says Silver, "they kept going and going like little Energizer bunnies." After six months, the rats could mostly control their bladders and could even wiggle their legs a bit.
The new method may have potential beyond restoring bladder control. It could also restore sensation to the skin, which could help paralyzed people detect and avoid bedsores, says neuroscientist Lars Olson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. "This is one of the most important steps that I have seen in recent years," he says.
the rodents squeezed out shots of pee
only on raptorsource will I ever be able to hear such an eloquent sentence. :rofl:
And for this, Krandall, I thank you. :thumbs:
:rofl: You are most welcome :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on July 01, 2013, 07:31:14 AM
Sad stuff. :(
Ariz. fire crew that lost 19 worked front lines
YARNELL, Ariz. (AP) - The 19 firefighters killed Sunday in Arizona were part of an elite crew known for working on the front lines of region's worst fires, including two this season that came before the team descended on the erratic fire that claimed their lives.
All but one member of the Prescott-based Hotshot crew died in what was the deadliest wildfire for firefighters in the U.S. in decades.
Prescott Fire Chief Dan Fraijo said the 19, whose names had not been released, were a part of the city's fire department.
Before the fire near Yarnell, the group - one of 13 Arizona Hotshot crews - had been profiled in local media last year as they prepared for the fire season and this year as they took on a blaze near Prescott earlier this month.
"The Hot Shots may be fighting the fire with fire," Prescott firefighter and spokesman Wade Ward told the Prescott Daily Courier in an interview last week ( "They may be removing the fuels from the fire, or building a containment line that might be a trigger point for farther down the line."
He told the newspaper members of Hotshot crews are highly trained and work long hours in extreme conditions as they carry out the most demanding of tasks. When the deadly blaze near Yarnell erupted Friday, it came amid a severe heat wave that gripped much of the West. It grew out of control as it was fanned by gusty, hot winds Sunday.
"By the time they got there, it was moving very quickly," Fraijo told The Associated Press of Sunday's fire.
Hotshot crews - there are more than 100 in the U.S. - often hike for miles into the wilderness with chain saws and backpacks filled with heavy gear to build lines of protection between people and fires. They remove brush, trees and anything that might burn in the direction of homes and cities.
The Prescott-based crew last year had four rookies on its 22-member squad, according to a Cronkite News Service report that profiled the group (
State forestry spokesman Art Morrison told the AP that the firefighters were forced to deploy their emergency fire shelters - tent-like structures meant to shield firefighters from flames and heat - when they were caught in the fire.
The Cronkite News Service had featured the group in its story practicing such deployment in a worst-case scenario drill.
"One of the last fail safe methods that a firefighter can do under those conditions is literally to dig as much as they can down and cover themselves with a protective - kinda looks like a foil type - fire-resistant material - with the desire, the hope at least, is that the fire will burn over the top of them and they can survive it," Fraijo said Sunday.
"Under certain conditions there's usually only sometimes a 50 percent chance that they survive," he said. "It's an extreme measure that's taken under the absolute worst conditions."
saw a news soundbite with the Dad of one of the firefighters...
really cool.
Dad is like "of course were incredibly sad, and will be for some time. But my son knew the risks, and wouldnt want to go out any other way, and I am proud as hell of him, and his kids will grow up with that pride, no more questions, please"
Hero Fukushima ex-manager who foiled nuclear disaster dies of cancer
The former Fukushima supervisor of damage control works at the tsunami-devastated nuclear power plant has died of cancer. His decision not to follow a corporate order prevented Chernobyl-like explosions of overheated Fukushima reactors.
The ex-head of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Masao Yoshida, 58, died at a Tokyo hospital of esophageal cancer on July 9, 2013. Doctors have maintained repeatedly that Yoshida's illness has had nothing to do with exposure to high doses of radiation.
Yoshida is believed to have prevented the world's worst atomic accident in 25 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986.
After March 11, 2011, when an earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima nuclear plant, General Manager in the Nuclear Asset Management Department of the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO) Masao Yoshida remained in charge of the rectification of the consequences of the disaster for more than six months, barely leaving the station.
It was Yoshida's own decision to disobey HQ orders to stop using seawater to cool the reactors. Instead he continued to do so and saved the active zones from overheating and exploding. Had he obeyed the order, the whole of north eastern Japan would possibly have been uninhabitable for decades, if not centuries.
After the catastrophe, the Japanese government ordered the forced evacuation of about 80,000 residents from a 20km no-entry zone around Fukushima plant which became unlivable.
On November 28, 2011, Yoshida was admitted to hospital, where cancer was diagnosed.
Five months after the tsunami, Yoshida testified to a government disaster investigation team.
In December 2011, he stepped down as head of Fukushima nuclear power plant.
He underwent several operations including an emergency brain surgery when intracranial bleeding was detected in late July 2012. He also suffered a non-fatal stroke.
Though it was announced later that Yoshida could not be questioned by prosecutors due to his failing health, the testimony he gave to the investigation team was thoroughly inspected as filing a criminal case against him was considered.
In August 2012, Yoshida went against traditions of Japanese corporate culture and recorded a video diary for human resources development consultant Hideaki Yabuhara.
"I felt we have to find ways to get our message across ourselves. We have to find ways to properly tell our experiences," he explained his position, because "the human element has been lost" from the many investigative reports written about the accident at Fukushima.
In the video Yoshida shared his feelings and fears towards the disaster.
He recalled the most tragic moments of the catastrophe, when he and his workers thought they would all die due to explosions of hydrogen that were collecting inside damaged reactor blocks.
"When that first [hydrogen] explosion occurred, I really felt we might die," Yoshida shared, adding that he believed that all those present at the site at the moment had been killed in the explosion. But when he found them alive, though hurt, "I felt awful for those injured, but I felt like Buddha was watching over us," he said.
"The level of radioactivity on the ground was terrible," recalled Yoshida, but the workers of the plant "leaped at the chance to go" trying to fix the situation with the reactors. "My colleagues went out there again and again."
The huge risk of new explosions and radiation contamination at the plant, none of the 250 workers fighting the disaster at the factory actually deserted the operations, while the tsunami in the outside world killed their relatives and destroyed their homes.
"It was clear from the beginning that we couldn't run," Masao Yoshida said. "Nobody on the ground said anything about pulling out of the site."
TEPCO admitted that it was Yoshida who brought the nuclear plant's workers together and kept their spirits up while battling the catastrophe.
"He literally put his life at risk in dealing with the accident,'' TEPCO President Naomi Hirose said in a statement. "We keep his wishes to our heart and do utmost for the reconstruction of Fukushima, which he tried to save at all cost."
:thumbs: good read.
Navy to attempt 1st unmanned carrier landing
this is SWEEEEEET 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — The Navy will attempt to land a drone the size of a fighter jet aboard an aircraft carrier for the first time Wednesday, showcasing the military's capability to have a computer program perform one of the most difficult tasks a pilot is asked to do.
If all goes as planned, a successful landing of the X-47B experimental aircraft will mean the Navy can move forward with its plans to develop another unmanned aircraft that will join the fleet alongside traditional airplanes to provide around-the-clock surveillance while also possessing a strike capability. The aircraft's success would pave the way for the U.S. to launch unmanned aircraft without the need to obtain permission from other countries to use their bases.
The X-47B experimental aircraft will take off from Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland before approaching the USS George H.W. Bush, which is operating off the coast of Virginia. The drone will try to land by deploying a tailhook that will catch a wire aboard the ship and bring it to a quick stop, just like normal fighter jets do. The maneuver is known as an arrested landing and has previously only been done by the drone on land at Patuxent River. Landing on a ship that is constantly moving while navigating through turbulent air behind the aircraft carrier is seen as a more difficult maneuver.
"Your grandchildren and great grandchildren and mine will be reading about this historic event in their history books. This is not trivial, nor is it something that came lightly," said Rear Adm. Mat Winter, the Navy's program executive officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons.
Just like a traditional airplane, if the landing has to be called off for any reason at the last second, it can perform a touch-and-go maneuver. It performed nine such maneuvers in May, when it also took off from an aircraft carrier for the first time.
The X-47B will never be put into operational use, but it will help Navy officials develop future carrier-based drones. Those drones could begin operating by 2020, according to Winter. Four companies are expected to compete for a contract to design the future unmanned aircraft, which will be awarded in Fiscal Year 2014.
The two experimental aircrafts that have been built for the first round of testing will be retired and placed in museums at Patuxent River and at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida.
The move to expand the capabilities of the nation's drones comes amid growing criticism of America's use of Predators and Reapers to gather intelligence and carry out lethal missile attacks against terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen.
Critics in the U.S. and abroad have charged that drone strikes cause widespread civilian deaths and are conducted with inadequate oversight. Still, defense analysts say drones are the future of warfare.
The X-47B is far bigger than the Predator, has three times the range and can be programmed to carry out missions with no human intervention, the Navy said.
While the X-47B isn't a stealth aircraft, it was designed with the low profile of one. That will help in the development of future stealth drones, which would be valuable as the military changes its focus from the Middle East to the Pacific, where a number of countries' air defenses are a lot stronger than Afghanistan's.
The X-47B has a wingspan of about 62 feet and weighs 14,000 pounds, versus nearly 49 feet and about 1,100 pounds for the Predator.
While Predators are typically piloted via remote control by someone in the U.S., the X-47B relies only on computer programs to tell it where to fly unless a human operator needs to step in. The Navy says the aircraft relies on precision GPS navigation, a high-integrity network connection and advanced flight control software to guide itself.
Developed by Northrop Grumman under a 2007 contract at a cost of $1.4 billion, the X-47B is capable of carrying weapons and is designed to be the forerunner for a drone program that will provide around-the-clock intelligence, surveillance and targeting, according to the Navy, which has been giving updates on the project over the past few years.
"It has taken several years of software development, thousands of simulated landings in high fidelity labs and many hours of flight test in the Patuxent River landing pattern to prove this aircraft is up for the challenge," Capt. Jaime Engdahl, program manager for the Navy Unmanned Combat Air System wrote in a blog post. "Today X-47B is ready!"
The X-47B can reach an altitude of more than 40,000 feet and has a range of more than 2,100 nautical miles, versus 675 for the Predator. The Navy plans to show the drone can be refueled in flight, which would give it even greater range.
Landing on an aircraft carrier using a computer system is already being done. The F-18 (C, D, E, F, G classes of F-18's) all have a computer system that land the plane for them. Being in an EA-6B squadron (who has the computer system in the plane as well but isn't as accurate as the 18's) we make fun of the 18 pilots because they make a perfect landing everytime, but they critisize our pilots if they bolter (miss the arresting gear). Our Pilots actually have to fly the jet when landing instead of sitting back and letting the auto pilot landing system do the job for them. I am 99.99% sure the plane will land first time if they are using a computer system.
hater. :rofl:
It has some christian propaganda in it. But.. I think we can all appreciate this.
A guy vs Westboro Baptist.
A look inside Tesla's factory.
Interesting article:
MillerCoors Urges Federal Reserve Crackdown On Wall Street's Aluminum Dealings
The Federal Reserve should toughen oversight of big banks such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase due to their negative influence over commodities, including the aluminum in beer cans, brewer MillerCoors will urge on Tuesday.
The maker of popular beers Coors Light and Miller High Life will tell the Senate Banking Committee that financial groups, through their ownership of warehouses, are distorting the aluminum market by controlling how much aluminum flows out of their storage facilities, leading to extra rent and other costs for industrial companies.
Tim Weiner, MillerCoors global risk manager of commodities and metals, said in prepared remarks that rules exploited by banks and other warehouse owners have cost his company tens of millions of dollars in recent years as a result of an "economic anomaly in the aluminum and other base metal markets."
The alleged gaming has cost aluminum purchasers overall an extra $3 billion, an expense that likely has been passed on to beer and soda drinkers.
The beverage company's statement comes as regulators at the Fed and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission weigh possible action against the banks for their commodities activities. The Fed is revisiting a landmark 2003 decision that for the first time allowed banks to enter the physical commodities business, the central bank said Friday. The CFTC is probing the metals warehousing business, the source of MillerCoors's complaints, people familiar with the matter said.
The inquiries could lead to full-blown investigations by the CFTC or a Fed ban on certain activities by banks in markets for commodities such as aluminum and oil, curtailing a key source of profit.
Ten major global banks have generated nearly $50 billion in revenue off their commodities business over the last five years, according to Coalition, a financial data provider. JPMorgan, Goldman and Morgan Stanley last year were the top three global banks in commodities revenue, with the 10 leading institutions generating about $6 billion in revenue off commodities activities.
The odds of additional regulatory and Congressional scrutiny likely have increased as MillerCoors and other so-called "end users" begin to publicly criticize financial companies and their regulators for inaction, experts said. Industrial companies such as manufacturers have long held a special status in Washington when it comes to financial regulation, successfully winning exemptions from certain rules by lobbying regulatory agencies and empathetic members of Congress.
"The potential impact on the debate by actual major end-users could be extremely significant and helpful," said Dennis Kelleher, president and chief executive of Better Markets, a Washington nonprofit group advocating for stricter oversight of large financial institutions. "The financial industry is supposed to be in service to the real economy. When that's not true, people pay attention."
In an example of the power end-users wield in Washington, Gary Gensler, CFTC chairman, said in February that his agency had implemented key reforms governing types of derivatives known as swaps "with an eye toward ensuring that the swaps market works for end-users, America's primary job-providers."
"It's the end-users in the non-financial side of our economy that provide 94 percent of private sector jobs," Gensler added.
MillerCoors is part of a loose coalition of end-users that include beer brewers, automakers, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group and Reynolds Consumer Products that has accused big banks, including Goldman and JPMorgan, of anti-competitive behavior in the aluminum market. The complaints have prompted investigations in the U.S. and in Europe as regulators and policymakers debate the extent to which financial companies should be allowed involvement in physical commodities.
In addition to Fed and CFTC reviews, the allegations have prompted a Senate probe into Wall Street's expansion into the commodities business as an increasing number of companies claim that the broader economy is being hurt by banks using important raw materials to boost their own profits.
In the past, big banks have been accused of distorting oil and food prices after the price of related commodities hit record highs. But the most recent accusations center on an obscure part of the aluminum business involving an exchange based in London and its effect on the movement of aluminum stocks.
The London Metal Exchange, or LME, sets the rules for the minimum amount of aluminum that warehouses in its network can deliver to customers, such as MillerCoors. The metal could be immediately used for items such as beer cans. Customers also may want to move the metal out of a certain warehouse simply to fulfill a contract struck through the LME.
Goldman controls most of the aluminum stock in North America that is traded on the LME through the bank's ownership of Metro International Trade Services, according to LME data and MillerCoors. JPMorgan is another big owner of LME-authorized aluminum warehouses. Banks including JPMorgan also help set LME rules.
Critics argue that the LME minimum acts as a maximum, as warehouses limit the amount of metal they move out of their storage facilities to maximize the rent they collect from investors and other groups that own the aluminum. That has led to increasing costs for companies such as MillerCoors, and a record premium for physical aluminum beyond the prices agreed between parties on the LME.
Companies such as MillerCoors claim that banks and other owners of warehouses are hurting industrial companies and other users of aluminum by effectively hoarding the metal at their facilities.
Weiner said in prepared remarks:
QuoteThe Federal Reserve has the authority to decide whether commercial and physical commodity activities like the LME warehouses are appropriate lines of businesses. Under this Federal Reserve exemption, U.S. bank holding companies have effective control of the LME, and they have created a bottleneck which limits the supply of aluminum. Aluminum prices in general and for can sheet in particular have remained inflated relative to the massive oversupply and record production. What's supposed to happen under these economic conditions? When supplies rise while demand is flat to down, prices should fall.
Instead, what's happening is that the aluminum we are purchasing is being held up in warehouses controlled and owned by U.S. bank holding companies, who are members of the LME, and set the rules for their own warehouses. These bank holding companies are slowing the load-out of physical aluminum from these warehouses to ensure that they receive increased rent for an extended period time. Aluminum users like MillerCoors are being forced to wait in some cases over 18 months to take physical delivery due to the LME warehouse practices or pay the high physical premium to get aluminum today. This does not happen with any of the other commodities we purchase. When we buy barley we receive prompt delivery, the same with corn, natural gas and other commodities. It is only with aluminum purchased through the LME that our property is held for an extraordinary period of time, with the penalty of paying additional rent and premiums to the warehouse owners, until we get access to the metal we have purchased.
Silky brain implants may help stop spread of epilepsy
Silk has walked straight off the runway and into the lab. According to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, silk implants placed in the brain of laboratory animals and designed to release a specific chemical, adenosine, may help stop the progression of epilepsy. The research was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), which are part of the National Institutes of Health.
The epilepsies are a group of neurological disorders associated with recurring seizures that tend to become more frequent and severe over time. Adenosine decreases neuronal excitability and helps stop seizures. Earlier studies have suggested abnormally low levels of adenosine may be linked to epilepsy.
ebecca L. Williams-Karnesky, Ph.D. and her colleagues from Legacy Research Institute, Portland, Ore., Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU), Portland, and Tufts University, Boston, looked at long-term effects of an adenosine-releasing silk-implant therapy in rats and examined the role of adenosine in causing epigenetic changes that may be associated with the development of epilepsy.
The investigators argue that adenosine's beneficial effects are due to epigenetic modifications (chemical reactions that change the way genes are turned on or off without altering the DNA code, the letters that make up our genetic background). Specifically, these changes happen when a molecule known as a methyl group blocks a portion of DNA, affecting which genes are accessible and can be turned on. If methyl groups have been taken away (demethylated), genes are more likely to turn on.
The results reported in the paper provided evidence that changing adenosine levels affects DNA methylation in the brain. Specifically, greater amounts of adenosine were associated with lower levels of DNA methylation. The investigators also demonstrate that rats induced to develop epilepsy have higher levels of methylated DNA. Of particular note, epileptic rat brains that had received the adenosine-releasing silk implants exhibited DNA methylation levels close to brains of normal rats and this significantly lessened the worsening of the epilepsy over time.
"We know that there are mutations that are associated with epilepsy. However, there are few people such as Dr. Detlev Boison who are doing this type of work, focusing not just on genetic mutations but how the genes are regulated," said Vicky Whittemore, Ph.D., program director at NINDS.
One mechanism involved in a specific type of epilepsy is an increase in mossy fiber sprouting — the formation of new excitatory circuits in the part of the brain where seizures commonly originate. At the end of the experiment, animals that had been treated with the adenosine-releasing silk implant showed less sprouting than animals that were not given the drug. "Based on our findings that 10 days of adenosine delivery prevented the sprouting of mossy fibers for at least three months in rats, we predict that the benefits of our adenosine therapy may extend even longer. However, this assumption needs to be validated in long-term experiments that go beyond three months," said Dr. Boison, senior author of the paper from Legacy Research Institute and OHSU.
The rats did not receive the implants until they had experienced a number of seizures. The researchers noted that many studies investigating anti-epileptic drugs often test the treatments too early. "If the therapy interferes with the trigger for epilepsy development then the trigger is weakened and subsequent epilepsy is less severe. However, this is not necessarily indicative of a stop in the progression of the disease," said Dr. Boison. They found that the adenosine-releasing silk did not completely abolish seizures in their animal model but reduced them four-fold.
"To avoid interference with the epilepsy-triggering mechanisms, we waited until all animals developed an early stage of epilepsy. In this model, the disease is life-long: seizures become more frequent and worsen with time. Therefore, we challenged ourselves to attempt treatment at a stage where epilepsy had already been established," Dr. Boison continued.
The findings show that the implants are safe to use in rats and suggest that they may one day be used in the clinic. "Adenosine-releasing silk is a biodegradable implant. The release of adenosine occurs for 10 days and then the silk will completely dissolve. This is an ideal set-up for a transient preventative treatment," said Dr. Boison. "Clinical applications could be the prevention of epilepsy following head trauma or the prevention of seizures that often — in about 50 percent of patients — follow conventional epilepsy surgery. In this case, adenosine-releasing silk might be placed into the resection cavity in order to prevent future seizures."
However, before the silk implants are ready for their close-up, future studies will need to determine their optimal use and safety in humans. According to Dr. Boison, "We need to look into the efficacy of different doses of adenosine, the duration of adenosine release, and various time points of intervention."
Future studies also need to demonstrate how long the effects of the adenosine-releasing silk implant will last.
"This work is important because 25-30 percent of people with epilepsy do not have effective therapies. This research may help us to prevent epilepsy in people who suffer some event that places them at risk for the disorder, such as individuals who have experienced head trauma," said Dr. Whittemore.
Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops
crap, I was going to go hiking, and then make me some sweet fried chicken...guess thats out. :rofl:
dafuk is right
Glad to hear they found her. Especially ALIVE.
Rescued teen awaits reunion with father in Idaho
CASCADE, Idaho (AP) — A California teen missing for more than a week after she was abducted by a man suspected of killing her mother and brother has been rescued, her captor killed, and a reunion with her father was expected Sunday at an Idaho hospital.
But for law enforcement investigating the ordeal, there is still plenty of work to be done.
FBI agents are processing evidence at the campsite in central Idaho's Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness where they first discovered 16-year-old Hannah Anderson and the man suspected of abducting her, 40-year-old James Lee DiMaggio. Details about the operation that ended in Hannah's rescue are being released slowly.
Law enforcement agents first spotted two people who looked like Anderson and DiMaggio on Saturday afternoon, as they flew over the wilderness area in a plane, according to a statement from Ada County Sheriff's spokeswoman Andrea Dearden.
The air was filled with smoke blown in from distant wildfires, and that made both flying and seeing the ground tough, Dearden said. The law enforcement commanders decided to send in an FBI Hostage Rescue Team immediately to get Hannah while they could.
The mountainous area is extremely steep, and the closest point where the helicopters could drop the team was more than a two-hour hike away. The agents crept close to the camp, waited until DiMaggio and Hannah separated, and then moved in.
The FBI moved the teen to an area where she could be picked up by a helicopter. The FBI won't release details about what happened between DiMaggio and law enforcement at the campsite until an investigation is complete, other than to say DiMaggio was shot and killed.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Mary Rook from Salt Lake City said the FBI will continue to work with law enforcement in both Idaho and California as the case transitions back to the San Diego Sheriff's Department.
Anderson appeared to be uninjured and was taken to an Idaho hospital where crisis counselors and health care providers were assisting her. Her father was expected to arrive in Idaho on Sunday to reunite with her.
"We will make sure she gets as much care as possible, physically and emotionally," said Dearden.
The FBI said it was sending a team to investigate what unfolded before, during and after the shooting.
The location wasn't far from what had been the last known sighting of the pair. A horseback rider called authorities Thursday night to report that he had seen two people who resembled Anderson and DiMaggio with camping gear on a trail near the lake. The rider, whose name wasn't released, didn't realize they were subjects of a massive search until he got home and saw news reports. He was expected to speak to media Sunday.
The case began when the charred bodies of Hannah Anderson's mother, Christina Anderson, 44, and the teen's 8-year-old brother, Ethan Anderson, were found in DiMaggio's burning house outside San Diego, near the Mexico border.
DiMaggio was close to the family. Christina Anderson's husband, Brett Anderson, has described him as a best friend and said the children thought of him as an uncle.
Authorities have said DiMaggio had an "unusual infatuation" with Hannah, although the father said he never saw any strange behavior.
An Amber Alert was issued, and tips led investigators to Oregon after DiMaggio and the teen were reportedly spotted there.
But it wasn't until the Idaho horseback rider called in his tip that investigators found a major lead — DiMaggio's car, hidden under brush at a trailhead on the border of the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in central Idaho.
San Diego County Sheriff William D. Gore announced Hannah's rescue and DiMaggio's death from a news conference in California. He said members of his office notified Hannah's father, Brett Anderson, of her rescue.
"He was very relieved and very excited and looking forward to being reunited with his daughter," Gore said.
The father described a range of emotion in a text message to CNN.
"I am nervous excited saddened 4 my wife and son and worried what my daughter has been through," he wrote to the network. "It's now healing time. Keep us in your prayers."
feel good for the dad. as good as I can anyways... :thumbs:
Before I die, I will see printed organ transplants be a real thing! This is unreal
Scientists Can Now 3D Print Transplantable, Living Kidneys
For the first time ever, scientists are successfully 3D printing actual, living human kidneys. Like the human livers printed in the past, the kidney are currently miniature in size, but with about 90% of the printed cells being alive, the potential for human use looks immensely positive.
To produce mass amounts of the living cells, samples of human kidney cells are cultured in large volumes and blended with hydrogel, a water- and nutrition-rich material that makes up the 3D printed kidneys' base. Afterwards, the printed cells can survive for up to four months in a lab thanks to this gel's rich nutrient source.
Because the product contains living, growing cells, the actual process is considerably different from plastic-based 3D printing. According to Xu Mingen, the lead researcher and professor at a Huazhong University of Science and Technology in eastern Zhejiang Province:
It's different from traditional 3D printing—to print a cup, we have to fill up the object with our material. But this method doesn't work in cells because a cell contains blood vessels and has tissue space. We have to make sure to spare enough space for them to grow.
Most incredibly, though, these adorable mini kidneys are able to function in exactly the same ways as their real, human-bred counterpart—they can break down toxins, metabolize, and secrete fluid. All of this is fantastic news for the millions of patients in need of organ transplants every yea—a small fraction of which actually receive the life-giving surgery. And though it may still be a few years before we start seeing this method being used in actual hospitals, judging by the the success of the fun-sized version, we're well on our way to printing off brand new organs at moment's notice.
Wasn't quite sure where to put this.. Alex Rodriguez... Obviously busted for using some sort of Performance Enhancing Drugs...
Pitcher takes it out on him and hits him w/ the ball on purpose... doesn't get thrown out. Pretty freakin intense!
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 20, 2013, 10:14:43 AM
thats wrong.
i have a feeling the NCAA will fix it though.
About time 'Murica gets one right...sheesh..
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 20, 2013, 01:54:34 PM
About time 'Murica gets one right...sheesh..
:lol: right on
Im clairvoyant, I tell ya
Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison
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Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison
Published time: August 21, 2013 14:18
Edited time: August 21, 2013 15:53 Get short URL
U.S. soldier Bradley Manning (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)
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Bradley Manning trial
Court, Intelligence, Law, Military, USA, WikiLeaks A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. Manning faced up to 90 years behind bars, while prosecutors sought to put the whistleblower away for a minimum of six decades.
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Manning will be credited with the 1,294 days he spent in pre-trial confinement plus an additional 112 days. He was also dishonorably discharged, saw his rank reduced to private from private first class and was forced to forfeit all pay and benefits. No additional fine, however, was levied against him. Manning will have to serve a third of his sentence before he is eligible for parole.
Col. Denise Lind, who on Tuesday began her deliberations in the court-martial case, announced the sentence shortly after 10am local time (14:00 GMT). Lind read out the sentence succinctly and provided no other statement as a gaggle of journalist's waited in anticipation. Flanked by his lawyers, Manning, 25, stood at attention and appeared not to react when Lind announced the punishment, AP reports. He further made no statement after his fate was announced.
#Manning sentenced to 35 years. Means he'll likely serve about 8 to 8.5 yrs more in confinement and be out by the time he's 33 or 34.
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) August 21, 2013
Immediately after sentencing, Amnesty International called on President Barack Obama to commute Manning's sentence to time already served to allow his immediate release.
"Instead of fighting tooth and nail to lock him up for decades, the US government should turn its attention to investigating and delivering justice for the serious human rights abuses committed by its officials in the name of countering terror," said Widney Brown, Senior Director of International Law and Policy at Amnesty International.
The American Civil Liberties Union was also quick to excoriate the decision.
"When a soldier who shared information with the press and public is punished far more harshly than others who tortured prisoners and killed civilians, something is seriously wrong with our justice system," said Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project.
Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, decried the sentence as "unprecedented" in its magnitude.
