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Maize Race near my home


Some helmet cam footage from my Contour in a recent maize paddock race

Mad Dog:
When did you start riding a KTM?!? (or did you just get orange plastics and I missed it?)

Not much you could do after the bars folded over, anything major busted?  Looks like you need a tear off for your helmet cam :lol:

Bought the KTM as a backup bike while I'm getting my 660 sorted.
The crank is being ballanced this week, so hope to start the rebuild next weekend :)
Raptor will be 727 14.5:1, 3 plug head etc!
80hp here we come!

The KTM is a nice ride, just lacks the ultimate grunt.
Had to get something though as not riding at all was driving me crazy :(

Still getting the runaround with the broken crank etc.
I may end up with an 88mm (+4) crank & 102mm piston for sale if anyone wants one..........
I'm very unhappy with the builder I purchased from, & the parts supplier.
Still biting my tongue, but if I don't see something soon shall share the names as a warning to others who play with 660's

:lol: yea, need a tear away fro the cam :lol:

that looks FUN though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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