Raptor 350 > 350 Motor Mods

Should i put the SA in when somebody comes to look?

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Most of you know im trying to sell my 350. should i put the spark arrestor in when somebody comes to look at it? I like the sound and performance of not having it in but will they appreciate it or think its rigged or something?

who else but rk:
yea put it on man. if they say they want it louder jsut pull it out.

having it out wouldnt make me think its rigged in my opinion. I would put it in though so its not too loud for somebody, and you can tell them if they want more or noise isnt a concern you can pull the s/a :thumbs:

no if they complain say your too much of a pussy to ride a quad anyways.

I would leave it out and tell them I have one if they need it quieter.



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