"It's more than 17 times the next longest sentence ever served" for providing secret material to the media, said Goitein. "It is in line with sentences for paid espionage for the enemy."
WikiLeaks, however, argues the sentence can be perceived as a victory for Manning, as it leaves open the possibility that he will be released within a decade's time or less.
Significant strategic victory in Bradley Manning case. Bradley Manning now elegible for release in less than 9 years, 4.4 in one calculation
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 21, 2013
Manning's sentence will automatically be sent to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals as it exceeds a period of one year.
Before that process can get underway, however, the entire court-martial proceedings must be turned into an official transcript, which the defense, prosecution, and judge must sign off on.
That process will most likely be lengthy in duration.
Manning will have the option of petitioning General Jeffrey Buchanan, the Convening Authority overseeing the trial, for clemency. General Buchanan also has the option of reducing the sentence on any particular count or overturning it altogether. Conversely, Buchanan cannot overturn a not guilty verdict or tack on time to the sentence.
Manning's lawyer David E. Coombs had previously asked the judge for leniency, requesting a sentence that did not "rob him of his youth." Coombs argued that Manning's leaks had not endangered the US.
The prosecution had sought a 60-year sentence, arguing the stiff term would deter others from leaking classified information.
"There's value in deterrence," prosecutor Capt. Joe Morrow said in his closing argument on Monday.
Protesters with the Bradley Manning Support Network hold a vigil while waiting to hear Manning's sentence on August 21, 2013 outside the gate of Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. (AFP Photo / T.J. Kirkpatrick)
Last week the 25-year-old Manning apologized for the "unintended consequences" of his actions, saying he believed he was "going to help people, not hurt people."
He told the court at Fort Meade, Maryland, that "the last three years have been a learning experience for me."
WikiLeaks responded to Manning's mea culpa, saying "the only currency this military court will take is Bradley Manning's humiliation." The anti-secrecy group continued that Manning's "forced" apology was done in the hopes of "shaving a decade or more off his sentence."
The soldier was convicted last month of 20 charges including espionage, theft and violating computer regulations. Manning was found not guilty, however, of the most serious charge – aiding the enemy – which entailed a potential sentence of life without the possibility of parole.
Manning faced up to 90 years in prison for passing on more than 700,000 Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports and State Department diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010. He was later arrested in Iraq in May of that year.
He also leaked video of 'Collateral Murder' video, which shows a US helicopter attack in Baghdad in which at least nine non-combatants were killed, including a Reuters news photographer and his driver.
Manning is entitled to appeal against any verdict handed to him by the court-martial in the Army Court of Criminal Appeal within six months.
one last story:
Quote from: Krandall on August 21, 2013, 10:42:54 AM
Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison
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Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison
Published time: August 21, 2013 14:18
Edited time: August 21, 2013 15:53 Get short URL
U.S. soldier Bradley Manning (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)
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Bradley Manning trial
Court, Intelligence, Law, Military, USA, WikiLeaks A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. Manning faced up to 90 years behind bars, while prosecutors sought to put the whistleblower away for a minimum of six decades.
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Manning will be credited with the 1,294 days he spent in pre-trial confinement plus an additional 112 days. He was also dishonorably discharged, saw his rank reduced to private from private first class and was forced to forfeit all pay and benefits. No additional fine, however, was levied against him. Manning will have to serve a third of his sentence before he is eligible for parole.
Col. Denise Lind, who on Tuesday began her deliberations in the court-martial case, announced the sentence shortly after 10am local time (14:00 GMT). Lind read out the sentence succinctly and provided no other statement as a gaggle of journalists waited in anticipation. Flanked by his lawyers, Manning, 25, stood at attention and appeared not to react when Lind announced the punishment, AP reports. He further made no statement after his fate was announced.
#Manning sentenced to 35 years. Means he'll likely serve about 8 to 8.5 yrs more in confinement and be out by the time he's 33 or 34.
Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) August 21, 2013
Immediately after sentencing, Amnesty International called on President Barack Obama to commute Mannings sentence to time already served to allow his immediate release.
"Instead of fighting tooth and nail to lock him up for decades, the US government should turn its attention to investigating and delivering justice for the serious human rights abuses committed by its officials in the name of countering terror, said Widney Brown, Senior Director of International Law and Policy at Amnesty International.
The American Civil Liberties Union was also quick to excoriate the decision.
When a soldier who shared information with the press and public is punished far more harshly than others who tortured prisoners and killed civilians, something is seriously wrong with our justice system, said Ben Wizner, director of the ACLUs Speech, Privacy and Technology Project.
Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, decried the sentence as "unprecedented" in its magnitude.
"It's more than 17 times the next longest sentence ever served" for providing secret material to the media, said Goitein. "It is in line with sentences for paid espionage for the enemy."
WikiLeaks, however, argues the sentence can be perceived as a victory for Manning, as it leaves open the possibility that he will be released within a decade's time or less.
Significant strategic victory in Bradley Manning case. Bradley Manning now elegible for release in less than 9 years, 4.4 in one calculation
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 21, 2013
Manning's sentence will automatically be sent to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals as it exceeds a period of one year.
Before that process can get underway, however, the entire court-martial proceedings must be turned into an official transcript, which the defense, prosecution, and judge must sign off on.
That process will most likely be lengthy in duration.
Manning will have the option of petitioning General Jeffrey Buchanan, the Convening Authority overseeing the trial, for clemency. General Buchanan also has the option of reducing the sentence on any particular count or overturning it altogether. Conversely, Buchanan cannot overturn a not guilty verdict or tack on time to the sentence.
Manning's lawyer David E. Coombs had previously asked the judge for leniency, requesting a sentence that did not rob him of his youth." Coombs argued that Manning's leaks had not endangered the US.
The prosecution had sought a 60-year sentence, arguing the stiff term would deter others from leaking classified information.
"There's value in deterrence," prosecutor Capt. Joe Morrow said in his closing argument on Monday.
Protesters with the Bradley Manning Support Network hold a vigil while waiting to hear Manning's sentence on August 21, 2013 outside the gate of Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. (AFP Photo / T.J. Kirkpatrick)
Last week the 25-year-old Manning apologized for the unintended consequences of his actions, saying he believed he was going to help people, not hurt people."
He told the court at Fort Meade, Maryland, that "the last three years have been a learning experience for me."
WikiLeaks responded to Mannings mea culpa, saying the only currency this military court will take is Bradley Mannings humiliation. The anti-secrecy group continued that Mannings forced apology was done in the hopes of shaving a decade or more off his sentence.
The soldier was convicted last month of 20 charges including espionage, theft and violating computer regulations. Manning was found not guilty, however, of the most serious charge aiding the enemy which entailed a potential sentence of life without the possibility of parole.
Manning faced up to 90 years in prison for passing on more than 700,000 Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports and State Department diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010. He was later arrested in Iraq in May of that year.
He also leaked video of Collateral Murder video, which shows a US helicopter attack in Baghdad in which at least nine non-combatants were killed, including a Reuters news photographer and his driver.
Manning is entitled to appeal against any verdict handed to him by the court-martial in the Army Court of Criminal Appeal within six months.
FERK that guy!
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 21, 2013, 12:42:00 PM
that guy is a gawd here. But that's a little much...cryin over it.... whatever. :rolleyes:
I pulled my son out of wrestling because the locals are like that. Coaches and other kids forgot they don't go to school anymore, cheering and yelling at kids like its their own match..seriously uncomfortable. Kids are in kindergarten..
Get over yourselves guys, its a sport.
Quote from: Krandall on August 21, 2013, 02:37:30 PM
Drunk redneck should be yelling "Mericka!" as he launches it...
Why don't you try that shit on me you fucking cowardly cunts!
Woman steals own bike back from thief :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
A woman in Vancouver whose bike was stolen discovered someone was selling it on Craigslist and went about stealing the bike back in a hilarious tale she shared on Facebook and Reddit.
Kayla Smith had her bike stolen from a friend's house last Wednesday and posted on Facebook, "that I was disappointed and sad because I had worked so hard for the bike. I absolutely love, love, love my bike. So needless to say I was choked."
She called police to report the theft and phoned the bike shop to retrieve the bike's serial numbers.
An hour later, a friend called her and said, "Dude, I think I found your bike on Craigslist."
Smith recognized her bike in the post and called police again but was told it might be another day before an officer got back to her.
"This guy is selling my bike right now!!!" Smith explained. "I am not missing this opportunity waiting for a call. So I jump into action."
Smith made arrangements to meet the seller at a McDonald's.
"When I pulled into the parking lot I still had no plan of attack," she said. "I got there and saw the guy with my bike. He was wearing board shorts, a raggedy tank top, and dark sketchy glasses. I noticed that it was my bike right away because of the RIDE ON stickers on the frame and the fact I have a silver handle bar plug on the left and a black one on the right ... Here is where I started thinking on my feet."
Smith asked the guy if she could take a test ride around the parking lot.
"Yeah, just don't ride away," the man told her.
"Of course, I'm like, 'Don't you worry, I won't,'" she related. "And then I just ride away."
"To be honest, I was shaking and freaking out," she said. "I ... couldn't believe what the [heck] just happened."
When Smith met up with a friend in another parking lot, she was giddy with excitement, jumping up and down "like a 6-year-old getting an ice cream cone." The thief was last seen running away from the scene.
The serial numbers did match the bike, incidentally.
"After that," Smith said, "I called him and personally left him a message apologizing for not sticking around to pay him for the bike HE [FREAKING] STOLE FROM ME!!!"
Canadian police urged people not to take matters such as these into their own hands, but in this instance, it all worked out. Hysterically so.
Bike could have ended up in the basement of the alamo!
had to share this.
Bill Watterson retired from writing and drawing "Calvin & Hobbes" about 18 years ago, but the timelessness of his message -- to always remain thoughtful, imaginative, and playful -- will stick in our culture forever, if we're lucky. Case in point: Cartoonist Gavin Aung Than, who pens comics on his blog Zen Pencils, created this tribute to Watterson that has struck a chord with the Internet over the last few days.
Than took the text from a commencement speech Watterson delivered at Kenyon College in 1995, and illustrated it in the style of "Calvin & Hobbes." He explains that this is the first time he's intentionally attempted to mimic Watterson, although the man has been an inspiration for his art as well as his career.
If you want to buy a print of Than's cartoon, you may be out of luck. He explains that since Watterson famously refuses to license his work, preferring to let his art speak for itself, selling this "would be against the whole spirit of Calvin and Hobbes." However, you can (and should) click over to his site and browse his other, non-Watterson related artwork.
:clap: that was great! :thumbs:
Quote from: Peels on August 30, 2013, 08:08:46 AM
:clap: that was great! :thumbs:
i totally agree.......
Bank of America goes to trial over U.S. mortgage fraud charges
In what would be the government's first financial crisis case to go to trial against a major bank over defective mortgages, jury selection is set to begin in federal court in New York on Tuesday, barring a last-minute settlement.
The trial is also a reminder of the billions of dollars in legal liabilities Bank of America has incurred as a result of its 2008 acquisition of Countrywide Financial Corp, which became a poster child of the mortgage meltdown.
The U.S. Justice Department filed the civil lawsuit in 2012, blaming the bank for more than $1 billion in losses to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which bought mortgages that later defaulted. Since then, new evidence and pre-trial rulings by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff have pared the case back.
Bank of America has said the lawsuit's claims are "simply false" and that it "can't be expected to compensate every entity that claims losses that actually were caused by the economic downturn."
A spokesman for the bank declined comment ahead of the trial, which is expected to last five weeks.
The government lawsuit stems from a whistleblower case brought by former Countrywide Financial Corp executive Edward O'Donnell.
It centers on a program called the "High Speed Swim Lane" - also called "HSSL" or "Hustle" - that government lawyers say Countrywide initiated in 2007 as mortgage delinquency and default rates began to rise and Fannie and Freddie tightened underwriting guidelines.
Countrywide pushed to streamline its loan origination business through the program, eliminating loan quality checkpoints and paying employees based only on the volume of loans they produced, according to the lawsuit.
The result was "rampant instances of fraud and other serious loan defects," including in the mortgages sold to Fannie and Freddie, despite assurances Countrywide had tightened underwriting guidelines, the Justice Department said.
The process was overseen by Rebecca Mairone, a former chief operating officer of Countrywide' s Full Spectrum Lending Division. The Justice Department added her as a co-defendant in January.
Mairone left Bank of America in mid-2012 and is now a managing director at JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Marc Mukasey, a lawyer for Mairone at Bracewell & Giuliani, said in an email it was "a shame the government is wasting time and money on a case that is utterly devoid of merit."
Fannie and Freddie's estimated "gross loss" on loans in the Countrywide program was $848.2 million, according to court papers. The "net loss" - the loss caused by the portion of loans the Justice Department says were materially defective - was $131.2 million.
While the jury will determine if the bank is liable, any penalty would be up to Rakoff, a judge well-known for his rulings in financial crisis cases.
In 2010, Rakoff rejected a $33 million settlement between Bank of America and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over claims it did not properly disclose employee bonuses and financial losses at Merrill Lynch, which it acquired at the end of 2008.
The bank ultimately agreed to a renewed settlement paying $150 million in an accord Rakoff "reluctantly" approved. In November 2011, he rejected a $285 million settlement between the SEC and Citigroup Inc, challenging the long-standing practice of settlements without admissions of wrongdoing.
In the "Hustle" case, Rakoff dismissed claims against the bank under the False Claims Act but allowed the case to instead proceed under a provision of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act, a 1989 federal law passed after the savings-and-loan crisis.
The law, which provides a longer statute of limitations of 10 years, has become the basis of several government civil lawsuits over the financial crisis.
The case is U.S. ex rel. O'Donnell v. Bank of America Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-01422.
Quote from: Krandall on April 25, 2014, 09:34:57 AM
That's my home town :rofl:
my kids and I would be in prison for life! Our nerf gun wars get brutal :rofl:
LSD....that's a helluva drug
thats flippin be loling all over the place if an elf attacked my car. then Id run him over.
" The woman called the police and said that a "pirate" was attacking her."
I'm trying to figure out how she thought he was a pirate :lol:
Quote from: funyun on May 20, 2014, 09:34:25 AM
" The woman called the police and said that a "pirate" was attacking her."
I'm trying to figure out how she thought he was a pirate :lol:
good point.
newspaper gets trolled by some kid and actually posts article :lol:
Why are news reports all a bunch of idiots
Quote from: funyun on May 28, 2014, 07:44:46 AM
newspaper gets trolled by some kid and actually posts article :lol:
Why are news reports all a bunch of idiots
:lol: troll ftw
umm lets hike up our skirts a little more ladies... its flippin heavy metal. Im not a hunter myself, but come on. I would think heavy metal and shooting a giant carnivourous mammal would mesh well. Maybe these folks should listen to Sarah Mclachlan and have a good cry. :rofl:
More than 10,000 people have joined a campaign calling for Metallica to be dropped from Glastonbury due to their frontman's support for bear hunting. Organisers of the campaign claim the metal group's politics are "incompatible with the spirit of Glastonbury", citing singer/guitarist James Hetfield's reported involvement in the upcoming documentary series The Hunt.
An anti-Metallica Facebook group has grown to 11,245 members in just over a week, with thousands agreeing that Hetfield's views "bring [the festival's] good name into disrepute". "[Glastonbury] is in a position ... to make a stand," organisers wrote, "[making] it known that [big game hunting] is not acceptable in a modern civilised society and that we want no part of it."
In May, the History channel announced that Hetfield will be narrating all eight episodes of The Hunt, which premieres on 8 June. The series follows a group of hunters as they pursue the world's largest brown bears in Alaska. "Honouring the animal is paramount and taught to all hunters who come to [Kodiak island]," producers said in a press release. "Hunters have an ethical and legal responsibility to strive for clean kills that is taken very seriously ... Aside from population control management, bear hunting is also vital to the economic viability of Kodiak."
Quote from: Krandall on June 04, 2014, 01:02:17 PM
I THINK its the biggest show in england...metallicas been playin it for years. All of a sudden, the Guy narrates a documentary, and all kiiinsa panties get bunched lol
If it were me, Id refund their tickets, and give them free passes to lilith fair. might be more their speed? :rofl:
give them some green tea and a packet of patchouli
Model who burned down 3,500-year-old tree called 'The Senator' while high on meth avoids jail time
Quote from: Krandall on June 16, 2014, 02:12:07 PM
Model who burned down 3,500-year-old tree called 'The Senator' while high on meth avoids jail time
"so i could see the meth i was smoking" :rofl:
not feelin the idea totally. THeyve been selling electric motorcycles with the same if not better power, and more range...just no recognizable brand...
trying to get people to be emotional about something sensible...difficult.
the premium price tag they'll put on it because "its a harley" will price out of that market.
But I hope it works out. I think they should NOT be targeting harley people. Theyll think this is ghey. :rofl:
remember? loud pipes save lives! :confused:
REALLY enjoyed that article, mang. I really do wish them good luck. innovation is nice to see from harley.
it only took 100 years. :thumbs:
Quote from: funyun on June 25, 2014, 08:05:52 AM
just wow
hey Rando... to add to the HD bike post. Harley hasnt really knocked anyone's socks off here... its been done, and most likely...better.
heres the electric motorcycle company ive been following... pretty good stuff. Check out the Zero SR.
462 mpg (equivalent)
would I buy one...? prob not right now....I wouldnt have to charge but twice a week lol. but if I had a huge commute like In cali or something. Oh man. They even have dual sport and an off road...
again, I say "good luck" to Harley for trying something different...but nobody buys a Harley because it makes sense. They buy them so old tattoed women will swoon when they see them in their Flag bandana and sleeveless shirt. :rofl:
Maybe badge it as a buell...makes a little more sense. :thumbs:
the electric harley isn't for sale, it's a demo/test/etc. they're not offering it yet, they want to use this as a test bed for future possibility.
You and hefe.. It just hits me.. I don't get why you haev all the ferkin hate for harley.
because there's bigger and better out there?
Why would you buy a car w/ out a turbo when you can buy the same one with?
blah blah blah.
its the same as the people in the car world. Oh, I don't liek rat rods because of blah blahb lah. its all bullshit. If you don't like something, that's fine but to call people out who do like it and say they are idiots or whatever... that's all on you.
At least with me givin you shit for soccer. Its 90% in jest.. I understand how its world wide known although not the most exciting... :shrug:
haters gonna hate I guess.
Quote from: Mad Dog on June 25, 2014, 11:21:14 AM
the electric harley isn't for sale, it's a demo/test/etc. they're not offering it yet, they want to use this as a test bed for future possibility.
I know, sunshine. ;)
Contrary to what you might think. I CAN read. :rofl:
My point is, i think its a waste to badge that as a harley....
Quote from: Krandall on June 25, 2014, 12:35:08 PM
You and hefe.. It just hits me.. I don't get why you haev all the ferkin hate for harley.
because there's bigger and better out there?
Why would you buy a car w/ out a turbo when you can buy the same one with?
blah blah blah.
its the same as the people in the car world. Oh, I don't liek rat rods because of blah blahb lah. its all bullshit. If you don't like something, that's fine but to call people out who do like it and say they are idiots or whatever... that's all on you.
At least with me givin you shit for soccer. Its 90% in jest.. I understand how its world wide known although not the most exciting... :shrug:
haters gonna hate I guess.
WHoa. I didn't call anyone an idiot. easy :lol:
The argument(as peels sees it)
Ive owned 4 motorcycles. Each time, ive been asked, by multiple people. "why not a harley?" like its the only brand out there. Ive also been told that mine is inferior because it is NOT a said harley. This is completely ridiculous. And this is where 90% of my hate comes from.
all of them, all they are to people are "not harleys" :rofl:
I actually dont hate HD's themselves -most of them best friend has one. (aside from lack of innovation, and only being produced in order to sell apparel) I just dislike that you buy it for an image, not for excellent engineering. and then people WITH NO IDEA OF WHAT OR HOW A MOTORCYCLE WORKS ALSO THINKS HD IS BETTER AND MINE IS INFERIOR, and will tell me so with absolutely no facts.
I feel like you and I have duked this out before...but the core of this issue, is not hate for harley, or calling people names who own them.... its my personal fight against the opposite of that, THEY ARE NOT BETTER. AND MINE IS NOT WORSE, SO SHUT UP.
here's your bulletpoints of what Im arguing. Im basically the opposite of the status quo that harley is. Not harley itself.
-To assume that your bike is superior because it is HD
-most people buy harleys only because they SAY HARLEY ON THEM(image)
-NON owners, who are prospective buyers, if you ask them why theyre buying one...will say, "cuz its a harley"
-To assume that mine is inferior because it is NOT an HD
-You have to look a certain way to ride one.
-The idea that loud pipes is advantageous in ANY way, when the bike is NEVER raced. image again.
-people who say "loud pipes save lives" this is complete and utter horse$Hit
harleys must not run right if you wear a helmet, based on my observation.-more NON harley owners wear harley clothes than the owners. Again, cementing my point that its an image, not a good design.
+all of this is happening with literally no technical innovation, yet is superior to all other brands, in the minds of the unknowing. AN folks keep paying premiums for it.
really, all that bs boils down to this:
If YOU like it...GO FOR IT...but DO NOT drive around all high and mighty and convince me that its better or faster. And people who dont own bikes... :stfu: period.
Did you see any harleys at the Isle of Man? NOPE. they are heavy and slow, and corner poorly. But if you like the image, and think its worth your $... fine. Nothing wrong with that. :thumbs: Motorcycle are motorcycles. you ride them. :nod:
Did I see any at the Isle of Man? No..
Do you see any 69 Chargers running in the Daytona 500 or the Baja 1000? No.
I feel your opinion is so one sided.
I'm not on either side of the fence I see both sides. You're a street bike guy giving the harley riders shit and there's harley riders giving the street bike riders shit. Its just lame and there's no progressiveness. Literally no technical innovation? That's so lame to say also!! Belt Driven, disc brakes, some with even dual disc setups on the front, EFI, that's right... No innovation. Not all companies are innovators but you make it sound like they are unable to keep up w/ the times even. They have a thing that sells and it makes them money. Seems like a pretty solid business model if you ask me. Same goes for people who buy apple products. SAME EXACT THING.
They look pretty.. but I can get the same thing and more if I buy a pc. :shrug:
oh dear me. Ive been mistaken. there were harleys at the isle of man TT. 11 of them it appears.. Out of all of them, the fastest averaged a high of 93mph. the ones that finished did anyways. vs 128 for BMW.
I totally're missing the point though. The argument I have is against those that would say Harleys are better, then judge me for NOT buying one. Anyone with knowledge would not say this. I don't go up to Harley people and say "why not BMW or Yamaha?" that's rude. Even you wouldnt tell me that. but I certainly get the shit from that crowd.. with the confused look"no harley huh, thats dumb".... like theres only one motorcycle to buy. :confused:
that is what makes me one sided and drives the hate. lol.
SO.....Really Its The image I hate. not the motorcycle. But I stand by my innovation statement. Sure theyve done some things internally, but vs the industry as a whole.. not so much. They attempted innovation with the Vrod. even got porsches help to make the engine tougher. ...I actually like that bike. But harley people dont. because its smooth and fast. Oh and watercooled... lol therefore not a harley Im not saying theyre "BAD" im just saying,Harley in general is not good enough in my opinion to deserve the status quo image that they have. But they get it because of the image that has been created.
The big cushy tourers...NICE bikes. no prob.
And yes. harley gets a solid gold award for business. But not for engineering. EVERYONE has one now. and those that dont, have the tshirt. lol
you know what....there wasnt really any hate in my original reply about that electric bike. I was being a realist. I never said it was bad. I just dont think it will do well amongst that crowd....its not loud and abrasive. You cant argue this with...nobody buys a harley because its quiet and efficient. please. They buy them, rip the pipes off(no tuning mind you) and slap on 50lbs of chrome.
yes im generalizing, but thats what i get from that crowd. so im giving it back. :)
you know..."jap crap" "metric junk" that sort of thing. Actually, had someone call my bike "jap crap" :lol: ummm.. OK
also, to help you see why Im so one sided, let me tell you how this hate started.... Remember, you know me, Im a scrawny california nerd.
Summer 93 just out of highschool. I Ride the Suzuki GS1000 to a job interview. Im parking it. SOme HUGE redneck in a shitty truck with harley stickers everywhereand a busted up harley in the back...yells. "move that jap piece of $hit outta my spot!" Im like....dafuk...but he starts getting out. SO i move forward. :lol: Note: Suzuki Gs1000 is regarded is one of the most influencial bikes ever made. certainly not crap.
Fast forward to 1998ish(ithink). Im financially stable now. I wanted a new bike, having sold the GS. I still didn't hate harley yet, but still had the experience from the day in 93 in memory. I actually went to the Harley shop to look at NEW sportster. it was pretty I wnated one. I go to test it out in the lot. rumble rumble rumble... shakes like a whore at the pearly gates. 14,500 dollars he says. I was thinking 7000. which I mentioned and apparently offended the sales guy. "well its a special edition" well it runs like crap, are they all like that?" well thats the vtwin harley for ya" "well thats bad I say, hondas magna vtwin is like a sewing machine" he says "mabe you should just go buy a honda" :lol: Ive never been back. This is when I developed the "bike is built for image" mentality. As I was waiting for said sales guy. I looked around. 50 dollar tshirts. 700 dollar leather fringy jacket... dafuk good is fringes... lol Had another salesmen tell me harley doesnt make money on bikes. but they make a killing on the accessories and licensing. I believe it.
After that, I only owned an old suzuki dual sport clunker. But only rode occasionally. But started to notice the harley phenomenon. Guys with mullets. headbands...poorly tuned loud exhaust riding like they own the road..... it was polarizing for me. And now I want nothing to do with it. I still see it every single day. they never give me the "motorcycle wave back" everyone else does.
in 2005 I bought my yamaha vstar brand new. It was a 650 and put the harley 1200 to shame. and ran smoother. that was the best bargain motorcycle. 5000 dollars. and there was NOTHING it couldnt do that a Harley could.
there ARE some harley faithful that dont fit this mold. I respect them.
now. again, I agree. apples and oranges. but people need to quit telling me the oranges are better than the apples. because, they are not.
mommy.. That man didn't wave back to me. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Quote from: Krandall on June 26, 2014, 06:33:24 AM
mommy.. That man didn't wave back to me. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
that hurted muh feelins. :rofl:
im done with my :brokenrecord:
this is the mentality of MOST harley people. At least that Ive met. And I operate in direct opposition of them.
And....You think I AM THE HATER?
do you see people like this embracing a quiet electric motorcyle?
That guy kept walking so close to the person with the hammer was waiting for him to get whacked :lol:
my hatred for the brand is primarily because of the image of most of the d-bags around here that ride them..
and they are over priced and underpowered
if you like them... then fine.. I have no problem with that, but don't tell me how they are superior, because it's simply not true.
I have been riding Street Bikes all my life, I have owned many many bikes over the years.
and the Harleys I have ridden (and there have been a few) all feel like they are 1960's technology, and honestly are shit quality.
the handling and braking are downright frightening!
the engine power rivals that of a lawnmower, and is underwhelming at best!
If you want a Harley for the "image" then I accept that, it's just not an image that I wish to be associated with.
I don't Drink and ride... EVER!
and the VAST majority of the "Harley guys" around here go bar to bar all damn day.. and that is NOT ME!
When I was rockin' the R6 (a couple of them) there were plenty of D-bags on those too, and I distanced myself from that group too.
you will notice at the Raptor Rallies, I keep away from the guys that drink and ride... it's just not who I am
I will say this...
Tim has a buddy (Bob) that is a super nice guy, rides a Harley, and his bike is quiet, well maintained, and has OVER 130k on the odometer
this guy RIDES!!!
I respect him, he is a great guy.. not a d-bag with a "cut" and poser apparel. he is truly a rider!
of course.. we give him a bunch of shit... but it's all good fun
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Hefe on June 26, 2014, 10:44:36 AM
my hatred for the brand is primarily because of the image of most of the d-bags around here that ride them..
and they are over priced and underpowered
if you like them... then fine.. I have no problem with that, but don't tell me how they are superior, because it's simply not true.
I have been riding Street Bikes all my life, I have owned many many bikes over the years.
and the Harleys I have ridden (and there have been a few) all feel like they are 1960's technology, and honestly are shit quality.
the handling and braking are downright frightening!
the engine power rivals that of a lawnmower, and is underwhelming at best!
If you want a Harley for the "image" then I accept that, it's just not an image that I wish to be associated with.
I don't Drink and ride... EVER!
and the VAST majority of the "Harley guys" around here go bar to bar all damn day.. and that is NOT ME!
When I was rockin' the R6 (a couple of them) there were plenty of D-bags on those too, and I distanced myself from that group too.
you will notice at the Raptor Rallies, I keep away from the guys that drink and ride... it's just not who I am
I will say this...
Tim has a buddy (Bob) that is a super nice guy, rides a Harley, and his bike is quiet, well maintained, and has OVER 130k on the odometer
this guy RIDES!!!
I respect him, he is a great guy.. not a d-bag with a "cut" and poser apparel. he is truly a rider!
of course.. we give him a bunch of shit... but it's all good fun
so, I rode a harley yesterday. it wasnt terrible lol. then, my buddy says: "hey you dont look too bad on a harley" :facepalm:
It was crazy la-z-boy comfortable. in a straight line. sorta look youre in the childbirth stirrups....Somewhat trippy trying to lay it over for a tight turn.
anyways...I get it. But still same opinion though, just slightly less hate. :kiss:
Quote from: Peels on July 14, 2014, 11:41:05 AM
Quote from: Hefe on June 26, 2014, 10:44:36 AM
my hatred for the brand is primarily because of the image of most of the d-bags around here that ride them..
and they are over priced and underpowered
if you like them... then fine.. I have no problem with that, but don't tell me how they are superior, because it's simply not true.
I have been riding Street Bikes all my life, I have owned many many bikes over the years.
and the Harleys I have ridden (and there have been a few) all feel like they are 1960's technology, and honestly are shit quality.
the handling and braking are downright frightening!
the engine power rivals that of a lawnmower, and is underwhelming at best!
If you want a Harley for the "image" then I accept that, it's just not an image that I wish to be associated with.
I don't Drink and ride... EVER!
and the VAST majority of the "Harley guys" around here go bar to bar all damn day.. and that is NOT ME!
When I was rockin' the R6 (a couple of them) there were plenty of D-bags on those too, and I distanced myself from that group too.
you will notice at the Raptor Rallies, I keep away from the guys that drink and ride... it's just not who I am
I will say this...
Tim has a buddy (Bob) that is a super nice guy, rides a Harley, and his bike is quiet, well maintained, and has OVER 130k on the odometer
this guy RIDES!!!
I respect him, he is a great guy.. not a d-bag with a "cut" and poser apparel. he is truly a rider!
of course.. we give him a bunch of shit... but it's all good fun
so, I rode a Dick yesterday. it wasnt terrible lol. then, my buddy says: "hey you dont look too bad on it" :facepalm:
It was crazy la-z-boy comfortable. in a straight line. sorta look youre in the childbirth stirrups....Somewhat trippy trying to lay it over for a tight turn.
anyways...I get it. But still same opinion though, just slightly less hate. :kiss:
old age symptom ........... you settle for anything...........please re-read and tell me it doesn't make sense...........and dejavu for you....... :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Peels on July 14, 2014, 01:53:38 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
just like old times..............
This is awesome. :confused:
Quote from: Krandall on July 15, 2014, 10:47:39 AM
This is awesome. :confused:
HOLY LOL'z!!!!!
been there, done that. satellite tv...satellite radio...ERMAHGERD its like pulling teeth.
but not quite THAT bad. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Do you know what happened 164 years ago this summer....September 9, 1850?
California became a state! The people had no electricity, the state had no money
and almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gunfights in the streets.
So basically NOTHING has changed except back then the women
had real boobs and the men didn't hold hands.
And that, my friends, is your history lesson for today.
Quote from: Mags on July 20, 2014, 08:26:43 AM
:facepalm: depressing. :lol:
Quote from: Mags on July 20, 2014, 08:29:25 AM
Do you know what happened 164 years ago this summer....September 9, 1850?
California became a state! The people had no electricity, the state had no money
and almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gunfights in the streets.
So basically NOTHING has changed except back then the women
had real boobs and the men didn't hold hands.
And that, my friends, is your history lesson for today.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Mags on July 20, 2014, 08:26:43 AM
Messing with my head...
US median annual income is about equal to debt per citizen, but triple that per taxpayer.
Quote from: Mad Dog on July 21, 2014, 09:33:36 AM
Quote from: Mags on July 20, 2014, 08:26:43 AM
Messing with my head...
US median annual income is about equal to debt per citizen, but triple that per taxpayer.
there may be some variables in there I'm not thinking about.
like what is consitered a citizen?
all ages or just 18+
and not all citizens are tax payers........lots on just welfare.
im sure there is more variables to skew shit up.
Quote from: Mags on July 21, 2014, 10:51:19 AM
Quote from: Mad Dog on July 21, 2014, 09:33:36 AM
Quote from: Mags on July 20, 2014, 08:26:43 AM
Messing with my head...
US median annual income is about equal to debt per citizen, but triple that per taxpayer.
there may be some variables in there I'm not thinking about.
like what is consitered a citizen?
all ages or just 18+
and not all citizens are tax payers........lots on just welfare.
im sure there is more variables to skew shit up.
yeah that bugged me as well.
kids, students, disabled, retired, just plain old.......etc.
my good friend who I've been best friends with for like 10 years moved out of my apartment about a month ago and bought a home for him and his family (2 kids/2cats)
He just informed me this morning that his house burnt down to the ground last evening. :(
shitty breaking news is shitty.
Quote from: Krandall on July 23, 2014, 07:28:20 AM
my good friend who I've been best friends with for like 10 years moved out of my apartment about a month ago and bought a home for him and his family (2 kids/2cats)
He just informed me this morning that his house burnt down to the ground last evening. :(
shitty breaking news is shitty.
OH MY. that is HORRIBLE.
everybody ok?
Him, his girlyfran an their 2 kids were all gone thankfully. Animals made it out of the house as well.
about 1" to heaven :lol:
Pretty cool, designed a leaf made out of silk that does photosynthesis and produces Oxygen from Carbon Dioxide!
Quote from: Krandall on July 29, 2014, 07:00:03 AM
Pretty cool, designed a leaf made out of silk that does photosynthesis and produces Oxygen from Carbon Dioxide!
cool. if true, how great is that?
The first thing they go to is use for colonizing mars O_O
Quote from: Krandall on July 29, 2014, 08:19:47 AM
The first thing they go to is use for colonizing mars O_O
so many uses here... just freshening up your deep in the city... :thumbs:
^^ :thumbs: :clap:
Wife and I went and saw "Lucy"
great scifi flick. shes a badass in it
Charger Hellcat 8) 8) 8) 8) :clap: :clap: :clap:
Quote from: Krandall on August 13, 2014, 02:10:43 PM
Charger Hellcat 8) 8) 8) 8) :clap: :clap: :clap:
straight up awesome.
LOVE it when car companies say f**k it and just make cool cars....
Pos Make / Model Time Speed (km/h) Year Power (hp) / Weight (kg) Driven by
1. Radical SR8LM 6:48.00 182 0 455 / 650 Radical
2. Radical SR8 6:55.00 179 '05 363 / 650 Radical
3. Gumpert Apollo Speed 7:11.57 172 '09 700 / 1200 Gumpert
4. Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR 7:12.13 172 '08 600 / 1536 Dominik Farnbacher
5. Lexus LFA Nurburgring Package 7:14.64 171 '12 570 / 1509 Lexus
6. Donkervoort D8 RS 7:14.89 171 '05 350 / 600 Michael Duechting
7. Porsche 911 GT2 RS 7:18.00 169 '10 620 / 1370 Porsche
8. Radical SR3 Turbo 7:19.00 169 '03 320 / 500 Phil Bennett
9. Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 7:19.63 169 '08 647 / 1530 General Motors
10. Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR 7:22.10 168 '08 600 / 1536 Motor Trend
11. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Z07 Package 7:22.68 168 '11 512 / 1394 General Motors
12. Lexus LFA Nurburgring Package 7:22.85 167 '12 570 / 1509 Lexus
13. Gumpert Apollo Sport 7:24.00 167 '07 700 / 1200 Sport Auto
14. Nissan GT-R 7:24.22 167 '11 530 / 1736 Nissan
15. Maserati MC12 7:24.29 167 '04 632 / 1335 Marc Basseng
16. Pagani Zonda F Clubsport 7:24.65 167 '05 650 / 1230 Marc Basseng
17. Ferrari Enzo 7:25.21 167 '02 660 / 1365 Marc Basseng
18. Nissan GT-R 7:26.70 166 '08 479 / 1740 Toshio Suzuki
19. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 7:27.00 166 '11 500 / 1360 Porsche
20. Ferrari 458 Italia 7:28.00 166 '09 570 / 1485 Scuderia Autoropa
21. Porsche Carrera GT 7:28.71 165 '03 612 / 1380 Marc Basseng
22. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 7:30.00 165 '11 500 / 1360 Sport Auto
23. Porsche 911 GT2 7:31.00 164 '07 530 / 1440 Auto Motor und Sport
24. Porsche 911 Turbo S 7:32.00 164 '10 530 / 1585 Porsche
25. Pagani Zonda F 7:33.00 164 '05 602 / 1371 Sport Auto
26. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:33.00 164 '10 450 / 1400 Sport Auto
27. Koenigsegg CCX 7:33.55 164 '06 806 / 1456 Marc Basseng
28. Koenigsegg CCR 7:34.00 163 '04 806 / 1418 Sport Auto
29. Audi R8 GT 7:34.00 163 '10 560 / 1520 Sport Auto
30. Nissan GT-R Spec-V 7:34.46 163 '09 492 / 1680 Best Motoring
31. RUF RT12 7:35.00 163 '05 650 / 1573 Sport Auto
32. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:38.00 162 '06 480 / 1585 Porsche
33. Lexus LF-A 7:38.00 162 '10 560 / 1609 Sport Auto
34. Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera 7:38.00 162 '10 570 / 1430 Sport Auto
35. Ferrari 430 Scuderia 7:39.00 162 '07 510 / 1402 Sport Auto
36. Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 7:40.00 161 '06 640 / 1805 Auto Bild Sportscars
37. McLaren Mercedes SLR 7:40.00 161 '03 626 / 1693 Auto Bild
38. Porsche 911 GT3 7:40.00 161 '09 435 / 1376 Walter Rohrl
39. Porsche 911 Carrera S 7:40.00 161 '11 400 / 1415 Porsche
2012 Camaro ZL1 7:41.27
40. Porsche 911 GT3 7:42.00 161 '06 415 / 1395 Walter Rohrl
41. Radical SR3 7:42.00 161 '02 205 / 495
42. Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce 7:42.00 161 '09 670 / 1664 Sport Auto
43. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 7:42.90 160 '05 513 / 1437 Jan Magnussen
44. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:43.00 160 '03 381 / 1360 Motor
45. Pagani Zonda C12 S 7:44.00 160 '02 555 / 1250 Sport Auto
46. Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI 7:44.00 160 '09 525 / 1620 Sport Auto
47. Mercedes CLK 63 Black Series 7:45.00 159 '07 507 / 1745 Berndt Schneider
48. Gardner Douglas GD T70 Spyder 7:45.00 159 '10 710 / 900 Dario Margutti
49. Porsche 911 GT2 7:46.00 159 '00 460 / 1430 Sport Auto
50. Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera 7:46.00 159 '07 530 / 1520 Auto
51. Jaguar XJ220 7:46.37 159 '92 549 / 1470 John Nielsen
52. Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano 7:47.00 159 '06 620 / 1748 Sport Auto
53. Wiesmann GT MF5 7:47.00 159 '08 507 / 1380 Sport Auto
54. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:47.00 159 '09 500 / 1570 Sport Auto
55. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:48.00 158 '06 415 / 1375 Sport Auto
56. BMW M3 GTS 7:48.00 158 '10 450 / 1543 Sport Auto
57. Lamborghini Murcielago 7:50.00 158 '02 580 / 1800 Sport Auto
58. BMW M3 CSL 7:50.00 158 '03 360 / 1385 Sport Auto
59. Porsche 911 Carrera S 7:50.00 158 '08 385 / 1425
60. Mercedes SL65 AMG Black Series 7:51.00 157 '09 670 / 1870 Sport Auto
61. Lamborghini Gallardo 7:52.00 157 '03 500 / 1613 Sport Auto
62. Ford GT 7:52.00 157 '04 550 / 1538 Sport Auto
63. Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 7:52.00 157 '08 560 / 1530 Sport Auto
64. Mercedes CLK DTM 7:54.00 156 '04 582 / 1678 Sport Auto
65. Porsche 911 GT3 7:54.00 156 '03 380 / 1380 Sport Auto
66. Ferrari F430 7:55.00 156 '05 489 / 1450 Sport Auto
67. Caterham R500 1.8L K Series 7:55.00 156 '99 233 / 450 EVO
68. BMW M5 7:55.00 156 '11 560 / 1870 BMW
69. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:56.00 156 '00 420 / 1540 Sport Auto
70. Ferrari 360 CS 7:56.00 156 '03 425 / 1280 Sport Auto
71. Ferrari California GT 7:56.00 156 '09 460 / 1787
72. Porsche Panamera Sport Chrono Turbo 7:56.00 156 '09 500 / 1974 Auto Bild
73. Porsche Panamera Turbo 7:56.00 156 '09 500 / 1870 Walter Rohrl
74. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 7:56.00 156 '02 411 / 1414 General Motors
75. Porsche 911 GT3 7:56.33 156 '99 360 / 1350 Walter Rohrl
cool magz.
right in there.
i didnt know the vette...OR the nissan GTR for that matter, were QUITE so fast. :thumbs:
those are nurburgring track times.............long track with top speed sections, hill and turns........
highlighting the zr1 :lol:
its a fukn 100,000+ car..
I'll take 2 hell cats thanks.
Quote from: Mags on August 13, 2014, 03:10:37 PM
Pos Make / Model Time Speed (km/h) Year Power (hp) / Weight (kg) Driven by
1. Radical SR8LM 6:48.00 182 0 455 / 650 Radical
2. Radical SR8 6:55.00 179 '05 363 / 650 Radical
3. Gumpert Apollo Speed 7:11.57 172 '09 700 / 1200 Gumpert
4. Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR 7:12.13 172 '08 600 / 1536 Dominik Farnbacher
5. Lexus LFA Nurburgring Package 7:14.64 171 '12 570 / 1509 Lexus
6. Donkervoort D8 RS 7:14.89 171 '05 350 / 600 Michael Duechting
7. Porsche 911 GT2 RS 7:18.00 169 '10 620 / 1370 Porsche
8. Radical SR3 Turbo 7:19.00 169 '03 320 / 500 Phil Bennett
9. Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 7:19.63 169 '08 647 / 1530 General Motors
10. Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR 7:22.10 168 '08 600 / 1536 Motor Trend
11. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Z07 Package 7:22.68 168 '11 512 / 1394 General Motors
12. Lexus LFA Nurburgring Package 7:22.85 167 '12 570 / 1509 Lexus
13. Gumpert Apollo Sport 7:24.00 167 '07 700 / 1200 Sport Auto
14. Nissan GT-R 7:24.22 167 '11 530 / 1736 Nissan
15. Maserati MC12 7:24.29 167 '04 632 / 1335 Marc Basseng
16. Pagani Zonda F Clubsport 7:24.65 167 '05 650 / 1230 Marc Basseng
17. Ferrari Enzo 7:25.21 167 '02 660 / 1365 Marc Basseng
18. Nissan GT-R 7:26.70 166 '08 479 / 1740 Toshio Suzuki
19. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 7:27.00 166 '11 500 / 1360 Porsche
20. Ferrari 458 Italia 7:28.00 166 '09 570 / 1485 Scuderia Autoropa
21. Porsche Carrera GT 7:28.71 165 '03 612 / 1380 Marc Basseng
22. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 7:30.00 165 '11 500 / 1360 Sport Auto
23. Porsche 911 GT2 7:31.00 164 '07 530 / 1440 Auto Motor und Sport
24. Porsche 911 Turbo S 7:32.00 164 '10 530 / 1585 Porsche
25. Pagani Zonda F 7:33.00 164 '05 602 / 1371 Sport Auto
26. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:33.00 164 '10 450 / 1400 Sport Auto
27. Koenigsegg CCX 7:33.55 164 '06 806 / 1456 Marc Basseng
28. Koenigsegg CCR 7:34.00 163 '04 806 / 1418 Sport Auto
29. Audi R8 GT 7:34.00 163 '10 560 / 1520 Sport Auto
30. Nissan GT-R Spec-V 7:34.46 163 '09 492 / 1680 Best Motoring
31. RUF RT12 7:35.00 163 '05 650 / 1573 Sport Auto
32. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:38.00 162 '06 480 / 1585 Porsche
33. Lexus LF-A 7:38.00 162 '10 560 / 1609 Sport Auto
34. Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera 7:38.00 162 '10 570 / 1430 Sport Auto
35. Ferrari 430 Scuderia 7:39.00 162 '07 510 / 1402 Sport Auto
36. Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 7:40.00 161 '06 640 / 1805 Auto Bild Sportscars
37. McLaren Mercedes SLR 7:40.00 161 '03 626 / 1693 Auto Bild
38. Porsche 911 GT3 7:40.00 161 '09 435 / 1376 Walter Rohrl
39. Porsche 911 Carrera S 7:40.00 161 '11 400 / 1415 Porsche
2012 Camaro ZL1 7:41.27
40. Porsche 911 GT3 7:42.00 161 '06 415 / 1395 Walter Rohrl
41. Radical SR3 7:42.00 161 '02 205 / 495
42. Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce 7:42.00 161 '09 670 / 1664 Sport Auto
43. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 7:42.90 160 '05 513 / 1437 Jan Magnussen
44. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:43.00 160 '03 381 / 1360 Motor
45. Pagani Zonda C12 S 7:44.00 160 '02 555 / 1250 Sport Auto
46. Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI 7:44.00 160 '09 525 / 1620 Sport Auto
47. Mercedes CLK 63 Black Series 7:45.00 159 '07 507 / 1745 Berndt Schneider
48. Gardner Douglas GD T70 Spyder 7:45.00 159 '10 710 / 900 Dario Margutti
49. Porsche 911 GT2 7:46.00 159 '00 460 / 1430 Sport Auto
50. Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera 7:46.00 159 '07 530 / 1520 Auto
51. Jaguar XJ220 7:46.37 159 '92 549 / 1470 John Nielsen
52. Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano 7:47.00 159 '06 620 / 1748 Sport Auto
53. Wiesmann GT MF5 7:47.00 159 '08 507 / 1380 Sport Auto
54. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:47.00 159 '09 500 / 1570 Sport Auto
55. Porsche 911 GT3 RS 7:48.00 158 '06 415 / 1375 Sport Auto
56. BMW M3 GTS 7:48.00 158 '10 450 / 1543 Sport Auto
57. Lamborghini Murcielago 7:50.00 158 '02 580 / 1800 Sport Auto
58. BMW M3 CSL 7:50.00 158 '03 360 / 1385 Sport Auto
59. Porsche 911 Carrera S 7:50.00 158 '08 385 / 1425
60. Mercedes SL65 AMG Black Series 7:51.00 157 '09 670 / 1870 Sport Auto
61. Lamborghini Gallardo 7:52.00 157 '03 500 / 1613 Sport Auto
62. Ford GT 7:52.00 157 '04 550 / 1538 Sport Auto
63. Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 7:52.00 157 '08 560 / 1530 Sport Auto
64. Mercedes CLK DTM 7:54.00 156 '04 582 / 1678 Sport Auto
65. Porsche 911 GT3 7:54.00 156 '03 380 / 1380 Sport Auto
66. Ferrari F430 7:55.00 156 '05 489 / 1450 Sport Auto
67. Caterham R500 1.8L K Series 7:55.00 156 '99 233 / 450 EVO
68. BMW M5 7:55.00 156 '11 560 / 1870 BMW
69. Porsche 911 Turbo 7:56.00 156 '00 420 / 1540 Sport Auto
70. Ferrari 360 CS 7:56.00 156 '03 425 / 1280 Sport Auto
71. Ferrari California GT 7:56.00 156 '09 460 / 1787
72. Porsche Panamera Sport Chrono Turbo 7:56.00 156 '09 500 / 1974 Auto Bild
73. Porsche Panamera Turbo 7:56.00 156 '09 500 / 1870 Walter Rohrl
74. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 7:56.00 156 '02 411 / 1414 General Motors
75. Porsche 911 GT3 7:56.33 156 '99 360 / 1350 Walter Rohrl
Dodge Viper "GTFOML with that GM crap" edition LOL
Quote from: Krandall on August 14, 2014, 07:48:52 AM
highlighting the zr1 :lol:
its a fukn 100,000+ car..
I'll take 2 hell cats thanks.
:thumbs: is there a final price yet? 40-50k or less, it will sell like craaaazy.
regardless of which one's, faster,better or whatever..its just nice to see american manufacturers making compelling cars I dream about owning again. :thumbs: there were a few years where I swore Id never buy another domestic brand. that view has changed alot in the last few years.
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.that makes me so happy....
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 14, 2014, 08:27:39 AM
Quote from: Mags on August 13, 2014, 03:10:37 PM
Dodge Viper "GTFOML with that GM crap" edition LOL
Quote from: Peels on August 14, 2014, 08:31:24 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 14, 2014, 07:48:52 AM
highlighting the zr1 :lol:
its a fukn 100,000+ car..
I'll take 2 hell cats thanks.
:thumbs: is there a final price yet? 40-50k or less, it will sell like craaaazy.
regardless of which one's, faster,better or whatever..its just nice to see american manufacturers making compelling cars I dream about owning again. :thumbs: there were a few years where I swore Id never buy another domestic brand. that view has changed alot in the last few years.
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
that makes me so happy....
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 14, 2014, 08:27:39 AM
Quote from: Mags on August 13, 2014, 03:10:37 PM
Dodge Viper "GTFOML with that GM crap" edition LOL
there's no price for the Charger Hellcat, that probably won't be released for a few months.
The Challenger Hellcat is 59,999 with gas guzler tax included.
pretty beast.
right on.
like I said...its nice to see these badass cars that you really want to buy coming out again. Even though Id never spend 60k on a daily use car. Aside from the Corvette, there hasn't been anything Murrican like that for awhile(at least for me). :thumbs: no offense to magz, Even though the car itself... is cool, and the muscle is there...i just dont like the look of the Camaro. Oh, and they need t-tops to be a Camaro LOL. mustangs have been pretty "blah" for years too.
I really wish that Charger had AWD. just because..... :)!bDV0FV
continuing on with charger banter.
I jsut dno't think there's a huge need for a 700hp AWD car. The primary demographic for people purchasing this car are I'd imagine primarily nostalgic. I am not at the point where I can justify this car yet as a summer driver.. but trust me.. I've been pondering how... LOL
Quote from: Peels on August 14, 2014, 09:23:42 AM
right on.
like I said...its nice to see these badass cars that you really want to buy coming out again. Even though Id never spend 60k on a daily use car. Aside from the Corvette, there hasn't been anything Murrican like that for awhile(at least for me). :thumbs: no offense to magz, Even though the car itself... is cool, and the muscle is there...i just dont like the look of the Camaro. Oh, and they need t-tops to be a Camaro LOL. mustangs have been pretty "blah" for years too.
I really wish that Charger had AWD. just because..... :)
I think....(i know, don't pass out in happens), that the basic AWD R/T like nikki's will remain with the 5.7, but.....the R/T Maxx with Scat Pak option might bring the 6.4 Hemi into an AWD package....giggity.
Quote from: Krandall on August 15, 2014, 08:31:09 AM!bDV0FV
continuing on with charger banter.
I jsut dno't think there's a huge need for a 700hp AWD car. The primary demographic for people purchasing this car are I'd imagine primarily nostalgic. I am not at the point where I can justify this car yet as a summer driver.. but trust me.. I've been pondering how... LOL
Yeah, i dont care if theres a need. Justify shmustify. Ive been obsessed with european rally cars since I was little, and I still judge most cars by that standard. Look up "group B" rally cars if bored one day. Street legal but unlimited modifications. death machines. And I KNOW the gear is already there for this car to have awd. Which would, in my mind, make this probably the most perfect car on teh planet for me. lol
AWD OR a real manual transmission...either would be good. :thumbs:
So its a pipe matters little. this car is bad as $hit, and I want it. :lol:
So many times, you hear a story about car manufacturers testing some bad ass car...then show the concept at a get all excited then it comes out, and its complete crap... or totally watered down... a 4dr 700hp sedan? who does that? germans excluded, of course. Thats what most of us middle aged tards are looking for. have superfast hot rod, ANNND be a dad, and shuttle kids comfortably. :rofl:
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 15, 2014, 08:39:58 AM
Quote from: Peels on August 14, 2014, 09:23:42 AM
right on.
like I said...its nice to see these badass cars that you really want to buy coming out again. Even though Id never spend 60k on a daily use car. Aside from the Corvette, there hasn't been anything Murrican like that for awhile(at least for me). :thumbs: no offense to magz, Even though the car itself... is cool, and the muscle is there...i just dont like the look of the Camaro. Oh, and they need t-tops to be a Camaro LOL. mustangs have been pretty "blah" for years too.
I really wish that Charger had AWD. just because..... :)
I think....(i know, don't pass out in happens), that the basic AWD R/T like nikki's will remain with the 5.7, but.....the R/T Maxx with Scat Pak option might bring the 6.4 Hemi into an AWD package....giggity.
They do have a manual trans :)
Quote from: Krandall on August 15, 2014, 09:37:00 AM
They do have a manual trans :)
not on the hellcat charger. :( you can get it on the challenger though.
Quote from: Peels on August 15, 2014, 09:47:46 AM
Quote from: Krandall on August 15, 2014, 09:37:00 AM
They do have a manual trans :)
not on the hellcat charger. :( you can get it on the challenger though.
I wouldn't want the manual in either. 8 speed with paddles is going to put the power to the ground better and faster. I'm not gonna spend 70K for something that's almost the fastest version..
Just sayin'
Ah, gotcha I didn't know that it wasn't avail ont he charger :(
and paddles may put the power to the ground better, but it still makes you a girl.
Quote from: Krandall on August 15, 2014, 10:24:20 AM
Ah, gotcha I didn't know that it wasn't avail ont he charger :(
and paddles may put the power to the ground better, but it still makes you a girl.
big high five from peels. LOL. i understand they are faster and the technology is the tits.... but i do not care. its not fun for me to just press the gas and steer. And there is just something about getting the perfect gear change. I don't understand a car guy who doesnt feel this gratification.... "snick-snick" yeaaaah.... my godfather, and his continuous purchasing of automatic corvettes boggles my mind lol.
being a motorcycle rider...this is completely true every day for me. picking the right gear coming out of a corner...or a "clunkless" 1-2 shift from a stoplight(passing neutral seamlessly and shifting at exactly right rpm), is enough get me smiling for most of the day. This is not as easy on BMW shaft drive boxers...
also part of the fun in raptors. :thumbs:
again, Im not saying it sucks.. its a personal feeling.
We're currently toying with the idea of getting rid of my truck, since we bought the pathfinder, and it tows circles around the dakota. Plus I ride the bike 90% of the time. Ive only put 300 miles on the truck since march LOL SO possibly Getting a small car for winter commute, with long term goal of making it Aidans first car(4 years away!). I have only two requirements.
His first car be manual transmission, and be fuel efficient. And not chevy or dodge, their compacts suck. :lol:
Itd be sweet if I could all those plus AWD. subaru, volvo, ford, audir, vw even some older Beemers LOL. can be had a for decent deal.
men who cannot drive a manual transmission are not men. my brother and brother in law included LOL though i think the in law might have learned by now? anywhoo...
A lot of stuff that makes sense in that post ^^ AWD subaru for the win peels.
Quote from: Mags on August 15, 2014, 11:50:51 AM
A lot of stuff that makes sense in that post ^^ AWD subaru for the win peels.
...pass me meh bong...
Quote from: Colorado700R on August 15, 2014, 01:47:22 PM
Quote from: Mags on August 15, 2014, 11:50:51 AM
A lot of stuff that makes sense in that post ^^ AWD subaru for the win peels.
:rofl: :clap:
greedy jew at the end :lol:
because free coffee is gonna change the world. :rofl:
Hey, I bet without much effort, we could find out who it was...and call his jew ass out! :rofl:
also.. we gotta stop calling starbucks workers "baristas" youre not professional. shut up and make muh damned coffee. :lol:
This is for my home boy peels..............
good post
Yes, the ZL1 was set up to do very well in the 1/8, 1/4, MillFord, VIR, Laguna Seca, Nurburghring, Interstate Highway and anywhere else it might meet a Hellcat.
Yes, both cars were bone stock, and as the video states, both cars had run that track earlier that day and the Hellcat came in 2nd. Break it down however you want, but the reality is that the Hellcat isn't quite the ZL1-ass kicker that the speculated buzz from journalists and PR from Fiat/Dodge hype it to be.
The ZL1 has been pitted numerous times in various climes and contests against the previous HP Wars title holder and gave its fanboys fits as well. This very same forum was rife with threads full of fanboy-ish claims of how the ZL1 would be seeing taillights, eating dust and be handed it's ass. Their defenses upon falling short of their grandiose claims included poor brake fluid, inadequate tires, amateur driver skills and creatively contrived conspiracy theories. But all that nonsense died with a whimper. Modern (Muscle, Pony) cars are triathletes, possibly decathletes. In order to "win" they need to be better then their competition in multiple disciplines. The ZL1 doesn't win each of them, but excels at all of them...Which is why this forum remains the fortress that draws all the chest beaters from other camps with something to prove.
The quarter-mile competition was nice in the 60's but has evolved itself into a kind of land-based Flugtag. Chevrolet doesn't care what SVT or the other challenger are doing in the modern and comical "Dragtag". It's seriously gunning for supercars around the globe, and raising German, Italian, and Japanese eyebrows in the process.
Beat that....
Originally Posted by Hell Cat 1
Tell us how it feels to get your ass handed to you by a brick
You mean like this? Manual Hellokitty Test:
---GT500: 0-60, 3.9sec, 1/4mile 12.1 @ 120.6mph; 3870lbs
-----ZL1: 0-60, 4.1sec, 1/4mile 12.4 @ 116.0mph
Hellokitty: 0-60, 4.8sec; 1/4mile 12.5 @ 118.8mph; 4454lbs
LOL dude. relax. why you callin me out? :rofl:
i dont give a turd if one or the other is faster. I only like the concept of the hellcat because its got gobs of power, and its a sleeper. 4 doors, and practical with fun. basically, jam a huge motor into a sedan. and upgrade the car to be better. Rather than a purpose built supercar.
I don't like the challenger as much....its designed as "muscle" car.
I'm not buying either one any time soon, so it doesn't really matter. it needs to be a real manual transmission for me to ever consider buying a car built for power and speed, which has already been discussed. I would be a new faster bike before I bought a sports car too.
the Camaro only looks good if it has huge wheels on it. Saw one yesterday gray black stripes, black wheels. looked so cool. but...automatic. :confused: :rolleyes: A few people driving around the base model. So ugly. lol and the transformer edition--- GHEY.
Like I said. if its fast, its fast. :clap: Makes it badass...but That doesn't mean I like it more.
Really... If I had 70k to throw in to a family sedan(which I don't), it most likely Wouldn't be a Dodge. It would be European, maybe Japanese(Subaru). and has to be AWD with a manual transmission. No offense to Dodge here.... Gotta shake off the "K car" image in my mind, which is a big ask. I owned a Plymouth Breeze(Stratus) was a good car for us, but rattly as all hell and :yawn: But, if American companies keep going this direction, this could change in short order.
I'd want an old Lancia or something if were talking money no object, and I could own a few cars. :clap:
Got butthurt?
"Chevrolet doesn't care what SVT or the other challenger are doing in the modern and comical "Dragtag" "
If you're about to be ignorant enough to think that Chevy doesn't care what their competitors are doing as far as advances, motors, HP, Drag times etc.. You should just get off the interwebs. $60k is nothing to sneeze at as far as price tag goes BUT the fact that that's VERY affordable for a LOT of people/families. The fact that the 60k I just mentioned also is for a car that can haul a family around, get their groceries, and has over 700HP....that's the sales numbers. I'm not on any forums listening to fan boys and doge certainly hasn't been shy about mentioning ANY of the numbers. They were straight up and haven't lied about antying. All times have been certified.
I have nothing wrong with competition, that's what drove us to have a 700HP car that's actually affordable to me. Want to know why Dodge is going to sell more?
Because it looks good.
No offense to the people out there that have the Camaro. But COME ON. Chevy seriously missed the boat on the redesign of the Camaro in a BIG way. I'm not saying chevy is bad... The ways they have redesigned the corvette, they've held the the look while tweaking here and there. Ford did a great job with the mustang over the years is also a throwback to the originals in a modern way. Same goes with dodge in the Challenger.
If you want to buy a Camaro, no one is saying NO don't do it.
For myself and a lot of other people, if they had to put $60k to an american brand. I'd say dodge sales will show which direction that cash will be flowing.
No offense to the people out there that have the Camaro. But COME ON. Chevy seriously missed the boat on the redesign of the Camaro in a BIG way. I'm not saying chevy is bad...
My thought is, that Charger is going to bring some people BACK to American sports cars, who otherwise maybe wouldn't buy one. (like me)
Tons of people out there who can afford 60-70k. And REALLY want a fast car, but have to get a family sedan, because they have FAMILY. lol But, their money goes to BMW, AUDI, MERCEDES.... the big 3 as far as performance SEDANS goes. Their wives tell them they need a 4 door, so they go get the fastes one they can lol. Its not that those people dont like american cars, necessarily. its that american SEDANS have really been blah for years lol. Our big 3 conceded that years ago.
this will draw SOME folks back. :thumbs:
where, with the Chevy. those buyers have been hiding their mullets under their hats, waiting for the Camaro for years. I still say it needs t-tops. lol And it should have an option that comes with at least ONE primered door, non functional hood scoop, and oversized tires on the back, that stick out 6" -oh and a horribly rattly sound system. :rofl:
thats what "Camaro" says to me.
Ive long been a fan of turning regular cars into bad ass rides. Just what Im into...this Charger is like that to me. "JUST" a sedan, but lets cram 700 hp into it. Thats why I Like rally cars....
You ever see the Festiva they shoehorned a SHO motor into the back of and made RWD.? I wanted one so bad :lol: Jay Leno owns a couple of em. They only made a few.... :rofl:
Both of you are a lost cause..........
as far as an extra 2 doors and more space I give you that....... :thumbs:
but power and looks...............:puke: :rofl:
and as far as Dodge and you really think people used to BMWs and Mercedez are going to give a flying FERK about a shitty Charger with 700hp..........I'm not buying that these people will buy Dodge.......
We'll let the sales #s speak for themselves........Dodge has never had high sales.
I'm hoping the best for them though.
Quote from: Mags on August 25, 2014, 12:13:46 PM
Both of you are a lost cause..........
as far as an extra 2 doors and more space I give you that....... :thumbs:
but power and looks...............:puke: :rofl:
and as far as Dodge and you really think people used to BMWs and Mercedez are going to give a flying FERK about a shitty Charger with 700hp..........I'm not buying that these people will buy Dodge.......
We'll let the sales #s speak for themselves........Dodge has never had high sales.
I'm hoping the best for them though.
I have my doubts too, but I think that's the hope. I like it.
I liked the charger before. I don't think its shitty...I like it because its available with AWD. Though...I feel like Chrysler's missing the boat a little, i rarely see an advertisement that showcases this. In fact, If I didn't follow the car biz..I wouldnt know.
Someone needs to make an AWD small diesel for cheap, and they'll kill it. note: VW (i think) is bringing a wagon with diesel and with 4 motion later this year. Go anywhere, any weather, and barely use gas... Id be in that market. Alot of people will be Im sure.
A concept model that's nearly a dead-ringer for the production model will be at the New York auto show next week, wearing a "2.0 TDI 4Motion" badge.
At least with the Challenger.. You can see where they came from. The Camaro is nothing but a new car design with an old name plastered onto it. If anything, they should have left the camaro tag off and made up a new car...
I'm not getting that at all here
I think the tint on the rear windows is similar.......... :rofl:
I'm not comparing old model to new model............ what you stated there is true.
Looks are a matter of opinion though, you like the Challenger I get that. But you can't say its better than Mustang and Camaro because of that.
Thats like saying a 4x2 Ram is better than a 4x4 Silverado at off roading because it looks bad ass and has kept the same design lines for centuries........
I'm comparing helcat to Camaro (ZL1 in particular, hell even Z28 is a good match up) .
And if you want to only talk drag times the chevy boys bring the copo camaro.......... (ok that does sound a bit cocky, just likes peels likes it)
I know this is like competeing in the special olympics but it keeps me entertained.
I would KILL at the special olympics. :thumbs:
That Orange CHallenger looks heavily modified. and badass. Looks better than the old IMO.
Camaro, the older car looks better :lol:
Also I'm my opinion All 3 (mustang, camaro, challenger) american muscle cars look pretty good........ (that picture of the challenger you posted does look badass......)
AND if Challenger had magnetic suspension, super aerodynamics, could take a turn, and maybe had all wheel drive like peels says, plus the camaro didn't Id go with the challenger and never look back.
Quote from: Peels on August 25, 2014, 12:50:06 PM
I would KILL at the special olympics. :thumbs:
That Orange CHallenger looks heavily modified. and badass. Looks better than the old IMO.
Camaro, the older car looks better :lol:
well yea........ Randy is not dumb subtle picture ques.......
old challenger= ugly drawing stock looking picture
new challenger= modified badassery
Old camaro = modified badasseery.........not stock wheels......
new camaro= uglyest stock picture he could probably
I updated the pic to a new stock challenger
And it's hard finding relatively new pictures of old cars that don't have some sort of shit done to them.. Relax your fukn pants.
or find a picture of a 69 challenger.. Good resolution relatively stock also.
I'll just let this pic do the talkin..
You can at least see where the roots are. You're right, I like the challenger. Because it's got roots and homage to where it actually came from. Dodge had a well thought out plan to recreate an extremely iconic car. As did Ford with the mustang I'd take a new mustang in a heartbeat.
Chevy on the otherhand... designed a car and thought hmmm, we should jump on this bandwagon too... What car body can we use? Oh , we have this one right here we were gonna call the blahblah.. But lets use this for the Camaro!!!
AWWW should have left the other one..........:(
since when do you give a crap what we say......LOL
this made my get a chubby.........stock
I get what you're saying........
That Transformers thing from chevy was super chezzy......and gives me heartburn everytime i think of it.
but you still can't say it's a better car just because of that.
Next gen camaro is going to be lighter and smaller plus a couple more ponies too........
Making the best better.
just saying.
What batman should drive
Quote from: Mags on August 25, 2014, 12:53:30 PM
Quote from: Peels on August 25, 2014, 12:50:06 PM
I would KILL at the special olympics. :thumbs:
That Orange CHallenger looks heavily modified. and badass. Looks better than the old IMO.
Camaro, the older car looks better :lol:
well yea........ Randy is not dumb subtle picture ques.......
old challenger= ugly drawing stock looking picture
new challenger= modified badassery
Old camaro = modified badasseery.........not stock wheels......
new camaro= uglyest stock picture he could probably
Hey magz, whats your favorite car? Just curious, not sure yet. :rolleyes:
nah the new one doesn't look BAD really. but the older one is better.
new camaro, looks good as convertible. IMO. that just needs black rims..
Quote from: Peels on August 25, 2014, 01:06:36 PM
Quote from: Mags on August 25, 2014, 12:53:30 PM
Quote from: Peels on August 25, 2014, 12:50:06 PM
I would KILL at the special olympics. :thumbs:
That Orange CHallenger looks heavily modified. and badass. Looks better than the old IMO.
Camaro, the older car looks better :lol:
well yea........ Randy is not dumb subtle picture ques.......
old challenger= ugly drawing stock looking picture
new challenger= modified badassery
Old camaro = modified badasseery.........not stock wheels......
new camaro= uglyest stock picture he could probably
Hey magz, whats your favorite car? Just curious, not sure yet. :rolleyes:
nah the new one doesn't look BAD really. but the older one is better.
new camaro, looks good as convertible. IMO. that just needs black rims..
My favorite car is the Toyota prius............why do you ask?
:rofl: figures.
Prius. fk Make sure you pronounce that "PRY-US" not "preee-us" :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Mags on August 25, 2014, 01:06:06 PM
What batman should drive
pretty sure the only one ghey enough to drive a camaro in a tv show would be aquaman... and even he would go to the bottom of mariana's trench to hide his shame.
Quote from: Krandall on August 25, 2014, 01:18:01 PM
Quote from: Mags on August 25, 2014, 01:06:06 PM
What batman should drive
pretty sure the only one ghey enough to drive a camaro in a tv show would be aquaman... and even he would go to the bottom of mariana's trench to hide his shame.
aquamans car, has to be pretty ghey...
he'd TOTALLY drive this: (my wife saw one of these at the dealer and wanted one, they were stock this way Umm hell no) :lol:
lets change this into the worlds most awesomely bad cars thread. :nod:
15 Qassam Rockets intercepted At Once By The Iron Dome
looks familiar..hmm ;)
what a bunch of fuks
and...some uber douches in the comments.... :confused: "we dont need your money" I dont get people sometimes.
What charges are the police going to bring "immediately" against minors? ??? I wasn't aware that bullying carried jail time, unless someone is going to argue "assault".
Id call dumping $hit on someones head assault. or just general f**tardedness.
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 12:46:50 PM
yuck lol.
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 12:46:50 PM
Tried to order, not yet in stock or already out of stock.
old man peelz reporting in
Yeah, I don't think it's stocked yet. Cool idea for the marketing th ough!
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 02:14:39 PM
old man peelz reporting in
Yeah, I don't think it's stocked yet. Cool idea for the marketing th ough!
my age doesnt affect my taste. that $hit was gross. :rofl:
you know....might be lumping it in with "jolt" which was vomit in a can.
I could probably drink it now, but Im not ordering soda of amazon.
I ordered a case of monsters off amazon, drinking one now.
Amazon FTW.
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 02:46:05 PM
Amazon FTW.
just havent made the leap to ordering consumables via amazon, yet. and though i have started drinking soft drinks again on occasion, they are not that important that I must ORDER them.
ordering whiskey via amazon...that would be swell. :rofl:
Quote from: Peels on September 15, 2014, 03:13:33 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 02:46:05 PM
Amazon FTW.
just havent made the leap to ordering consumables via amazon, yet. and though i have started drinking soft drinks again on occasion, they are not that important that I must ORDER them.
ordering whiskey via amazon...that would be swell. :rofl:
I haven't had soft drinks in my home for months, and even then it was just for mixing with some booze. But c'mon man it's SURGE!!!
I'll buy a case just to look at it.
Quote from: Mad Dog on September 15, 2014, 03:15:54 PM
Quote from: Peels on September 15, 2014, 03:13:33 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 15, 2014, 02:46:05 PM
Amazon FTW.
just havent made the leap to ordering consumables via amazon, yet. and though i have started drinking soft drinks again on occasion, they are not that important that I must ORDER them.
ordering whiskey via amazon...that would be swell. :rofl:
I haven't had soft drinks in my home for months, and even then it was just for mixing with some booze. But c'mon man it's SURGE!!!
I'll buy a case just to look at it.
Amazon Prime Pantry
I just did my first order from it 2 weeks ago. Great shipping. Good prices. No tax. Everything was even better packed than it typically would be.
serrrrj! :lol:
lol wtf.
THATS WTF :rofl:
not totally sure newsworthy but...
my household cant wait for this! Love the simpsons, and family guy to a lesser degree.
already getting negative PR and it airs Sunday.
Quote from: Peels on September 25, 2014, 09:21:25 AM
not totally sure newsworthy but...
my household cant wait for this! Love the simpsons, and family guy to a lesser degree.
already getting negative PR and it airs Sunday.
Quote from: Peels on September 25, 2014, 09:21:25 AM
not totally sure newsworthy but...
my household cant wait for this! Love the simpsons, and family guy to a lesser degree.
already getting negative PR and it airs Sunday.
your kids cant wait for a rape joke ???
seems legit...
Id ont care what jokes are said in the end. lol
lol jerk, no, the mash up episode... we watch Simpsons alot, and Aidan REALLY wants to watch family guy, but Im still censoring he was pretty happy. :thumbs:
it was HILARIOUS and did not disappoint. :clap:
Quote from: Krandall on October 21, 2014, 01:08:06 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Minimum Wage Backfire
McDonald's moves to automate orders to reduce worker costs.
Updated Oct. 22, 2014 2:26 p.m. ET 502 COMMENTS
If there's a silver lining for McDonald's in Tuesday's dreadful earnings report, it is that perhaps union activists will begin to understand that the fast-food chain cannot solve the problems of the Obama economy. The world's largest restaurant company reported a 30% decline in quarterly profits on a 5% drop in revenues. Problems under the golden arches were global—sales were weak in China, Europe and the United States.
So even one of the world's most ubiquitous consumer brands cannot print money at its pleasure. This may be news to liberal pressure groups that have lately been demanding that government order the chain known for cheap food to somehow pay higher wages.
Unions have made McDonald's a particular target of their campaign for a $15 an hour minimum wage and have even protested at corporate headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill. The pressure was enough to cause CEO Don Thompson this summer to capitulate and endorse President Obama's call to raise the federal minimum to $10.10 an hour from $7.25. Many states have already enacted wage floors above the federal minimum.
If higher wages force higher prices on the menu, will union-backed activist groups agree to compensate McDonald's franchisees for futures sales declines? We're guessing not. So we'll offer the chain some free consulting and suggest that with sales slipping lately, higher prices probably aren't the way to draw more customers. Alternatively, McDonald's could cut its beef costs by changing its popular burger to a fifth-of-a-pounder and hope nobody notices.
The McDonald's earnings report on Tuesday gave a hint at how the fast-food chain really plans to respond to its wage and profit pressure—automate. As many contributors to these pages have warned, forcing businesses to pay people out of proportion to the profits they generate will provide those businesses with a greater incentive to replace employees with machines.
Assistant Editorial Page Editor James Freeman on McDonald's profit plunge and whether "fundamental changes" can make the company competitive again. Photo: Getty Images By the third quarter of next year, McDonald's plans to introduce new technology in some markets "to make it easier for customers to order and pay for food digitally and to give people the ability to customize their orders," reports the Journal. Mr. Thompson, the CEO, said Tuesday that customers "want to personalize their meals" and "to enjoy eating in a contemporary, inviting atmosphere. And they want choices in how they order, choices in what they order and how they're served."
That is no doubt true, but it's also a convenient way for Mr. Thompson to justify a reduction in the chain's global workforce. It's also a way to send a message to franchisees about the best way to reduce their costs amid slow sales growth. In any event, consumers better get used to the idea of ordering their Big Macs on a touchscreen.
Entry-level fast-food jobs have never been intended to support an entire family. So-called quick-service restaurants provide opportunities to lots of young people with few skills and limited experience. Across all industries, about two-thirds of minimum-wage workers who stay employed get a raise in the first year.
Amid a historically slow economic recovery, 1970s labor-participation rates and stagnant middle-class incomes, we understand that people are frustrated. Harder to understand is how so many of our media brethren have been persuaded that suddenly it's the job of America's burger joints to provide everyone with good pay and benefits. The result of their agitation will be more jobs for machines and fewer for the least skilled workers.
dude, exactly. I get it, its hard to live on $8 / hour. I did it for almost a year...10 yrs ago when I lost my job....but I did it, and didnt blame anyone other than myself for being a dipshit. :lol: and guess what, it TOTALLY motivated me to quit being lazy(entitled) and bust my ass. It paid off.why is it mcdonalds fault its hard to live? Its not.
anywhoo..can you imagine how absolutely disgusting that touch screen would be? :puke: I wouldn't use it. EVER And I certainly wont be paying any more for meals there. thats the only reason you go there. cheap and fast. We havent been there in a few months. :thumbs:
"fifth-of-a-pounder" :rofl:
FYI: I don't really make too much more than 15/hr. I would be Smackin bitches who made as much as me and didn't work as hard, or were dumb. :) 15 minimum wage is a stupid idea.
Completely agree. I think this is the best response from McDonalds. You guys want $15? Naw, we'll just replace you with robots.
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 09:43:57 AM
Completely agree. I think this is the best response from McDonalds. You guys want $15? Naw, we'll just replace you with robots.
LOL exactly. awesome.
My old boss and I would have that conversation alot. (behind the scenes) If those people keep bitching about how hard it is...and well make it so easy, we wont need them. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 09:43:57 AM
Completely agree. I think this is the best response from McDonalds. You guys want $15? Naw, we'll just replace you with robots.
Robots fine, but these kiosks aren't taking the work that was done by a human and doing it instead with a machine, they are taking work that used to be done by a human employee and making the customer do it themselves. Kind of like the Self-checkouts at the grocery stores/supermarkets. I'm not a fan of pushing these responsibilities and tasks onto the customer to pad the company's bottom line because you know the customer won't be getting a price break nor will they get a higher quantity or quality of food for putting forth their own effort.
In other words, we're doing to the work so McDonald's can have more money.
Quote from: Mad Dog on October 23, 2014, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 09:43:57 AM
Completely agree. I think this is the best response from McDonalds. You guys want $15? Naw, we'll just replace you with robots.
Robots fine, but these kiosks aren't taking the work that was done by a human and doing it instead with a machine, they are taking work that used to be done by a human employee and making the customer do it themselves. Kind of like the Self-checkouts at the grocery stores/supermarkets. I'm not a fan of pushing these responsibilities and tasks onto the customer to pad the company's bottom line because you know the customer won't be getting a price break nor will they get a higher quantity or quality of food for putting forth their own effort.
In other words, we're doing to the work so McDonald's can have more money.
haha yep.
and Ill say it again. I will not be touching this kiosk without rubber gloves. watch some of the folks that go to McDonalds regularly. If there is ever to be a REAL epidemic(not like the fearmongered one going on now), i fear the carrier will originate at a mcd's :rofl:
why do you waste your time watching people @ McDonalds?
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 07:12:42 PM
why do you waste your time watching people @ McDonalds?
pickin up chicks
desperate women who eat their feelings go there :humper:
Quote from: Peels on October 24, 2014, 09:28:04 AM
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 07:12:42 PM
why do you waste your time watching people @ McDonalds?
pickin up chicks
desperate women who eat their feelings go there :humper:
Mad Dog...
Maybe be a good stake out location.
Just sayin :shrug:
Quote from: Krandall on October 24, 2014, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: Peels on October 24, 2014, 09:28:04 AM
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 07:12:42 PM
why do you waste your time watching people @ McDonalds?
pickin up chicks
desperate women who eat their feelings go there :humper:
my guess is...youre preaching to the choir. :rofl:
Mad Dog...
Maybe be a good stake out location.
Just sayin :shrug:
Quote from: Peels on October 24, 2014, 10:19:22 AM
Quote from: Krandall on October 24, 2014, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: Peels on October 24, 2014, 09:28:04 AM
Quote from: Krandall on October 23, 2014, 07:12:42 PM
why do you waste your time watching people @ McDonalds?
pickin up chicks
desperate women who eat their feelings go there :humper:
Mad Dog...
Maybe be a good stake out location.
Just sayin :shrug:
my guess is...youre preaching to the choir. :rofl:
my guess is.. you fail at quoting.
warning. peels is about to post a positive story about harley davidson.
:) just a good happy story here.....nothing more.
That's really cool!!! :thumbs:
very cool. :clap:
:rofl: :rofl:
Pretty cool,
our old mini-ho Kyle Dvorak was just featured in Drag Illustrated this month.
Pretty sweet
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on December 12, 2014, 07:00:17 AM
Pretty cool,
our old mini-ho Kyle Dvorak was just featured in Drag Illustrated this month.
Pretty sweet
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
saw that. pretty sweet.
He always looked good in drag. :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on December 12, 2014, 07:00:17 AM
Pretty cool,
our old mini-ho Kyle Dvorak was just featured in Drag Illustrated this month.
Pretty sweet
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Sweet :thumbs:
U.S. to Open Embassy in Cuba
The United States will open an embassy in Cuba for the first time in a half century and restore full diplomatic relations, senior administration officials announced Wednesday.
As part of the diplomatic thaw, the U.S. will ease restrictions on remittances, travel, and banking relations regarding Cuba. Meanwhile, Cuba will release 53 prisoners identified as political prisoners by the U.S. The economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the U.S. during the Eisenhower administration will remain in place for now.
The news follows Cuba's release of U.S. citizen Alan Gross from prison Wednesday after five years in captivity. (The U.S. also exchanged three alleged Cuban spies in return for a U.S. intelligence agent held in a Cuban prison for nearly 20 years.) The diplomatic breakthrough is the result of 18 months of secret negotiations between the U.S. and Cuba, brokered by the Vatican.
Raul Castro and President Obama will both speak, separately, around noon Eastern time.
]This is fantastic news. It's about time. They should have realized that an embargo was hurting more people than helping!!! If the US could make friends with Vietnam after a fukton of our troops died there..... We certainly should be able to with Cuba :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on December 17, 2014, 10:44:48 AM
U.S. to Open Embassy in Cuba
The United States will open an embassy in Cuba for the first time in a half century and restore full diplomatic relations, senior administration officials announced Wednesday.
As part of the diplomatic thaw, the U.S. will ease restrictions on remittances, travel, and banking relations regarding Cuba. Meanwhile, Cuba will release 53 prisoners identified as political prisoners by the U.S. The economic embargo imposed on Cuba by the U.S. during the Eisenhower administration will remain in place for now.
The news follows Cuba's release of U.S. citizen Alan Gross from prison Wednesday after five years in captivity. (The U.S. also exchanged three alleged Cuban spies in return for a U.S. intelligence agent held in a Cuban prison for nearly 20 years.) The diplomatic breakthrough is the result of 18 months of secret negotiations between the U.S. and Cuba, brokered by the Vatican.
Raul Castro and President Obama will both speak, separately, around noon Eastern time.
]This is fantastic news. It's about time. They should have realized that an embargo was hurting more people than helping!!! If the US could make friends with Vietnam after a fukton of our troops died there..... We certainly should be able to with Cuba :thumbs:
last line, well said :thumbs:
we get along with japan for chripes sake LOL And we should hate the F*** out of each other. :rofl:
This is why my Friday is needing to come to an end.
QuoteAnthem subsidiaries could be affected, too, including dental subsidiaries DeCare and Securian, according to the Pennsylvania attorney general's office.
Quote from: Krandall on February 06, 2015, 11:59:21 AM
This is why my Friday is needing to come to an end.
QuoteAnthem subsidiaries could be affected, too, including dental subsidiaries DeCare and Securian, according to the Pennsylvania attorney general's office.
Awww snap! SORRY BRAH!!!!
thats our carrier
:lol: got employees bitchin yesterday. Then got this email this morning. SHould I bury my money in the backyard like a beagle?
Im laughing but I feel for ya. ;)
Good Morning -
As you may be aware, there was a security breach of member information at Anthem Blue Cross. As of right now, the investigation is still ongoing and the participant's information that may have been compromised will be directly notified via written communication from Anthem. Those that are found to have been compromised will be offered credit monitoring from Anthem.
Personal information that is suspected to have been breached at this time are:
Member Names
Member IDs/Social Security Numbers
Date of Birth
Telephone Numbers
Employment Information (including income data)
Personal health data is not suspected to have been breached at this time are:
Medical Information
Test Results
Diagnostic Codes
RIP Nimoy :(
Leonard Nimoy, Spock of 'Star Trek,' Dies at 83
Quote from: Krandall on February 27, 2015, 01:46:56 PM
RIP Nimoy :(
Leonard Nimoy, Spock of 'Star Trek,' Dies at 83
yeah sad news :(
In Boston Marathon bombing courtroom, gruesome testimony and dread at what is to come
Quote from: Krandall on March 05, 2015, 07:17:45 AM
In Boston Marathon bombing courtroom, gruesome testimony and dread at what is to come
hate it when obvious verdicts are dragged out. burn him lol
Peelz at work again..
Mobile Meth Lab busted.
Like whaaaaaaaaaaat :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on March 17, 2015, 10:32:09 AM
Peelz at work again..
Mobile Meth Lab busted.
Like whaaaaaaaaaaat :rofl:
"shes screaming help or something, so I go outside, yep thats what she was screaming"
what the hell.... :rofl:
weird news story. the trucker like has been asleep for 20 years... out in the country, thats where meth lives dummy lolololololol
That Germanwings plane crash
:( sad shit
Quote from: Krandall on March 26, 2015, 06:59:01 AM
That Germanwings plane crash
:( sad shit
yeah bad news... weird too. Planes freak me out anymore... NOT because of mechanical malfunction.. but Human fuktardedness.
good luck pat. :lol: though I always say...its better to be climbing aboard an Airline right AFTER a big crash, then before a possible one. ;)
words of wisdom. amazing.
Quote from: Krandall on March 26, 2015, 10:12:15 AM
words of wisdom. amazing.
mark on calendar.
it is rare, considering the source.
Owned lol. I wonder how cool he felt making that video.
Quote from: funyun on March 27, 2015, 07:30:01 AM
Owned lol. I wonder how cool he felt making that video.
dang. millions down the drain. OWNED.
WTF :lol:
damn. at least he didn't shoot anyone else.
trailer full of beer :lol:
Quote from: funyun on April 08, 2015, 12:07:46 PM
WTF :lol:
GIMME MY CREAMY MAC AND CHEESE NAO!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
thats sad, really :rofl:
Quote from: funyun on April 08, 2015, 12:27:35 PM
trailer full of beer :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
thats a SH!Tload of booze LOL!
Rekt :nun:
Quote from: funyun on April 14, 2015, 11:29:49 AM
Rekt :nun:
holy $hit! "parry parry thrust thrust....good" :rofl:
holy hell :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
that's AMAZING
First few seconds can see some hood rats with phones out. Whats the over/under for when its on worldstar?
Dam article says he even had a gun on him but didn't want to use it. Dafuk?! Would lit up as many of those fkers as possible. Then found out where the rest of them live and kill them in their sleep.
holy shit.
fukn hood rats doin hoodrat shit.
Man, yea. I've been carrying for 2 years now. Who knows what would happen in heat of the moment. damn kids.
mandatory birth control.
we have strict driving laws, have to pass a class, and be tested, but any old fuktard can have kids...and this is how that turns out. :rofl:
iOS v. Android IRL...where else but Oklahoma
Quote from: Mad Dog on April 20, 2015, 09:04:28 AM
iOS v. Android IRL...where else but Oklahoma
no need to argue guys, iphone is obviously better. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
unless yore gonna stab me, then android wins, HANDS DOWN. :rofl:
Quote from: Mad Dog on April 20, 2015, 09:04:28 AM
iOS v. Android IRL...where else but Oklahoma
"Police did not respond when our photographer asked which phone is better."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Huge earthquake on Mt Everest.
Meant to post this yesterday but forgot. 3700 people already confirmed dead. Insane.
Quote from: Krandall on April 27, 2015, 07:39:40 AM
Huge earthquake on Mt Everest.
Meant to post this yesterday but forgot. 3700 people already confirmed dead. Insane.
yeah crazy.
was watching a news story where some people were waiting for a call from their daughter. who was HIKING!
saw some video of trees shaking all crazy. but... holy $HIT! @ that blizzard vid. :help:
Not a blizzard. That was from the Avalanche! O__O
Quote from: Krandall on April 27, 2015, 09:27:36 AM
Not a blizzard. That was from the Avalanche! O__O
derp I knew this, I chose my words incorrectly :rofl:
but yeah. HOLE-E-SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!
Rioting in Baltimore
what in the actual FERK
Quote from: Krandall on April 28, 2015, 08:22:06 AM
Rioting in Baltimore
what in the actual FERK
Yeah. I am totally lost.
Some of these people, i think should be reminded of what actual persecution is.... I mean, seriously. Most of us live a life of privilege. Even when we're poor we're not poor. IF your biggest problem is the cops beat you up because YOU did a crime. Well, You can either say "fuk the po-lice" or hey, how about just don't do the crime. Its Elementary, Watson.
I Know quite a few Police officers through mom working there so long. Ive spoken to them recently. They are actually all really gun shy, because now.... most everyone they encounter is going to resist and cause an altercation instead be rational and calm, you know, because "cops are bad". So they've become like passive aggressive. It's big shitty circle of shit.
Handle your shit folks. The SOLE solution isn't to riot and call the cops out. Sure protest, and call attention to it. But you cant act like moron and do things to get the cops called to your house then be shitty when they get there. When they come, they are scared like any other human. which then, turns to adrenaline. And what does adrenaline do to the human body when caused by fear? Thats right.... pop pop pop pop pop ah shit too late. shoulda been polite, asswipes.
Big story here locally. Ill be as accurate as I can(straight from the police report, and from the cop himself) From moms old police dept. Abusive lady snaps and beats up her husband. Went to jail 6 months or something. got out, he'd moved on, she was not allowed to be near him or their kids without notice and supervision, rightfully so. She goes DIRECTLY to the house with a giant dog. :confused: Abuses husband on front porch. Cops called by neighbors. They arrive, she doesn't stop harassing him. dog is leashed (to tree I think). its barking/growling at cops. Cop #2 warns them to subdue the dog, or he will have to. She argues in cops face. cop #1 goes to apprehend her. Dog breaks free, cop #2 pulls gun, dog jumping at him slips.... shoots lady. OOPS. sad, but f**k her. seriously. his "accident" did the world a service. :rofl:
Don't know about you guys, but When I was a youngster. I learned You just didnt fuk with the cops. they have the guns, and the right to haul your punk ass to jail. Guess what! If you show respect, you get respect. If I was a cop now, I cant guarantee I wouldn't be gunnin bitches down, everyone being so combative. :rofl: and :mad:
whoa "ranty ranterson" in the hiz-ouse! :rofl:
I saw this post yesterday and put it into the "I'll read it later"
Yea, adrenaline is a fun natural drug LOL. Fight or Flight response is crazy. If I'm put into that situation, who knows what my response would be. All of those videos coming out from the crazy riots where there's people throwing glass bottles at people on a patio of a bar... I just think it's crazy that others haven't died from all this. There was a video of a bunch of guys jumping a guy by himself. Man, if I was in that situation. pop pop pop.
Quote from: Krandall on April 29, 2015, 01:11:10 PM
I saw this post yesterday and put it into the "I'll read it later"
Yea, adrenaline is a fun natural drug LOL. Fight or Flight response is crazy. If I'm put into that situation, who knows what my response would be. All of those videos coming out from the crazy riots where there's people throwing glass bottles at people on a patio of a bar... I just think it's crazy that others haven't died from all this. There was a video of a bunch of guys jumping a guy by himself. Man, if I was in that situation. pop pop pop.
yeah. Me too. Im a calm guy but Im passive aggressive as f**k. lol. I do nothing then snap. THis is why I wont carry :/ Ive often thought about it.
Bad cops are out there. But Iv'e always just figured you hey, never know. SO, to counteract this, I don"t do crimes. LOL And If have to interact with cops, for speeding or atv's on the road etc..., I show respect, assume the worst and stay calm.
And now criminals.... knowing that cops are under scrutiny, push them to their limits, because they can. I don't understand that. And cops get there, feeling scared because that's what people are like now... they're ready to pop-pop-pop :/
The cops body cam vid of the dog incident was going around facebook. I refused to watch it. Oh.... it was a white trash chick. rioting, just a parade :lol: And then another parade supporting the cop. who was temporarily suspended.
I expected the worst. Avoided that town as long as I could.
There was also a video, earlier in the year, where the cops were called to a house for domestic dispute. Neighbor comes out with phone, taking vid. CHASING the cop into the dirveway, antagonizing him. Cop warns him 10 times to back off. Cop snags phone and launches it lol
Its wrong, but I have no issue with this. Id say hes lucky he didnt get it shoved up his anus that cop is now "retired" :lol:
Elon Musk is so awesome
chalking this up to another great (along Johnny Cash) that I failed to see live.
I'll kick myself for a long while. :(
Quote from: Krandall on May 04, 2015, 08:45:39 AM
chalking this up to another great (along Johnny Cash) that I failed to see live.
I'll kick myself for a long while. :(
aww dang. :(
I got to see his a case. :thumbs:
The True Story of 'Glitter Bomb Your Enemies' Success: A 'Stupid Idea' That Netted $85K in One Week :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on May 06, 2015, 07:17:47 AM
The True Story of 'Glitter Bomb Your Enemies' Success: A 'Stupid Idea' That Netted $85K in One Week :rofl: :rofl:
redirected to a /thankyou page after making payment and that f***ing 404'd because I didn't even set up the page."good stuff.
RIP good sir.
you will definitely be missed!
sucks losing legends like that.
love that song. something about blues....don't care to sit and listen to recordings, but watching live, theres nothing better.
Pretty much. I've been to a number of blues shows. So awesome watching those guys do their thing live. Because you watch all the feels come through them as they play.
gives a person chills
lol, the feels.
yeah stopped in Memphis to have some bbq. blues club, local band...SUPER good fatty bbq ribs. ERMAHGERD. fantastic environment. Would have been Better without kids (though I love that they got to experience it) :rofl:
12 ton AC unit fell 30 stories :jaw:
Quote from: Krandall on June 02, 2015, 09:14:21 AM
12 ton AC unit fell 30 stories :jaw:
Game of Thrones editor killed by lion at safari park
Johannesburg (CNN)Witnesses to a lion attack honked their horns, trying to get the attention of those in danger as the animal approached.
That's according to a source close to the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity Tuesday -- one day after a 22-year-old woman from the United States was killed on a safari outside Johannesburg.
A family member identified the victim as Katherine Chappell of Rye, New York. Jennifer Chappell declined to speak further Tuesday night.
The victim was taking pictures and likely didn't see the lion approach from the side, the source said. She was a passenger in a vehicle with a tour operator when the lion attacked.
The operator was hurt trying to fight off the animal, but he is expected to survive, according to Scott Simpson, assistant operations manager at Lion Park.
CNN's Diana Magnay reports on woman's death
CNN's Diana Magnay reports on woman's death 01:51
Lion Park said witnesses confirmed that the passenger's and driver's windows were open.
The lion stopped about a meter from the vehicle as the woman continued taking pictures, a Lion Park statement said. The lion then lunged at the car, biting the woman through the open window.
Camp staff chased the lion away, the statement said.
An ambulance arrived in minutes as the staff rendered first aid. Chappell died at the scene.
Simpson said the lion would be taken to a second property while the park investigates. It will not be euthanized.
The park has had incidents before, all stemming from open windows, he said.
"That's absolutely forbidden at our park," Simpson said. "There are numerous signs, and we hand out slips of paper to all guests warning them to keep their windows closed."
The notice warning guests to keep their windows closed was found on the passenger side seat of the vehicle of the woman who was killed, the source close to the investigation said.
Lion Park, a wildlife center in South Africa's Gauteng province, boasts a variety of animals, including lions, zebras, giraffes and wild dogs.
"It is incredibly sad that a life had to be lost in this manner," the Lion Park statement said. "Visitors to South Africa need to remember that predators are dangerous and rules are there for their own safety. If all the rules are adhered to (during) your visit to the Lion Park, national parks and other similar facilities will be a safe and treasured experience."
People are way too stupid these days to be trusted around animals like that
Quote from: funyun on June 10, 2015, 05:29:13 AM
holy hell :rofl: :rofl:
9 people dead.. Hate crime
Thankfully they caught the guy already. 14 hours only on the run.
fooking crazy. :(
Fader has the "unlimited plan" grandfathered in (like $30 just for data)
I bet he is getting throttled and didn't even realize it
Quote from: Hefe on June 19, 2015, 09:23:03 AM
Fader has the "unlimited plan" grandfathered in (like $30 just for data)
I bet he is getting throttled and didn't even realize it
I'd been watching that story... when we were thinking about switching from sprint. If you sell it, deliver it lol
We are unlimited too. I'm sure it happens to us too, but not enough that it makes a difference, to me.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Quote from: Krandall on July 14, 2015, 06:16:10 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Not sure if any of you guys care. But pretty cool day in the space program.
First solid shots of Pluto!!! and some time tonight, we'll get high res images of pluto!! going to be pretty sweet!
yah man, pretty into it.
thats CRAZY far away like 4billion miles lol... high res photos? awesome.
was reading this this last week, not new. ITs pretty "sciency" lol technical data. VERY cool.
Takes 42 minutes to get a photo here. they can get 10 per day or so. :thumbs:
Yea, I was listening to the interview this afternoon. They were saying the download speed is anywhere from 2000bits to 4000 bits/second
which translates to 250-500 bytes /second OR
a rating that more people may understand
.25-.5 KB/s
snail speed!
Quote from: Krandall on July 14, 2015, 02:00:30 PM
Yea, I was listening to the interview this afternoon. They were saying the download speed is anywhere from 2000bits to 4000 bits/second
which translates to 250-500 bytes /second OR
a rating that more people may understand
.25-.5 KB/s
snail speed!
Was just reading more on the data collected, apparently so much data has been collected that it will be sending data back to us for the next 16 months with information from Pluto alone.
so cool.
Plane debris is from missing MH370
Part of the aircraft wing found on Reunion island is from the missing MH370 plane, Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak has confirmed.
Mr Razak said international experts examining the debris in France had "conclusively confirmed" it was from the aircraft.
The Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 239 people veered off course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014.
The debris was examined at an aeronautical test centre near Toulouse.
It was found on the remote Indian Ocean island of Reunion a week ago.
Mr Razak said the "the burden and uncertainty faced by the families" in the 515 days since the aircraft disappeared had been "unspeakable".
i saw that! get some closure.
that plane is not an remote island somewhere with super secret passengers. :lol:
Los Angeles (AFP) - The US Coast Guard said it has seized $181 million worth of cocaine from a submarine-like vessel in the eastern Pacific Ocean, but even more drugs sank during the bust.
The Coast Guard seized 12,000 pounds (5,400 kilograms) of cocaine from four smugglers on a semi-submersible ship, the agency said Wednesday.
The vessel, which was first spotted about 200 miles (320 kilometers) south of Mexico, was carrying a total of 16,000 pounds of narcotics, but as the ship was being towed, it took on water and sank. Some 4,000 pounds of narcotics were lost in the process.
The seizure, which took place on July 18, was the "largest recorded semi-submersible interdiction in Coast Guard history," according to the agency.
The 40-foot (12-meter) vessel was deemed "unrecoverable" after it sank.
The Coast Guard said there have been 25 known interdictions of semi-submersible vessels in the eastern Pacific Ocean since November 2006.
"Every interception of these semi-submersibles disrupts transnational organized crime networks and helps increase security and stability in the Western Hemisphere," Vice Admiral Charles W. Ray, commander of the Pacific area, said in a statement.
Semi-submersible ships are designed for drug trafficking, and because they are mostly submerged -- often with only a cockpit and exhaust pipe visible above water -- they are particularly difficult to detect and interdict, the Coast Guard said.
"unrecoverable" as in: confiscated and sold secondhand. :rofl:
that a LOT of Coke!
181 million.. jeesh. anyone up for diving trip?
Saved this one for later. Excited to read it.
I'm sure you have some good opinions that you can't share with us, Aaron :lol: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman:
James Harrison rejects sons' participation trophies, sends them back
ames Harrison has had to earn everything he has achieved as an NFL linebacker, and he wasn't keen on his sons receiving participation trophies, so he sent them back.
Harrison posted a picture on Facebook of the two trophies he sons brought home with a scathing caption underneath.
Quote"I came home to find out that my boys received two trophies for nothing, participation trophies! While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy. I'm sorry I'm not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and I'm not about to raise to boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best...cause sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better...not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u up and keep you happy. #harrisonfamilyvalues"
Harrison entered the NFL as an undrafted free agent in 2002 and ended up getting cut more than once before finally bursting onto the scene as a playmaker for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2007. That was the first year he earned a permanent starting role, and as we know, he made the most of his opportunity.
He has since made it to five Pro Bowls and was named to the NFL's First-Team All-Pro squad two times, logging 67.5 sacks along the way after tallying just four during his first five years in the league.
Therefore it isn't surprising that Harrison isn't happy about his sons bringing home trophies they didn't win. He, and many others, believe that young athletes need to learn the value of earning everything they get, rather than being patted on the back for just showing up.
I can agree with that.
they can be recognized for participation, but they should not be receiving trophies.
I remember I got one for soccer when I was like 8 or so. i remember being confused and saying like "meh". lol
actually said "participant" on it..... My dad was confused too...not appalled or anything... he was just like "they give trophies just for playing, now? weird" :confused:
the next year, they moved me up to competition level, where you actually try out and earn your spot.... My team got first place. real trophy. :thumbs: losers got participation ribbons..
then by the time my sister played, it was so prevalent, she always got one, not questioned. Bet she still has them. and shes super spoiled now.
Virginia TV reporter, photographer killed in shooting during live interview
This is straight up bone chilling and fuking insane. Thoughts and prayers go out to these KIDS families. 27 and 24 years old. Just mind blowing.
the video they posted is mildly disturbing. You hear a person come up start shooting and you hear a woman screaming.. Its insane.
inb4 dan would come in here and say "guns don't kill people. people kill people."
don't get me wrong, we're so far from any sort of "gun bans" 88 guns per 100 people in merika.... But something has to change. I dont know what. I dont know how. And a lot of people will be un-happy. But cold blooded murder like this is just beyond frustrating to hear in the news day after day.
Quote from: Krandall on August 26, 2015, 09:01:29 AM
Virginia TV reporter, photographer killed in shooting during live interview
This is straight up bone chilling and fuking insane. Thoughts and prayers go out to these KIDS families. 27 and 24 years old. Just mind blowing.
the video they posted is mildly disturbing. You hear a person come up start shooting and you hear a woman screaming.. Its insane.
inb4 dan would come in here and say "guns don't kill people. people kill people."
don't get me wrong, we're so far from any sort of "gun bans" 88 guns per 100 people in merika.... But something has to change. I dont know what. I dont know how. And a lot of people will be un-happy. But cold blooded murder like this is just beyond frustrating to hear in the news day after day.
::) :help:
im with ya.
personally, I love guns. big part of american history and life. but I DONT love that everybody has one or MANY, SANS any sort of training or psychological evaluation lol, and that they can get one so easily. there doesn't need to be so many...those excess guns are what get into the wrong hands. I have mine. And I am ready for the fall of society. :thumbs:
the people yelling "dont take muh guns" they scare me. nobody is trying to. were just saying, if you have 500 of them, you dont need to buy another 500. lol
that particular part of the constitution was written when guns were how you fed and protected yourself and your family, when living on the frontier. It no longer applies to the broader society. It certainly doesn't mean everyone should have a fukin AR. :rofl:
guns DONT kill people. people do. but if there werent 50 bajillion guns circulating, those particular folks would have more trouble getting them. Sadly, its too late. Cant even talk about it reasonably, or they turn into that lord of the rings guy, backed in to a corner saying "my precious" they've invented their own persecution, and each side will be forced to react to steadily rising degrees, And it will only get worse from here. Also, once I see the owning of guns being linked to either being more american than someone, OR, even worse, this is what GERD wants... you completely lose me.
just be quiet, own your guns, have fun. be civil. the discourse in this country is staggering. America, (politically)in a single statement: "I am right, you are stupid and should have no say, get out mexicans, f**K the gays, and poor people too, and its more important to be rich than responsible, you can do no wrong if you love jeebus and say youre sorry" oh also..... "its the cops' fault when you're an asshole and get beatdown" <---- that is driving me nuts. I miss the days of trying to hide from the police, not confront them with a cellphone and talk shit.
that video chilled me, and now im grumpy.
thanks krandolf. :lol: have a nice day.
Quote from: Krandall on August 26, 2015, 09:01:29 AM
Virginia TV reporter, photographer killed in shooting during live interview
This is straight up bone chilling and fuking insane. Thoughts and prayers go out to these KIDS families. 27 and 24 years old. Just mind blowing.
the video they posted is mildly disturbing. You hear a person come up start shooting and you hear a woman screaming.. Its insane.
inb4 dan would come in here and say "guns don't kill people. people kill people."
don't get me wrong, we're so far from any sort of "gun bans" 88 guns per 100 people in merika.... But something has to change. I dont know what. I dont know how. And a lot of people will be un-happy. But cold blooded murder like this is just beyond frustrating to hear in the news day after day.
Jeez. Just when you think it can't get too much worse... It does. Guy that did the thing fucking filmed the thing himself also making it a FPS style almost. Watched it, decided to not post it. Its disgusting. The guy crashed his car on the interstate and they caught him. Guy turned the gun on himself. not dead in critical condition.
Sorry for ruining your day peelz :lol:
Its a whole fkn mess.
yep saw that.... gary posted it, not giving it a click. thats f**Kin disgusting. nothing to be gained from that.
gives me that "urpy" feeling in my stomach.
Interesting opinion by Trump. One thing I actually do agree with.
Quote from: Krandall on August 27, 2015, 10:54:36 AM
Interesting opinion by Trump. One thing I actually do agree with.
agreed. it isnt. but it not being "gun problem" does not give us license to all immediately go buy 500 of them. lol
Agreed. It will not make me go out and buy new guns. I dont know enough about mental health issues or care for people with them to know if what he says makes sense. Something needs to change though.
Quote from: Krandall on August 27, 2015, 12:27:43 PM
Agreed. It will not make me go out and buy new guns. I dont know enough about mental health issues or care for people with them to know if what he says makes sense. Something needs to change though.
when something like this happens. EVERY single time, a political figure comes out and says one of these-im paraphrasing here: A: "guns are the devil" or B: "time to hoard all the guns, theyre coming for them" and people blindly follow both sides. And the two parties only can think in those two boxes.
both of those are wrong.
I LEAN towards A, but think past it. I personally dont feel everyone should have one. and i think it should be hard as hell to get one. I know everybody likes to say blame spoons and forks for fat people also. But. Ive never felt like blowing shit up when handed a spoon. Nobody goes after a coworker that pissed them off while holding a spoon. get my drift? the logic of that doesnt make sense to me. Guns bring with them a sense of "badassery" or power, which MAKES crazy people crazier. The way a fast car turns you into a 12 year old with a b0ner. come on, I know you get it...... ;) and just like that last analogy, the machine isnt the problem like the left would presume, and, neither is it the idiot himself, like the right would have you presume . its the interface between this idiot AND machine we have to work on and ultimately stop.
but we wont. well just keep barking at each other, like miniature dogs, from our separate corners. :lol: :(
Mind you when I say tighter gun control im not saying "do not have guns.." I mean... we don't need to be getting so many new ones! Every time someone sells one in order to buy a new one, it potentially it goes to some kook. so if it were more difficult to get them, maybe wed hang onto them, and their value and their exclusivity would as well. also, if the value goes up, theoretically, only more responsible people would get them. I know this is flawed, but really. I don't see the need for so many. I feel bad about this, too, my super awesome uncle out in Cali collects them. hes my favorite person on this earth. ::)
the idea that every tom dick or harry should get to carry his gun into a movie theater or gas station scares me more than the off chance some crazed asshole will come in guns-a-blazin. but, I cant really argue against it. lol really just don't want to see magnums hanging off everyones hips. pewpewpew
for whatever reason...this news story has got to me. just sickening. really.
so crazy
Quote from: Krandall on September 16, 2015, 12:24:29 PM
so crazy
hadnt heard about that little gem. :rolleyes:
hate first, think later....keep saying it.
lol so funny everyone making this kid out to be some sort of genius when he probably planned this thing all along. Arresting him and getting all this attention probably went just as planned.
Quote from: funyun on September 21, 2015, 08:56:57 AM
lol so funny everyone making this kid out to be some sort of genius when he probably planned this thing all along. Arresting him and getting all this attention probably went just as planned.
Quote from: funyun on September 21, 2015, 08:56:57 AM
lol so funny everyone making this kid out to be some sort of genius when he probably planned this thing all along. Arresting him and getting all this attention probably went just as planned.
;) cant help but wonder.
Someone is switching out jewelers' diamonds with fakes
A thief used the oldest trick in the book to dupe a bunch of Diamond District jewelers out of tens of thousands of dollars in gems, authorities say.
Justin Abramowitz, 32, would ask to see an engagement diamond, then swap it with a cubic zirconia, court papers allege.
"He gives everybody the same story," said Yeheskel Siag, 63, one of four jewelers allegedly scammed by Abramowitz.
"He says, 'Hi, my name is David.' He shakes your hand. He tells you he's getting engaged and he wants a ring worth $20,000.
"He lets you drop your guard, and the minute he turns around to make a call, he's gone."
Abramowitz's crime spree began July 24 at 29 W. 47th St., where he asked to examine a 2-carat diamond and switched it out with a cubic zirconia, a criminal complaint says.
Fewer than three days later, Abramowitz hit up the 47th Street Diamond Exchange at 578 Fifth Ave. and allegedly pinched a $15,000 diamond and left a worthless gem in its place.
Abramowitz then walked into Siag's jewelry store at 13 W. 47th St. on July 29 and asked to see a $25,000 white diamond, authorities said.
"Defendant then told informant he was not interested and left," the complaint says. "After defendant left, informant realized that the diamond that informant had shown defendant was gone, and in its place was a cubic zirconia replica."
He struck again July 31, when he targeted a jeweler at 20 W. 47th St. and absconded with another $15,000 stone after swapping it, authorities said.
But Siag said he helped nail Abramowitz less than a week later after spotting him down the block at a jewelry store.
"I recognized his face," the jeweler said. "I called my employee, and he ran and got security. They came right away and called police. The sergeant came and arrested him."
Cops found four cubic zirconias of various sizes in his pocket, authorities said. None of the stolen diamonds has been recovered, officials said.
Siag said cops told him Abramowitz sold the rock he stole from him to a pawnshop.
"This is what he does. He's a crook," Siag said. "After spending over an hour with him and showing him different settings, this is what he does to us?"
Abramowitz faces four counts of grand larceny and is being held on $50,000 bond. He's due back in court Sept 28.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I watched a news special about him.
ZERO f**ks given. :rofl:
was reading this... hilarious.
VW programmed their diesel engines to crank up emissions control systems when it was epa testing time.
LOL i wanted so much to have one of those diesels.....
pretty genius really.
Quote from: Peels on September 23, 2015, 08:49:07 AM
was reading this... hilarious.
VW programmed their diesel engines to crank up emissions control systems when it was epa testing time.
LOL i wanted so much to have one of those diesels.....
pretty genius really.
So funny, was chatting with Funnerz about it. Sucks for VW. CEO stepped down. They were already losing sales in the US now it's just going to amplify across the European market (their largest market mind you...).
Lost 20 billion in profit just in stock alone and will be punishable up to 18 billion. Not including the recalls and everythign this will stem/create.
I bet when it's all said and done. 50+ billion isn't out of the picture.
Now the govt is looking at other car makers to make sure they aren't pulling the same shenanigans as VW. Could be a bumpy ride for everyone.
you KNOW everyones doin it. Veedub just got caught, gonna take the big heat. lol
hellcat....passing epa tests...please. :rofl: :rofl:
now that car. nobody would give a shit, including me. but a VW tdi. people buying that to conserve fuel...and the environment. THEY care
gonna be some PISSED off treehuggers.
Quote from: Peels on September 23, 2015, 12:27:08 PM
you KNOW everyones doin it. Veedub just got caught, gonna take the big heat. lol
hellcat....passing epa tests...please. :rofl: :rofl:
now that car. nobody would give a shit, including me. but a VW tdi. people buying that to conserve fuel...and the environment. THEY care
gonna be some PISSED off treehuggers.
But, it also meets Federal Tier 2, Bin 5 emissions requirements, meaning it is classified as a LEV II (Low Emissions Vehicle) in California.
I don't know what that means. I can't imagine that it's really all that far off from meeting emissions if it weren't.
with this news, and that info about the you find it as funny as me....that at least a few of the people who would make fun of and pobably berate a person who would drive a hellcat, because they supposedly "hate the environment" and the car is, after all, better?
know what else sucks. people who own one... resale value just dropped out their panties overnight. :( I dont want one now.
power =efficiency lol if 6.2 liter can make 707... divide into 4 cylinder 1.5 that can make 170..... without forced air.
kinda feel like I went off on a tangent here, but dahellwitit. I want a blue hellcat BADLY. :)
Quote from: Peels on September 23, 2015, 02:15:33 PM
with this news, and that info about the you find it as funny as me....that at least a few of the people who would make fun of and pobably berate a person who would drive a hellcat, because they supposedly "hate the environment" and the car is, after all, better?
know what else sucks. people who own one... resale value just dropped out their panties overnight. :( I dont want one now.
power =efficiency lol if 6.2 liter can make 707... divide into 4 cylinder 1.5 that can make 170..... without forced air.
kinda feel like I went off on a tangent here, but dahellwitit. I want a blue hellcat BADLY. :)
??? the vw resale went down? Agreed. All sorts of people lost money I imagine. I've never wanted a VW due to them sucking complete ass to work on. (helped a friend swap out an alternator one evening) thing was a bittttttttttch. too much of a pain for just stupid little things.
people that have one right now, who may be selling one.
I wanted an older one(like a little golf) for the mrs. to commute in. then maybe give to the boy. prices HIGH AS HELL. because they're so fuel efficient.
betting the prices drop a bit. they are indeed fiddly to work on... :/
same with the beemer though. Instead of 1 system to do a process, well make 16. LOL #germans. I feel like if you cant or wont work on your own stuff, these aren't the machines for you. Unless you are LOADED. I Dont mind having a pain in the ass to work on, IF it's ridculously reliable. which in my experience, they are. all the little stuff I fixed on the old jetta we had, and then my bike... had I needed a dealer. ID BE BROKE :rofl:
Not sure how I missed this..
what in the actual ferk
Quote from: Krandall on September 24, 2015, 08:36:44 AM
Not sure how I missed this..
what in the actual ferk he hates mexicans. welp, my vote has been won.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
please tell me you see through my sarcasm. :)
because, wow.
Now I want a VW.........
Quote from: Mags on September 24, 2015, 10:34:56 AM
Now I want a VW.........
Harvard employee accused of spending $80k of the university's money to buy Legos and iPads
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
A Harvard employee has been charged with stealing an estimated $80,000 from the university and spending it on Lego sets and a variety of gadgets for his home in Watham, Massachusetts.
Shawn Bunn, 44, former computer lab manager and employee of Harvard for 17 years, is being accused of using his university-issued credit card to pay for $80k worth of personal items. The allegations led to Harvard University Police raiding his home, where they found Lego sets, televisions, a table saw, garbage disposal, and multiple iPads.
According to the district attorney's office, the investigation for theft commenced after the Harvard Risk Management and Audit Services Department conducted a review of its finances earlier this year and the inconsistencies eventually led them to Bunn. Authorities believe he had made hundreds of purchases over a four-year time span.
Harvard requires employees who have a university-issued credit card to submit a receipt and a written description for the nature of the purchase when exceeding $75. Authorities say he had submitted false receipts that did not match up with the items in his department.
Charges being filed against Bunn include larceny, false entry in corporate books, and using forged documents in Woburn Superior Court.
District Attorney Marian Ryan said in a statement,
"This is a breach of trust by a school employee. Over a period of four years, the defendant is alleged to have made personal purchases in excess of $80,000 therefore diverting resources from the students and faculty of Harvard University."
Bunn was released after his arraignment with a fitted tracking device and is scheduled to be back in court October 28th to explain his side of the story.
I'm still not done with
Quote from: Mags on September 30, 2015, 12:53:32 AM
I'm still not done with
el oh el
saw that one.... poor vw.
im seeing(and not surprised) most owners not givin a fuk.
50mpg and reliable. fuk the air! :rofl:
random internet quote of the day:
Why are people so shocked to find out a GERMAN car is spewing poisonous gas?
Too soon?
Quote from: Peels on September 30, 2015, 08:26:10 AM
random internet quote of the day:
Why are people so shocked to find out a GERMAN car is spewing poisonous gas?
Too soon?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Man Uses Raccoon To Start Breathalyzer Equipped Car; Raccoon Then Attacks Driver
This story is straight out of the movie "Tommy Boy."
Remember the scene when Chris Farley and David Spade were rolling around in the car with what they thought was a dead deer in the back seat and it woke up and attacked the two?
That same kind of event happened — but this time for real — in San Diego, Calif.
A man who needed to blow into a Breathalyzer to start his car was too drunk to do so. What he did next is almost unbelievable. He somehow found a raccoon going through the garbage, captured it and then used the raccoon to blow into the breathalyzer.
Let he who has not kidnapped a raccoon to blow into the ignition breathalyzer interlock system cast the first stone:
According to a report that was shared on Imgur, the raccoon became unconscious so the man left the raccoon in the car and drove off. A short time after, the raccoon woke up and started to attack the driver.
He did not stop driving, however, and so he crashed into a residential fence.
The vehicle then apparently 'came to a stop' in a swimming pool.
I'm not one to judge, but generally when you have a Breathalyzer on your steering wheel it's there because you haven't made the best decisions in the past. And this, I have to believe, is this man's rock bottom. It's also probably the raccoon's.
Quote from: Krandall on September 30, 2015, 01:47:37 PM
Man Uses Raccoon To Start Breathalyzer Equipped Car; Raccoon Then Attacks Driver
This story is straight out of the movie "Tommy Boy."
Remember the scene when Chris Farley and David Spade were rolling around in the car with what they thought was a dead deer in the back seat and it woke up and attacked the two?
That same kind of event happened — but this time for real — in San Diego, Calif.
A man who needed to blow into a Breathalyzer to start his car was too drunk to do so. What he did next is almost unbelievable. He somehow found a raccoon going through the garbage, captured it and then used the raccoon to blow into the breathalyzer.
Let he who has not kidnapped a raccoon to blow into the ignition breathalyzer interlock system cast the first stone:
According to a report that was shared on Imgur, the raccoon became unconscious so the man left the raccoon in the car and drove off. A short time after, the raccoon woke up and started to attack the driver.
He did not stop driving, however, and so he crashed into a residential fence.
The vehicle then apparently 'came to a stop' in a swimming pool.
I'm not one to judge, but generally when you have a Breathalyzer on your steering wheel it's there because you haven't made the best decisions in the past. And this, I have to believe, is this man's rock bottom. It's also probably the raccoon's.
worth it.
All I want to know is how he used the raccoon to blow the Breathalyzer equipment? ( looking for a racoon ) I could sure use a blow.
Quote from: Mags on October 01, 2015, 12:20:58 AM
All I want to know is how he used the raccoon to blow the Breathalyzer equipment? ( looking for a racoo ) I could sure use a blow.
shove his mouth on it and punch it in the belly
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I guess Drunks are idiots.......... :(
I call BS on this raccoon have to maintain certain seconds of airflow for it to work............I think this guys was trying to rape the raccoon. Peels foam at the mouth means NO! :lol:
If I had to do this I would just fill up a couple balloons before I would commence the
Then use those to run the breathalyzer..........or just take my kids to the bar with me. show them how to work the breathalyzer before
Quote from: Mags on October 01, 2015, 02:29:06 PM
If I had to do this I would just fill up a couple balloons before I would commence the
Then use those to run the breathalyzer..........or just take my kids to the bar with me. show them how to work the breathalyzer before
thats not being drunk....
what if ya gotta drive FAR? truck full of fukin balloons! lol
We have to think of a devise with compressed air, patient it and take in the cash
Quote from: Mags on October 01, 2015, 06:39:26 PM
We have to think of a devise with compressed air, patient it and take in the cash
not going to lie. I thought about EXACTLY that for longer than I should have....
i couldnt morally do it, though. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
or jsut a little pump system like a super soaker
just pump up some outside fresh air.
Wish it was happy news... A couple breaking news items.. :help:
School shooting some time early this morning in Arizona.
One person is dead and three other people have been wounded in a shooting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
QuoteNAU student here. Happened at the fraternity and sorority dorm on campus. Shooter is in custody. Not much else is known aside from a few plausible rumors going around
Edit: Isolated incident. 1 dead. 3 or 4 wounded. Delta chi fraternity. Press conference at 6 AM. No word on campus closures or class cancellings.
Four more carmakers join diesel emissions row ::)
Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Mazda and Mitsubishi have joined the growing list of manufacturers whose diesel cars are known to emit significantly more pollution on the road than in regulatory tests, according to data obtained by the Guardian.
Quote from: Krandall on October 09, 2015, 07:13:19 AM
Wish it was happy news... A couple breaking news items.. :help:
School shooting some time early this morning in Arizona.
One person is dead and three other people have been wounded in a shooting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
QuoteNAU student here. Happened at the fraternity and sorority dorm on campus. Shooter is in custody. Not much else is known aside from a few plausible rumors going around
Edit: Isolated incident. 1 dead. 3 or 4 wounded. Delta chi fraternity. Press conference at 6 AM. No word on campus closures or class cancellings.
Four more carmakers join diesel emissions row ::)
Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Mazda and Mitsubishi have joined the growing list of manufacturers whose diesel cars are known to emit significantly more pollution on the road than in regulatory tests, according to data obtained by the Guardian.
1st story. :( :confused: really...? ugh. wtf is goin on!?
2nd. told ya. :lol:
I'm sure you've seen it, peelz..
new star wars trailer :thumbs:
Quote from: Krandall on October 20, 2015, 07:27:32 AM
I'm sure you've seen it, peelz..
new star wars trailer :thumbs:
was waitin for it! havent had time, thanks for posting!
nerdin out a bit. cant wait.
North Korea expressed a desire to pursue a peace treaty with the U.S. It also wants to be able to freely pursue its nuclear weapons development program simultaneously.
"...we can't even get the North Koreans to focus on denuclearization as a goal. So that's why have not resumed any negotiations," he said.
Quote from: Krandall on October 21, 2015, 08:29:00 AM
North Korea expressed a desire to pursue a peace treaty with the U.S. It also wants to be able to freely pursue its nuclear weapons development program simultaneously.
"...we can't even get the North Koreans to focus on denuclearization as a goal. So that's why have not resumed any negotiations," he said.
ferk them :rofl:
For a happier life, give up Facebook, study says
Always envious? Got a non-existent social life and struggle to concentrate? All this might be down to Facebook if you believe a study showing those who go a week without using the social network feel happier than others.
Carried out by the Happiness Research Institute, the study involved a sample of 1,095 people in Denmark who were divided into two groups, half of whom continued using Facebook while the others stopped.
"We focused on Facebook because it is the social media that most people use across age groups," Meik Wiking, HRI's chief executive told AFP Tuesday in Copenhagen, the Danish capital.
After a week, those people who hadn't been on Facebook said they were more satisfied with their lives, with 88 percent of them describing themselves as "happy" compared with 81 percent from the second group.
Some 84 percent said they appreciated their lives compared with 75 percent in the other group, and only 12 percent described themselves as dissatisfied, compared with 20 percent among those who continued using Facebook.
At the end of the experiment, the abstainers reported having a richer social life and fewer difficulties in concentrating, while the others reported no such change.
"Instead of focusing on what we actually need, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on what other people have," the authors of the study wrote.
In other words, Facebook users are 39 percent more likely to feel less happy than non-users.
Quote from: Krandall on November 12, 2015, 10:38:05 AM
For a happier life, give up Facebook, study says
Always envious? Got a non-existent social life and struggle to concentrate? All this might be down to Facebook if you believe a study showing those who go a week without using the social network feel happier than others.
Carried out by the Happiness Research Institute, the study involved a sample of 1,095 people in Denmark who were divided into two groups, half of whom continued using Facebook while the others stopped.
"We focused on Facebook because it is the social media that most people use across age groups," Meik Wiking, HRI's chief executive told AFP Tuesday in Copenhagen, the Danish capital.
After a week, those people who hadn't been on Facebook said they were more satisfied with their lives, with 88 percent of them describing themselves as "happy" compared with 81 percent from the second group.
Some 84 percent said they appreciated their lives compared with 75 percent in the other group, and only 12 percent described themselves as dissatisfied, compared with 20 percent among those who continued using Facebook.
At the end of the experiment, the abstainers reported having a richer social life and fewer difficulties in concentrating, while the others reported no such change.
"Instead of focusing on what we actually need, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on what other people have," the authors of the study wrote.
In other words, Facebook users are 39 percent more likely to feel less happy than non-users.
100% believable
Im watching these women that work in my room.... all they do all day... look at FB, then pass phone around. then talk about it. then stress out they have too much to do. :rofl: :confused:
I enjoy using it... but at arms length. and for happy things. mostly... LOL'z
<<<<<<< --------- This guy!!!
Awesome life
No Facebook!
although I recently have been getting notifications from Facebook... I deleted them as junk...
but then more and more..
so I did a little Digging
it was real...
some dumbass created an account with my hefe33 gmail account
her name was Helen Feleke (or something like that)
take the first 2 letters of her first and last names.. it's Hefe...
safe to assume she just messed up on the email address part..
so I deleted all her friends and deactivated the account
next day I get emails saying someone is trying to access the account.. trying to change the pwd..
Quote from: Hefe on November 13, 2015, 08:52:13 AM
<<<<<<< --------- This guy!!!
Awesome life
No Facebook!
although I recently have been getting notifications from Facebook... I deleted them as junk...
but then more and more..
so I did a little Digging
it was real...
some dumbass created an account with my hefe33 gmail account
her name was Helen Feleke (or something like that)
take the first 2 letters of her first and last names.. it's Hefe...
safe to assume she just messed up on the email address part..
so I deleted all her friends and deactivated the account
next day I get emails saying someone is trying to access the account.. trying to change the pwd..
I know we've had this discussion before. Facebook is nice for keeping in touch with people you don't get to see often.
Especially people whom left the forum haha
Other than that.. I've blocked a ton of people on there.. So much bullshit. My life is better.
Quote from: Krandall on November 13, 2015, 08:58:11 AM
Quote from: Hefe on November 13, 2015, 08:52:13 AM
<<<<<<< --------- This guy!!!
Awesome life
No Facebook!
although I recently have been getting notifications from Facebook... I deleted them as junk...
but then more and more..
so I did a little Digging
it was real...
some dumbass created an account with my hefe33 gmail account
her name was Helen Feleke (or something like that)
take the first 2 letters of her first and last names.. it's Hefe...
safe to assume she just messed up on the email address part..
so I deleted all her friends and deactivated the account
next day I get emails saying someone is trying to access the account.. trying to change the pwd..
I know we've had this discussion before. Facebook is nice for keeping in touch with people you don't get to see often.
Especially people whom left the forum haha
Other than that.. I've blocked a ton of people on there.. So much bullshit. My life is better.
i thrive on the bullshit.
ive only blocked a few, the folks who only put up hateful things. differeing viewpoints are the spice of life. unless youre an asshole. :lol:
no serious, what rando said. ... its a good social and family barometer.
but I use it mainly for LOL's. and looking at peoples' car pics. :thumbs:
I'm getting old. :lol:
The amount of ignorance that comes across as humor is almost too much for me.
Quote from: Krandall on November 13, 2015, 09:18:01 AM
I'm getting old. :lol:
The amount of ignorance that comes across as humor is almost too much for me.
every once in awhile... Ill click one of those political links... Just to see... like... "come on... be someone in here who will save my faith in humanity" normally. I am left depressed :lol: for its usually. "you are dumb and you should die because you feel differently than me" "you are criminal if you are liberal" you are criminal if you love jeebus" then same person call that person a nazi. and im like.. ummm. what you just EVERYTHING the nazis were about lol. STFU.
there are a few rare occasions where I see debate end in mutual, respectful disagreement.
but more often than not, its just the ancient aliens guy eating popcorn with michael. :mj: :rofl:
I unplugged from all the politics years ago..
and I see my brother who is otherwise a pretty smart guy say some epically stupid shit he read on FB and bought it hook-line-and-sinker!
I'm like really... you believe that shit????
so we do some reading.. and of course it was just FB BS
Quote from: Hefe on November 13, 2015, 11:09:02 AM
I unplugged from all the politics years ago..
and I see my brother who is otherwise a pretty smart guy say some epically stupid shit he read on FB and bought it hook-line-and-sinker!
I'm like really... you believe that shit????
so we do some reading.. and of course it was just FB BS
yeah.. dont research! if it fits your preconceived belief, its automatic truth! :lol: internet is serious business.
LMFAO for real
Dr Cox...
love that dude
My spirit animal
Quote from: Krandall on December 02, 2015, 01:36:46 PM
:( :confused:
yah im building me a safe room.
wearing a bulletproof vest everywhere.
why is it like this...? don't get it. really don't.
Nichole was telling me, she has a guy working for her, shes afraid to fire. because of this. he walks around talking about his guns and how tough he is....
too many crazy people + too many, and WAY too easy to get guns=needless death.
Quote from: Peels on December 02, 2015, 01:58:34 PM
too many crazy people + too many, and WAY too easy to get guns=needless death.
well in the case of this shooting.. you have that HALF right..
it's quite difficult to get guns in California
crazy people... we have plenty of them
I wonder if this was motivated by religion?
the suspects were all Muslim .. yes?
There are now more guns than people in the United States. problem isnt a state problem.
pro gun or not, Really, if the first thing you do after a horrible gun violence tragedy, is clutch your guns, and say "Nooooo, my precious, I wont let the gubment get you" or "the world needs more of them" and not, "this is horrible, we should do something immediately" YOU are the problem.
I own a gun. and this mentality is SO embarrassing, Ive actually occasionally considered getting rid of it out of shame.
Really i'm totally lost on this one. appears to just be an asshole, who happens to be Arabian descent? (well see about muslim extremist) either way, f**kin people. no regard for human life if they dont believe their exact bullshit sociopolitical and/or religious views. but it'll be a huge media and political deal. and for the wrong reasons. nobody will sit down and talk about it. and around we go.
I agree with you to some point peels..........but If guns to law abiding citizens were limited or outlawed completely we would just be easier targets to people like this because these type of people do not follow the laws and there is other ways to get guns.
just look at mexico, Guns are illegal there, only law enforcement can have the crooks there get them from somewhere else.
Quote from: Mags on December 03, 2015, 10:55:08 AM
I agree with you to some point peels..........but If guns to law abiding citizens were limited or outlawed completely we would just be easier targets to people like this because these type of people do not follow the laws and there is other ways to get guns.
just look at mexico, Guns are illegal there, only law enforcement can have the crooks there get them from somewhere else.
totally i agree.
MORE guns is absolutely NOT the answer. All I'm saying is.... do we need to keep MAKING more when there are so many? thats the problem that I actually think is too late to solve. :( we let it happen Personally, I DO NOT want every tom dick and harry to be packing a pistol. You know just itching to use it to prove their facebook meme to be truth lol
I'm way more scared of being killed by a "not quite all there" gun nut who has used proper channels to procure his permit, than I am of any criminals. or terrorists.
mexico sounds delightful, when are we going. :rofl:
I agree with you Peels.. to SOME extent
not that we need "less guns" .. but the extreme on both sides are embarrassing themselves
if your first reaction is to clutch your guns in fear of someone taking them from you.. yea.. that makes you look like a crazy whacko
but on the other hand if your first reaction is to say "we need to abolish all firearms" then that makes you look like a damn moron
adding more laws doesn't work.. it never has and never will
maybe enforcing the zillions we have would be a good thing
look at Chicago (IL is a gun free state) how about LA (CA has strict firearm laws)
[sarcasm]how about we make a law that says its not legal to shoot 14 people in California .. maybe that will stop people from doing that
wait.. that might already be illegal [/sarcasm]
in reality.. how bout this..
if you shoot someone, the media will not make you famous, they will only refer to you as "the piece of shit"
your name will never be released... you will just be "the piece of shit" who shot some people
I'm not sure of the actual number Peels, but crimes committed with lawfully obtained guns are pretty low
more guns is not the problem
GUNS is not the problem..
its the crazy fuckers seeking fame
more prisons would be pretty cool
like Alcatraz.. that place is terrifying!
it was awesome to visit.. but I made damn sure my ass was on that boat to go home!!
lets just outlaw Alcohol .. (and cars too)
there are WAY more alcohol related fatalities every day/week/month/year than "" gun violence EVER!
back to prohibition we go!
(Nearly 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women10) die from alcohol-related causes annually)
Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $59 billion.
how about Boating... and swimming...
Pools and boats kill more people..
Matches and lighters too
how about motorcycle fatalities?
maybe we should outlaw bikes
side bar...
while the federal govt is trying to make it harder to buy guns, My State just put in an express line :woot:
and yes.. I just got 2 new guns this week
little .22 for the wife and an even smaller .17 for myself (just little target rifles, not evil "people killing" pistols)
that .17 is a hoot to shoot.. basically a pellet gun that's accurate at a couple hundred yards
it's my firm belief that the tool used to commit crimes in irrelevant, and that the criminal needs to be treated like the piece of shit they are, AND if they procure this tool in an unlawful way, then the person who helped them should be punished as an accessory to murder.
if it was gotten thru the proper channels, then we need to figure out how the current laws can be better enforced and stop that from happening again.
Target shooting is something we do together, and as a family. we truly enjoy it, and we are safe about it..
just as the Peels family boats safely... the hefe family shoots safely..
hitting a tiny little target 100 yds away is VERY satisfying and it makes me proud to help my wife or my niece/nephew accomplish that goal too.
no one will ever convince me to blame guns, or cars, or Booze, or pools, or motorcycles... etc for the deaths when it is the douchbag with no ethics or morals committing that crime who should bear 100% of the blame
yeah. i agree except for your examples. I nver got in my boat bike or car and thought how much Id like to kill something. I HAVE grabbed a gun and thought about that(not a human) ever so briefly. While the gun is a tool, it is a powerful one that should carry extra responsibility. I have a very different perspective. BIG eye opener moving to iowa from silicon valley. friend pulls 22 out from under his seat. shoots some birds. puts it back. Im like... "did we just drive into vietnam?" :lol:
I am totally down with the "piece of $hit" deal. :thumbs: WAY too much publicity for these a-holes.
i'm NEVER gonna say abolish firearms. :thumbs: NEVER. i'm just saying. be reasonable, (which you are) if you have 50 guns, and someone society says you should only have 25. i shall shed no tears.
i cannot argue against your alcohol statement. I love drinking beer.... and whiskey... But. if it were me, i'd legalize pot, and make liquor more difficult to get. lol serious. they should be flipflopped BUT-alcohol is an even bigger part of our American culture than guns. ain gon happen.
the real problem. but we wont deal with.... the most dangerous weapon. and its easier to get than anything... not guns, not cars, not booze... its gettin laid. :rofl: hear me out...
"we" keep failing to give our kids socially responsible values. we tell them "go get you yours, fuk everyone else" then they go out, find out you cant always do that, and impregnate/get pregnant, have unwanted, unloved, un-raised babies with no compassion....or raised with extremist religious view. and those kids grow up missing a responsibility to society, thinking "hey its all about me!" so they find a gun (not a boat or motorcycle-you jerk-lol) and the cycle continues. when I say we, I mean humanity. and that's around the world. isis, christian, whatever. if your beliefs or GERD or your success are the most important thing, and everyone who doesn't believe them is wrong, and should be ignored(or worse, killed) that's the issue. and it isn't gonna change overnight.
I say procreation should be ran like the tv show survivor. we get to vote who has babies. LOL i kid, but i'm semi-truthful. wanna give birth to the next generation? don't be an asshole. the problem will solve itself. question is: would I have been allowed to do so? who knows?
heffer, little story, you might enjoy. Aidan told me he was atheist. lol. hes 12. while I'm not going to say "youre wrong" I told him he was too young to make that decision withou research. And if he does make that decision, hes not allowed to be an smug asshole about it. :) exact words. he says, "well you and mom arent religious" "truth but we arent anti religious either, were into whatever makes people feel good, as long it doesnt hurt other people, always try to think through things from someone else's persepctive before disagreeing". then, I made him watch Dogma. which i forgot how good it was. "if you come back home from college or whatever... well talk then, until then, just dont be a jerk, thats all you need to know" :)
well... he has 100% verification that there is no Santa... but he is supposed to believe in GERD....
smart kid!!
I have NEVER grabbed my gun and "felt the urge to kill"
you may want to see someone about that :rofl:
I do however love to shoot squirrels... fluffy little rats!!
but I'd enjoy a Bow or spear to kill them just the same
just so happens my little pellet rifle (silenced) sits close to the door...
and.. yea.. it's a grin to drill those little rat bastards
Bunnies all over my yard.. for some reason I don't mind them .. they get to live
yep different perspectives. :thumbs: never saw a gun til i was probably 12?
another peels view changing story. 20 yers ago or so, Went out to a junk yard shooting range. Wifes friends husband. he was certifiably insane. In fact, he eventually had all his guns taken from him. lol still remember the bunny. shot one with a 22. it was hopping and twitching. I felt HORRIBLE. still do.
guy hands me ANOTHER gun. it was a 12 ga. never seen, touched used. shot, heard.... nothing...... "put it out of its misery"
BAAABLAAAAAM. scared he PISS outta me. nothing but whirling masses of bunny flesh. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
had it not been for those two incidents, Id probably be pretty much anti gun. so I can see both sides....
Quote from: Peels on December 03, 2015, 01:06:28 PM
yeah. i agree except for your examples. I nver got in my boat bike or car and thought how much Id like to kill something. I HAVE grabbed a gun and thought about that(not a human) ever so briefly.
Boating/driving/motorcycling while under the influence is exactly the same as deliberately intending to go "kill someone"
in todays world we all know how dangerous it is to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence.. regardless of intent.. we all have been taught of the dangers.
and yes I realize that pointing out something worse does nothing to fix the problem at hand..
but what it does do is shed light on the bias that people have for firearms (both sides)
but since (almost) everyone drinks .. nobody wants to rock that boat
in my head, it illustrates that nobody wishes to "fix" any problem... just further their own agenda
today... 30 people will die in alcohol related incidents, yet 14 people being slaughtered by some Muslim extremists means the mighty government should take away law-abiding American Citizen's guns.. total asinine behavior by our elected officials
Terrorists invade our country and the reaction is DISARM us?
the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun (as the police demonstrated)
the big argument against what you said about restricting guns..
who picks that number?
can I have 5 guns.. or 6?
do I have to justify the purchase?
who decides if my reason is good enough?
the gun I just picked up for Starla is Pink.. should pink guns be restricted?
I will never hunt with it... should it be restricted cause I won't use it to provide for my family?
what about my AR? I have literally never shot it.. but I have it
should that be allowed?
do you see the problem here....
how about I just don't be a shitbag, and I can do what I want with my guns/car/motorcycle/table saw/screwdrivers... or any other tool I own :thumbs:
well.. pinkish/purple
Quote from: Hefe on December 03, 2015, 01:48:19 PM
Quote from: Peels on December 03, 2015, 01:06:28 PM
yeah. i agree except for your examples. I nver got in my boat bike or car and thought how much Id like to kill something. I HAVE grabbed a gun and thought about that(not a human) ever so briefly.
Boating/driving/motorcycling while under the influence is exactly the same as deliberately intending to go "kill someone"
in todays world we all know how dangerous it is to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence.. regardless of intent.. we all have been taught of the dangers.
and yes I realize that pointing out something worse does nothing to fix the problem at hand..
but what it does do is shed light on the bias that people have for firearms (both sides)
but since (almost) everyone drinks .. nobody wants to rock that boat
in my head, it illustrates that nobody wishes to "fix" any problem... just further their own agenda
today... 30 people will die in alcohol related incidents, yet 14 people being slaughtered by some Muslim extremists means the mighty government should take away law-abiding American Citizen's guns.. total asinine behavior by our elected officials
Terrorists invade our country and the reaction is DISARM us?
the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun (as the police demonstrated)
the big argument against what you said about restricting guns..
who picks that number?
can I have 5 guns.. or 6?
do I have to justify the purchase?
who decides if my reason is good enough?
the gun I just picked up for Starla is Pink.. should pink guns be restricted?
I will never hunt with it... should it be restricted cause I won't use it to provide for my family?
what about my AR? I have literally never shot it.. but I have it
should that be allowed?
do you see the problem here....
how about I just don't be a shitbag, and I can do what I want with my guns/car/motorcycle/table saw/screwdrivers... or any other tool I own :thumbs:
in a perfect world, yes.
But in the real world, those "shitbags" outnumber you :rofl: they can get their hands on a gun just as fast as you, and they dont care. i'm just saying car, boat, motorcycle vs guns. not the same. Built for different purposes. Now add alcohol to those any of those.. way WORSE. agreed.
I do see the problem, from your perspective. and its a difficult one. :shrug: i dont say if you have them you should get rid of them. Im saying, you do not need to buy more at this point. make it a high number...and have it come down slowly. give the guys time to hoard them like they did during the last mass hysteria.
that 22 is sweet! Ruger? I cant tell the difference between brands. looks JUST like mine. except mine is just silver like that, no purple. scope too, and its stainless steel. they need to make it in blue accent. :)
mine looks like this:
Ruger 10-22
fun little shooter
In the end. There's too much money at stake for all parties for a law to legitimately be passed to make any change for the good or bad. Things will just be as they are and that will be that.
Problems I see from both sides.
Guns are a right and not a privilege. I don't understand that. I'm glad that I can purchase a gun. So.. Buying a gun is a right, but driving a car is a privilege? Doesn't make sense to me.
We keep making the argument also... if more poeple had guns there wouldn't be shootings. I cna tell you for a fact that's not true. Unless these people are taking classes to know how to handle themselves in a high stress situation, I don't think they are going to do much other than either A. Cower or B. shoot and either miss 8 times or shoot someone else.
Thinking that guns kill people. That all guns need to be taken away. Stricter rules in place. A person shouldn't be able to own a high capacity rifle etc.
In the end. nothing is going to be changed. People are going to be extreme on both sides. But like I said. There's too much money at stake from both sides to make any sort of changes in the end. Welcome to our new "normal".
"Muslim extremists" They aren't all muslim. People assume if they are brown they are muslim... :rolleyes:
pretty much how I feel, maybe a bit left of you. 8)
but totally agree, its too hard to work it out. so well stand on either side of our particular aisle. barking like starved dogs.
i wish I could just do that at work. be like nah, fuk that, wrong. and walk out. and still get paid huge bank for four years+.
because, id be ALL ovah that $hit. :rofl:
in this particular shooting, there is recent evidence that they had some big terror plot.. blah blah
thousand of rounds of ammo and explosives in their home...
we will see how it all shakes out.. who knows.. crazy fuckers none the less
as for the facts..
the facts are clear..
when the fools look for a place to shoot people up.. the more frequently choose "gun free zones" , schools, county buildings.. etc
less people with guns there..
that's a fact
that kid that shot up the movie theatre with Batman playing drove past Theatres with no gun bans to choose this "gun free" theatre
go to Walmart in Mid-Michigan (or northern MN) and try to shoot it up...
no less than 30 rednecks with guns ready to foil that plan! :lol:
one can choose to believe what they want.. but the fact is.. unarmed people are easier targets
they are called "soft targets" for a reason
so the theory (from the right).. the crazy fuckers would be less likely to shoot up some place where MORE guns are present..
and there is some Stats to back that up
you are dead nuts right about the money
in fact.. that's my whole point...
nobody wants to fix shit..
just further their agenda
yeah I'm not totally on board with gun free zones either. I mean. hospital... yeah. but there should be guards.
anymore, especially. If I sound like I'm for them...its just bothersome to me to think we actually need them. like in my kids' schools. in churches. who take a gun to church? not sure about you but to me, that pretty much negates every single teaching Iv'e ever heard about religion lol there was a shooting in a mall nearby. Security guard got turned down by his female boss. bam bam! she gone. Kid probably taught the "everything is yours go get it" lesson.... and then it didnt ever work out. that is wrong.
like really why is "gun free" even a thing..... well, because we've made it that way. again not "we" but "WE". but, I would concede that they don't do anything if that were to get both sides into agreement. What would the other side concede?
really. it just makes me sad. we're past anything that can be done about what I think would help, and no government is going to fix it.... so....
pew pew pew :)
seriously, Teach your children to be part of society, not that society IS a part of them. and well all be alright. freedom is mutual, not exclusive. if you want to be free, then others get that right as well. Your kids are not little princes or princesses who deserve the world. No, they are just bipedal mammals like the rest of us, who must earn the world that they want. know your place. work harder if you don't like it. success is what you want it to be. *this is a good spot for that calvin and hobbes things randy posted years ago. which I love....
drops mic. and Calcium pills. holy $hit, iv'e become my dad. :rofl: :hefe1:
and, to that last point. Im raising little hilarious lazy bas-tards. but they wont be a drag on society. Just ME and their mother..
oh, and on the note of where they should go.... Montana, or idaho. wyoming, any place out there. EVERYBODY is packing. even the mere thought of a terrorist shooting and you'd be so full of lead, you could shit pencils.
id never really thought of it. bunch chicken $hits. never really hit heavy targets...planned parenthood, a civil service office... fish in a barrel. go try a real place to shoot up. hahaha go shoot people at a Cabelas. :)
guess I dont really get the mentality of killing a few people, either. dafuks that gonna do, except piss people off, and make them think youre crazy. lol just weird. THose Invisible men sure make people do weird things.
Found this today. Feel like it's pretty spot on.
QuoteConservative logic: if the shooter is Muslim, condemn Islam for inciting violence immediately. If the shooter is white, let's wait until we get enough facts to deflect the blame on mental illness.
Liberal logic: if the shooter is Muslim, let's wait until we get more facts because not all Muslims are violent, maybe it's just "workplace violence". If the shooter is white, condemn Christianity and GOP rhetoric for inciting the violence.
Maybe we can't be too quick to make vast generalizations about populations of people based upon their race or religion following acts carried out by one or two individuals? And maybe we can't have knee jerk reactions to a tragedy that don't truly address the causes of the tragedy or stop the next tragedy. But I guess just keep believing whatever helps you further your political agenda.
It is, indeed.
being an asshole is not race, party, or religion specific :)
Randy..that's dead nuts on! NOICE
Quoteyeah I'm not totally on board with gun free zones either. I mean. hospital... yeah. but there should be guards.
I'm not (in theory) opposed to this either... but there is a huge problem with this..
I'm a bad guy, and I'm gonna shoot up some people... so I walk up to a Hospital or Daycare.. or Mall... and there is a sign on the door saying "NO GUNS" .. am I just gonna go away because it's against the law to carry a gun in there....?
NO.. that's ludicrous, I'm a bad guy... there to break the law.. I don't give 2 shits about a sign... odds are that I'm not allowed to carry a gun concealed anyway, so I am already breaking the law
in fact.. if I'm smart I will soon realize there are likely LESS guns in that building, therefore I will have greater success.
Bad people don't abide by laws... only law abiding people do
I guess a guard with metal detectors at every entrance would stop that...
but who wants that in our schools and hospitals?
so.. yea...
lets put signs on the door that say "NO GUNS"
that will stop bad guys...
I don't presume to know the solution to any of this..
but I think Peels is the closest I ever seen to determining the cause..
"my kid is perfect" ... bullshit lady.. your kid is a shitbag that will once kill a bunch of people at a school... fix that now!
you know.. the hospital thing.. really makes no sense..
my state trusts me to carry my pistol most anywhere..
why not a hospital?
am I more likely to lose my mind and kill someone THERE.. than somewhere else?
no reason. just makes me sad to think I'm not even safe there. if youre in a hospital, youre already dealin with shit LOL
the more ive thought of this gun free thing....
meh. Really I disagree with even actually needing them.. doesn't bother me that they exist. But i think were better suited to NOT have them.
now, if a certain place WANTS to have that... and then gun nuts don't go there. (the buffalo wild wings viral pic) that's double dumb. but whatever floats your boat.....
and I thought harder about what I said "limiting" guns. My choice of words..not good. I think, it would be feasible, to put a cap on how many you can BUY. not HAVE. IT's not like I wanna come get em. BUT. Still make it possible. like special license or whatever to enthusiasts that deserve it. will this help NOW? no. but over time.... less guns overall, and most of them with the people that really should have them.
Anyhoo, i just think we need stop MAKING more and more of them, there's already enough to go round. that's PART of the long term solution. That's my final thought..... not a perfect one. just how I see it. its WAY too easy to get them because there ARE too many already.
I guess I can see how a sign could make someone FEEL like they are safer...
but in reality.. that just stops honest people
and many would argue that you are much LESS safe in a "gun free" zone
and there are many stats that show that to be true
I agree that if a business doesn't want me to carry there, that's cool
again.. we can go back and forth on what theory would work best..
but I would argue, that we have enough 4 wheelers, or boats, or motorcycles...
it would CERTAINLY be safer if we had less of those..
if there were no boats, there would be no more boating accidents..
or limit each family to just ONE boat
well.. what if you want 2?
lets restrict Game consoles
we have enough, and many experts believe that it is destroying our youth..
(of course I don't believe this)
its the same thing
just cause some shitbag parents dump their kids in front of the Xbox, doesn't mean the Pealer family shouldn't get a new one for x-mas
they can be a fun, family based pastime
we keep making Guns, for the same reason we keep making Cars, or bikes, or 4 wheelers
we are a consumer driven society, we like to own STUFF..
we buy bigger TV's, and fancier cars.. cause it's the Merican' way
and owning 12 guns is no different, merica... ferk yea
I like my "nice" guns... I like my old beat up ones too
they put a smile on my face
Punishing (or restricting) the Majority, to try and curb the minority from doing something wrong is a poor way to try and go about it
there are already laws in place that say if a bad guy gets my gun and does harm with it, I can be held responsible for his actions ( if I didn't take proper precautions to secure it)
I honestly believe that proper punishment is key
don't make them famous, just lock them up until their trial, and the appeal for this type of fame won't be so desirable to those mentally unstable individuals
make all the laws you want..
bad people will still be able to get the tools they need to commit the crimes
if Impaired driving had a MANDITORY sentence of say... 1 year in prison.. do not pass go... ZERO Tolerance... no work release... no "good behavior" ... jail.. 1 year!
what impact would that have on YOU when thinking about getting behind the wheel after drinking?
I bet it would change...
how about this..
Possess a gun in a crime .. mandatory 5 years
SHOW a gun in a crime ... 10 years
USE a gun in a crime LIFE
I bet THAT would have a nice impact on (I HATE THIS TERM)... "" gun violence
(like somehow a gun can be violent)
such a bullshit and biased term for some shitbag shooting people
I respect you for your ability to discuss this rationally and to not take it personal !
and ... your sweet sweet ass... I respect that too!
one more thing..
we are restricted to carry at large sporting events..
that one I can rationalize a little bit..
some people take sports pretty seriously
I could see some shitty things happening.. I guess..
not me... but some people...
I agree sir, it is nice to talk. thats how we learn. And if I were just to sit here and spout off, and not listen, well then id be a huge hypocrite, as that is what I see as the complete problem in the world "you are wrong, and Im not going to listen to you-sticks fingers in ears- blahblahblah" that's what government does now. and most religions. Also, It is difficult to discuss this locally, because the majority of folks here are those nuts id like to avoid. and dont even try on Facebook. that website must have an IQ remover installed in it.
fyi, it got way to wordy. I Bolded the only points im trying to make.
ok.. so fair enough. I totally see your point. at the end of the day, While I DO think a modicum of scrutiny on the HUGENESS of the gun market is needed, I DO NOT think "gun control" as one might say is going to help. It is far too late for that. Neither is taking guns away from owners. also, gun free zones.. yeah i don't think that does squat. Any and all arguments iv'e ever had for it... are just because i think it sucks ass we even have to talk about that.
I think our difference here at the core.... is that you have tons of experience with weapons. So, you don't distinguish between them and boats. a weapon is just a tool/toy to you.
Well, I have very little experience in comparison to yours.. therefore, I see the two as VERY VERY different things. tools/toys VS. weapons for instance, When boats get into the wrong hands, they crash or sink and kill a few people(who, I might add, have also weighed this same danger and also entered the roadway, or water or whatever). when you drive, you expect that there could be a crash. weapons, innocent people die, not having weighed this danger, without expecting it. and there are limits. you have to be registered for ALL of them in order to own/use them.
Now, lets use consoles to demonstrate how i see this difference. OK, so now, there are more guns in america than people. lets say all those guns were consoles instead. LOL would we be having this discussion? I think not. if a guy(terrorist) is planning on wreaking havoc, he does not load his panel van with playstations, game boys and segas. :rofl: to you... again, you don't see a gun as any different than that Sega. to you, it is a tool and toy. to me, it is a weapon to be used to kill for food, or kill in last resort if some douche comes in my house. none of the other things we compare to are DESIGNED to kill. that is the fundamental difference. none of these other things give the user a feeling of power. (again, not to you)
I know of no other device invented in order to end life that we can relate them to. short of electric chairs, and chemicals. well huge military weapons too.
I totally get it. this IS america. You should be free to do whatever the fuk. but all i'd like, is for gun folks to understand this opposing ideal as well. But they don't, because they construe it as a violation of rights, and shut down. again, I own a gun. I just don't see a need for 100 guns. Certainly don't see being able to buy 100 guns as a right. imagine if they DID ease the flow of new guns. imagine what ours would be worth. :lol: also, I do not want to be put in the camp of uber-liberal get rid of guns people (i have a cousin like this- so annoying, as much as the nuts lol)
I go back and forth on the buying "newer,bigger,better" these days. if it works, it works. Ive sho many guns, thery all go bang and explode things when they hit. I rarely go buy things just because I can, unless they offer something different. I don't like how much we destroy things as a society just for that purpose. at some point, it will bite humans in the ass. (assuming yellowstone or an asteroid hasnt done so already)
the SE2 was the last time I did that. Honestly...As much as I loved that thing and how sexy it was. Looking back, I just pissed away money based on how little it got used, and it didnt do much more than the ol 660. should have kept it lol. wife keeps telling me to get a new truck or bike. and i'm like... "new ones don't really do anything mine dont" save some money for a change. :rofl: trying to spend money on experiences, not STUFF. :thumbs:
I will add. totally in agreement on crimes being unpunished. as well as no publicity for the extremist murderers :thumbs: that goes right there with my theory of letting people be assholes. whether that be raising them wrong, or having no consequences for their actions.
Quote from: Mad Dog on October 04, 2015, 03:24:44 PM
The populace is consumed by fear, a collection of fears exacerbated and heightened by those who have something to gain from it as the NRA collects record surpluses and the gun industry sees the best market in modern history. Conservatives shout about their rights from the rooftops, liberals scream literal bloody murder, and meanwhile nothing gets done because it's far more profitable for both sides to campaign on these problems than come together to discover what to do about them. Those who try and find solutions are doomed; conservatives to political suicide and liberals to vague half-measures that have little hope of identifying or solving the root cause.
We, the forum, just like the nation, have had these conversations on a regular basis as these shootings have occurred. During the aftermath of one of the last ones I posted an article, I believe in the shoutbox, that called these things part of our collective routine and that we should stop acting outraged because we've proven we don't really care or have any intention of doing anything about them. It would appear as though the President has come to the same realization. Let's just hope none of it ever happens to someone we know and love because I don't think we could handle it when we found out no one else really cared.
Quote from: Mad Dog on December 04, 2015, 08:02:20 PM
Quote from: Mad Dog on October 04, 2015, 03:24:44 PM
The populace is consumed by fear, a collection of fears exacerbated and heightened by those who have something to gain from it as the NRA collects record surpluses and the gun industry sees the best market in modern history. Conservatives shout about their rights from the rooftops, liberals scream literal bloody murder, and meanwhile nothing gets done because it's far more profitable for both sides to campaign on these problems than come together to discover what to do about them. Those who try and find solutions are doomed; conservatives to political suicide and liberals to vague half-measures that have little hope of identifying or solving the root cause.
We, the forum, just like the nation, have had these conversations on a regular basis as these shootings have occurred. During the aftermath of one of the last ones I posted an article, I believe in the shoutbox, that called these things part of our collective routine and that we should stop acting outraged because we've proven we don't really care or have any intention of doing anything about them. It would appear as though the President has come to the same realization. Let's just hope none of it ever happens to someone we know and love because I don't think we could handle it when we found out no one else really cared.
takes a true narcissist to quote himself to prove a point. #jettingisamod
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
baseless insults aside. that quote is how i feel. :thumbs: well said M-Dizzle
MD .. that is perfect!
now... lets talk about something even MORE important!
Vagina Dye!
Quote from: Hefe on December 07, 2015, 09:00:00 AM
now... lets talk about something even MORE important!
Vagina Dye!
"add to cart" :thumbs:
does it work on wrinkly old Balls?
well certainly find out. :thumbs:
kind of crazy
Quote from: Frosty the Snowman on December 15, 2015, 11:36:08 AM
kind of crazy
that's my neighborhood, but our water comes from the Saginaw area
Quote from: Hefe on December 15, 2015, 12:47:15 PM
that's my neighborhood, but our water comes from the Saginaw area
now I know where Im going to whizz, thanks. :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on January 07, 2016, 01:00:57 PM
:rockon: :rofl:
Wisconsin Thieves Swipe $160,000 Worth of Cheese
Thieves made off with plenty of cheddar after swiping a trailer filled with $70,000 worth of cheese, officials said.
A semi-tractor was used to steal a trailer containing the cheese products in Germantown, Wisconsin, about 1:30 a.m. on Friday, according to a Facebook post by the local police force. The trailer was located hours later by someone who had seen the online plea — but no cheese was found.
The incident was the second cheese-related caper of the week, according to NBC affiliate WTMJ. Nearly $90,000 worth of Parmesan went missing in Marshfield just days before Friday's robbery, Lt. Darren Larson told the station.
Commerce City pays $262,500 to family whose dog was killed by cop
Commerce City will pay a $262,500 settlement to a family whose 3-year-old dog, Chloe, was shot and killed by a police officer in 2012.
The payout ends years of legal battles between Gary Branson, owner of the mixed-breed therapy dog, and Commerce City's police department.
"The city's out-of-pocket cost was a $50,000 deductible," said Michelle Halstead, spokeswoman for Commerce City. "Our insurance agent covered the rest."
The Animal Law Center in 2013 filed a civil suit in the case on behalf of Branson that was pending in federal court when the settlement was reached. Halstead said the payout was resolved in mediation. The Animal Law Center said the settlement was the largest of its kind.
"I am happy that we have been vindicated," Branson said. "She deserved justice for what happened to her. This has been a very difficult time for me and am glad that it is now settled."
The settlement was first reported Monday by KDVR-TV.
Records show notice of the settlement was filed in court on Friday. A trial in the civil suit was set to begin in February.
Chloe was killed on Nov. 24, 2012, when police were called to a Commerce City neighborhood about a dog running loose. Police tried to capture the dog with catchpoles and used a Taser before Officer Robert Price shot the dog five times.
A neighbor recorded the incident and posted the video on social media, quickly sparking questions and anger from animal advocates and pet lovers.
Price was acquitted in October 2013 by an Adams County jury of aggravated animal cruelty in the shooting.
this made me a bit sad. one of the seemingly more positive sports figures out there. Colin has a mini mirra 16" kids bike. suicide.. just awful :(
man.. he was a badass!
that sucks
Quote from: Krandall on February 17, 2016, 11:28:50 AM
im in the middle here.. for this very reason, I don't put my personal BS online via my phone. or any device for that matter. unless were talking LOL stuff. if it saves 2 innocent lives... meh. unencrypt the fuk out of it. :rofl:
for real, not really sure... im a flip floppa'
ill admit didnt finish reading, though. I will later.
my problem is not with the government being able to access it, I'm not doing anything wrong..
BUT... if they build a back door... bad people will use it.. it's as simple as that..
the world is full of smart people, and they will find their way in...
one simple script will let them in
AND.. it will cost them (Apple) sales....
many people will abandon Apple and go to something that promises more security.... Android.. windows... whatever
Quote from: Hefe on February 17, 2016, 01:24:39 PM
my problem is not with the government being able to access it, I'm not doing anything wrong..
BUT... if they build a back door... bad people will use it.. it's as simple as that..
the world is full of smart people, and they will find their way in...
one simple script will let them in
AND.. it will cost them (Apple) sales....
many people will abandon Apple and go to something that promises more security.... Android.. windows... whatever
yep. build a door, many will enter. that my point. personally, not an issue. but how long before it becomes one after the "door" opens....
in my work, I see a lot of peoples "dirty laundry"... nudes, drugs, .. people take pics of EVERYTHING...
if there is a back door that bad guys can just get right in... it changes everything...
now that 16YO boy who is sending dick pics to his GF is breaking all kindsa laws...
is he really doing anything wrong... hell no!
but as far as the law is concerned.. yep
now some bad guy gets the pics of this kid's hot GF (who may look over 18) puts them on the interwebs.. and BAM.. he is distributing kiddie porn...
whole different ball game there
I respect people's privacy out of some weird "nerd code" .. I have never shared shit that I find .. never will
but not everyone has that mindset
I'm trusted with a lot of shit.... really!
part of the job
Quote from: Hefe on February 17, 2016, 01:58:02 PM
in my work, I see a lot of peoples "dirty laundry"... nudes, drugs, .. people take pics of EVERYTHING...
if there is a back door that bad guys can just get right in... it changes everything...
now that 16YO boy who is sending dick pics to his GF is breaking all kindsa laws...
is he really doing anything wrong... hell no!
but as far as the law is concerned.. yep
now some bad guy gets the pics of this kid's hot GF (who may look over 18) puts them on the interwebs.. and BAM.. he is distributing kiddie porn...
whole different ball game there
I respect people's privacy out of some weird "nerd code" .. I have never shared shit that I find .. never will
but not everyone has that mindset
I'm trusted with a lot of shit.... really!
part of the job
:) since the day I saw myspace, ive thought that way lol hey uh.... youre putting those pics on a remote computer....
dont want it "out there" dont put it "out there"
most folks just dont understand how internet works. think like a photo goes from one phone or pc right to the other one.
i remember back in the day-mid 90's, looking at servers and switchboards. An email I send to my friend 20 miles away, it made no less than 5 stops along the way. LOL. just like a ups package. they may call it door to door, but there's a thousand warehouses and distribution centers between them doors where your shit gon' get smashed :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Peels on February 17, 2016, 11:47:05 AM
Quote from: Krandall on February 17, 2016, 11:28:50 AM
im in the middle here.. for this very reason, I don't put my personal BS online via my phone. or any device for that matter. unless were talking LOL stuff. if it saves 2 innocent lives... meh. unencrypt the fuk out of it. :rofl:
for real, not really sure... im a flip floppa'
ill admit didnt finish reading, though. I will later.
It's definitely not a "light" read but I would suggest you read it in it's entirety. This goes beyond having a photo on a website or taking a photo with your phone or texting someone something. Encryption isn't and shouldn't be something that only the government should be concerned with. Encryption is what keeps your credit card information on back end systems secure. It's what keeps your SSN's safe for your insurance policies. It's what keeps my phone number safe while it's on your phone. Exactly as Hefe said, The government is attempting to take a bite of something they can't even possibly chew. By doing something like this, there is no possible way they can guarantee that this information stays safe and outside of the hands of criminals. By doing this, they are allowing a loop-hole to be in a process that WILL be exploited. Systems like iOS and Android are exploited daily if they create a hole that circumvents the basic principal in how data is stored. We've all lost.
Peelz, You say "personally, not an issue". How can you be comfortable with someone looking at your data? Even if nothing sensitive exists on your phone?
That's like allowing anyone to just walk into your home while you are there, not talk to you, but snoop around everything. Open up all your drawers and look through everything.
As an Information Security Professional, This is something that I do not agree with in the slightest. I have absolutely nothing to hide from the government but the day we allow them to step over a line where they have authorized unfiltered access to everything I hold. That's the day that society has lost.
Google and Apple are subpoenaed daily by the government to get information regarding terrorist emails going around. Many of which are complied with. Guess what... There's still mass shootings by these crazys. Guess what... they haven't prevented shit from having so much access already.
Wanted to respond last night but didn't have time/a chance to respond properly. :)
hey. easy.... I finished it.
and I DO have an issue. A BIG one. completely agree with you.
I hadnt finished... and I just meant, sneaking into my phone and seeing muh private shit, like you mentioned. :rofl: im just not TRYING to hide things.
but seriously. We all know, the government can look into stuff whenever they want, and IM sure they do, but not completely un-policed. I'm totally NOT cool with just being handed the master keys. Tried to explain it to the wife, she was like.. "ummm..well, might as well just let apple(or other mobile company) go out of business, then"
Now, lets say I get marked for surveillance because of my penchant for nazi memes.... they contact apple, apple complies, theres a record of it... fine. lol. but just any random govt fuk-nut looking at my phone any time they want.
no way jose.
penchant for nazi memes....
only here!!
seems like Phucker has stolen Randy's username!
(not that I don't agree.. cause I do)
just seems weird to hear Randy go all conspiracy theory!
Quote from: Hefe on February 18, 2016, 09:13:32 AM
penchant for nazi memes....
only here!!
seems like Phucker has stolen Randy's username!
(not that I don't agree.. cause I do)
just seems weird to hear Randy go all conspiracy theory!
LOL i thought that today. chatted with him on FB briefly about...putting on mah tinfoil hat. :rofl:
How is that conspiracy theory?
As a person who has to follow many laws put in place by federal regulation to keep peoples information safe. This just seems completely backwards. I feel that they throw in the word "terrorism" to make people get all "Merika" on this. It's almost a fear tactic. People all of a sudden are like.. "oh wait... terrorists? YEA. FERK TERRORISTS. LETS GIVE THE GOV'T ACCESS TO OUR SHIT BECAUSE FUK TERRORISTS"
We have a specific Information Protection Policy at work that states "Limit access to Company information based on business need". There's nothing wrong with Apple saying the exact same thing. Allow the federal government access. But it's a case by case basis and based on a business need.
Quote from: Krandall on February 18, 2016, 10:37:13 AM
How is that conspiracy theory?
As a person who has to follow many laws put in place by federal regulation to keep peoples information safe. This just seems completely backwards. I feel that they throw in the word "terrorism" to make people get all "Merika" on this. It's almost a fear tactic. People all of a sudden are like.. "oh wait... terrorists? YEA. FERK TERRORISTS. LETS GIVE THE GOV'T ACCESS TO OUR SHIT BECAUSE FUK TERRORISTS"
We have a specific Information Protection Policy at work that states "Limit access to Company information based on business need". There's nothing wrong with Apple saying the exact same thing. Allow the federal government access. But it's a case by case basis and based on a business need.
THAT!!!!!!!! and not just this topic. :thumbs: fukin politicians right meow. Republicans mostly, but not limited to them totally... basic message. "you will all die from terrorism or mexicans will rape you in your b-holes if you vote democrat or don't pick one of us"
oops sorry, slight rant there. feel better now though lol have a nice afternoon :rofl:
I haven't been following the political shit.. and probably won't
Quote from: Hefe on February 19, 2016, 08:58:12 AM
I haven't been following the political shit.. and probably won't
how do you NOT? its in muh fukin face 24-7 even without FB, which I mostly scroll through. and look at what site is being referenced. its 99% a left or right wing biased site, even in the name, and STILL people post it as "NEWS"
:confused: lol
my TV is streamed, my homepage is google, and my radio is streamed...
this thread is where I find out about shit
pretty sure this is where I found out about the Boston bombing (5 days after)
Quote from: Hefe on February 22, 2016, 09:20:47 AM
my TV is streamed, my homepage is google, and my radio is streamed...
this thread is where I find out about shit
pretty sure this is where I found out about the Boston bombing (5 days after)
ah. yeah. I still like to watch live tv on occasion. got the new apple tv though. diggin it, pretty close to shutting the satellite off i think. well see.
between Netflix, Hulu and (not that I ever watch it) antenna.. we don't pay for DirecTV anymore
Quote from: Hefe on February 23, 2016, 09:08:25 AM
between Netflix, Hulu and (not that I ever watch it) antenna.. we don't pay for DirecTV anymore
need to look into it more. we have the same thing. netflix, hulu... have an abc subscription that's like 2 bucks, just watch all the shows a day later, who really cares... get hit with ads anyways. I even found some full movies on youtube lol. really, we have so many ways to entertain ourselves, my brain cant handle them all anyways.
have you messed with the new apple tv yet? pretty slick.
i think this summer when its time to gtfo da house, I'll let DTV die, see if we even notice or care. :thumbs: its expensive...
we have a previous model AppleTV
it's cool
my smart TV does what we need though and the AppleTV sits in the boy's room on his TV
Quote from: Hefe on February 23, 2016, 12:14:07 PM
we have a previous model AppleTV
it's cool
my smart TV does what we need though and the AppleTV sits in the boy's room on his TV
cool. :thumbs: we have a "smart" tv too. but the apple does so much, I never use the tv's features anymore. the NEW apple has games and shit even. ultimate laziness. pretty brilliant actually. choosing your own apps is really the winner on that.
have a smart blu-ray player too. but i'm pretty much over that now. since new Xberx does blu-ray... I know I can stream a shitload of "cable tv" through xbox too. so....
talked with Nichole about it at lunch, were ditching direct tv by spring ;) think we pay a total of like 30 bucks for all streaming services. pretty sure Direct tv is like quadruple that. :meh:
these cable/satellite companies better get their shit in gear soon
Pretty cool
Quote from: Krandall on March 08, 2016, 07:10:35 AM
Pretty cool
good read.
there was a movie in the 80's...maybe early 90's. Whiz kid builds his own nuke... good movie(young boys perspective) cannot for the life of me remember it lol.
saw this in my feed this morning. news...? not really. just cool.
love those cars!
fake parking tickets
QuoteThe ticket is physically larger. It was dated Friday, March, 5th when it was the 4th. It had a fake officer ID and made up violation code. The ticket also had a QR code for smart phones to scan. The city's tickets do not have QR codes.
"It was kind of surprising to go to a link for a YouTube video, and then when I went it was featuring some rock star that I didn't know who it was," said Putnam.
When you scan the code, it goes to a music video for Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."
"Oh, they're Rickrolling with tickets? That's atrocious. We got past the 80's, I thought. That's pretty bad. It's a waste of time," said one person downtown visiting from Atlanta.
There's no real way to pay these fake tickets, but Brown doesn't find it funny.
"I think it's just an aggravation, and somebody you know, wanting to get a little publicity, or say ha ha," said Brown.
Quote from: Hefe on March 10, 2016, 09:52:53 AM
fake parking tickets
QuoteThe ticket is physically larger. It was dated Friday, March, 5th when it was the 4th. It had a fake officer ID and made up violation code. The ticket also had a QR code for smart phones to scan. The city's tickets do not have QR codes.
"It was kind of surprising to go to a link for a YouTube video, and then when I went it was featuring some rock star that I didn't know who it was," said Putnam.
When you scan the code, it goes to a music video for Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."
"Oh, they're Rickrolling with tickets? That's atrocious. We got past the 80's, I thought. That's pretty bad. It's a waste of time," said one person downtown visiting from Atlanta.
There's no real way to pay these fake tickets, but Brown doesn't find it funny.
"I think it's just an aggravation, and somebody you know, wanting to get a little publicity, or say ha ha," said Brown.
whoever did that.
is my my hero FOR LIFE
"Oh, they're Rickrolling with tickets? That's atrocious. We got past the 80's, I thought. That's pretty bad. It's a waste of time,"
umm, forgot absolutely BRILLIANT.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I knew you'd love that Peels!
Quote from: Hefe on March 10, 2016, 10:11:26 AM
I knew you'd love that Peels!
one of the best, and most creative pranks ive seen. LOL :rofl:
:rofl: :clap: :rofl: 8)
Quote from: Krandall on April 11, 2016, 06:48:21 AM
:rofl: :clap: :rofl: 8)
Ive been that hungry before.... :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on April 13, 2016, 12:47:29 PM
you know what.....
ferk that place. that's horrifying.
Music legend Prince found dead at 57 at Paisley Park
Legendary Minnesota pop musician Prince was found dead Thursday morning at his Paisley Park recording studio complex in Chanhassen, the Associated Press has confirmed from his publicist. He was 57.
Immediately upon hearing the news, mourners began lining up with flowers and stuffed animals outside the studio on Audubon Road. Condolences flooded social media. Fans touched a star bearing his name painted on the First Avenue music club in downtown Minneapolis, the "Purple Rain" site where he played often early in his career. Lawmakers paused for a moment of silence at a state legislative hearing.
Former KMSP anchor Robyne Robinson, who interviewed Prince several times and maintained a personal relationship, said she was working with University of Minnesota to give Prince an honorary music degree in June and Prince had tentatively agreed.
"He was a genius," she said, tearfully. "He was an amazingly generous man to this community and to his people. There's no one that will match his brilliance. His genorisity was really endless ... I'll be a fan until the day I die."
Prince's childhood friend and early bandmate André Cymone said he traded messages with him from Los Angeles last weekend after the reports of his illness on a plane flight.
"He said he was doing OK and we'd try to hook up next time he was in LA," said Cymone, whose mother took Prince into her home in his midteens when his relationship with his parents got too strained. "I'm just devastated now. I'm in utter disbelief. It's such a tragedy."
Prince in concert on May 21, 1986.
Carver County authorities said Thursday morning that they were investigating a death at the studio but would not give details, saying they were waiting to notify next of kin. County dispatch broadcast the call as "a medical, Paisley Park ... for a male down not breathing." A few seconds later, an emergency responder replied "CPR started."
The news of his death came less than a week after Prince's private plane made an emergency landing early Friday morning in Illinois as he was returning to the Twin Cities from two shows in Atlanta on Thursday.
Afterward, a source close to Prince told the Star Tribune that the singer was dehydrated on the flight home. Prince himself wanted to clarify the situation on Saturday, saying, "Wait a few days before you waste any prayers."
Prince was inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll of Fame in 2004. Standing just 5 feet, 2 inches tall, he seemed to summon the most original and compelling sounds at will, whether playing guitar in a flamboyant style that openly drew upon Jimi Hendrix, switching his vocals from a nasally scream to an erotic falsetto or turning out album after album of stunningly original material. Among his other notable releases: "Sign O' the Times," "Graffiti Bridge" and "The Black Album."
He was also fiercely protective of his independence, battling his record company over control of his material and even his name. Prince once wrote "slave" on his face in protest of not owning his work and famously battled and then departed his label, Warner Bros., before returning a few years ago.
sucks. I had seen earlier this week about his emergency plane landing for a hospital trip.... And didnt realize he was that old.
didn't realize 57 was "that old"
yea.. asshole... 57 is not old!
Quote from: Hefe on April 21, 2016, 01:54:26 PM
yea.. asshole... 57 is not old!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on April 21, 2016, 01:34:50 PM
didn't realize 57 was "that old"
:lol: looked younger than his age. thinking late 40's. just never knew...
You know he's been around since the 70's right?
yep, but hey youngin'
guess who else has been around since the 70's?
THIS FEKKIN GUY! LOL :rofl: :rofl:
and this one too!
friend of a friend on facespace.
"I don't usually post things like this, but this morning I am in a mood. I understand why people protest. And I support a lot of the reasons behind people's protests. But this morning once again protesters blocked 35W. I work in a hospital and this morning we have late nurses, late doctors, and late patients. This morning we had to cancel and reschedule some surgeries. Surgeries for kids who hadn't eaten for 12 hours because of their pre-op orders who were hungry, stuck in a gridlock, and found out their surgery was cancelled anyway. Kids who's parents drove them multiple hours to find out they would have to turn back around and come back a different day. Kids who come from out of state, from out of this COUNTRY specifically to come to our hospital for their surgeries and care. And before anyone starts jumping down my throat about white peoples problems, know that a majority of the population served by the hospital I work at is non-white. So tell me again how these protests are effective. Or rather, tell it to the parents of the hungry child. Or the parents who had to drive 8 hours. Tell it to the parents of the child in the ER who needs surgery but has to wait for the doctor stuck on the highway."
Quote from: Krandall on July 13, 2016, 10:31:19 AM
friend of a friend on facespace.
"I don't usually post things like this, but this morning I am in a mood. I understand why people protest. And I support a lot of the reasons behind people's protests. But this morning once again protesters blocked 35W. I work in a hospital and this morning we have late nurses, late doctors, and late patients. This morning we had to cancel and reschedule some surgeries. Surgeries for kids who hadn't eaten for 12 hours because of their pre-op orders who were hungry, stuck in a gridlock, and found out their surgery was cancelled anyway. Kids who's parents drove them multiple hours to find out they would have to turn back around and come back a different day. Kids who come from out of state, from out of this COUNTRY specifically to come to our hospital for their surgeries and care. And before anyone starts jumping down my throat about white peoples problems, know that a majority of the population served by the hospital I work at is non-white. So tell me again how these protests are effective. Or rather, tell it to the parents of the hungry child. Or the parents who had to drive 8 hours. Tell it to the parents of the child in the ER who needs surgery but has to wait for the doctor stuck on the highway."
:( they don't even know what theyre protesting.
Brian posted one like that. they blocked highway on the way to St Jude. his wife's friend couldnt get their kid to chemo. :mad: this is a disgusting mess. But wussifying the cops isn't going to help it.
however.... some people aren't right for police service. (me included) I'd bus' a cap in someone way too fast, because Im a chicken$hit scrawny and passive aggressive whiteboy. LOL
______ lives matter. Insert whichever of our human species you think is better than mine and go demonstrate. I was over this before it started.
we're all human. but we keep inventing ways of separating ourselves. Its part of our DNA.
crappy part of this, we've had this conversation here too many times. probably wont end. :(
Ellen DeGeneres defends her Usain Bolt tweet some claimed was racist
Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres defended herself on Tuesday after some claimed that a humorous Usain Bolt tweet sent out from her social media accounts a day earlier was racist.
"I am highly aware of the racism that exists in our country," @TheEllenShow tweeted. "It is the furthest thing from who I am."
DeGeneres' popular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts often feature funny images that have been altered to include her. On Monday, her accounts sent out a picture of her riding on Bolt's back during Sunday's 100 meter semifinal with the suggestion she'd like to use the Jamaican sprinter's word-class speed to get her errands done faster.
This is how I'm running errands from now on. #Rio2016
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) August 15, 2016
Some social media users took issue with the image of a white woman riding on a black man's back and fired back at the accounts.
"So the first thing that pops in your head when looking at this pic is 'oh let me jump onto his back like he's a common mule?" one Twitter user wrote.
"No matter if there was no ill intent, it still has racial undertones," wrote one Facebook user.
"An apology won't do, this is utterly [expletive] ridiculous, how dare you?" wrote another person on Twitter.
The overwhelming majority of DeGeneres' followers, however, defended the star.
"What's wrong with it?" Bryan Young wrote on Twitter. "She's saying he's fast. Nothing more, nothing less."
"People love creating stories. Ellen's apparently now a racist," one person responded.
It's impossible to believe that the comedian had any ill intent or any hidden message. DeGeneres is one of the biggest openly gay stars in Hollywood and has built a legion of fans by treating everyone equally and with respect — from the everyday people she features on her show to the biggest movie stars. As she said in her tweet, sending a racist message would be the exact opposite of her true self.
DeGeneres also has had Bolt on her show before. The three-time 100-meter gold medalist appeared with Ellen and the show tweeted about the time Bolt "lost" a race to a young viral video sensation.
On the other hand, you have to figure her social media team could have seen the criticism coming in today's climate and taken an easier route for a Bolt-related joke.
What do you think? Was Ellen's tweet out of bounds?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
FERK everyone here.
FERK being PC
I can't even handle it..
people here just need something to bitch about. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
you and me bro.... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkk
:mad: ::) :confused:
breaking news. Looks like Im coaching my sons soccer team. Ive just been given the roster.
on my team is a child named "Arian" what in the ACTUAL f**k?! Im going to have to yell that at practice and games. :help: :krandall:
Why any parents would want their kids playing soccer is beyond this guy....
Quote from: Ernie on August 24, 2016, 01:31:42 PM
Why any parents would want their kids playing soccer is beyond this guy....
come on already, let the hate go. :rofl:
big, and getting bigger.
theyre just an expansion team, and havent even kicked a ball yet..... :lol:
Atlanta United have already sold more than 22,000 season tickets for their expansion year in 2017. That's a record for any MLS expansion team, and would put them second in the entire league this year, behind just the Seattle Sounders.
Until we find out the season tickets are bought and handed out to homeless people :shrug: once this fad fades, we can get back to merika sports.
Quote from: Ernie on August 24, 2016, 01:49:01 PM
Until we find out the season tickets are bought and handed out to homeless people :shrug: once this fad fades, we can get back to merika sports.
is your dad named Darth, cuz n*gga you got some hate issues.
I know you guys already know this but..
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 01:35:52 PM
I know you guys already know this but..
Ive read the absolute dumbest internet hate quotes against this.... like i couldnt even respond, and refuse to acknowledge. :lol: :mad:
Love this. Look what happens when you use your mind. :clap:
I want a tesla even more now.
Quote from: Peels on September 28, 2016, 02:04:52 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 01:35:52 PM
I know you guys already know this but..
Ive read the absolute dumbest internet hate quotes against this.... like i couldnt even respond, and refuse to acknowledge. :lol: :mad:
Love this. Look what happens when you use your mind. :clap:
I want a tesla even more now.
WOW, I haven't read anything bad about it.. I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 02:30:34 PM
Quote from: Peels on September 28, 2016, 02:04:52 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 01:35:52 PM
I know you guys already know this but..
Ive read the absolute dumbest internet hate quotes against this.... like i couldnt even respond, and refuse to acknowledge. :lol: :mad:
Love this. Look what happens when you use your mind. :clap:
I want a tesla even more now.
WOW, I haven't read anything bad about it.. I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
Me too. :)
just saw a couple idiot internet tough dweeb types saying its a waste of money.... :blah:
pretty certain were gonna wreck this planet eventually. might as well find a new on to live on. :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 02:30:34 PM
I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
like when you see me
Quote from: Hefe on September 28, 2016, 03:25:04 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 02:30:34 PM
I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
like when you see me
there is no such colored lens that can filter that kinda stank! :rofl:
jealousy is an ugly color on you Peels
Quote from: Hefe on September 29, 2016, 08:27:49 AM
jealousy is an ugly color on you Peels
theres a filter lens for that though :thumbs:
Quote from: Hefe on September 28, 2016, 03:25:04 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 02:30:34 PM
I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
like when you see me
That's rufie colored glasses
Quote from: Krandall on September 29, 2016, 10:16:04 AM
Quote from: Hefe on September 28, 2016, 03:25:04 PM
Quote from: Krandall on September 28, 2016, 02:30:34 PM
I guess I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses though.
like when you see me
That's rufie colored glasses
I have a pair of those.
don't leave home without em. :thumbs:
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on October 26, 2016, 08:38:11 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
DAMMIT quit hatin'... I needed some window treatment! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't see anything suspicious
he's just really happy to see you? :confused:
once you go black....... :dance:
Quote from: Hefe on October 27, 2016, 08:54:50 AM
once you go black....... :dance:
you are a crackhead for life?
To all US redditors,
Today is Election Day in the United States. Regardless of which candidate you believe spells certain doom for our nation, voting is a right and one of the most effective ways of influencing how our country is run.
Here are some resources with sample ballots, polling place locations, and more:
This is Reddit's third election cycle, and we know emotions run high this time of year. The United States celebrates the longest stretch of uninterrupted peaceful transfers of power in the world. When the dust settles, our country will still be standing, as will Reddit, and we can get back to arguing about whether a hotdog is sandwich (it's not).
u/spez, Reddit CEO
well said. but :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on November 08, 2016, 06:51:27 AM
To all US redditors,
Today is Election Day in the United States. Regardless of which candidate you believe spells certain doom for our nation, voting is a right and one of the most effective ways of influencing how our country is run.
Here are some resources with sample ballots, polling place locations, and more:
This is Reddit's third election cycle, and we know emotions run high this time of year. The United States celebrates the longest stretch of uninterrupted peaceful transfers of power in the world. When the dust settles, our country will still be standing, as will Reddit, and we can get back to arguing about whether a hotdog is sandwich (it's not).
u/spez, Reddit CEO
well said. but :lol:
a hotdog is NOT a fuckin sammich!
Quote from: Hefe on November 08, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
a hotdog is NOT a fuckin sammich!
Why not? It fits the requirements.. meat "" sandwiched between bread
Quote from: Krandall on November 08, 2016, 10:09:15 AM
Quote from: Hefe on November 08, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
a hotdog is NOT a fuckin sammich!
Why not? It fits the requirements.. meat "" sandwiched between bread
the bread should not be connected at the edge like a piano hinge!! :lol:
Quote from: Peels on November 08, 2016, 10:44:44 AM
Quote from: Krandall on November 08, 2016, 10:09:15 AM
Quote from: Hefe on November 08, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
a hotdog is NOT a fuckin sammich!
Why not? It fits the requirements.. meat "" sandwiched between bread
the bread should not be connected at the edge like a piano hinge!! :lol:
If you run out of hot dog buns.. and use a slice of bread. THEN is it a sandwich?
Quote from: Krandall on November 08, 2016, 10:53:08 AM
Quote from: Peels on November 08, 2016, 10:44:44 AM
Quote from: Krandall on November 08, 2016, 10:09:15 AM
Quote from: Hefe on November 08, 2016, 09:18:13 AM
a hotdog is NOT a fuckin sammich!
Why not? It fits the requirements.. meat "" sandwiched between bread
the bread should not be connected at the edge like a piano hinge!! :lol:
If you run out of hot dog buns.. and use a slice of bread. THEN is it a sandwich?
this is my only pun in the game of life.....
The multiple stages of the rare chance that Trump actually wins
Seeing him announced as the winner on TV
Logging onto facebook and seeing everyone crying or mad as fuk
Going outside to watch the world burn and people riot
After watching the world burn for a bit you settle down for some reading about all the celebrities you're glad to see move to another country
funyun, that is ferkin brilliant!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I forgot to mention this is playing in the background for the last stage
very much looking forward to the last stage!
you may all go now. peace be unto thee.
holy fuckin shit... that is AWESOME
Quote from: Krandall on December 05, 2016, 07:34:06 PM
software crash while 100 people are shopping. "sorry, you gon' have to put it all back and get it again" lol
I kid.... just lol'z great idea, hope it works. :thumbs:
we shop at "Sams club" for our work stuff..
their App lets you skip the line..
seems to be much faster most days
scan it with your phone as you put it in the cart..
this deal steps that shit up!
Quote from: Hefe on December 06, 2016, 08:39:34 AM
we shop at "Sams club" for our work stuff..
their App lets you skip the line..
seems to be much faster most days
scan it with your phone as you put it in the cart..
this deal steps that shit up!
no kiddin, didn't know sams did that. :thumbs:
if i'm at a wally world, and only a few things, Ill use the self checker. gtfo fast
the Mrs has gotten to pre ordering shit to pick up either at work or elsewhere. Like if she decides to do a cookout for her employees, she gets online to Hy-vee, our local grocery chain) orders 100 hamburgers hot dogs, buns, chips and soda, BAM! its ready. I think they'll even deliver it if its enough $. Even buying the kids xmas presents, looks online, buys grabs as she heads into work, No shopping. SO one day i was like, why dont you just do it ALL that way. and shell do it FROM WORK :lol: Ill text her: :hey grab some paper towels and a furnace filter. And she orders it from her office, whoevers in that section has to grab it take it to the desk, no shoppin'. lol A little lazy but :bird: )
its the way things are going. I dig it. streamlining the mundane so we have more time for cool stuff. :rofl:
for sure
RIP: Iconic Star Wars Actress Carrie Fisher Dies at 60: 'She Was Loved by the World and She Will Be Missed Profoundly'
first George Michael.. now Princess Leia .. :(
:jerkoff: in her honor
lol, 2016 in general has been pretty rough.
Quote from: funyun on February 08, 2017, 11:22:15 AM
what in the actual ferk....
funny though....
Item 87112000: Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, fitted with reciprocating internal-combustion piston engine with cylinder capacity of over 50 cc but not over 250 cc.
Item 87113000: Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, fitted with reciprocating internal-combustion piston engine with cylinder capacity of over 250 cc but not over 500 cc.
but up to 500cc only...? theres a good sized influx of smaller engine bikes, that get RIDICULOUS MPG right now....
I could understand the BIIIIG bikes like BMW, Ducati, triumph... etc. like to save "American bikes" and put the burden on the serious high dollar biker.
thats just weird. :confused: in before EVERY manufacturer builds an exactly 501cc sportbike! :rofl: (some already do) husky 501 is a prettty sick dual sport.
hi funyun
crazy to think a KTM MX bike would be almost 20k with that in place.
Quote from: funyun on February 08, 2017, 12:00:32 PM
crazy to think a KTM MX bike would be almost 20k with that in place.
crazy and stupid.
:shrug: doesn't affect me :lol:
Quote from: Krandall on February 08, 2017, 12:36:56 PM
:shrug: doesn't affect me :lol:
hey! take your little fresh glass of hate-o-rade elsewhere.
Elon Musk, the billionaire co-founder of electric car giant Tesla, has thrown down a challenge to the South Australian and federal governments, saying he can solve the state's energy woes within 100 days – or he'll deliver the 100MW battery storage system for free.
dudes found a way to be bad ass AND environmentally conscious. :conceit: :thumbs:
Steel panther would have played inaugural rally
"Meaning behind the music" wtf lol
:lol: fukn right :preddy:
In case you didn't hear about your ISP browsing history that will be up for sale to vendors/advertisers now.
fcking disgusting.
Quote from: Krandall on March 29, 2017, 12:09:49 PM
In case you didn't hear about your ISP browsing history that will be up for sale to vendors/advertisers now.
fcking disgusting.
Yep saw it. Complete Nonsense. Icing on the dogshit cake the government is baking for us. Make money at all costs. Ferk whoever you run over to get it. The REAL American way. :mad:
CEO of cards against humanity vows to buy all their browsers histories. :clap:
Look, I don't get outraged much at politics. And most of the stuff I can see a point to it, through someone else's view point. And move on. But this. F**k all of them. Any of them who voted for this, I will be voting against. Regardless of party.
No point in that except for rich ferks to make money, from our privacy.
Go get em. If there needs to be go fund me to help him I'll donate lol
Quote from: Peels on March 29, 2017, 03:32:38 PM
CEO of cards against humanity vows to buy all their browsers histories. :clap:
Look, I don't get outraged much at politics. And most of the stuff I can see a point to it, through someone else's view point. And move on. But this. F**k all of them. Any of them who voted for this, I will be voting against. Regardless of party.
No point in that except for rich ferks to make money, from our privacy.
Go get em. If there needs to be go fund me to help him I'll donate lol
The other movements I enjoyed reading but someone who is higher authority/power/wealth I can get behind and would support fully!
I poked through this quickly:
I don't think I saw one Republican who voted no. LOL
I don't get it.
Quote from: Krandall on March 30, 2017, 07:48:10 AM
Quote from: Peels on March 29, 2017, 03:32:38 PM
CEO of cards against humanity vows to buy all their browsers histories. :clap:
Look, I don't get outraged much at politics. And most of the stuff I can see a point to it, through someone else's view point. And move on. But this. F**k all of them. Any of them who voted for this, I will be voting against. Regardless of party.
No point in that except for rich ferks to make money, from our privacy.
Go get em. If there needs to be go fund me to help him I'll donate lol
The other movements I enjoyed reading but someone who is higher authority/power/wealth I can get behind and would support fully!
I poked through this quickly:
I don't think I saw one Republican who voted no. LOL
I don't get it.
that party single mindedness drives me INSANE. Like lemmings off a cliff.
that goes for both sides though.... just on this one, I'm with the dems.
I dont believe ANY law should be ONLY voted on by party like EVER. NEVER go straight down the line. that's telling me...ain' no thinkin' goin on. By either side. , just chest puffing. government is like a group of 2nd graders calling each other names, and not playing together. :rolleyes:
well said!
if I havent shared before.... here you go. Partisan politics.....
Little feel good story for Monday:
Quote from: Krandall on April 24, 2017, 07:26:11 AM
Little feel good story for Monday:
thats very cool :thumbs:
Vatican rocked: Police raid drug-fuelled gay orgy at cardinal's apartment
:rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: Krandall on July 05, 2017, 09:41:26 AM
Vatican rocked: Police raid drug-fuelled gay orgy at cardinal's apartment
:rofl: :rofl:
i saw that, lol'd heavily. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Here we go again!
Quote from: Krandall on February 14, 2018, 02:26:10 PM
Here we go again!
hmmm wonder why the guy didn't use a spoon?
and around we go... this had me lolin' though. why the NRA is a joke to me.
Interesting. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Quote from: Krandall on February 27, 2019, 12:55:36 PM
Interesting. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i saw that bad boy.
gigantic, but neat-o 8)
It looks pretty nice considering it looks like a brick in size. No wonder it's the most powerful smartphone though. You can cram pretty much anything you want in that size case these days. haha
rando, pursuant to my noob chat.... lol see attached. turning whiskey bottles into lamps.
Okay, that's pretty sweet....
I've been saving some of my nicer bottles to do somethign with them. I want to try using my tile wet saw to cut one down and then turn into a candle. I like this idea though too!!! :dance:
Quote from: Krandall on April 03, 2019, 09:56:19 AM
Okay, that's pretty sweet....
I've been saving some of my nicer bottles to do somethign with them. I want to try using my tile wet saw to cut one down and then turn into a candle. I like this idea though too!!! :dance:
down with that too.
Quote from: Krandall on April 10, 2019, 08:09:13 AM